xt70rx937t9n_240 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. General correspondence text General correspondence 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_12/Folder_16/Multipage11496.pdf 1916 September-October 1916 1916 September-October section false xt70rx937t9n_240 xt70rx937t9n  

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CAPITAL AND SURPLUS .fi 2,500,000.00



 @112 ifiishup’s gResihmrc
filexiugtuu, Lthutkg
Sept. 18, 1916

Miss Laura Clay,
Richmond, Ky.
My dear miss Clay:—

Lm. Weeks reported to me that you had very generously contributed
$ 25. towards the rectory fund for St. Andrew's Colored Mission in this city.
I write to express my own personal gratitude for your prompt and liberal response
to our missionary's appeal. You will be glad to know that the house has been
purchased and that the missionary and his family will move into it as soon as the
time of the present occupants is up. It is thought that the house is well located
and a good one for the price of $ 1,700. paid for it.

With very kind regards,

Faithfully yours,

/ ‘C ”C C. «VCA'X / I


 Presulenl Vice-Presidents

$3331: PURDY National Municipal League MIss JANE ADDAMS, Chicago, 111.

Treasurer FOUND“, IN 1394 RICHARD S. CHILDS, New York City

FRANK J. GOODNOW, Johns Hopkins Univ.

Score a V

. . GEORGE McANENY, New York City
Philadelphia PHILADELPHIA J. HORACE McFARLAND, Harrisburg, Pa.

Chairman, Executive Committee ROBERT TREAT PAINE, Boston, Mass.
M. N. BAKER L. S. ROWE. Philadelphia, Pa.
Montclnir, New Jersey CHARLES RICHARDSON. Philadelphia, Pa.


September 21, 1916.

Miss Laura Clay,
Lexingtonb Ky.

Dear Madam:

The National Municipal League was organized twenty—one years
ago to collect and disseminate information pertaining to municipal
questions,'to secure the thorough study and discussion of municipal
problems, and to promote the co—operation and effectiveness of all
good citizens. Its success, its influence and its great usefulness
on these lines are matters of familiar knowledge with all intelli-
gent workers for the betterment of municipal conditions, but its
constantly increasind opportunities for service necessitate a con-
stantly increasing number of members.

Its membership includes former cab’net members, members of the
Supreme Court, Senate and House of Representatives, ambassadors and
ministers of the United States, and other men and women distinguish-
ed in public life, in educational fields and in the professional
and business enterprises of the country, and practically all the
leading civic publicists here and abroad.

As an aid in carrying out its objects, the League publishes a
quarterly periodical (the NATIONAL MUNICIPAL REVIEW), which is sent
to all its members. This periodical deals with such subjects as
Commission Manager Plan of Government, Registration and Election
Laws, Initiative, Referendum and Recall, Public Libraries, City
Financing and City Planning, Franchises, Financing Small Houses,
Aspects of the Liquor Problem, Graft Investigations and many other
questions of vital interest.

The annual membership fee is $5.00 and entitles the member to
the leaflet literature as well as the NATIONAL MUNICIPAL REVIEW,
above referred to.

As you have been nominated for membership in the League, an
application card is enclosed. The League would greatly appreciate
your participation and support as a member.

Will you kindly advise us at your earliest convenience what
action you may take on this invitation?

6%QQEfYours very truly,



 Lexington, Kentucky. Lzééif,g&2,: ‘ ,'- .1’

171§flgfifiufi avmuyg

Ectafier 899 191$”

Te the Frméiuenta‘Jf H u»§ f'm;litficuz
wwing to th@ 113k a? ¢1tw for morfi uiacnaaiun wt ¢filuntic

City. the detwilfi of $0Verm; itama of the cunutrucfiive yulidy

afiopted flare iaft aflflfitbluia ”mac? the circumwtwnufiag tha h0$t

pract10&1 ang tima—smving plan magma t0 be to iaaue inatruutiona

from our N timnml fiewdquurtmrv fur @he next few muntha 33 thuugh

thean dctailw had Lean ugrewu $0, in the Maya that each utata

Will d9 iix utmoat to gmvry them out. at the nyring Guavantian

we muwt make time t0 QiBCUdS ang adopt thm details a5 re?”

a. ’LJIE IL; U”
general for tha yam? ta faliOW.


although tha mlanfoym of work uuopteu wfi Atlfifltifi

City included "A nationalized scheme of Gummrtiun
through literature.“ anu we ham in hand a mumpletc dcneme for the
year, as worked cut by firm. Livarmcrn, thare Wag n0 apportunity
to prfisent it. Tha plan was a3 followa:

Jfinuur*: circularizution of the entire political
machine in fiuch statc.

