xt705q4rn487 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt705q4rn487/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1993-12-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 10, 1993 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 10, 1993 1993 1993-12-10 2020 true xt705q4rn487 section xt705q4rn487 E


- .. y‘a.‘«..- ‘1. _ . .-...., 1...
















Art studio seniors Todd Morris and Mike Siegel work on
their exhibit ‘Art Stewdio' at the Flasdall Gallery yesterday.


JAMES CRISP/Kernel Stall



Clinton makes plea
to get tough on crime


By Nancy Benac
Associated Press


WASHINGTON —- Pressed by
crime-weauy mayors and police to
embrace tougher gun controls. a
somber President (‘linton declared
yesterday that violence is “tearing
the heart out of our country." The
attomcy general said it ought to be
at least as hard to get a gun as a
driver‘s license.

“The American people are tired
of hurting zurd tired of feeling inse-
cure and tired of the violence."
(‘linton told officials from 35 cities
gathered at the White House. “it‘s
changing everyone's life in ways
that are quite destructive. We have
to move. and i think we are pre-
pared to move."

(‘lintoii called for passage of a
tough crime bill, including provi-
sions in put more police officers on
the street and ban gun ownership by
children. He also has directed the
Justice Department to study wheth—
er gun owners should be licensed



OThe Student Government
Association's TWA-Book
Service seems to b. l“
alternative to cam .
bookstores. But them
is not without problem.
Editorial. Page 8.

-UK’s 'suggested' gum
for word choice are 0m
in nature. Guest opinion and
column, Page 8.


oShowers likely and
thunderstorms possible this
morning, turning breezy.
mostly cloudy and colder this
afternoon; high between 50
and 55 but falling to the
mid-405 by late afternoon.

Mostly cloudy. breezy &. X'
colder tonight with so ‘
liurries alter dark; low , , _ 3
30 _ .2av i: »
oGradual clearing W‘
tomorrow; high mm“ 5;


moex: H ,,
Diversions ..... ...... ‘l ‘



and illegal weapons collected
through an amnesty program.

Yesterday. Clinton said, “We
ought to talk about what else we do
and where we go." without refer-
ring directly to the gun licensing
idea he had ordered the Justice De-
partment to begin studying on

Attomey General Janet Reno said
the department also was consider-
ing a limit on the number of guns
an individual may own and a broad—
er version of a proposed ban on as-
sault weapons.

Registering guns is not enough,
Reno said. because people should
be required “to know how to safely
and lawfully use a gun" before they
can buy one.

“It ought to be at least as hard to
get a gun as a driver's license.“
Reno said. Justice Department offi-
cials are examining ways to test
people to determine their knowl-
edge of safe gun handling and of
when it is lawful to fire a weapon.

See CRIME. Back Page

_.~-‘:.lndependent since 197i ,.

. Kentucky Ke me



DEC 10 1993

. _ . Friday. December 10. 1333;

Bonds put UK in the money

University to refinance issues,
saving millions in debt service


By Lance Williams
News Editor


UK will save more than $6 mil-
lion as a result of its decision to re-
finance six revenue bond issues,
taking advantage of the recent de-
cline in interest rates to record low

The University will take steps to
save additional money on Dec. 14.

when the Board of Trustees will be
asked to authorize the refinancing
of as many as nine additional bond

“This will create flexibility to is-
sue new bonds in 1994 if interest
rates are favorable." UK Controller
and Treasurer Henry Clay ( )wen
said. He explained that the decision
on whether to go ahead with the ad-
ditional refinancing will not take
place until next year.

The University’s savings came
about in much the same way as
those of homeowners who have
flocked to lending institutions to
refinance their home mortgages.

UK is a major issuer of revenue
bonds. As of June 30.
$314,189,000 worth of 11K bonds
were outstanding.

The University is authorized to
issue bonds to pay for several types
of capital construction projects, in-
cluding educational buildings on
the Lexington campus and the
community colleges. housing and
dining facilities on the Lexington
campus and UK Hospital struc-

Radio call-in contest

nets prizes for

wins with help
from Chemist


By Jennifer Wieher
Staff Writer


Calling all celebrities!

This is exactly what a local radio
station cried throughout the month
of November. and a UK student
group listened.

