xt70cf9j5124 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70cf9j5124/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1923 journals kaes_circulars_001_2_130 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 130 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 130 1923 2014 true xt70cf9j5124 section xt70cf9j5124     rl; , I l .- L. V} I ‘
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—‘*  A Extension Division
 :‘ THOMAS P. COOPER, Dean and Director
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`  _ CIRCULAR NO. 130
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  <> CLUE6 <>
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  Lexington, Ky.
 I, January, 1923
  I‘llI»Ii:~=Iu»d in onum—¤·ti·¤n wiih tho il!I`Il`\IIIlII`2\I extension work carried
 j' ("I by I><*r:iLi¤>r1 of the lmllpqy- U1` ,\¥I`Ia'llIIIlI`<‘, l‘nix·¢·1·sity of Kentucky.
_ with the U. S_ IN2]»:11‘tn1¤·nt ol` .\1:|`I\‘\lIIIlI`t‘ uml 11tv¤I in fiirtlwrzince .
(If mf? \\'s¤_>11 \Y.——',lll'illl$l)<1I'lilllllll uml Nl<>1‘;1g'<· l. ..l............ ll  
Lc>s<»11 \'l.——l’1·il·v$ of ,l‘lill’l1l l)l'<¤Il ..,,.. A .....,l. V. ...,,., ,. ll} l
Lcssou Ylll.—St;11111 .... A l.., . .l... , ....l...,.l,..., . .,l...,l..v,...,._,,..._ , ,,_,_4   l< i
“ Lesson lX.—L`¤><»p<·1·z1llvl· )l;11·l<¤·:i11u‘ . .. .   211 l
L0ssr>11 .X.—Ol`g2llll%llI{;` l`e»1‘(`<>r¤]¤<*l'21ll\'<· Nl;11·l<··t- K
ima ..,...._.......4.....l».l»...,,,,ll..,   l_.......,   _..,l....__ ml _ .,V_..,,. 22
Lcssnu Xl.ilmp1·.
1 7%/1F&t Marketing 1x1c1udcs
1 `1V .n·~   g11·.1··‘°1··1Z1_1‘ :11E     1:: WK 1· 11;‘1‘*·_1 1"\r*'11
1 11Z11.l"F`.*"1'1'1·1~1' 111 1Ii11'1l.~. 11.:1* \‘Z1~11*‘Z.11`·‘ 11I"1'1"1`.` 11* :.`1_`1`
  1:1i‘·;~·1 ···· 141"~11:A111111'11[111*111_ ~·11·E1 ;1~ 1:v1· 1i1\`·‘ 111111 111 X11*1‘.‘ 1111‘1<.
1 11111·:11;1.1`E1E1;;111·111111;1_1§11~;1111::1111111;:1111·t1.··1·1:11·g1·1·$V1~. 1:1
11 1111~1·111.j1~11*-1 ;‘1`1'1'1"<111v111]11'11"1111!. 1*:11‘111 111·1111111·E< \‘.:1\ ~Y211}111‘.
1 1,1*11111 11'£11(11'Q`1‘1'X11‘1l1 111·11111:1·1*1111‘11;11 1111·y111·1·111·11. 11111 ·1111_\‘
*11·1l111111.11111;11~11111.11I111*1‘111‘1111111·1<_ 1111*1*1*\\`:1<.111'1·11111'\1‘. ~111111‘
1 1‘X1‘11i11l!1‘111.111‘1111l11·1<,11111 111111*11\1’:1<11111~1:1111~1‘:111·~}`~?1*11111E'111<·
I 1111111111111 ~111·11 :1s 1< 111*1·11~~:11‘)` 11111:11* 111 :‘1·11111:` 111‘1111111·E< 1'1`*1111
1 1111` 1`:11’I1l 111 1111* \‘1111N111111`1`.
111`11"1` 11'1111<11111.1:1111111 ;11111 S1111'ilQ`1· 1`:11·111111‘s 11:1\'1‘ 111\1`11 1l11—
11111`121111 11111 11111_1‘ 111 1111- 1111v1·111111111*111 111. 1:11‘§11 1·1111*$. 11111 :11#11
11l111'1l1};`111Q` :11111111 ;.iy1’\`1111`1` s111·1·1:111x;11i1111 111` I11.\111111·111111 1111 111\`
V '1`11~ 1`1"111`iI1' 1;1> !1.·1»11 111·1~1—;11·1~.1 .$··»1·i.111y 1`111· 111111111·1‘s 111` 1111}* 1111*1
“'1`1> ·‘11111> :11111 11111.»1- 1111-111 11111> 111;.1 ;;11z1_ 11111 1: #11111111 :11>11 1~1· 1·1` 111*
i11·1~—1 1111111111·111~1·>1111s. ·
1 .

-l Ix`t·ulut·/.·y; ('irt·tt/tu- .\`t». ISH!  
