xt70k649rw32 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70k649rw32/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1962 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, May 1962 Vol.28 No.8 text The Kentucky Press, May 1962 Vol.28 No.8 1962 2019 true xt70k649rw32 section xt70k649rw32 '3 7 7 2 2 . 9: U 5.2T!" 2m. .
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fl'll I“ l Th K k P papers have been answered by the Pot» MAY, l96
Ofli D . . "
e entuc y ress + As We See It + to t oi
In response to Ted Sei‘rill s lnjuiry’ them."
‘1 Volume 28, Number 8 Active Opposition Develops 10““in teSpfmse was received from Edit. 93rd
l Official Publication Against New FTC Proposals A. Bi ey, Diiectm .of the ClflSSlficatiOnané
Kentucky Press Association, Inc. . . . SpeCIal Sei‘Vices DIVISlon 0f the POSt Chit:
l Kentucky Press Service, Inc. Legislation to. permit the Federal Trade ‘Copies Of second-class pliblications 1116- Cumberland
l Victor R. Portmann, Editor CorninlSSion to issue temporary cease-and- pared for mailing in paper SaCks like ll]: already bulgini
\ Perry J. Ashley, Associate Editor dCSiSt orders, 311d thus halt any ad cam- exhibits you furnished are regarded k members of the
Newspaper M13125; Assocmfion $1025?1:0:tst1c:<:ecllbfoiloi 01.t.nml.edldmtg., was inarled m envelopes. Therefore under Sr. and their fami:
Kentucky Chamber of Commerce . ‘lg‘." ‘1‘ 6(1 YA.“ Vel “£1311“ “5 1.V19P‘ tion 126.26, Postal Manual, these coy, the 93rd annu
i Better Business Bureau, Lexington iesentatives ‘lt ieaiings be 016 the House ShOUld have the required indicia prints the Oi‘ganizatio
L Sustaining Member Interstate Commerce Committee this week. thereon. program ShOW‘
l National Editorial Association . Spokesmen for the ASSOCifltiOH 0t Na- “T he use of sacks for this purpose is no.” and recreation
I . Associate Member tional Advertisers, Advertising Federation and we consider this type of cover fol) day session.
‘ Natlonal Newspaper Promotion ASSOCiGtiO" Of America, and American Association Of experimental at this time. We have reporl Following a
: Printed by The Kernel Press Advertising Agencies, took turns in blasting that the copies have a tendency to falli with KPA as h<
, The Kentucki Pres A 00, t‘ n _ thh hllh while FFC Chairman Paul Band of the sacks with open ends and that oil]. will be called
I l the fundamentajl impfirtmsiscemofo thzechiigZiffé DMD.” “‘S‘Eted the measure 15 necessary. mail in some instances slips in with [17 Gaines on Fridz
' trust imposed on newspapers and dissemination Pres1dent I\ehhedy.SUPPOl‘tS the hlh- ‘ copies. Therefore, it appears that the olr publisher of t]:
i ' its“22:.aims“at.ioniz’szeiiaz; We r. PM I ,0. end ot the soot ohootd ho otoohd oh‘ hinoon wiii
l . of news, as set forth in the Canons of Iournal- 4 AS’ .sald the proposal WOUId put m the wise closed for proper handling ill it an explanation
‘l isrln. It adoocptes strict ethical standard? in its Commis510n 3 hand it weapon 0t unprece— mails.” ploying the han
(If oertising 0‘0 umn. It 011170368 the pub ication dented )ower without establishin r0 er “ -‘ . . - ,, -' '
l of propaganda under the guise of news. It af- . t' 1 1, mt . ” H . . d 1 g 1;] £11 Pllnt.8d statements 0th? than the L‘ active m the fit
. firms the obligation of a newspaper to frank, 90“ 10 0‘ (31 If “59- e rugue tlatt e 1 proved inscriptions in Section 132.482,P the past 25 year
, hogetst and lftearliss editorialdeiclpressizps}It ge- WOUId Egan}: absolutle lpowe}: t0 ftake adver- tal Manual, should not be printed out fl member of st:
sp csequai y 0 opinion an to rig 0 ea ry tisin o ‘ t e ai' an a '5 't . .- ” .. _ ,, , .
individual to participation in the Constitutional ’1 g . FTC l i d 1111 .1 . 10m. plint‘ sacks. “thh. have bee
I guarantee of Freedom of the Press. It believes \\ ienevei conc u‘ ec an m1unction was Section 126.26 deals with wrappingr the disabled fOi
ll bigotriifmilce 10:53:12? grid“ chiffitlraflwgdiiifniihit Gigi; required to prevent ‘irreparable harm” to is worded as follows: “Sealed 0r unseat was recently hc
’ , , . , _ .| ,‘ . . . .
ll ' uclopment and Progress. J the plublic. The 4 A3. spokesman pomted envelopes used as wrappers and 56f for ills serVices
, (“it “at an ad ban 15 “0t the less to he wrappers or other sealed covers must slit: 'nghw‘d)’ Cc
‘1 1 Kentucky Press Association, lnc. (headed because temporary. It would in in the upper right hand corner a 110m “’1“ hold down
i. 101m B. Gaines, President most instances destroy. the yalue of the ad— entry and in the upper left corner the it gram with a dis
1 , Park City News, Bowling Green vertismg finally and irretrievably, for the of the publication and the mailing add: and future plan
