xt7000002p5h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7000002p5h/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-01-16 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 16, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 16, 1985 1985 1985-01-16 2020 true xt7000002p5h section xt7000002p5h —__________________—___________________________________—___
L. ‘ .1 . (I ,1 1- . 1.".fo ,M '1‘: ',_M‘ .7 1 , . as; ‘« ‘ __ , * ~ . 4g 4 . ,oa ‘fs._‘_':(‘_“g_hx ' . _ _ ; ”~12: x“: . ‘131:;1‘f'”"-."-?‘?;‘7'i:,,l 7.“. ‘9‘1‘7‘1‘.’ .

1w.uooos.us.w . m , Win-term _ ..1 .. is Murat . 7 Millennium
Survey continues to t [I up harmf l b t
By STEPHANIE WALLNER There were traces of the harmful substance fotmd in been completed, Vanderheide said. however final re- cal rooms and ceilings and to ensure that all harmful
Managing Edita' some mechanical rooms where students usually do not ports for only two of the 15 have been submitted. Both substancesareremoved from hinkhouser. .

go. “When we have something that is harmful — friable buildmswerefoimdtocontain friable asbestos. , _ ' . . .
The search for harmful asbestos in campus bulldogs — we get it out immediately." he said. “The asbestos The W Building and the recently acquired Asbestos in the mechanical rooms will be removed

has revealed a small amount of the material in one resi- that’sintl'lestudentareasismtharmful.” American Tobacco Building on South Limestone both over Sprint! break» Phase three will take place this sum- _
dance hall and two other campus buildings, according to Surveys on the remainder of the residence halls have contained harmful asbestos which was removed over met when 13 final check is made over the building. Von- v
megwa,dmw&w:mgmmwm.w beeneompletedhitfmalreportsarenotready. tllesemesta'lreak,Vonderheidesaid. deflmdesald- -, .- 7.

six residence rea surveyed. y These buildiigs are part of a campuswide search for Asbestos in l-‘unkhouser was discovered early last se- - - . . _' ' ' - ,’
Boyd Hall contented harmful asbestos in areas fle- friable, or crumbling, asbestos. The survey, which in- master when renovations began for the move of student mgzoamligfigbfigmm m the meme” T0 . 1
quented by students. Small amounts of the hazardom eludes the Lexington campus and the community col- services into the building. According to Vonderheide, a ' -
substance were dscovaed in the laundry room and logos, began last semester after the harmful substance larse vacant room. a second floor ceiling and a lab ceil- The Patterson Office Tower. the Classroom Budding ' “ 7.
havebeuiremovedmccordlmtoVondsI’heide. was found in four campus buildings. Asbestos in the ing contained harmful asbestos and also were cleaned and McVey Hall are among those buildings that have ' ' .

Surveys and reports we also completed for Blazer, friable form is a health hazard and has been deter- outoverthebreak. beensurveyed but thereportshavenot beencompleted, 7, 1' 7- ' '
Jewell. Haggin. Donovan and Holmes halls; no hazard— mined tocause lung disease. This removal, termed phase one, will be followed by Vonderheide said he did not know when the reports .- ' ‘
ouasbestos was fwndinfrewently—traveled areas. The surveys of 15 other campus buildings also have two more phases to remove friable asbestos in mechani- wouldbesubmitted. ' '- ‘

. Q _ . ‘ _
_. 5 . , .. . . M... m Brick replacement
0 . - imam m l d f t . ,-

"‘1’.- o a;‘ ‘ a a . . .
V- . , ... 1 , 3 _ g ,‘ Inadequate composmon, attachment 1

7 , no. > ' g ..,, s .

. . “w, ., ., g... 74,. . “’“ uh}; j ~ .1 13;.- pose safety threat, UK offzczals say

"' _ - «.m _. __ ' n. '_ g ,. -~ ' / ' By ELIZABETHCARAS to correct what was thought to be ' 5

3 _‘ ' *‘31’ fi- ‘ ‘ ‘KL_ ,1,- \ e ’ " News Editor the problem. Blanton said .

‘ ’ «W w ‘ - f” 'w. \“‘.‘1\‘.7"7 '- "

mi“ ’ , h, . re. a ‘ ‘y ‘3) 1, ‘M _ 1 Because of a flaw in the construc- “we thought the problem was .

