xt70cf9j6c73 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70cf9j6c73/data/mets.xml Georgia Georgia Historical Records Survey 1941 Prepared by The Survey of Federal Archives, Division of Community Service Programs, Work Projects Administration; The National Archives, Cooperating Sponsor; Other contributors include: United States Work Projects Administration, Division of Community Service Programs, Georgia Historical Records Survey, Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.); 4 volumes, 28 cm; Mimeographed; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number FW 4.14:F 317/ser.9/10 books English Atlanta, Geogria: Historical Records Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Georiga Works Progress Administration Publications Inventory of Federal Archives in the States: Series IX the Department of Agriculture, Number 10 Georgia, Part 4 text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States: Series IX the Department of Agriculture, Number 10 Georgia, Part 4 1941 1941 2015 true xt70cf9j6c73 section xt70cf9j6c73 I N I/E N TO RY OE I EEDERAE ARCIIIVES N IN TI—IE STATES E SERIES IX I THE DEPARTIVIENT OE AGRICULTURE MO IO I GEORGIA I A _ PART 4 1 Avéi U N `E TI-IE GEORGIA HISTORICAL RECORDS SURVEY E · l IA/OI?.I< PROJECTS ADIVIINISTRATION F ? Q S E ` ( S 5 3 J \ 4 ;· _ = F {P ,3);; ,;?f`2Vg »_g ;,,;g;» a{;;>¤.a>;;@§€ . _ - jj Q ~=,. ,:_.xég ·;‘:¢¤;é · ·’ {.,,¢,¤:;,;§; yy — ·A`’ ` Q g 1* élsf ‘ _ 2 49 ~··x Z §¢§p;$=‘ ¤,*. §;; ,4 W {Li; I1 ~.§(;: ; A, { ’ j,-{ii'] {4 qi'}-: ‘f~· Q { 3 ;q;.q-}’;‘;s;_ _. 4-’ .v-, g 4;2&;gj;¤; -, ·»~_ , y { _- ,. ` · Ei · _ .}.,3-{·;;.·} , ? · · 1* ¤» _i.·__,;` . · · = ein-` 1 :.V 1} _ J .y\·fgf§;r¥-· L §;,·_.ajé xii _ 4 ( ;v‘ »t_—_ $ ‘ Y g { °¤j-;j?g.;._ » 4; Q, a ” F :_; · ~ Q, ;(`4§_§`_£;`.; I k- .. ik ~1,~;1;__ T , : {4 $¤,:i§ g¤ • wh X;} v i Q7., ; » Aw--. » ' · A `»;` 4 j jffvg ,w , JZ he ·. " '· **j:i.i· . A W nv ’· {ASQ =:.;»a [V `»;°, · ,`·»I?°'j·Z§ ‘ ‘·—V ;4 jr { ;;:§g!'. - · wg I‘ ¤_·,y_ ELC . {I Eyl il fs gfx {5 y»2;;i,?·»'€i I lf? jisllktf ; . '[',‘:""*‘hf:y , ` .‘.".' rb!} · ? ` ·?' IIT 3.’;4':}_€;;’ I z' T ·;z_`,< '. ”.» .f¢ ";}vm. I y " if ms; gy. · ;>>»€;fs~·;; ‘ ¤‘gx;..·»<’ ~ ‘=L€•?.§;¤'>e .. ~ _ u yi 1;,;; { ,,5* _·, EU · .,iLEQ.` psi! 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GEORGIA Y IN /1 PARTS PART A A I‘ 1 52 4 — . is · [ B Atlanta, Georgia E The Georgia Historical Records Survey April 1941 T I —»-·--— r Z` % ={ I l V` WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION 'N »V i Howard O. Hunter, Acting Commissioner Q in 4 Robert L. MacDougall, Regional Director § "w -;I. 4 H. E. Harman, Jr., State Administrator Y . A i·‘ 1`.;V¤`v‘=,v-I V. '-,“ it I {g®¥ Division of Community Service Programs A °ZyV Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner f yi. Blanche N. Ralston, Chief Regional Supervisor t uf[ Jane Van De Vrede, State Director [ 4,z· g V · . TNQ ,‘rV y _yy. M `TVQS , {QS Research and Records Programs I g ast u Lffisaif · i !y§; Harvey E. Becknell, Director Iifi Milton W. Blanton Rerional Su ervisor é" .vg)¢.#:'_. ’ b I. ft »,1‘ R. V. Connerat, State Supervisor E ‘?¤;QZ` i ¤ ·1,·y_~:’ .$ ¥· A A KN J I .tL$’.