xt705q4rn60n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt705q4rn60n/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2004-10-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 18, 2004 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 18, 2004 2004 2004-10-18 2020 true xt705q4rn60n section xt705q4rn60n Mens


October IS, 2004

newsroom: 257-1915


Celebrating 33 years of independence

First issue tree Subsequent Miles 25 cents


Cats drop chances,
lose to Gamecocks

a business of

Alter a reli-

EDchd .‘r.
Bethany White
deeded to
fl’llX her faith
With her
sense She
wrote Com-
Ing into
God's last
Days Church.

JOHN rosmi l

Ballot Bash brings politicians, bands to campus

Bi. ir'tza Miltenny
'lw Iiti’: l'i new;

Regional it iaiis will
team up with s'.ilt' poiitii .il
s])i‘;lkl'l\ .it llt“\l wi-i-lx‘s "lial
lot ltash' to i'tilii .llt' l'lx' stii
dents .ilioiit liti‘ illit‘iili‘illl:
pl'l'sltlt‘tilHl i‘il'l tioii

Student tio‘wi iiincnt t‘ii'
atcil ‘llallot Hash" in liii‘
spirit of .\l'l‘\"s ”Rock iii-'
\'oti~" bus tour. which at
lt‘lllitls tit i’.‘llst' .i‘wqii't-ili‘ss
among students inoui the
pi'i-siileiitial t‘il'l tioii and on
t‘olli‘iigi slliiil'll'\ to ‘mlc iii

liit‘ l'it't’lltlll. w'hiic musical
'it is provide entertainment

.\l'iii\‘ organizations get
people to register. but some
people forget that :li‘ttlililt'
getting them to Vote is the
other half ot the battle. said
l’wii t'ariei: tii‘gzilll/ei‘ ol lial
lot tisli and an St} senator
rcprtsciitiiig the tiatton (‘ol
legit oi Business And l‘it'o

"This is not another
Hiiiisiitl' [Lilith til' (illitll'
Roast," ('arter said. referring
to M is Manly pep rallies

' \‘c want this to be more

See Faith mi page 2

of a t'estiizii ti pr :itinosplicrc
with hands. speakers and
booths set up llopclullv stu
dents will ln- Ili‘it‘ to mingle
around and learn about the
c.'indidates_” he said

.\lusii;il pei'lornicrs will
incliidc lloiisc of Heroes.
li‘oni i)ilill. .ind l\'t'iiti\
itwcns. who pci'toruis localh
at Redmon's :inil liriiiana

Some oi tlit~ tortured
sitt'rlixt‘l'\ llll'lllt‘it' Jack ton
wax. chairman ot thi- l\t‘l‘l'f\‘
lidwards campaign in Kill
ttick‘». .ind l\ciitiicl\\ Secrc

tari' ot Slate 'l‘rct (ii‘iiysiin,

Repi‘csciitati\‘es from the
1K t‘ollegc chiiblii ans and
the l'K (‘ollegi' Democrats
will sponsor booths and will
also speak at the mom.

"We tried to strike a good
balance between the hand
Ylilli' and speaker time."
t‘ai'ter said

St} will list) providi-
liooth space toi campus orga
iii/:itions such as t'anipus~
l-te-piililicaiis. t‘anipiis l)e
niociais and other issue
il.l.\t‘l‘i groups

l‘xi: ier s.llti St} wanted to

By Jeff Patterson
m: Ifhlrucrltt kennel

Vincent “Sweet Pea"
Burns could barely contain
his tears.

Many of his UK team-
mates simply walked off
the field in disbelief.

The upset was in their

The Cats forced five
turnovers, faced a fourth-
string quarterback and led
South Carolina late in the

Yet in UK's 12—7 loss to
llSC Saturday in front of
63.086 fans at Common-
wealth Stadium. that wasn't

“We had two big oppor-
tunities to walk off the field
with a ‘.'"W said UK defen-

sive end Ellery Moore. “We
had opportunities."

UK led 7-6 late in the
game with South Carolina

The Cats needed one
play to end it.