I Fred J. Burkhard, Vice-President ‘ . essence of advertising, like news, is time- to which undeliverable copies 01. change» in Kentucky. I
- Casey County News, Liberty liness » . )7 fi] .
l Victor B. i’ortmann, Secretary—Manager ' address notices are to be sent. 4 in on the hlgh‘
. l i 1;?th - {Aschlcyg As-sztaiit Secretary-Manager Perkins also denied that a need had been Section 132.482 reads: “Additions air “’1“ answer que
' i, . 01” a 1 ' aghsihgi‘sitfjmhtfurlgehtrifgliiifgiexington shown for the drastic powers. He explained of words that may be added to the CG} State‘Wid‘? ngr
E ‘ that Since 1938 the FTC has had the right after they are printed 01‘ that may be plit , What is youi
’ ' ,7 District Executive Committee to apply to a court for a temporary injunc- on the envelopes or wrappers in which Randell VV‘dShir
i Chairman, George Joplin 111’ Commonwealth, tion in the food and drug field, and not once copies are mailed. Only the followingflt to e"Flam the P
. . flipsrsceju rt 51%3112121 ngd’yvilllelllhrgcohd 11:15, has this power been used despite many en- tions may be made: a. Name and addfitt of newspaper I:
. Stone, Messenger—Argus, Central City; ’Thirrcl: forcement activities in those fields. the person to whom copies are sent hit gantll‘mflneqtlti‘t
l 2 Basil ('lfuni‘misiar’Fcoiiricer—IJSOlllm’ifl'arbuli 11)“ imes, There has been a further slowdown on (lex figures of subscription book, it" ghht Will. He
; cfill;big/Ir:dbfbrd-ftSlixthr‘uCeorigc Sl‘i’bttErrlrmEneterfiiws; the tax reform bill in the Senate. This meas- printed or written. C' Printed title 0m lii‘inence In the
, Lebanon; Seventh, Warren R. Fisher, Mercury, ure includes a provision strongly opposed by cation and place 0t its PUbllcatwn‘ of ligs to Kentuc
E . Carlisle; Ninth, James T. Norris, In, Indepen— publishers and ad groups to make non tax- Printed or written name and address \“ he‘VSPaPel‘lng
- i , dent, Ashland; ’Icnth, Maurice K. Henry, Daily . . . . . . - - - f iii The annual b
; | . News, Middlesboro; State-at—Large, S. C. Van deductible certain types of institutional ad- OUt add-tho“ 0t advertisement 0 CE the ‘.
I Curon, State Journal, Frankfort; State-at-Large, vertisiug. The Senate Finance Committee lisher 01‘ sender, 01' both. e. Whtttl ‘md p ast, dunhg
l . Edwards M. Templin, Herald-Leader, Lexing— held a single executive session on the tax printed words 01- figures, 01- both, indict awards Will
1 ton; State-at—Large, James Lee Crawford, . , . . - ‘Hg and editors wl
, l Times—Tribune, Corbin; Immediate Past P7931; bill, then announced that hearings will be the date 0“ Wthh the SUI)SC1.1Ptl()ll\Vl their ff 10-
‘, dent, W. Foster Adams, Citizen, Berea. reopened next month to consider changes f. Correction of any typographical it Tom (13- Oits durr
, . t 1 .
i _ Kentucky Press Service, lnc. suggested by the Treasury Department in g- A mark, except by thtten or pm ingtoljllhi piomo
l‘. i C .1 . 'd the foreign corporation section. WOI'dS, tO designate {1 word 01‘ passaii . amid—h
7 ll ,corge M. Wi son, P1681 ent _ h' h . . d ._ 11 ton h plesentations. I.
it Breckmridge Herald-News, Hardinsburg Chairman Harry F. Byrd (D., Va.) has W 10 1t 15 esued to ca attenl U6 KPA flWards '
ll Landon Wllls’ hygielffdeC-Jiherfigezsgws Calhoun not taken a stand on the anti-advertising words Sample COPY when the C(iip‘lh the best relipile
ll \Villiam T. Davis, Second Vice-Presidént language in the bill, but has made PUth his sent :15 samples. 1' The WOlids iii tol‘ifll and theg 01
. f . V‘ t R P t Lyon SCOWIttlJ Hfmld, Eddyville opposition to other key parts of the bill. A COPY when the 009165 contain fig“. in agricultural W
:' it. néir‘fr. A5131?X‘E‘S’isrfrflesii‘iaififw’” piivoto with President Koonedy did item ““616- 1- A Pledge “’9” it Sam-d, ‘ m
. ii ' Florida R. Garrison, Assistant Treasurer “0t change his VteWS- He has promised mg or return postage on copies ‘1an ill busines); mom‘
if Boar d Of Directors careful consideration of the Boggs-Hartke able as addressed. k' The numbeIO ' 0f strictl $8881
:1 , . b‘ - f h ff d' . - - enclosed may be shown on the \erth , Y ASsc
‘ ’ . su stitute or t e 0 en mg piOVISion. Cain
t; Chairman, Martin Dyche, Sentinel-Echo, Lon- face of a package ” es and con
» i don; Maurice K. Henry, Daily News, Middles— * * =t< as ' lODlin hav -
i1 . . . e lequt
‘2 boro; Niles O.dD1ll1nngJ.IT1, Proglrfss, Dawson ” " “t ” COmmitteest b
‘j Springs; Ro Gar ner, Courier, Hic man; Robert . - . . - , . . . . , out 0 e
‘ I" Fay, Shelby News, Shelbyville; Officers ex- Questions about the legality of paper Ulceis aient caused by Whatl' t0 the Assoc-inn}
1t officio. sacks used for mailing Single copies of news- but by what’s eating you. Particular aCtivitj
. ’i 'J .

