xt70p26q259t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70p26q259t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-03-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 03, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 03, 1980 1980 1980-03-03 2020 true xt70p26q259t section xt70p26q259t ~ m w KENTUCKY
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Vi??? "1'th '
:. 83. .. 3. V . 9 V :3.
. - .8 pie; g a . y; ‘ ti": Vol. LXXII. No. ”8 an independent student newspaper lini‘efil'! OI Kentucky
3-5; ' “ .- . ' V- ; tit . . ‘ 'i' . .- s: ‘Q .~ .. Monday. March 3. I980 Lexington. Kentucky
. t ' ' s ' Election Board to stem
ir: E - ‘ 1: . ' " - . , . campus
._ x ,.
t X As . 'V' \ ‘ SG campalgn confloversy INFORMATION will be released
_V‘ V k.) .~.. . ' __ w today on the distribution of l'K‘sZSll-
t1: . k it. ”orig-y .... I I . I ticket allotment for Sunday ‘s Mideast
. i: .3 f , g; by more speCIflc rUIes regional game in Bowling (ireen. Ky.
ti; ~ ‘ _ r» . against the winner of loledo-Horida
w .' c- J y, V ‘ State. according to [K Athletic
‘-< t “ WV Director Cliff Hagan.
-» ’ L1... : _ r“ ' , i . . _ . . . . "'Ihosetickets aretobe distributed
.V-r» A 0 st & «:9 ‘ . By JAY HAMBl RC thinks amblgUlIlCS In the TUICS ICd [0 among studentsand tcamand admin-
i' g ’w “lg I": t - ' Staff Writer the differing interpretations and the strativ‘c personnel. \o tickets will be
. ‘ -. . ‘ ' i ; '\ 6"” ’3 f {at} a.“ subsequent controversy. sold to the public . . . Regarding tlte
» " ” k zy '3‘ V [V ‘ ‘ As spring approaches. campaign “()ur Viob is to eliminate the unfair Mid?“ “mt'lll‘itlt and “nah 1“ b“
.... .. ‘ I " ‘ posters will begin appearing all over advantage.“ Bisciotti said. "For PM)“ hm‘l‘“ RUPP-“l'filat‘” Man‘h
. % i. .. . .- i" SAW‘SS“ . campus. It‘s the job of the Elections instance. ifa candidate‘s father w‘erea ;: ”‘1‘ litea}? ‘Vcamf"m‘”g M” 5'“
. " ' 'N x Board to ensure that the cost of every printer. he could run off thousands of ‘0 mms‘ ‘lg‘m ”“1
‘ y f: a ~' . W > poster and all other campaign posters for freeand coverevery wallon state
V' . V I. 3:: . ‘ AIV '. :“ifs ..' ‘ ‘te‘; . V '~“ ‘5 expenses are reported. campus.” .. . . . .
z I. _ x V his; f}.- g.“ .\.. .‘ ‘ 45:35:33». Elections for Student Government Under new rules formulated by the JAMES 3H"; ‘M'H‘: Prt’e'dt‘m
51:35:}: . ‘ 5‘". you? a ma ,3 kgwgffid officers and senators are scheduled for board and accepted by the Senate. all :1 ll“: \i“"’”‘l' I :lmnm ( “'1 Ruth“ ‘
“he 1‘ 1‘“ W a? ., w L We V . April 2 and 3. Candidates must file printing services must be conducted I 03mm?“ ““V‘ “‘V’PIVUIij bl when"
'5 l p. ‘i ' ‘ . i=1." » - . y“ .- ’ b tw n Mar h 5 'nd March 14 f r under contract in order to aid the 'ommm ”fwd“ diitmoi’n' mm
“s‘. ~ - ‘m .5 ~. My \ p.. e_ ee c d _° p p p _ l6 hours after escaping from the
§\§ :8; M‘mx on ., . y ' their names to appear on the olfiCial reporting of expenses. Each candidate (human Count} Jim b} pmendmg
' . 3 . s; t - . I (V .‘F p . ballot. . V must pay. at least. for the price of the he “as; an anrnc)._ .