With four minutes left,
USC backup quarterback
Michael Rathe. who entered
the game after starter
Syvelle Newton injured his
ankle. offered the Cats their
first chance.

Burns. UK‘s defensive
captain and senior end. had
the ball in his grasp.

The game was
Then he dropped it.

On the next play. Rathe
lobbed a pass over his re-
ceiver and right at UK se-


See Loss on page 3

mm man | start

Sophomore receiver Keenan Burton (19) carries junior receiver Glenn
Holt's helmet as he consoles him after UK's loss Saturday.

provide a way for busy stu-
dents to learn and get infor
mation about the candidates
and issues in the

Many St}
senators have
expressed on
thusiasm for the

”T lt' i‘er
sponsc has been iw'erwhclm-
mg." said Andrea Nascman.
ht} senator atlai‘gi-

“We isenatorsi heard
about it and immediately
said. ‘\\'here do l sign up"'”

Ballot Bash

Tuesday. Oct. 26
Stoll Field
8 pm. to it pm

she said.

80 has budgeted 826.0%

for Ballot Bash. but the final

- total may be less
than that
amount. Carter

“The pieces
are in place to
make this a big-
ger event (than
Hoosier Daddy). but we'll see
how the student body rev
s‘ponds.” Carter said.

mu ‘kenm' «I krkernelrom

Retiree health benefits to get another review Commission seeks

By Clay White
'Mi Mail . i. new.

l'l\' l’ti‘slilct‘it lm' 'i'iiriil h'is
commissioned a lit"\‘. suliioiu
llllllt't' iii .ltitil't‘ss .l tittiiirisi'ti
change to l'l\"s post i‘i-tucincnt
health can» liciiwtits package
that main t.ictilt\ .iiid stall
menihi-rs iw‘l‘t‘t'th‘tl .is unlan:

At issue is the l urrcnt l'lx’
Retiree lituiltli ('.ii‘t- Honciits
plan. whit h tuiictir-ns on .i “pay
as \ou go" basis This means
l'K pars :i set amount :wailablc
for t‘ttipliw‘ces and retirees in
stead ot s.i\nig tiioiie\ lot in
titre lwnelit i'iisls

.\diiiinistr'iiois proposed a
new plan in l‘cbi‘uart ctl‘ei
il\'t'.l:ill 1.2m. which would
give l'K t‘t'til‘t‘i‘s i angleirml
it" cap ot S’.'_..iv .i war In
health care ’l‘l.» .ct'i‘ee would
pay an) after that


t'l is’is
appointed Michael


'I't'iil‘iit-X :lssiii‘liili‘ titulll til~ lllt‘
iiation (‘olli-gc of Business and
l'li'oiioniii s. to head the new

‘tliir charge is to look at
the w holi- area look at the
rc\t'iitic side. how fast the bud
get is growing in comparison to
how last the cost of post l'l'lll‘t‘
ltit‘ill benelits are growing.”
'l‘i-.irnc\ \.ll(i

'l‘i-arncy will select commit
iei- iiicnilwis front \‘arious
campus groups and will also in
clude retired ll'icultV and staff
in lilt' gmup

'l want members with total
i\ open ininrls.‘ he said 'l
don‘t want anyhodi with .‘lll\
prw‘oiicehed notions "

'l‘t‘al‘llt‘) said the tiiidiugs ol
the last committee were per
wired to be unfair lw‘ inan\
l;lt'llil\ members because it
only looked at the costs and not
the "w'liiili-iii1-;i"iil the plan

Ernest Yanarella. chairman


ol lilt' iini\cisit\ s~~i.:ite. said
iii’ wants the llt‘\‘\ coiiunittm- to
'ol'lo-i' l\‘\ltlt'l' rangi- ol options
to protect the itt'llt‘lils oi ihosc
who h l‘i‘lll‘t'ti or thosi- w ho
will l‘t'lllt' during the renew
lk'l toil ..

