xt70rx937t9n_401 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Newspaper clippings text Newspaper clippings 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_19/Folder_3/Multipage17786.pdf 1910-1912 1912 1910-1912 section false xt70rx937t9n_401 xt70rx937t9n  


She Enters Fight for‘VoteS'

for Women with $1,000

Miss Dorothy VV'hitney has made good
zher increasing interest in the cause of
votes for women by a donation of $1,000
to the VVomen’s Political Union, of which
Mrs. Hui-riot Stantom Blatch. is presi-
denit. '

While the secret, according to Miss
"Whitney’s wish, has been carefully,
guarded, even those‘ in the councils of,
the union being informed only that "a
young society woman” {had so generous-
ly swelled the treasury, there have been
signs and tokens that the daughter of
William C. \Vhitney _ had recently
changed her attitude of passive convic—
tion of the right of women to the fran-
chise to an active desire to participate
in its advent. ’

Miss Whitney became enrolled for suf—
frage when Mrsrl-‘Iackay organized the
Equal Franchise‘So‘ciety, and it was un~
der that banner that Miss Whitney
marched aim the recent suffrage parade.
She‘ marched Without a. Whit of self-con~
sciousness. apparently as happy to step

oulder to shoulder with her pro—
1d industrial sisters ‘gas



though the ballot represented to rthe
daughter of millions the same'concrete
symbol of fair play in the world‘s work.

If the infection of Miss \Vhitney’s
interest carries,. the W'omen’s Political
Union believes the proposed raising of
$100,000 for a campaign fund with which
to annihilate the New York State legis—
lators next season will be no difficult
undertaking. A canal boat to travel up
the Hudson and saunter through the
Erie Canal, the repetition Of a plan tried
two years. ago, will be a feature of the
hot. "weather work.

Mrs. O. H. P. Belmont is confronted
with the necessity of vacating ‘her suf-
frage suite at No. 505 Fifth avenue,
Where her lease expires Aug. 1. She
has decided to remove her private ofiices
to the. rooms over the Fifth Avenue
Bank now occupied by John McMahon,
her confidential business man. Mr. Mc-
Mahon is so far affected by a two—year
career in suff-ragetting with the society
leader that it is said his health is broken
and a long rest has been prescribed.

The State Suffrage Association, which
is Mrs. Belmont’s guest in the. suite at
No.- 505, is new house hunting. The
National Suffrage Association and the
National Collegiate Equal Suffrage
League will likewise be homeless. The
Advisory Committee of the National
Suffrage Association will announce the
future plans of the organization in .a.
few days. ~ ‘ '




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 illlllllllll’ll “
lllll llfl Mlllllll =

Dr. Shaw Asserts That
Man Is Dominating
in Everything.


»—~_ ~——-‘.

DiStinguished Speaker Tells Au-
dience That When God Took
Man’s Rib to Make Woman
He Also Took Joint of


1—‘leading upon an emotional and
moral basis. Dr, Anna. Howard Shaw
last night betore a large audience in
the Jefferson Hotel auditorium, pre-
sented the cause of “Woman’s Suffrage:
Its Relation to the Home and State" in
a. voice resonant with power and sweet—
ness and with a. logic and force of ar—
gument that caused those Who came to
scoff to remain and meditate. as those
who listened to the preacher in Gold-
smith’s “Deserted Village.”

The auditorium was filled from end
to end. The audience contained as
many men as women. as many young
Voting masculine buds as girls who
have not yet arrived at the age of legal
discretionary powers, as l’nkll'ly against
the cause as Of those who. defying: the
Opinion of the majority, have thrown
down the gauntlet and Openly espoused
woman‘s suffrage,

Too Little Mothering.

Dr. Shaw contended that there had
been too much fathering and too little
mothering in civic and national gov-
ernment, that the extension of suffrage
among women would nor destroy the
home. as is claimed by enemies of the
movement, and that, in short, no gov—
ernment could be purely democratic
which does not give equal power to
all, whether man or woman.

