xt70rx937t9n_440 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Minnesota Woman Suffrage Association The Minnesota Bulletin text Minnesota Woman Suffrage Association The Minnesota Bulletin 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_17/Folder_20/Multipage19327.pdf 1905 December 1905 1905 December section false xt70rx937t9n_440 xt70rx937t9n The Minnesota Bulletin

Published by the

Minnesota Womans Suffrage Association




General Officers.
l’resident. Mrs. Maud t.‘. StockWell, ilZH-i
Ii. 51st. St., Minneapt'dis.
\‘iee I’resident, Mrs. Marion 1..
ill?» Zutnhro St.. Rochester.
tee. See‘y, Annah llurd. M. 1).. 710 Pills—
hury %ttilt.li11g. Minneapolis.
Mrs. ()live 8. Clark.
’l‘reasurer. Margaret Ruth, M. ‘13.. 715
Masonit- 'l‘einple, Minneapolis.
Auditor. Mrs. Margaret
Moore Block. St. Paul.
Second .\ll(ill01'. .\Ir. Chas.
llennepin .»\ve., Minneapolis.


t‘ur. Hee'y. Anoka.

First l’entland.

M iller. 1201

Executive Board.

Mrs. I‘llizaheth Met‘lary. lill lilast th.
ht. Minneapolis.

Mrs. Hannah ltlgleston \\'ykol’t‘.

Ethel ll]. Hurd. M. 1).. 1:02 Nieollet



Mrs. Margaret K. Rogers. 384 S” l‘lx-
change St.. St. Paul.
Mrs. llilla, l'. t‘lark. Silt-l
Mrs. Lora C.
Mrs. Julia H.

[Cast 13111. 81.,
Elizabeth Brasie. Allentieello.
Little, llll 31st. Ave.

Nelson, [{ed \\'in;.',‘.

Chairmen Standing Committees.
l’ress: Mrs. Eugenia H. Farmer. til?)
Cedar St., St. Paul.
Membership: Miss A. A. Connor,
University .»\\'e., Minneapolis.
.\l r. S. A. Reed. 12M Century ltlda'”


l.e:.:‘isla t he:

Talks to

(‘llllisi l)l'. l“l(bl‘t*llt't~ (‘_
Ave. Minnea-

2946 Hlooining‘ton

Enrollment: Miss Grace
51H \\'. .‘l'Jnd SL. Minnea-

State Fair and
A. Crinsted.

Member National Executive Board.

Mrs. Jennie K. llrown, Luverne.

Letter from the National President.

Dear State President :m
The States have nearly all held their

annual conventions, and from every

section of the country reports are re-
ceived of increased interest and en
thusiasm, and an earnest, consecration
and determination to work toward
more perfect service and organization.
The State

attended have as a,

Conventions which 1 have
whole been very
gratifying, and the one thing which
has impressed me more than any other
is a, new enthusiasm horn of convic-
tion that, victory is not, far away, and
that in order to secure it each

spirit, of our o-ganization seems to he

01] 0

must do her very best. whole

one of loyalty and devotion, not, only

to the cause but, to each other; and
this, perhaps more than anythingr else,
fills me with the assurance of ultimate

v I .1 ' \~’ , -. . H ,
\ 0111.....ocal "(11- 91,111+. to" ~4am. w

you not, make an appeal to

this month as a. 'l‘hanksgivingr offer-

ing to collect the dues of the members
of their clubs, and then to send them
State that

reach the before

’l‘rea sn re. 1'


direct to the.
they may
the close of the year? I am sure that
it' We make this attempt, we will be
surprised and gratified at the splendid

The, arrangements for the National

Convention have been so far settled

that, I can give you seine definite in-

formation. The. meeting of the


 The Minnesota Bulletin.


executive committee will be held in
Baltimore at the hotel Belvidere. the
headquarters of the Convention, on
the evening of February ti, followed by
another on the morning of the 7th
at the Lyric ’l‘heater, where the Con—
held. The

begin on the

vention is to be Conven-

tion will after-

noon of the 7th, closing with the exe-


eutive session the morning of the Htli.

