xt70rx937t9n_141 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. General correspondence text General correspondence 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_7/Folder_17/Multipage6443.pdf 1906 December 15-31 1906 1906 December 15-31 section false xt70rx937t9n_141 xt70rx937t9n MRS. V'ICTORIA CONKLIN(;—\V111'1x\'mv



Room :10. an ouvm H’l‘ SAINT LOUIS




Ht. Tabor Staiion, Nov. 31,1906.

Door 3159 Shaw:~

I am still gathering in and adding slowly fio tho signatures
already secured. I am afraid this will the only way to aoouro our required number of
signainroa. No trouble will bo too great for me to go to'for you or the cause so
please command me and X will do my boat.

Dr. Jeffery Myers was away in Virginia at the tone of election
and has not returned an I hope you will excuse her, as she is good and true.

Mrs. Duniway seemed perfectly hagpy when word came that tho word
"Equal" on our petitions made them illegal. but I insisted that we communicate with
Attorney General Crawford and get is written decision on it. I wish that Er. Sain
would let things alone. I will send you one of the articles with regard to the

matter. Mr. Crawford Man decided that our petitions are alright mafia are safe. I

really beliove she is in hopes something will keep us from getting our petitions

filled. -

I thank you for your kindness to me.

Mro. Colby is doing her boat to keep the cause moving in tne
0.E.S.A. as well as a few others. The meeting after olection thére were only four
women out who voted for Mrs. D. and seven of us who voted against her. She cannot
even get the Board, that she fought so hard to obtain, tagether for a mooting.Evon
these who oledted her will not work with her.

Yours very cordially,

(signed) Myrtle R. Pause.


 Extract from Latter Received from Fir-s. Haskell, dated Dec. '7th.

"You informed mm at the busimas mating; of the executive board of
thu Fatiwnal it was decided in ask mu ta rcgort a3 to chm Haas cur Gnrollmant lists
ara actually put. I am glad to flag that a letter to-day receivad from aha fiorth
American Reviaw shows me a usa tfiay can be put an an unce. As Chainnan of Press WOrk

for the Intarurban Pnlitical E unlit“ Cauncil I wrn%u a lefitnr of annrflciatinn to
J v -..

the editor of the Mnrfih Am rican Rsview {Or an ndihmrial advocatinv fihe enfranchiae-

ment of women and publiduxi in one of thm fictsbsy numbarw. In my Iefiter I mantinmad
our gnrollmant work and infonned him uf ihe 65,030 namwa 73 hnvu aurolled of
sympathizers outsidn 0! suffrage lfiaguas. In reply, the ”orth American Review sug-
gvsts that we give them a ca,y 3f these lisifi, said cagy to be made a1 fij‘
that they may send in ”Cherie j;'.'f-u’.‘;.1e? fry: V1.15; tr: £13m, aquiag of thair 1,31,.1iiazj'nfi 09m...
taining suffrage articlew an? 3dififlrii13 {at fiheir own uxfianse). Of course this is an
advertising scheme on thn parfl a? fihu Ravifiw; xut'MJuid in not ne*p our Cause? Will
you kfindly find out whether I hava the ; iasflnn a? tha executiva Hoard to fwrnlsh
these Heats.

T hop? my awzwafi will 00m; eo>n 45 i3 vxll probably be a
herculean task to wreet those lsx‘. “ham ihn taritug Sfiats Unairmen‘ 1 don‘c think

we can ovarasttmatm flhw valuv w? fiPw Barth fimwriuam havxcw ab an ally-"



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mad ii?“ an; Fawn)“ ;.\'::l i‘ifxeysrrmre,haa

13. mime mumhrs' rmm‘: art.- towts firm

Harsh amazmt .Ll'“: 'ZHP, “arm": run it": airman-V 1'2:

' 3'11“: mam, um glémmw 214.29 5;;

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iaéfiilf‘ézfiiifiiu’i’Z' 3R1: 1—1.: Own). tacit w“; Hqu c “A.

Swmr‘hl'smo re , Pu.