\" '.ts&\ ,. _ ‘V - ’ 3 Q Q; i W} a c; Although write-in votes are labor and material. Dressed in a three-piece business .
. ,. “fit __ g”. m .5 p " 9‘ ‘- accepted. Election Board Chairman However. if a campaign worker has sutt. Yager draped an arm over a man
* .3 ii; 1‘.“ ‘ ’h a * Rudy Bisciotti said write-in campaigns a small printing press. then the candi- who hadyust entered the building and
* i§\ t I * °‘ ' '3“ é ‘ " of have to meet the same regulations and date must report the expense of the Walked out the front door
‘ M‘s\§ H pi .; p. t Vat” i stay within the spending limits. material. but not neccessarily the Pm“ ‘0 hl‘t‘icape- tager “#5 .
.. ' X l . y “g" " .» ' kl to Presidential candidates may spend labor. according to Bisciotti. “““lng “3mm ‘0 PI'SO“ ”’1'".
. " A\ “t V ’ i i I} i i 3 v up to Sl60. vice presidential candi- Bisciotti said the rationale behind pleading guilt)Vla‘lflwcmofhargesm
__ . "r-i'.\*“'\s, “ . ._ dates up to $l40 and candidates for this rule is that no objective standard Injpcrswdlmgd federalofticer. mm'
. k, VQVV V . . .. . . p y, p ' V . . . , . . 45 mi .15 for Iacin a value on the labor state transportation of a stolen auto.
‘ .p ":2- ; . ~. p. . w ” seats d5 senator can Spend up to S ‘ t p 5 p g and interstate transportation of stolen
_. -~--.. .y ~ . . V V e $3. . s. . We can t eliminate every chance to of a volunteer. . . propert)._
.. .3 “fxt‘ .' . . {a - V :f violate the regulations._but by making The Elections Board will deal with .
~ » .‘V k"\VV“VV~ V: ,. the rules mVo reV specrfic it should act as any cam paign yiolations on a case-by— natlon
_ ;. “ey- ‘ Vt‘VVVVt . 5'. VV a dLtherené. Bisctygtti said. . . case bhasis. Villenfses geemfid lseVgioVusl Sl-jN. EDWARD M. KENNEDY.
. *‘ix .._ §VV\'~\€\;\0~\‘V...\.°§2V%VV\ \\ xiii V- ' .‘dSI . ovem . r. qUCSlIOI’IS “'CI'C enoug ITIdTVV C I‘VC CTIC IOI ‘C. U ICllrd In I'II\ bid {or the Democratic presi—
e “ti-“l .. raised concerning the campaign Board. which has the power tonis- dential nommam”. mm a musk“,
s61“ . . . expenses of elected Mr President qualify a candidate. Both boards are MtualloVn m iomomm-S Massachu-
«a‘k “‘ ii“ ' -. 4- Mark Metcalf and Vice Prestdent Std appOtnted by Metcalf. but must be setts primary election atatimewhena
. " ‘ E. i. V2; ' ' ' ’ ’ ' ‘ Nealwhen it was discoveredthatsome approved by the 80 Senate. new poll shows his sUpport may be V , '
. . services were donated to their The Elections Board will also spon- slipping _ V '
. i campaign. sor No campaign forums. The March Kenn“) ‘5 “Fem“ 10W” ”Ill”
. ‘ Under article IV. section six of the 26 forum will include all presidential homemw‘ but Pres'dcnl(‘1.rmmm” .
Ty" . SG bylaws. all donated services must and vice presidential candidates. The m ambush the "semi!” and 1’ “mm ‘
’ be figured into the final tallv of cum second forum on March 27 will :2 mm d kmd.°' morai‘lf‘lm" ” -
. .t . . . . . . . . , ennedy doesnt win by a large
' 3) 0““ LANDth/Kemrlhtlfl paign expenses. There was no proof include the candidates for senator “mg-m .
