xt70p26q2651 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70p26q2651/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-08-30 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, August 30, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 30, 1985 1985 1985-08-30 2020 true xt70p26q2651 section xt70p26q2651 W—-
Vol. LXXXIX, No. I76 Established 1094 University of Kentucky, Lexington. Kentucky Independent since 197! AUQUS' 30, I985 .
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Problem now under control official sa 5 57’ \I ‘3" " " ' M l ‘ a. , ’ °
-,. , .o ' c ‘ .' '5 ‘vfii' -‘
’ y ’“ ’ ~ ‘ t. on a . 1.,
V. ‘ ‘1' ‘0 've " '.:‘ ,' 31‘!
gngé‘é‘lmfiurt: Concern over asbestos on campus campus residence halls. 23 have ' I #5". y . . 1‘ i' "’. .“,
began in November when friable as- been surveyed. None of the fraterni- T ‘. ~ . ‘ -. “f
Sofar. so good batos was found in the Funkhouser ties or sororities has been surveyed , . 7 &' , - . . 'I ,1." i."
The campus asbestos problem Building. Since then mne buildings butsoon w'illbe, ‘ f p It“, 3""
which created concern last semester on campus have been determined to The cost of the surveys and con- ii, f“ .i ‘3» I v, -
ls under control says Bernie Von- contain asbestosalthough none was struction thus far, which is covered 5* v V, . 3. 142' 5
derheide director of UK information friable: V°"d¢rhe‘de stressed. by a 1159er? fund “just for this sort '3' ’2' 5 " 1"."
services‘ ’ “We re gomg through this thing of emergency." totals $595,249. he ' . ..' ; "H. -
Mme asbestos problem thus far very. methodically. building by said. Vonderheide had no idea on fu~ . :87, '. 2ng
has been minimal .. he said Gen Wilding.’ said Gene Williams. as« ture spending or on future asbestos 2 j . .‘_ -. ,: .g
l erallv the asbestos we have found Sistant Vice chancellor for business. problems which may come up _ ‘f ._; ,» 1;.1
~ ' . “First. we must determine where if . . . « . - ‘ ‘
has been the insulation around the any the hazardous asbes‘os is Séc “Tins is just a prodding thing we _, . , a
pipes land it has not bbéen fri'altélhe." ondly we determine where any as: must keepupwith."he said “i? ‘- .1 , i; .
“ t ' tosw‘ is ' . .3 ‘ 1.7
cirdfiblinggifislscaosmidered harm- bestos is We know there is aShestos Williams said the completion date ‘ ”3;" ~ '-’ . _ j”
ful. m buildings. we JUSt have ‘0 “Dd It for the surveys is "probably” six to . . f ‘ « 7 -. «'-
and removeit." eight months away I ,. ~ M . ,‘- ' ; ‘
‘ Asth surveys were conducted Asbestos removal has been com- ' » ' ‘ . . g _ .‘ . V t“

» -IW,“ " during ”‘9 summer- VWderhe‘de pleted in the Gillis Building. Agrono- “Actually (the completion date” is ' ' ‘ ~- . , . ~ .
said. but only on the Lexmgton cam- my Greenhouse, Insectary Building. based on the consultants' time.' he ‘ _ , . ‘ . . ,
W5 The surveys “'l“ eventually en~ pi Kappa Alpha fraternity and one said, “And the number of consul ,..V 4.. _- * _“M'W ‘ ‘\ , {“3“ ‘~ .' ' ‘ .
L“NPR“ the ”35‘ 0f campus. the of the Tobacco Research. laborato tants is limited and thev also have 1—m— 7— — ~ «”77"»— " ' . . . ""3 . ' '5» _ ' , « .
Medical i‘enter and the 13 commu- ries otherjobs " ' _ .1- '. . ‘
illl\('t)llt*L{t'\lilKE’nlU(‘k_V.hesald. ,' . , _ , -. - 5: .- '

