xt702v2cbr4g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt702v2cbr4g/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 199501 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, January 1995 text GLSO News, January 1995 1995 2019 true xt702v2cbr4g section xt702v2cbr4g GAY& L I I , U ll
SERVICES U Ry + l995
“BE AFRAID, BE VERY APRAID...” National Gay/Lesbian Crisis Line
BY TIM BANKS (800) 247-4283
November 8, 1994, was not a good day. Teenage Gay/Lesbian Support
The election of notoriously conservative candidates (800) 347-TEEN
(mostly Republican) throughout the nation, state and city, Thurs. _ Sun. 7pm-Midnight
is frightening. Lamenting their victories and dreading .
tEeir pending coronations in January, 1995, I’ve realized A.M.A. CALLS FOR NON-
t at:
1. It underscores the existence of strong grass roots DISCRIMINATION
organizations that focused their energies through via Internet from Deacon McCube'n at Lambda Rising
receptive and supportive avenues. Bookstore in Washington, DC. I
2. Their organizations crossed lines (politically, The American Medical Association last week
financially, socially) and worked together to combine adopted 3 sweeping policy change regarding health
resources, raise funds, and promote mutually care provided to gay men and lesbians, including a
acceptable candidates of their choice. refutation of “reparative” therapies designed to
3. Their organizations successfully motivated a “change” gays into heterosexuals. The AMA has ‘
segment of people to vote in an effective block. 298,000 members and is the nation’s largest and most
. . . . . powerful medical organization. The new policy,
While this unfortunate tw1st In the democratic outlined in a 20 page report, Health Care Needs of Gay
process is now history, it should sound an alarming Men and Lesbians” calls for a “non-judgmental
message to our community. “Be afraid, be very afraid...” recognition of sexual orientation” by physicians and
Fortunately, with this significant challenge comes the was passed by the AMA governing body, on Dec. 6.
opportunity to excel. The report was presented to 430 delegates at an interim
First, I applaud the tireless efforts of The Fairness AMA meeting in Hawaii by W. Douglas Skelton, MD,
Campaign-Lexington. This organization had all the right chair of the AMA Council on Scientific Affairs, and
moves, just not enough support. The Fairness Campaign passed “with little discussion.”
is actively planning for the next major elections in two The 20-page report covers a broad range of issues
short years. Now is the time for each individual in our of concern to gays, including urging physicians to
community to make a few commitments for our future: examine lesbians for a wider range of illnesses than is
1' Create and promote the eXIstence 0f strong grass presently done, addressing the problem of substance
roots organizations that focus our energies through abuse in the gay community, and calling for a “national
receptive and supportive avenues. health survey which should incorporate a representa-
2. Assure that our organizations cross lines (politically, tive sample of the US population of all ages (including
financially, and socially) and work together to combine adolescents) and should include questions on sexual
resources, raise funds, and promote mutually orientation and sexual behavior.
continued on page 5 continued on page 5

