xt70k649q72g_493 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70k649q72g/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70k649q72g/data/2009ms132_0088.dao.xml McClellan, George Brinton, 1826-1885 1.66 Cubic feet 3 boxes, 1 flat box, 1 map folder The Wade Hall Collection of American Letters: Civil War soldier letters (1798-1986, bulk 1854-1915; 1.66 cubic feet) comprise correspondence, newspapers and newspaper clippings, photographs, journals, military records, affidavits and pension claims, poems and songs, other manuscripts, and realia of Civil War soldiers and their friends and families. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Wade Hall Collection of American Letters: Civil War soldier letters Affidavits Civil War in the North Correspondence. Envelopes (Stationery) Legal documents. Mayors--Kentucky--Louisville Military correspondence. Military history. Military life. Newspapers. Petitions. Prisoners of war--United States Reconstruction (U.S. history, 1865-1877) Reports. Slaveholders. Slavery--United States. Soldiers--Correspondence. Soldiers--United States. Songs--United States. Transcripts United States--Armed Forces--Military life United States--History--19th Century. United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865--Photographs United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865. Veterans--United States. War and society Washington (D.C.) New York Tribune text New York Tribune 2014 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70k649q72g/data/2009ms132_0088/2009ms132_0088_161/2009ms132_0088_161_1/2009ms132_0088_161_1_2/161_1_02a/161_1_02a.pdf 1862 October 18 1862 1862 October 18 section false xt70k649q72g_493 xt70k649q72g _ · _.,  
“ ‘ '  
I '-`»" ` L t ., .   ,V·§~t··*-·.» t.  * »‘*"" "~=" ‘   *"’ VQ ` H I { Q I .' " Y . I   ‘ . · —  
V ` *4 Q   ,- ·_   v`,· _ ‘ .___ __.-,,_.-V-- ~·»—· 4 , ) [  ·V;?e;—z==V. 
  u  A     ·V _ ·.e  ·— li ’ ·. = ‘ ·: · ' _ /,· L   . ·‘, . , ¤ . _"’f' ‘    
.  · _ I ri E JV _ »` I- . {A - . · , _ _r!‘ ·   _ .   ¤ ` I ( ~ » /
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      ` ‘ ‘ '   · ’ " " ‘’‘ » " · " g. .  
.· ‘~ I ;,.. = 9 .·   If
’ A •.' \T‘ .l    — ‘ A  him.‘H• mush'. M ——~—  
• ._~~ _·\—\ ~   , r· ,  :» —, , , _ . —  
me     - .‘·   xlli i   Z ., - `Q ' -1 Q ` ‘ . · , inmewn all mght sndl this morning at 9o'eloe ,    ir  
· ' ’ *"  ."\`¥??i" ` '*’l ' ~ k‘ me dwueu b ti ' than ` ·  
*’==_-—==—‘ ———4———— ‘   ya »·*2Y?' I i:i;i..i #:2.. enumnxrggk :1; Atlulyngl the Pc: ‘    
N E W S S U   M A R Y . · d . i   GQQQEA _ _   r I Y wmae, and reeross the `river nt Edward'; Ferry. ,  jjj- N
·—··•—     l';/if Y »· _ From other sourced we learn that the Rebel clothed    
, VVA].¥. NEVVS , KV Epyiv f · t _!  7 Q his men in United Blues uniform; which he lonnd as ·  
iw- \·_,· _    `·j]¤* r_ nGove1-nmnt storeho nt Chambersburg. As lo` *_.;; 2iJ(
i D°’°"-°'° °t vhlhlm 2"" "I ; _c3 i "` the Qeetion in whlchnshe went nik;-leaving that    
—hoo¤noiss•nees south of the Potomac nl] the Phu m°°“““°w¤."d,m” ”m·”P"“.‘"°_  
Q': ‘° '·*‘° “"Pl’“*‘“‘E°°" '“"€ “ °°‘“‘“ ‘*‘“ “'°”   i¤s {ith tw <·f rm •¤¤¤·v··¤¤;¤t. tht l¤• ¤¤•s¤-• i  
V “° """°" “‘ ""°° ‘“"‘° '°*"°“°"‘ °m'°¥°"€"" V°'·· XXII N°· 1 101 NEW—YORK  ATURDAY OCTQBER. 18 1862. TWO DOLLARS A YEAR. —. .1mg, others sending him » 1·—..e..·nr, ..4 on   lrll .  
he Gap. At Rsppahnnneek they nre just Emshing "' ·' ' ? 7 ’ . du mnhwum n il umudbypm-_ ,;:7 3;
_ the milfnd bridge. The entire eenmry is s picture whim. th., G,,,,_ 8,,,,,., hn iwdd H  
°' d"° “·i°°· their eoutenu. Th;Rjchmo••d Wu, acknowledge; Wednesday morning, Sth inst., end leftinthe even- A GBIAI IATILB IN KIRTUCKL ud D•nville—huvisr than Wed¤e•dsy's hm!  ‘ I _. ‘n1y for me p|1rp`|•qfg¢)¤§u]]j¤‘ `  
·-0¤• of our correspondents writing from GCI- n Adu; y, cmlngh, which ig ghgygcngrlggg n bloody ing for Wnshingnon. -—-•·—— W•l!¤fd (Union) took {W W¤K¤¤I Md 1,000 P\’i¤?¤· _ Q ; 4 nesdny. It is even said thst the "  
|¢¤l‘•l;¤¤¤•r··3rt·=y•t 0¤t· I0. ¤¤y•= mem. naman Union Rrannm, mnmancn- . --11.. rn.-°1u¤mrer•n1.¤1•yne¤mp1•tea. About nu,. ¤,;,;. argue; by 4;... anu-.; •r•· The B•h¤l• an retwitins t·¤ Cmp Dwi   V_ *  easnemcmcimle nm. na-  
’ { iWl¤ <>l¤"¤*¤b *>¢¢¤l'¤d Y¤¤*°¤l¤! l**°l'••¤ • tls Thunder, Richmond, sttsmptedw esospe n (ew 250,000 ngmqg gre reeerded. There nrenosmqre umn.; gn";]. j|‘|.;,.5|·|.e gene;. Robinson. Doubtful rumors say thu Bragg sud N"]    ‘  rnylng will pmbubly remit, nn ,  
~ IUWY G! Ntovn vi vnr WNOPU md I   0f QN nights ninee, and though they snoeeeded in getting then 200,000 nt the onteide between the ngesof 18 Ira] and Bun. ch“u“"' V"' hudh w°d“°'d*Y" mm" WB IN *    °•* "h° 'hwld ¤°"• l' ‘h’  
' qempiosvnlry ntAld¤e.- They ¤o¢·e••dod in killing ent ef the primn, were rempznred, The erew er me 45, ann". 7:.,000 muim, 25,000 nre mimln, ;,.,,,mu_,_ mn., 0.;, ie, nu.; y, ln. 1·¤¤¤•v¤·¤ 0¤*¤l••ri’· lm- election onli th · ee Democrnts .  
