xt70cf9j6c6h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70cf9j6c6h/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 19140917 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 1, September 17, 1914 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 1, September 17, 1914 1914 2015 true xt70cf9j6c6h section xt70cf9j6c6h .0 4* n
, 4\ ·
. F
• l University of Kentucky
3 -_?__“_-— i {
§ Busy on cmnmonl GREETS STUDENTS uNm:nw00n Anmvms or JOURNALlSMl NEW DEAN or MEN
-·—-—·—· From th• Vanlty Hand·Iook of mi`- " jTo Succeed tho Lau Vl¤•-Pr••Id•nt,
. Add d t C I , Under Charge
Gall for Candldntaa Irlnga Out Much 1,14_1·_ To A••um• th• DutI•• of com e ¤ umcu um   hm.- Q. WM".
· Promlolng Mnt•r||| for Wlldut mlndlnt. Ouccudlng LI•ut. ol Mr. Enoch Grehan. ; _i
’· . V A_ w_ q gu _ 1 r During the last annual commence
T••M· My D"' YW"' F"°°d°‘ u M Mass McLAUGHL|N Asslsum [ t H ed th t th P
, It has been my custom in the put -1- men , was annouuc n e ros-
COACH IHUMNAGU °"T'm·T'° to write you an special greeting for the TM mw C°mm°°d°°"' °“°r ° mm" The msmwng of the Department of ident had appointed Prot. C. R. Mel-
..._ Y M C_ A_ H¤nd_B00k_ I umm you me" *4**** at Sum “’“"`“°d S°pt°m' _ Y i_ [ b cher as new dean ot msn, to succeed
N° mn '" mnt by Comb Bram- tllls ls no merely formal or porfunc- ber 10m' t° an °h°"° °f nw mmmry Hacmal J0umu{iSm' Wh th ,mS Ben the lute Prot. James White m uu:
— m•••i¤ c•lll¤¢ out c•¤did•t¤¤ for thin mr duty but _ "mmtm plenum d,,pmm,,,,t_ Ho 1, , mduute of under l70llSld€I`8.¥.l0D lu me Lnlversity Capacity.
y••r'• Wildcat eleven. Twenty-twol periormmi with the demwnto purpose yvast point Mmm". Audemy and is ,_ tor three years, has at last been ac- Professor White toned persistently
nn °"'°"d uw uu Mona, dwp or being ot some banotlt to you durlns mmm Kenmckhm m°u"°°°m' Gul` wmpushed and bids hair SWE ti) bi to accomplish plans md mound;
noon md mon have been coming out me comms yur. mm wm mmm, with him for ,_ mw com; eine mi: the popu ar sc oo s 0 whereby he could Mlm an M".
° ·m_ mf lllt YX} "KH men wero In the beginning I whh to lmprsla days to help ·rra·nK° the new com` lhzhln Sers rz'. nt is in charge Of \Vh&l]6V8l' [19 Wl! 8ppl’0lCh0d by ln,
. me
I mu. an PMN"' on Mmm"' they upon you that Our Maker hu so bound m°'nd.'m’° WML , S epa be k une, advice was given with deep sin-
"°*”• ·"" """· °"’“‘“‘ "“‘“" up our duty md our happlnon me “‘° "°“"°¤ “• *'°°'°"°" "°°°°" *““°°" Gm"' °"° °' °°° °°h ”;;“ muy.
i h S t . e
h Hug"' cv] Zum"' md Tumt Au they gre one and inseparable. What fully by °ur hn °°mm-'¤d°m' and by ncwspapér liuegm? I: (3 eiamded to The new dean will take up the work
A ·" in une ·b·’° for the hud mason is that duty? First you Owe g duty tg Obtaining another from West Point papers Tl t G B da   I eq and re with the beginning of [bl; gggglgu,
·¤•* ¤¤¤**°¤*· °·· Wm lG.,.l· .0 love mm ....1 to wm mm Mlllm ·**·¤*¤**¤¤ **¤·¤ ¤*¤¤¢¤· *··¤*· ·‘"“ “‘° ”i“°“"ff°°m]".f1‘   in He lx a mlm fitted to ..m.., K.......,l.,
ou Mm ln sm"` {with all your heart and all your c°u°"' wm mmam °n uw upward m` dict for h S wm. gm yl g K _ l in sons while in the institution md one
°•¤*·*· ‘"“"'°"" """ " "‘ “""; strength ...4 all your mm. m °"¤¤ “°'°‘°°‘ffh“f‘;;fj§";B'ft‘i';;nj_Q‘_fh6n who enjoys me hm. umm ot ¤......,
, glu; nhgpo md looks able no go ........-•-•-.-. "’x°°" ° °' wm body
most splendid lite ls that which is it d D mg editor on wml — ·
l \I1’¤¤|h”•uh•"‘ $**3** I SSM uz; gpggn lu the Service of GNL ALUMNI NOMINATION xpizrs has di;:t;? tlw energies °‘ ATHLETIC  
‘ •‘1\rk•y very op m s c over ED
You owe a. duty to your parents. No   OPEN d 1 i bl b_
l •*••••·*• *;’ • '“*° *°•“°_M;"‘j ";' “ life m over wm. th. mu., which ...... {xi  j‘;]"IfjmjQ Mf“;'rQMQ Qu TEAM MANAGERS
cou . o 00 as . . t.....
ml. h   {IIC old   was not   with love of Mother John E. ·r°w”’ 0, 8h°|byvI"•’ Load. D6 88818DGd [D [110 W0l‘k by Mi8B MAI'- A. Ann°UnCOd by thI Ath|I“G M-
l u W"' m and Father. Lm °' °°"dId“" wl"` I name Mcmughlm an alumna of mittee lor the Year of 14-16.