l`ill'lll$ antl in incrt-asing tht- varit-ty ol' l`ot»tl protlucis which ai··· >
consuint-tl hoth on tht- l.ill'll\ antl in tht- t-ity. lt` you stop antl i
thinl; ot tht- original sourct-s ol` tht- l`ootl which lintls its way  
to your tahlt- at tht- prt-st-nt tiuit-, you will rt-atlily apprt-t·iatt·  
that this is so. A pt-rson may havt- for his hrt-alt‘t‘(llllk‘
convinced that tht-y must pay attt-ntion to tht- tnarkt-ting as
wt-ll as to thc protlnction of tht-ir products it tht-y art- to suc- »
cccd. Thcrc is much lack of information rt-;1artlin;; what rt-ally  
takcs place in thc inarkt-ting ot` l`arn1 protlucts antl it is highly I
important that thcsc qnt-stions hc stutlit-tl t·arct`ully hy l`1ll'lllt‘l`$ _
antl farm hoys and girls. =
1. Is our systcm ot marketing farm products sunplt-r _
than it was titty or ont- huntlrt-tl yt-ars ago} \\'hat rt-asons is
your answcr hascd upon I

1 .1/111*/.*1/1.11g /*1111*111 I'1‘1;1I111·1.~< 5
1*1-   Q_ 'l`111· 1.11111-11 S1:111~s 111·1111111·1·11 11v1·1* 2131) 1111ll11111 1111s111·1s
1111   ,,1 11111:11111·\ 111 1f11€14 1)11 11111 11111111 1111° 1.il1'l11•‘I'$ 1-1111111 11:1x·1-
111   1.11111111 il 111111*1<1·1 111 1111N (.1P111111'.\’ 1·11l' 111211 :11111111111 111. ])11121111CS
111-   11111-1·1·;11·$;1g11,' 11` III11, \\`1l_\`}.
I"   C3, 1·`1*11111 \\`1|iI1 s11111*1·1·~ 11111 1111- 1.111111 ]1l'1111ll1‘1$ xx*1111·11 you
.11. 1 111111 1.11I° 111*1*:11<1.z1~1 11111;1_x· 1-111111-]
\\`1l 1 ,
_. 1 —1. \\`11_x· 1~ 11 111111111%:1111 111 >11l11_\` :11111111 111:11·1<1·1111g.'
_ 1 How the Farmer Sc11s His Products
111— .
1,,1.. . 1·]x*··1*_1‘ xx‘1111·—;1xx‘:11<1- 1.:11*111 1111}.111111 u*11*1 1l&1\ 1111111·1~11 1111}.1-1*1-111
1111 11‘11_x*\ ill x1*1111·11 1·i11'11l ]11'1111ll<'1\ Z11`1‘ >11111 11_x‘ 1111- 1.:11*1111·1*~ 111 1111*
1111-- 1 1°11111111111111_\‘. 1.1x‘1·~1111-l< 1~ >11111111l1·1·:111111)‘1-1*s xx’1111 111:11<1* 211111*1-
1l1}`· ` 111-~~ '11.1111_\>111L1' 1111 *1111‘1{ \\`1!11'1l 1~1·1·1111_x· 1'11I'I11111`1{1'1 1l11<111121111]l1l`
11111 1 1111~ ~1111·1< 111111 11x`1·~1111·1< 1‘Ei1`\ :11111 \1l111]11l1Li` 11 111 ~111111*1·1·1111‘:11 '
11\‘1*~ ` 111:11·111·1 ~111·11;1~1`1111·11111:111_ 1,11111~v1111-111*1·]:1~1 $1.1.11111S. $111111*
11111}'   1`:11·111··1·~ xx 1111 1*;11~1- ~1111·1; 111 1:11·u··- 1111111111~1*~. 111* \\~1111 1.111*11 111 1;11*u*·-
`111"`   111111111··1*~_ 11111*1- >11111i1·Y1-111 ~:111·11 111 1111 1'111'$ :11111 111:1)* >111]1 1111*11'
"11°`   O 111111 ~1111·E< 111 111:11*111-1, 111 \111I11‘ 1'1111111111111111`$ 1.;11*1111·1‘s 1111\‘·,·
.11°..1`   1`111*111··111·11·111~·1*;111x‘1-$1111111111g*;1~~111-1;1111111~1111*11xx‘1111·111111·}’ ~11111
.1mY   111··11* ~i111·1a 111 111111*111-1_ $-11111- ~1111·1< 111:1_x‘ 1111 11\111;;'111 1111 11)* :1
l_   1111*111111111-111-1*~111111111111*111-1-111>1111111_\‘111··:11 1.111* 1111- 1'11111111111111)‘.
._;_l;h_   1£1*:1111 :11111 11111 111-1- 111·111111··1·11 111 1:11*;*1-1· :11111111111< 111:111 111)k`11 11
lg 115 1 1`~1*11~·- **11 1111* 11<11111‘ 1.E11'111 111 111i1!l_\' 1'11`1`$. :11111 $11\'11 $111*11111s 1~
`Smh   >111111111111·:111111_x*1·1·< xx·1111 ~11111 11 11111_ 111- 11 11li1}`111‘ 511111 111 1111*:11
`,u11)·   111111~ 111* 111 1.1’1`111‘1`< 111* 111111*1* 1.;11*1111*1‘< 111 1111*1·11111l11111111)'.