1r. _' ,1 1 .fl 7 " " ' ' .. g + . 1 _ , , . ‘ - , :3}; tion of Kirwan and Blanding towers. solved." said G. J. Ruschell, aSSlS- -
i ‘ , g 3 . ‘ -. ‘ 1, , «.52, work crews will have to replace all tant vice chancellor for administra- . 1
, ' " 4*” M ‘ ‘ '_, s. ‘5‘ - ‘ I “-‘ the bricks in both structures this tion. By the time the problem was ' '
.- - ‘1 ‘m% t" .. .1" ‘ ‘ . ~11. :3. e v, ~ ’ e, 7' year atna cost ”gill could approach rediscovered. the University had 211- -
”‘ ~- " "-‘r , , - ’—' ~3- ' ' - ‘ w-g . ' 1.5 mi ion, acco ‘ng to University read reached a settlement with the . 3 ‘
fl ., ., ~ W ' - J « "" ' a- “ «a , ‘2'“- - officials. conszruction company. and it was
my" ..,. ~ . , M” "e. . ~‘3‘ 4"" , ‘_ . ‘. f .“ . $2 Wt;
7"" - ~ .11., car 4* ~71»- “7 ,3? ~~‘“ 13‘. .4972, we." 1:" t -» was? The mm. “ could "pillow 3° 333'?” Mfg? Bie- 7
.. " 5-7.... . ‘ . *7 " nee—s 3 "., g, “a. y - .1“ ~:' 7' ‘5; ,- 1 .. .. ' ”e '1: cons ion aw cause c e sai . arSle, 'niver~ . .
.T 7 if" m. e. 1“: T$§-?_"‘ A g 1.,._-.” " :".'-—“ wit-3‘31 7 a“, i.’ the bricks to come loose from the sity’s legal counsel, refised to com- -
“e ‘1. ,E ' "" . » can 11.13;- . - 77 .3 “ ' ; 2.5., . -31“: ‘ “Wit-“rs 2'15?" ‘ ""“~-'5 building and “IL said Warren "‘9'“-
fl, , a.» _ ‘ ..1 ,1 .1 1 jails" ‘ ;_1'. am” \ “‘ 3‘ 2; _~ ’ e. . g,- ,._. “er _ Demygngirector of the office of de- m the buldl .
'1' " ‘ari 1 1 lag-s .fl 11 , 1 ‘1' "-~' I; , ’ifi‘.' «4.; «3-» ‘4’ sign construction. To prevent Meanw 'e, i 'ngs pose a 1
' i.” i? {new .1. "f , “e' ‘ 1. ’ ' . . at: {38‘ ”“1 ' 1"“ 51‘; gr“ falling bricks from injuring passers- potuitlal safety threat. Denny said

i .- ~- ‘7‘ a _ w,1._ ,1 . ~ 1 3‘”... wt; .11 t 3,, . y _ ‘ “:3" L! by. work crews also willbebuilding the buildings could become danger- _

."W"‘e‘lt2. % 7., w t, . 771"..g$a~ww g. g _ ' . _ . _ ' y. , $.33", '°-» r f“ protective canopies around the tow- ous sometime in the future and the ' .

kW g' _ . . .o! , , ”7,37» ., 1..., , .. [u e. 1- “ - \ 1 ‘fi-s“! ‘ ‘ ersthisspring. canopies are a protective measure. ‘

.~. m 0“ u. ,- :3)...“ v.3" 1W fifth-1'9}? V “:13 v. ,. K n, , k s ‘ ‘3 . The t t 1 cu m “'I‘here‘sdangerlorlwewouldn‘tbe .

" - LN " 13; .--.e"- ’s . ' -' ‘ 'A‘ “I". g I ' ' consnlcionp' em me onsideri a cano v." he said. ,

‘r‘. '5 . ~ 1 . . ' “i““‘ a. ‘ "1“ . ‘6 ”f K evident to the entire campm 135‘ EDegreelIsgadiffaentllllatmr." .

