xt700000059j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt700000059j/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 20030524 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 2003-05-jun24-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 2003-05-jun24-ec. 2003 2011 true xt700000059j section xt700000059j Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky, Tuesday, June 24, 2003. The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met at 12:00 Noon on Tuesday, June 24, 2003, in Room A on the 18th floor of Patterson Office Tower on the Lexington Campus. A. Meeting Opened Mr. Steven S. Reed, Chair, called the meeting to order at 12:00 Noon. B. Roll Call The following members of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees answered the call of the roll Marianne Smith Edge, Robert P. Meriwether, Steven S. Reed (Chair) and Russ Williams, ex officio member. Mr. Paul Chellgren was absent. The University administration was represented by President Lee T. Todd, Jr. Other members of the Board of Trustees and various news media were also in attendance. C. Approval of Minutes Mr. Reed said that the Minutes of the July 15, 2002 Executive Committee meeting had been distributed and asked for a motion of approval. Ms. Wickliffe moved approval. Her motion, seconded by Ms. Edge, carried. D. Discussion Regarding Performance Review of President Lee T. Todd, Jr. Mr. Reed said that the purpose of the meeting is for the Executive Committee to fulfill its charge in the Governing Regulations to serve as the Performance Review Committee for the President. He explained that the Board had changed the process to provide for more transparency as opposed in the past. This is a new process, and as such, it is not perfect. The Governing Regulations also direct that the Executive Committee seek input from the University's Senate, Staff Senate and Student Government Association. He reported that this had been done, and he had also taken the liberty to welcome input from the Trustees. Mr. Reed summarized the following strengths of President Todd based on the feedback he received from the students, staff, faculty, Trustees, and a few others, who may have called him from time-to-time: Unprecedented accessibility; extraordinary character; strong work ethic; a passion for students in the Commonwealth; innovative ideas; directed the Athletic Department to donate $1 million annually for scholarships; skillful handling of the budget crisis to ease the pain for all, including the faculty; shown great courage in his willingness to reorganize the Medical Center and make UK one University, including implementation of the Provost system; and continued the reform of the Athletics Department pursuant to the Lawson Report. Mr. Reed said that the Board does not talk much about the continued success of the Capital Campaign. Any time that you have a Capital Campaign and you succeed, that is great. But during these economic times, it is extraordinary. He said that it was also noted that the continuing ability of President Todd and First Lady Todd to be available to students is very impressive. Mr. Reed said that he made it clear to the faculty, staff, and students that he came to Lexington to meet with them because this is the first time the Board has done this process. There is not a guidebook that the Board necessarily adopted to be followed. The process was real broad in the sense that these groups gave him the President's strengths. He explained that the process was as democratic as possible. Mr. Reed reported that the chairs of the University and Staff Senates and the President of the Student Government Association met with as many of their constituents as possible and gave him the President's strengths and his weaknesses. They were candid, and they gave him some areas for improvement. The areas for improvement seem to be consistent, and that is responsiveness and follow-through. This was stated by the faculty, staff, and students and also noted by some Trustees. To put that in context, everyone also noted that the President hired a Chief of Staff that has aided his responsiveness. It was pointed out that he is still rounding out his staff to make it complete. With the support he is putting into place, this area for improvement will improve. Mr. Reed said that President Todd is extremely intense, and he has encouraged him to take some time and enjoy some vacations for his own mental and physical health. When you care for something as much as President Todd does for the University and you are committed to the University as much as he is, you want it done perfectly. You want to do it all yourself to make sure it is done perfectly. That is one of his strengths, but at the same time, the Board has asked him to delegate a little more and take care of himself. The members of the Executive Committee agreed to give the President an outstanding performance rating. E. Consideration of Annual Bonus Mr. Reed said that the President is eligible to be considered for a $100,000 bonus annually in his contract. The Committee discussed his eligibility for the $100,000 bonus and agreed to recommend to the Board that the $100,000 bonus for the fiscal year ending be granted to him. F. Meeting Adjourned With no further business to come before the Executive Committee, the meeting adjourned at 12:57 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Russ Williams Secretary, Executive Committee