1!111}' I 1{2`gx 111-1- ~11111 1111111711 N1111`1`\ 111' 111 *\1l111‘ 1*11<1‘S 111 1111·z11 ]11'11-
'111"S Y ‘111"*1111_1·*1‘<. (.111.11111 11*1*11111-1111_x· is <11111 111 il 1111*111 1-1*1-z1111s111111111
1 111‘ 1*1‘1*:11111*1*_x‘_ 111* lllily 111- >11111111-11 11x‘ [`]1111.l111(1 111 21 1*1‘1*z1l111‘1')‘ 211 :1
<11*1i1l11 11*11111. 11. 1111111*1* 1< 11111111* 1111 1111* 1.i11`l11 1111£11`Q`1‘1`2`1111l111111$
1,11111-1* . 1111111 11'.1`111`11 1.111* 11111111- 11s1-_ 1111- s1l1`]11llS llS1lil11}` is s11111 111 1111·:11
1111s is $1<11'1*~. 111* 111 s111111* 1·:1<1*s 11 1s S11l(1 11_\‘ 1111* 1.111*1111-1* 1111*1*1*1 111 1*1111-
1 s111111*1*». 112l11'}' 1.111*1111*1*s 111*111* 111\\`I1< :11111 1*1111*s 111:1)* 111*11x‘1-1*

11 I1`111/111·/.*3; ('11·1·111111· N11. I.1`11 1 
\\`l111l1‘1111lli1l1L‘U11<1l1l11‘1'<11111‘1l}' 1ll1lli1l1\11`1l1111111g’ l1lill11\111‘f—1  _
1 Q'l'111‘1‘1'}` s11\1'Q$.  _
'l`l111 1111·111111l 1111 s11111 \\-ll1('ll l1i1~ 11111111 1·11111l11y111 111 11111 1·;1~1·    
11111111·1·111111`1'1·1·~1`1·1·1111l111s1·11111~1·1`111‘11111~1 111111·1·K`111·111 1111111 1 ~‘   ‘
111111111 11 1111··;11 111111111111 111` 11 l121< ll*`1.ll 51*111 111 11111·11·111 1111 ·;1  1
i11=11'= · il 1~·i~;11` \1‘111‘1·l11111~ ~, 1111- a;‘1‘1111··1· l·1·1r1··. l1 . 1·1  
111 11111 1x;11·1_·l11·11~1,· 111111 11 is 11111·1;1111 1111 11;1~111·l~ 11.1;E·#E1    ;
111·1·1111;··-11 111 1·1111·s 1111 1111- w11111·111111»1· 11111111 \\11l1 \111`111·E1-11. ~g1 `_ 
111·111‘1·¤·11 11111 1·11\1‘~ 1111· 111*. 11.1~~11;‘1· 111` 1l11' 11111·*1~111 ···· 1· ;1·=1 ‘  
1111j1‘1·*·\. '1`1.1·i11?1;11·1·111s ~11111l·;1—l<»1 111 l1;1~l11·1, '1`l11· 1;,;;-1 —  
1·1111111;111jv {1111;1\l111< 111.1 ~·1l111~5 11l111·1· 1 1Z'1111‘ :111111 l·~·`» 1    
>11l1,11111111111-1.·l~1111111111z1j1111=·111 111 1111' ·;1‘11\11·;· 111.11 111' ·  
11*112:1 i11~·   2· 1-1’l° 11111 1111·111···~1 11111~ ~11l11, 'l`11.· 11x·;.11:i .1’,  —  
1111· 1§111·‘11·1;jr  111111 ;1·111.1 11~ 11111 1.1 :1 111;11·l11·"11·; ;1~~  
1111111 1111111 \'l11l1l[11l 1l11·111~1.111111~11f;~1 ..1·'» 1 —1111—·  1 . ·  
1·1111t` ·111··1 Ujv 1Ei1~\· 11~-~1··1;1i]11‘1~ i1` 111-1 111·z1;1;1' ,11 1 ·1 11 1  
1111111111].*111111111·11··111111,1i1111.111111 ~1·l1\ .11.111·~11 Y1 111.;,-1*  
111e1111sEs lli 1;‘1·;11,1·11.  
'1`111· 1E‘1;·1 ji 'l`111111111·11 171·111\‘111·—` 1 `1111111·1‘1111\11 .\~—~·1·111'11111   —  
A 111·g·11111:1<1,·11 111 11=31 11111111;11111l11111 111111-11111111111111111`111··1‘;`  1-
111111111`11111·111j1‘11111111·1·11. 'l`l11-l1111·1;'l`111~;11·1·11111·111111·1·~`1`11~1 .»  
11\`1‘ ,\.`\1|‘lZ11.‘·ll 11i11·»l1·111' 11‘;11·1—111111~1· 1·1»1111‘1`  L
11y 111e 11$il]l]11111(’11 \\`l11‘1`L} 11 1s 11111·l<1·11 1111 1111~111·1~1 u·:111111·11. = 
w111g·111_1”11 'l•l11; 1l1•J11lll1‘1' 1·121i111x‘11s :1 slz111111111111 \\'ll11‘l1 >l1ll\\~€ 1E;}  
1111111l)1‘1` 111 1111111111s 1111 11111111·1·11 111` (`1l1'll u‘1·111l1· 11··111’111·1·11 11;. l  _
:11111 {111 1111\‘11111;c 111 211·1·111·1111111·11 \\'1ll1 1111- 11111111·1#11 111111·11 1111    
11c11\‘1;1·1211. '1`11c 11111111·1·11 15 1]()()l1`(l 111 1I1i1l(111Q >:1111<; 1l1i11 1~.   K
1`C1111'I1S z11‘0 z1\’111‘21g‘1-11 111 ]l12ll{111f 11z1)‘1111·111 111 llll` ;;`l.11\\v1`l`* ~ {
lllflt 1111 1‘1,111111;1:11 1111 11111111 §I1'211l1‘ 1s 1111111 l·111` :11 11111 sz1111·1 111`11"·  