_ M hl b h Happy New Year to all and thank you to
. PUthhed . ont y y t e _ _ all who answered our request for subscrip-
Lexmgton Gay/Lgblgcn 532;?“ Organization tions and donations. The GLSO treasury is in G
.P' ' )l(Y 40575 much better shape. We still need you to :
Lexmgton, renew subscriptions, give subscriptions as re
Interim Editor: gifts, or talk your friends into subscribing. b;
Peter Taylor We need regular income to insure our
continued publication of the GLSO News. In w
. . . . 1’8
Layout Editor: add1t1on, we are looklng for an editor and an Sf
Tammy D. Strong ad manager. Both of these positions are ta
(2; Elizabeth A. Gilliam for a little while longer) crucial- If these jObS seem ‘00 demanding, oi
ou mi ht consider writin an article, or fa
Glso Annual Dues and Newsletter: $15 K . g . g . ..(
elplng out by calling a few busmesses for
Dues and Newsletter for Couples: $20 . . . . th
Ne sletter Onl '$lO ads Instead of taking on 61thCIJOb as an K
w y. ongoing responsibility. Call Mary Crone th
Views or oplnlons expressed m the GLSO News are those of (266—5904) for advertising work and Peter til
the authors and don’t necessarily represent those of the . , .
GLSO Board of Directors. Submissions are welcome. All Taylor (273'5845) If you are IntereSted 1“ h‘
submissions become the property of GLSO and must indicate writing or editing. Also, check out other SC
full name and address of the author. The staff reserves the volunteer opportunities below. to
right to edlt SmelSSlonS and ads to meet publlshlng requne- . Cl
ments, as well as the right to reject any submissions. In the laSt twenty years, the leSbIgay pt
Placement of advertising in GLSO News denotes neither a community has become more visible, more b(
person’s sexual orientation nora business’ customerpreferenoe. diverse, and more secure. I believe this trend cc
will continue but the conservative mood of a:
: : the country indicates it could be otherwise. :6
: COMMUN' I Y CENTER : The fear and hatred we hear coming from
E E some members of the right wing should be a m
“VOL” NTEERQ NEEDED warning and motivation for us. Our lives frl
5 . . . 5 could be limited, out ro ress could be di
: Anyone Interested In worklng on the : p g . th
e a stopped. All of us have someth1ng to
: Pink Pages should contact Shea Elder : . . . g8
o . u contrlbute to our community. Flve dollars th
: at 225-1432. Allen I: the volunteer :
a . . e from each of us, for example, would fund our U
: coordinator for the comunlty center 3 .
u . communlty center. Ten hours of volunteer th
= and can be reached at 254-4061. n . . hi
3 s time from each of us would enliven our
community. Find some time to become ii):
To Report Hate Crimes: —1 involved, there are many organizations listed V;
i United States Department of Justice on the back Of this Newsletter. or
LJWJ —-—Mary Crone pr
____________—______________— _
GLSO News Page 2

> Rams Precnous Furs
- According to a spokesman, so far this year the
GLSO Discrimination project has received a total of 9 ,
: reports of sexual-orientation based discrimination from All Breed Pet Groomlng
a total of 6 people. The largest category of incidents .
5 reports are verbal threats or harrassment (five), followed ExpzflenCed
. by being fired from a job or denied employment (3).
r Several people reported being harassed at their
1 workplace; one man was fired from a fast-food 277-9365
1 restaurant because a customer complained about his
sexual orientation (the customer had overheard the man
3 talking to friends while on a break), a transexual was
, ordered to wear regulation male attire, a worker at a
r factory in Berea was laid off, being told he wasn’t
I. “decent” (when other employees were called back from
1 the layoff, this person was not), a gay man in western Laura E. Kama“
) Kentucky was not hired by the police department, even “ganged Cllnlcal sum Work"
’ though he scored well enough to qualify two different
F times when he took the civil service exam (he was told HIV/AIDS I Personal Growth
1 he might as well not even take the second exams by Relationships I Women's ISSUES
r someone on the staff, because he would not be hired due
to “something in his personal life -fortunately, he is 436 we“ Second Sire“
currently working for another police department), one Lexmgton, KY 40507
I person had a formal complaint filed against them 6061543112. Pager:232.0873
3 because they were working in the company. A lesbian
I complained that a neighbor threatened to rape her. An
f automobile with a rainbow flag was vandalized (just
above the flag), and a woman reported she was not
' permitted to rent because of her sexual orientation.
1 Jeff Jones, the compiler of this information reports
1 that the number of reported incidents is down somewhat
; from last year. It isn’t clear whether there is actually less chgjflffblgg’vgfl’ Inc'
3 discrimination to report or people just aren’t reporting V 3 ( ”fl/Pd: a], fl
) the incidents as they happen. Agay man was killed in a ‘ L ”‘7 K ,. 0"” ”w”
gay-bashing incident in Louisville earlier this year, and _ .:E _ =7 ': .3 —.' j
; this wasn’t reported to this organization and the
7 Lexington Herald-Leader ran a story on December 18, i ' i ’ L '
r that told of a female coach who was fired from an area (800) 2284337 (606) 2684337
_. high school because of her sexual orientation. RichmorzimaigieLgt?:grt§:nlt(eYr 40502
3 Documenting abuse is an important component of estab- GLSO DONATION WITH EVIERY PURCHASE!
lishing the need for legal protections, If you have been a
l victim of discrimination because of your sexual
orientation, be sure a contact the GLSO Discrimination
Project at 276-5383.
' GLSO News Page 3