••• sum, Lieut. Mem of B¤·l1'• ¤¤valry,e¤d retired up mhmnu Fgnuy mmm, cnpweq by gn. mm;. q,.,,,,,,, md 0,,,,,,. ,,,,,,,,,, b, ,,°,,,,,,¤,,,,_ md mrow E"), wand., ami", qu., nneu m.n.k•a Capt Watson. of Qompnny G, Nth indian-. T N j. · _ _ ~’  
:th¤ut lose from the enemy, who nppenred to be in gg (jean C,-uk . mw], qq. including (),,p;_ W 'mlmo wm ,,1.,,,, .1,,,,,,,;,0,, {mm diubmda, Bm":. hm., “ch·p)j, cmg, hm, gmmdhu wounded nornewhnt seriously, hu Arrived here. He V • I-W  CCOUNT OF nm rum ,y _   ;
oh superior forco. The worse than Kentucky neu· J, Smith, ,,.,,],,4 Richmond . yu, day, .g,,“_ .0 ,1,,,,, when th. H-,. ln monughly ,,,,..,1, th", yiaguhy M p·",Ym•_ A Ibm bm un", gsm N,. lelt Perryville on Bnnrdny, nnd wu mrtnken by s. V cum'-. Blvd-,.   ·   t 7
—'*F7'd Ul-“°¤ P°°Pi° '° (ined b°l‘“b°“*· ll" b°°¤ A resolution hl! plssed the Rebel Senate, declaring will be eunnldernbly leuthnn 100,000 suhjeetto draft. sued, Ihendse Rebels broke, sud N¤1¤l|»•d lipid'] m°'“8"t 'h° lm P°“'Y“"° tw °°” lu"' "  st trustworthy sources 1 learn thi _ , i` {Q   i.
· ¤¤¤··*l=¤¤ v¤>¤·¤d ¤l>·¤"·¤i<>¤· the authority mreiiea by Provost umm. over rl. mm.; numb,. ef wt,. ,..,0.4.4 in nm; em tn.-.. amyinpeeei, rentnwnra, eu forces in TM ¤¤•·••¤z¤r reports th- R¤lt·l f¤r¤¤ y¤¤¤t75.000· ,,,, ,,,,,,,, .,,,,1,, wmmnd of gm., ..,,..;,.4 cnn,. _'_   · I-
"'!t>-dhythere wunwn inspection of the troupe nl citizen; illngnl me wid, Tn. Rebel may in vh. impqo, md ,;,,,,,,,,;,,4, ,n ,8,, mm gi ,,,,1 do,. PNN; ffhey heard heavy nod oountnnt hung for mw! bm,,,,,g ,,b,,,,,6,,·d,,ck 0,, p,.,d,y .,v,,,,,,'_ 41,,, ‘ *  
Butsuvillo, where Gen. Stahl offered sn nltructnvs Kink is ,·,p"“m,,j n ,,,3,,-gnu "",,|,_ Th. y,]. 1,, ln onmlymant of 250’000_ thudon, un dodge,. _ I.mym-n.x.n, Ky., {rldsy. 0;;. 10. IB?. milss after they left. Rumors prevail that n severe Emma the Pommm below Humckulom, 40 mi],. l  
ld willy cilhctiw tli¤pl¤y· Thv Bd B¤K¤d• WM low fever continues ve nge violently in Wilmington, ym bgyg gmgn chnm. of eww, Am"! **°““l'·'°' **1) °"·V“‘1° °“ °d““ 7 •¤B¤K°¤¤¤¤'· b•¥"¢•¤ ih Wh°l° °*` °¤°h •’¤¥ "“ gf, Prmadbg by me wny of Mnrnerebug ml  $5;%
~|i· \'¤Vl°W¤d nd i¤¤P€°i·¢d bl ‘G¤¤· Si8°l l¤ P9" N. C. " Eleven hundred Union troops have lnnded st __D,.-ning in Bum', wmmenud on me 15,], u` ‘h° ‘°lb'i¤‘: _ _ P"°€"°fl”U Y”°°“i'Y °“ th. H-n°d°bm8 B'°ed* Cnmpbellnwwn to Chambersburg. ` ·  
` h. Buch evidences ol internet in the walfnm ef Jacksonville, F]; Th, g,,9,,g,.,,. indonu . mm, Imdu the mpawmon M Judga Ruud, commu G6¤· Jukan, killed: Gel- T•¤’m. hindi G0¤· wherein Buell drove the Rebel; townrd Camp Dick Abommo amend no hw,]. the nddn nmdm ,  
_ Us troops ns are msoitested by the General cannot mmjcatjou In-King upon .|“,.°,m,,», on um b°,q,,., do ud b sh rm ch * d D N' B sh n_ W¤b¤\•|’. WN: £¤\l¤8 B¤8··G¤¤~ L!V·l¤» w¤¤{¤d•d Robinson. Pnrnled prisoners say the Rebels sre ing I mi,. ,,,m,d._ A ,,0,1,,,,, uhh, htm, d,,““__  rz; 
{ Hilo he productiveof the hestresultsiu this or uy gu vg", °{ p,,,,;d,,m Lincoln-, proclamation of , :1;; ukuu   . bundfrmsiu ‘ and ' I lim ||1di·\l|¤¤Y!U7¤6fI U¤¤t¤¤¤¤t·C¤l·•‘•W¤¤?-» lulhidi mnking for the enmp nt Perryville. The Rebels on pu, going mud Gnenullhl ,,*,,,8 Wn _ ·    
Quay corps. Alterwnrd, the :1d Brigade, formerly Em,u,,,;,,m;,,,, wremov, thi, ,;,,,,,,,0,;,,;,,,,,,0, ° ’ ° ms ° In nwmg M¤j¤¤’ C¤¤pkll ¤f t·h• will K¤¤¤*¤¤k¥ C¤“]'!· were soorippled on Wednesday that they could not u, H, · m_m,,{,. L},. 0,,,,, nm., ‘· hmm,  
, ,. _ · _ _ _ names tomshox. About $00 were drafted, when k·,, d, C I nh · , °,,,,d,,d · · d °m °“’ · mg  
••m¤¤¤¤tl¤d by Geri- Btshl. ww by wl- <··l¤¤. *0- behmdthe‘Rebelnrm1o•. The E mm also nut. · · . ‘ ° · °·P°P'° F"'”°'°U"°‘“ W"' ‘ °¤*’*7“'•Y •°'°¤ P*•°•• °' •¤·*"°'Y °l*°Y h' °“P· 1, nun; nt. —    
, . "9 P hl10COII¤l$10Ild]0I!B¢d to 9 onloek on the 16th Th · { d, d th f G sy, H. · N"' Y K ·    
., . Io object of attention, and your eorrespon lent de- lp,. mmmenug th, Northam pm., 0,, th, p,.,,,,],,_ Tm M. {Bono to N ml d , bum 2 000 GN 1I¤0 ¤¢£\’¤I¢Tl0I 0 0 68 0 ¤¤· ¤ tured. We enptnred 106,000 rounds of their nmmu- A pawn directly mm vviunmlw,1 wd., -” __¤ L  
in- to my mt ¤¤thi¤z · ¤¤lt¤t·1¤i¤di•v¥¤ hn mation wa me cen. u¤c1.urn·.¤ra.rwn»e Arm q" ° " ° "° ' ° dm- G•¤·B*¤·•••° *• *°l‘°"°**'“€""Y "°'“"’°"· ¤i¤i<>¤· T¤·r ¤¤ri·d ¤¤•i* dud. wd *·l¤•¤ **°¤¤d·¤ ~ · · men neenrred  
'l Y . y . um w•lo•t n0 men m the sction sr . 4. gg.}?