. . that Metcalf and Neal violated the Last year 4.!25 students voted irithe The new p0”. taken by the 3mm" . .
Rosa \ an Meter. who is blind. was one ofthe "rockers" Intermediate ('are Horne. The rockers and rollers had campaign rules on reporting expendi- SG elections. Bisciotti hopes to (,‘luhy. shows Kennedy‘s support
. in I'riday‘s Rock-:i-thon at tlieTates( reek Personal and sponsors donating money tothe Heart Fund. tures. However. Bisciotti said he increase the turnout this year to 5.000. among Democrats ranges front 47
. 4 percent to 64 percent.
, » 40 resrdents raise $700 PRESIDENT (‘ARTER‘S .
' . DRAFT registration plan. a loser in y
. ’ ’ its first congressional test. faces criti-
REST hOI J )9 ROCk-a-thon raises d0/lars for the ea” Fund cal votes this week on the program's
‘ future and whether women should be .
' registered along with men.
' , p . lhe big question is whether the 54-
. By S‘tR til I \li!~ R\\t)t)l) Wheeler (iwnltoncy ()tlier workers "I‘ve never seen them so active!“ psychology graduate student at lfK. number of Mrs. Beryle Chamberlain. memberHouseAppropriationsCom-
- p \'.i:: vvi.i.: wore hillbilly t‘ivsltlttit‘s hid”) was said Marty \lexander.activitiesdirec— provided music. the widow of Leo (‘haniberlaiiLa past mittee will approve the money the .
Smite II;t\\I\ln\ Day and they were for. She said the residents participated The W KQQ-F M “Q—Bird” l’K vice president. during the lottery administration needs to begin regis-
I’ICiITI‘8l'Iklg‘iL'ti lmlhmtts. red and honoring characters from the [.i‘/ because they knew they were doing appeared to greet residents. And for door-prizes. While holding her tratlon thiS summer 0t t’ttuhtl men I .
. white crepe-paper sticurr'icis. and a HII’Ii‘t’l’ comic strip something constructive to help other found himselfdancingwiththe Happy min. a ’I vvo Keys t-shirt. to her chest. 386d '9 “ml 3”-
» i... tints“... i». ., . .. . . . . . . c. .i. ,3 ,. r. ‘ ,,.. .
. y ’ '\ .
. to 's the possibilitt that l ord will be"dr'alted"tntotltc likels to come out and sat sit \tcaketting tlteir own IV 01") \ IV} " f k\
‘ ‘ ' ' , 1 / i
. Reouhlieari rate tor presidential rtonttrtee lord also causes b\ displatingdisunitt itt tlte parts and showing I ‘ l — ‘0 l ' \ E t
i . .-. a . '- r \ f "”0sl ‘ "ll ' “
sa\s :h it lte would hintselt heconte a candidate it their own tears as to tlte \iabilit\ of their campaigns \ ' / - ' ' ~
. .. ' . . ‘ d. \2 I r) " set / -
otieretl a ‘hroad—hascd iittitiitrort trom the Reptibli» against art adttttttedls popular candidate like (ierald _-. . _’ » - ~ .' A) 4“ . I \ 1% ' 2:: —-..
. N” Parts R l-oi'd Some mat claim that l‘t)l’(l\ proposed late — ., ‘ " QR 6’l l, —-\-u-—7r I ‘ll” if? q’f‘. P‘ ‘d “is, “
. \ltcr steadtastlt deittiiig that he was interested or erttr'\ into the Republican campaign is less than Ls'*t£’.f.. im‘t-‘hmmum‘rlfi'ma”“th and l““ldl“3§*i»‘§t’~‘”7 .liom ‘1“) one. ’ ' " D15" needed WWW’W
, Department “0|”ch l "1me rcgU- l) S n l t M H (f h waist. hips. etc. It \1s l’rewitt reallt iilic “inloimatron." In one instance. Some indeed hate. But not these.