P21}`l11l‘111S may 110 111211,11} 111 111c 1111,1111l1111‘s l'l'1>111 1111111 111 1111111 :11 {
1,111} 11111211;c11 1s $11111, l)\1t 1111111 p21}'ll11‘11l 1s 11111 11111111* 1111111 1111 111`  ‘
tOl)21CC0 has l)CCl1 $0111. 1  
It is UI1I1CCCSS211'_Y 10 go 111111 il 11c1;111u11 (l1$Li1l$$l1)11 111. l11"`·' 1
2111 the Ll11YC1‘Cl1lL p1·01111cts 111 11111 11111111 1111; $11111. `\\’11111 1111s l1QC11  ‘

 .=‘  *1 *  1
  _1]1[1‘L‘r/l·111/ ]"1l1‘11l [7111]:11*/x 7
_   <;1i1l is <111`111·11*111 111 1l1’1!lE’ (1111 1111* 11111111 111:11 111:111)* ]11·1111111·1$
SI   1111111* 1I1l]'l|1 :ll‘1* !'l'l>\\°ll 111 12ll‘!‘1*l' :lll1<1llll1s 111:111 111*1·111*11 1·1|]‘ 1111*
  11111111- 1·1111111111111l_1‘ ~11 111111 1111·_1* lllll\1 111- *1*111 111 111111*1* 111111·l;1·1$
I   11111*1*1* ‘|11·1··· 1~111·1·11 1'11I` 1111·111. I1 1- 1'll1' 1l11~1 1*1·:1~1.11 111:11 il 1|1iI1`-
` 1  1. A 111·1i11g `_1~11-111 1~ :111-11|1111·l_1· 11··1·1·~~:11*1*. 1*:11*111 111·1111111·111111 11*1*-
   2 1l111·1111_1· 1~ l11g111_1* <111·1·1:111z·*11. '|`1111~. 1‘i•‘Il11l<‘1{_\' 111·1111111·1·s :11111111
‘ 11111·-11111*11 111 1111* 11111:11·1·11 1·l*1111 111` 11l‘ 1`11111·11 S11l11‘<. _\ 1111*g1·
·' Q 111·1111111·t111111111111- 11111111111*~ ul*1111*11 111 1111* 1v1111|”l1 S1:111*< 1-111-11-
 1 11111-1*11 111 il 11*11* N11I1(°\ \111'11 :1~ }1:l1111*, X1·11* \v11I'1{. l11¢‘1l1!`J11l.
  \\'1~1·1111—1·: :11111 }1111111·~11111. (·H111.*|1’1111I :11111 1·`1111·111:l 111*1111111·1·
` 11111~1 111. l1:1· 1*1·;1112·1`<. 11111 1111·1·11111*1~1·11111111·_1·1111*111s111·<:1111:11*11··1
 · 1111- 111-1Il. '1`11·· 1111·:11 1111_\11.1.` 111. 1.Jll'1l1 111`1I(1111°1S 1*1·]11*1*·~1·111 11111**
  11l11l1•1'1il1l` 111l1{ 111 1111* 1'1lJl11I 11111:~11*11111111111.
 ` 1. _\1·1~ 1111 1111* 1|ill`ll1 11l*1>11ll1·1< !ll`**\\`ll lll )‘·*lll' *"’111l1)""’11*
 . s111111·11 :111*1*1*] 111111·_1* i1l'<‘ 11111. 11*11:11 1~ 1111* 1*1*:1~1111?
4  _ 2. \`»·1|£l1 111*1111111·1~ :11*1* >11111 11*11111 )·11111' 11111111· 1.2l1`1ll.` '1`11
  1111111111 :11*·* 111('·\1 $111111
1* *   Z1. .\1*1* 1111* 1’11.\·(`1.< 111` 5111111. 1`ill'111 111*111111111< 1111* 1111:11 1·1111-
1- 1* ¥l11111*1*<. 111* 111*1* 1111·_1* 111·1111·1*s 11*1111s1·111111*111*1111111·1<111111111*1*>}
Q » 1* 1. \\`11_1* 1s El 111:11*1<1*1111g* <}`S11‘1ll 111*1·1*s~:11*)‘Y
11 - 1 LESSON Ill
   if- Central Markets
1-11}; 1  'l`11*` 1.1I1'1l1 111*1111111·1s \\v1111'11 :11*1* >11111111*11 11111 111` 11111 ](11'R11 111:11*-
  {  1. 111*1 l1~11:111_1* g·11 111 >l11111` 1111-;*1* 1·1*1111*111 111:11*1;1*1 11111*1*1* 1111*1* :11*1*
1,.     lllllllll1`:l1·1111*1*11, >1111·1~11_ 1·1111~111111·11 111` ~11111111*11 (1111 111 11111l`1. 111:ll‘-
;__   1 11***- 111\‘1*~1111·1< 1< s11111111*11 1.I'11lll 1111·;11 11111111s 111 $1(1(’1(>_[11.l1$ :11
.4_l,_ \ ~— 1"1‘1l11'll1 111:11*1<1*1<, }11*:11 11:11·1<111u‘ 111:1111S :11*1* 1111·:111*11 :11 11111 1111-
w·Q.~· ; 1‘*ll`lllll1 l'l'1?1l'il1 111:11*1{1*1< 1·1\I` 111*1*~1111·1( :11111 1ll1}` 1111` :ll1llll:l1<
11,11* 1.— » 11'"X ll<‘1*<1 211 1111* <1111·1<_1*111*11<_ '1`111* 1111*111 :11111 111-111*1111111·1s :11*1*
111111. *1***11 *11*1l'l1lll11‘11 111 :1 1:11*;*1* 1111111111*1*111`1·1111*s :11111 1l1\\`I1N 111 $1111-
 * ]11_\‘ 1111* 111*1*11< 111- 111(` l‘111lSl1111(‘1°$.