*Q my in · °@g The Historical Records Survey , *@§, Philip I. Hamer, Assistant Director 5 Q- · . · §y in Charge of the Inventory of Federal Archives _· gy Frederick S. Hulse, State Supervisor N ` D i* A is g g »... ia mi QJ; $$i;;l _}jL,Mt¢ _·,._ _»,_,— , `,__ g_,;“N&&g;@nn;IAamw¤amm¢-~»~»M¤¤w~-~—~~ _.;. r*.i ···~·· V Q J rsmmcs Q The Inventory of Federal Archives in the States »is one of the pro- 3Q ducts of the work of the Survey of Federal Archives, which operated as a Qj nation~wide project of the Works Progress Administration from January 1, K 1956 to June BO, 1937, and has been continued since that date as a unit F; of the Historical Records Survey, also operating as a nation-wide pro- & ject of the Works Progress Administration, and a group of state or local gj projects of that Administration and of the Work Projects Administration. g The plan for the organization of the Inventory is as follows; Series ll I consists of reports on the administration of the Survey, acknowledge- V ments, and general discussions of the location, condition, and content ii of Federal archives in the states. Succeeding series contain the de- Q tailed information secured by workers of the Survey, in inventory form, li a separate series number being assigned to each of the executive depart- gy ments (except the Department of State) and other major units of the Fed- ii eral Government. Within each series No. 1 is a general introduction to ig the field organization and records of the governmental agency concerned; fi the succeeding numbers contain the inventory proper, separate nmnbers ti being assigned to each state Mialphabetical order. Thus, in each series, A the inventory for Alabama is No. 2, that for Arizona No. 5, that for Ar- TT kansas No. 4, etc. (Y For each local office information regarding each series, or unit of d related records, is presented in the following order; Title, inclusive Q dates (“to date“ indicating an open file at the time the information was (H secured), general description of informational content, description of Q3 the system of filing or indexing (if any), a statement of frequency and Q, purpose of use, form of the record itself (bound volumes,shcets in fold- yi ers, etc.), linear footage, description of the containers, physical Et condition of the records (not stated if satisfactory), location by room QH number or other identifying information, and finally, the number of the Q; Form 58SA on which this information was originally recorded by a Survey {h' worker and from which it was abstracted for the Inventory. This form is Qi on file in The National Archives. When it contains substantial informa- f. tion on addenda sheets which has not been included in the mimeographed ly abstract, indication of this is given by use of the reference “See ad- Ai denda.“ ii In Georgia the work of the Survey was under the direction of Profes- gl sor Merritt B. Pound from its inception until June 50, 1957. Since that ti time the Historical Records Survey in Georgia,now sponsored by the State {2 Planning Board, has continued work on the Inventory of Federal Archives. li This Inventory of the Records of the Department of Agriculture (Soil Q Conservation Service, Weather Bureau) in Georgia was prepared in the if Atlanta office of the Survey and was edited before final typing by Lewis ij J. Darter, Jr. of the Washington office. It is reproduced in mimeo- { graphed form through the facilities of the Historical Records Survey. 