.loct l‘aine. din'ctorot em
pliwee llt‘lll'lll‘s l‘iti l‘K. iN‘llt'H‘s
the new i‘iillllllltll‘i' will he 'lillt‘
to reach the goal ol taii‘ness for
all parties lll\t|i\'t'(i

"l'in \er\ optimistic the
lllllw'l‘slh will liiid .i solution
that best meets the iiecds ol' the
eniplotms. I'I‘lll‘t‘t‘\. and the in
stittition. ‘ l'one s.llti

l’.i\ne will he iconiinittcc
niernln-r .iiid will prox idc lilllll‘
mation on how the universitt's
extsting health plans work tor
both l‘t‘lll‘m-s and current cm
piii\'m‘s_ he said

'l'eai‘iiey is til the closing
stages of tinali/ing committee
mentiwt‘s‘hlp. but he still tnust
hire a consulting turn The

tirin will work w tilt the tumor»
sit\'s budget otlice and try to
align the growing costs of the
existing post l‘t‘ili‘t'lllt‘lll health
("ll‘l‘ lwiielit program with l'K's
ri-tcnuc growth

l‘.i\lit' stiid the commlttee
has until ,laiiuan‘ to gather the
iiilorination From then on. the
group will begin its work. with
no exact deadline to come tip
with a reciimineiidation

Yanan'lla said he wants the

committee to use the "luxun' of

llltit‘ to carefully examine
l'lx's current postretirement
health one polici

“'l‘he iiualm of the remain
tier of their (the retirees') lives
is tied tip to how intich health
care they are going to he get»
ting.” Yanaiclla said. "Hopeful
ly. the\ will not have to face
Dracoman istibilitiiis."

neu iv a kykernel. com

to promote women

By Shannon Mason
mt itmutitv mam

Women‘s safety on campus has always been a
top concern for the President's (‘ommission on

The commission helped conduct a survey on
women's safety on UK's campus. whose results
were announced in late September. But the com-
mission which llK President Lee Todd formed
in 2001 tackles other issues associated with
the status of women faculty. staff and students
on llK‘s campus.

()ne of the commission's main goals is “to ad-
vocate for the improved treatment of women and
women's well-being." said Jessica Burke. 3 politi-
cal science and sociology senior who is a mem-
ber of the commission.

The commission partnered with the Presi-
dent‘s Commission on Diversity and the Office of
Institutional Research last year in conducting a
campus climate survey This survey aimed to get
an overall look at the atmosphere of UK's cam-







”“2 | “Why Oct. 18, 2004
sis. ‘*

.5 >1 :
* as s


the law without going to law school


By Fred Alvarez
lOS mus nuts

For decades. young ideal
ists eager to practice law on
behalf of California's farm
laborers and other indigent
groups have learned their
trade not in classrooms but at
the elbow of veteran attor-
neys who serve as mentors
and instructors.

attorneys to skip law school
and earn the right to practice
by serving apprenticeships.
Jessica Arciniega. 29 is a
former Ul-‘W organizer who
has completed her first year
of study under ()xnard.
Calif. attorney Barbara
Macri-Ortiz. a fiery. former
union lawyer who helped set
up the apprenticeship pro-

volunies of book work with
real-world experience gleaned
from Macri-(lrtiz's law pracr

She is set later this month
to take the FirstYear Law
Students‘ Examination to
earn the right to continue her
path of study for three more

“There's no pomp and cir
cumstance to this program;

Arciniega said.

“I‘ve always had this de»
sire in me. this real soft spot.
to defend the underdog." she

Most states. responding to
pressure from the American
liar Association. have elimi-
nated apprenticeship pro.

liar officials estimate that
fewer than an people are pur-


Callfornia is one of seven self.
states that allow prospective The

gram and took that path her-

tWo have combined



Continued from page I


White attends services. said he encour
ages all young women in his church to
read the book.