M 111,11;  V · *1>lll1*111` 1111* 11*111-111 1s11s1*11 11_1* ]ll111S 1111·:111*11 111 11*111*:11 ;l`1'1*\\'—
ushcgll I"? *<‘1'11**ll<1 1*l\1 1:11*;*1* 1111:11111111*s :11*1* 111*1111;*111 111111 c1*l11l*:l1 _

9 1(t`}l[H(']t`_|l (`ireu/or No. 1.70  
markets and sold or stored there, awaiting purehase hy tlour  19
mills or export to Yoreign eonntries. \\'ool and eotton tind  
their way to manut`aetnring points or to markets t`rom whieh  
they are exported. liarge eities draw upon eonsiderahle areas  le
of t`arming eountry t`or dit`t`0rent t`arm produets, sneh as t`rni=~  ;.
and vegetahles. eggs. poultry aml hntter, aml many ot' these i 
cities also serve as distrihuting points t`or supplying other mar.  
kets with their needs. Chieago. for instanee, reeeives large : 
quantities of farm produets whieh later are shipped out lo  —
smaller eities and towns. Kentueky towns aml eountry get  Q
many of their produets from sueh central points as l.onisv§ll—· " 
and (`ineinnati, sueh produets in one form or another having  i
been brought there from many other points.  
The work of handling aml distrihnting all the t`ood prod- .. 
nets required daily hy the people who live in New York. t‘liE-  
eago and similar cities is far t`rom heing simple. ln sueh eiti»·< Ii 
several million persons are living in a small area aml all  .·
require food and other products every day. 'l`rainloads of  Q
farm products eome into sueh markets every day. many ot`th~1:i  
- earrying highly perishahle t`ruits aml vegetahles whieh have tt  
he handled quiekly so that the eity homes will get them l»et`er··  i
they spoil.   »
The principal market distriet t`or t`rnits aml vegetahles ix;  
the eity of (`hieago is what is known as South \\'ater stre·~i.  1
Farm hoys aml girls who visit t`hieago should not tail to ~···*  it
this street in the early hours ot' the day when ltnsiness is at i`~  It
height. Produets are piled high on the sidewalk aml in the  
stores along the street. \\'agons aml trueks heavily loade·i  
with farm produets erowd almost every im·h oli spaee. liuy··\‘~  .`
come and till their needs and the produets are hauled away to  ;
stores all over the eity. where they are hought hy the eonsun1··r<  
\\`ll() C2tl‘1‘}’ them to their homes, leave tlireetions to have tlleltl   1
delivered, or order them hy telephone. Some ot` the lul}`·`t"  
are hueksters aml push-eart peddlers who travel ahont the eit}` A V
selling the produets from their wagons or earts. 'l`he eilt  1
dwellers usually buy in comparatively small quantities. i\la1i}'  “

  1l[1//'[`1//.111] ]"1l1'111 I'/‘1;1l1l1’/x I)
[H.   ],,·11.[111·;\ ;11··· 111~1·i~l1:1l»l1· :1111l 1·z11111111 l11·l;1·111 1‘1·1·_1’ l1111u·; l)(‘xl|l(fS,
M   m;111_1· 1-f1_1· I11·111··< iIl‘1‘ 111 ;111:11·1111··11i~ :1111l 1l:11s \\'lII']'1‘ g1111·;1g1;
VM   `l,;11·.~ 11 1·1·1·_1 llIlllT¤‘1l. Slll'll 1111·‘111·1·~ I1··l11 1111.· 111 1·1·;1Iiz1e 1]1;1L
__\\  ‘ 1,111-1111··I11·1l~111111;11·l<1~l111:·z11·1·11111 ~lI!l]*l*‘ 111111 1·;11111111 l11:111;11I1;
    ;1~ ~l111]1l1*;1~Il.·‘_\ \\··1‘·· l·1·l'1·1`·· \'.1· l.:11l ;111_‘.‘ l.11‘z‘1· 1·I1I1·<,
Ill" I  I_ \\'l1;11 l'l°llll'1ll 111:11·l<11~ 1l1· 1l1·· l4£Il`lIl 111·1»1l111·1<111'1·11111·
   E 1·111111¢_1’ ull I11.` \\`l1_1 1l111l11·_1·;·11111···11€1z1l111z11’l;1·I~.'
    2, \\`i~;11 l1;1;·1»~·11~11» 1`;11·111 I·I`111lZl·‘T~ >llI]llI*°·l 111111 1·1·1111·11l
my  Z 111:11‘l{··*<}
:,.,   ZZ, \\`l1_1· i— 11 111·1 il >llI|[Il¤‘ !IIJIIl*'I' 111 l;1···11 1l11· l111‘:‘·· 1·$111·<
AM  ·_ 111·111·1·1·l_~; ~111»1·l1~·1l \\'lll1 1`11~»1l >1> 1l1;1t 1l,·· II 1·11l·· 1-;111l1;1\‘11 1l1·>
_   ~11]>1»lE··~ tl.1·_\‘ II ···· 1l .’