The 39th Annual Convention of the N.A.W.S.A. will meet 9ebruary
fio 19th, inclusive, 1907, in Muaic Hall, Fine Arta Building, flhicago.
Thera will be three sessions daily with the-exception of Sunday

there will be an afternoon session only.

As this is the first fionventiun held withoufi tha personal presence
W” [fia/
of our great leadnr, we plan to makn it tra%y hgr‘memoria;. On her birthday,

February 15th, the morning and afternnon sessifina will be given fin fih& considaratinn
of the best mark which can ha done by the Asaociatinn far fiho owning year in her
memory, and to fihe discussion of fiha smvaral Iamorials alrmady planned by other
organizatfiona. Adfirassea 0f apyreciatinn of Hiss Anthony will occupy the evening

The campaign far fiunicipal Suffrage fur women nbw in progress ¢n
ChicaEO, makes our Hénventfion of apncial 10051 value and will also nfid tn aha infiarest
of our meetinga. Gnfi uessinn will ha given tn a Symposium on funicipal Suffrage and
has been placmd in chargw mf fiha Whficage Cammfl,tem-

Another afharnnfin will be given an a Sympasium an aha Indusfirial
Conditwnns far finmen and Childran $0 be urnsidad avmr by fihm Vice-Presidonfi at Large,
MrsB Vlarance Kelley, &xd to b' addresanw hy Hyacialists fmwiliav witk fiha cwndifiions
under which wnmen and children mrw w»rking.

The fihicago fiommittaa has arrangfid fin msoort parties of delegates
and visitors tn Hull Roman, tha flhicago University and wthwr glnces of spacial
interest. Thn Waman'g Club of Chicago will give a recegminn in fiha fionvunfiion on

Saturday evening, Fahrnary lfifih.


 Our Amsmziation has that wivilece of helm (:10le in touch with
A U r.) J
tha ~=.r‘=‘:at world movevmnt for woman mszram our Y‘iationa‘l i’resident Rev. Anna H.
. I I
Shaw, being: Chairman 0f We "ioman Suffraga Committee'e in the International Council of

Women. The {torn/autism will hear also from the International Woman Sutt’mgp Alum-ma

and its succefisful meeting of last Angrjus't in finperfimgan.

In fihe next issue a fiy’nopsia m? ah.» program will be .ziven.

yfl/LW r/WA' M17

Proxy for 'fié‘m Uerrmancl 5.14;; s~"-<-:c.v'\=:tm‘y..


 The Hotel Headquarters for the Conventinn of the National

American Woman Suffrage Associatnon W11; ha a: the Palmer House whlcn hag givan the
following rates 10 delegatea and viaifiors:
Bonus far one parsnn, $1.50, $2.50 an& -2¢50 according in Giza

. . . . .. ‘ , . «A
and poultlon. Phase same roams occupzsi my aw” pJTSflnfi; éauons a2.53 inn 93.00?

-, . :1 - __ _ ‘ .,
Room W1 h bath; f0? wne Jargon; :Qwv”; for fiwn 0:50n6, wfivfifl

and upwazfi.
The Entertainment Committee undnriakes tw secure antertainmant

in prlvaua homes \Lod3¢35 1“ ) Aguf,«, ;: a”.5 vml.vfin; ,Aga wa
Chairman rf tha Tammizian‘ Hrs» F» 7 m‘» ' G43 skuxflah baugsvgru, muat naVe gag
lafia? t%;n Jan. 25th thu names 36 $17 “ 1+ ire 23‘? gn-af's ff- Kass delagatu who

writes to Mrs» Tracy for wnturfiainmant, A ;wceive '. n :;f~v¢ starting :gr


Chicago, the name and aa¢reus a; hsr hputaca- “huge who wish we “.xc u¢Vau2¢ge of

the invitation 373 urgad is writw grumptiy t5

Pro for Corresuondin Secretarv.
. g .



 Equal Suffrage Association

Of Oklahoma and Indian Territory


President, Mrs. Kat‘e H: Bi gers, ,3 3, Treasurer, Miss Margaret Rees,
‘ ' ‘ klflia, [Indian Territory. Guthrie, Oklahoma.

First Vice President, Mrs. Julia L. Woodworth, . Auditor. Mrs. Mary B. Green.