Y tolloworn know how good that ls. Carl You Owe 8 duty to your country no y,,,,_ 8 i :1 I I th
° State Univers ty, an ormer y on e
z°"°“ md Hoa". no in mm trim Help make it a great Nation. 80 live ———i ediwnu sum of the Lexington The captains of all teams no select-
NN! will N of Nut NIP *° *1*** wm- . ONE WOMAN NAMED- ed by the "K" members ot that ro-
that your lifo will make for your coun
· “Gyp" Downing in olso bsck an ls Abc nfs glory You Owe · dm, to your _; Herald. She has had experience in Bpective Sport. As it I- won nom
Roth md Paul Hin, all lat you letter Alma Mawr. HW reputation down. (Lexington Hand') the school news Held, into which usr James Park, sm qunmuk mu
‘°°"“'“‘°" °" P"° '"“'°°’ um hor student, body It you mm, Tw¤¤*¤ ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤r· ¤¢ ¤¤• ·¤¤¤¤i w °°°"' ’_;"° :“f°°;“;’ d"°;t°° H 1; lead the ml bull mm ml. ml.
·—······•·•*···— ‘ The Ha d, u o exac ng e
TWO     or gamble. or in my way uw do, socuuon ot the University of Ken- of mmm! reporting such as Leung- Ralph Morgan was selected captain
T0     proved or frivolous lives hor ropuw t“°kY w°*`° ¤°mm'·*·°d Y°"·°’d*Y *"·°" mngauords of this ycar's basket ball bunch. Mor-
1; d_ noon for alumni trustees ot the Uni- ' gw has pgrmrmqq my gwq you; md
—— °*°“ Wm "° °"°“ " "°“ h"° '° Room 7 mm 0 Administration
Thoma OR gud Wllllqm H. HcAd|II\I you Owe ._ gm.; duty to ygur|g|f_ VBTSRY. N D!'0Vid6d bY the N¢9¤t law uudml hg. ban léumshed in www is an excellent glbground plgyor.
*PP¤|¤*•¢ ANUNM P"' Above all things bn win; md ro- °‘ Um K°“t“°*¥ l°¢w**·“”· TM and funimmd tm uw Dwrmuum Oil On sncmunt of his ability, James
Y••••¤‘|- i member it was nid ot old by one Who '-"°"° ¤°mi““°d Y°°'°'d*Y will b' Juurmusm An excellent lighting Parks was also selected copuun ot me
—-—— knew! ¤¤'>¤>*¤¤d ¤> uw ¤¤¤¤¤b¢*'¤ °*’ **16 __ h ` b I tamed and ML base ball team, while Abe nom, up
Th¤!¤|| F- OW- Nm wmum H- Mc' ..A¤d unto mm he ldd, Alumni Association for 9. final vow, °% Stem as een ns _ I h 1 _ renowned track artist, lands the
Moms have been appointed Assistant Behold the mr of md the six receiving the highest mum llduul desks with comtortab e c a rs; racers.
1, ., i
P|'0f•||0i’| i¤ UW I¤m“t° °t T°°h“°1` The Lord that is Wudom; ber of votes will be elected in D6c¤m· [ml: it iufrestjngo aigaigtriitrvetgg The managers are selected from tho
. . W , W
| °"’ B°"’°u' mu" md wm lun for And to depart from evil lb°*' wd d°¢l¤¤¤d m°mb°" °t um Sm 0::1 Gt 1 yr t I have been m_ lsslstauts chosen by the student oun-
I tm Eut nut Mud`, to an up their That in understanding" B°“'d °f T*'“'“°'· I use 0 t e ma r cu nie H gm .etlc association. The athleuu ¢om~
d¤ti¤¤· TM ¢DP°i¤*·!¤°¤* °f nw Um' [ Welcome you to State Umvemim The ballots were opened ln Pre¤l— Yidéd QM Smdsmil lnilgosigj B; any .lll[[€€, one from toot ball assistants
wniu mw I. tho unt time that than and I hope it wm be ot service to you. dw! B“'k°"'¤ °m°° at ¤°°¤ bY me `ime Z Shu? 0 Tw 1 H p D .ur manager and usually the assistant
gnunnt posmom wom over granted md that you will be of service to lt. Executive C°mm“t°° M um t"“”w°“· lin 0 t 6 r wor · managers of other sports become mm-
m other than gndustu ot the Iusti- vary sincerely your mend, Ono hundred and thm), members OH like head ot me eiegarimsfnihzilgsf agen
l\li• ¤f T0¢h¤°l°¢Y· HENRY S_ BARKER’ who Alumni Association were voted cul   [0 ufeet am B uien i 1 { \\’. B. Croan, a. mechanical student.
Hr. Ott II |. IOD of Ml'. l¤d Ml‘B.I President and the twelve receiving the highest lcrslty, vlhether he fs Ja mag; cu a e Aus Selected to occupy me job ..8
0001*80 Oli. 0f UU! ¤i!Y· md 8'*’¤d“¤t°dr number ot votes were placed ln nomi- Lh€hD8pam;em' ét roufnd Sina: manager of foot ball. Abe Roth will
 —·—-  y · 1 n
fl‘0¤1 $¢¤¥• U¤lV°¤'¤“Y in 19°7· ”°°°"' mmon and will be voted on in Decem· [ft'! W 0 3;% { Eu tin Z :18 be n oi lluve munagership or basket ball. G.