   I »I. I>1»_1··1111I1111I<11|I 1l1·-1····111l1·E111`l1Z1·;1z’·»··1»11l1lgv; 1I1·~11·
lll-  ll 1`1»1·1I»111»;·I1··~ 1lI1·1·1·1 I'1·1·111 1l1·· ;`:11·111.' \\`l1:1i 1*·~11~1»11< l1z1\‘1· }-llll
    l`11I` 111111 :111~11‘1·1·'T
21.. 1
4 wi   LESSON IV
l1»·1;1  1
·1· :~   Middlemen and Their Services
  l ll1‘£Il1‘I`<\\`ll11 ;11·1· 1·11g·:1g‘···l 111 lIiIIl1lll!I!` 1·1·1»1l111·1l 1·I` :1ll ll`l IIS s1·1· I1` 1l11~1·1~ 1< lII]}` 1111111I 1`111· 111l1l1ll1~111011
,11.1111 f H111l IlI1‘lI' ~~1·1*11·1·s. I1 I1;1< 11I1·1—;11I_1· I11·1~11 1111i1111—1l lllll 1l1;11 111111·l1
111·.·1·~   <1l` 1l11‘ lliII'III 111·111I111·1i1»11 is »111·1·i;1Iiz1—1I; Illzll ig ll11~ I)iII'IIl g‘1·11wS
M111  _, 1l111111·1~1l111·1sI11·~l ¤11111·1l 111 1l11— <1\ll 11111I 1·l€111;1€1~ lll. lllO s111·111111 1
1]1l1'I`* _ Hlhl Il1<1~1‘ \\vlllI°ll iII`<‘ I`1111111l 1I11— IlI1I111·1s111·1·l111·1111·1l III {lll 11;11·1~ 1»1` 1I11· (`I)llllll`_\v. \\'1— l1111‘11
lll§~l11·4  I ull.l`ll*l_\' lI;l1l Il Q'lllIllIS(‘ l*l· S1IIlI1‘ (Il` llllx Pl`Il]IlL`lllS Illlll \\'Ul`l{
1111111  . II1\'1·l\`1‘1l I11 g‘1—l1111g· 1l11~ 111·111l111·1x I`1·11111 lllll I`III’IIl l11 llll" COU-
(. @11  S SIIIIWI'. ll`lI1‘ 111I1l1ll1·1111·11 ;1l l111·;1l 1111l11Is, >lll'll :1s lIlI'lll l1Il}'1‘I‘#
)[;111}‘   uml l111·11I $lI*l`l‘N: 1Il'1‘ 1I11~ 1:1»11111~1·l111g l111Iq l)(`l\\·l\(`ll 1l11~ l`iII'IlI illltl

10 I1'1-111111-/.-11 ('1·I'1`l/]1l)' _\'11_ l.‘I11  
1110 01-1111-:11 111:11-111-1. 'I`111- 1111\1(111)1111`11 111 11111 1-1-1111-:11 111:11-111-1_ 111  
111C $11111*,* \\'l1}'. >11111\1}' 1111* (‘l11111l\1'11111111i°1\\'l*\`11 111l` 1Ul'111 111§11'1{1‘1  
:11111 111111-1- 11111111S.  
'1`111·1-1- :11-1- \'111'11\11S 1-1:1ss1-s 111 1111(1111l`111(°11 111 1-1-1111-:11 111:11-111-:~_  `1
:1111011g 11-1111-11 111i1}' 111- 111(`111111111`11 1-111111111~s11111 1111-11, 11-111111-~111-~  Q
1-1-1-1-11*1-1-s. 11111111-1-s :11111 111-11111-1-s. '1‘111` 1-1:11-1 1111-:111111u 111. 1111-~~  
101-111s 111111-1-s $111111-11-11:11 111 l111`1.1`1.1`111 llli1l‘1§ 1< :11111 1111- 1111`1'·-1-1·1.-  
111-011111-1s. 111 g-1-111-1-:11. 111111-1-1*1-1-, 11111 1`111111\\~111g l1\i1_\ 111- 011---.  
Us 1-1-111-1-s1-111111g 1111- 1151*111- 1111-s1- 11-1-111< 111 111|° 11-1111 :11111 111-1111111-  
11-21111-: .\ 1-111111111>s11111 111:111 is 11111- \\v1111 :11·1~ 1.i11` 1111- <11111111·1-   »
111€11{111Q' s:111-s :11111 \\'11l1 (11*<111l'1S :1< 111> 11:11* :1 (A1`1.111111 1-111111111~~1·1-1  -1
01- 11*0 11-0111 1111- :11111111111 1-1-1·1-11*1-11. \’¤1\1 111:11- \1\111 :1 1-:11-111:111    _1_
110121100: 10 :1 k'1)l111111SS1(11l 111:111 :11111 111` \\`111 :11-1 iI~ }'<>1l1’ :1:-1-111 1:: -_ 
SQ11111g 11, u11111-1-1111; 1111- 11111111-1 :11111 >1-1111111g- 11 111 1*1111 :1111-1-    11
11:1s 1:111011 (1111 111s lJ11ll11I11S<1(11l. '1`111- 11.1.111 "1·111111111s>11111 1111111..  1
1S11`C(111C1111}` 11s1-11 111(°O1.1.1`K'11}' 111 i1111l1}' 111 :111 1·1:1~<1-\ 111` 1111·1·11~~ VQ 
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110:111-1- 1111ys }`1'>111' 111-1111111-1s 111<11-:111 (11. $1‘1'\`111i;` :1< 1-11111- i1Li·‘1L‘ `_ 