To d1”... the ceilings and pipes Vonderheide said asbestos has Vonderheide said the main consul- ~‘PT‘.’ f, It
., ._ i” . . t f th . “00 been found ‘“ four ”51‘1““? halls tant for the campus survey is David (I ' .- * . "
f! )0.” “ p‘t’rten ,0 'e gross r and work 0“ them has either been Banks Inc lm‘atuiinini‘reinkttirt - ‘1»: I" “ ~ . i
area ”n (anipus have been sur- completed or is near completion. As ' ‘ Ni . . : ‘ f
"7““ and ,3 percent contained some bestos removal from pipe insulation The names of thi- companies doing ' ‘ 3'
asmub‘ \onderheide band The as- and ceiling panels in Jewell Hall. removal were not available. but A .‘ i ' '
I‘m!” “a“ l“)! friable. but has been Patterson Hall and Kirwan H has Vonderheide said l'K accepted the "w“mmm‘o“ “I" ‘ ~ : ‘-
”mm“ “"5“” been completed. while insulation re- lowest bids from what he stressed Steamed ». x . . ‘ ‘ ‘
"Our policy is that we want to get moval in Boyd Hall should be com- were companies experienced in as» " . ‘ ' =‘ \ 1
mi of it all or encapsule it. because pletedbeforenext week bestos removal Removal l.\ t-on Steve Gregory a criminal justice ionior, and more roost a pig for me His“ por'y 3' L1" r ' ‘. f
itcouldturnfriable.”hesaid. Vonderheide said that of the 30 tractedonajob-bygobbasis Wilma McKinney a physical therapy sopho‘ do ChiAlphofroterm'y iosyrwm , ' “ '
Nt' I] d kt td t   ‘
a iona ea er spea s o s 11 en group i r . Another 16 .. .. .,
. a ‘ - - - . ~. ,
343 g $ .2 ~ e e e ‘1 ‘ - . ’
e e e o e e . 3” ~1,>.' \ t _ > . .
Organizational meeting of conservative student coalition focuses on recruitment is: _ (119 In l‘lOtS - ' -
B) K.\RI~J.\ MILLER about recruiting four students full- "Most states don't have elections movement and described divestment & a W ~ e e .. ’ . .
Staff Writer time to explain the group to their re— this year so there's a real lull in polv in South Africa as “stupid ” . 4. ' " In S Afrlca ' _. ’ '.
specific regions. itics; considering that and the fact '1 NW)" the pm-life mmemenl m - t -— ' ' ' . ‘
Dave l-‘a/io nationa'l chairman of Students for America. a non~partiv that the 1984 election is OH‘l‘ there’s but believe that it‘s a moral and “i“ i 5‘ ’ , , : j
Students for America. categorized sari conservative student group. was been quite a hit of people to \lgn \pllllual issue I believe that the hike! 3 ' _{Ji- B.‘ “\l iii-:1 \ "tH\\‘t\ . g ' ._ g '
‘ his group as a conservative student formed in March 1984 and now upf‘he said ii-st-vr is in ‘.“_l‘l"éi’lllg people. there m. m “- '14-" i ‘ _ . - .- ,
coalition stressing tree enterprise. boasts over 7,000 members in ap~ "We try to flood k‘(.‘ngrt*t’\\lilt‘ll by eliminating the need for people to “ p ‘ ‘ ' ' '
family \alues and a strong national proximately 106 chapters across the from all the districts where ‘4; are stwktibtii'titin.“ Faziosaid m * . I 'll’VHI'.‘\V-~‘l” ‘1" ' i " ' :
defense country. It was the idea of conserva- represented with a lot of mad.‘ 0“ (mmtmem. Fauo 581d .1 ‘ ' é gagi‘w T dotting-k ‘.‘.“,p, "in at . 'i" . . "..
Faxio‘s comments came at the LR “V9 leaders W Washington. D(» [0 Fazio said. "However. most of our went to South Africa this summer If . 3‘: I?” ‘ 3”“ [W i1“. 1 d, - . I ' i
chapter s organizational meeting contact top actit'ists from college lobbying is done through campus ac and the blacks in South Africa don't g of _ j. 5 ‘p‘ “““H‘d” “L“ W- “ ‘ " . ' _
111“ mill“ campuses nationwide who would In tivism. that is. demonstrations, (19- “an! us to diginvest V the blacks N'E‘t . .‘.‘ / mored _"“r‘ f"“"“"7 7“": i ”‘3 . ' " . . . _.
.\t the meeting. which was at- turnformtheirownchapters, baies‘proiegis ~thingslikethat '* look at the [>5- industry down there -. 5*} sfoffqt‘flutsfilltiii,‘ . , ' ,. ~ . .
tended by about 20 people. Fazto After the meeting. have said stu- Fazio also said after the meeting as positive It's giving them jobs: ‘. .‘.‘.’ ‘K ,s' A " It": "7 i’f,“l"".,;f'.’_, "”' ’ . ' W ’ . '
said the group was very supportive dents have responded enthusiastical- that he is in favor of voluntary pray- disinvestment would only hurt . > » i“. 33." ' * _' I ,i ftlgfl‘dih‘hummiy r‘j ‘ ‘1. " ‘1: " . t h . .’ '
oi litsident Reagan and talked lytotheorganization er in school. supports tlit pro lift them DAVE FAZIO Chum“ Mm MW on» W: 1..” . J ‘ .
O O O O . ga~ Jam an inIi-iixiti. whim, at ;v . '. - fl, .