; * ‘. u t. :1 ‘ 2 'c 0
iu! ¤·l· thi! U¤¤• hb B*°h°l°" °t STATE HALL OPENS ber. Those nominated were: ) Ut; Pl   (1; in m_ d t _ lliampbell was selected to manage
science degree. with Ch0¤l·l¤¤'Y M¤J°¤‘· T0 MANY STUDENTS John E. Brown, Shelbyville, 1903, `"°_ 8mg_ RATE _ y °tT1`€u?' -'.j. *8 glle truck work and Clyde P. Taylor
Amr ‘]'·d\I·ti0¤ ho   the position Under the   A- F. welnl farmer,   v0t8s· 'lhg [Dbl} Burt] gxpglltb [L.,   Zuni-·UP base  
S of CN! Ch°¤****°‘ '·h° Iudun R°¤“' P. P. Johnston, Lexington, 1899, h°ad"““m”S in the D°p.°nW'}t _ *   ;:· :Q‘.s;s.,,`s-. *-..--.-45
mg Company with headquarters at F°""°r|y °' c°|°mbl° Mmury farmer 293 'uurnullsm, and work ln &0.Q[)¥‘F¤l2(?1YI_•69H:dillg ·t’u;·_:t,}1e·lui,p;·oveme¤g or hl;
A . · · _ _,__ · . __-. . · - ··
com-gowwn tor three YBBN l·¤d ¤i¤°° umm, G, G, Brock, Loudon, 1898, attorney. Mm me S°h°°l' Mme tm €dm)·r' MI"`l•9t aimflg-`OS `Y.mmg`
1910 hu boon st, Stats University ll Tha Sum Hall Opened Weduuday 256_ 'lyde Taylor, will have a desk?-}u:t.lx1t?·__?mcat·llga,·a:uui?qym,?mp¤z thgt me do
W i¤'u`“°t°' in °h°mi'u`y‘ H° W at noon with s lsrxo attendance. The J. I. Lyle, New York, 1896, engineer. umm r°°m‘ `   ].'¤?r}·lPfu_?‘}v·°u{d` M .°°t’°bu°h°d mm,
caved ul Mutusl dasroc lat Jun, work in preparing the student c0m_ 171. The Pross L lub, which has grown ; )'0OIlK·l§Qh pld women over the Stow
lu his new pciiticu, Ml'. Ott Will be mom; has been rushed to cam for the Faux Kerrick. Louisville, 18,6, 140- into an l11lp1·l—sslv<— L)I`§L\lllZ§.1[lOll in Llgelllure written for information concern-
gulsunt In rcsouch in the laboratory large number of Bmdeuw The 0p8n_ Mm. Elizabeth Smith. Lexington. last two yours. ulll hold its me y I HIE the course and the outlook for
ot applied chemistry md Will devote mg augurles indicate that the com 1895, 139. meetings in the Department of Jour-   llw growth ot tho department ig gw
his entire time to !’6•8tl’Ch W0!'k. mom. is to become 8 popular part or D- S. Roberts, west Point, 1893. lllillslll and thv members will ;lz:»*e;l·l¤t:`:ugtng. I I I u
¤tudyln| olpscltlly DGCIQIBUHI. ill Conan um The hall is Inge lad com physician. 13s_ uppoétuuity to prvpulc Ytliilr ugt [tis; in klligaprtzxlat; Lamp sailor zh: work Z 1
which ‘“b]°°'· 1** h" hn l“"° °x` veulontly arranged, enwrnpped with • John W. Woods. Ashlnnd. 1896, at- mr `uml pawn at MU uw u bg °V p mm °° ° M" °r
pwkncg beautiful www com of lead and Ou mmey U5 Itlle ufwrnuou that suits them. The dully papers, whether the news ig
Mn McAd·m. i, · wu of M,-_ md Mn A. E. Wells, who hu for may \v‘   Grady. Louisville, 1905. 8ug1_ll·xl·lluug.— papers mul are sent to them •·wr published or not, the writing of
` M"- H· K· M°Ad.‘m· °t tm. du" H6 years had experience in like manage. nee; my lllm be kw! =¤l1YU¢‘iv¤l|.V long to give l\}‘\\`S for the papers of me gum, {0;-
gndumd from gut, Umv6,,"_y in umm, wm be in charge and about E. C. Wumtx Louisville. 1903, Mmr_l¤m—¤¤l uu U|)|lUI`IUlll()' to read tlwm. llle- llll·.A, the weekly publication,
1918, receiving his Bocholor d6KI’66 mma hundred Students can be md nay 88. [ The llt’Di\!`(|lll*l1( has scvurvd for [ll*~‘ril|ld tlw luylug ul the foundation for
nd made his Muay. “‘"° ms; upon me campus. Dr. Smauel B, MOH"' 1899. phystlexelnullge list Slllllv of the leu.dlng` llw publication of s weekly paper rop-
Juna H, wm devote but og hg. time Mr. Wong has stated that he m_ clan. 82- gpupers or mlm country which will be l'<‘St¢ll[llllVl·‘ of the University, with the
n the ummm, of Technology w mmm to puronim home mma md 8. B. Coleman, Elkton. wml Busy kvpt on um t~xt·lluugs table also und ·-mine mats ut Kentucky tor a tleld at
zogchmg, md the remainder to re- also has employed several student- to nom,. u_ muy bo rend by the students for pust- ··lrt·ulutlou. The outhuslum or than
auch work In the d0p|.rtm6¤t of Mlm, in me work Mm Elizabeth Kms smith wu the time und lll[Ul`ll|¤.llUll ur for study us i|lU‘|'k‘H[t'd ls unlimited md me png;
ch•ml·u.y’ which work will [old to {hg only woman to receive a sumciem wlll be the oust- wlwn the student lsfur the llcvelupuwut of the school
dence of Doctor of gcgsucm PATR°N|zl OUR A¤vlR.n•¢n· (Continued on Pug Tuna.) luutrlculutcd in the dupurtuleut uudlgruu larger daily.