4 ner been eaeuni thin eonuny. of ,,,, pm¤m_ -1* ;• •%'¢• Phbibl! ,  Q  
I§,I,Z'fZ.Z§ “}.§“JQblE§‘E§‘Z'ff`,,Z;,,Z’§”K,Z",,’§.,7,§Y§,'f,Z.§‘ 0 ·*·¤***·= **1- ¤=··• ¤* N···-Ml-- ¤> t-k- Plm ·>¤ ¤·¤¤i·»¤···r t¤~····-tr ·····i··¤ -·r·»·»¤ ¤·¤¤¤y. mi ...i....t,R. milenuy ’ we U¤i•¤‘!¤·¤ss|=r• ·-tm ¤··¤»·-·»· ·¤¤;$¤,_;:_y *‘·*· ··*·’•~·* ·¤ ·’··* ****··*·*°· 7    
t t ' · - . ”" · '  
. nrnmwt., No freight mn., ....§ n, gm-4Ou.v;1|,, :1;3;’;“w“c°I:¤‘;::°gB'°;u:b_f“:{ f;,“0:, {Zigi —Fr¤·¤ the l¤¤¤¤¤s¤ of Gov- Holbrook ¤f V•r¤•¤t 9¤*;·:¤• ·{¤¤·• ::*2: fm  :*3***-ggé ""'"“,f§,,::f[;'K';fl‘;,:f§_;f§,:fQ§_ ,,,.,_ 1;..,;.,,, N,. nigh. ...4 in u. naming, my helped    
_ hl ,;,,,4,, ,.,.,,, ,0 S,,,,,,,,,,,,, whew, uppm, no mum, W ml Sum The num number émm mw we lvurn lhttl thtlt br¤v¤httl• Slew hu- rolled UI lll “"'l° Y NEN “"' ° " ya > be T]., [_,u;_,.,,u, pmucmg gum. mn; (yep;. q,,mu1v.,.gebn.n•_ ennee, wd elething, wbieh they    
*•' *° wl¤°l*°•'¤’ W W¤¤°¤·¤‘¤i¤¤- of ,0,,,,,, ,,0 ,,,,,,,,;,,,1, Band bu, ,, wm ,,0, ,,,.0,,; 12*000 "‘°" ng 'h:n'“'· mu-Y ltooo '“°'° d“'“ h" °;"°]ri’:l°°dE°“ f§,;’°R:;°, ;”`::!:'°°¤0x::;°£u Bowler'; Qunrtermuven-’¤ train was nctneked on the enia they much needed. out of warehouse stores, I    
"* ’ . ’ ’ P"°P°"‘i°" ¤¤ •¤‘ *·<1¤i•m°¤·· °°”°° ° 7- ° ° °’ " ‘ mo.-nan ¤;u.’ any 1. r n bl n · · · · c ummm nowiu ·    
I , J5 _ _ ( e t mn. yspartyo e esw om giving msoms mstanoes. 0 pt! ,_. 7,6,.%,
..G Dy unit? if 'gfgnru , L b 1 Qigiohjjitdnndgwwhgy zizivizaa :5: time _A "’“"“'°"“‘7 $'”"°“‘“° "°"‘ Cl“"'°“’°“ "°‘ mmd`Gm, "E,_,_·, ,,,.F,(·m_ Dyspncn M**l·B”*“°’** Wd in °*'°°l‘»'*°*"I"’*°"f°*‘· ""°“ mm-, G  
°°‘ am unl m H ° °' "l’°"' ° °1‘\° lm ° · ports that the Rebels have completed two formidable ‘ ' ' Gen. Kirb Smith'. whole foree n eared on the Thin mornin nt 8 o'cloek, the set ire tn dl lhl ; Y;  
Q; k . is to be made sud the surgeons who nre xo rnuuinmx ..vl•Bn.n¤·rown.} Y PP B. Y _%
··;|,,:';:g,¤' dm, ,0,,,,, cf M, ,,,0,, an 2 No mn ,,,,, examine ,,,,p|,,,,;,," {0,. c,,.,_,,jc,,,“ og acm}, 'imi md will PNUUNY h¤V• URN i·¤ ¤¤¤ l¤ ¤ few ***5*1; 0*** *0- ***2- opposite aide of the river, and necessitated n sur- building; of the CHI.Db0l'|SlAd Vulloy Railroad Com- _ { _'    
eonqoerenyl new rem or 1l.l·00 on • new chunun by · » · · days. T" “•·*·‘G•"- K'- H*'·‘·‘“· G""'“"""C'“¢ render of 17 National Government w ns and 10 or an which were untorly consumed, with f0¤! Q  
¤_ T}, (, d b g °8° P Y. . in
,¤d rs position naturally very strong sad wimh its evnry u°¤' ° °mm“m°n°” mmm u° ' ° °°uty X have dud gdviyad ou Of the IIl0V6l¤b¤hI of » · · ‘ Q T':  
it - .. . Y Y 15 sutlen w ns. neeqnu-clues eng1ncs—all the other •¤gln•I G!   ,._  
bunqe inurlnuto thu enemy. Judge; of the raven] mug", [hem ny., Our eorrenpondent st Fortress Monroe says. th d d { m Loummo More •8° _ _ _ ,    
* ‘ The uompts. zzntm ny. the nn umm. victory three or em m.p¤.,..., wm. ou., i...,,.....;v. It in •~¢rt·i¤ tl¤··t time wd ¤·> ¤¤¤c¤· le- ¤¤y for ° """.'“‘.".’“’ °°'““‘““ '° du, . ,, ,,, __ '¤`¤¤ R•l·¤l· ·l·¤ <=·v¢¤*·$* 55** ··f SM- Sm'- ms- <>¤¤·t>·¤v *··*·¤s *·~¤¤ ¤·¤,¤¥* '·>* ·${·*t’· K V P    