Hawaii’s case is due to be heard in late April of this year.
The information listed here is a bit dated, but as far as we d
know, no fitrther developments have been made. -EG a
Baehr vs. Lewin is the official name of ‘ a
Hawaii’s landmark marriage case, in which Ninia “ ' i -. ' _ 51
Baehr is the first in alphabetical order of six .. ./"JM/%'4, " o
pla1nt1ffs sulng the State of Hawan for marriage -. a}, .-’ ,' - b
licenses. Jack Lewin, as head of the State - , ' k - \ ‘ U
Department of Health, denied these 3 same—sex ' 1‘
couples their licenses and denied another ‘
same-sex couple their license on June 17, 1994. R E S T A U R A N T :1
Jack Lewin has publicly distanced himself from 5 57 S. Limestone g:
the case. His public letter is appended below. Lexington KY K
As Jack Lewin explains in his letter, Hawaii’s 2 534,01, 4 re
Attorney General never called upon Lewin to d«
testify in the court case. It would greatly . p:
embarrass the state, as it tries to demonstrate some TOI'tOISE 81 Hare lunCh m
“compelling state interest” in perpetuating sex special; 100/0 off M-F f0
discrimination, were the six plaintiffs to subpoena _ , , _ Pz
Lewin himself as a witness saying that there were 1 1 1 1 '3oa'm" 1 '30 2p.m. 1b;
no compelling state interests. It should add some . ‘
levity to the April, 1995, proceedings. Renowned weekend brunch;
For newcomers to the case,_the Hawaii serving blueberry buckwheat
Supreme Court has ruled that denying same sex .
couples marriage licenses is sex discrimination, pancakes, eggs benedlCt
subject to the same scrutiny as racial, ethnic or arnold, Spanish omelettes,
religious discrimination. UNLESS the state can d '1
demonstrate a compelling state interest, the an muc more
continued on page 10
Wednesday is International
Licensed Psychologist
Breads and desserts baked
(606) 255-4864 daily in our kitchen
Fax (606) 255-5385
0 O
110 Woodland Ave. Free evenmg Parkmg-
lexmgton, KY 40502
GLSO News Page 4

 from “Be Afraid...” on page 1 from “A.M.A. Calls...” on page 1
According to this report, “Most of the emotional acceptable candidates of our choice.
disturbance experienced by gay men and lesbians 3. Motivate homosexual/bisexual and gay
around their sexual identity is not based on physiolog- supportive individuals to vote in an effective block.
ical causes but rather is due more to a sense of It’s not a coincidence that the strategies are
alienation in an tin-accepting environment,” the report strikingly similar for winning in either case. We just
states. “For this reason averSion therapy (a behav10ral need to make sure that the 10% plus of the population
or medical intervention Wthh pairs unwanted that we allegedly represent is out there making the
behaVior, ”1 ”“5 case, homosexual behaV‘OT’ Wlth difference in every election. We didn’t this time. We
unpleasant sensations or averse consequences) is no can change this in 1996. More importantly, we must.
longer recommended for gay men and lesbians.”
The new AMA policy also gives a nod to domestic
partnerships and. other s‘imilalr personal relationships HIV Help Program
and urges phy51c1ans to conSider the speCial needs of H
gay men and lesbians who have significant partner A-k
relationships. Whenever possible,” the report ll.
recommends, “physicians should explore surrogate ‘ly
decision making preferences of their homosexual SpecbaCalE
patients before the need arises... Physicians and gay . _ _
male and lesbian patients should be aware of and plan Flange” ’" Alternate-Site Health Care
for the pOSSibility of conflict between the families and mo Newtown Pike, Suite H Phone (606) 2530300
partners of these patients. Lexington, Kentucky 40511 Fax (606) 23l~1214
based on a story by Sidney Brinkley in the Washington,
DC. Blade, 12/16/94

’ ace-299741..) I.