“I think it's a real down-toearth. true
statement of her search for God." he

In addition to publishing her book.
White has turned her busineSs ideas into
another outlet her own Bread of Heav-
en Ministries of lexington. lnc. with
the help of the UK Small Business Devel-
opment Center

White said that although Bread of
Heaven was originally created to sell her
books as well as the literary works of
others. she is now drawn to sell her work
exclusively White's second book. due late
this year or early 20th"). will examine spir-

lized to start Bread of Heaven has its
state office in the Gatton College of Busi-
ness and Economics. and helps both ex-
isting business owners and potential en-

With the aid of free counseling and
inexpensive workshops. White said the
SBlX‘ helped her with basically “every
thing.“ from general planning to budget
ing advice.

Erin Thomas. a pre-journalism
sophomore. said she finds encourage
ment in White‘s story

"As a (‘hristiatr it's encouraging to
see a member of the academic communi-
ty step up to the challenge of living out
her faith." Thomas said.

“I think it's great that she can use her
religion to influence her academics."
said undeclared freshman Dan Hutson.
“If that‘s what helps her succeed. then
she should keep up what she‘s doing."

Tiffany Woods. a social work senior.
said that she. like White. values her reli-
gious beliefs.

it's all about how to learn the
law so you can help people."

suing the program at any giv-
en tini


To hungry. goal-seeking students.
White said always to look for helpful re-

“Don‘t run away from the experi
ence." she said. "You‘ll only become
more and more frustrated"

features a Icy/term]. com


Bethany White

I Bethany White's book, Coming into
God's Last Days Church, can be purchased
at the UK Bookstore.

I For specnal event bookings contact the
Bluegrass Speakers Bureau at (859) 266-

I For church bookings, contact Bethany
White by phone at (859) 3350802 or visit


itual authority

The small business center White uti-

Continued from page i

pus by surveying UK under-
graduate and graduate stu~

Both commissions are
working at compiling and
analyzing the information
from this study and putting
its results into action.

Kimberly Drummond.
administrative support as-
sociate for both commis-
sions. said that the Presi-
dent’s Commission on
Women also did a pilot
study on gender equity and
faculty salaries last year.

The commission may be



to end.




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“i do rely heavily on my faith in God
in order to get through college.” Woods

best known for the women‘s
safety survey.

The majority of women
polled were more afraid of
being victimized by a
stranger than someone they

However. the survey
found that those commit-
ting 95 percent of rapes and
76 percent of other sexual
assaults in the (TR commu
nity were known by their

About 370 of the 1.010
women polled felt that they
had been personally victim

"1 think the survey will
be valuable for the l'K Pov
lice Department. the man
seling center and even the
health center." said Student

9 9

Try the


her Web site at wwwbohmincom.



Government l’resident
Rachel Watts. “Hopefully it
will raise awareness of
these problems."

As a result of this study.
Todd announced several ini-
tiatives to be taken to pre-
vent the victimization of
women on campus.

The primary goal was to
create the UK Women's
Place. a central point of
contact for coordinating
victim services and preven~
tion programs.

Other programs. such as
a self-defense program for
students. as well as Lexing-
ton community members.
are also in the works.

news it kykernelumz







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‘0 I-II '








The name of the or
ganization that started
the Mr. and Miss Black
Pageant was wrong in
Thursday's Kernel. The
correct name is Delta




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(.LARIFICATION .---;.-..‘;'-;'.‘.‘..-..;.'.a--:
I nu; inuf};\.\Ir~~\’l‘N/_‘t‘xli.ut I:
URang? was misiden- : I H "I } ’ :
tified in a headline in | , . . ‘ '
Friday's Kernel. It is a I ' , z“ , ’ , I
cell phone service : “ff“ ‘ : .
I , I
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I '. . .. .. w i
| 1:51 u-i I?
I w I y.-. I
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Oct. 18, 2004

[-95.5 ,

Continued from page I

nior safety Mike Williams.

Game over. again.

Never mind - it bounced off
his chest and hit the ground.

“It’s a very tough thing to
have the game in your hands and
have it fall out." said UK head
coach Rich Brooks.

USC (5-2. .‘i-2 Southeastern
Conference) wouldn‘t offer UK (1-
5, 03 SEC) another chance.