The Railroad Secretary is arrang—

ing for stopover privileges of ten
days at, “Washington, and those attend-
ing the convention will have the op—
portunity of visiting the national capi-
tal without additional expense.
effort will be made
State full.

If you know of friends who contem-

I trust. every

to have your delegation

plate a trip to \Vashington during the

winter, will not, urge them to

make it at the time of our Convention


so that they may have the advantage

of the reduced rates and attend the

meetings in addition to the \Vashing-
ton trip? A full announcement of rail-
road rates will soon be made.

cent campaign, and the fact: that their

activity of women in the re-
activities were uniformly on the side

of better conditions in government,
added "£6 the Iltlaeetloman cry of the
reform politicians for women to come
over and help them, must show to
any reasoning mind the inconsistency
of the disfranchisement of so valuable
a factor for good government as are
women. That this thought is taking
hold of the

questioned when we observe the fact

public mind cannot be

that so many prominent persons and
periodicals are either attacking or de-
fending our cause. If it Were not, tak-
ing a large hold on the public mind
much atten-

there would not be so

tion given it by such men as Grover

Cleveland and such papers as the

Ladies Home Journal. I hope the
self respect of the suffrage women of
this country will manifest itself by
iimnediately stopping all subscriptions
to a, m: gazine which gives itself over
to such unqualified abuse of women,
and refuses, although petitioned over
and over again, to allow us to make
corrections of its misstatements.

I trust you have entered upon your
new year of service with enthusiasm,

mendation made at,

and you will follow the recom-

the last national
meeting that during the coming year
each State Association will strive to

add one new club for every one hun-

dred of its membership,——t,hat is, any


will form

having less than one hundred

one club, those with less

than two hundred two clubs, and so
on. There is not: a State in our Un-
ion which cannot dothis with a very
little concentrated effort, on the part
of each member. Will yours be one
of the States which will pledge itself
to make this effort?

Miss Susan B. Anthony is my guest
at present, and wishes me to remem—
ber her to you with sincere regards,
and to assure you that her interest in
you and in our cause grows with her
added years, and she wishes for us
all the joy of a victory in Oregon next,


\Vit h

splendid service

grateful appreciation of the
of yourself and co-
workers in the past, and with the sin-
cere hope that the coming year may
be one of richest blessings to you all,
I send you my ’l‘hanksgiving greetings.

Anna H. Shaw.


 The Minnesota Bulletin. 3


Dear Co-workers:
new year—the twenty-fith of suffrag

are beginning the work of a

work in our state. This is the time
for local clubs to outline their
\Vould that all

the members could have participated


grams for the season.

in the Minneapolis Convention, there-
by receiving inspiration, hope and
the clubs that

were not represented by either dele-

practical suggestions;

gates, reports or greetings were sadly
missed, for we needed the inspiration
of their presence and helpful words.

Each club is urged to increase its
membership this year. The increase
of the National membership last year
was twenty per cent, and president
Rev. Anna H. Shaw, is very desirous
of keeping up this rate. Let us see

share of this work, for we have plenty

to it that Minnesota does her
of sentiment as our enrollment cards
testify. We mustattend to this mat-

ter at once as, our reports to the
National Association must be sent in
before the first of January. Let us

invite our friends, relatives and ae-

quaintances, both men
to show the faith that is in them by
giving their names and paying their
dues. It is not a pleasant duty for
your state president to report a fall-
ing off in membership at the National

The local treasurers are earnestly

requested to collect dues from all
members and send the quota to the
state treasurer during the coming

The convention voted to continue

leadership of the chazrman

the press work under splendid

who has

and women, -

a, list of newspapers in

ticles, to the grand total of seventy-

worked up

the state, publish monthly ar-

five. Mrs. Eugenia B. Farmer of St.


The Enrollment Committee is con-

tinued which will include enrollment

at the State Fair.

'LTnder “legislative work” it was

voted to work for the “Initiative and
Referendum”-law and to improve the

“Juvenile Court” law.