Marketin unior sole holdover in nut 11 try t .. -
g J p l g 0“ S .tllt'l‘t' lildtk lt'il’lt’l \e'm" ‘i . ’ ~ - ‘ 5 if .. .
_ l.\ .\t’l‘\lllgiii!!t"t"li. , ‘i , .
. ‘3 "WW3 . ~ 33W1LIJEHIAW ‘ was about 8. Profitt hadnt lele \lttsl oi ""’_ k l:.l‘iL. ‘R' a _, _V 1 .1... *1
”'35, . ”.l‘hj‘fiw L" - Sports Editor ‘EVEFYbOd'V has always seriously since he was a Junior and around "JP“ I‘m" “"1““ ’. 3" I . ‘3‘ . .'
' ' #3:!“ ‘ ~ ' ‘ : I 1d m l ‘ ld senior in high school at tiarrod mill‘t'h 1“ Mil-"W” l" " ' " fl / i '. '.
LE 15‘ . ‘ .-’\ J" 3 ehfil“ 9‘s A They were told to bring their own 0 e £OU punt ('Ounty. when ht‘ Pram”M WWW planned _ V._ 1" -v 'Q
._ -- ‘1 is g; ‘1 1 shoes and they did everything pretty good, I thought, on the varsity team And ewnthei Police wait-1' l=1: 'W iw' ‘ :' ~ .’ .1 7 ‘3' ,_ a;
. a'u ‘ '1'.“ "i ' 1' -. from basketball hightops to running 1 h V . ' . he had never punted iii an otiicial ltmrbhip “imt'wt'e ~.. : -l 1- ‘w t ' . .- p;- .' .
i ' X ’ ‘ ‘ a shoes. Just one. though. was chosen “ .V n01 g‘Ve 11 a game \lt‘tlt‘tl at lt‘thi tire» ':.;\t~1r.ii‘i . . ,._._. ‘ 15. .1
" ~" g _ to wear a pair of Kentucky‘s Adidas ShOI?‘ " However. even though Proiitt was \t‘hmh and \lommi .. 'i; \11‘ .- ._ . .
31:" l . cleats. . , asked to return today. Claiborne lx’ :ng windows as t'l‘illtll'H‘ '.l'. ii. ‘ fl: » .~ .. A,
. I" ‘ Mark Profitt. a junior marketing Mark Pr(’f'"~ hardly convmced he's college mgtrom thebuildina = A' . "
7’ " 3 X ‘_ major. was the only student who puming "yum holdover material "I‘ve got to get him out Hioi squads ll‘i aiiiio'wi :vtxii" " y i. f
\3 survived the first day of the Wild- here With pads on and see how he raced around ("ape 'lowi . stain ; . . . '.j
' cats' student punting tryouts. which —— does when you snap the ball. when ing colored or mmo l'dt't‘ ‘- .' ' ‘ ‘.
began yesterday on the practice "Those twoguvs there. they‘re not 11 guys are rushing at him.. t‘lai; lii\\‘f‘i.\lllp> oi lit-tinille \iiulli ‘rllitll " ' ' ' '. '.
-N'“ 95 field at Shively Sports Center bad.“ assistant coach Dick Redding borne said “It makes a whole lot of ells Plains and Manneriiwic :ixr « ‘ . .‘ i :
. l it One of 15 other students who par» said. motioning [0 Profitt and King» difference 1 don‘t even know it he wig tear gas and hung rlllllvl'l iiui» _. - . ' _ _
.1 i . p ' . ticipated in the tryouts. Profitt was u” (‘oach i’l‘errvi Strock works with willbeable to kick the ball lets Gangs oi _\Uulh.\ respiiiiteitaviii .' .- - ' ‘
' w given a pair of cleats to wear while them. they might turn out pretty The coaching staff. which has rocks put up ”lakeshn! rout: inockt . . ."
. W UK's coaching staff. including good They've got good strong legs been looking at everybody who can and burned tires intho timer -. I, , .
Coach Jerry Claiborne. tmk a Closer and they've got a natural snap in the ”SW’lng a leg." acted on its threat of \ yyeurrold h“) blll‘llf‘t} Iii 11(“]Ih I, . ‘ .
look. He'll return for the second of legs -~ ' advertismg for punters when asst» when a gasoline bond '.\ :1» hum-ii .~ . ._
three tryouts t0day at 3 pm The Hut King. who had walked on the tant coach Dick Redding called the min hl> homo the ~\iiiitt‘. \lllt'tm . . ' .
k final tryout will be held tomorrow at Kentuckv team as a punter two Kentucky Kernel office Tucsda} Broadcastingt‘orii i'i-poiiwi ' -_ -. - . ‘
9am. vears ago. learned he no longer had night and announced when and That iii'oughl :hi Yitilt‘iit'! ..; . .- ' . . ‘ - . '
The tryout itself was simple The anvcollegeeligibilitv where the tryouts weretohe held g inns in the (.ipi‘ Itiu' .m-n u _i' ‘ -
' players lined up in the middle of the That left Profitt ‘ When asked what the odds were oi least 1; ior lht' two iLt}\ oi rails . .
" % Czfigwfig; . y .. practice field and took turns legging "Everybody has always told me 1 a student making l'K's team ‘d> .2 most oi them killed to WWW \“i” ' . ' ‘ » > I
~~ _‘ g “for j? V » . their best punts while a couple of could punt lprettv good." profm punter. Redding said. "I’ve newr 1} can people hate bet-r. wait-«t ii: .i i . -- .
. .. ‘ a t . -; ~. ’ UK‘scoachesobserved send. u] thought. ‘why not give it a been in this spot before I dont year of rage dildiln: wiiiti- rill“ . ‘ .
QAVM/lemelste" The crowd was eventually nar- ShOt"' N knowwhat theoddsare nearlyallofthemblni'lt