With 1:28 left. Rathe scram-
bled around and threw a 19-yard
touchdown pass in the back of
the end zone to Troy Williamson.

“If you don't make plays. the
other team will." said UK junior
safety Muhammad Abdullah.

But other than their lone
touchdown pass. the Gamecocks
didn't make any big plays.

The Gamecocks rushed the
ball 43 times for 213 yards. while
passing 16 times.

Backup quarterback Blake
Mitchell threw two interceptions.
and running backs Demetris
Summers and Gonzie Gray com-
bined for three fumbles.

“If you told me (five)
turnovers and we're going to
work our way down to Michael
Rathe. 1 would have mailed it in."
said USC head coach Lou Holtz.

But UK‘s offense was just as

The Cats turned the ball over
four times . including inoppor-
tune fumbles by quarterbacks
Shane Boyd and Andre Woodson.

Boyd fumbled on third-and-
short at the USC 38~yard line late
in the first half.

Less than two minutes later.
Woodson took the Cats down to
USC’s 15-yard line before fum-
bling away another scoring op-

“We can't expect to beat any-
body if we turn the ball over like
that." Brooks said.

Each time the Cats gained
any momentum. a turnover sent
them back to the sideline.

“I don‘t know what to say
about that." said junior receiver
Glenn Holt.

UK mounted its only scoring
drive late in the third quarter.
when it started a 23-play. 94-yard
drive that lasted 11:54.

The Cats looked crisp. with
Boyd connecting with his re—
ceivers. and freshman running
back Tony Dixon picking tip
yards. The (‘ats seized control of
the game with 9:52 left on junior
Alexis Bwenge‘s 2-yard touch-
down plunge.

“I wish I was talking about
more than one drive." Brooks

With all the turnovers the
Cats committed before that drive.
offensive coordinator Ron Hud-
son said he was disappointed
that it didn't happen sooner


"It would have been nice to
have a couple more drives like
that." Hudson said. "But you
can't lay the ball down on the
ground and expect to have those
types of drives."

After USC's game-winning
score, UK had one more chance.

Four incomplete passes later.
the Cats let that one slip through
their hands as well.

"There is nothing more gut-
wrenching to lose a game like
how we lost it." Brooks said.
“They knew it was a game they
could have had."

jpa ttersontu kykernelcom

1 2 3 4 Score
0 6 0 6 12
0 o 0 7 7



2nd 14:23 USC - Brown 43-yd F6, 10
plays-44 yards 4:29 drive. USC 3 - UK
0:06:32 USC - Brown ZO-yd FG,10-33
5:55, USC 6 - UK 0

4th 09:52 UK - Bwenqe Z-yd run
(Beqley kick), 23-9411:54, UK 7 - USC
6; 01:28 USC - Williamson 19-yd pass
from Rathe (Rathe rush failed), 13-88
5:01, USC 12 - UK 7


First downs: USC 16, UK 18; Total
offense plays-yards: USC 59-316. UK
70-251; Fumbles-lost: USC 4-3, UK 4-3;
Interception returns-yards: USC 1-18,
UK 2-0; Penalties-yards: USC 4-31, UK
4-33; Possession time: USC 29:54, UK
30:06; Third-down conversions: USC 7-
14, UK 11-18; Fourth-down conversions:
USC 1-1, UK 0-1; Red-zone scores-
chances: USC 3-4, UK 1-2; Sacks by
(number-yards): USC 1-13, UK 1-3


RUSHING ° UK, Dixon 16-29, Beach 6-
28, Boyd 6-15, Bwenqe 3-6 TD. Holt 1-5.
Davis 1-1, Woodson Z-(-4), Total 35-80
TD. USC, Summers 8-60. Turman 8-54,
Boyd 10-51, Mitchell 5-28, Gray 2-15.
Newton 5-7, Team 1-0, Gause 1-0, Rathe
3-(-2). Total 43-213.