 the MAY, 1962 .5 2. ,. 5 5 55:
P051» TH 5 55 5 5 55 5555
of Na E KENTucKY PRESS 5 111, 1,55 55
nthelii.t 555, 11 15,555
1m E11111 93 Cl S m m PAGE ONE 1 ‘11 11 i 1
:ationani’ r U er Meet < 0"]an 11111 51 11 ,5 55
08f Ollie es At C b , I 11 1 1555552555 ._
1 III ‘1111: .5, ,.
1 ‘ i 1 5:3,,
itioris 11a.- Cumberland Falls State Park facilities are u erla nd Fa II S 1 1 11 11 1 1 _5
5 like the already bulging for . ‘ 1111 , 1%. j
rq‘dd - June 7 through 9, as u P 5 551 5 55555 5
3‘1 6 11 members Of the KentUCkY Press Association r Ogr am f A t. 1 5i 1 1 ’
‘1 31 and their families prepare to assemble a. O C [On — - Recreation , 1 i .
age C0191 the 93rd annual Mid Sum 1:31..
. , . . ' mer meeting of S 5 i 15, 55,555
ia Pillllt, the Organization. An advance look at the Mrs ay— atu’. ay June 7 9 5 5 555 5 55555555 5
es 5 5 Program shows that Association business ’ - z I 962 1 1111 1 .
5555:5153: a5nd recreation will reign during the two Thursday, June 7 5 555 5
0 my sessmn. 5 5 5 5 5
. . (Get-to h Saturday. June 9 , 5 1 ,
we re 0. F011 , . get er Day) 5 5 5555 5
to £11111 with Kirjing ; Thursday mght l160‘3Pti0n 5:00 p.m.—Regisrr t' 8:30 a.m.——Committees to m . 1 1 1 1 N
that 0111 Will b fistlet’ t1:16 fil-St bUSineSS Sessi0n GarriSOn and 2:5", Dupom Lodge Lobby discussion and i‘ormulatic:em lfn LOUnge for ‘ 1 1 .1