The distinguished speaker was in—
troduced by President Lyon Gardiner
Tyler. of William and Mary College,
who, in‘his few remarks, evinced his
inclination to take up the sword in
woman's behalf if need be, or, at least,
to USO such power of argument as he
could in its favor. “V’Vomen,” he said,
“have the right to life and the right
to protection of their interests and
property. and suffrage knows no sex."
As the greatest pleader of the cause,
he was proud to introduce Dr. Shaw.

"Gentlemen and ludit‘S," She began,
“i hope the time will soon come when
man will be as well—known for his
scum. of justice, toward women as he
is known for his sense of honor and
chivalry. It has been always taught
that the son is free who is born of a
free woman. but. really, men are not;
free, because their mothers are not'
free. None has deemed man to be
free who has not a voice in his own
government. and no man can be hon—
est who does not believe in woman‘s

\Vomen Should Vote.

“What is the diItei-ence between a.
monarchy and a democracy? if a
democracy is anything at all, it is a
government of all the people, and un—
11]. you can pl‘OVe that wmnen are not -
people, then this government nor any
other is a democracy,

"Your ~epresenttttivcs have been
elected by men—and i must admit
that they are an admirable part of the
people—dint they are not all the peo—
ple, and until yOu are elected by wo-
men and men people this is not a
true republic."

Dr. Shaw spoke of the various ad-
vances made in government, from the
menarchical to the republican form,
and said: “But you are not a repub—
lic, because this is. an oligarchy of
sex. \Vhat difference does it make
it you are ruled by one man called a.
king. or by a thousand men called
voters?" She showed .wha,t an im-
portant part the Southern women had
played in the Civil \Var, who, when
their husbands came. home no more
and their ,sons and. their brothers
were left on the field, nursed their
children and waged the struggle for
existence and their homes. "So." she
said, “has the government of the
South been more. accredited to women
than to any other one cause."

“And so to the beginning of the
nation, more than 300 years ago," she
said, “you men thought you could get
along without us. You came by your-
selves, and were either killed by In-
dians or by each other. But finally
you brought the women. and then you
had to stay. For you remember that
when Good took one of man's ribs
to make a. woman, He also tool: a.
joint of the backbone along with it,"

Voting Not linladyliko.

She waved aside the. objection that
voting is so unladylilie by saying that,
to her, voting was most respectable,
ledylike, dignified and noble, especial-
ly to get the things one wants."

“As it is now," she went on, ”Wet
can have no voice. in the election of
men we want, and we have to lobby,
and to lobby is the most loathsome
thing a. person could do. She spoke of
Mrs. Humphry Ward, the English
novelist, Who, instead of voting, to
which she is opposed, has been elec-
tloneering to help her husband get a
seat in Parliament. She assailed sen—
timental objections by her argument
that woman, when it comes to senti-
ment, is: not in Darin: distant-i:- with
"1311- “‘Vhffn he begins to talk Qf
home and mother," she said, amid
laughter, ".VOu had better go to sleep.
He talks of the stars, and goes on
up, but when breakfast is not readv
he wants to make you see other kindQ
01‘ stars." ”

Springing from one bright allusion
to another and from one step to an-
other in her argument, Dr. Shaw 31--
rived at educational qualifications, and
declared that the majority of Women
He better equipped than men to ex-
crcise the privilege of suffrage, for
tW0 girls t0 one. 1103" are graduated in
the high schools and colleges, and
more women. she" affirmed. than men
can read their ballots. As One, reason
for this, she refer-rod to tho large
number of immigrants, the majority
of whom are- ignorant criminals or
DHUIWI‘S from Southern Europe, com-

(Continued on 5651375213.“)




 itinued from Page One.)

"These are un-
married men." she said, “and it is
they who are bringing down the lit—
eracy of the United States.”

Roasters and Ducks.