Acreage lor Trail Riding
3263 Cleveland Rd. North Jennifer Crossen
Lexington. Ky. 40516 Instructor-Trainer
GLSO News Page 5

tart practicing those
Q 2 ¢ 1 scales! MCC-Lexington

o . .

0 al I l I ar y 1s sponsoring the first of
. its soon-to-be-famous (or
. O 0 Happy New Year \ possibly infamous, whichever
0 O the case may be) KARAOKE

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 be at Crossin s on Januar

7:30pm pride Ctr, 7:30pm Gay/Lesbian Al— AIDS/HIV Sppt.Grp. 7:00pm Lex.Men'S 7:00pm Dignity 9:00am Frontrunners g. y

6:00pm MCC-Greenleaf M0121 Taskforce Anon 6:00pm Frontrunners- Chorus Rehearsal 7:30pm Gay/Lesbian 28th. There Wlll be a $2.00

7:00pm Gay/Lesbian AA 8:00pm GUESS (EKU) Woodland Park 7:30pm UK Lambda AA cover (a bargain at twice the
8:45pm Rainbow 8:00pm Gay/Lesbian ‘ 8:00pm HIV/AIDS . . .

Bowling—Southland AA Sppt.Grp. price) to see your fnends smg

on sta e. You will also be able

8 1o 11 12 13 14 g 1. d_ f

6:00pm Imperial Cr-CItébU 1 7:30pm Gay/Lesbian Al— AIDS/HIV Sppt.Grp. 7?}: Dix-Men’s Cb0er 7:30pm Gay/Lesbian 9:00am Frontrunners to P“rc 3“ “30°" “figs 0

6: MCC-G n! M is . _ a ran , ,. - -

7:33;: Gay/118mm 0 .Anon 6.00pm Frontrunners 7:30meK lambda AA 8.00pm Keely (51¢~ yourself entertaining the
55-00131“ GUESS (EKU) WOOdland Park 8:00pm "Keely & Du'-Acmr5’ 8:00pm "Keely & Du"-Act0rs’ Gulld magses. There is a second
8:45pm Rainbow 8:00pm Gay/Lesbian Guild Du"- Actors’ Guild _ . _

Bowling-Southland AA 8:00pm HIV/AIDS Sppt-Grp- nlght belng planned 1n the
Show Room at The Bar for
15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 F b St t d f
. r r: . ' z . 1 ' . . ' ’ . e ruary. ay une or
Mam Luther; GLSO NEWS Deadline AIDS/HIV Sppt.Grp. 7 00pm Lex Men s Chorus R Infegnty 5} {\“gusmlc S 9.00am Frontrunncrs
» .1 7:3 Ga m: In Al-Ano , 7:3 UK lambda 7.0 D] . . .
6:00pm MCC—Greenleaf M0121 King, Jr. D3 810%: GJESS"(;§U) ‘1 5-00Pm Frontrunners- 7.33:: ”LAG 7.3g: Gail/3mm AA 10:08am P461115 ”1611‘;ka more detalls on that one!
7:00P“1 Gay/Lesbian AA _ 8:45pm Rainbow Bowlingv WOOdland Park 3:00pm ‘Keely & Du'-Acmr... 8:00pm "Keely & Du'-Actors' 8'0 pm K66 y & U 7
7:30pm Famess Southland 8:00pm Gay/Lesbian 8:00pm HIV/AIDS Sppt.Grp. Guild Actors‘ Gu11d
Meeting —A1falfa’s AA
22 24 25 26 27 28
. . 7330 m Ga lbesbian A]- AIDS/HIV S LG . 7:00pm Lex.Men‘s Chorus R... 7:30pm Gay/LesbianAA 9:00am merunncrs

2:00pm Keely &Du - P y PP I'D _ , _ . , . . ._

Actors’ Guild Anon 6:00pm Frontrunncrs— 3:33;: Egeellinibdsu-Am, 82:31: Keely & Du "(mom 3%: p§:_li4:UDu Acmrm
6:00pm Imperial Ct-Club U. 8:00pm GUESS (EKU) W°°dland Park 8100pm HIV/AIDS Swl-GrP-m (Iljfi‘,

6: MCC-G n1 fM m1 - ' - ‘ - .