rowed down to two. Profit! and He develo an interest in . . . More than no ’tiplt' riii'iiiding '._‘ ' ‘ . .
Steve King, a first-year pharmacy student, kicks the ball during Steve King, a 24-vearold first-year punting whilcpggrticipating in punt. Redding said somt of the partiti polict-iiien, “(_rvfinundm m thi- W' ‘ :
yesterday's S'Udem "YOU'5 ‘0' "‘9 position °f UK punter. pharmacy student' ' pass and kick competitions when he m H \II\(.. page 4‘ lence that gripped this \Hiilh\\t*\it‘l‘ll 1 ‘ . ~
port area after police thwarted the ; ‘
. planned marches Blacks pi-oplt of | ,
mixed race called coloredx and .
several thousand white l m\('i'.\ll} oi
(‘ape Town students were among
. those demanding the release of Man
“mag”? 3:: “Si": cleaned - o - dela. who has been in prison since
u wt 0U ‘
t;:°?m“i.‘:it“:: International students gain cultural experience on tours mggwmmmm momma
Page“ ByCHRlSWHl-IIAN and 25 who represent 15 different show But English is the main lan- Dealing with the people in the Charles Redman. the deputy State
"at m." for [he WM “mm k StaffWriter countries Lexington is the only city guage.Therrien said. show is a learning experience in it» Deitartment spokesman, said in
me plan “mm" m m all-u: con< . ' in Kentucky and one of only six Cll~ Participation in the group pro- self. About 500 to 600 students are oh Washington that Wednesday 's
an an inmmmm on u. M Up With People wants to prov1de a ies in the United States where the vides an educational experience for inded into five separate. groups. All events "indicated how quickly con~
suPAm.w3. ' 80°C] cultural 9’5an ‘0" ‘me prillperfm'monthistour. students.hesaid. of the groups. he said. include indi- frontation between police and deni-
Lexmgton families —— and find a The show's theme this vear is Cast members become directly in- vtduals from venous parts of the onstrators can lead to brutality and .
placetosleep. .. ., . ~ , . ~ ~ world. bloodshed We appeal to all sides to
. . . BeetoftheFutui-e Themensaid volved in the communities where , . _ . _
The group. which Will be in Liex- The U W'th P ' l the perform he said Students are One of the groups requirements is av0id such confrontations Vie also
ington Sept. +7 to perform a private P l ”99 9'03”“ W“ Y ‘ ' . ~ “not just being able to sing and reiterate our call to the South Afri-
. .. sents the kind of show the entire able to meet peovle by staying With . ..
show. Will need about a hundred f .1 he . host families instead of in hotels dance. but haying the capability to can government to ensure that its
Tod: m d beck" during its stay. said promoter 'm‘ ycan “‘10-“ sa'd' The group also gets involved in each communicate with others," Therrien police force respects the rights of all
be Yr“ clmu‘vit? '3“ ‘0 Mark Themen The Wt musical show includes community by performing at hospi- said. South Afncam.
p. y y ' W Therrien said the house guests W from the 19205 to the present. ““5 schools and universitieS. The students need t0 be aware Of The Ca T . 3 l .
Chm“ 0‘ .mm' "W should notceuse hosts oblems be- seid Jackie Gache a cast member ' what is going on and be able '0 - pe owncity . l'meh
today will reach the mid to upper . pr . . . ,; . , “This is a very educational pro ha that ‘th the he ‘d IS controlled W White llberalS. 81C-
”. and h came the group Will be practicirg Its the type that pleases a variety .. . .. S "3 W1 STOUP- 58' - cused the f . ki .
s tonUIt will it; as to _ of f gram for us. he said. A lot of the “Just sh,“ “mum you can learn police 0 prom no no
70 about 12 houn each day. ‘h'anspor . ages mm 70- to soyearolds to mporisibilities are left tothe Sm ., "8 . Im. A white member of the pro-
' tetim for the when; is provided iittieiuds." .. “9 alot. . . .
Partly do“! this I! In the end t ofthe ls dents For example. each student The students who will perform in ""0131 WW John Sonnenberg.
work: let tm with Hfi '0." mos mea ' Because Up With People is an in- lean business. public relatiomi and balm!!! are cm'rently preparing said police had Whipped demonstra-
we. Up With People comprises a group ternationel group. the performers market“! skills by organizing a! ‘0” “WW! “MM relish" i" a "dis-
of smile-its between the ages of is use six diffa'ent impinges in the leastoneshow SeeEXPERIEN(T.pe¢e-1 gracefuldisplayofbrutahty."
a i .