And in this connection she spoke
of the (lebaucliing of the Australian
ballot which has been introduced in
this comm: saying that various
. like. roosters and duck.

l to dcnominate the different
Lu. and that sometimes the
,ould not tell a rooster from

She compared 1" e government
er cities in this country and
referring especiall to the

' amount of crime 11 e than
and to the stat" tical. tact that

" o'er out 01" . 'y forty—seven
roes unpunished.
recognize this," she said,
“I ,, .come Very humble. W'e say that
the United States is the best country
in the World, and why? I live in Phil»-
wM-pnhia. and it ‘ ' as safe as in

" is pro there as well

- as in Berlin. nor do the
.nioy life here so well as ther .
would rather live in Philadelphia
than there.

“Why?” In Berlin there are soldiers
and one ' the creeps
and expecting the 1. There

'm, ripe on the trees, may be
pick (1 until the issuance of a procla—
mation, but here——" she paused. “I
Would rather live where the boys may
pl ‘ green cherries and get, cholera-
niorbus than ii in a city guarded
everywhere by soldiers and police. I
see here dignity and manhood in men.
I look at the women, and I am
that I belong to such group.
illilk us lt‘ lbidll g‘ What
table. It is t1 3

_ n a i'nonarchy and a
public._ There comes fron
i:«,,\1'lipoll"’ ' without: here
4_'(Jll’l(‘S from C nnpelling‘ force with‘

Should ‘l'fldc Places. -‘

"It is - the ' b tween
must. and the ditterence
i‘.\'L‘G‘l'i u obey and beir

‘ _ . “"9, as a natio
gressxng‘. lut we are passin

the growing pains, and w
b.12111 have. outgrown them by and b)
but. not until we are full grown men

women. That time will novel
..unti1 women are equally self-
with men. that objection

. Just because it never used

be that women voted? There was a.
0 when men did not vote. Is it

. use of lack of education? In

rents-{four ’ the leading co-educa—
iional colleges. in which less than one~
,ihird 're women the women ‘took 34
per cent. 01? the prizes.

['1‘ woman's rallcd lack of logic?
\\7oman has a, bump 01:!
unmption. .. - ll ‘tance, there is many
ii man in the nu pit. who ought to be
in the. 1 and with all his logic
‘h‘e hasn the gumption to change his


. l
. duck.








oman with a balance of in-
iclligcnco is a wiser mother, a better
l-i'nemaker and more companionablc
tor her husband. They say that such
~.omen wouldn’t marry unless they
here starved into it. But they have'
out red into the professions and tin;-
ii'a es, and no man ever refused to‘
marry a woman with a bank account.
The woman who has earned a dollar
knows better how to care for her hus~
band’s dollar than one who never
earned a cent."

’1‘3- “.31 Up “The Use."
Then Dr. Shaw entered into the ar-
gument L- to what’s the use of women
voting, which she knocked into a.
- ed_hat by saying that women could
With (1.. much discernment as men”,
and would? not, as some say, stand at

Lhe‘vpolls at the first of January. and
stand there casting ballots all the year
round. And as for the argument that
. a wife might be a Democrat While her
husband was a Republican, she said
that one was often a. Methodist and
the other a. Baptist, and they could
feel just as keenly on the question of
s}. inkling or immersion as upon
Democracy or Republicanism

"Men take much comfort,” she went
on, ”from St. Paul, who said: ‘Let all
'\ omen keep silence.’ I like the Bible...
too, and in its beginning you will read
iliat ‘God created man in His own
in'iag. male and female created He
li’lelll. God delivered two curses, one
on man and one On woman. God told
ihem that on the plane of sin man
should be first and should struggle
hard. where might was right, and that
woman Should be subject to man. But
what we lost in Adanrfwe gained in
Christ. If Christ did anything. He put
us back where we were before the
fall. And on the plane of Christ love
dominates all things.”

Refers to Tillman Case.

Dr. Shaw eferred then to the child
labor question and to the rights of
parents where their children are con-
cerned. She scored South Carolina,
where, she said, the father could deed
away his children Without the consent
01‘ the. mother. “You must go to dark-

Africa to find worse than that If.
there. is a right given by God. it is:
the mother’s right to her child. TVe
preach about motherhood. and then:
make laws damnable to motherhood,

In only thirteen States has the mother
a. right to her child.”