PASSING - UK. Boyd 18-29-0 149,
Woodson 4-5-0 22. USC, Mitchell 2-7-2
10, Rathe 5-7-0 57 TD, Newton 2-2-0
38, Team 9-16-2105 TD.

RECEIVING - UK. Holt 10-59. Tamme 3-
30, Parker 3-23, Dewalt 2-25, Dixon 2-
19, Drobney 1-13. Mitchell 12 Team 22-
171. USC, Boyd 4-54, Williamson 3-31
TD, Whiteside 1-16, Turman 1-4, Team 9-

PUNTING - USC, Brown1-56. UK,
Sucurovic 3-109.

INTERCEPTIONS - USC, Whiteside 1-16.
UK. McCIinton1-0;Abdullah1-0.

FUMBLES - USC, Summers 2-2; Gray 1-
1. UK. Boyd 2-2; Woodson 1-I; Dixon 1-0.



Jeff Patterson
Assistant Sports Editor
Prior»: 257-1915 I Enidzsputsffl‘iiylterneicom

Cats blast to past
in latest heartbreak

mm nun 1 sun
Freshman safety Marcus McClinton (2) celebrates after
intercepting a pass in the fourth quarter.

By Josh Sullivan

UK senior receiver Gerad Parker has lived
through this type of heartbr lak before.

()n the verge of an upset yet again the
Cats let it slip away as the clock wound down.

This time it was South Carolina.

Parker still remembers shortcomings
against Tennessee in 2001. Louisiana State in
2002 and Florida in 2003.

“We have been here before and seen a lot."
Parker said. “We‘ve experienced some games
like this for the past four years."

In each of those near misses. UK failed to
take advantage of clear and present opportuni-
ties in the fourth quarter.

Against the Vols. it was Chase Harp's costly

Then it was LSU‘s infamous "post-Gatorade-
bath" Hail Mary as the clock ran out.

Last year. .lared liorenzen's ill-advised pass
found the hands of the Gators Johnny Lamar.

Saturday night. it was another failure to put
the game away.

With 9:52 left in the game. the Cats had taken
their first lead of the night at 7-6.

With 8:40 to go. freshman safety Marcus Mc-
Clinton intercepted the hall at the USC 40-yard

A couple of first downs and perhaps a score
could have sealed the win.

Instead. the Cats Went three and out.

“That was a momentum change that we
needed to win." said UK senior quarterback
Shane Boyd. “And we didn‘t get it done,"

Even after the quick possession. 17K head
coach Rich Brooks thought his defense could
finish the Gamecocks.

“I felt we would stop them.” Brooks said.

The (‘ats‘ bend-butdon‘t-break defense al-
lowed (Tarolina to convert three third-down op-
portunities on their game-winning drive. two for

“There were several other opportunities we
had that we didn‘t quite make the play." Brooks

USC drove down the field and after two near
interceptions. quarterback Michael Rathe found
Troy Williamson in the back of the end zone for
the game~winning touchdown.

UK's upset bid slipped away just like it did
against Tennessee. LSI.‘ and Florida.

“This team invested a lot on the field for till
minutes tonight.” Brooks said. "And it hurts."

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(Milli (iiiiilll

Week of October 71- October 17

i a _,_,\ LN); cw.” m it." v pigs
"‘3 .25?! V“ 114- rm. "Jt ”(Av J r

v 2518867 ‘ w 'r 'v
Mon 1 8

'UK Swing Dunc. Club. Dance Lessons. 6:30pm, Alumni
Gym. 326 ontlro «motto:
'Christion Student Fellowship presents “Shift” for Froohmon. 7:00pm. CSF
Building on tho cornor oi' Woodland and Columbia
'UK Amorlcon Civil Libertiol Union Meeting. 7:30pm. Studont Cantor, Room

w i. W rare"
' I: W‘i 4' http/lwww uky adu/CamputC-londar
i ,

'Wocioy Foundation's llblo Study and FREE Dinner,
6:00pm, Wulov Foundation: 508 Columbi- Avo,

'Cnrnpus Mlniotrlu lntornotion-I Mating, 8:00pm, Studont Cont-r. loom
1 1 ‘I


'Baptist Student Union‘s English Conversation Clo".