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. -j‘jfl a. Chandler, Oklahoma.
Second Vice President, Mrs. Minnie K. Bailey, ""47“" and Auditor, Mrs. Jessie Livingston Parks,

Enid, Oklahoma. Enid. Oklahoma.
Recording Secretary. Mrs. Ida Ward Norvell. 3rd Auditor, Mrs. Hattie Sherman,

Wynnewood, Indian Territory. McLoud, Oklahoma.
Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Cleo Ikard Harris. National Organizer, Dr. Frances Woods,

Chickasha, Indian Territory. Chickasha. Indian Territory.

Territorial Headquarters, ,/ , . .
6.43%“ W. .
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WW‘ WWW 4/: 4/ 4m 5w yé/‘flm‘n . Aé


 Equal Suffrage Association

01‘ Oklahoma and Indian Territory

President, Mrs. Kate H. Biggers, Treasurer, Miss Margaret Rees,
Chickaslia, Indian Territory. Guthrie, Oklahoma.
First Vice President, Mrs. Julia L. Woodworth, ‘l p Auditor, Mrs. Mary B. Green.
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. ff, .4- Chandler, Oklahoma.
Second Vice President, Mrs. Minnie K. Bailey, ’ " 3" 2nd Auditor. Mrs. Jessie Livingston Parks,
Enid, Oklahoma. Enid. Oklahoma.
Recording Secretary. Mrs. Ida Ward Norvell. 3rd Auditor, Mrs. Hattie Sherman,
annewood, Indian Territory. McLoud, Oklahoma.
Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Cleo Ikard Harris. National Organizer, Dr. Frances Woods,
Chickasha, Indian Territory. Chickasha. Indian Territory.

Territorial Headquarters, @hickasha, I. T.

A! 12 figmwr/VM ~11/ 141/1 5% arm w“ Mam 541114/
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g0 in Phoenix withoufi any snrt of local haaking. we when flhav u : 4 , to chm», I

' ' - . .J. "v-p ”J, ".
auggonéd, ‘7 charge, thay axpoctad tn vars flfith us :: ,AttucuLd;1y flnflu my

leemnd ti fnel tharw wnw «th A 3“ fl ‘“»“* ¥wr deflfil

yma mu.
Wm! iii/13.35.1212" . ' """.,» ‘ ; _ '1, ;;n"-;w_‘,:~‘~)1’-‘



 it on directly t0 he? in Phoenix. She didn'fi dive me fihm warn of ahyfiody fihaf“ so


1 will gus? smut i? w€chfi ainng


 “x Mum/mm / hag/v,

F L a. 3/ / / 35‘ J


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 g9 Al'fd‘gm. 4/356—


 National American Woman Suffrage Association


Corresponding Secretary, Kate M Cordon
ISO Prytania nStreet. New Orleans La.
Recorcling Secretary. Alice Stone Blackwell 3 Park Street Boston. Mass.

Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton. Warren. Ohio.

. i Laura Clay. Lexington. Ky.
Auditors. Dr. Annice F. Jeflteys, Poyrtland. Ole.

Honary President, Susan IB. Anthon
Madison yStreet, Rochester, N Y.
President, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw
7443 Devon Street. Mt. Airy. Philadelphia, Pa.

Vice President at Large. lFlori-mce Kelley
IOS East 22ndy Street New York City.

War1 “,Uhiu, pee. 37, lJOfi

3310:1111. be in

ads your 311361111111. I .111: writing:

‘1L1Cii til—115 1318 Oregon accounts.

"the time of the
the Ore on cant; aign book and voucherg

. .7 we

'13 b een

working on

a statement off of the Oregon :1“ buount 73001:.

the W0 1-; now and I am wonde ring
Miss 1311111103151" 5 book, ‘tOgget‘i-uer with her ~ Quakers.

are , 0.1111;

the ‘: 2| ‘ '3 '..'L.- “ m
it 370:1 could as ""611 have it 110W as 3.1+!”