1%: Gny/ksfiniA 0 Sggafingggzmland 821p m Gay/Lemar] 8mm COLTS Mtg' Syncopated Inc's “Atypical Tap"— Artsplace T ‘

1 29 31 1.001111“,
2:00pm GLSO News Folding 730 G /Lesb' A1-

Ani‘: fly FGR Flll'l‘flll

7’00““ Gay/”“1"“ AA 8:00pm GUESS (EKU) 1
8:45 m Rainbow . -

Syncopated Inc’s "... Boaling-Southland If You are Interested I n

December 1994 February 1995 this faBULOOaS 8‘
s M T w T F s s M T w T F s
1 2 3 1 2 a 4 REWéQRJDHNCC—i‘r
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 position, please contact
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 26 27 28 Peter, 273.58‘459
. “4/1995 or Mary, 266-5904

With all the religiosity and pontificating going on at present, including the impact it has on the g/l/b ga
community, I found it interesting to come upon the following quotes while cruising through cyberspace: pa
"-71 st:
“What influence, in fact, have ecclesiastical establishments had on society? In some instances they have su
been seen to erect a spiritual tyranny on the ruins of the civil authority; on many instances they have been ob
seen upholding the thrones of political tyranny; in no instance have they been the guardians of the de
liberties of the people.”
———James Madison A Memorial and Remonstrance, addressed to the General Assembly of the 19
Commonwealth of Virginia, 1785. cc
“...difference of opinion is advantageous in religion. The several sects perform the office of a common to
censor over each other. Is uniformity [of opinion] attainable? Millions of innocent men, women, and a
children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined, imprisoned; yet we have co
not advanced one inch towards uniformity. What has been the effect of coercion? To make one half the
world fools, and the other half hypocrites.” so
———Thomas Jefferson, “Notes on the State of Virginia [1781- 1785]” in:
o 0 Of
, _ Working to Unite p,
:,f m > Our Diverse Community “3
. '~ . . eI;
, * ' 55:78; r Since 1972 vi:
. LE A, ’, Name(s) _.___._ W
, ' SERVICES, Address :3
memento, . City, State, ZIP
. ml
‘ $10 Newsletter Only $15 Membership and Newsletter 3P
$20 Couple Membership and Newsletter “I
I do not wish for my name to be added to the Community Mailing List CO
used exclusively by and for Kentucky Gay/Lesbian organizations. m
MAIL TO: GLSO Newsletter, PO. Box 11471, Lexington, KY 40575 vc
_——.—__—______—__ _
GLSO News Page 8

 ANTI-GAY MEASURE COSTS CITED passed an ordinance in August 1993 that said

According to Stacie Spector, director of the i‘hfestyles advocated by thé gay community” were

/b gay rights lobby Americans Against discrimination, incompatlble w1th community standards. _

6-' passage of anti—gay legislation has cost city and Followrng a vote 1n 1992 to repeal sections 0f
state governments at least $169 million dollars in the c1ty S human rights ordinance, Tampa, Fla., IOSt
lost business. Her group arrived at this estimate at least $55 mrlhon mm the cancellation Of the

ve surveying convention and visitors bureaus, 5,000l-member GALA Choruses convent1onland a

:n chambers of commerce and groups working to 2566“}? ofsthetCathohc Ceimpus Mrnlsters

1e . . . . soc1a ion, pec or 5 group sa1 .
defeIaI: Sagolrlliggfygch passed Amendment 2 in The Portland Visitors Association has spoken

16 1992, the state has lost close to $120 million in out against the local ballot initiative, as have
convention and tourism business through the end $333531; (bffftilifesotggruzifrfIZZtsengZiiilzezilttild); 2::
of 1993. At least 47 or anizations canceled lans '

>11 to hold conferences or fonventions in Colorado as standing “R“? the radical fight grouPs as the costs,

1d a result of this legislation. In addition, several Of their dizlsswesagertrda bee’ime painfullly; clear,t

’3 com anies dro ed lans to move to the state. repor S ' pec or. mer1cans ga1ns

18 "he grouppgstifiated that Cincinnati has lost Discrimination, is a project of the Human Rights
some $19.2 million since voters there passed an Campa1gn Fund.
initiative in 1993 repealing an ordinance protecting
gays from discrimination based on sexual