i .5 e ca e to or er by Pl‘eSidei s ey , n 0 report 50 b 5 5 5555 5

. r - . 1t h 8: . Presented at . e 5 5 5
1 “11111111 Games on Frlday morning. Homer Nicholsn 3O Paige—Reception, Recreation Room KPA 9:30 a m ——Busin¢:emmg 1 1 F .

.. ' . 7 , - . 5 - u 5 , 5555555
.t5 the 01):, publisher of the Caldwell County Times KPA," ViCe-Pre:i:s:rl:an For the Good of 5 1555555555,
E 010111151 Princeton, will lead off the morning with Friday June 8 Presiding red J. Burkhardl 51555 51 1 555515 .
lg 1'11 3“ exPlalmion of Kentugk ’ I St - 1 1 1 1 ._
1 1 ys 11016 in e ‘ 8100 a~m-—R ‘ - anding committe 1 2,, 5 1 ,
Ployrng the handicapped. Nichols has her; 8-00 8 m Eegistration desk opens sion after each Septiwts—general discus- 51 5; 1 11 111 5 5 5 5
,1 .' - 1 . . .—- - 5 5 55 55 555 5555
m 111611 amve m the field 0f the hm d1 ' XECutiVe committee meetin Sports Fund_ a ; 11 111 1:111 .
52 4821 the past 25 years Ii th t t 1 LCdpped for br93kfast table 9/ 5 h | Edwards M, Templin i 1 11111 1 1 11 1 .5
. ,5 i . i a ime, ( 9:3 _ . coo ofJ ~ . 1 511 1.,5 5
ted out a member of state and national cirlh'ihirfen OJaohmn BBlgmess 5e5510n5 Lounge President JOpIin Illoumal'sm Foundation—George 5 55 5115, I5 111 ,5,55
1 ‘ ‘ ees . a' . , I 55 5 55 5 55555

. _ lhthh' have been concerned with pl‘eparing Address. ”KeITeSI p5resrding Newspaper In The Classro 1 5 55 115 5 515 55 5
appingt e disabled for work in their society H Program ., 1;ch s Help—the—Handicapped P1Ummer Om—Prof. L, Niel 1 1 111111 11111 1 ,' 1
)r unseil- was recently honored by GOVernor C10 be Addres 5 55: Omer W. Nichols Kentuckian Of The Y 1 1 11111 5 1 15 5 55 5
ind sei- for his services in this area m S gran?” COW Expanding Good Roads Pro lin ear—Edwards M. Temp— ,1 1 111111111 . 1 1, E5551; 5

. t~ I 0 -~ — 1 ,5515,53 55515555
“111515511 1lIlhlgIl1d/adl C0111mi88iOner Henry VV‘u‘d Film preserrirtgiiisrzoner Henry Ward, Legislative—S C Van Cu 0 1 1111111111 1111. 1 .
a iiotiit \vl io own the seCOnd c , S _ - . r n 5.5, 5.5 5 555 555555 5
. ,, . - . Part of the . _ Address; "E . EmmarS—W, F 111 1 1 i ‘:1 , “1,151 5
31 the it glam With a discussion of the ‘1st 5 P10 erty ,, A55Valuating Your Newspaper Prop. Contests_L OSfer Adams, Perry Ashley 5 11,1 1 551 5,1 1 _ 55,15
ing int: and future plans for highw. S , plesent 52530 i an Kander, Washington, D. C. M' 5 arry Stone, Ray Gaines 1 5,111 111 1 51 1 .555 _5
i. change, in Kentucky, His $555555 ay evelopment - P-m.—-Luncheon, dutch Icrofllm—Herbert Finch, Don Masse 1 111 ,15 1151 .55 55.55,
filmo th . I Will show a new 2:00 p.m.—Card part L Written reports fro 5 Y 5. 5,1 1, 155 5 555
11 e hlghway ]~- . Y! Ounge, Mrs. Murra K m other standin . 1 5 5 5 5555 55 555
tions c0111 Will answer quest‘ p Oglam after WhiCh he Rogers and COmmittee bests y ' tees 9 COmmir. 1 11 1 . 1 1 1 1 35-; _,
( 10115 ( - _ , ,1 1 5 111 555531.
) the m1 State‘Wide progress and dismiss plans for 2-00 p,m.——Kentucky Associated Press Re AdJOUrnment 1 1111 1111 1 1 1 11 51:11 ,
. . . . creation Roam Ch - i — 5 55, 5 1 5, 5, 1
.y 1369111 What is your news 11 2 . 4- I airman James T. Norris c . ,x 1 15 1:11 5 ,i . ,
i which: hander, Washi p P81 worth? Allen .00 FTrim—Punch and cookies—ch‘ld °nVenhon Notes 11 1111 1 11 ,

. 51 to 655 155 5 ngton, D. C., will attempt Cially invited I ren espe— Registration fee $7 50 15155515511 55 55, 55, 5
owmgi .Ptin tie present System of e I - 6:00 p m—R . Banquet 5, k i ~ per adult person ,11111111 1 5 511 5 1
d addiesi 0f newspaper Property in te Vafuatmn Ma - eLception, Recreation Room John Childre 5 H523 ets, $2.50, including fax 511 151 1111 5