6:00pm, 429 Columbia Avenue Tues

'Baptilt Student Union TNT. 7 30pm. 429 Columbia Ave

'Pre-Physicnl Therapy Student Assocmtion Meeting,

7:30pm, William T Voung Library. Gallery i‘loom

'UK Beroan Bible Study. 8 00pm 9 00pm. Student Center, Room 113

‘Shaolin-Do Club Meeting, 5 0076 30pm. Alumni Gym Loft, $60 per semestor

'UK Fancmg Club, 8 00pm 10'00pm, Buell Armory on Administration Dr

'UK Water Ski Club. 8 00pm OFF CAMPUS. Call 485919834123 ior more into
'UK Tae Kwon Do Club Mtg , 6 30pm 7 30pm Alumni Gym Lott, call 351 731‘
for more into

'Ths Lemon Tree presents "Taste of India". 12 00pm 1 00pm, 205 Erikton Hall
IComedy Caravan presents Pat Dixon. 8 00pm, Student Center, Cat's Den

”Open the Gates of Consc-ounness Art Nouveau Glass and Pottery," Noon-
5pm, UK Arts Museum, $8 00 Admission

Wed 2 O
‘anondor Society Mtg. 7:00pm, Student Cantor, Room 228
'Cats For Christ Mtg. 7:00pm, Student Center. Room 230
'UK Fellowship at Christian Athletes Mtg , 8 00pm. Upstairs at the Common:
Market. South Campus
'Bapti-t Student Union "The Rock", 9 00pm, 429 Columbia Ava , Greeks
building a solid spiritual foundation one stop at a time
' National Student Exchange Mating, 3'30pm, Miller Hall. Room 102
'Lutharnn-Epilcopal Campus Ministry’s Worship and Dinner, 7:00pm, 8t

Augustino't Chapel on Ron St
'Colloga Republican Mtg , 8:009m, Common: Market, Room 306


'MCL, French Division's T-blo Francoise, French
Conversation Group. 3 00—4 309m, Student Cont", Room


'Mo Rocco, 8:00pm, Grand Ballroom, Student Cantor

'Tho Lemon Tree presontt "Taste of India", 12-00pm-1 00pm, 205 Erik-on Hull
'Comody Caravan prosonts Tlrn Nor-thorn, 8 00pm, Student Cantor, Clt': Don


”Open the Gate: at Conmioutnou- Art Nouvaou Gian and Pottory.’ Noon-

5pm. UK Art. Mus-um. $8 00 Admin-ion

' “Kristina Boodlnov," Monday-Friday, 11:00pm-5:00pm, Raul-II Art Gullorv,

Student Center

'Crootive Writing Corner. 6:00prn-B:OOpm, W T Young Library. Writing Cantor.

5th floor Westsido, for more information call the Writing Center at 257-1366
Thurs 2 1

Fl 00pm CSF Building on the comm of Woodland and


' Filip-rm AmPrlChn Organization MfleTIHQ, 8 000m Student Cantor Room 119
'UK Phi Alpha Delta Pro. Law Mtg 5 00pm. Studsnt Canter Room 205


'Wsiiley Foundation Focus Worship, 7 30pm, Student
Center Center Theater

'Christian Student Fellowship presents 'Synarqy ,


‘UK Fencing Club 8 00pm ‘0 00pm, Bunll Armory on Admmistrntion Dr
'Shdollll ()0 Club Meeting. 5 00 6 30pm. Alumni Gym Lott, $60 per semester

'Ornssuqe Team Meeting 5 00pm Student Center. Room 115

'Tha [munn Trim presents "Taste of India 12 009m 1 00pm. 205 Erikson Hall
' ’Opnn the Gale: of Consciousness Art Nciuvoan Glass and Pottery.’ Noon
5pm, Uit Arts Museum. SB 00 Admission
"'Kriqtinn Biiqdniiov ' Monday Friday. ll 00pm 5 00pm Rand-ll Art Galiorv,
Stud-ant Canter