— — “Miam—
HTS ......., HAY FEVER
Assistant Sports Editor 5 s
' M E ° d t0 en EARN $150
I: nroe, Becker, wm second roun s a p
\l~‘.\\ YURK «Pi — Defending tenholme of Canada oo. 74;. 6-1. US. Open title, went agaimtRaL Inasecond-round women‘s singles
t'hanlplun John McEnroe and Wimp while the 17-year-old Becker crushed faella Reggi of Italy in last mght's match. Kathy Jordan eliminated An- |f you suffer with hay fever allergies, YOU can earn
- - $8.828 18mm 855.223.832.35 .6.“ 8‘ "‘8 ”8888 ""*"“88"- 3:28; might; 8:5,: 288*5; use by poriicipoiins in a ihree day medicai siudv
» i , 23;},2311 :‘mm‘inaf’ifi‘flpfifir‘; Among others 10mins Becker and Advancing into the third round or mills; figggfygaf°$eficrzcflg °' ”‘9 un'vers'w °§ Kenmd‘Y'
trim .miondround matches In the McEnroe m the third round were the wometrriesNSInglslgn "Beg?! from injuries 1 You must b. I. or over
,i . . ~ 1 \ (jlpcll Tt’nnls Championships figgfifififigfigfigfifl 10 Joa- azimuij-dseedidoaaanaefiidlikog Ma‘ndlikoy'IIaBneéded mt): (rm?!- 2. You my "nigh“... on wukondg or during
8. \t'\lt'l‘t.I_\ d N ‘ 7 HI Suk ‘ both f utfi ocrus ri In's r0
‘ , \lI-tjnme, who barely survived the The women‘s top seed. Chris ggmhglovahgfind Nigvam Bonnfe 6-3. 6-3. Suk_ova stopped Beverly weekdays. whichever " m“, ‘onv‘ni.n'-
, ._ _ m: round eliminated Martin “'05- Evert ond. seeking her seventh Gadusek. BowesG-3J‘rlin58mmuus.
_ ,3 M For more information, please come to Room 303. College of
I i .. i - ' 1 ' '. .' ' ‘ ,. ' . " 53%,::Iff'jjfff: Pharmacy Building. Washington Street at 6 p.m. any eve-
] j , , ‘ ’ ' ‘ " s-T e ning thisweek. no PHONE cuts PLEASE.
. ,. - i SIDEL'NES ' ‘ 15%;;fff.[?ri5if .1. wBe yp w
.. -- . /E 257-6525
. ‘ , _ l i From Staff and AP reports \1\.\\’ \ .1”: 'VVW .
: ~-' . A S . ”\fi 11, EARN EXTRA MONEY
~ .‘ .' i i . . _ . ‘ _ . . $6\\’ '83.; a.
w , , . l him midi W- 9 mmmé W, DURING YOUR SPARE TIME!
». f" i I " i i .i ' \Indcnh can pick up tickets . “60b .. fj
F‘ ‘- _ . .2 ”V v \I i . \l 0 x , V\\‘“" i L ‘ .» U '- H'RI "6 Now
i r » '- i. I :‘ii’iil‘nff un‘inc LIL‘JHJJ: 50:11:; ‘ L\"\,\\;O;§5kwm .
* - lW W 9W minim“ - mum FOR KEENELAND RACE MEET
-- it iW \‘ SVIOH3-33‘";f§§im”, r
. 7 ' . ° . i n..- m. plm m. Falcons musician-mam- 1: .. Turf Catering Company will be hiring for the Upcoming race moot
.. .. i W” 1 J ‘ .. which runs Oct. 8 thru Oct. 26. A variety of labs are available. We
' i ) __ . . , , . I ' need both full and part-time help and can hire you to work either a
V 87 _ 3 ~ ' . l h , T‘Llflmjfd” p“: “p me” -__ -.-_- day or evening shift. We also need people to work only on Saturdays.
. » ~ , i ‘\‘\"‘f:‘_\j1‘”‘h‘l_",":”::‘iai‘h::]‘: ' We may be able to work out a schedule suitable to your personal
- V _ - f , f i \,;1_1;:;1d‘ 1'.“- I‘hm l | 5 needs. A chance to earn good wages in an exciting atmosphere.
_' _ ' V i .1042? pi.k iip their entire al-
- 3 - ' _ {punt-in. llloxc tickets are
' , .. Ii ' . I tinnl: .i\.i:l.xblc to the public at APPLICATIONS
f ‘ : . _ g f’j.f‘,,.,‘,’f“,§:f;’:;:‘jjfiif‘fim“ TAKEN FROM 9 AM 1'0 4 PM