' ‘ · `· . · °f M°"*m"·° N°· 2- BM “ * °°¤f°“°'l f*¤l“'€• l' °*' °' kl 'mumuhnc hn °°°°"°d Y 'R ° °n glers who they sent of with the trmn. Two warehouses containing military ITATIK BO- » ‘z;_  
¢C0rmth has quieted ull apprchesmons of nn nt- dimes rendered the selection of some ether person · , , . · · * _ _ ' . {J    
* . . . . . ·°*'°¤¤‘ ‘"°k¤ •l¤° *1** *>°°¤ llmtl M nw d°¢**· "'*°*• my t• uvolry- Bmw l-hw it WM •¤PP°••·* °**° °¤•¤¥ .4 u tu N u 1 mm l a ere- Maj 1 to me suite me ln-ed there on the eounon y•    
nrkw Memplttu. und believes it will relieve all necessary. In Now-Yetknud Brooklyn, owen nm lh, ,,,,,,;.,,,,,,., hue ,,,8, .,,;,,,y ,,,d,,,,,,,.,,,,, ,,0 8,, would in bam'., Bimmowm My troop. reached ¤1 V8 f ¤ <>¤¤ 0 ¤‘¤¤¤p ¤r¤ W · E · vugwg . _d P V M od-    
. , ••0•mTemie¤see, sud allow the Union ui-my to unnocinted with the County Judges. Hehe enroll- her mwhinery in worktng order- A few deyn ago Q ,,10,,, . , d . . 0 who ,,,,,,,,, .,, H"“df°’°· L"“°* C'“°" °f ‘l‘° 7_7‘h P“”{“'Y|"""“· °m’“ f°"“’Y' Reb?] "' ·°°'°”_° °°:]€“"'  
.Vt··—•••¤rni·»a¤¤tppa und cw. me wtwx.r..—nmy ti, mental any imo., a. not Already m...,,¤..,u th., ¤¤¤·vr¤¤s· ¤=·k··e¤·l ··¤¤ ¤<>w¤¤<>v·rt<> M··¤¤¤e-t·=r °"“‘P°'“‘°“ ° “" ·· .""‘““ “ Y €··v¢·B¤w*¢-» Q·¤¤t»·¤¤·¤·t·*· L¤·¤¤· BM! 0* tl=· TM l·¤#¤¤¤s 0* ¤¤··~ l»···*·l¤¤¤¤· *···¢h •=·>¤*•'¤·*    
g,-,,,,,0,, ,,,,,,, Mw, L,. no d,,,,,,,,,,, 0, Gm, C,m,,,,,,,,,,°,,°,. 0,- um ,0,,,,,,, ,, dkwud ,0 as 1,, R, *0 P¤‘•V¤¤¤ **0* ¤¤l¤¤{•'· '·h• **0*- $h• *¤¤• ¤¢¤'»h¤* ¤’¤¤‘·8¤¤d °Y °¤'¤l¤‘! Wd ¤'“u°"5'· 30th Indinna,snd Lisnt. Goldsmith ofthe 39th Ohio. eheue; will neeeuut for the supposition which arose     ..1
~ P ' . ' . ’ . . ll¤¤¤ 1**** ¤¤'•W •*>·>¤·l The mnln body retired towsrtwprinzlieltl, vhit¤•¤‘ TI; Lo.; 7}; JW, 1 ¤ . hu th mi ·bnd been heard nenrcbuutbersb .    
Stanley and Hamilton have returned to com leuon ut once and eneh Commiwonerin em- ° “"' M ' Y " " Gmywn w°“ “‘ nh mt · t ==7 ze:
·· -' I · P i · $**07**** Dai"` N c°|'l'|°Tl'7U"'-‘"0¤ |¤°°¤'" the llrsuit WM continued. The °¤¤WY ¤°l'P'» und" mk u b th ele entlie 30rh of e lember. The cuniiu rntion bein com loied the thru  
, where they nre to he roorgomzad. Gen. powered no add ommed names if any nre known, to . . V • . . P . - ° Y ° mb S P E U P ' r>·  
i lrlbut wss removing from Bolivar to Jackson. the enrollment of nil Dmtriel. In New·York and ofdehmpuol Occumnd by me uiompuw °f`l`"g° G"' Gub°rt‘ mud mum dum! mud   sprmgh N°“h"m° i' °°'"P'°l°ly °°"°°ud°d by R'°b°]°’ b°di" °, °°`"h, r°'um'°d’ md mk m°m·d scum il  
'·-,_ hundred primusn mv. bun um to Houy Bmomyuv the Judgn Advouw _G0m"u, in imnsm, p1’0P<:;¤¤¤:fW¤b°:P\N¤?i¤:::" ¤$ gm! S¤P¥·¤¤¤i>•1‘. U Held to Perryville, nndurrivod ¤¤ th• 7l·h l¤¤V· W*¥h· who ure eemmiuing all seven ef deprndatilins. The wwud Gett]£E'nrg, lppumutly o¤ their WI] \¤ , ~ 2,.  
- . » · · ` l " M l two milesof the town Whore tho ¤¤•¤1Y W¤¤ Nntiennln there nre on hall miie Provisions are nnrik the Potemae about Frederick. The lastbetd J5? 