“And look at the shirtwaist—makers‘
strike in New York.” she went on ve-
hemently. “The courts and police are
employed to make of unavail the laws
“we have. The girls are dragged into
jail with common criminals and out to
Blackwell's Island, and we prate of
'protecting girlhood. They can’t stay
at home. There are 5,000,000 girls
earning their bread, and they are com-
}‘ielled try-{go out. You haven’t left us
the conthtions of {our mothers and
grandmothers. You have put. their»
jobs into your own workshops. People

‘k What are thOSe Russian Jews to
u .
“There is more tuberculosis spread
in and from those sweatshops than
anywhere else. The germs come out
on the products they make. And I
tell you that, God made us all one fam—
ily,” she said as her audience cheered.

Pure Mill: Necessary.

Then she spoke of the pure mil}
question, showing that woman's suf
frage is not so much a political as an
ethical problem. In New York she
said that 7,000 babies, in Philadelphia,
6,000, and in Chicago 5,000 babies die
every year from impure milk. “The
problem in the cities is one of house-
keeping, and here men have made a
miserable failure. What we want i;
good housekeeping, and we want th<
ballot to get it, as the carpenter want.
the hammer before he. can build Ixi
house."' And along this line she to]
of one woman in the Colorado Legis
lrtturo who had introdu (l the hill.
and had i'our of them passed, all 0
them relating to good civic; house
1 enint“. -_

nd wiat have you left 11‘
asked. “Y n have taken our s1
our knitting, our ving and our n.
ing. “’9. can't -n die for ourselves.

want 'a fair’chancc, and none can

Arc iinzure matters which the
liici‘. 1;: other liilly,
not take (.2110 Of u 1thout help,

boils, eczema and other

loss of appetite, that tired
fooling, bilious turns, fits of indiges—
(ion. dull headaches and many other
troubles are due to then. They are
r c l n o b y

skin. i


. 3 _ ”"

Hood 5 Sarsapariiia
in usual liquid form or. in cho
ahltis known as Szirsai. 100


do c..


is it because .'



had ]




ave a. fair chance who has no voice
1 the government. 1 hope the-time
rill come when the words “phila.n~
iropy’ and ‘charity’ will be W1 ed out
f the dictionaries, when We Will use
nly the. word ‘opportunity.’ ‘ ‘
“The thing we need is mothering.
Fe have had enough of tethering. We
ave had the Plymouth Fathers, the
‘ilgrim Fathers, the Rovolutionarv
athers, the City Fathers, but. lilo
'opsy, we have never had a mothe.
’6 need a. little more father in the
ome and a little more mother in the
overnment.” _ ‘
At the close, many went forward to
0 introduced to Dr. Shaw, and many
tiended the reception given in her
onor afterwards. 1

Interested in Divorce.

York, January 25.——T_he suf«
asettes 01’ the nation are incensed
lat no delegate representing them
as included at the divorce congress

“Tasl'iington. Dr. Anna. Howard
haw, president of the_ National We-
ian‘s Suffrage Association, so lilfOl‘l’ll-r

- " Seth Low, of the Civic Federation,
id was told in reply that “it simply

d not occur to us that the sui‘trage
isociation was related in any direct,

ay to the object of the conference.

.The Rev. Dr. Shaw replied to Mr.
Flow in part as follows:

"-"Your letter astonished :me {even
more than the facts. Since these re-
ferms affect women equally With men,
to assume that we have no interest
in the manner in which they may be
discussed or decided, seems to be
urholiy outside of reason."

. M__W

N e w






News of Women’s Work.

Suffrage Work in Indiana.

Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 14.—-[Specia1,]—As a
result of a conference with Miss Martha Gruen-
ing and Miss Caroline Fleming of New York,
representatives of the National VVomen’s Suf-
frage association, the \Voman's Franchise league
of Indianapolis, Will soon become affiliated with
the national organization. At present the league
is the only Indiana organization that is entitled
to belong to the national association. It was
organized as the VVoman’s School league to in-
fluence the recent state legislature to pass a bill
granting municipal Suffrage to women in order
that they might have representatives on school
boards in all of the cities.