Fri 2 2
' "Open the Baton oi Con-clouonon: Art Nouvoou Gina and Pottory," Moot-r
Spm, UK Arts Museum. a 00 Admiuion
"‘Kriltinl Iogdonov." Monday-Friday. tt OOpin-s-OOpm, Rood." Art Gallery.
Studont Cantor

'Pionm, Janina Fioikowlko. B200prn. Binglotory Cont-r tor tho Am. Limit“
nurnbor oi FREE tichotn null-bio tor UK Studontl

'UK Tu Kwon Do Club Mtg , 5 30pm-6 30pm. Alumni Gym
Loft. call 351 7311 for moro info

'Gracu Campus Mini-trio! pro-onto Friday Night Livo,
6*00pm. Kirwin Ilnndi'ng Plum FREE FOOD


‘UK Undergraduate flotalrch Symposium, 9 Mom-4 30pm,

'UK To. Kwon Do Club Mtg. Tizoolm-IZJOpIn. Alumni Gym Loft. call 351-
Mlning and Mineral Bldg , Room 102. Call 257 6322 for
morn information

7311 tor morn inio
Sat 2 3

"'0an tho Guts: oi Cnn-cmu-no't Art Nouvoou GI... and Pottory," Noon-

Spm UK Art. Museum. 88 00 Admission
Sun 2 4



0:00pm. mentor. WM, MOI...
Ont-h “ N ‘ “_." Ind-(Iii.










Oct. 18, 2004

ldilotiai board

Emily Hagedorn, Editor in chief

Andrew Martin, Opinions editor

Ben Roberts, Asst. Opinions editor

Rehecca Neal. Asst. managing editor for news


Steve Ivey, Managing editor
Josh Sullivan, Staff columnist
Sara Cunningham, Projects editor
Iim Wiseman. Sports editor













UK counsel should comply with SG

A Student Government senator
seeking documents pertaining to Ref-
erendum One was denied access to
some papers after filing an Open
Records request Oct. 6.

SG Senate President Braphus
Kaalund. who filed the request with
the Office of Legal Counsel. asked for
any documents. memos. personal
notes or emails between administra-
tors regarding the Student Activities
Board or Referendum One. which
states SAB leaders should be elected
since they use student fees.

UK students passed Referendum
One by a nearly threetoone margin
in last April's SG elections.

The enforcement of the referen~
dum has driven a wedge between $0
and SAB officials ever since.

Kaalund told The Kernel yesterday
he wanted the information to see what
sources and criteria Vice President of
Student Affairs Pat Terrell used to

the authority to amend the SAB con~
stitution. which it voted to do in a
Sept. 30 meeting.

In response to the request. UK le-
gal counsel said personal notes and e-
mails did not have to be released to

But First Amendment lawyer Jon
Fleischaker told The Kernel yesterday
Kaalund should be permitted to see
those documents under open records

Fleischaker said the only instance
where keeping information confiden-
tial would be justified is if the docu-
ments contained personal data like
medical records.

In this case they do not. Kaalund is
requesting correspondence relating to
SAB. Referendum One and nothing

By denying Kaalund access to the
personal notes and e-mails he is seek-
ing. L'K legal counsel is unjustly with-

and the UK student body that was
used to make important decisions con-
cerning them.

In the interest of open informa-
tion. Kaalund should be allowed to re-
view all of the documents he has re-

In addition to Terrell. Provost
Michael Nietzel. General Counsel Bar-
bara Jones. Student Services Director
Rhonda Strouse and Student Publica-
tions Director Chris Poore were
named in Kaalund‘s open records re-

Two of the five UK officials
Kaalund is seeking information from
have already told The Kernel they
have no papers pertaining to Referen-
dum One but would gladly share the
documents if they had them.

If administrators really have noth-
ing to hide. they will request UK legal
counsel to comply with open records
laws and grant Kaalund the informa-


form her opinion that SG did not hav