1} J Atlanta, Georgia Frederick S. Hulse, State Supervisor gf April BO, 194l Historical Records Survey in Georgia ‘ i 1 ’ ¤ . , v...-j,--V L * A > _ ` _ _ ’ i ‘ > · 1% C E . . ‘ * i ll , ' h ‘. A >· ` _` Q" ·| 9 *—!·Q*Q§L [ ,. . — "=Q JF I·.`;"[·v‘_.j;I VY J G 5 ¤·.l,‘=`·.· 1*· E' Zi YV ·, AQ; - .¢·,—¢Z*·J*°‘E‘* ., -1*; ·;_‘._: V ; ‘ J yl} Né W vi CI l_:§ `[¥v¤·`· ._. `* V ifi v.·‘ ,;· w az. • ‘ i.`.·— Q4 "‘€ ,- ‘ §E.·§§‘e.‘!¤.°·£ »*i; ‘=;,.‘s·, HT"; ·.·»"* ~ ` ig i:_;:;»!._v 5: ¥:.~°> * .£' A 7.- ` .,‘¤ v :,.·g a MH. Ev q { O . ;» ~ ,·,v F 3 · fe <» ."..<»$`i*` ’= · ‘ it .F'· A ; · ` 1. Q·{·‘ K f` ` L ’Y.=} * .· VL ..4»Z?rsZ¤— ¢ —·.`gé:$}¤€' M “ ·$~·‘F·.-;¢;r=·. = ~<=.!i=!»1’~ , ` F·!.‘··~"'f. ‘; C #‘ *4* {pg; li '.;.,(i{ {fi! " "?j*?»`¤’;tj* i ¢_~&;gg_l; T E [¤K£P¤‘·;;Q ` &w·,¤·#;»z 2 *`,$Q_,;.—}$ § ·. >»w@%q· K iffrqfx ; Jun 2 ` W N?} » ~¤-.»· 4 ; ¢_,».» -·.·» ’·@vY:‘¤,g$* 2 ` E " ·· I" .‘z*` I V ‘;.§1A¤= . ~ ;m:·* ·· { ;'1Y"`:` i. =Q>e·>a. #· ‘ ?'$s?}$;` { $)§!·:: * *92 ·· ;'%}Y¢‘ · ‘ 1 `¤“`.r¢, . 5 .:,>?`{' ·;§?e ` ' 9*}:% sivi » ;§.;%‘· .·$Y(13 ‘ mi of ~ . q N; by ; ` Y2 ‘ — 6:1 ii » ? { ; n l ` *~·`r~ 6 Q . ¤’· ~ Jl "A. 2***, i,"r’. {G1} Qiirl * ifi; ` '§ . ‘,— ,~ ‘:`·;·*A'··,_ ’»· - . ; . "$` " {32; ?i° ‘ ` ‘· ·:-·-·*" .~’»¤ V: 2: 4-· .· `~·:·_, — · . — - 5 .. ., .» .. ,, . k"·¤•’. m~ aw.¤¤¤.·¤·¢•-a¤»-»;r. ·.·~*·J*‘ Jwxn ·..As>4-..=’¢¢·»>....;a:¢·Ei.;. J:;‘¤ix..;;£·‘¤$;¤.R¢J»ai»%a&¤ A, z.sAbL\ld»zJnA=1vAa1•£uau.;Lax=4.>n.a»¤...»».¤.·..»¤.»...=.......*.... -... - , , l .9 iv l 5I. CONTENTS za} PART 4 pm; vt, _ _ _ SOIL CONSERVATIOI1 SERVICE it Americas, Muclcalee Soil Conservation Project. »... . . . ......... l J Athens, State Office .e.... . ,.T., ...e., 4._.... . .. ,e,.,.. ee.... . eV..V .. .,V,. ,..,... ]_ " Gainesville, Little River Soil Conservation Project. ..T. . .T.. . .,.,. .. ..14 CI; LaGrange, Canncnville Soil Conservation Project ...... . ..... .,.... é Rome, _Agate Soil (jOnS9rve_·L;j_On PrOj5q;t.... ..... .. ..... .. . .,.. . ...... * 3 if. ; é l i 1lu"11\CCIB3R BUREAU V Atlanta, Cormuercial Airway Service Station .............. .. ...... .... .... 55 U 2; Atlanta, Climatological Section Headquarters........... .. ...... . ..... . .. . .57 [ Augusta, Weather Station ....... ........ .. . ..... ......... . ......... . ._.. . .,,. _. ,64 i, l? Macon, Commercial Airway Service Station- ............ . ....... ...68 v" Macon, Weather Station ............................................................... . ................................................................................... .69 IQ _ Savannah, Weather Station. .... .... . ..... .. ........ .. ....... ....... . ..... ...... . .__.,. _..., 75 ‘g Thomasville, Weather Station ....... . ....... .......... . ........ . ......, . ....,... . ..... . .. .... .. ..74 *2% *¢ Tifton, Weather Station. ..... .... ........ . .... . ...... . ..,.. _..._..... . ._.,..... . ............... . ....... . .......... ...... ..76 Q? rl :*5 . in : 3 E 2 yl 1 ; . * V · · - ~ ·———-—» . _ , . .-. .... ..- I , = , I I ‘ H ` [ ! _A: M I » ` ` 1 .’ [ xw ,_ E J H: Q, ·€ I . vv E— .» .g » A L `»._ 4 J . xiv ,5*; . V j: Y ` ` .4 . · L , ·`. ~ Z.`,` • ` . `iu · Y ¤ ‘·;,_`¤v;fU_ 3; · ‘2 :."v" ··" {1:;,.; Y MJ'-; ‘ ` T:]j..;;,· A; ‘,‘A ·¤. i· ¥ F'."ju gf; ZA Z; i (Y' ·-·'- QV ` c Q 3F` F I *._ ¥ ,j ; 1-L ·£· —»v<¥*· 2 * ~· hf.’*£¤* x Ts; i**2?¤; 5 ~v .171} { Zp ,*‘·T;,'“. Y · =j$f:QI{ _. ‘ 2jA; ·‘‘_ PQ': {.1 M·e<¤;x»1. ; = ;.‘?*.Qvil; { ¥ V ¤> Ms. L°V‘; =¤·L¤.,~ ¤.·¢.»..~:·.. .-»·-·. . -.·—·»·· ¤&· ..,»...;—;-;.·¤...*;.;4·:·;.» .4..;. .2;~»i·nl.:h·'»4»\•i43.\w=¤J`j2Ss@Wib&i•hv.•x.¤·2» zu—¤a».».A4¤.».w.4.¤»»»....»..¤..k.~»~.¤.»... .... -.4...-. ....-,7- V V, ._ 5 `I ii [ c V .9% ri ·‘:” ii CO'\19E|`W\T*O N l J ( I s I f` . 1 . E2 dn ' ‘ % j ·‘. ,; g i . M' ‘_,_ \ ' \ ,/ \ // \\ ( L I // ` f j§ _ M., ( ij #4; Ai ( {{1% _(_ · · QV) ' .· »· P , IKE'; ·` . , .‘Z*(:$:7‘-'- ~, . : [ _,; _ ,. ‘ if _ ; “ · ` £"i ” . . ~¤=~:‘iTfi' yi A».'·-;·;k;- ;_-· ~E·: . v__·‘» ‘ ~- * 3 ;° E _, — J1 r.7`.;» · ‘. 1 . "`=`. " . _. · I ’ I '» ` ·. =x *-7. ‘ I rs; 4é.. e`] E ` {‘Y:.* i . `‘,· I ffxjf U V .`_>¤*zs.-T ` 2 iv m—»1i..;~ T wi ·_nL·._§' 5 ¤‘.§ ",=.‘1 V !.’T»;__.* ' ; `* . { · .··· », ¢ $$1 ,' ‘·` } fj P `.»· `_‘; ' `3§':‘ gn} ,,’_ xg ~ Jil ; f ·5,,‘{i,‘· Q5. * ‘J‘4 %Vi`?_*.?P’ r.··$‘$ 5 f_.»2 ‘_*_· ·3` ',‘· wg,-·.€_ r'- A . , :'-·', 1 " nab ‘.‘Y‘.= '··· !.._L»ef.;;¢ ix · ]f¤·;}` ¥'·w 1 - 3, ,3.*-*2 J ai 3,**..¥€2;2 ` 4, —E./»_:" < » =»4r~¤= ;.’¤gz#i;w i ¤»§~z¥@·é}‘ ?‘-f-.K$’é* V J; .·.¤»._;x· ; .24: _ \¤`.".L , ' §§;»··g¢.·.·: ,. ` .1 *' wr ». . *~a;¥r’2»a a V `P >· ·f» ` WL ¢ WR $2 ?i Egizgjylq .; ‘;a\x;’Y ·‘&’¤.&s ‘ ·..~»¢u lj! ·ug;k’&3 ¤¤:;· w ; `$ti ~ g. A 1 . . . . . I I .]1¥JT.£S£.€’E}. " $1 7673. ENGINEERS' CORRESPONDENCE, May 1, 1954 to date. Correspon- ‘ . J) dence regarding approved farms, terrace lines, engineer*s reports, and pg cost of CCC work in project area. Filed numerically by project number. AA (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 6 in., in filing cabinet. R. 206 *1 (sim. A). (111) O i1 7674. HARDISTY, PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE, Aug. 1, 1955 to date. Cor- 3} respondence and Federal specifications. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 fold- '; ers, 1 ft., in steel filing cabinet. R. 206 (Bldg. A). (151) A 7675. ASSIGNMENT SLIPS, May l, 1954 to date. USES Form 525 showing A name, address, case number, wage rate, name and location of project, yy ,.., wl g ; r { 4 Soil Conservation Service, Athens § `— ~,‘ time to report for work, and signatures of assignment official and pro- , `°· ject supervisor. Filed alphabetically by name of employee. (Weekly,of— E l ¤ ,M ficial.) 5 x 5 loose papers, 6 in., in cardboard case. R. 206 (Bldg. ( E i jj A). (116) ip I ·?wq() 7675. DAILY TIQE, May 1, 1954 to date. Cards showing date, name of { I A QVQZ person employed, case number, time worked, amount of pay, and by whom f yyjfq employed. (Daily, official.) 