1 , , rms . . rcu , ' n s 5 ,5,5,. 5 5,5 5, 5
seat. h. plant and equipment circul. - 9 fiSeal 6.30 m 581, host er 555 555 05Xb1unch, $1.25 (Children will garh_ 1111,11 , 11 11 5555
100k 9111' 300d will” He has had dtlon mm and 71 p1m1—Ch11drenls bOX lunch playground Baby sittee S: by at 6:30 P-m.) 111111 .11. 11 5W1

i e o.’ ,' L 6 ma (« 2 _ ’ rs o h' , 5 ,51 551 , ,5555 5
tle ofpr Pullence 1n the field f ny Years of ex- 00 pm. 5 Annual banquet, President Gain and piCnic 5’ C lldren s afternoon recreation 1111111 3 5 ‘11 , 1 5 ‘f’1
rlication brings to Kentucky f 0h levaluatlon and DreSiding e5, will also it uricfh Will be furnished. Sitters 11111 1 111 1 5:5

.5 * a 1‘85 ook at p - Sit or parent d ' 5 ,25 ,1 {155‘ 5-15, .5515
ddresst 0f newspapering, the assets r::::stat5t::n of awards, 1962 production con- (make your wishes known swh:5r5'ng the dance 1 15511 1 515 115 5 2.5,f‘5l 5
of thei The annual ban uet - I wards M. Templin Golf, Friday and Saturda f YOU register), 515115111 ,1 51 15 5 .55.

. . the at ,- q Will be held, as i Presentation of F Count Y a ternoons, SteamS 51,111 5..,5. 115 ,5, 5
Written P 8, dining the Frid . n E arm Bureau award, Paul ry Club, courtesy McCrea ,,i,-11 i , ,1, 111 ,5
h indiw and “Wards Will be 1 fly evemng hours Verman Record. Your KPA badge will bry County 111111-11, 1 11 111 1.1.
ion \villi and editors who havldlbsenteddto p11blishers 9:00 P-m.—Dance, patio, Richard Allison band D mitfance. 9 Your ad» 11111 ‘1 ,1 1 1111 t

. . their. ff . , ‘ een ju ged to f . ress infermal , ,1 5.51 5 ,5 . 55 ,
hcalt e oitsd . , PS 01 —_____—‘ i .11‘1111‘1 ,, :
i hr pri Templin, ptofigfig the past year. Edwards On th - 1 - 1 15155 11,11 15 5,551 11 5 I
‘ 531' ingttm Her ld 0n manager Of the Lex- 1. - e 8031“ Slde 0f the calendar, Thurs- R 1 ,111‘ 1111 11 1 1 11 if 1
l pas i; . , a Leader, will . . cay night Will be kick 1 fl' - , , ep. Tom Steed (D. Okl 5 55,15,555, 15 55. 5 55 5
ition.h. presentations. In 1 ., plesrde over the tion 5 o . d 6‘ 0 with a recep- of t} P > a), a member 1 51551115.»,15, 15 5; 5
‘8 90pm KPA EIWai-ds prese arc d‘ltlon to the regular p550n55313€55113501e ,by KPA’ Friday afte1‘110011 . 16 of“ Office ADPI‘Opriations subcom- 1 ,11111111‘ 111 ,
rds “111 the best l'eligiOus 11 2351011? W111 be made for cookie C" 't‘1 0’2115d party and PURCh and mlttee: said in a New York Speech this w k 1 11111111 1111111 1‘1 .
in a mi torjal and the Writee it50r1al, highway edi- Will beat; 1’, Fi~15c51ay night the annual dance that there is an urgent need for the 5- cc 1 55.151511 151 511 5 515 5 e