_ ,' ! u. I. LU . L L k 5‘.
' ' ' l . Ui‘hllil .i tickct. students 0
~ , , PM mi OUR Tues., Sept. 3 thru FrI.. Sept. 6
J " . _ I ll‘ «.83 .igmny card at the
' , ' i ! ’.\." .Vf‘l.;‘ lilc‘hch are Issued .
_ . ‘ I m .g 33‘: umic, first some PL EDGES a, our Keeneland Off'ce
, I , . l '\u,\-_ .
. __~ Please Apply In Person!
.i , I I 1 Ralph's
‘ -’ c "8 “8° [7 SHEA/V035 DIEM/WW
. _ : 2 3 l Y P - - .I
- : 3 s IiRe up", PURCHASE REUUIRED. DRAWING SAI srpz 7— mu N550 M7735 PRESENT ro wnv.
' ' °" '"° " 'I'O CAL VARY MQQMWM'M Igggiiiiiiiiiiiiimmm-
' -. , , ' 2276......“ ,,,_.... FROMGE/l/ESIS lEl/I’S BASIC £0303
, ‘ ' » ‘ 25% OFF ESPRIT, GENES/SAND 79. 99 GUYS CUTLER JEANS m 525
‘ l 8“ ‘_ MICHEL 76199-3I.99£mm£smc« m [9, 99 guys'gumggay
~ ‘ ' , .i.‘ I 79.99 6.415 'lfl/I'S SUPER SUMS PANTS ANDJEA/VS are raw
, ( arpet W orld , N, . M_
. . .. - s . 4’8.- WL,- 25% 0mm ACCESSORIES 28525,.
' - ' _ . \\ 'rimc udrpn‘t an} size, dny ' fngGAlS'lEEJEA/VSm 223W“ 14.9915y/3gyy3'g srygfflrs'
. 3 . - {8:33; 2‘; j“;’,‘:;n;§{°“‘-" 8i. r , , gag-19.996.11.98 raps A/vo BASICDENIMJEA/VS _
. ‘ , . - 5:35: " p i: : 'w \ SWfATERS BYSANSAM 101- rayglrvmcuyszsmamrs
‘ V. «is i: Lin;it10rdablepricel is i . AND MEMPHISJOIVES _-W___ PfifWASflfDDEN/MJEA/VS
.. - ” mm... . .- ‘ 1599GUYS’CHAUVIN 23.9915wsaurs'aswarms
‘- , . ~ - ‘ iii—«m ‘ '" . i , lUNG-SIEEVE sums.“ mm 501PREWASH£08 SI-IflllVlt-TO-FIT
' ’ .. Touching. it feels good to know someone is 24.99GUYS'CHAUVINSWEATERS
.- _ . there who cares enough to ease the tension, SAlfPfl/L‘ISUIECTIVI erua/maanmr (EV/'SPNICIUIECIIVE mmuonssnmams.
.8 I Chevy chase Baptist or hug the hurt, or hold you up when you
.. .‘ . . . . welcomes all New need the support. Or even to pat you on the .-..
i "'- . ‘. ‘ “955mm 0nd back when you need to know you’re okay.
j " j, 7 Re'”'”;2%i'r“de"'5 Calvary is like that.It’slike coming home. ' ' la
8‘ I . ‘ College Class
~ . - '8 9:45a.m.
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M 9),) l I r I Arts Editor
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(’0'.- k o By JAMES A. STOLL —_ . . .. , r <
m V‘_ ' Senior Staff Writer .- . I . I
ilil'il . lo ' - ’ ’
$33.). ~7- . The affectdtions of prejudice and , I . I I
:6 9 outright racism that still rmeate ‘ REVIEW , ,r ,. -
l . P" .
, ‘ A certain areas of the South make for ‘t‘ _. .~ .' ' I 4
I . . provocative interaction between ‘- . ' ’, . , ,
Auefln City “leer! -— 2350 Woodhull Shopping Center. Tonight and tomor- whites and blacks m the backwater “2 _ I, i ., r .I I
row, Cross Country Send (country rock), 9p.m. to l am. 52 cover. town of Brine Alabama I~ t .. .' r' J ' ,
The Ier —— 224 E. Main St. Tonight and tomorrow, Top 40’disco music on 0 But when a. black dentist takes the ~. (xiii ' is“ mance alone is worth the price of ‘i‘f " I,- iI;
. . , ‘ ' . ‘ C» .' . ‘rl ‘ ‘ l“, I" V"‘ r "‘
:oriniasgtzp, 4 p.m. to l a.rn., After Hours on Saturday from I o.m. to 3.1) role of Rhett Butler m the annual .\ ’ III ‘1 “’1: ddITJIllr:lIoor:I Bdrm I W II m- ha _ , . ,