4 x 6 cards, 6 in., in cardboard card Q ; case. R. 206 (Bldg. A). (120) . J,gaT 7677. EARNINGS RECORDS, May 1, 1954 to date. SCS Form 106 showing *_ I¥¥ig name, address, title, rate of pay, pay periods, total time, total amount ~ - *'y$ earned, deductions, and net amount paid for each period; reverse shows 1 ,dYY» same. This card covers the entire year. Filed as to months worked. v_ Yj* y,~,( j (Monthly, official.) 4 x 6 cards, 6 in., in open cardboard card case. it {ftp R. 206 (Bldg. A). (115) , {Egg 7678. FIELD TREATMENT MAPS, May 1, 1954 to date. Maps showing far- 3- hffff mer's and owner's names, and number of acres in each farm; also outline iT f%(§ showing crop to be planted on each acre, and cost of labor and supplies E .j{E§ used. Filed alphabetically by name of farmer. (Daily, official.) 9 x f ?f§[, 12 folders, 2 ft., in steel filing cabinet. R. 206 (Bldg. A). (121) g "·fi; » I; TY.; ai §}“Q .,`’ 7679. IDENTIFICATION AND CASE NUMBERS, May 1, 1954 to date. Locally E vggg prepared identification cards,showing name, occupation, and rate of pay. g fgtal Filed alphabetically by name of employer. (Weekly, official.) 4 x 6 Q RFK) cards, 6 in., in cardboard card case. R. 206 (Bldg. A). (118) f ;§QMQ 7680. CASE NUMBERS, INACTIVE, May 1, 1954 to date. Cards showing i p§§? case number, name, address, title, and rate of pay. Filed alphabetical- Y `§@%j ly. (Monthly, official.) 4 x 5 cards, 1 ft., in open cardboard card it ;§§%y case. R. 206 (Bldg. A). (104) § @%§j 7681. INACTIVE ROLL, May 1, 1954 to date. Copies of each assign- §· .Q@{ ment and reassignment notice received by employee during service on Gov- §Q '§§$· ernment projects, and dismissal signed by project official. Filed alph— f §QéQ abetically by name of employer. (Semimonthly, official.). 5 x 5 papers, { §%% 1 ft., in open cardboard card case. R. 206 (Bldg. A). (105) §y @§§_ 7682. RECEIPTS FOR PAY ROLLS,. TIME SHEETS SENT TO CHIEF CLERK'S OF- l ?§@ FICE, May 1,1954 to date. Acknowledgements of receipt of salary checks, EQQ showing pay periods, date and time received, and signature of chief %§§ clerk. Filed chronologically. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 1 §§g ft., in steel filing cabinet. R. 206 (Bldg. A). (99) I '§§ 7685. TERRACING OPERATIONS, May 1, 1954 to date. Duplicates of _ ;%§ original copies of terracing operations sent to Washington; also tractor ( {QQ numbers, gasoline tickets, and applications of skilled operators. Fil- {A i§ ed alphabetically. (Weekly, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 1 ft., in steel p gg I cabinet. R. 20o (Bldg. A). (117) _. fit 7684. PUBLICATIONS, May 2, 1954 to date. Manuals, publications, and ly unpublished matter, regarding instructions for drainage and irrigation. Q 1 Filed chronologically. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 5 ft. 9 in., §§ in metal cabinet. R. 206 (Bldg. A). (152) laiiklgfi.`fyalrf§Ii§ET.;;.Ql,2,..-£}:#"..a.. ,..-..4 ,...- L. ..n..,....~..»l..a·»··...L---»· ~»-— I —-·- ~ ~ ·- · {Q Soil Conservation Service, Athens 5 ` li 7685. ECW CAMPS,Nov. 1954 to date. Correspondence to and from GhiSf ` li engineers and camps regarding inquiries made by camps and instructions ' QQ given chief engineers; also maps of camps. Filed numerically by camp kd nu ber. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 1 ft., in metal cabinet. . if y='· R. 206 (Bldg. A). (158) ‘ $3 E tg 7686. AUTOMOTIVE EQUIPMENT, COST AND RECORDS, May 1, 1954 to date. tf SCS Form 516, Monthly Equipment Report, showing date, locations, signa- Qi ture and title of person approving, make and type, identification number _ pl of equipment, hours, fuel, cost of repairs and maintenance, and other j as costs; SCS Form 517, Monthly Transportation Report, showing date, loca- ’ ,j tion, approval, signature and title, identification number of equipment, l yy miles driven, fuel, detailed costs, and total. (Weekly, official.) 9 A gi x 12 folders, 5 in., in steel filing cabinet. R. 206 (Bldg. A). (119) Q; 7687. MISCELLANEOUS REPJRTS, June ll, 1955 to date. Reports on ter- bi racing, injuries while laboring, lu ber, rainfall, testing, and requisi- ` dl tions. Filed alphabetically. (Semiweekly, official.) 9 x 12 folders, f w A ia., in steel riiiag Cabinet. R. 20s (mag. A). (109) I n i Z lj; 7688. GULLY CONTROL WORK,May 1, 1954 to date. Requests from owners, qlg showing location of farm and acreage needing repair; also foreman's re- ’ `ji port on gully control work, and a chart showing location of work and l if number and location of dams built. Filed alphabetically by name of own- , `il er. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 7 ft., in 2 steel filing cabin- ’ ets. R. zoe (Bldg. A). (115) ifi 7689. TRANSIENT CAMP SHEETS, May 1, 1954 to date. Foreman*s daily ;#§ report, gully and terracing report, and information concerning CCC work. E1? (Rarely, official.) 8 x 10 folders, 1 ft., in steel filing cabinet. R. lii 206 (Bldg. A). (114) Eg 7690. ATHENS PROJECT,ALL SUB—PROJECTS ILCLUDED, May 2, 1954 to date. j§ ll Correspondence, reports, and memoranda between local offices, relative *.; ._-`A’ to activity in Project 19, or Athens Area, which is divided into three Q]? sections; also information and reports concerning sub-projects at Rome, Q3 LaGrange, Americus, Gainesville, and Monticello, and extension work by pj engineers. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 2 ft., in.metal cabinet. 17 R. 206 (mag. A). (140) ,4* lg Fprestry Division 4 E1 7691. CORRESPONDENCE, Jan. 6, 1955 to date. Correspondence between 2i camps, technician, and assistant technician, with reference to planting §§ trees, cutting underbrush, and various kinds of labor. Filed numerical- ii ly by camp nu ber. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 6 in., in metal cabinet. R. 206 (Bldg. A). (107) H1 5A 7692. PHOTOGRAPHS, Sept. 1954. Photographs of pine forests, showing FQ dense and thin growth, and erosion. (Monthly, public.) 8 x 10 loose pg photos, l in., in metal cabinet. R. 206 (Bldg. A). (110) -{ 7695. PLANTING GRAPH, Nov. 1, 1955 — Mar. 1, 1956. Record of num- Q ber of trees planted and man days of labor for WPA workers in camps of Ig I U 4-·Y lll 6 Soil Conservation Service, Athens Q 1 I · p ` this agency. (Daily, official.) 17 x 22 loose papers, 1 in., in map V I AM, filing case. R. 206 (Bldg. A). (105) 7694. CATALOG AND TRACTOR FILES, July ll, 1955 to date. Tractor Gl p_ — schedules for Sandy Creek Soil Conservation Project, showing scheduled { · », moves of tractors operating in this area. (Semimonthly, official.) 