“' There is nothing unwomanly in street corner
meetings in the aid of woman‘s suffrage. if it
be necessary,” declared Miss Fleming.

The young women are visiting all the prin-
cipal cities of the east and middle West in the
cause of suffrage, having left New York a
month ago. They expressed themselves favor-
ably impressed with the possibilities for equal
suffrage in Indiana.

>i< >i=

Woman Attacks Equal Suffrage.

Milwaukee, “Visa. Sept. l.4.~—[Special.] Miss
Hattie Grim of Chicago, one of the leaders in
the suff‘aget campaign in “'isconsin. had a new
experience today at the \Visoonsin state fair.
She was interrupted While speaking by a woman
who; bearing a banner of “For Israel. Zion, and
Christ," delivered an address in which she de-
wlared woman's suffrage was wrong. The ban—
ner hearer said: “ The place for women is in
their homes, they have no right to ask the peo-
ple for grafting public jobs._ All, politics is






-_____ I1 _

Mrs. O. l]. P. Belmont has given a
registered pig from her own herd to the
cause of equal suffrage. The pig is 10
he raffled at a. ham dance which Mrs.
Belmont proposes to give at her Hemo-
stead home in the near future. Several
'years ago lV' " ha ‘a C , who raises
registered pin. on hfist c farm in Ken»
tucky, gave one handsome thoroughbred
pig, which sold for a high price. A few
years later Mrs. Eleanor Stockman of
lowa secured a whole (talrload of pigs
from farmers of her amuaintance, all
of which were sold at good prices. netting
the suffrage association a handsome sum.



E” “Piling Bur eau. l1

6:)0 gov) c; p...


Chicago, 1... :1. A.
I, l @Mirmfrom

_‘ licag‘o (iii) 2.xammer
luewlaV. April ‘1. 1911




,‘vlrs. Katherine W. McCulchh Presents Own Wori
“Happy Ending” in Court.


McCuiloch, the
5111“ ' "ctte read her
"Bridget's Sisters," to a large
Women of the North Shore

tudience of
Murray Club
Ivanston and Wilmn avenues.
The audience manifested great sympathy
s tilv action of the play unrolied a story
1' .nlscuiim Miami; :l.;.t forced even tint
ncn in the audience to shift uneasily.
The play describes the beginning of the
suffrage movement in 1888. The
is as follows: Mrs. Bradley is an
rli‘eetionate wife. She employs as inun—
a. worthy Trislm‘oman Whose hus-
.and is; a drunkard and makes her support
heir children. lie fails to pay his saloon
ill and the saloon keeper brings suit to
ttach the Wife's earnings.
Mrs, 31‘11dlc-y is summoned as a Witness
0 the fact that she acts as Bridget Flam
:gan‘s banker, and the court requires her
,0 pay over Bridget’s money to the sa—
oon keeper 011 thr- ground that a Wife’s
éarnings are her husband‘s

All Tum Suffragsts.

it turns 0111', however.
lisposed of the 1110110), buying
hv-r i'ainily. The injustice of making a
woman responsible for her husband‘s drin];
hill makes suil'rageites of all the women
present, while the men resolve to aid the
movement. even the unregenerate Patrick
promising to turn a new leaf.

The scene of the play is laid in a court-
room about the year 1808. The characters
are a justice of the peace. Mr. and Mrs.
Bradley, 'lridgct ()‘lr‘lannigan, her hus-
hand. Patrick; Mr. Vulture, :1 saloon keep-
er: Mr. Sharp. his lawyer: Mrs. Adorernen
and Mrs. Equity. who have used Bridget’s
:s-rrices as washwonian. Some of the dia-
logue follow s:

Judge—~This is a suit; to get some of
Phi dcet s money to pay a liquor bill due
511. \ 11111110,.

Patrick—ls that old s eak after Bridget's

Catherine Viaugh

the l, liri dgct ha s

clothes for

yesterday at Govan Hall,i


Judge—Yes , that is What it means.

Patrick—Vi ell he isn t her husband
and I guess he will find I am'the onl:
ore who owns Bridget and her wages.