.|"' . 'l' " . _ ' ~ t
. -- 14mm. dgmna “mom-e during llndls ('u l twt‘.‘ “5' r‘ I‘I‘IE‘IG‘I- “:‘K wants people who are rtot blirtdh lol- the speaker reteitled that Im not a lhat thet were adtertised to haw Mr. and Mrs. George “. Bauer. Jr.
. . . week m scheduling a crucial basket- t 3‘} I‘t‘ hlwu ”“If‘Im‘ dill) Iotsingherhecauseollter professiortot scientist. btit current etidence con- faced tt hat philosopher Paul ’lillich Elizabethtown. Kentucky
. ball game during tltat time And I‘m ”11‘9” I‘” ‘l“ "‘I’ ”Inednl 1‘”le taith to listen to her. she sltotrld ccining etolution is wrong." Reasons called “the problem of [Tltimate (‘on-
. ‘ '\' l i' n; ’ ' .‘ ‘ i , . . . . ' ‘ ' “
. . . “I“, ma. it wastustaprank wheneight ‘ d l" ‘ ”m “r “‘m“ ‘k‘ ”l address these questions. tot beliel in (rod. the Bible. .lestis as eern and gate us only warmed-mer letters 0 inions and commen-
,. 3 I t. . I ., bring pride arid honor to the l ntser- l h“ .\ ,U in . ,1 . t l' l' ('l . , l . ' , . H. . . ._ . a ‘ ‘ ' p
. “Mm” [mm “mum“. taped and , pt It gt a g impsc it .at It; trist. attd ltL inadequacies ot hash. leatcs me no choice but to teel taries must be t' d and tri le-
. . . s . . stt_t ltis humrliatingtoi the lsentuck't Htmhurt‘e elm eolumrt m m. 1. \ ... l , . l , "l , . l _ , .. . . ype p
. sodonti/ed a mum: l estrtgton tcmale 'thl *t‘ t d h. r t- i i t (.17 pruai ing cosmo ogica attd ant tio- like I hate _|ust bought the on!) used spaced and must include the
'i . . last spring A _ l Ls.InIotdomenthiottIstu in!“ “ " WW ls‘tts‘l “its printed. It was tat less pological :hcories were not giten. nor on Sunda) "carlromthelittle old lad_t. writer‘s signature address and
. . - . , art lttllU . LLLni. art wor ing indr- emotional. and pts"s’tttt'tlii \er_\ reaso- was a genurne concern for responding It was a lemon. l hate onlt' to sat to t
" - . ‘ -- lnl it” a 'st .\ fl.” *lsu m. tidtials to be associated in the public hl' l . . ' . , ~ ' ’ ' phone number. LK students
. ,V tg t pa L pt L cc pp L ita L point o tie“ to sincere questions on the part ol sttt- instructors approached in the luture: should include their year and
. . ‘ I should not men blink an etc at the mind “'lh Ct‘n‘WWd MW“- l~ is o .11 . - x t ,\ d ._ x .. ; t ' . . .
. . - “ll ' ml“ “Wm” W“ U‘ (“‘4‘ l mptor. major and Universny employees
. - prospect oi hating conticted felons Paula .I. S. Smith use and enlightening c\change ttas.| . - - -
. . . , t K hill .. -\|ice (. Stewart . . . _ should list their position and
. - _, . plating on our . loot a team - . - - . . . _ (ounseling and Testing (enter staff hate to coneltrde. tar lrotn the point. Jeff Burkhardt department
. ' - ( oaeh ( am has alread) stated that Business Admlm-‘M‘l'l‘m “WOT F h lttstead. little more than tinderhartded Philosophy assistant professor .