111111l(1111Q il 1111)-1-1- 1·<)1' 11l1‘111. 111- 1s :1 11·111111-<:111- 1`1‘1'l‘1\`l‘1' 111- 11111111-i',  1
l 1Y11<111-$:111,-1-, 01- \\`11011‘S2l11‘ 1-1-1-1-11-1-1-. 1» 1111} 1111.111 1'1`i`11111°1111:--  h
:1111111c11 10 111-a11-1-s 11-1111 1111}' :11111 s1-11 111-1111111-1s 111 1:11-u1- 1111:11;-  
titics, 11S112111}’ 111 12:11-10:111 1111s. .\ 11111111-1- 1l1i1}' 11111- 111·1111111#*~  
1111-0011}- 11`0111 1110 (‘O111111`}’ $11111111-1-. 11111 111` 11s11:1111· s1-111 111 11·—~  
111:111 0:11-10:111 101s 111 1110 1-1-1:1111-1-. '1`111- _11111111·1-`1111`\' 1111;*-` __ 
f1`O1]1 1110 \\`1lO1CSi111‘1‘ 01- 1·111111111ss11111 1111111 :11111 >1-111 111 1111- 1-1-1.111  
· st01*c-, 1)11}'1l1Q C{l1‘10H(1 1111s 111- 11-ss :11111 :1-11111;- 111 N11111111`1` 111‘— }_
HK 1111151 1`(‘1E111\`11$ (711111111 11111i1\11*111‘11iZ\4111'111Z111{E1 l11!1‘11II1<‘_    E-
' £`t\'(‘1`i1Q'l‘ $1111`(‘ (711111111 1l11}' 11()1111*11'¤ 211‘11 1111111l’-1 111 -*`\1'1‘ ·~  
101-s $0 1111-5- 1)11}' 111 S111Z\11(‘1`1(11S 1`1-11111 _1fl11111‘1'S 11-110 111 1111-11 1l11\`-‘  -
bought 111 1:11-1:1- 101s 11-11111 111111*1* 111-:111-1-s. .\ 111-11111-1- 1< :1 111-:111--  {_
11*110, 111:1- 1111- 1-01111111ss1011 111:111, :11-1s 1111- 1111- $11111111.1l :11111 11111-- 1-
]101 111111s011 11111- 1111- ]11'{)(11l1'1S. 111- 11s11:1111- g1-is :1 1-1-1-1:1111 1`~-·· if
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111:111. S01110 11111111A11(‘1111‘1l 111:11- S1`1`\'1` as 111111-1- 111:111 11111- 111. 1111-  _
211101-0. r.1`1l11S, $01110 110:111-1-s 11111- §1)1>11S :11 11-111111-s:111- :1s 11-1-11 :1~ 1

   ` > 1
  _l/v/rL‘r//ny] I"-rrul /'1‘r1r]1lr‘{.w 11
H   W1] !.....l` {ui- u ···»miuis~i<>i1. SUIIUS\\`l|Ullf$llllJlil'I11S also do the
A   wi,]-1; ui' _juhIu·i·>, l,u1·u·»· vhuiii ~1<»1·<; l‘H!Il]ril1ll¢‘S xx‘hi¤:h ()1ll}1'2il·:
  H ,,,ml!,.·;· .,i‘ i·.·iuil ~l·»|‘e·~ huxw- 1lu·ii· uxxii xx·lu»l·-sull- tl¢‘])il1'I1l1&‘IllS.
  ]'.~i·\».i|\ xxim 1;ill{ zilunlll ll_\`l’l' ·»1·rlu-s·-ll·-i· uml i1`¤·<-rtuiniuilllllc-
lil  Y :u~ -i   il ;>~· uxx‘u_x xx-iih_ \\v*··l?l1·‘l'!lIll~l lu-xxilliuz1<»u··-1 Hlllllff
‘''·   xxixlmiu ill·'ll' ~·-i·x·i···-~ ur xx··- mu~1 ]»i··»x‘i·l·- ~·»uu-iliiiig <-lst; iu
1*   ihuir hlu x··· . XMI ull mi·hll··m··u un- wixiullx <-i`1i<·i·-111, just in
   ` 1l.i·~uui·· xx·u_x‘ u~ ~<·im· l.1il'lIl<*l'¤2!l'v‘ lu·fx··1·1huix (»ll1l‘]'$. Kumi--
·»u   ull_x· ii A Ur ilu- iuI··1··-~t ··!` ilu- l.Zll'll1<'l` uml ilu- <·<»i1~111m·1· thut
   ’·_ lh-- ll1i·l·ll·'l!l·‘Il ·h» ilu-ir xx*·»i·l< iii ilu- h·-~l uml ulim-znpcsi xxuy
3, Qiv  l.ik·· ·»iln··1· im-in, .<··im- m'·l·ll·-im-in uiw- ·li¤»1m- l'lll~’S of
-3,, it  2lu·i1·u~l··ui·»—iuz··ml···l lirl'llr'x‘l{~il»l¤
   _ :xu·l1·xxx·-·~¤luu: ilu- 1ll‘ill¤‘l'S xxlux uiw- ¤li~h·»m-~t, 'l`lu- l.iil'lIl•·l`S
i., .··v I hw ilu-ii· uxxii ]¤l'<¤lx‘l‘lli>ll ~ll-vlllml >uiisI`_x’ 1lu·111<¤-lxw-s Ihut Ih•:·
ul}-   Muzi with xxlmm ilu-_x· lh-ul uri- xxw-ll l-»1uhli~lu-il uml huxw the
iuw  . l`·‘l*!\iZ¤iY--11 ··l.l1~’ll1;;` in-liulxll-_
lv"  S l. \lxl1:ll i~ zi 111i¤ll'mi1lnll<‘1l1<‘11i
llrvl  _ -l. ll·>··~ :1 l'l¤lIlllll\\ll*ll muii l*ll_\` g<·m-lli1`-