Sir. Sharp—You don’t understand thy
glorious principle of the unity of the mar
riud pair. When they go to the altar the:
are made one and Bridget's wages arr

Mrs. Equity—Are Pat's wages Bridget's

Mr. Sharp—Well, hardly, madam.

Mrs. Equity~—Why not, when they ar


Sharp—«Because Bridget is not the
Patrick is it.

Judge Counsels Riot.

Mrs. Equity—110W can we get: the Le
islature to change these wicked, immora

Judge—Jl‘hat is a conundrum. I often
wonder why wronged women do not resort
to riot and bloodshed.

Mrs. Bradley—We never thought that
any law could be so cruel or any man so
wicked as to take advantage of it.

Mrs. Adoremen—All the men I ever
knew were so kind and chivairous, picking
1}) your handkerchief, paying you compli-
-nents, kissing your hand.

Mrs. Bitten—I wager Mr. Vulture never
.rissed Bridget's hand when she asked him
not to sell Pat liquor.

Man’s Dollar Good as Woman’s.

(The group in court then form an equal
suffrage organization.)

Mr. Bradley—May I join, too.

Chorus—Yes, indeed, a man’s dollar is as
good as a woman's. \Ve will take every
man we can get, and call it. equal sut~

A musical programme was given by Mrs.
Letitia Galliher, vocalist, assisted'by Mim
Pearl Barker and Mrs. Marie Hughes, pi—
anistes. Among those present were Mes-
(lzunes W. Harwood, Charles Jones, W.
Drake, J. Rice, Carl Metterhansen, Harry
Will ‘eorge Hughes XV. P. Piice, Charles

;Whil.t11ker and \\. Pomeroy.





It begins to look mighty like
women are
Kentucky some day.

going to be voting in










swim Idiom


5 C EN ’l‘li'i

ill. “Ll‘ IRVINE




By Unanimous Vote Organized
Workingmen Pledge Them-
selves to Secure Passage of
Law Securing Women Equal




Miss Laura Clay. Dr.
T. Myers, IlIiss Anna
ilton. Miss Linda

and Other Leaders



By a unanimous vote. punctuated

with enthusiastic applause), the, State-I

Federation of Labor aI its session
Tuesdav morning adopted a resolution
declaring in favor of 3%1Ifll'flg(’ for
women on equal terms with mI—II. and
pledging the aid of the. .lIcegislutII'c
Committee of tho lI‘eI'leI‘Iuion
operating with a similar
from the State Equal. Rights Associa-
tion to secure from the nIIxI; lIegIs-
leture the passage of a StatII IaII'
making effectiIc \Iomans sutt‘rafII III
Kentucky . .

The resolution. which In
with a similar declaration madII re-
peatedly by the American lI‘cIlII'atIIIn
'of Labor. was introdIuIIIIIl by Motor F.
(.1. Learning; of Bi ue Grass leI'9I naph-
ioal Union Lexington, and passed
after utgent appca Ills it a nIIu‘Ibtr
of women rc- presenting the Stat 63 and
County Equal Rights Association II he
appeared before the convention and
made telling speeches. _

The resolution as adopted 15 as fol-



“RoSolV'ed. that: We attirIn our alleg-
iance to the
Labor in its rcpeattd IleIIlII.
favor ofs uffrage for '

m.“ with II II“
economic independ' ance in all braucnrs

of. labor and we pledge thII aid of tho.

the li‘cIleI a~
before the

Legislative Committee of
tion to work for this curl
next Legislature."

The resolution adopted by
American Federation of Labor, the
National Organization, and after which.
the resolutions passed here was
modeled, is as follows:


have entered into competition with
men as breadwinuers. has made it
more essential to their rights that; the
balloc should be placed in their

Resolved, That this
affirm the previous actions
ventions of the American
of Labor endorsing; the
female suffrage.


The second day s session of the con-
vention, which was opened shortly aft-
er 9 o’clock by President Allington,
was marked by a larger attendance of
delegates and visitors than the pre-
ceeding day, and the interest was evi-
dently keIener.