Februiry: Uirculxrizatiun of as large a part of the
fural vote &3 toasibla.
Circularization of Catholic cleyfiy gnu
1. 3.3.1 by 0
Circularizution of Yrotestunt
of yranarfition for Mothers‘ '
Circulurixmtion of business we:

The Literature Committee 15 hard at wank upon
late tn he afieu in? these purpowes and mu 303R um fifiures
qumtau ful: infnrmzfiiun will by given you.

Qua most impurtunt ulaas ta canvnrfi 1w the noliticiana.
They abould be circularimed qt least twice Exfifi year in 5V4fiY
state until fins vote ia won. I enclose a bumklet which wg fave
prepareu far Swath Bmkota. It will be analowed in a gavernment
Stamped envelope (05% cent utamp} upon which is yrintea in large
type "Fair Elay — that’s all.“ No clue i5 given an the autmide
that it came% fram auffrngiatw. It will be mailed to 100.300
voterw. Ce suggest it for the January political mirculari$ation.
revified, of courae. 30 as to be national in scope. If ordwrs for
100.000 copies coma in at once. we can use some uf the standing
type and Surniah the booklatw at $5 per 1000. the govarnment en-
velopes can ae had at locul peat afficea at $11.24 per than§wnd
and the tutal moat wil? therefore be $16.24 per thwusand, plug
the coat of printing acme curicsity awakening Blogun on thm en-
velupe. which we strungly adviae doing. Those atmtes which desire
several thouaanda unuld have their own imPrint and coulu mubsti»
tute paragrapha 0? local aignificance by paying extra for the &d-
ditional work involvefi.

Thase bookleta ahoula be mailed:
(1) $0 the mtaté Central Committees of all political par—

.tiea;'(2) Te all membera of the Befiialature; (f) To 331 Judges of
Courts; ($) To all County paliticml officers; .5) To all County

party_Committeea; (6) To all township, Ward and precinct party


The numbor of wen in thwue cumbinwa liwtm. 3ftwr elim1n~
ratinfi (11337113; ted}. "will "' ?“1 from 30;)3 for 5.33613. v3 331333": wt: 3‘3rk5t‘nn
am} $32) 212,5 5,") for "mail itijtrz‘ '3! 3:33:34 York3 i223 thizzv: ';;ex':-siatste:33
00fistructive mind my aguanhivn i:~ bounu to 33y in the lung run.
we :uvi-e thaaa at tea which arm fiW’ltlfil7j able am no 30 ha

circularize athw? 6133333 hf voter: with thin buflklfit.

filthgugh thi? niram13rizqtion is agwigned to anucry, the
book19t3 anguld be mailed to finginlatowu in Jeoemher. the revised
booklet under nation3l iMnrint 311] recowmenu the Eednrml Amend»
ment, but if enough upmwnn for he book1.et 13 gent in frum inane
Etates which prefer :3traight nranavunuv, w. will nrint an euition
with that hurt. 3:113:15 "31:061.


These bnokletx cannot be ordered after Huvember 15th.
£111 you kindly arder at mnee; we Will revise, print qua ship
backlets as soon as moa3ible and will allow you until January lat
to may the bill.

TUE LEJKE » All of these kiutn can be obtained from tha yarty

Central Committee3. but to obtain the iint 3 th: ough
theme Committeea, the right er? on must ask the right m3n for

cfiflmn LET’WKJJHI fiebruary: The liutw of regiaterea voaars can
be pth151egiifl each county Lui a5 finch lists

are avoumly' in the 322131333 3'3}? .;:t_3.‘(,r3 ji>=2rty 0037335212266.sz HOW, 1'3
frienuly mufi'ra gzimt Waulu lenu them after mlection gnu save the
trouble at alOf collectian. 1e nugge3t 3 Congresuiunul leaflet
which will coat from 31.25 to 31.50 393 thousanu 3nd 3i11 he an»
cloaed in Envelape and frankeu. 33 it takea u long time to get
printing from the navwrnment office. 30 ahaulu order them Q fly.
for a Rehrunry oircularizxtion. the leafletg ahoulu be in yuur
hands not 13ter than January 15th. I advise winning the owner
for the Shqfroth aneflch With the addition of 30mm further matter
which at Our requemt he read into the record. Te fiqnnot Blame an
order withuut knowing how many. We earnemtly urge you ta deciue
how many you will t ke. $he th‘onni will may for th¢m (thEy
muat he U313 for in 93v»nce) and will rllow you until January
15th to reimburne the Rational treazaurer. ijCn anu H33Fi7: 3e
auggeat a letter Specially arepared by each state, mailau in a
two cent enveloue, anfl enclosing leaflets now being prapared.
Each envelope inclufiing atamp, stationery and literfituxe would
probably co3t iiVe centn or $50 per thouaand. Ehere will be from
1000 for each 313233 to 5000 and even more in the moat populoua
fEastern states. an: e 3.39 unable at this date to quote grices