In Portland, Ore., more than $15 million worth FUND-RAISER
of convention business has been put on hold A vaudeville variety show will be held at
pending the vote on a statewide anti-gay initiative Actors Guild on January 15th at 7300Pm- The
in November. That figure represents business from money raised will go to the Fayette County Health
eight conventions expected to bring almost 27,000 Department’s AIDS Medication Fund and the
visitors. “Most are waiting to see,” said Deborah Pedro Zamora Memorial Fund. The Pedro Zamora
Wakefield of the Portland Visitors Bureau. “I’m Fund was set up by Pedro and his family prior to
sure if this passes, the state will see an effect his death in order to help others who are dealing
everywhere.” with AIDS.

When asked whether any groups booked The show is being put together by Tommy
meetings or conventions in Oregon because they Harrod with the cooperation of the travelin’ KTVS
approved of the anti-gay measure, Wakefield said, show sponsored by the Tri-State Gay Rodeo
“If their? waianyone like that, they did not Association. It will be a night of good music,

t commumcate Wlth our Office", . dancing and comedy, so please come out and have

CObb County, Ga., IOSt an estimated $10 good time supporting these two worthy causes.
million when gay activists pressured the U.S. Admission will be $1000 Tickets can be
Olympic Committee into "10"ng the 1996 purchased at Disc Jockey Records in Lexington
volleyball competition elsewhere, Americans Green, the Lexington-Fayette County Health
Against Discrimination said. The activists mounted Department or at Crossings
a protest after the Cobb County Commission

‘ '_' GLSO News Page 9

 Have you been discriminated against in the. Commonwealth
of Kentucky due to your sexual orientation?

1 ‘

1“ ‘ ‘
1 J
1“ ““Jl‘
.3 if t i . . g g refit; at e
a eeeeee

from “Hawaii...” on page 4

licenses will be issued. The state will present its LEWIN’S LETTER

compelling state interests in April of 1995, and the Dear Editor:

courts will rule on their suffiCiency after that. I would like to give notice to the gay and lesbian

The closest parallel to a compelling state interest community on the issue of Baehr vs. Lewin. I resented

was the internment of Japanese Americans in having the Attorney General’s office attach my name to

WWII, just for being of Japanese ancestry. At the this case without consulting ”)6 or verifying my View?

time such internment was legal—«it is doubtful I am not opposed to gay/lesbran unions. Moreover, in

that any court would say so today terms of the benefit of monogamy, such unions serve
_ _ _ ' . public health goals.

'Polltlcally, Jack Lew1n has an uphill battle I have a strong record of supporting the rights of
agalnst. the Lt- Governor (?ayetano. Cayetano has gays and of non-discrimination in this regard. I was not
made It clear that he thmks that ALL couples called to testify in this case for these reasons.
should have domestic contracts in the law, straight This issue should be decided in the courts. Whether
or gay, and that the word marriage should be left to the outcome is in the form of an expanded rights version
the private use of churches. Unfortunately, federal of domestic partnership for 211_1 peeple, with marriage as
law uses the word marriage for tax benefits, prison a religious choice, or in the form of gay/lesbian unions,
visitations immigration law etc. so Cayetano has or as traditional marriage is incidental. The decision as
to be a bit more clever than that. To the credit of to how to proceed with a relationship is personal and

, . spiritual.

Cayetanoil he shmalde It rltlasptiiltagle f1? Democrfats Nonetheless, the State must no longer discriminate

to say t at t e aw son 6 t e same or in terms of civil, legal, and financial rights toward gays

both—-many Democratic party candidates have who elect to marry or form life partnerships of whatever
adopted Cayetano’s position (first announced last name.