? 1 J ll
lv ` o

 2 T H E I D E A g
` I
Symphonic Orchestra Exclusive Mutual and Universal Program of Moving Pictures G0 Where the G0’s G0.
“°°‘ IHE ORPHEUM IHEA I RE """"'°""°
Me At Admission l0c `
FIRST-CLASS IN EVERY APPOINTMENT J. H. STAMPER, Jr., Owner and Manager. OPEN 10 A. M. to 11 P. M. '
, . I
Uwivimsrry il. M. U. A. STATE DE\ ELOPS TWO ~°*·¤= *¤ ¤T¤¤=~*¤- I·R0i·*. I,. n. RASMUSSEN •=#<>¤¤ ¤~r¤¤•~¤. {
. W • 1 1 \ 1 ~~ ~~ ···- ’ ···;···
· ·~··—·“ , " ” lty. Febfulfy 6. NT4. ""` "` ~ lion With only a common school educ;. 1
.e.si ¤J.w.s1ai. "
To L°c·‘e Room-. Board and Emp|°y. C ‘ IT`/Jn? alph A N an 0; n ________ TIIP IIIBIIY i·f'i€¥ldH of Prof.   B- Rus'i [|0n_" i
M ° a ° m ew cw °r lh- It re-solved hy the- Faculty of the mnssen, who acted as Assistant Phys- The Sm, __..Ym mth", but it when q
Th"   State- |'niv~rslty_ I,4·x|ngtmi_ Ky,, Icnl I)ITf‘(‘iO¥' last year, regret his lP&V·   a ,.()"pg‘. education to know how to   I
  · . _ I _   . _ Ilzt I · ~ ft— lt .I ll h I rf I f lng th University and locating else- ·· .
»,.,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,. ,,,,, ,,.,., .,0.,.. ...— n..· F···· ····-~ ··¤ ¤··· IMI ~~<>··*·¤ ¤··¤ *·· __   ‘tY:‘l"\   d_“"‘t " ““k"“i" °' WMP" [**¤**‘"" "· I ‘
V _ i_ _ ctniiplete ultliout Iiielltlnll being IIIEIGV `m‘ U N R H (nts O Emo P n any ' '   : E
*>¤"l**l¤ of m" h"'"m`ds M hmumt" of HN, “.h·_N,nhmlt_ of Hm of m,,w.0m_ of the recitation rooms, Y. M, (7. A. Prof. Rasmussen In now located atl   · I t
who have bvpn voullng in durtng {hp` lll¢‘Ili lIl|*lIliN‘¥‘S OI. II|(‘ (‘I'IsH (Il. l1lI~I,`r°°mS· Am"0ry· (}ymnaSlum• drawing \\vPIIHv"IP· N· N., Wh0I°B IIB h3B ChI\I'g(‘     I
past week. there has ¤¤l“‘¤>'¤ l><*<*¤¤ 8* ly was INN km,“»,, ,,;,0,,, ,.,,,,,,,,,.,,,.,..l ¥`<>··¤I¤n. lltlllwsys. doorways or labors- of thc Perreution work and playground, is , I
group of pleasant und helpful. tlwuxlr   mont Innn time tumpion rg lIl•~tim·i_ nr: '*"`*•‘* of 'l··‘ l’¤¤lV<*¤‘¤lty: and that it Work with the Community Club. Ile` I (
Orton mea, men representini: the II|0[‘(‘ rnnniinriy know-I. 39 ··t·hp-r_··fl¤*" '**‘ Nw duty of the professors. did ··x<·ellent work here and a most} I
Young nan-S cinnnan Amt-i¤¤i·»·¤,‘ “·m.i.i this ran assume nn tnnns at l"“*‘“‘“""‘ *‘"" '"""“°“"" °"" "“‘ ”"""*`““"" °`“""" "‘ """“°‘°" "" "““l . .