The Bulletin is to be continued and

will be managed by Ethel E. Hurd,

M. D. of Minneapolis.

College equal suffrage leagues are

to be established.

Each club is urged to stand for

some civic need and make itself an

active force in the community.

Let us prove our earnest desire to
bring about better conditions for hu-
work here and

manity by practical

good measures and demonstrate our

now. us use our influence for

abil‘ry for active hard work, by doing
things. Let us remember the splendid

work now going on in Oregon and
assist in bringing that promising state

can tribu- ,

into our galaxy as number five.

can help with our dollars;

tions for the Oregon campaign will

be forwarded if sent to me.

A campaign is an expensive under-

not be
spared the
brighest for this state that has been

A victory for Oregon would

taking and money should

when the prospect is

mean a victory for other states in the
so let us as loyal suf-

near future,

fragists contribute liberally to this
good work.
Faithfully yours,

Maud C. Stockwell.


 The Minnesota Bulletin.


The year just passed, has been well
filled with work, quite satisfactory to
the chairman of press work, and per»
haps to others.

On our present mailing list we have
74 newspapers: 'l‘wenty of these are

ltttt-t to

sent, regularly to the

From Oct ober 1 st ,

ttms, 1752


ber 1st, letters have been
written, 2TH?) leaflets and articles sent
out to the editors;

included in this

list was 140 copies of Progress, (it)
copies of the State Bulletin, 25H leaf-
lets on “The Fruits of Equal Suffrage.

\Ve rejoice in the fact that We have
a Governor and his private secretary,
each of them

editors, who are in

hearty sympathy with our work: also

many members of both branches of

the Legislature. Through the medium
of the to scatter
association we
State Suffrage Association receive no

press we are able

abroad the gospel of

to All." As an

not forget: this. officers of the

neither does the chairman of

press work. We all give our time and
means for the support, of this cause.
ober 1st, 1904 to Nov: nber 1st, 19MB,
$37.81; $36.46;
cash on hand $1.35.

Expenses for the year—From

I received expended

Eugenia B. Farmer,



The 24th Annual Convention of the
Minnesota Associa-
Oct. 14th-


Woman Suffrage
met in
15th, the


t ion Minneapolis,
guest, of the

as a convention it. was one of our very

Equality Considered


St ockwell

best. Mrs. Maud C.

credit for

deserves great
conducting the sessions in a most.
thoroughly business—like way, holding
every speaker to the subject under
consideration and all to parliamentary


usage. \\'e are prdud of her.

one person in Minnesota,
in our work bears as heavy a burden
of work, earnestly done. as she does.
Let us one and all help her more
this year.

We were disappointed in the matter
of attendance. The Chapman revival
meetings Were just drawing to a close,
people were neglecting their own busi-
ness to attend them; even Bauer, the
famous pianist. failed to draw an and-


tence on the night we our


symposium of Eminent.
Failing to secure a satisfactory speak-
er, the program committee hit upon
a rather unique and original idea:
'l‘hey secured, from five to ten min-
ute speeches, the Mayor, D. P. Jones,
famous for Sun-
Willis M. West of the U. of M., Prof.
A. W. Rankin, State Inspector of high
A. H.

of the “S00" Railway line, S.

closing saloons on

days, Ex-Mayor James Gray,

schools, Solicitor
A. Reed,
B. Riley
of the First Baptist Church, and Rev.
C. S. Davis of the Forest Ave. M. E.
Church. John A. Johnson, re-

gretted a previous

Bright, Gen.

Attorney at law, Rev. W.

engagement, but

while speaking to the l4‘ederation of

Women‘s Clubs, and

then. it

thmght of us,

gave his suffrage speech

was forceful and convinciig, we re-

joiced that. it. met so many ears un-

accustomed to such

ranged for


Program Committee also ar-

inale musicians and boy

ushers on the same evening. This


 The Minnesota Bulletin. 5

program proved a great success, and

we can heartily recommend it.
In the reports of Standing Commit-

reports is given in full in this issue.

tees, that of Mrs. [Eugenia B.

mer, for the Press, easily leads.