1-15—11‘9 any tire to work on
the 01018 Off ""118 year. Will you a IJLG know .1150 What 170111"
"for auditing; the c ()Nr:6
statement until after and; we would.
11:}. 12.11:; b (5 ‘5.’ij_lin"g to off the
state-1128111.. It _'4 it none ‘:‘,l'l§,7““fd.y oefore the (3111051sz

U orzven. 1210 r1.


 COLE “Von h'

M4» 3.”
i {1&1 S

boar from you flia'
klahoma Lenorial
-V€ looked over it T have seen

Which make re

run of people 5

With all good wi_



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_ 577771521414 VMMKwva/W
(V7211 ‘ '


 P. 0.1.0:}: Box 255


President, DIRSA KATE H. Bummxs. ‘ , (‘mo :zrp mdim: Sun [. n-y MRS m NA 1,;1. x [any
Chickasha, I. T, > ' 0" .(I. [In m x Ci1y()."J
First Vice-President. MRS. JULIA L. Woonwon'm. ”’Llleljul‘ml Mms (“AI .CARET Rm: s.
Oklahoma (Jim, 0. T. :_ GuLln'ie. 0. J‘.
Second Vice-President. Mus. ANNA M. BENNETT, ‘ M 3 MRS. REBECCA Forum-xv, Autwinc, O. T.
Guthrie. O. ’1‘ Auditors - MES. MARY B. GREEN, Chandler. (J. T.
' MRS. MARY C. HARVEY. Wyandotte. I, T.
National Organizer. st5 LAURA A. GREGG,

Guthrie, O. T.

Recording Secretary, Mrs. LOUISE BOYLAN.
McLuud. O. '1‘.

Territorial Headmarters, Guthrie. 0. T.

Age/e (9/ /7ZZ

[7/71 AZ 5:

V/H /{Z/ @Jfl/‘zbd/Zb/

A r
”44/ hvmigz


, Z; , . .,
(39W ’ Z17 2;: 2W4 /% ”/0. i: Z Z;— mm ZZW fl/é/
7 UV ‘ 1/ / :7. Z 5/ Wk
/ M Z m 017/ % [0427,04 DZ 5%

AW 2/» ,, ‘ ZR!
5%” ZZZ, éZM/flv/n/m ZZ/W (/1 ZWWM 4?;

ZZ/M/ 7 /
(/éw / L77”Zz/7/z,£ 39 fwm/ flZ'Lu/
Zn ZZMLZL / fi/ZZLMVL Z1 Wum/ M2 vawa/M 51/:

71/ 144/ 'm LWZVZZZZMBQX‘
/67% fi/Lé 07pmfim 7/ % (ZZ/ZZL/fl/‘ZZLZK

‘ [gm/J A”; Wm

1/2 WZGZA: 5/1462, ‘
//VL/ W 5/747 1”;me A/flpflby55% ZZI/ZC

SZ.&)I/Z/Ixi/L/Z LW/i/W/W

/ / Z Z2 .2;
i%:7/:/ ML, W M / /

I I] "f \ fiw Au; 4&0/\

’ m/L/ZM m v.1

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 P. 0. Lock Box 255


President, MRS. KATE H. Elam-ms, (7'11'1'es1n111di1-11r. Secretary, MRS. ANNA LAsxxcv,
Chickasha, I. '1‘, ‘ ' Oklahoma City, 0. ’1‘,
First Vice-President, Mus. JULIA L. Woomvon'ru. Treasurer sts MARGARET Runs
Oklahoma City, 0. T. ' fit‘i. Guth1ie,0 T

.1 .2
S - l V' e—Presidznt, MRS. ANNA M. BENNETT. .. '/ «Mas REBECCA 1 ORNEY Autwine O 1‘. j
WW 1° L Guthrie 0.11. 31.11111110135- MRS. MARY B GREEN Chandler '0. '1. r'

_ 1M MRS. MARY C HARVEY Wya11zlotte,1, ’1‘.
Ream-(1mg Secretary, Mrs. 1.011151. BOYLAN, N Mn" 11 Organizer, M155 L AURA A ORE“
Manud. O. '1‘1

Guth1ie 0.1. I

Territoria Headquarters, Gutlnie, 0. T /Q Z
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