of the circulflri? qtion of bumineas man. They are repeRtedly cir-
cularized where suffrage in active by opponenta'with variuua
mtntementn alleging that buaineas interegtfi gaffer where WUMQH
vote. ?e are trying ts answer all these chargea. Ehia circu~
larixation. you will readily see. 13 the fundamental way to con~
Vince flhd convert and make ready. If you.haven’t tha monay. it
should be included in a money—raising cmnpaign n“ ance.

waflfigg&§3$;- ' a gap rate aheet yul 1111 find inutruction$
for the E vember Dem 'Qtration. In a previous
letter it W33 augg3339d that the be ‘atrations for December and
January be monwy “zising affn v 4 t game of the 1 regimenta have
objecteu mpan the ground that 'l‘atmmm would interfere with
money ruiming in fiacember and ‘ ’ “ :n equally had
month an neowlm are 39003 rim;
gances. He will tharmfore 3 ' 3 m 31mpla. easy. unimuortant
thing for Deaambwr. but if 3" a a 3 M3 remuy for money rgising
1n Eovember or Uaaamber. ._ 'cu not to wait. In January



we must go after our Million Jollar Fund wifihout fail. wirections
for fiecember ana Junugry rill follow noun. For Eabrumry we uiuh

to concentrate all our farcea upon apaciul editiunu Of newuyupers
throughout the country. Uur plan is $0 simple thin ii Can be
carried out withmut the ugua; exhaustiva methads 7nd cur aim in
one special editiun in every auunty in @uuh utata! uirectiona
will folloW.

3::I£&;§J;yuau - fa shall be pregmreu by Jmnuiry lat to groviue
the servicew uf ur Efficiency aquau wither in
a group or singly. It will CoflJifit af:

(1} 3r. fiffie McCullom Junmé. fiielu director, wnu will as»
slat in mlqnninfi and carrying out a moneyurqiming cmnnaifin. er.
if preferred 3h? will in;pmct the farm uf urgnnixntion. auvise
how it is La be tranmformeq into more muuern and effective farm.
Share defiired ghe UWfl supervise the transfurmxtion. flat 1638
than A month ghoulu be aafligned to a thorough money~raising Qun~
paign. anu not 1833 than two awning to an mrzwnixing cumnaign.

(£3 Eva. W038 fleyer. yreaa flirect r. who will eatnuliah
efficient Bream bureau 3r inspect one now in opermLiun, note its
wenkneaaea ind bring it up to the wtmndard.

(3) mm. :zclorence 3:231:16: Updegraff. meld Hirector. vviill
dertake the agave urganization work where Jr. James iv uanteu for
money—rqiaing campaign.

(A) 313$ Alice Curtis. Headquarters director.

Thoae statea which ueuira to put themaElVen in order for
campaign will do well tO‘CQll thiu squad to its assistance.

M153 Curtia should first apenu about two waeka in getting
the Headquarters in order to efficiently cure for the campaign
and in the event the State hag no trained headquarters' worker.
ahe ghoula remain through the following month. ihe other three
should then come on and plan for their three departmenta. 11th
a competent paraon reudy for the press wurk. firm. Geyer need not
stay longer than two weekn. Jr. James should rewuin a month auu
Mrs. Updegraff ona or two months. £3 mmfly organizers in the
field as peggible under her uirectiun should be proviueu. in two
months. groperly managed. your organization will have quadrupled
and the amuse fie the chief topic 0f conversation. Entertainment
muat be nrovided. The cost for all four — m153 Curtis. 6 weeks;
Era. fipdegraff, two montha' hr. Jones. one month; Era. Sayer.
twa weeku, Would bfl about '1000. The coat of 31% extra paiu or-
ganizerfi for two montha would be fibout $1800. ill receipts from
meetinga would apmly Upon the coat and the outlay shauia not anly
be returned but a fund far future ¢urk raiaea. What state ap-
plies firat to make itself the noble leadar in a better efficien»
cy camwaign?