M3 7r amen...”— - . any“ .1 ., .2-.- -_.. spring when the bricks in Blanding

TIMSHARP terminal. Tower buckled and there was noth- Denny said his office recently .
. . ing to hold the tricks to the build- completed a preliminary design for
. Kat FlSh SplaShlngS ing‘ssurface. two canopia that will circle the ‘
“That the f t t‘ tha bases of both wwegsuand serrevebas : 1
Vince Walls..a business & economics senior and member of al Coliseum pool yesterday afternoon. The Kat Fish w‘ - was "5 men t any protective devtcc ""8 t r ‘c
the swimming team. practices the breaststroke at the Memori- Georgia on Jan. 26. I“ host :3? had really moved, Denny mmmtlm‘
‘ The comtruction of the canopies
Jack Blanton, vice chancellor for Will W" ”as 500" as we can come ' I
. . . . administration, said that immedi- up With a protein» that We feel
Add/dro late re istration t1] 0 l ”"5“” ”WW" “WW ' 7
, g S l 1) SS] e inherent flaw with the bricks on the canopies woll be necessary during ‘.
tower“was found, the brick replacement work. but
sol-imports ment offices today- The last day to oContinuing students who failed to Miller Hall, graduate students in 351 The problem is my“ 3mm gztrfiefiufif" ahead °‘ “me as a . 1’
adds class will beJan. n. The last advance register should begin in PattersonOffice Tower. said. Both the compositii'm of the ‘ '

If cold tempa'atures and fear of day ”to (top a class without it ap— their academic dean's office. Grad- oAny student whose registration bricks and the attachmait of the The replacement of the bricks ' ' -
crowrt scared you away from cen- peanrg on a tramcript will be Feb. uate students should begin in 351 was cancelled for academic reasons bricks to the structure is faulty. The could take as long as two years. g _ ,
tralized add/drop yesterday. you 51 PattersonOfficeTower. mint first be reinstated by the aca- design‘ installation and [mtg-i815 Denny Said. For that reason. the '
still have a chance to fine-tune your T0 add/ drop correctly, students OUndergraduate students who had demic Mn of the college in which “were ill-suited for this climate and University will try to purchase cam
schedule. need “"0 "“855 a €0me card their registration cancelled for not the student will be enrolled. The re- that particularstructure." PM that will not be 9345016. he - '

Add/drip for the College of Arts a for each course they want to add 0' paying the $50 advance payment fee instalement form must be sent or said. They will probably be made of ' , ‘ .
Sciences will continue in Memorial drop and an add/diet) slip; “lose should begin in me Miller Hall. hand carried to 104 Gillis Building, Denny said there is no problem wood and painted either white or off- 1
Coliseum today from 9 am. to 5:3) mist be returned to'the deans office Graduate students who had their where the student will begin late with the other south campts com- white. The canopies should cost be- ' ' _ ’
pm. said George Dexter, acting 0f the 0011389 In which the student '5 registration cancelled for not paying registration. plex buildirgsmowever. tween $50,000 and 875.000. ‘ ‘ .
registrar. Toma'row thecollege will enrolled. . . . Shouldbeginin351 Patterson Tower. OStudents who were admitted to The University filed a lawsuit The money for the canopies and 1
move its add/drop facilities to the Late registration 8130 be?" eStudents who cancelled their reg- the University after Jan. 14 should against the architect, the brick the brick reconstruction will come - , ' -
various AllSdepartmaltal offices. lOGBY- The 39"“! schedule b°°k istration by notifying the registrar’s follow the directions given by the mason and the comtruction compa- from the Homing and Dining Main- ‘. . ' g

The other colleges will be holding lists the following directions for late a office also will need to late register. undergraduate or graduate admis- fly in 1967. The company applied a tenance Reserve Fund, which covers _ 1'
add/drop at their variom depart- registering: Undergraduates should begin in 204 sions office. sealant to the surface in an attempt unexpected repairs. Ruschellsaid. 1
Newspaper hawkers on prowl , 1.1 - SAB debates . -