who have been busy in doing fm. hm,] H: Umm .,.'_(_h» as Associate SP(_n_mr}.i< mnmandnm to rigidly enforce this In the new held he has chosen. I _, {_
new and old students surh things as of me gqndpm assm—ImI0¤_ ··t·hqpr··|""*°l“'l°“· ______,_•_,_____ I t
would best promote their ease and ·,,.i ,,i,(,m ap gf me honors 0,,,. maui l"**V MY VIUIHUOH 0I` this resolution The l'nlverslty Library will be open A   l
comfort- mmm expect H Student body to g“_(_|tIi<· offender shall be summoned bef0l'€,durIng the session every day except I
The chairman of the   (‘8lIlDBl$ll ]]h]]_ HQ YYRS \\'()]‘[h It, [()()_ b0l[]g b()[h { 'hp President of   Iyniversltyf the Sunday from 9 5. m. to   p. m,   !   l
rush is Frank H. Kennedy, [,r(,sm€m a poem mmm, and an athlete he n8t_:<‘·nninundant and the Dean of the Col~ from 7 to 9 p_ m_ Sunday hom-B are C!-UBTT PBABO¤Y$®·TRUYNX I
of the Asggcigtion, H9 has had the urglly bpggmp g Ipgdpp HIS gg·ga{pgt1l"g*` to which the student belongs. from 2 [0 5 p_ m_   (
loyal and unremittlng support of s honor, however, in his own words was   WI") Hmm haw p°w" and °uth°my w S*“d°"'** *“`° invited nd °"p°°“*dj DR J D   I
score or me leading students of the ~-nemnnng president of the Young; *"*“"' ““‘”" ”“"*“""‘°“‘ °“ i" “‘°“’ *0 ****9 *h** “b¤¤’Y freely f¤¤‘ ¤‘¢¤dl¤si ° ' ' '
` '
rniversity, on E. number or ¢‘0m1Hi£·@Mt·n's mnnnan A¤¤¤¤nm¤¤.·* ,""‘;"°" ""°f°';’;‘“° "":";“‘“· hm b ““" “°“"’· “""`° “‘° °“ “‘° “"°“‘§ EYE' EARép’e%iEJ£`$ THROAT 1
was who have been meeting all then The delightful news also comes toi ‘ mm] ° B r°°°“ °° B °. °“" h““d"°d °“"`°“t m“g"i“°” wd] Glnaca Ground to Order.
pains for the past week. vompntnglns that w. .1. sanrora, lovingly en1it=dgl"’“"’“ °“ “"` b““€‘-In- “““°““°°d "’,¤¤¤ d¤*lY L¤¤i¤8t¤¤· Louisville wd, Mecisnanu snnaing. ` I
mom and board lists, checking bag-? -I·In;;v·_·· is mp nps; commrmnv bOyS·I"""l"`l and mad by €"€*'Y l¤¤t¥‘¤¤i0¥‘ Franlcfort papers. ,0ffI¢e Phone 932-X nsgiqqncg 739.X I
gage of all description. acting as l“_? “,Ork Secretarv Of the   Of (h,9pn_ Ill. ill? lvniV(’I`Sity In his Cla,BB]‘()[]]   1`hp librarian and her assistants area " ' “"‘ ; 
folvmution Bureau, piloting new Suki wood, Miss. upiggyu was B great ath lll l¢’ll GBYS hereof, ill order KIIBI th? glad [0 gngwgr question and tg help I
dents as wai is new members of nn:i.»..», ....n.r.,s the best all around man ~···<**·¤¤ body my be ¤<·¤¤¤¤ 0* *¤*= me =—¤¤¤·¤¤¤¤ to ¤¤¤ wm they ned, A D A ·
faculty to rooms, and even mslillg ln track work that State ever pro-jrosoluuom FO" their Work- l I
room mates. duced, and a wonderful songster, and , Ex°°rp' {mm th° MI"°‘°° °f “°° F"' The rules We Very simple- It isi i
Especially sought for has been the his voice will be greatly missed this! any' M"°h °’ N"' `lldersmod wit |i·\|d6¤t¤ will 0b¤0!‘V€l     1
director, Ira M. Nlckell, of the Employ`- Q year on the campus of the University.? All forms °f interference with a' Bm` the usual rule of Silence While in mel '   I
ment Bureau, who has given his en·. Late In his college life he united with I ‘]"m'“ personal “b°"Y by °th°¥' St"' library, for their own sake as well as 2       i 4
tire time to the i¤tel‘\’ieWiI1g and DlH.€· thc church and we are glad to know (|(`mS• Such as is °°mm°¤ly classed for 0U1€¤‘B. and IDBY are required t0 ‘
ing or scores or men in positions l0'lliat he is now having a chance to "ndpr Hhazmgw and °°mpu°ny in my register at uw "b”"““" d°“k m °"' 3 ' '     ' ' 3 {
help earn their expenses. The de- use all of his powers in directing the form Of mm°'u°n which has incident de" to become borrowers- B°°ks ` I
. mand for help at the Bureau has been boys of the city of Greenwood to a bet- thprem the °xmbm°n °f ° student as MUST BE vrvverlv charged before be' _ ‘
far beyond that of any previous years ter urn. _¤ ¤·¤¤"¤ =#¤><¤=¤¤¤¤·= *¤ ¤ r*¤*<=¤¤<>¤¤ lim ms taken nom me ubmr. Inc MATIIIEE |()c ` ¤
and the Supply of work as limited ast _____;____¢_•_________ 0I` [ll? U`€1l[ll1€l1t of him, DUDHCIY 0I` Bggkg on the rgggrvg shglvgg for       g ]
same so ins task of placing men wn1%SEN]()R CLASS RINGS ¤"*"¤*°'Y· **“°" “’**** his °°°°°¤*· In ¤v¤<=i¤I ¤l¤¤¤ w¤rk cw only M taken . '
continue for some time. »       SUP}! it WM 89 tv €l1d8¥1S9F|lf60Tl|mb»lout after five o’clock In the evening,     I
The work of the Students in the Asw The ring   appointed to are forbidden In this Institution. Eand must be returned the next, morn- Und., gnuniy N", ggnugmgng   l
- t tl · HENRY S. BARKER, um ‘ I
S°°i°u°° ms been 8 gm mm 0 L¤>¤¤·I¤¤¤<· S¤¤I<>r rings. are ¤¤w i¤ rs-l President or university   ,
gratification to   PTGSIGGIII Barker V ° '    
. 8  