‘. ”I three ot the tour platters imolted in w Id orum C eats "ltthle-thumping" was the orderol the for legal reasons. contributors
' . - the December burglar) ot Shot-It or I ? [h]. ast week re r... t' H .e , da\ must resent a UK lDbeforethe
. . p . petrtateit _ rateu p _ r
\ports ( enter will still be eligible tor “('htistian l pdatc" were brought to It the l nttersitt is a place tor Kernel Will be able to accept the
. . . . - positions on the tootball team nest I would like to replt to Ms \largte our eampusartd “WWW ina number exchanging ideas. and lot giting rea- Mt son. Dan Bauer. started as a material.
. . . season lhank \ou. (oitt‘hturt‘t \o Malone and \1s \arah I’lttthton ta clam-cant]”kt-inmrmcdcomm!" sorts. attd it the (‘hristian taith has treshmanat tTKinthetallot I977. lhe
. ._ , -‘ one can sat toii re iricortstsiartt hotlt iresltttteit tour highh erttoiionitl oi the instructor In the tnlcrcsl otaegt. some claim to truth and legitimacy in fact that Dan was handicapped meant
. ~, Is it onl} ntc’ Do I hate an letter to the editor was hai‘dlt a good demic freedom. and the opert
'. . . . estremels warped sense ot right attd esantple tor \1s. .loiies accordingto eschange ol ideas. I agreed to allots a [Long-run doom Of mistrust,
. . ttrong’ Is it too rtttich to expect that in tour own dcttnttiori ot "unbiased and speaker who was represented to me as
_ I . _ a communttt where student demoit‘ neutral" writing an rntcllrgentand informed spokespei‘ . . .
'.' . stratorstlast \ear's lrantanstarethrea— luuote “I'll bet she kicks ttiirts and sort lor the (‘hristian tattlt. tospeak to enne aces no-Wln Situatlon '
' .I _- tened \tithespirlsion and arereqtiired laughs at Jewish their who wear mt Pill [00. Introduction to l’hilo»
-’ . ', to post Si 5.04)“ bond tor a mtsdemea~ tamokahs too " l‘d like to take \ou up stlplt) classes. \\ chad beendrscussing . . - - . .
. . , ' ‘ ' nor charge. sortie kind ot serious on that bet' \\ hat did _\oti mean ht \ariotis argumentslorthcetusteneeol “3 MAX I‘ERNER desperate andtheretore lo” credible. greet him On gun comm", his ”ISIS!-
. ' i‘ ’. action would he taken to control these tltat statenteitt‘ ls it riccesart tor ete— (iod. the truth ot Reselittion. and the ”‘9 operatitue factor '" Kennedt 5 ence that a hunting‘gun Isnta Satur-
_ '. I'TII britte and tearless \\ildcats ot whom rtoite \\ ho does rtot agree “Illl Ms, nature ol human lite.and the idea of a [Cd kennedt " experiencing ” easelies inthe figures ontrust and dls- day night speCiaI “0de a stony
_‘ . ., ' we are all so proud I am at a loss to l’rewitt to be seen as horrible. inltu» contemporart (.‘hristian statement double—hind ““9” I” h" Campaign. ”LN' lhc poll shows ml!" '6 percent response.
t V . ' ' understand the logicthat tgltorescrim- mane People’ l cart ltardh helie\e that seemed at the time to fit tit well with “ h“) hc ““5 caittpaigning low-kc). “l of the Democrats belIic\tng Kennedys . [Cd hasgone through more trage-
. . ’ V . --_ , tital. telonious acts iii the name ot a losing l‘ather‘ (iod like the one \ls. the arnts and topics of the course In“ start. he got shellacked l‘" being tersionot( happauurddickI the h)“- die? and "lab than befall most OMS m
Ii.» I -' I , I ‘ ._H W- . ., ._,A, _. , 7* _.,.__.A, ___7 *_ V. V [on nlL‘L‘ and not separating himsc" L‘Nl figure thus far. lhlSlalllCS Wllh ”W a lllCllmC. “C can be a fiery cam'
I III , . 90?; /I,/ (I l "W.’.‘.’ W. ‘ enough from Jimmy Carter. lhcn he rock-bottom negattte figure: 24 per- paigncr. and can stirerowdsHe hasn‘t
. _ i‘ v.04 // . / / , %‘g¢\&&9’..€\ ‘.%'Q §‘$‘ changed the tactics atter' Iowa. and lit cent of the Democrats say they won‘t been at home in the homeyone-to-one
Yrs 7 -' “4%.. 4, . “'3‘ l b:$;‘¢:;".;0‘ ‘. ’6‘~I“W\‘ into(‘arter on exert issue the latest totetorhimuitderanyeircumstances, atmosphere of Iowa and New
iI -' . ”0....‘J / ‘ I, " ’4’ ' .‘Oé‘w. ‘hy9‘w (‘BS-M'It York II‘INHW poll shows he "—_'_‘—_— Hampshire.
