xt70rx937t9n_457 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Progress text Progress 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_30/Folder_14/Multipage20070.pdf 1908 January-March 1908 1908 January-March section false xt70rx937t9n_457 xt70rx937t9n  


National American Woman Suffrage





25 Cents Per Year.




Volume VII.




President, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw,
' Moylan, Pa.
lst Vice President, Rachel Foster Avery,
Swarthmore. Pa.

2nd Vice Pres., Mrs. Florence Kelley,

105 East 22nd St.,>New York City. ,
Cor. Seo’y, Miss Kate M. Gordon,

1800 Prytania St.. New Orleans, La.
Recording Sec’y,

Miss Alice Stone Blackwell,

3 Park St., Boston, Mass.
Treasurer, Mrs. Harriet Taylor' Upton,
Warren, Ohio.

lst Auditor, ‘

Miss Laura Clay, Lexington, Ky.
2nd Auditor,

Mrs. Mary S. Sperry,
2100 Pacific Ave., San Francisco, Cal.
Legal Advisor,
Catharine Waugh MeCulloch,
Evanston, Ill.





President. Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt.
No. 2 W. 86th St.. New York City.
First Vice President,
Dr. Anita Augsburg,
Hamburg, Germany.

Second Vice President,
Mrs. Millicent Garrett Fawcett,
London, England.

Secretary, Mrs. Rachel Foster Avery,
Swarthmor'e, Pa.
First Ass't Secretary,
Dr. Kathe Sehirmacher,
Paris. France.
Second Ass’t Secretary,
Martina Kramers,
Rotterdam. Holland.

Treasurer, Miss Rodger Cunliffe,
London, England.
Entered as‘ sect-Ind classy matter ' Nov.
lst., 1906, at the Pont Ofiice,
Warren, Ohio.




Form of Bequest.

I hereby give and bequeath to the
National Woman Suffrage
Association, said Association being in—
corporated under the laws of the Dis—
trict of Columbia, the sum of $ .........


principal and interest, to be applied by
such association for the support and
promotion of the cause of woman suf—

Signed ..................................

“The direct influence Of a good woman
is the greatest of all forces.”—Knox

Convention Dates 1908.
National—Buffalo, N. Y., October 15th-
21st (inclusive).
And now it’s the women of Russia.
How long, Oh Lord, how long?

A Happy New Year.

A happy New Year to all suffragists.
A year 11111 of. happiness and work or
rather work and happiness. As we look
back on the old year what is there worth
remembering and cherishing? Only the
things we have done for others, only the
helping of the unfortunate, only standing
for our principles, only giving to our
generation the best of that which is in
us, only the things accomplished with a
struggle. The rest we have forgotten.

Sometimes the Editor of Progress is
low—spirited—the work at Headquarters
is such a grind and such a growing
grind. Opportunities of which she
she should take advantage present them-
selves in every department, from every
direction. When she is thus smothered
she can always bring herself back to a
normal condition by thinking of Miss
Anthony and the early,leaders. She can
see them walking up and down the land.
having doors shut in their faces, eggs
showered upon them. Really what the
Editor is doing would have been play to
them; would have been joy. Tonork in

LURE 1 SIM? O‘ss IBLE — Susan B. Anthony


THE ANTHONY MEMORIAL FUND—Letter from Our President and let Vice President

to the Fund.

the Declaration of Independence.


own locality and among your own neighbors.


Chairman Board of Trustees,

At the annual Convention in Chicago last winter, It was decided that the best memorial to Susan B. An-
thony, that great soul who gave her long life to the struggle for the emancipation of women from the thraldom
of old conditions, was a fund of one hundred thousand dollars to be used for woman suffrage work.

Miss Anthony has been gone from among us nearly two years; the work is going on; its demands are in-
creasing as' the opportunities for propaganda are almost daily widening before the workers.
woman suffragist better show her love for Miss Anthony than by helping to raise the Memorial
thOusand dollars of which remain to be secured ‘before the Ann-.al Convention in Buffalo, October 15, 1908.

The Board of Trustees of the Fund ask every woman suffrage club in the country to devote Miss Anthony’s
eighty-eighth birthday, February 15, 1908, to some sort of an entertainment or meeting which shall bring money
Make it your day of Thanksgiving that such a woman as Susan B. Anthony lived to lead us into
broader opportunities, Which we enjOy today.

Put your shOulder to the wheel, whoever and wherever you are, and try what YOU can do right in your
Arrange for her birthday celebration a splendid
which will combine the making of money for the Fund with the making of Sentiment for the cause.
energy into this work as you would into helping your church or a hospital or some local charity.
than any sort of charity, since it strikes at the root of theiconditions which make the charity necessary. The lack
of justice toward women is the crime which underlies all other crimes in a nation professing to base itself upon

In no way can any

Fund, seventy

Put as much
This is better

In the October “Progress” were a number of practical suggestions for money raising.