Donald Meador. also known as
Banana Don. a disc jockey for
WTKT-FM (103.3). awarded the
members of the Student Affiliates
of the American Chemical Society
52.000 in cash and prizes yesterday
for having the biggest celebrity call
in to the station.

WTKT announced the contest at
the beginning of November. The
listener who got the “biggest celeb-
rity" to call in before Nov. 30
would win. All celebrities were ver-
ified as legitimate before the prize
was awarded.

Dr. Philip Sharp. the winner of a
1993 Nobel prize, won the contest
for SACS. beating out celebrities
such as baseball legend Pete Rose
and actress Loretta Swit. Sharp won
the Nobel prize earlier this year for
his work with gene splicing in med-

Julie Yates. the treasurer for
SACS. contacted Sharp last month
and told him about the contest.
Yates said Sharp was more than
pleased to help out future chemists
and said he would call the station.

Earlier in the month. a chemist at
UK heard the contest announced
over the radio and informed SACS





DJ Don Edwards presents a check for $1,000 to SACS officers
Julie Yates, Amy Compton, Mike Mollman and Bryan Gamble.

adviser Joe Wilson.

Yates said Wilson told her about
the contest and thought it would be
good publicity and that the money
was much-needed.

“We were totally delighted to
win." Yates said.

Anita Madden. a local celebrity
known for holding an annual Ken-
tucky Derby Party for her famous
and affluent friends. was chosen to
pick the winner of the contest. The
prize was 81.000 in cash. a limou-
sine ride. lunch and a $500 gift cer-
tificate for any store in the Dry
Ridge Outlet Mall.

Amy Compton. the secretary for
SACS. said the group plans to use
the gift certificate to help the needy
children of Lexington. SACS also
plans to contact the UK hospital to
see if it needs anything. (‘ompton

The members of SAl‘S prepare
an exam for the high school stu-
dents entering l'K iii the fall. A
scholarship goes to the student who
scores the highest on the exam.
Yates said. The 31.000 cash prize
will be put into this scholarship

SACS provides tiitoriiig sessions
throughout the semester. and mem-
bers help chemistry majors prepare
for their careers in that field. (‘omp-
ton said.

SACS has about 15 members.

“Hopefully. this will
membership.“ Yates said.


(Tll Dunn. the station manager for
WTKT. said the station holds its
tencr contests quite often.

“We are always giving ricat priz-
es." Dunn said.

Hall has special place in history


By Jackie Flegle
Staff Writer


Patterson Hall. UK's first resiv
dence hall for women, has stood
among the aging shade trees of
North Campus for 90 years.

Last Saturday. in celebration of
its 90th anniversary. Patterson resi-
dents held a gala in the hall's large
ballroom area. where students usu-
ally go to study or socialize.

Upon entering, one sees a lobby
area full of furniture that might be
found in a nice bed and breakfast
inn. The area behind the front desk
is decorated like a parlor -- with a
couch. a fireplace and a mirror
looming on its mantle.

Through the years. the building
has developed quite a reputation
and has undergone several changes.

The hall was built in 1903 on the
site where the borne of the first
married couple in Kentucky once
stood. It was named after the first
president of the UK. James K. Pat-

Up until last year. Patterson Hall
housed only women.

However. during World War 11.
American soldiers took refuge

See PATTERSON. Back Page




Jm "RINK/Kan“ SM

Patterson Hall. which was built in 1903. was the first women's residence hall on campus. Stu—

dents there celebrated the building's 90th anniversary last weekend.


~. ~ nym— v-



Since UK must pay interest to the
owners of these bonds. any oppor~
iunity to reduce this debt service
load is closely examined and acted
upon if it will save the University
money. officials said.

The current interest rates have
presented just such an opportunity.
()wen said.

“We‘ve done a few refundings
over the past 25 years, but the num-
ber of refundings in the past year is
unprecedented because interest
rates are at very low levels." he

liach bond issue must be ana-

See BONDS, Back Page


Flu outbreak
bugs many
across state


Associated Press

l.()l'lSVli.l.1i. Ky. ~~ ()ut-
breaks of tlulrkc illnesses
have lowered school atten»
dance and sent people flock-
ing to doctors‘ offices.