. _ . ;.. ’ s'.t / 00" ’ ~OO \ AQ ‘ , . l .. d i . , l'ntii now his worst cam ai n
II I . I ‘0‘.” '4“, c I ‘I / I 'w‘. ’0”‘\ .\ continues to me groun .and is being _ IP 3
_- -». .. -_ 3.6%q j‘l/f)’ ”30% a ff". ’.‘ “A \q "9‘W‘4 seter’elt‘ ertttct/ed for attacking the ' ion ordeal was ”‘9 cliffhanger wrth h'S
, - t .i ' I / l‘ ’t‘ . - ‘ " ' i' .
' ' . .i h’bgvoll 4/ M l, I“ l . “$33.“ §.¢./o\‘g President during the hostage crisis. opln brother BO“ 'n Pennsyltanla. Ind"
I1 . ' ,_ I 'I.I.,,'I?‘;_j,-“" W O ., , w 0IA§..“.A. . 4‘\\WA’ So he is insulted for being gentle- “”‘L Oregon and (alitornia m 1968
, r , . .3 t i;,;_é;:,‘,t;~:;l‘ Isl! f) \l/ ‘ L 1;," a'r'” l":":;:l‘:’:‘;:!;l:l:' fighifari'Eflpfi'. "lit.” manh. and is inrurcd when he tries to —.—___— Bl" that one had itstriumphs as wellas
. . ' , . .Ii . fizz-:1: T l// Y ..,iii'§!g:~7;b'.\“3“"git-93.3mfg‘qii’k“:lglglgflgfifilfligfi ””0“ some hard punches, ”C " lhc mistrust factor isa shadow that defeats before the final tragedy. rhe
- 1.9:... ’ .\ " .._...;ri~"«.a’ - _ .' i. .. xv. =4," 9 31pm: .. , , , - ‘ i i ’ . r , v ' ' ‘
; ', , I. 39': E I \‘h \\l [/7 31!":15535‘” #56!“ D IIt‘cg‘zfisngr: caught in a no-witt situation, . lollows Kennedt etertw'here. lhe currchnt ordcalIafItIIerIa euphoIpc start.
i, . 5 t i J i J? "58",?“ lhc poll figures are depressing tor earls caucus and primart “at“ has ecn most) e eats t e worst
' I "of?” (‘2 , I \\\\‘ fl \ , “at I , ’ led s camp. He has been dritingawat Iowa. Maine. New Hampshire hate campaign I" I” experience. .
r ' " ' 3 ‘ V5356“ AXE P :1 l" I \ h ’ .1 l? 'l 'w “l the draft registration. 1” hl‘ mm‘ all been traditional talue system through hls whole tragedy-ridden
I i 'r is") 't': ea, .""~‘:‘..~';;.‘e.., ’1 ‘2' ‘. II_:’II':;‘:;‘.§:,I§?-i' ‘ I, .... .E, ithSOlUIL‘ itnll-HURC llnt‘. 1H ”10 energs states. “here I Cd" past nnsad\cr'flure§ llfCtlmC hC has been a SUn‘lVOI’. and he ‘
I' , ’ ’= ;'I "969712, A V : ,/5T{.':§:€I:;§_’£€;{::._g5.=;_. “j ‘. _ i and infla