"‘“ °°""“"’ I i B °’ t yu nmnon. whey may be had at nm NOTICE SENIORS, WHERE AM I GOING? Q ,
B S 88 ‘
me men at me r var ous po Business Agent's office upon the pre-E ’ ° I I
been remarked upon as out-reaching Bemamm of Said Sum I _   d To I l
anything known In previous years. Tl _ 1 _` b ` _f U d l _ Seniors eslmng to or sri • I i
____.ggg_   o_,_____.__-o.__i _ ‘** ""‘g S V") "“"“ “ Y ma °‘i1`1I1g`S are requested to see,       I I
          ’ \\'llIl (IIE SIIIIIP SPHI BS b€fOl'€, (1800-]             I I ·
g mcnug ° : rated with the class numerals and alas the last Order is Soon   7 U W V vwm#**-  
,,,·,,u,mu,,,, o, i¤""’*‘" ""‘°*‘· Ibe sent to the Jewelers. Thel M*i;;i;jj;;o;;;i;__*··**; ··—··——t···——_____% I
    R .-\ny members of thc class of fifteen I committee is comgosed   `
  i \I ll()v IIRYB IlUi as y(‘l’ Urderijd rings       We n   ( Z   l
        iIt·I|u(?f¤IHd to NSU \\·   (/r08·n»     T.     G, C,l • • a     ' I
__________.;...... tlelder or (2. I'. Rogers. `Rogers I I
· · h St d ........40)........ I I HEADQUARTERS - .
University Lunc an 1 ·ro THE Fcu.ow wi-•0·u. TAKE mv ence. Q l ‘
com exclusively to swam. I I SPORTING GOODS AND HARDWARE , ‘
and Fl¤¤|¢y of SNR U¤IV¢I'il*Y ! II··r+— is a toast l want to drink to a fellow l’ll never know-- Foot   and Gymnasium Supplies
’I`o the 1`ellow who`s going to take my place when its time for ine to go. ‘
· · I ' ir 1 t1 R · P ti l
COR S LIMESTONE AND COLFAX, |`x·· wondered what kind of a chap ht·‘ll be, and l've wished I could take his I lcyc es an epalrse ennants an Posters, {
' '   _ nasa.   Q Fishing Tackle
, . _ g ‘..rnLl}_ tojwhisper, "l wish you well, old man," in a way that he'd understand, , , , ,
, — • ,• · I ` '
glnkcéd     `I’d like t.o·give him the cheering word that l‘ve longed to hear; I l Spec'.] Pnc¢· on Gylgngluum Equ,¥_mcnt’ Kod
Anthracite     ·Ijd_ like‘tt‘» give him the warm hand clasp when never a friend seems near. I ln app Q" oy"
'P `· ° ,   - 1'—"I 'llve learned my knowledge by sheer hard work and I wish I could pass it on I I I E: I *
` . · °· `· ·* ` · I I4 - .
¢   · Z ` _ ifllozthq fellow who'll come to take my nigga wma day when I am gona r I   6 M8 WEST MAIN ST L INGTON, KY. A
Lexwngion,   -3 '-"Kentueky-”- '· " p _#___,*_____._____._______,____________________ _p..p It
1 ****·—`·*`*’·"*.’_*{·°j’;j ;" ’• ’ Will he see all the sad mistakcs l‘ve made and not all the battles lost? I  ——~———--—— —————-»—————i—
* ; · '   \\’ill he ever guess of the tears they caused or the heartaches which they cost?    
W S URI Ir l\ """Y
' ° $ \\'ilI ho gaze through the failures and fruitless toil to the underlying plan, l W E   l I & M U R  
The Sanitary Grocer I And catch a glimpse of the real intcnt and the heart of the vanquished man?1 1
i I dare to hope he may pause some day as hc tolls as I have wrought, 1 i
Phone   _ IAnd galn some strength for his wrary task from the battles which I have` G
Cor. 8. Limestone and Virginia Ave.l ·
i· fought. , I
` I llut l’ve only the task itself to leave with the cares for him to face, Incorporltda I.
Cleaning Pruning, Altering I And never a cheering work may speak to the fellow wh0'll take my place. Q
I ;
napainmc '
· Then hertfs to your health, old chap; I drink as u. brldegroom to his bride;   R • h N • '
W H   n On I leave un unfinished task for you, but God knows how I tried. e   t    
I ' ’ cve S ‘I‘rt· drtaniod my dreams us ull nun do. but never a one came true, l   I
Ladies, work 8 And my prayer today is that all the dreams may be realized by you. I "i `
Specialty , And we‘ll some day in the great unknown ~out in the realms of space; !   \
'x'ou’ll know my clasp as I take your hand and gaze In your tired face. I COLLEGE   A  
' l
(jlub Rates, 5 Sung   "I`hen all your failures will be success in the light. of the new found dawn-I ,
501 sl Lime Pho". 1972* l Su l‘in drinking your health, old chup, nho’ll take my place when I ain gone.:   North Limestone Lexington, Ky. , o
; ——Author Unknown. . · •
.   t

 ‘ .».-....-...--......1 . K.- . -»—-.~-—........_ 
l 1
5 PIG IKIN ARTIITO here on November 14. This will be 4 rd as secretary of the ¢~x··¢·iiliv~ ·om VA" ];H:'{*Y   Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q
, ·—-———- rho last grldlron baffle on Stoll Held milton. Mcnllwrs of th·- ~»nii·il¢‘·· N, , , ` ,•     •
l i (C°mmu°d {mm PMN One') this year, an the Thanksgiving day prs·s¢·nt wlwn the lmllol:-: ·l~· r/~ ol. .·¤l L` hl   BY O' S`   + + + X •‘••(£(zI;ll • • •• •
mom crutch". Int year {acm,. wm lmttlv with the Tcnnvsseo Volunteers were (1. Il. Mvhol, lll··l.nr·I ¢`. sr »ll, ` `“" " M
’ " _ Av ,·.I I. U ` rdzl, the     Y- ' C- A.  