The outbreaks were report-
ed iii four of the 20 counties
that are monitored by state
health authorities * Jeffer-
son. Fayette. Allen and Madi-

1n the Louisville area. stu'
dents have been staying away
from school in droves be-
cause of vomiung. diarrhea
fever and sore throat.

last Thursday 82 students
were absent at Kerrick 111e-
mcntary School. of 500 en-

Unusually high absence
levels also were reported this
week or last week at several
other schools. \‘ud (‘hzrrleset—
ta Mayfield. health coordina—
tor for the Jefferson (‘ounty
Public Schools

Pediatricians‘ offices iii
1 oursvillc hay c been unusual-
ly busy recently Doctors at
larson. Brough 6i; Buckman.
a pediatric practice. saw 130
patients on Monday. com-
pared with the usual patient
load ot 100. said medical re-
ceptionist Susan Payne.

However. people with iii-
testrnal ailments probably
don‘t haye the feared Beijing
flu — the strain whose ex-
pected arrival caused concern
in the state and nationwide
last fall.

Vomiting and diarrhea usu»
ally aren‘t caused by the in
fluenza virus. even though
people suffering them often
say they have the “stomach
flu "

liitlucn/a is an acute fL‘\l“lf-
atory infection

This virus attacks the
lungs. bronchial tubes. nose
and throat.

That doesn't lllt‘tlll the real
flu has not arriycd yet. how-

Kentucky health officials
alrcay' have rcceivtd t\\o re
ports ton Wednesday» tron.
laboratories that identified .i
strain of influcn/a , one at a
hospital in l.ouis\illc and one
in at a hospital in l cungton.
said Dr Rt‘gllJlld finger. the
state epidemiologist.

The confimied cases were
of type A influenza. which
includes the Beijing strain.
'lhat strain was feared be-
cause it was new Conse-
quently. people hadn‘t devel-
oped an immunity to it.

However. it was discov-
ered early enough for a vac~
cinc to he developed. and
many people atros the United
States streamed into clinics
and doctors' offices this fall
to get flti shots

Hu season usually runs
from about November to
April. with the number of
cases peaking early in the

So this year's rash of flu-
likc illnesses is about on time
— or maybe a little early.
Finger said.






i ,
i .
‘ /
i t
4/ /'
. .’/
. ///




Kentucky Kernel, Friday. December 10, 1993





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-New fragrances

capture essence
of college life


Associated Press


ANN ARBOR. Mich. - Aaah
that hint of pine — is it Wolverine
or a Spartan?

A new line of men‘s colognes is
aimed at fans of some of the na-
tion's powerhouse college learns.

For University of Michigan fans,
there is the piney-sccnted Victors,
named for the Wolverines' fight

For fans of intrastate rival Mich-
igan State. there is the winter-
green-scented Spartan

Philadelphia businessman Peter
Klamka. 24. said Victors “smells
like 175 years of academic and ath-
letic excellence.“

But then. he‘s a Michigan alum-

Other school scents he is market-
ing include UK. Florida State. Mia-
mi. Penn State. Grambling. North
Carolina. Duke and Harvard.

Sherman’s Alley y c 1:11 h”


Continued from Page 1

lyzed individually. taking into ac
count the present debt service over
the life of the issue. the “call pre-
mium" that must be paid to the
owners of the old bonds and the
cost of issuing new bonds at a low-
er interest rate. If the numbers
work. the proposal for refinancing
a bond issue is presented to the UK
Board of Trustees for approval.

The six bond issues that have
been refinanced so far will mean a
savings of $6,491,545 to UK over
the next l7 years. until the last of
the bonds reaches maturity. Aver-
age annual savings amount to


One of the bond issues to be re-
financed dates from 1971. It paid
for construction of the Patterson
Office Tower. White Hall Class-
room Building. the Agricultural
Science Center. Seaton Center and
the renovation of Memorial Hall.

Owen said there are many rea-
sons for determining if an old
bond issue is a good candidate for
refunding. Generally, Owen looks
for opportunities to save 3 to 5 per-
cent of the principal value of the
old bonds.

“But what we‘re really looking
for is annual debt service saving,"
Owen said. “We may be willing to
take two percent savings on princi-
pal value if it will result in signifi-
cant annual savings because this is

something that directly affects the
University operating budget."