9 § A ;, X 12 folders, 1 in., in steel filim ease. R. 206 (Bldg. A). (101) °? __,, A` 7 7695. PAHPHLETS,June ll, 1955 to date. Pamphlets on machinery need- (Q ‘ V`, ed for construction work in soil conservation. (Semiweekly, official.) Q -1QJj 9 x 12 folders, l ft., in steel filing cabinet. R. 206 (Bldg. A). lg ¥ (102) p · 7696. MEMORANDA, Jan. 1, 1956 to date. Plans, allocations, and data lf IL ( on general operation of forestry, showing divisions and subdivisions, gp ,7lg reports of and by personnel,‘ travel vouchers and data, plantings, camp, gy and WPA ]_B,bQI‘ used. (W96lCl.y, OI`fl.Ol&l•) 9 X 12 l`O].d.GI`S,]. f`b•_, in ${.7991 ,'p,» yp= filing cabinet. R. 206 (Bldg. A). (100) fj ,3; .11-‘ ;~ I fl; ·))‘ .,.,_ I 7697, womq REPORTS, Dec, 28, 1955 to date. weekly and monthly re- To i{l* ports showing a tabulation of labor in planting trees and building dams. R` ‘A;[ Filed chronologically. (Weekly, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 6 in., in R ji { steel filing case. R. 206 (Bldg. A). (112) R gyé 7698. CORRESPONDENCE, Jan. 1, 1955 to date. General correspondence, 1 {gg memoranda, data,and reports to and from district forester. Filed alpha- Q. ;QQ1 betically by divisions. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 1 ft., in $— <§y.· steel filing cabinet. R. 206 (Bldg. A). (108) t 1YkJ I I- ilji Fiscal_A£EgEntipg Office g, Qtig 7699. DEAD FILE, Oct. l, 1954 to date. Correspondence. Filed ohro— Q (gg, nologically and alphabetically. (Semimonthly, official.) 9 x l2 fol- {1 `gig ders, 6 in., in steel filing cabinet. R. 509 (Bldg. B). (12) Q_ QQNV 7700. CORRESPONDENCE WITH SPARTANBURG, SOUTH CAROLINA OFFICE, Jan. QI ,§§. 1, 1956 to date. Filed alphabetically by name of addressee. (Daily, é @$7 official.) 9%·x 12 folders, 4 in., in steel filing cabinet. R. 509 A, (Bldg. B). (15) I tg; 7701. TRUE CARDS, AGRICULTURE, Oct. 1, 1954 - Mar. 15, 1956. SCS Q g¥» Form 108, date, identification number, name, time worked and credited, 7 it and by whom employed. Filed chronologically. (Daily, official.) 5 x ·I ly 8 cards, l ft., in metal card cabinet. R. 509 (Bldg. B). (56) gg 7702. CONTRACTS WASHINGTON AWARDED, Sept. 5, 1954 to date. Ab- I Ig' stracts of proposals and relative letters. Filed numerically. Index. I ;Q1 (Never.) 9%·x 12 folders, 6 in., in steel filing case. R. 509 (Bldg. E ~ B)- (15) ~ ,* 7705. PURCRASER ORDERS PENDING RECEIPT OF INVOICES, Oct. 1, 1954 to , F date. Filed alphabetically by name of vendor. (Monthly, official.) ·' ( 9 x 12 loose papers, 5 in., in wooden filing cabinet. R. 509 (Bldg. B). (57) I vii Soil Conservation Service, Athens 7 LP it 7704. TIME CARDS FOR PER ANNUM EMPLOYEES, Oct. 1, 1954 to date. SCS Qi Form 107, name, address, title, grade, salary, total time, total amount pg earned, deductions, and net amount paid; reverse side shows efficiency >F pl rating, post of and entrance on duty, and date of oath. Filed alpha- *9 gl} betically. (Semimonthly, official.) 5 x 8 cards, B in., in steel card § Q; cabinet. R. 509 (Bldg. B). (60) ifi 77