lf  S h-1‘¤·iu·¤· l·»·1xx»···ii u liuhlu-1· uml u l>1‘<·li0l".`
il `  i W V--i1l·l _x·uu gw-1 uluug xx-iiluuil uu_x‘ umlllll-im-11} lkxulxl -
lmlil   }"*\i1' IAI‘h·ml~ living- iii viiil-g gw-1 ulnxiig \\'lllllllll Ihv Sx·l'\'lcn‘S
"*1‘l"l  x. 1·¤-mh-1·l··l hx ]l1llx‘1‘ 1·uil1‘¤¤u' (lll   U\\'ll lIl`U\lll\'l$ {lll4l  
0u<·h vnuuuuauly wuulll lxuw in l.lll'l\l\\`1\lll•l‘l‘L‘. No lurgw <·l1h·< \\'¤llll~ll»ll· uhh  
out lllL‘;\llS ul11‘ul1~p¤»1‘iu\l<¤11. 'l`lu· s;u~¤·i;nllx¤··l l`u1·m lu··»llm·li·~u  
ulrcmly 1·l·1`¤·1·1·vll lu wouhl mu lu~ l`<·ll·»w<··l l>··¤·uu~l· lhul w»·ul·l  
mcuu u g1·l~;ul·l· p1·ullm·li<·u ul` >¤»1m· 1u··ulu··l» lu lhv l‘Ulllllllllllli.` »`·   
lhuu   m cllwll uml llll‘l`U w<‘»ul¤l hc uw uuy <»l' gwitixxg lllw >ul»  
plus to lulwr L‘Olll`lIllllllllL‘S \\'llk‘l'L‘ ll is 1u_·¤·¤l¤ul_  
The $*311111 1·ull1·¤»ml<, ul L‘U\ll`$i‘, uw lhw l!ll»ll'2\\\'lM‘I‘l`lm‘$ uw uuv;  V
ll1Zll'l{&‘l<‘1llll j\Ei··luguu_ llhiu, l‘··uu»ylvuuEu. X··w Yurk uml ·»:l;···  L
stull~<,wl1ill~ li' lluwe xwwuwu1<·uus<»l`l1·z111~p¤u·lu1i<»u_ il w¤»ul·l  
_ Ouly hu w¤u·1h whilv ln grow l‘llUll2`ll l¤l~1·1·il·< ln supply lhu m·l·yl~  xl
of thc l\\'l\ uml us muuy p»·1·u1m· wuulll he l1'llt‘ with ¤»llu·1‘ _, 
farm products.  ‘Z
,\s you huw wul·_·h·_·¤l l'x··~lg·l1l l1·ulu< llil`—\l1}'}`¤>ll xu1·ylil:»·l}‘  
huyw 11r»li¤<<·(l sluwlul nur; whivh huw l»··¤·u  uw u~··ll l'·»•· l`u1·nu l*l`l¤ulwlw. ll ‘llI'lQ•‘l`ill0l` ··;u·~.  
whil·hu1·<& <~s]><·¤·lullylu1il1 uml u1w·l;··pl wml wi1h iw. uw u~·‘·l  
iu Slll])l1l]1Q' l.I'llll<: \‘n~;·l·Tz1l»l<·s, uwuls. l¤l\ll<‘l' uml ·»llu·1· pl·1·F~l1-  
uhhh ]u·r><»sl¢& l<> >l1ip p<·1·l>l1ul»l¤~ ]\l'(>(lll1‘ls ull lhw wuy u<·l‘•·—`  
ll\C <*¤»lll\ll‘}'. 'l`h·~ l'(‘l.i‘l!'l*l'2llf>]' l·u1· l< S(>l\l(‘lllll(‘$ uwwl ln {W"' 3
lccl ]Wl`UflllltlS l`n·l•ipp¤·¤l iu ]'\‘l.I'l;j<‘l’;llUl' &‘11l'$l" ll 
livvp lll*‘lIl l·l‘f>l1\ l.l‘l‘1‘XlllQ' nluriug wiulw \\'1‘l\llll‘l'. lll\‘·‘—l"`l‘  ‘
CMS, hulll cspwclully l‘()I' thu ll'{llISP()l'l2\ll(_)ll ull liv<~sl<>cl<, No  

 l I
  _lIl1r/rl {lug ]·`ll1‘ul I,/`/H]/’l`{N 13
.   in l-·lmm·»1l ll\•'. uml llll‘l'l'1ll'l‘Sl1l‘l'llll lmllllry ours for (‘lll'l‘}'ll1g
l   liw lmllllry.
-_   l·]l··l·lrl·· lim·s l`l|lllll|l!` lllll llllll lll¤· <'llllllll'}' l.I'U]ll uilies ur
,l  '· V lll‘l\\`<'l‘Il l'llll`\ lll'l' ll%•‘ll lll >lvllIl’ l‘Xll‘l1l l.l¤1'l‘ill’l'}`lllg l.il1`]1l1)1'lJ|l-
ll  ”-* mls sm·ll us mlll< uml \'<‘§1`•‘lill>ll‘<. lleluls Ull lll(j (irvul Lukys
1.  .— uml llll lm lllllll. Nllssissippi uml l¤llll‘I` riwrs, ulsli 2l1'l‘ l]l1l)lJ1`-
ul Qi lulll lll lrull~l··»l·lill: lurm l»r···lm·ls. 'l`ll·- ll1llllll‘ll'lll‘l{ llus in
lll A`  1·l···»~lll }··:lr— ll"l'*ll|ll‘ lll. <···ll~il»1·lum·l· ill vurryiiig
  "  l`urml»r·»·ll1··lsill s<>lm·s¤···li<»1ls. ]ll»1l·rlrm·ll`lll!` lurm >llll]llll*S l·> lll!] UOU]1-
    lr_\1 F-·lm· lll. lll··s·· lim~s url· <»\rm·ll ··<»l·pl·1·ulEv·l·2l$l¤ll£ll in ]\l`lNllll'lll>lI; lllul is.
mu il lll*‘fl` ill"' !`·‘1l•l_\' l·l'l' lll&ll‘l<¤*? ul \llIlll‘ ]>u1‘lll·lllur ><‘{llll‘ll us l·»mul<¤¤·s. uml lllv likv, must lic
l_    ; us ll \\`llllill u lbwllllysul`ll~rri]¤l·1lillu.l1l1l··ssll1l·yurl·l·zl1m0ll· \\`llll