No matter what the interest rate.
there is no shortage of investors ea-
ger to add UK bonds to their portfo-

“There are a lot of people who
like to buy and hold UK bonds. and
there's also a very strong secondary
market." Owen said.

For some investors, personal alle-
giance to UK is one reason to buy
UK bonds. But Clay pointed out
that UK enjoys an AA rating from
Stande and Poor's and an AI rat-
ing from Moody‘s. the two major
bond rating services.

“These are very strong ratings for
a public university," said Owen “It
makes it easy for those who like UK
to indulge their sentiment."



Continued from Page 1


Patterson Hall once was much
more separated from the rest of
campus than it is now. When it was
built, there was a lake where the

. o






111:0 9 a
the AMC”CS"1 "O y 5n: 3‘”,—
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1 lggmmon1ne
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Student Center now stands. The
Administration Building and men's
dorms were on one side of the
lake, and Patterson was purposeful-
ly built on the opposite side.

”Dr. Patterson didn‘t like wom-
en. and he figured that if he put
them away from everything, it
would discourage other women

Man Vs. Fish




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Cut hm some slack.
He's 11‘ a duel of WIC5
Wlth af15h.Ami1t'5 9t1ll

better than the
time he beat
the syn Spongcman.





Continued from Page 1

A task force from the US. Con-
ference of Mayors presented Clin-
ton with a report yesterday recom-
mending gun registration. banning
semiautomatic assault weapons.
imposing waiting periods on pur-
chases of all firearms. and signifi-
cantly taxing ammunition and fire-
arm sales.

“The frustrations of citizens and
police has reached a point of no
confidence in a system that repeat-
edly puts dangerous felons back on
the street.“ Salt Lake City Police
Chief Ruben Ortega told Clinton.
“The stress of the system has
reached a level of utter dismay and
fear giving rise to the belief that
the only remedy is for citizens to
arm themselves."

Louisville Mayor Jerry Abram-
son. president of mayors confer-
ence. said violent crime has
reached epidemic proportions,
such that “people in our cities are
demanding action."

Foes of gun control said the ad—
ministration is focusing on the
right problem but looking at the
wrong solution.

“Gun control is not the answer,
and to continue to go down the
road to deprive law-abiding citi-

from attending (the University),"
said Leigh Ann Weidner, a fifth-
year German and economics senior
and resident adviser at the resi-
dence hall.

At that time. men's residences
were in the quadrangle. located at
the center of the main campus.

Weidner said Patterson Hall be-
came a co-ed honors residence hall
this year, following last year's suc-
cess with Boyd Hall‘s honors pro-

The two buildings are connected
by a walkway that will be opened
upon installment of a new security
system that requires a person to
have a meal card to gain entry.

Weidner also said the building
supposedly is haunted by a ghost
who lives in the attic. It is said that
she occasionally can be seen peer-
ing out of residence hall's win-

Today, 125 people live in the
hall. Residents are not required to
be in the honors program. In fact.
close to 50 percent of those now re-
siding there are not honor students.


zens of their ability to protect them-
selves is going to exacerbate
crime,“ said Steve Whitener of Gun
Owners of America. “The answer is
to make sure criminals are punished
for their crime. The president is
simply barking up the wrong tree."

The administration‘s tougher talk
on gun control and crime followed
a shooting rampage on a Long Is-
land, N.Y.. commuter train Tuesday
that left five dead and 18 wounded.
Last week after a seven-year legis-
lative battle. Clinton signed the
Brady gun-control bill. requiring a
background check and waiting peri-
od on handgun purchases.

Health and Human Services Sec-
retary Donna Shalala said the Long
Island shootings shattered the
“myth that violence only affects our
inner cities."

“Violence affects all of us," said
the health secretary. It must be
thought of “as a public health crisis
that requires public health solu-
tions" like polio in the 19505 and
AIDS today.

Although FBI statistics show that
violent crime has actually declined
slightly in recent years. polls show
that Americans are becoming in-
creasingly concerned.

Violent crime reponed to police
during the first six months of 1993
decreased 3 percent from the same
period in 1992, according to prelim-
inary FBI statistics released Sun-


Stations put cap on rap lyrics


Associated Press


lyrics or banning entire songs. ra-
dio stations around the country are
taking stands against rap music
deemed as advocating violence or
disparaging women and minorities.