Preliminary t0 the beginning of the
program, Chairman Daniel J. ()I'owe,
”of the General Arrangement Commit-
tee on behalf of Burrell Keith. a mem-
ber of the Lexington Carpenters and
Joiners Union, No. 1650. presented to
the State Federation 8. gavel, made of
black. walnut. taken from an old cabin
at. “Ashland” the home of Henry Clay
and said to be more than a. century
old. Mr. Keith fashioned the gavel

convention re-

of con
principle 01‘

' \ .. v ' J . . ‘ An "I ‘7 . _ .
With 1115 DOLI‘Et knife and a 1319‘ 01up the IIIsoluIIon and made f‘IIt‘CthG'

its I

sand paper. Carved on (510 end of the
gavel wais “Jan. 9" and on the other'
end “"‘1911.. . President Allington on
behalf of the State organization re-
ceived the apprOpriate gilt. and ex»
tended thanks to the donor.

The first Speaker of the mmuiug
was Dr. .T. W. Porter, pas tor f the
First Baptist church, whose
on “The Dignity of Labor.”
gem of eloquence,

Beginning with the dictionary deli»
nition of labor, he discussed its vari-
ous phases in a most attractive and
forceful manner. He declares that
“The two arch enemies of labor are
the tramp and the
neither of whom will toll, but that the
Labor Unions hold the balance ofi
power and can regulate them.
Porter spoke as follows. and at
conclusion of his able
comp-l im out 0 d with

A delegation of women, repress
the Equal Rights movement.
by Miss Laura (.‘Ilay, president
Kentucky Equal Rights
and including. besides
Miss Irene 'l‘. Myers
of ’l‘ransylrania
Anna Hamilton.
State University;

was at
wit and common

th e.

a rising vote of

of the

Dean of
University: Miss
Dean of \‘\’omon at
Miss l,.-iIId:I NIII'ilII.
member or" the ("by l’oartl of lCdII-
cation: Mrs. 'W. T. batten}: Mrs. Mar-II
C. Crainet'. Mrs Nora ajI'loI'. Mrs.
Mary G. Moore and other influential
members of the (‘oun'y IIIsaIIizIIt: on
at, this juncture {upon IIIIl IIIII‘IIIIII
conI entiou and “'(I'II ciIIII lIIIr
They (amp to urge I'III-og-IIiIII'III
woman su itrago (It IlIII IIIIIIII
delegates oi the lI‘t-dcratiou and III.:Ir-





Id alte _

CU— .

line I

American li‘cderation of;
rations in‘


The rapid changes which ‘
are talting place in our Industries, and-
the increasing number of women who


D2" rotary
address was

hoadcd .

A ssoIIIatIon Chai rum 1.







the latlics soul-1o on
thc IIIIIIs‘IioII. Miss Clar
:—‘I}3I‘,fll\'('t‘ Illttt' also
\V'Olllt-ll speakers.
('ZIIIl‘II :li.lt;iitit)ll to
American I IIIII l
already put II
Stlii""" for 'II'II-