i , in , .- rs coin th , C on t e atio if" > , . . ac optic“ 1,511,515 1 151,

pay for11 S‘gllcultural news5 g e best WOIk and naturally swimlfning (bilindoelsnt 15513111), of automated techniques in the Post Office 1 11115 1 51 1 151 5 .
r ‘ . . a , '1 ‘ 'c . . l 5 51 ,5 1 1 5 55 , 5:5 55
as undt» , itulday morning will riding, and just sittii1 1- tl 5g 01595 10k to art costs, before resorting t , . ,1 ,,151,51 1,1 ,1 15, 55,55 ,
bereft", 11; business sessio119 See the group back in Stvle for ,1“ g 11 ie Siade Will be rates. While commending th 0 eVel—higher 5, 5,5,5 1 , 5 55 5 5
o ,. . again—but . , r . . ., . e present Ad- , 1,151,215; 5,1 ,5,5 5 5
3 wralfl Stiictl . . on a vein . ministratio f -» , . , , 5151,11 5 55 5,5 5
p Gaines mild Assocmtlon afiairs. President $7211 yes, mOneyl Reglstration will be called four, .01 Its “510(15501111zat10n Efforts, he 5 51555555555115 5
Joplin have convention chairman George E; f 0 ffor$each adult, with banquet tickets “I‘emodel'l g 356%11111111g rather than mere 1 5,151,215.11 1 , 5 5 1 55
. 5 : recluested Oing or 2.50 a d t . , , 1n . e said the . . 5111111, 111 1
t y0111 :0m1nittees to be Pl‘epmocslt of the standing Friday night 555 $111 9ghlldien 5 box lunch on most European countries U198 lags liehmd 1 51 5.15.55 5, 5 5,5 555 5
1a 0 tie Ass . are to mqke . . ‘ 1-1 . _15 ,5 . “ . n pogta me— 51111151, 1 1 ,1 1, 1 , ,5, 5
0", . , ( ie Oits Liaméatl 5 .5 _ 5 5 55 55 5555 5 55 5
Particular 55159115 membership on 1:heir . ”—_—Q——— “5515555 55 5011 5 It is remarkable, he said, 1 111151 1 1 5: 151 555 55
( 1v1ties for the yea”. I]: diplomat can tell you where to go “111d Ope‘ c Cflllnhy that has automated the C‘ln- 1 111,551 1‘5 ,1 ;5. 5
z . 5 t ner S ' 5 5 c 55,55555 5 5 555 55 555
ma 8 you look forward to the trip. mail,” 1 empl0y5 men to Plgeon-hole its ,1 1111111111 1 1 1 111 1', ~.
1 1111131.‘ $11 :'
1111111111111 ,11 1.,
1 1111111111 11 . 1.
‘ 11111115513111 :1 , .
1 1.11 ,1»
.111, 1
2 1 li :1