' ’ ’ Jul Fourth rformance 0f the sa« '- . '" 1 ' ' - ' ' ‘3 5 5 ' 2. ii‘,-:‘
Iottom Line — 361 w. Short St. Tonight, The Klique (reggae), 9 p,m. to l cred “Gone fifth the Wind .. the sit- . , ’ managed to bring out the distinctly iI',‘ I' I; [1/ ‘1' »’
°~""$3‘°V"' ' * ‘ . ~ 2'"! ' . “Alabama" flavor of Martin s work ', . "r'f ». . " 3

u tion uickl ' escalates intoa t d' 9 - , _ .. . ,
Irlel A 2909 Richmond Road. Tonight and tomorrow, Quodra (Top 40 rock), 9 ofa raceq relations that is not :32le '14: . j ,. . I . l'sing “Ch accents and ”Cher charr -I _I-, a -. v.
. i ) a. n - . , - ' , - it 1 . I
P‘m- ’Oldimnco‘I'fi forgotten » . ‘ ’* "o‘5 15;; acterizations Vlilliams cast finds a _l- ".. -‘ 1.- :
Iroedlng'e 1505 New Circle Road. Tonight and tomorrow Doug and the Boys ”C (Cl ks .. J ‘Vl l -. . . '9 1 If? ‘y I. go , refreshing ~H159 of reallh m the m if? II‘. I‘ I“; t
(mumry 'ock)’9p‘m' 'o ‘ am"? my." vigorglllhg l(ltciuble balleof 5:83;:ng [ ’l/I ’ l :T V g plavs ' ‘1'; 47:1. -'
C... m — 337 E. Main St. Tonight, Radio Cole (modern folk), 9 p.m. to politics and scatterbrained thinking # T , a" 'I I, '~' } lX't‘aSlonally however. these char . -I { I.I,'III‘ -‘I.‘ IrI‘
l a.m. 52 cover: tomorrow, Two Small Body (progressive dance), 9 pm. to l 0 "ed last night In the Theatre , / “_ at'terizaliom get out of hand. and a . I, {fl-"z. (III. .
°‘"“ ‘2 “"9" D?wnunder at Levas‘ Restaurant , fi’ '4 5 - couple of actors go far overboard in If". i" - '.
Greet 54:00"! Depot — 684 S. Broadway St. Tonight and tomorrow, Velvet First presented In 1982 b\‘ the A0 I , " ,' 2“ l f i;- . .2 I stereotyping Southern redneck be p I l’i', ,EII‘I
Elv'slongino'rxkl‘qp’m"01a’m’szcover' tor's Theatre of Louisville: Martin's 3 s. as"- a . if ’ g havior detracting from the “NC ‘. 4;, "it .‘ lil-
Jefferson Devi! Inn — 102 W. High St. Tonight and tomorrow, The Hotheads plays marked the opening of the = x 2 w. ." . L‘redllllllly of '(‘oup (‘lucks Huh I ,:III,I.-,I»III.I
(original rock),9p.m. tala.m.$3cover. 1985-86 season for the Actor's Guild . " ert (‘urry commits this flaw as the I‘. ”s'I I,_"I;'I-"
llbt’ory —— 388 Woodland Ave. Tonight, The Trendells (Top 40"Matown), 9 0.. Lexmgton ‘ ‘- ~.*" . \ ' absurdly slow witted Bobby Joe 2' " 3’: “a ' I
. . l » . r, . ’. ". r-iI-.IIr,II,I,II~I.,
pm. to i am. 83.50 cover. Tomorrow, Miss Legs of America Contest. 9 p.m. And the plays . despite being a l '. , I Bigun and I) Mutt v‘ldlker follows . . . ,II 1. .
'°‘°'m'$2°°v°" Powerful anaiysrs of Ku Klux Klan . I ‘ In (my > footsteps to as a hwk u- . "r 5' '.:
le'l Pub— Hyatt Regency Hotel. Closed for renovations. hatred and the: few Southerners who , . . Alabama police officer ' ' I Ill f: T'I‘
Splrlte Lounge -— Radisson Plaza Hotel. Tonight and tomorrow. Twmz (Top 40 keep it alive A. make for a hilarious I ,. ’ , , - , Fortunately. Cl'edlbllny is a strong 's'.|II|
rock), 9pm. "Ham Nocover. evening of theater 5. '\ , 8‘0 paint of both the script and the lead? 5 ‘ f’r' }‘ f:
INT-VIP Club —— 5539 Athens-Baonesboro Road. Tonight and tomorrow, Par- II . I°( ’ mg performances m [his production, -I ._ ..I A.
odox (Top 40 rock), 9 p.m. to l o.m. Tonight. $3 cover for men, ladies for "COUP leads 0” the b‘u- Ru'fh ‘ ‘ ‘ . 4’ ’ and the overly cartoonish moments -_I'.‘ -’ 1',
free.$4cover tomorrow. Ann Snyder portrays the agingIMiz . ‘1 are em”) overlooked III . :‘t I
Zifty.Iwho is cast in the part of Scar- ‘, ' ,- - ‘ (.‘oup Cluclcs" offers more than a I" I '13. . . . _t i I.IIIi
lett OHaIra for herI”23rd annual and ‘ r , s, ‘ laughable rendition of fading racr . . 'i ' _ :.
consecutive year Snyder sets the 3‘ I _ ism lt delves into the DQOPle behind “
' a tone for [ms 501”)?" farce film he: “u“.cwmu . . .. the hatred and exposes them in the if” ’, 7..
' affectations. w lCl riva t use 0 process of reali/ing me” mistakes I. , . I
. I Miss Scarlett hergdt Kei h Griffith 5 ends Over Ruth Ann Snyder in COup Clocks \ou may go to see the flight} Mil I . I III III
. ' A - .v y ,1 .' l i‘ _'
Lisa Rothel is excellent as Beulah. sint‘erll) carries the weight of Mart A Snyder as Pritchard, the Tuyearr dilly or th‘ staggering Pr'flhdrd i .‘ ‘7, . " . .
.~ Miz Zifty's maid and the "single. ting message old drunk and the only remnant of but “INTI“ leave mm the, memory " , U . . .
185‘ black domestic 1" Brine “0* ln "t‘lucks," easily the better pro; the "old" Klani that steals the ot “‘1‘” 5 pain or Dr heniiedy " , ,II‘ '. “-131;
. thel's Sincere outrage and comr duction of the two. Griffith shows show Snyder's polish. both physical struggle 1 , l .