“5;; :4; (steal: a.” s ,. 7' 1 . I. .
- e" M mar. : need for black - . .
or increase stu ent market =7" 7 i i ‘ V
‘ , , _ . «a 1 w t on tura center 1
Wall Street Journal enters the field as new competitor ,, r l ByKAKlE oacn .
a, l .
By LINDA HENDRICKS paper?” or “I me a free Courier— the suscribers' time and trouble by - Nil"? . l Staff Writer .
Staff Writer Journal for you y." letting them k their subscriptim , . -. . .
The biannual ritiail of newspaper without having? sign up again, he «\ 4‘, j (1, rl lo; I thl‘ Students at UK want a home

bonded down with books, heavy saleshassfartedonceagain, except said. lettersweresenttoallstudent ,.\- , ‘wmrc‘flm- di t f the ‘ -
coats and add/drop slips. the last this time there are some new com- subscribers stating that their sub- ) ‘o’ a: "1- . “ ' 5 05m“: Mlqm‘d.y' StuIEETAtlf .
thin; anybody needs is more things petitors. scriptions would be continued this , ‘ ,~ 7 a, as i fem dim”? of h; “Ni 1
tocarry. For the first time. the Wall Street semester unless they called and ‘ \ 3 ‘ l :0“ bush ”if": “WSW? 7

But walking around campus, no Journal is being delivered on cam camelled. An additialal 10 percent :3“. it ‘ I. ,i t: :“md. if” gm t 3",“
mean escape the voice ofnewspa- pie every bisiness thy. instead of discoimtalsowasoffered. ~ ;' is to . 5N"! "lb“ . t.“ n e:
per salesmen saying, “Would you using the United States Postal Sys- A daily and Sunday subscription ~". 3 '.‘m°fw“"§”°‘t A tfl‘lg' ‘gér'gee '
like a free copy of the lexington tem. running from Jan. no M May V , ”“- 19. , mg; “:me ”Pm“ ‘ ‘t

”mu is the ultimate delivery," 10, except for apt-m break, costs 7 ”s" 5 m fimg' “dam“ '
- said John E. Newer. field opera- $18.85. The daily subscription costs (/ l “’e . f0 5;, i, a If P“:
tions manager for the paper. "Now slaw and the student rate for the l {99““3; M f N k- wing“;
INSIDE we are able to offer sameday serv- Sunday issues is also. Students will 3 1 “1': ”ch “:56“ “ can; 1
ice.” bebiliedlaterinthesemester. 5 cg," W . m “.“lmm'cef the
g. . Nettle:- said many people hive misread students shouldsub— ' ”“49““ 5°C.“ ° °'

‘5' . i "7 WWIWWFW- scribe to the Courier-Journal bee )) blackshflulttimnmumty. the
“ammunitid "l‘tiebiggatargumentisthatthe cause it kmwwithmt'g hap- AMflmgmmmm,t
remapUrMQabfl-Q paper In no sports sectiai." Nettle peniiginthestate. PM! . tat' 00“ a

1 . er said. "but we have a lot of “Most students don‘t havetimeto motions/immune Wam‘wn'we”; Sm“ n

V” 7 7. :"mumu,hm.wtmflmwm "”9 " “9;“;13‘53’13' 3m" wildcat pin will be given with each good mtertaimnent section and good “W.” o, m. mmy’zgm m, ,g

1: 1 7* - full ' to W‘ ' . MW- “W3. cent and media kits“ oriented to

1" A” ' Fl“ ‘99! W!!!» '- "Motion Journal goes into detail with will" sob watts, another salesman for Thomas said he had several sales and”,

W‘~ «— Wuwww‘tbm' Wmhtk'm' vu'y poll about fixing problerns hisci-tana'sawayfmmtbcem- “d social' t'

.‘ W ' ‘m‘r ally location at eampu. located in museum" "(raid-Mr, that m may have with their petition. mfofgacks a ‘3 meet"!

Jermain-ems.) the suident Center, they can get 52 “It's a hometm paper," said W ‘M m my m- a" they me up “I, m “,1“ ' We“ . “m

as ' 7 weshfcflsndflbweeksforfla Bell User, sslaman for the Herald- rate wltb any M tint may be . Kmtucky hat, I start to talk to to! “a!“ °" W '1‘”: “I.