 ”.115‘W ' W- ~~~ .., .. ,7 ., i .1
1.11111 I . MAY,1‘
. I .L
l Kentuck Advrsers Receiv G t FTC Aiks '"cremg ' “ck" "'9
.1 y e ran. 5 Power Over Advertising 9
1 1 1 1 , Increases |
1 The Newspaper Fund today announced Swinford Kinney, 217 Highland Ave. Cyn— Legislation to give the Federal Trad Y t
1 that fellowships for summer Study in jour- thiana, Ky., Harrison County High School Commissmn ViiSt new powers over advent.“ diuctml;l h
1 nalism have been awarded to 465 high Cynthiana, Kv.—Universitv of Kentucky , ing and other trade practices were the sul- ISEV: 0Uy
1 school and junior college teachers. This is Mrs. Jean iM. \Villiaiiis, Route 3 Fire— ieCt 0f hearings before the House Intersm. same ideaeve
1 the fourth year of the grants, which are donia, Ky., Lyon County High School Kut- Commerce Committee starting Tuesda1 FOdUCtP Y2:
i made possible through gifts of The Wall tawa, Ky.—Pennsylvania State Universitv May 22, hilti] 30 Witnesses to be heard, p C i "
1 Street Journal. In 1959, 131 teachers Seminar; Mrs. Jane B. McClurkan Box 846 The bill m H; R. 8830’ and it hasl‘r °m§etltlo
1 studied in the program; in 1960, 316 were Harlan, Ky., Hall High School, Grays Knob) ba-Ckliig 0f the Ixennedy Administratimlja lielsis t0 fali T
recognized with fellowships, and in 1961, Ky.—University of Kentucky; Mrs. Lucille Princ1pal proponent is Chairman Paul 311 is (:10 t elt
there were 4:28. M. Nash, 276 Lafayette Parkway Lexing- DIXON Of FTC, who mSiStS that the Com sma eSt 00““
1 Paul Swensson, executive director of The ton, KY” Bryan Station Senior High School sion must have the power to issue temporr A woman d
1 Newspaper Fund, said this increase reflects Lexington, Ky.—University of Kentucky. ’ cease-and-des1st orders. This would all, or wrapped u
1 1 “growing interest in journalism at the high Euclid E. Montgomery, 2417 Manchester FTC, if backed by the court, to halt 111,1 crowd-stoppei
11 SChOOl and junior college level and the Will— Road, Louisville 5, Kyi. Southern High campaign at its start. Obviously this 9011‘ blg .attentIOH
1 ingness of teachers to broaden their profes- School, Louisville, TQM—University of Min- raise hob With media. 1, brilliantly pm
11 31011211 training for service in this field.” nesota Seminar; Mrs. Annie G. Easterly Several ad groups will send Witnessgg- p0wer_to attr
1 1 Forty—nine states are represented among P. O. Box 894, Lynch, Kv., East Benhaiii the hearings to oppose the bill but atle; 2f thousands'r
11 1 this year’s fellowship winners. More than High School, Benham, KV.—Indiana Uni- one key Congressman predicts passage .35 ZOomed 11
11 1 half of the teachers will attend special semi- versity Seminar; Herman B rockinan Sand the legislatlon this year. The proposal 151 ltf make an ex
1 nars, planned in their behalf by The News- Cap, Ky., McKee High School McKee new but has never been given serious ills 1‘: Illemhmidi‘
paper Fund on 1‘2 campuses. The others Ky.—University of Georgia Seminar" and um“ 1h the P‘JSJ- eavier plastu
will pursue individual study at 50 schools Frank T. VVelch, Sidney, Ky. Belfry, High 71h? iihthhVe POWCI‘ is tied in with as a packagim
l of journalism. School, Belfrv, KV.—SVi‘ac11se University administrative action taken by FTCE Fiver stopi
ll The program is part of a nationwide ef— Seminar. 1 i i i W661“ New regulations hflVe been “(10115 to increase ii
11 ‘ fort by The Newspaper Fund to stimulate ____.____ whereby business come/T115, after June power 0f your
1 V a stronger flow of better talent toward news— can apply for binding advisory opinions Ever give a th
1 i Paper careers. “Through helping the teach- UK Kentucky Kernel Again “(if legality 0f any trade practice, includi gaper in a P1"
ers, we hope to encourage more interest in a campaigns, mergers, etc. At present, elvering it i
l 1 newspaper work among students,” Mr. Dedared Bes‘i Newspaper ShCh rulings are made by staff memlx tractively prin
ll i Swensson said. The Kentucky Kernel, daily student news- instead 0f the five Commissioners, and. Or some other
ll -; Kentucky teachers receiving the grants paper 0f the University Of Kentucky, has “0t binding. One complz
1 11 3 and selected study schools include: been selected the best college daily in the ——-._—‘ 318» he“? in}
11 1 Mrs. Amanda Campbell, 914 Master St., South for the second consecutive year. The thiiset.1.)r.mtmi
1 1 Corbin, Ky. Woodbine High School, VVood— award, given on the basis of editorial writ- Subscri tion Hints .15101ilth15m'
- 1 1 bineiVIKY—lénifi/ersity of Texas Seminar; Sis- h1g1 ihflkehlll)’ iieafiiiiiiie writing, heWS‘giitiiig, p 2111;313:310“
1, ter ary 0 een \Vinston, O.S.B., 2500 ‘1‘“ overa Sigh] cance, i5 giVeli y tie . .. . . —' ' ii pi
l i Amsterdam Rd, Covington, Ky., Saint American Newspaper Guild. c1153??? dieoiii tt0 lsalbeimk lllb'scil'iptloni Y0U1'1ASSoci
l 1 Henry High School, Erlanger, Ky.—Mal‘- The winner 0f the best newspaper award cotild worIl: '0 'elcl i I ( V‘elmnig U to YOU 111 a mg
l 1 quette University Seminar; Mrs. Sarah receives a permanent prize, and the name r ~. - equa y well £01 .newspflii $011 We wanI
1 1 , . 1 1 [his is the tvpe of letter which Ad.‘ Sur
1 1 of the Winning entry is placed on a rotating subscribers 1 '1 . 1 11 e We coulc
, 1 1 Sales of the printing, building and allied plaque with the names of the previous win- i It will “11:56“ ec '1 b - 19' 00V.“ or the b
_ ‘1 1 industries in the United States have been ners. This award was given to the Ken- read this letter 31:): 1-; 0-“ tltWO irlbiislidi :iiall edgier. C
. 11 moving upward for a number of years, ac- tUCkY Kernel in 1961, the Miami Hhhii'i' tificate But mi th tuzm 1'6 in? or t1 01:11 pI'Oduci
11 1 cording to the Us. Department of Com— cane of the University of Miami, Fla., in SAVEiFIVE DOSLA‘lZlOS minues111 ie SSt possil
11 1 merce‘ 1958 and 1960, and to the Daily Texan, (10111115 )er ni t —two anc ii b the a 11m
- 11 The period since the end of World VVai' UniVCl‘Sity Of Texas, i” 1959' Hi hicostillii1 9- {i -I] f ~- d to rain \vax pa]
1111 has been characterized by the rapid intro- In addition to being named the best news— crews: our :1 Mil-6 t' na .y 01:16 111151111 13th 1C3tlon)du]
11 _1 duction of new techniques in every phase of paper in the South, the Kemel writers have eqirs- T] U )SC11lp1110n la'tT—t 6‘ 15 cl y doesnt e‘
_ 11 the printing business. Conventional meth— received five awards in the Hearst Founda- l\//I‘1 Ii .15 112C136“ ldte W1] go into iiht (Welly day?
‘=1 ods of setting and composing type are being tiOH COIhPEtitiOD this year. Ed VanHook iiio '1.— ~17». 1 1 " ‘hefifll'l‘ler deli'
1 111 1 replaced by more rapid systems and devices. won a Hearst award in editorial writing; goes lipifo 1:121:16]; now—b (13:01.? 12:1; :21: ere IS, dug
Plate making, presses and binding equip- Toni Lehhos in feature writing; DflVid - ‘ - youi su1sc11p1 Spapei lam
1 11 1 1 1 1 _ 1 . 1 1 1 present low iates still in eitect. SOmetim
1 _1 ment have been gleatly improved and Shank in news writing; Ben Fitzpatrick in F . - - i All es eve
1 11 speeded up. Many hand operations that sports writing and Wa ne Creror . . _ - Oi example, by extending youi PI; these fad
11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 _ 1 _ 7 . y .. 5' y m 1“ subscription for another two earsal‘ muhiate '
_ 11 weie fonneily conSidered an indispenSible vestigative-interpretive Wi‘limg- -. -“ - y il‘ W ki i 5011
part of the printing process are m idl be- 1 1 , 1 1 1 save $5 off the new 1 year rate! Or,11 01‘ ed so hai-C
11 1 1 1 . 1 p y Ju( gmg for the Newspaper Guild contest prefer to extend for only one year (0. Some .11 -
11 mg 1iepl('iice1d by mechanical dev1ces on an was done by Lloyd W. Miller, editor of the sues) at the present $3 price you’llbi’i the \Vi‘apptjii:
111 6V:}]:lp:ir:11:§gbcizrzlistl. is S d. ‘ Knoxvrlle News-Sentinal; Oscar Thompson ing $2. ’ gOOd' At leas
1 1 y . pen ing mom of the Associated Press, Knoxville; and John To extend your subscri tion 110“" Papers‘and '
1.1 than 301) million dollais annually in plant Lain, Professor at the University of Ten- check the proper box retuiiii it will” ing to do SO 1h
. and equipment improvements and additions. nessee School of Journalism. check. ’ Wax Paper 1