SUFERAG? sgggggg — ”a propane to charge all studenta $5 for two
weeks learning. 53 for une week. and agg for
admiaaion ta a mingle weasion. It will be necessery tn guarantee
100 studenta. It will be necesaary to provide a place for.the
school and we may find it necesswry to ask entertainment for sows



Of the instructors. who instructors will ounsia2 of ~

(1) 1 managew and an instructor of organization; (3}.A
tea.cher of public An2dking (3) A té2dhor of ouffrago historv and
Argument; (4) A teacher of 2rosu 2mg publicity 202 one week. In-
struotion will Also be civen in warliamwnt2rym122 2nd mun“ 2‘2.is«
ina. Io shlll endo=2vor to have .211 the inatructor2 exports in
their reapectiVe departmenfia.

fihen the 212098 are decided upon, we ohall print an an—
nouncement 1222let 2hioh will be nrovidea free for thoce who 22»
range for 2h: school. The School will close with A public meet-
ing to be largaly aryauged by the 2tudent3. I shoulu 1.1ke to
learn what atAtea desirn to antort2in A school bofore ,2xzn2 the
itinerary. It sill he neceaaary to ho2r from you soon“ My pre-
scriptiont for any 2fiato whioh i3 ambi ious for a “ampuan in
(1} atria tadherence to the JUPfiPfitlon“ for circul r12: ion;
(a) the efficiency aquad for 2-20 months iolloaeu my (3) A nation“
21 3a: fruga achool.

.1 7:31??? ()5 ..,J‘2’EI< - From three utr:«.te:2 I 3.2222722 albumin: to iozrm that.
inktruction concerning the ocfiooA: uamu2str

tiono dig not get anybogh the local aorkors. it is ausoluM 1y
neceus2ry for o2aoh 2 .2- - EAVA flame prooeus o2 WUUllLiuluh in
ita working office and isstruotionu for each .onnfiiy “OmQNJur%“
tion based upon national =2wgaation, but 21th::uch .Au192ono or
varimtione 23 Mt; tpoly tuklmcwl vonuitiond, :3n.o in be AJuvareu
2nd sont jut g2romptly tops 22 with blank 202 ratnrn rapoxn. A
Jalio;t u situztion :22ton :“‘123 w1en A founty 2AAlrM2n in.iutz
upon t2kinm the recponaibilit 0:5 A2Aning ins; truo tijnfi on. g’6$
does not no so. If 22he doea n t nvake suitable 2o)o_u2, I th.ink
thA good of Lho work minnoo thxt you pm ovor her head next time,
direct to the locals. You mny \fll 0:2plain th2t ins+ructions

came to you taruily f’or (ctobor. 20 they did; out there nau a
limited tim. 2fter the convention.

the instructions in your hands in 2 ole time.

* 2T3 a Attached to each Damonotrat on ahoet 2212 32 A report
. blank upon rhioh we A k you ‘ return the reocrt of

your state after the demons tr2hion to 2.1ch it 222'223 1133 e rs»
ports will not get lost if you file thfim with the 1222023 of in»
struotions from the Rational Headquar§ers

3:222:12 :: ”-2111 you 21221;?“ 2111 in the 2222292.” on 12:22.2

33d bl. k5.


K’lunks on enqo

The fiational WOAfo will meet\pn Haywmhvr 7 & 8
in .Hew YorP:. Azbng other bu:h§esa it will dfl-
0229 when and where the next conv ntion Will up old. Le have
written thooe statea presenting fnvitationa to 12 . W2h22 Advan-
tageg tueir 2222222 czn offer. liTnvitationo were o waonted oy- N22
York. metroit, S;t. Louia. Littlfi Rock or Hot dpringgw, A2 nnaos.
Dallaa, Indianapolia anu Chica.¢o.

If your 22222 has any irefaronce will you let 2 know bo-
fore November 72hr éf


:22 2


 Equal Suff. Headnuarters,
4" Ave. Huntington, W. Va

Oct 22, 1916

Miss Laura Clay,
White Hall , Ky.
Dear Miss Clay;

The Huntington Equal Suffrage Association
would deem it a great privilege if you would help us in the
finale of our campaigni

After much education on this line I think our audiences are

l “ ' . 4
prepared to enjOy the vital and legical presentation of
the question which seems to be your forte.
Dr Shaw speaks for us on the 26 ,Whursday next . Mrs. Garland

is here and says to tell you to come at that time so as to

see your old friend. She will expect you to be with her

at her home whenever yoa COme. You see she is not going to
give us the pleasure of entertaining you.
Hoping to see you at an early date and to have you give
us as many lectures as is your pleasure, I am
Yours most cordially,
Mrs) E.W.Venable,

Cor. Sec of Huntington E. A.


 ghny, A ,Qz‘r‘tlnnn‘

,1 . .

0 T1 :T

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