M t° 7". "m". ’ "hm“, J' F°' Chr'smphe' U°Yd and u s'lve' Del“ manding presence strike it riotous equal strength in responding to the l\ and \ocallv makes fora )ignant . , - . . ».'- ~i,.

-‘ - ed p h k- . ., . , _ - - , pf Aboxe all. you will June with the » . ~-_ g ., ‘ .

rean keep vhis summer smash cruising steadily along Rat G. (Soul par . contrast to snyder s offended South- motley group of hlansmen \‘thh as demonstration ot (m. changing atti knowledge that the evening A I\ . , "i . . .

:4 3mm 521031305 £05333": 5:; ssdanJr'dayd STU?” I11d5:‘;ndoy' “so ern sensibilities semhles on Dr Kennedy .s lawn in tudes toward race in the American well spent b , 5 C ‘

or r ,' ,on rlayan aurayo .. . I _ I . -. .I , . . I ". .I
Cocod': w Aliens oller eternal youth to the people of a small Midwestern Keith (’r‘fhm plays Dr kenm‘d)‘ fétinlfrgfizrlimi heirlfrra\.Z‘;lll:fb9[s?uv?: N)th I ‘ i _I ' 'II-.. .
town. Stars Steve Guttertberg ("Police Academy) and Brian Dennehy ("First the mac“ dent's“ ”an ‘0 become [h I l . "ll I g) lI ‘d f th; (10"? are ”'10 glut} dd,“ ‘Jl l\lall ‘ I 'i " \v
Blood " "Silverodo") Rated r043. (Southpark (05 3 15, 5 25 7.40. 9-50 and an accepted member 0" the “0mm” r-P gm“? 5 em” imp one ho .. ( “d“ and ”‘9 l’Ull‘W‘l-‘h it'lt‘mph l“ . _ ' .‘ . “ . ~
li-55 rridoy Saturday and Sunday) nitv Griffith remains consistently “‘ITU""‘”‘ng,I"”II’“ (UT otlhl 9 ”‘I‘ burn a cross on Kennedy \ lawn are Coop (flaws to. 'w priv'wmag ,

' '- .. . . , . . _ \'l.\’l.)8 empire w o ees ey mus , . , , \ I, . m , .. . IIIIIII ~II ‘-.‘

Cornpromlelng Positions ~ Keeping the title in mind, let Vour imagination believable in his role as both Ia so do something about the Violation of a poor substitutt for PIritthariIl. iigItiinI .i_I 5 I13 pII I. ConcniI t I) . -. -. I , .I

w“ romp”, wt..." deciding who. moms ,0 see "“5 weekend. Ham's a due; A Cial force and a single man willing B .~ . t‘ \l' th th’ \V l _ , memories Vl hether stumbiing in is run am. .5th J . ant. i- A .r. .m I t, -.

tayoriia tram "Rocky Horror" is in the cast, Rated R (Southpork, l:l0 3,20, to fight for his dignity Where Snydr Ir'In'II’II “tine ll ‘, ‘m pd‘ drunkenness or qLiietly describing Illt’tit'u Down/now .w Linux Rot . . -.

5 15 710 9.45 and “15 Friday gamma). and Sunday.‘ er's frivolous demeanor establishes “(9 ’-‘ d ' igrarentist the one lynching he witnessed at the imprint Fm ’i‘sr”.il?:iiV‘-. (a. ’ - ,» ‘. '. ' '.

deathbed A hpress release was not available on this one but odds are this the comic "100d. Gmmht‘ subdued But it is the hilarious work of \\ tender age of 13, Snyder s pertor- :33 1.312 . . I . 1 I

isnt the long-awaited sequel to "Terms of Endeorment ‘ Rated R (Northpork: . . I . . "

l20,3-25,5,35,8, wandmidnightFridayandsmurday.» H d h “y A d t t k f , , : . ‘7

European Veeetlon ~ Chevy Chase, Beverly DAngelo and the rest of the ar core S O u l Ions nex wee or = , ; I' . f

. Griswold family are back, this time causing more damage in Europe than the e . .

Normandy invasion. Rated PGila. (Southpark l is 305 5 735. 9130 and plays tonlght ‘ ’ ‘ , .I . I I_

3...... Bedroom Bathwater _ ». ~ * :

Fright Night ~— A surprisingly good little thriller that isn't afraid to poke , .I 1 I I. I:

some fun at itself. Chris Sarandon makes a good Count and Roddy McDowell for all ages I. I , .

is his inimitable sell playing a spineless "vampire hunter Rated R (Chevy B) J.\.\IES.\. STULI. cause I may not hold callbacks the . I -I , I‘V'

Chase 6, 8, loom.) By ELLEN Bl'SH : Senior Staff Writer second day tl they re not needed ' ' . ‘

Ghoflbtnfon _. Watch out, goblins and spooks‘ Bill Murray Dan Aykrayd, Contributing eruIr e F . . .' I ,I ’I I

:2: 10:3“ SZMilT-‘lrjsbmk in Lexington and they're 05 tough as ever. Rated I - A The 590mg)“ dr“ warming and [)uranléls comic stud} of real par- - ’ j I! ‘ f

Grelnl‘lnean— Lizel'evm dr not Game and the rest of the little cruds are back SmSh your fake ”)5‘ you won‘t (J) the greasepaint “I“ Illit‘ cabmeb 0‘ em“ m unreal situations “I“ be dl' ', ' I r' j-

m an ago" ,0 boost ,hei, p'm“, margin Rated as ,Normpmk. 1.30 3.30 need them for tonight's all-ages the makeup rooms The sets are de» rected by Patrick Kagan Moore .I; ' I I’ . ,

5 30 7 55 955 and H55 Friday and Saturday ~. I 1 hardcore punk Show “amng Agra" “g"ed ““d m“ hammermg “'Bab} Wlth the Bathwater” has .. . _ ‘

"a". wk MM” .4