NIO! Olcllllugc. with tue general supervision uf the drgft, in mane;. 3;: . mu as I; ol c luaslourccuazn On; P ’ · _ '·“• ° , _ _   ii
. * .  . . h ,1 C . . d t inst. Hanlon County is slort, ¤w— l- wud ggbgin {eng, Thelen column, under Gen- gg fabulous pneq, Q {mm them wu s!.Ge·ty•hurg, miles from chil- ‘      
Depuenienu erivuneurl. $1:,,,:; Tg;  ,,,;°’,,,;l;';: v¤¤ ¤¤¤¤ty 350. Littghlwld €¤¤¤¤y 109. N§w·I·¤¤- Mccmr, oune npn the Nulmlln md shout 10 The Rebels eeptnred 40 National ranging wagons hmm;. ntsewlcen this eve ‘ - , yu, -   ’_··  
—Ad·¤loes received er. Headquarters from Gen. 0,,,,,,0,. of N,. smc an required ,0 mah ou, d°¤ C°¤¤l>'. Qi, I"¤¤'¤°ld C°¤¤¢¥ Wh M¤d*H“°¥ deloek yunerdsy, thelhhiust. nine miles south erlinehvilleluet week. They exchnnged their own snd military _ ' ‘ _:  
Inholsld suave that hu advance, under Gen. Brown, unhabmcal um, (bv www or ward') of ,,,0,,, C<>¤¤¤Y U2. w*¤*1h¤l¤ C¤¤¤¥Y 9/i¤ll¤¤¤ C°¤¤'·! 30- 1; we; ordered inw position to sttack, nhd nitrous Cel. Bennett, n noted guemlln enief, wu routed buutermnntl for h•tter ones. wh er they could ‘ , ’ V 2    
hddriven the Rebels ont of Perryville, and mlm, who ,,,,,,6 °,,,,.,,,d 'in thm, Mlpwme dhmcu j•*— pewuneinennne direeted. _ · on the lst inst. hal! way between Gsllslin and found.   . ’  
eleyhsd tm hastily month. b¤»u¤»n¤.A.m.... _,,,,, ,,,_, ,,0,,,,,, •, _,,,,,, .1,,,,,, ,,,,, __ ,0 GENERAL_N¥"WS· A. 4 .,·.i.,d. 1 M.sv..1 . request mn Gen. wanton., ad in use ee hnve been newly Gen. Wool a. now bm. _¤¤tktr¤·>p¤ nre mn; 5*  ·  
‘ V [Bo suysttlure are no Rebel forces now in that per- be ,,,,,,,,,,,°d ,0 me (:0,,,,,,,,;,0,,,,,, of cm, ,,0,,,,,, “w' ll"' d"'·” {NU c“M°“"{‘*" ‘h° mb hm Mccwk fg} nqiyeieeinnnte, me lemid that the wounded. ordered to this polnt, with the uthn   · ~ {  
losoflliseouri. Gen. Halleek hu telegrnphed to md ifappmwd mw be Nmind n me hu,. 0;. Tho '*·°**¤°¤’ C°¤"·*'°'·i°¤ hd '°*l°d {°' P""“** lmhm ba, je".), uses,.} for men] Louie, ——•—— will return here-which is very ndlnel ¢ ` ,_ ` · >‘  
V   gum. ,,,,,, I,. i, ,0 ,,o,,‘,d.,.C,,,,,,.,d° T“,_,,,,,y the uppmprmigu oc the www or dismck new with 65 punengern and $990,000 in treasure for md um un dah, ma lm of um ,,0,,,, nn ,,,1,* Drug: 'lrrlnr •• Buck 0¤•—-UI 0¤¤ G¤¤• Th, 1.,,, 5;;;,. (gqmbunnnd v Ge- ,» _,.    
Q, Ph b;.,p°pa_m,,,,,‘_ _ _ _ , · New-York, and $28,000 for England. sd d nun, pod- . Meuommentl wm Beeevered Uninjured — Bunored Cup- pm}, ,.,,0, much .,,,,.,0; H0 G°"n,m_ `  
__ _ _ _ lnta are ossenunl, and it u indispensable w n TM 8,,,,6 noun", hu P-M an Uni",} sum t¤¤ •¤ Y an n- Kirby smut,. C.-n-,,d_c,,,_ , . _ , ·,.-,  
· *"P““*ld"P"·"b*° T'“C*’*’-`l’•’l'*‘l(·`°”***¤¢’¢‘i¢>! coirect epportioameut thet they ebnnld be A . T L of th d. ' immediately nent iorwnrd from the center. ui rv i T tp tb property lost is worth _ .¤ver|2,000· Itwlstht ,  
A; >*•¤‘C°'l¤*h·***Y¤ *h¤lGW¤·G¤¤l· ¤‘¢¤¤ll¤d R<>l¤<=¤‘t¤¤¤ made out and forwarded ee me Adjutant, ,mi"3Lim”h.r:::!:' § fm:. ° OLBWDLO? Orders w•z•s|so sattotho right ¤0l¤¢¤¤. ¤¤¤rlI Gvuomy disp•rsod,demcruliz•d and in- ye; Bangin wdjmmm wmmilwu gg, n,,m,. og ,],8,,. _ _ _ {Abu,. Na g. if fgyygy@ gna ng"} the Lo ‘ W an dl, can nn ettys urg y ,‘ MV] Nl 0 NV-  j·-` {ij,  
• Y ;$·b|00‘f¤¥l•h€|' ¤\lB¢l1l¤f· HO llld lllkbdéll fol- enlisted men, willeae the neeeeeily of immedigggly Eltltgfuwd : {;1¢T:‘M:•T“L,'m:; · uc q1mmy'|l•B,;¤I»l$ Wl Plilibll [Ni} to Wh in Tk¢Jour1ud hu ¤¤:r:x:u;l..(lis;|t:th Tr0m1*`l'I·I.lk!¤1‘¢, uulhr, h` · .7 Wd fm'? Hlgenww. wlpwm _ · e"    
E t'"°f,'{,°}’,§;°f; ,,';‘:',,‘_:°',,f°“°°“,;.Qf"i°"’ °°"";i“¥ M"? '°· ,:’“‘" °‘*"’""‘”° °"’°'°"· “‘°° ¤°¤***¤' gum fornonen b.:0.•»•un.g witht me United sm.- P°·i**°¤*¤ “¤°'·°l’*°°° '“¥ ‘*'°""'° '°““"· · ¤¥*¤¤ ml Kkby S=·i”¤ md ‘**·°°¤¤¤··•*****' '*°°¤ :2* Th ‘ ·~’°E`?*‘ M h°P°° `°i°.°i`°'?bZa».--· . .V   V    , rv?   