 l962 1 ,1 1 :5
. . MAY, 1962 T 11 11 11,11 1
HE KENTUCKY PRESS 1111 1 11111 ;
1 , PAGE THREE 1'11 1 ‘1 l
Packaging Your Products 1* 111,, 111 _j
1 11‘ 1 .
, Increases Readers Interest Ta 8-0 - 1 111 111 ‘
eral Tiid pera le ac l ' $1 1 1.1 1 1 .25,- ;
er advent“ You can tell how proud any firm is of its ne eVIse 1 1111 1 1,‘ -
are the 311 plroduct by how it’s wrapped or packaged, Elektron, a completely new tape d 11.11 ‘ i 1 13;“, -
' ' .- . , -0 e ,1 .
:e Interim. aye you ever stopped to consider how this hot metal linecasting machl- dp 'rate and full complement of machine 31f ' . 1 l 1’ 1 a,
same idea could be applied to eg 1,11 . c ne eSIgned By 1' . . . eties. 1 1 .52.,

; T116311, product? Your 9 your own »pec1a y for speeds of 15 lines per min d' heiminatmg the assembling elevator 1 1 1 .51,
the'lrd I ' own newspaper . ute—has been develo ‘ an t e time l'e uir d f ' ‘ 11 1 1 . ’ir‘x' ‘.
1- .. . . _ . pedb Me , (1 e oritsu andd ll.
it 11151 Competition Is shit in eVery line of busi- Linotype COmpanv for 75 :earsl‘frginthgler tiavel, Elektron can assemble -ITI))atriceS 2:1“ I! 1111 1 1 r":

' v " - , . " lla- ' . - , .- - 1‘ ‘vgzé
istration.l: 1116:: today. Thls 15 true Whether you re pub- turers 0f LmOtype machines used throu h hnuously, ‘Vlthom Intermptimh These fea- '1 11'1 1 I “if; 1
[PM 1111 is (if of the largest metropolitan daily or the Out the world by the publishing printig ' tUres make possible not only a new high 1 1 1

' . - ) I] . . 1.\:-’
he Comiiil- sma est country weekly m KemUCky. ““d graphic arts industries, the result 0% “(11:4de 0f Speed, but they also reduce 111 111 1 s E
e tCmpOii A woman decked out in a beautiful dress—I more than five years of intensive research Iha riii) wear and tear on the