7‘ Nettlladdsdtlatsomebillness Leader. “lftheywantlocalnews, “as.“ them “I” Mil and m andcillhralmmma "unfit libero-
;; mmmmhm ”WWWM- "flimhnumsclbsdtoths wearinaflddmhthtaI-ttotalk M"°'LMW_

_ , .. _ , 7 _ mwm- The Herald-Leader’s shidsnt and Mild-lander and has expel-lewd todiemaboutfishlag. lt'salla mat- I“. m. m “up a,

, ,77iv¥,7.:'h11 g « 11.. calculations can be for- faculty nibacfiptfon for the daily mm with her delivery, terofreiatingtoneed." Mm.wmmumy

Mains». some...“ warfbdtothstrhomsaddruswbsn “mun-slamm'l‘bs Mflddthepodtlveaspectsot ‘l'beveadil'sarsopcatii‘ffom “.mmc‘flwm‘

y ' algal. “1,. 7 schoolisnotinssssiul. daily Mption is $14.50 and the thepachthsbad. several loam meanwgndall “I“ tint so” don‘t believe the

is. _ rile Courier-Journal also has weebaidpaeilage,whiehinciud- ‘mmmhpwwm willwol-litiaougbtheendofthe www.mman

., “fin , - startedaunstllnaswtllseema-thsfillhypapersfltnw mammal-undesira- week. mummasdtnansldy‘s

”H «a; u,aceurdagteaalmsanavid aa-lpttersna-tbepaidfa-hsd- hit-mm,"ahesaid. “We are anywhere and m- M‘-

.'.. 1, pH” 1h... vanes. and W and VIA "thbbmuandta while.“Mssld."lt‘sl-rdmt ”mmnamt.

1 ~- 1. itwaa as paper-a finals to save an m. M an Inc-us. - tells. all I- lla-loud" h- e ”NM” Sum oases

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. , Arts Editor
“ " ' -- - ' - neweeeeaams‘
‘Decent Exposure’ ,
o , 0 o . I ' ‘
Student band wms WK QQ sfzrst-round muszc playoffs, advances to fmals .-

The Attitudes. a band made up of work of a new drummer fresh from on the “Decent Exposure" bill, and tudos “looser stage presence" and K . . - . . , '
UK students, cinched a spot on the the defunct Lush Pyle and The Car- was made in) of three players and “good variety" in material selection q. ' _ ' _ '
list of WKQQ-FM’s “Decellt Expo- pets, Spree 33 played a mix of origi- an impressive stagetul of technolo- as decisive factors in the Attitudes' - .
sure“ finalists by winning Monday nalsandcover tunes. gy. Their poetic lyries were voiced favor, 1 ’ ..
night's second round of competition A high point in Spree 33's perfor- over omnipresent synthetic key- The Attitudes will compete with ; _ A . .
at Breeding's. mance was their cover of Berlin’s boarth and drumtracks by a vocalist Velvet Elvis, the winner of last Mon- ‘ I . ~ - ' .

Four bands of the 12 chosen by “The Metro," but their female vo- reminiscent of Herman’s Hermits' day's round of competition and a ' ‘ ‘ - ,' ',
WKQQ from 73 taped auditims each calist's Martha Davis/Terri Nunn PeterNoone. third band to be chosen next Mon- \ , O . .'
performed a set at the club. which delivery did not adapt well to the The Other Man’s guitarist took day,inaplayoffslatedforJan.28. *- , t 3' _ '_ ' - -
was packed tbspite icy road condi- Police‘s“Synchronicitle." over vocal duties on the standout The final “Decent Exposure" win- - 7 i, . . - l
tions. The crowd at Breeding‘s seemed tuneof their set, oddly enough titled ner will have the opportunity to \ ' . ' ~ :_ ' ' .

Spree 33,'I'heAttitudes,'l‘heOther to enjoy Spree 33, but responded “'l‘heOtherMan." compete regionally — and possibly \ , , , - i .1 - , _
Man. and The Shades were graded even more enthusiatically to The At- d . . nationally — for an MCA Records ‘ x i -, ' , ‘ '- i'
on such performance criteria as titudes, which took the stage next. Th: Sh“ 3?me the" partic- recording contract. . g ' \. _.‘ fl " ‘ ’
Showmanship, audience reaction, The Attitudes set was almost en- gr}; rand , Winchester Rock to Diabel said that record companies ‘ . ' ‘ , q‘ : " , ‘ ( —. ‘
musicianship. song quality and pro- tirely cover tunes, performed en- t' reedings stage ‘next. The" 99‘ are looking for “anything imagine . " ‘.'; '. ’ , ‘
fossionalism by a panel of three ergetically and fairly true to the “9 femae “’91th attempts to tive and creative, with audience tol- ‘ , " '- ' ' . : .
. -. beltoutthelynesofsuchtunesas -n - " t ' ‘-
Judgos originals. “ ,, “ lowmg when they consrder bands . , _ . . . .