‘+ ~ em. · . ' ‘ ‘ . ..   ~.. . ..  v.  » _ . ‘ . V- V 2 ·· ·  
  y n;. b2;  voluuwuiq Iuhaumpfdnd Vg, mfha qum   -x_,,°¤_ ,, bc,. ·~ "     h ` `el   ‘  K    Thi? _,·1  " _.   V1   V 7   E M I      
>_ ' tron} ggsgo they enlist. Anzhorlnntieu payee wreeririe for uiuc , d h ,· ~ I in · qyqryyhug ppqlned, ` q, without some no- nnmment. -' ' ' -· , · i_>··~·— · 7-* ·V o i; . . , "·~s  —.3· H" »·., ‘  
‘ , ¤ were enptnred. Our victory was inconwstlbly moxzths cnn be hed on the indonemensof eheloool Govcmmein m { Q Pub io I- tppemhy hu mgggnr gdvnnu ent _Q The same rss sthat Basil Duke brotbohin- Ipmmll ‘ ' * F aw Qi ‘ ·' V  
,.. fthe .n......»,.»r u. W no .¤»¤¤.s·.m of ·... Th he ts. i. d '“"°" " " "’°“"“ "’° "°*""""’° "‘""""""°" ’ .... '° nun u rl u. I ii i.. Pi? y me it nu c' un a om wh"' "*"""°°,,,,,""',,,, ’°°°"’°‘"“°'° °' "’°"“’  
0 l - cumml c. 0 or snumers elomp l In { h n - · d I th T Thyngy gqrpgqg pnjin p an n ug Q awa 0 Ofglh GD 0 ‘ • `   · · ~ '  
Qesrsny for Rosecrnnnu boundless- Altogether w• embodies varioan more herring upon the draft., 0 wc mmwlm *7, OTN?. Q mmnrw ng by mq mqyqd goin. neowk at ei; ewleek this Rebels enmeinw Leiingwn thin momixig; thu our mg of smut.- `~ mo Penmylwml n wu `  
, _ hand over {ortho bene t th•Gov•rnment, wha- 8 _ generally snt1cip&th•t the ld endeavor tn  
blu 9`000 Prism;} _m2;dmg Tzisylgog login"` —When u thief turns State'; evidence gen. ever prolit the Bute nnlined. morniq. Some skirmishing ooonrrod with the forms eapmred |1ll0.000 worth ofjennn (rom Smith'; mah, their nh {Na an samay of wm. °’  5 I
rag; ":;";:;“;;·`350 kigzg Ad 1 203 ‘::m:',;:’ emily gel stihe truth. Let us call sncgna to The stringeueyinthelioney mnrkes wnsinereeslng, ann].! h"'“"'K°“'d••'1;° ‘*l: Md! hm fw"'   An dm Maj? °°:3rm::*;:_'d dn, the fords near the month of the Monncacy, and Gen. `  
_. y · , I - i.. . . . . y- , q;,,c· nod. _ uem ansi-ewmuu ing no e re ons — ui,-I, ,;.»=~···r
· Mm rw: l;,ml:·§»t·, wil   -t-·y;; 5;;;,;,:::2*;;·;§¤,$;*;;,·*;,,‘,i*,;·;,,;;§;;;,·;;,,;··;;;j §;·;_;_ ;t;;,·;·:,;·;;:;’,;·;,°,;i ;·;$_$;;5;;;m;,§; ‘;‘.i':. .1 ....3; ..,,2.. ..r..`I.'f i.... ,... M it om ¤»···_»y. , _" 3§§i:1‘;?;,:"€.“;... il.£I.Z‘.:.:Z¥,°.":°2;Z.";*;‘;*L'  
_’n  mzukbc ,:,,1: (|;;°¤Or;5:?3:0®ud are no more nor less than robbers and murderers. me pl-inqipnl nyu; of the present, money prmnye, PY¤b¤blY PN"! h¤|V!» i¤¤l¤¤ll¤s V&l“’*bl° °m°""· Pk ‘V"”"h" B"”°l"¥ up th° gumun b°y°¤d tion. On Saturday sflesuoun we had intelligenee el ' .    
zvvmm   nnsemm ·c0h émgh ld Gilbert we can ,,0,,,, B_ ,,,,,,,,1 who il comm,] ,, ,,,,,,,-_ bu, dsclmed ,,,,%,,,,,1,,, good, u wen u ,,,1,, 4,.,, Gene;-.1; Jnekmnpd Temll, I regret to say. ue R**l°1l; l**t'• b°°¤ h°*'““~‘8 Ml '·b° °°*'·°“ ih'! °°“1d their having renebed Eznmetuhurg tv Cbunbei-n-  
‘ . ` ° and quota from nletter written by himnotho Bute gn hg"` ny,. °{ Qvhjh $3900 pu. {00; mo'; I IJDOIIK tho killed. D- C·_BlJ!|-L, °°"“° N"' _ _ burg by way of Fniriielnl rand when the lgked `   '; »
_ -° h°p'°"°g‘ _ nuthontieg or vu-glnln, with Nrcrcuuweuwudg. adaclinc ,,,.700 in ,,,6 {am 0,-’,,m_°",ng ,;,v,dBm£_ M K Ou ::13;*;*1 <»;¤:;:;l‘=:: A Rebel ollioer. writing   Lexingunnsnyehthe ,-0, ,2,,,,, ,,0,,,,,; nd it ,. “,,Q_ ,,,,, ,,0, satan, ·   `
_ · I -1Zebsl reports of the battles at Corinth make the ,,0,, of me wuwm Pm., ul um, Shu, ll I have Exchange on N°w_Y°._x 1,,6,7, dhwur stuung \i"'“f-'· !·t ° °° Rebel Gan. Claiborne wu killed near Perryville, c,_,,di,ed' Ibm a fora mu Em t-mp, than ,0 Gwvt I ·   ei  
· lee better for the Union aide than do some of our , _ · Our ina in killed and wounded on Wednes· ,,,d;h, R,b.](;c,,_ wood w0m,ded_ no ],m,,V·, . . .   ;_
been aware ay ubuees and outrages qfa mul mon Excblnn th. nm, u lu; mlmcr, Logs] Tnnder . Dllig, Whldl ll about WD l¤¤i¤| i¤|'th0Y ¤¤l'l·h· 7., 
•»w¤—•¤•¤ye¤0•ir¤di¤p»wh,q¤¤ti¤s 7'h¢Gr=Md¤ ,,,.,.,.,,,,,; ,h,,c;.;,....;,.,,.,d., w,,,,,,m,d y, ,1, . dv *¤• 1·5°°· T*• *°" °* ‘**° °“°’-"Y " °°"· •><>m¤¤¤¤0 wu ¤·=·¤¤f¤··~·i =¤ Bw- P¤·¤~w¤- He Th., ,. gm wm, .,|,,c., ,,;.. km,. dg hm ~ i  e 
• . ¤ t Y °" News l0@15 per cont discount. The receipts of · I J I, { · Qh ~ · - p‘ Y r"' · · _   
4,,..1.; gutburxl . · · . - . srdemd ¤¤¤•=h l•¤’z¤· C0 ~ ¤<‘¤ ¤ 0 ¥¤¤ l wnwn that the Rebels had 15,000in the Perryville ·.  ,  
Y whol believe nre organized as purctun rangers, 8,, F d . { U, N, . , V . F-'¤0V¤d \fl·¤¤' INVUE C’¤\¤¤b*=|'¤b¤!‘! ¤l*¤‘l! INV! »·,c·   ,·
.. · . '·¥•·•'"• *'· ¤ '*¤ *°°· °' °m¤• *°¤ ' Pnl Kentucky Cavalry, was shghyy wounded insular- 5 |,;_ · .  