Stations KPWR-FM in Los An-
geles and WBLS-FM in New York
City were the latest to muzzle ex-
plicit rap songs.

KPWR plans to electronically
mask three derogatory words used
in some rap songs. WBLS said it

will ban songs that glorify violence
or include lyrics that are profane
and hateful to women or gays.

Rick Cummings, program direc-
tor of KPWR, said the station was
responding to concerns from listen-
ers upset by violent and misogynis-
tic lyrics.

The deletion of the three words
followed a request two weeks ago
by Stop the Violence Increase the
Peace, a group of Southern Califor-
nia community activists who have
been lobbying radio stations.

The three words are “nigga.”
“bitch" and “ho" (whore).


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Kentucky Kernel cartoonists Jerry Voigt and Toby Gibbs autograph copies of their book,
‘Lost on Sherman‘s Alley,’ yesterday at the University oi Kentucky Bookstore.





Gabor loses
libel lawsuit
to actress


By Louinn Lota
Associated Press


I.()S AN(‘1IZI.FS —»-— A jury
ordered Zsa Zsa (labor and
her husband to pay Elke Som-
mer an additional $1.3 million
for telling (icnnan publica-
tions the actress is a Ilolly-
wood has—been.

Wednesday's ruling against
Gabor and her husband.
l-‘rederick \on Anhalt. was for
punitive damages. The couple
was ordered Monday to pay
Sommer 52 million in general

(labor said she never made
the SUIIL‘IIIL‘IIIS, and von An-
halt said his statements were

“I would rather see her
starve than give her a dollar."
(labor said at a news confer-
ence Wednesday. “I’m an
Americiui. This is America.
We have freedom of speech. I
can't believe the jury."

Iler attoniey. Neil (T. New-
son. said he would appeal the
Santa Monica Superior (Toun
jury's verdict.

Gabor currently is stzu‘ring
in the stage play “(‘inderella.“

Why did she think Sonuner
filed the suit‘.’ “In one word.
jealousy." (labor said. “I have
a line in this play and it goes.
‘Jealousy is a terrible sick-
ness; you can't cure it.’ “

Telephone messages to
Sommer‘s attomey. Richard
Posell. were not immediately

The (icrman—bom Som-
mer's lawsuit stemmed from
three 1990 articles. one in the
German women's magazine
F reizeit Revue and two in the
German newspaper Bild.

In Freizeit Revue. (labor
was quoted as saying Sommer
hung out in shabby saloons
and supported herself by knit-
ting and selling sweaters for
$150 each.

The article quotes Sornmer
as denying the claims.

Sommer insisted that she
was worth about 30 million
deutsche marks. or $17 mil-
lion. and that (labor made the
comments because Sommer
once accused (labor of having
a big behind





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Musical court site
of new Shaq attack

Basketball star scores with debut

Shaquille ()‘Neal
Shaq Diesel
Jive Records


By Erica Patterson
Assistant News Editor


Slam-dunking on the basketball
court. the 1092 No. 1 NBA draft
pick-tumed-Orlando Magic star
Shaquille ()‘Neal also hits hard in
the music industry.

The multi-talented ()‘Neal slzuns
in the debut of his first album. Shaq

Recording the album during the
off-season in Los Angeles and Or-
lando. ()‘Neal worked with some of
the most popular names in the rap
industry ~— such as A Tribe (‘alled
Quest. Deflef and lirick Sermon —-
to produce an album that eliminates
any doubt that the basketball star
can flow with the pros in hip-hop

O‘Neal has even made a video of
his first single (“What‘s llp l)oc‘."‘l
featuring l-‘u-Schnickens. which al-
ready has gone gold.

()ther cuts on Shaq Diesel have
the potential to go gold. as well, be-
cause ()‘Neal gets wrecked
throughout the album. which is
packed with dope beats and clever
lyrics. especially in “Are You a
Rough Neck."

Following a near-two-minutc in-
tro that contains samples of “The
Big Iiasi“ by Masta Ace is a track
called “(I know I got) Skillz."
which is one of the main attractions
on the album.

()n this track. which resembles
Dr. Dre‘s “(‘hronic." O'Neal com-
ments on his basketball abilities and
highlights from his infant career.