Lexington Herald-Leader music The Attitudes were smooth show- Knock On :00“! and. 6009“)” T0 for contracts. ,- , . ‘.' . ‘V _‘ e ‘ ‘
critic Walter Tunis, Craig Diabel of men on stage, and the crowd showed Y0“ came rtofherlntention. ” ‘ .. z , j 3 .' ‘ _ '.
Warner Brothers Records and its appreciation of such tunes as She sounded more drowned by gui- 'Each 0f the ‘2 Decent.E.xP°5"re ' E ’ ’ ‘ -
WKQQ music director Rob Ellis “White Wedding,“ “1 Will Follow" tar than rebellious on a cover of “M“S‘S W‘“ “Y" “PM!“ song , ‘ x - ». ' l

- weretheiwlsa . and “Magic Carpet Ride" by taking John Cougar’s “Authority Song.“ f“ 81']! album “'th Will be released - Q , ~, g ». .,

The evemng was hosted bya Chic tothedancefloor in great numbers. The Shades stage presence indi— oca ysomet‘mem Apr” 5 "‘ -, ' ‘ » '.7 ‘
Elaine Hams, ofthe WKQQ airstaff. . . , cated that they are a band accus- Next Monday's competition will 41"!“ ' N. _ ‘ ‘ ‘ , - '. ._
(Harris is one of the few radio per- The Attitudes one original tune, tomed to a local crowd’s attention, begin at 8 .m. at Breedi 's. Razz- 1 . g j

. . . ,, . P "8 . . ,, .
sonalma working locally wh0§e 89- “The Anglo Tango (aptly lfiled. as and the lead singer seemed dis- Ma—Tazz, Jack-ln-lrons, Citizen . _ - - ' .,
pearancemeasurm up tohervotce). the Attltm are all markedly gruntled when the Lexington audi- Kane and Quadra will compete for a ‘ . ‘ . . '

The first band on the bill was Anglo-Saxon) featured some quality encedjdnotrapond, finalisiberm “mm“. . , ,. ' 1* . _. . .
Spree 33, a texington techno-pop Afro-influencedconga work. Ellis saidthedecision was “unani- ‘ ‘ . .
outfit. Featuring the exceptional The Other Man was the third band mous," and Tunis cited the Atti» KAKIE URCH The Attitudes perform at Breeding’s last Monday night. ' l_ -' -‘ g i