When one reads it carefully they can

but realize the immense amount of

work involved.

Add to this an ela-

borate system of bookkeeping neces-

sary to avoid repeating and dupli-

cating articles and it compels admira-

tion and gratitude. The value of her

work cannot, be estimated. it. has

been suggested that we should pur-

chase a her use. It


type-writer for
is certainly due her. addresses

were all most. and in-
structive.l Mrs. Grosby was ill but
her subject“’l‘he .luvenile Court” was
ably presented by Mr. lampbell, who
gave us an insight into the workings
of the Court by recounting his own


\Ve have grown to expect, some

thing good, always when we listen

to Dr. Florence C. Bair, and she did
not fail 11s.
row" much and

gave satisfaction,

gained marked applause.

“’9 all

thing worthy of earnest. effort to at-

felt. we had learned some-

tain after listening to Mr.S, A. Stock-

well's remarks upon the “Initiative

and Referendum”, which seems such

a necessary adjunct to our govern-

ment—the, right road to a true re-


couraging in

reports from clubs were en-


the main, there

should have been many

But few changes were made in list;
chairmen of Stand-

of officers and

ing Committees; see this issue’s

Her “Citizens of to—mor-


he Association heard with deepest
regret of the contemplated removal of
Dr. Cora Smith Eaton to Seattle. She

has been our inspiration, our very

anchor of hope for so long that we

shall feel lost indeed without, her

bright and cheery presence. In fact

we cannot. Well now see. how we can
“exist" without

her, and already we

feel uncomfortably


jealous of W'ash-


ington, in we shall

shine by reflected glory.

scarcely realized at the

that she was goii g, but the writer

feels perfectly safe in expressing the
most profound regrets of all our suf-
association and the

frage abiding

sense of our loss. No action

taken for we felt there was a chance
that she would not go, but since then
she has decided to leave us in Dec.
we wish her “ 'lod-speed" and extend
our best, wishes for her future. \Vash—
ington has our congratulations.

The reception at
Dr. Martha

close to two

the residence of
G. Ripley,

days of

was a fitting
pleasant work.
She had promised a surprise, and we
were agreeably surprised to hear the
H. B. and Miss A. S.

They were very good re-

voices of Mr.
productions on a graphophone of re-
cords taken in 1901, when they were

here attending the National Conven-


We the delegates assembled in the


Annual Convention of the Min-

Woman Suffrage Association
held in Mineapolis, Minn, November
14—45, 1905, do hereby adopt the fol-


'1. All persons

with intelligence are entitled to equal

‘ equally endowed


 privileges and are under equal ob-

ligations to the state.

2. The idea that women are men-

pelled as fast and as far as the bar-

inferior to men is being dis-

riers to education and business op—

portunities are removed.

3. \Vhen we compare the social
and legal status of woman today with
what: it was in 1848 when the first
woman's rights convention was held,
we rejoice in the results of the agi-
tation then begun and the breaking
up of the great. mass of ignorance and
has impeded the

prejudice which

march of civilization.

4. \Ve are gratified to know that
President, Theodore
Roosevelt, our State
and the Mayor

our National

Governor, John
A. Johnson, of our
largest city, Mr. D. P. Jones, of Min-

neapolis, are all avowed suffragists.

5. \Ve declare ourselves unquali-
fiedly in favor of the principle of the
initiative and referendum, as enabling
the will of the people to prevail, and
urge its adoption in our city charters

and state constitution.

6. \Ve give our thanks to the ed-
itors of the 74 newspapers of this
state who regularly publish the ar-
ticles sent them by our Chairman of
Press Work, ’and will send to each of
“Bulletin” “Progress”

for the coming year as

them our and
a token of

appreciation of their favors.