—An expedition sent from Memphis on Sunday under authority ofthe Confederate omeer·¤—bn•, no an n follow., _h W dn M , M __ hw ucebm b I ¥ _ _ _ thatv,heyd1dnotvultGetlysburg.  
hstbWol£ River, destroyed A Rebel camp, killed surnpulcun have l been in nbstaining from what ,,,,0,,, 8,,,,,,, c,,,"_,,,_ ,,,,,,•. ____________ . mim ;:;m;?n“; 0: (,:5 ::;Tb:;·`g· Ke lotbgbhl Nuhvm? p°P$" °f ‘;_h° mm ’“? th U“‘T""'·° During Snmrduy stteruoon and evening lnrge  
‘ Lwnnded 14, and captured 50men. might be the little and the ignorunt. beconstrned {rom www ¤¤¤ W¤•h1¤1t·¤¤ ·-····-····· |.&<;Q.m R , 1 38,2 ,3,0,, d y' ded on W d e °°“°"”“`“““8 * “'g'_ °’°° “° l`°" D°"° “°"· ““d bodies of Union troops. ccnnistiugofosvnlry, infn,. v_  
into unwnri-nutuble intertereuee, that I have tore- y-{Z: ,,,,';#,Yf[j§§jjj§jjffQ'_‘_'_'_jj[§jjffjjjj °‘¤..0jm °g"°°°° °"' 1 ln ”°°° , ° n °` "‘°‘“‘ *°°l"“"h"$ P°"·‘°” °f T°“’f°*“° °f‘l‘° Bf’b°l°· try, and artillery, were ordered te the vieiuisyei · _  
— -Dr-partners! of the 0h|•. N burn ,0 ,,,6,,,, my ,,,,,,2,, ,0 P,.,,",,, wb., ,,_ wu we lggm (:.;,1.,,..;. .-.4... ...,...,,,.,,.,...,. in   $02 _$9¤¤P;¤g LB;•l**· I"QY¤*¤’;» :;*;*2: kim': lilny Rebel familiee at Clnrksville are preparing to F,.e,,,,,.,ck ,0 ,,,0,,,,, the ,,,,,,,°,,,,,, .,0,.,. hen, h b°_  
, `A L°m"'“° d"'p'¥wh °t nm   ""F '°"_’ A duty of every Confcderete oliiver, sn the named hu- ·.r¤e;1 .......,... . ...................... s:4,s0o,aoo "°:l"` zi, dt,)   nflsmndcn Rowman,. '°"°’ Tb° '°“'w“°' P°h°Y wml "h° R°b°l° u '° ing anticipated to be the purpose of the Rebehne  
' Tn hu b°°°_ r°°°"°d b"°’ which " °°nEld°r°d manify, to put a stop la. The chief causes ofthe -1*),, meeting. gf gh. Gang;-gl Cqqyemign °{ gh. In www , sxup 'B V ' . ° b° ‘b“d‘{“°d‘ _ _ destroy these, ns well nn the rdlroud bridge nt. Mono.  
srnsewonhy, saying tlmt Gen. Duinont sttawked the d,,,aH·,c,,0n among me pwpk of I ,,,,8,, wm of this Pmtuum Epimop-, CMN,] hu. moaned him". and Col. Pope s wonndsnre very slight. Th, mm, body of my um, gh,. ,v,_,m¤g 3. ,,,8,- cu, Smjom   _  
s•·r{¤¤¤· ¤¤¤·>··Y·>*¤¤ M<>rs=·}·- mr Fr··¤kf¤¤· QM m......¤i.,, im. hrisen r.0¤.u.».i,,u.i......i.¤....·. ,,,,;.,,.,,8 U,. ,,.,., ,..l, .,4 8,... ,,.,,.,.,,,.. .,, 1·¤¤¤=v¤¤¤=.K··»_0¤t· {Qt lm- <>¤·¤ 0~l=·¤*· Th- ¤*•l>•*· ·*• l¤_ fell ¤=¢¤·-¤ l¤ one troupe W. nn sent ent on nnmimn  
homing, Innd drove, them ID every direction, with of robbery and raping wmmhwd by mm, of the clerics, and hy vmwn M'. Ngnlnly numhd in sqqndn gf Dgmqnh men under (,ul. Miller, ¤np— two columns toward the Cumberland River. leading from the P,,,,m,.,,,,,,,,· nn'. and hop,. *•n  
.*··*·=·r l¤=*l· U¤¤¤¤ *0-*- G==··P¤·¤¤¤¤ 9¤r·¢¤t¤¤ · mini. mi me 1 know u.mm.¤.a..i¤., u ., in t¤~¤ tw pi¤¤·• ¤¤ ¤¤¤¤ry wd 150 1=~¤¤l· ··· TM ·¤·¤····=*J¤¤¤ T· ¤¤¤¤·>···¤1¤·'=·· »°°r·¤>l•¤ nominee un.u..am.i... would be nm.  
rd tl · ll " P g "' gh ' ' ' R l l ` li C I """"“‘*
hmxmh an °°i"’°" um ‘°°“°rmi= gm"} °°' fairly executed, would duelase as Iowlcnnen and Abyqujcloqmm gddnuu hy. bu. mn]. by v°"‘Nu“ !°"`·°Yd*Y· ·AP°’“°¤ ·>f,D¤¤··>¤¤· °"m' FF P"°°“°"’r t°"·"$ ‘   “’°t °¤ r°“‘° °' and cnptnred. Intelligence wu received Bgznrdgy  
—A dispatch from Louisville, dated yeneidsy, maugiraur elim; p author]: and nm-, which , 5v_ ,.,_ vinwn umu, Hu". Goodwin ¤1¤¤d d1‘¤V• UN ¤¤¤mY s*l¤|'¢l¤Y ¤ll!h'· {mm LM" V*°"'b""Bt‘¤d **00 “‘°’° "*“h’°‘°'¤""°”· night at 12 e’eIoek,zhnt the euem were main ge.  