,.,- may “it. Weekend .// ‘ -\ ‘ _ , _ 1'
. 74%,. Jobs A. ‘6 . ., . —
' 1’ PM" Central Bank ( / \ t I u '
,. 9 e‘“ (i I The Fireplace Lounge _' - : .. -.
g posi:ions ayail'oble to: rotating shifts. O l .. Proudly Presents 1- ‘ -. o 7 »
ompu OT mon I Olflg pOSI IOI’IS - some expe- ‘2‘ ' '
rience with computers helpful. Interviews \\ if”, JOhflnY White & The Elite Band '- ' '
will be held on campus, Monday, January A me n ' - I. '-
2], W85. Call the Office for Experiential Ed- 33‘ Mi” C: 0 9 week OnlyII , ‘
ucation to schedule an interview. i'I ‘ J I; 5' a . o l I.
”7-3632- _________ TONIGHT Is LADIES' NIGHT! ' . .
0 o o . '
Mexican.Americqn Food FREE AdmISSIOI‘I For Ladles ‘ .
I .
rin 1 _ . .
Ni“ A! New Shoe Welcome Back Students! A" '-°‘"°‘ D l“ 2. l" p .
37 E lid A Long Island Teas $1 .25 For Everyone
(Between Kentucky 8 Oldham Ave.) '- 0‘“. I a
: "0““ s 'I .00 Off . Tonight - Johnny White 8. The Elite Band , g .
I ' t. ‘ i
so 9/ OFF ' Any Delicious Mexican Dinner ot your choice. : Tonight ' Ladies Night ' NO Cover For Lad'es _ .
O : Dinner includos- Retried Beans 8 Mexican Rice I _ -
Off GoodMon-Satatterlpm, . .
A" Win'or con'ignmen' I Mott/ralid with other coupon offer I The FirePIOCG Lounge ,
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Tues-F ' ,
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““0480th Stonewall Center . g .. ;
Comtgnmnt clotting wltti e touch or close. 223-5757 . '
\ ’ - Just in case Lexington and Gold Circle are . ‘ I . '- , ,1 ,
new to you-we're sending out a specral ~ - ~ , - C
welcome! Searching for the right fashion ‘ ‘ - f '
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- The high cost of living is something that we all have to l a,” ’ ,1; 5.;
- contend with. But college students have a much more im- .
, ~ . mediate and specialized economic nemesis — the high cost 50 A Book Exchange: Savmg students money
of reading.
- ‘ To put it simply, books cost bucks. . . .
And that’s bad news, especially at the beginning of a 6 ,
' semester, when tuition and fee payments can put a person ”St 3 ln 0 3 ps 0 arl y 0 remar S
in a financial pinch. The added cost of textbooks can be a
' devastating investment at times. ' . What do you do when your-friend -——————— ——————————-——-——
But perhaps investment isn t the right word. An invest- publicly annoounces with a grin that , T0 the outsider, these inside phrases may often
ment [8 supposed to bring a return. When students try to shelsapony. G W .
' ' ' sell their books back to the bookstores at the end of a long, YW, could make a dm Payment ‘ - "V ' seem 5110’ 0" even need/9530’ cmel- To those
hard semester. however, the most they can hone t0 get ”5&3th sfflehe, some who... P'ERCE sharing the coded messages, the truth of the
- back is 50 percent of the amount they paid. - i . ' ' ‘
, . yams. matter IS 0 ten endearm or even downri ht
It doesn‘t take E.F. Hutton to figure out that textbooks Or you could realize that the ridic- — , f g g
aren‘t a hot investment item. ulous words refer tzd sot-:1: lullportagg a church where we had jlst at- p018 "a" t -
0 t n l n -m-n ed t In 0? Te tbmks aspectofher life, a t wor tendedhisfather's {Wt-a] service. #
aresa $322853: 'Iz‘lnienathgfe “113d bessgglee “film it): which are a code which she knows only you My friend and his father had vabitch can‘t boss me around any— would have brought that realization
. 2' ’ , y . . will fully understand while everyone never been particularly close. 1 more." homesoclearly. .
outside materials arent needed, but the vast majority do else looks on in cautious ammo- knew they had both regretted may Anyone hum-hg that comment . . .
require outSIde reading. And. after all, the bookstores are merit. situation but felt powerless to would have been appalled at my That little Insrde phrase spoke vol-
the only places you can get books, right? Often those little in-jokes are a change it. friend‘s callorsness. l was greatly lama SEWt our {field-$11150 as width
wron _ The [u em 0V rnm m ‘ ti n t way people have of sharing some We stood there making sparse saddened, because I had heard that 9C0 express spam me WI
a kind ff 3 diricgmargeti: 1:1] imgh Ostulaajmsse cg: crucial igeas. They are also a safe small talk as other frientt and rela- same phrase perhaps a hundred that phrase In a way he could have
ll 3 p. method of letting down the shielth tives filed out of the church, many times before. done Withno one else- Iater. as I
buy and se the books they need directly to one another. we normally hide behind during our of them weeping in that choking way Whenever they had an argument. watched him weep while embracmg
The SGA book exchange program operates on a Simple daily activities, a sort of interperso— we seem to reserve only for those my friend would let on some steam his mother at the graveside, l began
