xt70rx937t9n_145 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. General correspondence text General correspondence 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_7/Folder_21/Multipage6652.pdf 1907 September-October 1907 1907 September-October section false xt70rx937t9n_145 xt70rx937t9n  



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 Telephone 1791 Haymarket Office of

q The Woman’s Journal

No. 3 Park Street, Room 16


Boston, Mass.,

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 Telephone 1791 Haymarket Office oi

The Woman’s Journal
No. 3 Park Street, Room 16

Boston, Mass, ......... » ..... 1...? ......... 19V




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 Richmond, Ky.
' 'Sept.22nd, 1907.
Dear Mr.Blackwell,

This morning I received a card from Miss Jean Gor—
don saying that Miss Kate is suffering so much from a severe spell of
tonsilitis that she will not for some time be able to give attention to
your letter about miss Kearney‘s preposition. I re alize from Miss V
keerney's letters, which I have received from you in two enclosures,
that her obligations to the Nebraska parties will not Permit of long
delay in hearing your answer. Since Miss Gordon cennyt.act immediately,
ZI feel that it is in order for me to express my own opinion more fully

than when I wrote at first.

, I think, then, that $IOOO is very high for three months' work; and

I also think that Kiss Kearney's presence in Eackson is not necessary
during the legislative season. I have had a good deal of legislative work
and while it is desirable to have some one at the capital all the time,
some of-the very best hégthdative work of the Ky.R.R.A. has been done

with only an_occasio el visit to the capital. What I would value ex—
ceedingly would be Miss Kearney's visiting the legislators before their
‘going to Jackson. If she found a sufficient number favorable to the meaS—
'ure, then perhaps some one else could go.to do hh&t is necessary who
0 uld do so without the pecuniary sacrifices thich Miss Kearney would

have to make. It would he still more desirable if she could find among
the legislators one who would heartily esyouse the measure as his own.

V Then we could leave it entirely to his care. Now I know that any measure
considered ebtirely on its ethical merits could not be left thus safely.
But since my visits to Oregon and especially to Oklahoma, I have had it
strongly borne in ugon my conviction that after all this question of woe
man suffrage is going to be settled by politicians largely upon party

grounds of party expediency. If either party can see its gain in grant—


 ing it, I feel sure that legislfltures will respond without cplositicn to the
party uhip and give it in spite of what some of them now choose to call

their strong convictions against it. Having this view, it is to my mind

desirable that we suffragists should be able to offer the politicians

some political advantage for their aid. In the South, any thing which

would give the white voters a preponderance in numbers would b. the very

most desirane aid which cotld he offered. Your admirahle leaflet dn the

relative numbers of whites and negroes has had a wide influence; especi-

ally I have noticed it in the reproduction which the Southern confer—

ence at Memphis hndntei. However, that is not so good to the southern mind

as an extension to vhites alone. Now there has been so much manipula~

ting of the suffrage for the purpose cf disfrenchising the black man

that it is a great discouragement to any effort to enfranchise black

women, when We know the inevitable sequence would be the same determined
effort to nullify the grant. Vhat do uou think of an effort to as} for

presidential suffrage for white women alone? I know that hitherto I have

supposed that the 15th Amendment forbade any liscrimination in terms which

could not he evaded. But recent manipulations of the suffrage makes it
seem possiblethat a distinction can he made.'I quote a passage fro; the
Outlook, of Sept.I4t , in the article on the Sfifrage in Geergia, by
A.J.McKelway, page 64. "It is contendedf.. that the illiterate white
rman is a better citizen than the illiterate negro, and that,with respect

to the Fifteenth Amendment, Whatever may have been the intentions of the

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7 No. 3 Park Street, Rqom 16




Boston, Mass.,.‘,.‘.;-::;...,..:.’Zq ............ k :7 ..............



 Telephone 1791 Haymarket Olflce 0!

The Woman’s Journal
No. 3 Park ”Street, Room 16

, " / (w
41*— ‘ Boston, Mass., ......



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0 ,4 The Woman’s Journal

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 Library of Southern Literature,







glchmond, “y.
Oct.7th, I9v7.
my dear irs.Foebuok,
I have never acknowledged the receiyt of the min-
utes, which came on time, and uhich I think lokk fine. I have noticed
only one slieht omission, — that of the nhme of our Yember of the ?.

IX.Committee. fiut : ,.;; a» me all remember that it was firs.

I hnpe gnu gill not be disappointed by «1e change of place for

the conventitn. Certwinly tie ~iehmond fsso. is loyal.

firs.fheperd tgink about keei


ing.the office of treasure.
She has not written to me at all; but if she thinks of not

I .1

a candidate again we +u§1t 10 k a it in time to .nd another
andidete. I greet y desire i at you should remain Rec.&ec.; as I
nk me o uld find a treasurer easier than to reflace you.

Have you ever seen any one who would be likely to be our field sec-
retary? I wish indeed that it was possible for you to help by taking
that, lace. You nould do it finely. ours.Roerk thinks we will have to
offer more salary; and I suppose we could do so for a short time. But
she has not met with a candidate, either. So we are still at see how
to proéeed, but I am unmoved in the opinion that it is what we ought
to do.

As soon as I hear from the fix.00mmittee I kill write out- letters
to be sent to the locals. I do hone we have not fallen off in membership.
If I see my way clear I will go to Louisville to try to have them re-
presented st the Convention. You need have no fears that you will ask
me to do.anything for the V.R.A. which I shall not be willing to do;
but this year my business has demanded a good deal of my time, because
I had left my farm work for so long, as my house-building kept me in

Lexington all last summer. But as that is now off my hands, I hepe to

catch up some. Let me hear soon. Cordially yours,


 Richmond, Ky.
Oct.7th, I907.

X3 defr Mre.Sheper&,

Roebuck told me in her letter after her eonference tith you.

I am anxious now to ~"not that free-till off rings you htVe collected,
that you have paid out not reported in the last minutes, and and
information eoout the treasury you may think useful to me in erra

ing my suggesti no ‘n‘ the convention.

I ere inierestefl in tie work Krs.Roebuck tells me you aid in

rpure milk and a new health officer. I think that would be an interest—
ing~pert of a report from Covington.

I trust you mill certainly be able to come to the convention, and
that tour fenily will be well enough for you to &o e: ith aemfort.

lhmve been very much engaged'on my'farm most of tie time I hev
been in Tedison; and he warm weather completely enervated me. lot
now that it is o oler, I hope to f+el more energetic, Lnfi to be able
to work up the conventi n some. The failure of geiting our fielfl sec—
re ery has completely upset all my plans for this year. I hope he shall
have better success next year. flur prosfiects for “chool—suffrage seem
better the lever before, on LCCO nt of 'he oo-oyeretion of the.fichoolv
Improvement League. Te will have Lhet fully diseussed at the conventio

Hoping to hear {hat is are in goofi health awe n2t.;ot will
be et fee 0 nVnntion, —
I am

Very oorfiielly yours,



 Telephone 1791 Haymarket Office of

The Woman’s Journal
No. 3 Park Street, Room 16

Boston, Mass., .....

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