March), including Lewin himself. My name is attached to this case because I was
Director of Health, and the Health Department issues
marriage licenses. My point here is that I strongly
support equal human rights. --Jack Lewin


GLSO News Page 10

F ' 11 h
ma y, a p armacy
, O
. , that dehvcrs .
. g , .
., (And we [I do It for FREE!)
R Free same day delivery R We can arrange direct billing
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We partiCIpate in KADAP,
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y: 51% A
er 630 E. Main Street ~ Lexington, Ky. 40508 Fax: (606) 254-7405 5' ”I l l
as (606) 233-3110 1 -800-21 3-0901 =

 L s r i " J
\s . *' e l ... a , e e.
GLSO Goyllne2310335
Staffed 8pm-11pm Wednesday Thursday Friday and Sunday (Voice Hall Available When Not Staffed)
GLSO Board (Mary) 2665904 Bluegrass COLTS (Mark) 2337266
GLSO Discrimination Project (Jeff) .............276-5383 Country Dykes (Debbie) (606) 871-7452
GLSO: News & Ads (Mary) ..........................266-5904 Cumberland Cares........................................678-0587
Calendar (Jeff) 2765383 Diversity Business Coalition .......................281-8444
Folding (Lee) 2779365 Fairness of Lexington HOTLINE..................275-7812
Layout (Tammy) 2753037 Fairness of Louisville........,.................(502) 893-0788
GLSO Gayllne Volunteers (Peter) ................273-5845 Front Runners (Keith) 2546850
GLSO Speakers Bureau (Bill) .......................266-9175 GBL Veterans, Columbus (Mike) ........(614) 299-7764
GLSO Support Group (Mary)........................266-5904 G/LAl-Anon 2771877
(Mike)........................225-1828 G/L Defense Fund................................(502) 589-2896
Stonewall Network (Ann).....................(502) 839-8417
STUDENT GROUPS Imperial Court of KY (Ken/Ashley)...............255-9881
ACE League: Berea College (Foula) ............986-5669 KK: :aClIr-rlgfieglllanceMelth)321-122:
AGLF: NKU (Pat) 5725604 Kentucky Legislature
B'GLAP' centregwege (Myk0')””""'”"""'238'5332 Bill Status Line ...............................(800) 382-2455
fizifrrsnbEdlaLlJfi-Dlleinheforemm)23:32:: Legislator Message Line................(800) 372,-7181
p Meeting Info Line............................(800) 633-9650
Lesbian Potluck (Esmerelda)........................231~0335
ANONYMOUS AIDS TESTING Lexington Men’s Chorus (Shelby)................231-0090
Jessamine County 8854149 Louisville Youth Group ;,,_...,.._.,_,..,,,..,(502) 635-1302
Lexlgton-Fayette County..............................288-2437 Names Project, Lexington (Katie) ................272-2588
Madison County---.-~.----.-.-...-..-.-----...------.--...723-7312 P-FLAG (Ruth) 2727075
WOOdfOI'd County..........................................873-4541 Rainbow Bowling League (Teri) ...................268-8563
Tri-State Gay Rodeo Assn. (Terry) ...............255-5469
AIDS INFO/SERVICES (Paul) ................278-8023
AIDS HOTLINE 2317545 w°mynweave (Kathi/l--~~--~-~-~-~~~--~~~----~~-~--271'3434
AIDS Volunteers of Lexington .....................254-2865
AVOL Legal Referral Program .....................254—2865 RELIGIOUS GROUPS
:gmvs hegal Prong (502) 584-1254 Dignity [Catholic] (Den) 2994458
out upport roup ..........................254-2865 Episcopal Diocese AIDS Ministry (Steve) ”2334782
Kentucky AIDS HOTLINE....................(502) 564—6539 H 3 th rn B t' t Edd” 502 637-7609
Partners of HIV+/AIDS Support Group onesty[ ou e ap '5 H 'e) "‘( )
(Greg) 2882437 _ , _(D°r°thY) (502) 4585392
Thursday HIV+/AIDS Support Group Interweave [Unitarian] (Cralg) .....................269-8215
(KIPWAC - Edwin) 281-2100 MOO-Hopkinsville & Horse Cave ------~(502) 897-3821
Saturday HIV*/AIDS Support Group MCC-Lexington (Flex)...................................271-1407
(AVOL) 2542865 MCC-Louisville (502) 775-6636
MCC-Paducah (502) 441-2307
Pagan Forum (Pat) 2681640
CONTACT TAMMY AT 27523037 Roman Catholic HIV Ministry (John) ...........231-9955
GLSO News Page 12