· not be cut mr mv".] (hy! yet as he .xlll ln- played ln Knoxville. ` · nuizle H. Torrlll and l nsld nt ll. .~. paul Gerhard, Bunn". ’ WAN,rED_Every student in th. Unk
ll working um tt present is not able BCHGGUIGI. ! Harker, ex-ofllcln. m¢·nihv·r. Many M versity to read me guard., Evoli-
{0 gat .'·,_ •·G"m·ny·· Schrmer Sept. 26 \Vllmlm:t.on at Lexlngtonl members of the Alumni Assovialion Img"' mg pmt um Coun", G•¤u·m·¤·
~ A pulled ln from the Ent Tuesday nm] Oct. 3 —-Maryvllle at Lexington. { were present.   _` YW \m_UHV Emwmnuk that has FRANK wr TUTTLE, Aunt, us I-
ll blilk lll HIHIQII. Schrader ll ll Oct I0""0pen' l H-- rr Mnlmu ;~,,__ U U tl ndnr U mrpnuon nf Maxwell SL
···¤¤¤ ··· ·»¤¤¤¤ ¤··¤. ·¤¤·» ¤¤ ¤¤·v °¤*· "~rM*=¤*··*¤¤* *· * M— ·*l FHOUSANU STUUEN YS ° l   .’YQl.L.'.   l,f;   CL.,-l. {—;..l......¤..i.........
L 1 t · , · 1 i uw V ¤ l Y ‘ ` ` '
either tho backneld or at an end, and 9* "$‘°“ ` I   FUIUBUA I `   W ;._,i,_H iw ,_ Mr. I,:(|“.Md Han has      
‘ his superior ln kicking ls not ones OGL ·*·*··*·¤*lh¤m M L*¤'¤8*°¤· ·s--~—- yl ,_ Hp NU, ,_l, ._.;__; i{_u,_,, thm Sum _
Non ·mu¤d mem parts. It is pmb_ ()ct_ 3]_..Unlygmlty Og (jluclnusglr Many More E¤P¢¤¥¤d *° E"t"‘“C|°°S. . — ., ,, · l r vl Arts and        
·. if \l· F_ .*"‘, H lll ,
Iblo tbl!. he will take care of the end at Cincinnati- w°'k 8**9*** W°d"‘°$daY i A __ lm, _,,m__H, 149 wut sho Q at .
\l·.7.—Pd,tLf tt. - ‘ ' ·
l tml 'I`°¤ z•*"?•• lm '•°•¤*~ y` M 2: i“° it °f°y;°'1 vm 'V'°'¤**°¤· { w ·. il »,l— nt ss z»·.·i·»·: in i»· miumi mack surrs Pnzsszn wmu vou wan ·
l '°'°¤' °**••*¥°•¤‘• ‘K*¤¤¤• hm t‘L‘;"·m ·` °"°" ’ ° "' °· -—- I VM, owl ._-{.l.tte.l.. Waals mm. P•¤¤¤• 308
bon 0m' including Turner-’ VB"' 8 N0; zitoufcuneuee at Knoxville The oponlng of the forty-ninth ses-5 i.i l·~n niivl nr thc <¢»ni•· time an ideal  
. Con" Sum], Rcdmuh P°m°' Gum. l U ' I sion of the University is very favor-; diary. T
bm *:d °u;”- I I P ______,,_,______ ,,;,1,, gf g large smgntlnnce Neurlyl In iwrk of tlih kind orhxlnallty ls    
ow atera remlelng. , , l,  ,, -, ,., W, tl I, I. id 1,
’ XLUMNI NOMINATION OIIG l.l'l()\.1S8.Kld had €¤(€l'€d [ll0b(ltl_Y` l li [Ml , NF . Fl A0 1d.H {lf W `
hAm°¤‘ this y°·r· Freshmen Out" DALLOTS OPENED afternoon und many more are •_gxp¤·<_·t—; ·'·*··`·¤| li··"»' i`*‘&ll\1*" Y to [liu Kontutrkyl nn- Is Ts  
* t 8 mon momma! an Rod"' of Lex- cd to arrive before the end of thcl - ··"·l-l··»0l<» 1;] Cheap ide
lngton High; Simpson, from the same ._.. week.   ,, ,J_ or W, n_,\._. ,»‘,u,m.,,S am as h 8 8 Ph mx
pla"; Hickonom Hlydon and Spam. ‘ " President Barker is well pleased} ·l·¤¤:<>rsliip" for this reason werel   0   cr
homo nam thru away' and one from casting ballots in the election the Mechanical Department, The  |`ll<‘·lll>i* for Strollers, advice for mad 311 W. Mqin Sligo},
ODOII ‘I¢O. The unt QBIDB will be About 425 ballots WBTG C0\1Ill.€d, b0· three upper classes are large, yet tho Uhllmnirlg to new Students and Other? The Student,.   I
played September 26, when Wi1minz· tween twenty-tive and thirty ballotsiucw men fom me largest Class in x importance. “
ton will bl UIQ lltrlotlon. MLTYVIIIB nrlvlng by speolsl delivery mall after; that deputmaut _ ________,_,_______ l   ______  
* ‘ . Benkart A Fotach Pro rlotoro
Tao;. ,2;: Ohta; zhrygng 0¤n?c:,0. uw c°mmm’°° had Opened the bauotl The Agricultural College received as   lb.       E ’ P
Q? · 0 IW! B ll ly W 6 box and were not counted as the lawn .