7. We heart.in endorse the action
of Mayor Jones of Minneapolis in

closing the saloons on Sunday.
8. We rejoice that the governors

of 13

for equal suffrage; that the age of con-

states have recently declared

The Minnesota Bulletin.

sent has been raised from 14 to 16 in
Illinois and from 16 to 18 in Oregon;
that a woman suffrage amendment is
pending in Oregon, to be voted on
next. June, with good prospect: of be-
ing carried; that over 300 organiza-

tions other than our own have in
the past year passed equal suffrage
resolutions; that in Oklahoma school
suffrage has been granted to women
in cities of the first. class; that; our

own state of Minnesota has passed
the Juvenile Court Law, and has be-
come the 13th state to establish co-

guardianship of children.

9. We pay sorrowing tribute to
the memory of Mrs. Sarah Scribner,
of Mrs. Olive S.
Clark, our efficient corresponding sec-
Mrs. Hattie Burkdell, of St.
Sacajawea Club; Mr. Sanford

of Anoka, mother


educator, Minnesota pioneer, and life

of Minneapolis, (listingutiShed

long suffragist.

10. We extend thanks to the P01-
itical Equality Club of Minneapolis,
for their provision for this convention
and its delegates, to the distinguished
speakers who declared themselves in
eloquent; terms before this convention
as advocates of woman’s enfranchise-
ment, to the muscians for their music,
to Mr. Ripley and Dr. Martha G. Rip-
ley for the reception tendered the
convention, to the local press for its
reports, and to all who have con-
tributed to the pleasure and success

of the convention.


Committee on Resolutions


 The Minnesota Bulletin.


Report of Minneapolis P. E. Club.

This club has not reported for sev-

eral months. Our June meeting was
a delightful picnic and program at the
residence of Dr. Cora Smith Eaton in
Linwood, Minnetonka lake. No meet-
ing in July. A “Lucy Stone memor-
ial” at Mr. S. A. Stockwell‘s residence
near Minnehaha Falls in August. In
Sept. we of the

status of women in various countries,

resumed our study
meeting at the regular place, the. di-
in November, when in honor of Eliza-
gains of fifty

room of the Public Library.

program was varied somewhat

Cady Stanton we reviewed the
years work for suf-
frage. Mrs. Dorsett gave personal re-
miniscences illustrative of legal gains;
Mrs. Little spoke of gains in occupa-
Mary V.
scholarly and most interesting paper
The club

Hartzell for a

tion. Dr. Hartzell read a
on the gains in Education.
indebted to Dr.

fund of information.

It was also our
annual meeting; no change of officers
was made except the election of Mr.
Chas Miller as secretary.

The meeting of December 19th will
Mr. A. H.
Bright will speak of the legal status
of women of the United States. Bring

appeal to all women.

your friends and let us give him a
good audience. The club is greatly
indebted to Mr. Adelbert I. Sanborn,
Miss Miss Edna
Wakeman and Mr. Ray Brase for
music during the convention; to Miss
Brewster for readings; to Miss VVhit-
ted for cut flowers and to Mr. R. A.
Latham for palms. The club extends
thanks to Dr. Ripley for the generous
hospitality in giving the convention
Ethel Edgerton Hurd, Pres.

Harriet Morgan,

Gladys \Villiams and Miss



l‘ledges t‘roin» ~
Individuals ........... $218.46
t‘lubs :T.oo
Donations t‘roniw-
Red \\'ing‘
S1. l’aul.
Shaw leeture
l’ienie at Linwood
Suffrage R'Et‘tfllllg‘
Sale of badges
hilletin subscriptions






Total receipts
Balance in treasury Oct.


Pledges to N. A. \V. S. A.

Dues to N. A. \\'. S. A .............

Presidents National





Printing & Stationary

expenses to

'l’ress Work

Expenses of members of Executive
(‘ommittee to meetings ..........
Juvenile Court
l’resident ............. fl;
See'y & 'l‘reas .........
Express on H1111eti11s..
lepress on flags et(:..
'l‘elegrams & telephone
Plate for advertising.

Loss (eountert'iet) 1.00

ltltli, 1905

Balanee in 'l‘reas. Nov.

Respectfully submitted,
'l‘reas. M. \V.