:9 be B D Y
. . . po • t » i . . — Loumvrm.: \Vednesdsy Oct. 15 IM! 8 .¤_§zj¤.xe
aye thst there wu slnrmishnng on Tuesday all along would be iuwmihing and ghbekinhnnd whieh wnnla H,,,,,_ and um Hom Mu,-my Hogmu, md 0,,;,,,.,, l'¢¤¤¤bl¤‘8 ¥°"•?d  ¤¤*>¤l·•v¤ll•; W°“¤d'“8 “'°“] »mm,,, wu .k,,.m,·,,,,,,, ',”,,,,,d-y 'lu ,,,,,,,8 ,,,_, ward Frederick, and had reached Woodsboro, whieh  
the lin from Horrodsburg 30 Stamford, the Rebels cull for and insure from the Secreury and the Preei- qhnnnting every srgumenl pro and con, and on the ""d °‘l""‘7'°¥ is P"°°°°"° U"l°° l°°° "°°°` . line from Hurrodsburg to Stanford. l‘ °b°"° °igh° mlm °°"h`°“° °{ °b° °“y’ mq h"'·  
vying to get ont of the Suze. Luge number.; or dem mm g ,-sro,-my and mm ,,,8,.,,,, of Nd"., V ·,, wcdmld I", tb. 5,,,,, ,,0,. 'H nin The Mnywtlle Eagle snysedispatch wsu received , in ,,,,,,,,;,,1 ,-,.0,,, th, {hee, md {,.0,,, Emmom — _   _
P P • •¤¤ 8 °f I! . . The Rebels are trying to get outof the State. g .....f.-.
bsd W¤1'• lim ¤¤b¤fl¢d Bi P¤¤’!VUl¤· against my repetition of them." This is no Union an gm Nmgugjou 0; um (),,mmi;y,“ gf Ning, n {hg hy J°h¤ C- B'°°“'“"dB° ' Wm "° m°" mm ‘* Dm' I, in though, may Gem Bram il ,,,,,,,,),,,,8 outward borg, so as   be able no chooee n route out of Fred. ·   _
_A 1,,,,,,,,,mc dispawb of ,1,. 1,,,, my., 750 ,,,.,,d,_ bu, ,1,, amd,] mumon, up . c,,,,;,d,,.,,,, dum of · R-,,,,1 which lam, ,,,,,_,, ,,,,,,,,,u,,,_ The ville on Monday lent. I P _1 bum", on the duyunho Perryvule mae. haheud enck on their wny to the Pawnee, if it should be  
wounded soldiers from Perryville, mostly slightly G¢¤¤|'¤l· _ Clerical vote, Yeas 13, Nuys 7. by vow, Yu! ll, Funur lnminhn P! wdnemaig OSX: sd Lo) than Generels Price and Ven Dorn nad been beaten °9°°*", fos ‘h°" "f”°,'  
wounded, and generally belonging to Ohio and the -M¤¤h eere hn; been taken no whe"] gh; {ug of Nnyn 4. Thi; in eonniderad s triumph on the pan of HUM Yum mm " '° iUm°¤ f°'°°° wu ’ * cu ° ° M (_y°,.;,,,],_ md mum ,,0; 82; my .,.,¤g·°,.“m,,,b O¤ f¢¤¤hl¤8 w°°•i*b°l’°» SWYUU “¤•1't\i¤•‘  
Iorth·Western Stutemhuve arrived. Nearly nllof the 8;-ent, dingemneuqn erm, Sm, gf Gwrgi. wm, \hq“ whe were dexoun {he Cenvnntien nnonla R"b°' f?'°°l62 ’°8 *:_‘°“‘“'5;,:)h° ‘g0%"°:;;:d““ dugg:] from um ,,,,,m°,,_ from his scouts that   large Umon force waste-  
tem v•r• scvommodutcd stout hvspitols. md the the Rebelmwernment; but the evidenen not md make an expreseion 0 tsloysltyr Th° Umm °;°n:° Him `°,,.h , M ' Luge numbers of deednrestill lying nnbnrled at °{°“°d °° i“"f"‘"’p" h“'“· ‘“‘d °h“° M°c1°u“ hl  
remainder when to Ncw·Alha.ny. Gen. Boyle has then pope out in npite of their- teeth. Nogleng eine. The Rev. Dr. Mend, although Chldrmln of the W°u°d°d’ uk p,F,:";;"‘,1 ° u"f`;;0°:,r;` Perryville. d‘“°"”d h” m°Y‘"“"“ °“"'"‘i in u“° ‘° *7 
\ •¤i¤’#‘ UW "m°'”l °Y uw P°¤'·°°¤ b*'id8• b¤iW¤¤¤ we recorded the discharge of s enum-ipy, by n Committee of Nine, after indureing the resolutions T°l*d PY Bm °°" ii °b° °:lw“' 5 { ' ' · A Rebel demchmex uma mu,. b·m°_§·m undo, afford ample pruteetinnto the Government pmperq ` ` ii  
Portlnud und New·Alb¤ny. on account of its cbslruc· Georgie Judge, who boldly deelared the Ceneerip. vexed against their passage Dr- Unwin opposed '"cludlilg zu;. G°°°" ’C°;"°.T ’,,,,?P mu"? nun; or truce, weknloek at their dead,nndlen. "' F"d°"°" wd "°"“'Yj Th" '“?d’ " ’°°""7 {  
lvl to ¤¤'i8•l·i°¤» Wd l>¤i¤8 ¤¤¤¤¤•¤¤l¤'y· A di¤· tion act. illegal and vold. We have not heard thnx them tothe lset. Delaware sustained the res0lu· (;°|°::°“ _ ‘;°:°‘:°:“°&"°; d_ ;°;l°m " °f ,,,6,,, wuhouh ny ,,.,,,,;,0,L dm! lm ¤¤¤t ¤°V• NPNUY ¥°!'°¤l ¤iP*¤·N NWN  
Kill! VP GOV- R0bi¤I0lJy dhkd DIIJVHIQ, BBYB tllllt the Judge wu molegwd. But here ig ngrquggr qyi. ligne, V¤rm°|)!,10{;d ngninnt. them. hue ésdzuhn · an { { A °d_l°° wbu°;'°°r ° The gm,. which me Reba]. took from ul md lti