“All you jealous punks can‘t stop
my dunks." he brags in this song. as
he does throughout Shaq Diesel.
even in the cut “I Hate To Brag."
which is produced by Def Jef.

If you‘re shooting for profound
political. social or economical mes-
sages on this album. you‘re des-
tined for an air ball. for the Shaq
raps mainly about his athletic talent.
Fach song has a blatant basketball

liven so. ()‘Neal docs have mad
skills as a rapper. and he uses
catchy rhymes. phrases and back-
ground sounds to make you laugh

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— like in “Let Me In. Let Me In":
“Jack be nimble. jack be quick]
Some girls be playing tricks/Pulling
on my jersey like they play for New
York Knicks."

Shaq Diesel also contains sam-
ples from and references to hit
songs. such as Susan Vega's
“Tom‘s Diner." Ice (‘ube‘s
“Wicked" and “Death Becomes
You" by Pete Rock and 01..

()ne of the weakest songs on the
album is “(liggin' ()n Em." By the
time you get to this song. you‘re
somewhat tired of the Shaq‘s boast-
ing on himself, despite the fact that
he has substantial rap skill.

Other than comedian Sam Kini-
son screaming in the background.
“Giggin‘ ()n ‘Em" is fresh. howev-
er. with the aura ofa mellow reggae

Shaq Diesel. as a whole. is fresh.
and the 7-foot-1 All-Star has firmly
established himself on the team of
respected rappers.

’lhere's no doubt the Shaq Attack

can hang with the big boys. on and
off the court.















Kentucky Kernel. Friday, December 10, 1993 - 3


‘Nutcracker’ mends
cracks in holiday spirit


By Jill Lanham
Contributing Writer


The holiday season is upon us,
but take a moment away from your
studies to relieve some tension and
stress. The Lexington Ballet Com-
pany has a remedy better than your
doctor could prescribe.

“The Nutcracker Ballet." present-
ed by the Lexington Ballet. opens
today and runs until Tuesday.

Tchaikovsky‘s “Nutcracker Bal-
let“ is extremely popular during the
holiday season. This Christmas bal-
let is complimented by exquisite,
hand-sewn costumes and an elabo-
rate set.

The story takes place on Christ-
mas Eve at the home of Concelor
von Stahlbaum and Frau von Stahl-
baum. Their children. (Tiara and
Fritz. are filled with anticipation for
a Chrisunas' party that is about to
begin. A party guest arrives and
brings Clara :1 special gift ~- a nut-
cracker doll.

The ballet is based on ETA.
lloffmann‘s “Der Nussknacker und
der Mausekonig."

Clara falls asleep and dreams that
she defends her nutcracker against
the King of the Mice The nutcrack-
er then turns into a handsome
prince. who takes her on a fabulous

After passing through the snow
forest. they come to the beautiful
Land of the Sweets. where a diver-
sity of dances from foreign lands
are perfonned.

“It‘s really a great ballet. It gets
you in the holiday spirit.“ ballet in-
tern Emily Pharrer said.

The ballet is a magical holiday
fantasy performed by professional
dancers. as well as children. The
Lexington Ballet Company dancers
join with more than 65 young peo—
ple from the School of the Lexing-
ton Ballet. and together they bring
this masterpiece to life.

Dancer Mikelle Bruzina said she
loves performing with the children.

“The young dancers are great to

work with." she said. “They come
here and are so excited to practice
for the ballet. We really enjoy
working With them."

Working well with the children
and with one another is the key to
performing “The Nutcracker." The
dancers go through months of prep—
aration for the perfonnance.

Dancer Katherine Ilowe said the
company has been preparing for
"The Nutcracker" since ( )ctober.

”We practice six days a week
from about nine to five. depending
on the day and what we have
planned." she said. “We go by a
daily practice schedule until dress
rehearsals, where we finalize every-


l’harrer said ballet is a discipline
that students can relate to.


“Dancing is like writing a paper.‘
she said. “One day you start writ-
ing, then the next day you rewrite
and then eventually you finish the
paper. With dance. you start one
day. then you practice and keep
practicing until the performance."

Tickets for “The Nutcracker" are
on sale at the ()tis A. Singletary
Center for the Arts box oflice be-
tween noon and 5 pm, Monday
through Friday. Tickets are $18.
$15. $10 and $5. Call 257—4929for
tickets and more information.




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