thought. IlIII six
oi' .I‘II'III:I'-

15' (Ill ol‘
phase ol
the first
Miss (flay
[act that tho
of LIIIb-or had
record as laI'III'I'IIfI
Irwin and .Il slIII
million tomalo IIIIIIII-I IIaI‘uII‘s
rica .dIIsIIIch somo (t)ll:ii(i(ll'21l.II)ll.
Miss [rcue ’l‘. Myers. spoke iI-IIg'I‘II
upon the, growth III"; thr-
Itluffraa'o I'IIIIII'IIIIIIIII. and said that.
:was ll‘ hub with th'I III I'IIlou'IIIIuII
iour National liI'II. Sho (-allIId fli-
tcutiou III the fact, that II'omIIu
-:II'I:I;'III:"I;I‘. I taxes and
for a lfI'IIIilII'IoI] and That, site
ItitIIII'I to l‘I‘lll't‘h‘l'lltlliiUll iII. tIIII
IIIIIut. or it would-Tho “Taxation
IoIII l'tI-IprcscntatIon."
I Miss Mycrs' address
Idid impression in the
Miss IIIllIla, NIII'lI‘IJ
to a. girl’s labor union
shown (1 tho nIIcIIssin III” I.‘.'I.ImI.Iu
IIIaI'uIII's having IIIII II'Itilot to improro
ithcir condition. (Joining-I; (Iloscr homo
IshII s‘ntcd that in a IIIII'taiII IIleth‘
‘tou laundry a woman is llIIIYlf’,
‘a \Ixt-clt' a position lIIIlI‘I b; a
.I'I‘Ian for $13 a which she
‘tlIoua‘lI‘I showed the Ili'—'.I.:rinti1‘tation
against. onIII::I in IIII.‘ mater ol‘ Tabor.
Airs. Mary I}, (.‘I‘tanut'. I'IIII
ol’ the. Ktntuclty Equal
Iciatiou asked IIli't‘II
I-\:tIt‘css her thoughts on
ISIIII FiltrWt'tI how \'I':.)llit'31 are
poI‘It-ablo iu IlI'liilt’ life. church I‘it‘I,»
social lii'c, \Vl'lt'l't‘ their IIIl‘lIIc'III'II'I
greatly bit. and thought that in p
IIIIIIzti lil‘II. in tinte. county
:Itnl‘t'alrs slIII would proI'II
. Mrs. .‘Iota. l'l. 'l‘aylor
granted to III'IIscIIt. two
the I.’II.I.it.Igat(Is to loci»: on.
”picture of an IIIIIcliou in
she witnessed lastytar
.\'(>l(-‘d and which was beautiful and
Idcrly, wires acompanying their hus-
bands to IIIII Iotiug booths and takind
tho babies in sonic instances;
;III' a pictIu‘I': '.II~ an election in a
jlucky city. II’hIII-Ig Volt" buying.
Istables, saloons and mhI'Ir
‘ablc plat-Is was carried on
iqust of decent. people. “I. will not
EIIIIIniion IhII. name of this Ix’cntutlt
city said tho Lancalxr “but it, w
abhorren: and d Isune'. \‘oiI
s the contrast. iI-‘I'ItI.IIII'II blocziott
womcn. '
Mrs. \‘I'.
laws had



‘.\‘ ,\/;I",Il
was IIII—



told 01‘ a
in London


for 11w I‘l I'

wee it.

I. IlIlI w





' saIIl slIII
on.“ was.
l‘tah. which


to the dis-



’l‘}. 'l.IaI't‘Ir-rty said
not; kept pat-II with the
litld ot'” ”-‘Il‘dl II \"ovlii
thought that .Itat:
owned pI'OpIIrII and paid taxes they
should lIaI'II I'F'Dl‘t‘selllalioll in the gym:
jI-rnment. \'\"ornan's physical
.uI-ss and Ill“ inhuman laws
HITL‘IWZIS subjectocl necessttat
alligument oi" things that. would give
her more advantage. She said woman
had heretofore been a queen without
a scepter and occupied a throne, with
no port'cr to command. but that. with
the ballot. in her hand she could assert.
Iher inherent rights.

Miss Anna Hamilton. Dean of.
\VomIIn at State luiIeIsitI' cited the
tact that tho labor orsganIzations II IIIII
founded on tho pIiucipIo of equal
lrights to all laborers, and as women
‘are wage earners with men, they
should be given It helping hand by
the men in recuring' suffrage
was as much for their
prorection as, for IhI'II'r
male brothers, “We don't: want
vote to sell it." she declared
will handle it more intelligentlI

Mrs. Mary
BreckinriIlgII and
of the (I IIlI‘Ig'aILion
strong sycechcs. Following? these
addresses M III o] l taming in
tIoduced the. resolution IIIIntcd alovc
IargIIIiIIfI its adoption. (.‘zul Bolainder.
‘of Louisyi llo John SchncIder.
Ville. Joint H (iambic. of Newport.
and J. Smit th, of (Ira) .IzillII Tenn.
delegates in the convention. then took

IIII‘I l. our


to which
(Id a new



G. Morton. Mrs.

SI: I'eral



'speec hes