idea. Students who have books to sell register them in a nal wink which lets those closest to moments when we come face to face by describing to me in great detail 101°?!“ more than I cared 1.0 8130“!
catalog during the fall semester. Then, at the beginning of us know thadztlhere is krrsiucthIa more be- withtherealityof death. how he had plotted to murder his fa- the different EXPTSSlOnSOf Shef-
the spring semeSter the (3313108 0f b°°k5 is PUbliShed hI-nd- our 1y mas n were M f‘ d tood the ton f ced ther this time, and every plan was Friendship is beautifully strange.
. ’ v t 1 t y men 5 re s e a . . . _ _
‘ along With the sellers’ names and phone numbers. 1"th to let on 0 me word a and spoke of the camping trip he an mmcate magnum 0f mm as we“ as Strangely beautlm' and
_ arge. . bred murder mania. It was a run- the ex ession of it comes m man
Students who need to buy books can look in the catalog In other words it‘s a wa of sa - had Planned several weeks earlier. a - - k w ha .n Pr . y
. . . . ‘ y y trihet‘ll‘ntendedto kl ningJoebeteenus,per psi forms Thenext time you hear
to find and phone an appropriate seller. It’s as Simple as mg that our true selves are sh“ p S‘. ‘ ma 9' n a." somewhat poor taste, but something ' em he” h,
~ herthe ttobedts'te argumentjlstafewdaysbeforelus -. someone say som "8“ y
that. right w e y ough . Pl . we both knew was pure fiction and a di ul nd If that
, , _ , , what the daily roles we must play heart attack, his father had threat- ha of . er C 0‘5. reml yourse _
The exchange is an interesting, innovative program ened him with perhaps me most "dy way ”was“ “‘8 - maybe what you are hearing is a
, . . . seem tosuggest. And those elaborate murder tales ~ t “a ken bl'cl
that 5 now in its second year of operation. SGA deserves a To the outsider. um inside common of an 20th century parental would always end Wm, the phrase‘ pnva e rna sp0 1 con; lug;
pat on the back for organizing it. Students need to know phrases may often seem silly or 1'37““ .533?“ ‘1‘?" If .my 11’9““? “and the SOnuvabitch won't eve,- be mappedpggtecat Fem” enrich a
about its existence. even needlessly cruel. To those shar- 15$; dlh? gagging??? “3;: 2;: able toboss me around anymore.“ friepn‘dship.
And see whether you can save a bit on books the matter ‘5 we“ ”dean“ 0' “'5 camp“ mp' worth on the church steps. somehow
' evendownrightpoignant. “Well," my friend said as he I realized for the first time how Arts Editor Gary Pierce isa com.
I remember standing with a good turned to join his family for the ride deeply the death had hurt him, munications graduate student and a
. friend 0f mine one afternoon outside to the cemetery, “at least the sonu- Nothing else he could have said Kernel columnist.
Letters Policy . .
Readers are cngnurugcd to submit Writers must include their names. court deCISlon only gOOdfor Short term
letter». and Opinions [0 the Kentucky telephone numbers and major classifi-
h""*'- “more 0' C9“_"¢C"°“ With UK- ” 1‘“ YouthofAmerica,watch out. -——————— switchblades, it seems only logical activity is copied from “The French
j ”’5, and 09""0'“ “a" 1m“ 5"“ FY The United States Supreme Court tostop them any way wecan. Connection." School administrators
Persons submitting material should mail. lelephone numbers must be in- voted 6-3 yesterday to give me pow- A “The legalit of a search of 3 sm. could use the power of Search to in-
‘ address their (ilnlnlt’nlx [U the editori~ eluded so that verification of the writ- - - v . Janos . y , . . .
t} _d h A, I m] l‘ . , . ers that be in our nations schools dent should depend Simply on the tlmldateaswellascontrol.
:3 ‘ld‘n" i‘ l C ”’1:- wgmouma 15'“ er ma)" be obtained N0 mfnena‘ W'“ more authority to search students STOLL reasonableness. under all the cir- So the (Nation. then. is whether
- 1“ ”‘8‘ “”1310” ’ ' “p“bl'Shed ““1‘0‘" ““fica‘w” who may be in violation of the law cumstances, of the search,“ White the authority to spot search suspi-
, or school rules. The teachers, said wrote. cious-looking students without need-
the court, need neither a warrant —— But who decides what is reasona- ing “probable cause" is worth the .
- ‘ nor as much jistification as would a been such a general reign of terror ble'? Any search will be deemed rea- abuses which may occur.
, police officer for thesarne search. in public schools as nowexists. sonable if contrabandis found. . In the short term the decision will
_ KENTUCKY KERNEL 51m 0n the surface, this is a good idea. Those students who seek only an The problem 15 not that the rights be a great hel to ’ l l a dministra
. “MW in fact, it is only inthelongrunthat education are no longer distracted of the punks are being violated. tors and a nightmare to contraband:
\ " Sports Edlmr . ‘. I H ..WAnd$KmPs:cr: ltcouldprovedlsastm' by Smwmn fish‘s or tm mseba" my are‘ butthismwar carrying hig