usual, far more than its usual por-· · · S
0P¤¤· but li ll UKGIY tbl! I sood loom required all ballots to be in by noonl _ fi St d ti { _.ti          
wm be ncumd t ml in the v centage 0 ncrease. u en s 0 tl es`   107 south Um•“°n• ·"•"
0 “cmcy' Tuesday' and farms have come to prepare thcm—‘ ,, __ S M B . 1 OPP¤|ll¤ ih! Ph¤•¤lX HON! Block
§ On Octobre 17 the stron: eleven from Miss Emma J. Warner, ot louis-»sBlv€8 for ud to the ugriculmml °°"°t°° t° “°°°°° " """""°°° mg Lexington, Ky.
Mlllllllbvl A- & M- Will moot tho ville, received sixty-three votes and at world On account of the Slam Fuirx Gym work. Fms·r.oLAss womt qungnurggp
W‘ldc·u° This game is probably the one time it Seemed that She would be and since several professors ·1rc thereé "——` Meet Me Ahoy [hg Gggg Q
bGIt home [SIDS of [118 IGBBOII. EBI']- among the flrgt f_wg[vg_ Qthgrg rg. with exhibits from the l'_\p(`ri'u€uL; lh'. \\'. L. Alld0l`s0l], fOl'I1]€l‘ly of ·
hllll COIIIBI OD {IIB DBI!. Sltllfdly. The cglvlng high votes were; H_ C_ An. Station farm there wm bu no Lluxscsi ral: ljllivcrsit)', professor of physical`  
· ’ i"`ti ...· wzietm it,h
GYOYI IN \lWlYI Dllllllll lllfprllél OD derson_ Ann Arbor, Mlch_, 70 votes, in the Agricultural Ijcpmuucut until, · lllon II4 ll ll1V£:I‘S‘ Y 6.8 ]\.lSl._   dl •   d G D
|l.l'0¤l0l' BIGVGDB 88 their game hero Yohn A, Dean, Owensboro, 63; L. B. mmduy xrriicd and is preparing tor his work, ¢ II III m .
` I lggt yggr ghpwgr gud wu] bg dugg;. Allen, Huntington, W_ Van 46; W_ J_ A The Law Department has many uewl .Y\'·lllg to the CODIUSIOD lllcldélll. to U18 Hot   C ly I M
,Qf‘ Olll. The next tWo Saturdays will be Baxter, Mlohlgsn, 30; C. H. Nesbit, Students along with the advaucedi ¢l¤¤¤i¤S days ¤Y thi? U¤lV€¥'¤itY· Prof-}  
 pent swgy from home, the Wlldosts xladisonville 54_ _ Anderson ls unable to state in detaill
’ classes. Several new men in this de _
\ Dloilnl in Cincinnati on the 31st and Should Mr, Lyle, or New York City, partmeut have joined one of mo ww .i.s plans for the coming term.  
Il P\!!'¢l¤0 0ll NOV0¤lb6|‘ 7. These two be named ss one of the slx trustees per classes Judgp I_m_M_tv H well, It is Prof. Anderson’s intention t0(Dr• J   Gordon
F¤|¤•¤ IN NWO to be lutorosting and ln Deoelnher it will, it ls said, develop pleased Wm; the prghpect um €xp€cNi;tz·ra11;,¤: for lectures on physical train- `, '
A bl! following will probably accom- s, nice legal polnt, as some graduates _0 continue me upbuimmg of his del; Arg during the coming year and grea.t· DENTIST
DID! tho team to tho Queen City. of the University are of the opinion Lalrtmom l ` *‘¤liU`S¢ UW 5€0P€ vf the W°l`k in
l ` Play Purdue Thls Your. that no nonresident of Kentucky is The other Colleges have Mw many? h.tt ll4.[)8.l`lll1€D[. Though Pro!. An- MccI°u·¤d Buildinl
~· Tho Pllrduo same will probably be entitled to membership on tho Board new Student nous with me ad\_n¤c8d_ " ****1 will make his h0m€ U1 L€Xl¤8·
the modest nme or tue muon. rue or Trustees. Tm. point wm. new- mms L ¤¤ ll¤i¤ fail his w1f• will r¤¤¤¤1¤ ¤¢ ···—————;—·-
Ho0|l8l‘| \lWl)'l put out a strong team ever, not become o! serious import un- For LMB mst time in Several WMS .1.cir residence ln New Haven Conn.
l·¤d UWB lll the Conference elevens less Mr. Lyle is one ot the aix chosen mss work mgm promptly Wldms rof. Anderson states the gymnasium        
_ a lot. of trouble. After the Purdue in December. day mowing From me work of me M lim Uiiwfsii