From many sources we learn that the
meetings in New York and Brooklyn,
arranged for Mrs. Cobden Sanderson,
were among the greatest meetings in in—
fluence American Suffragists have ever

The meeting at Cooper Union was
under the auspices Of the Self-Support-
ing League for \Voman Suffrage and

the College Suffrage League. It wasI


a beautiful room surrounded by faithful
and helpful-assistants, where there are
plants, sunshine and all sorts of labor—
saving machinery, is not so 'hard. How
can the Editor feel her task is too large.
her load to heavy? She can not, she
will not. Such is her New Year's resolu—

A New Year’s Message from the Na-

tional President.

Moylan, Pa., December 18th, 1907.
Dear CO—W'orkerz

We stand at the dawn Of 1908, which
marks the sixtieth anniversary of our
movement for political freedom, inspired
by every incentive for active, earnest

The past year shows that our cause
is not only finding favor at home, but
victorious achievement abroad. The

-. :. -‘2‘.’§€5',_ .. .



women Of Norway have been crowned
with equal political rights with men,
while in Denmark, France, Great Bri-
tain, Natal, and in Oklahoma in our own
country, added political freedom has,
been granted.

The increasing activity among teach-






held at Cooper Union which was packed,

there being no standing room. Fully

two—thirds of the audience were men.
The collections amounted to $180.00

...,_ V


and about 225 members were added to
the \Voman Suffrage League Of Self-11
Supporting Women. 1

The Brooklyn meeting was quite as‘
enthusiastic but the audience was not,
large. The weather was very bad, snow,
ers, college and self—supporting womeni
shows that: the intelligent and industri-


Ellen Galvin, of Waterbury, Conn,
worked forty-six years in the Waterbury
Buckle Co. She never received more
than $1.50 a day but accumulated a little
fortune. Early in December she died
and 1,000 employes from the President
down followed her to the grave.

Miss Winifred Smith is weigh master
at Brainard, Minn. Brainard has 10,000
inhabitants and the City Council elected
Miss Smith to fill the- place made vacant
by her father’s death.

Mrs. Elmer St. Clair Of Lancaster,
I? Tod: “or law-es ii: 1.3.. ’11:“:- '1 I
to the scene of a great land slide, flag-
ging a train and averting a disastrous


Mrs. Julia St. Cyr is said to be the
only Indian woman lawyer in the coun-
try. She is very successful in her cases
for the Winnebago, of which tribe she
is a member.

At the Annual Convention of the
American Federation of Labor Mr.
Gompers called Mrs. Agnes Nestor of
the International Glovemakers to the
Chair. This is the first time a woman
has had such recognition from this body.

sleet and rain. Umbrellas were turned
inside out‘and policemen had to cling
closely to many people as they rounded
the corners to keep them from blowing
away. A person who attended writes:

“That 125 people were present was re—
markable. The collection amounted to
$23.00.” .

Mrs. Cobden Sanderson is doing al-
most as much good for us as she did for

English women.


the work of the Association will I be
responsible for during the remaining

ous young women of our land are recog— nine months?

nizing that in a Republic the possessiqnl
of the ballot is fundamental to succeSs.l

On October 15th, 1908, we will meet in
annual Convention in Buffalo, to cele—,
brate the sixtieth year of our revolution-l
ary struggle for equal rights, but in thel
interim many plans for which we unani—ii
mously voted at Chicago, remain to be
completed. Seventy-five thousand dol-
lars Of the $100,000 Susan B. Anthony
Memorial Fund is still to be raised; 10,—
000 new members are to be secured, if
we double our membership, and 25,000
subscriptions to Progress are needed to
make Our National organ a financial
success. '

Several searching questions
themselves to each one of us:


1st. \Vhat have I done during the
past year toward carrying out the'plans
voted at Chicago?

2nd. What share of the pledge to the


Fund will I raise: how many new mem—
bers will I secure: how many subscrip—
tions to Progress Obtain: what part Of

The result will not be achieved unless
each suffragist does her part. There is
not one so poor in purse that she cannot
contribute something toward the Fund
herself or seek to secure a contribution
from another; nor so poor in influence
that she cannot obtain one new member
for the local, State or National Associa—
tions within the next month. Let this
be the New Year’s service of each one
Of us in memory Of Miss Anthony. Find
the member in your own household if
each one does not already belong and
then begin with the nearest hopeful
neighbor, and begin now.

May I not hear from the suffragists
all Over the nation in response to this
appeal, stating definitely for what part
Of the unfinished effort of the year each
will be responsible?

I desire to express to one and all the
sincere hope that the New Year may be
full of opportunities for helpful service
and crowned with good success. Let
us neither falter nor fail, and let us re—
member whatever comes in the line of
duty that the onlv failure one ought to
fear is failure to cleave to the purpose
she sees to be best.


(Lil .

Number I


Early in December about fifty of the
members of the Delaware County IN.
S. A., and a few privileged suf—
fragists of Philadelphia, assembled at
Moylan Station and marched to “Aln—
wick Lodge,” Rev. Anna Shaw’s new
home, to give her a surprise. A few
days earlier, during Miss Shaw’s 'ab-
senee, the mission hall clock which was
to be presented to her, had been sent to
the home and safely hidden in an up-
stairs room. This was to be part of the
surprise, for not a lisp of the matter had '
come to Miss Shaw’s ears and she was
as surprised as we could possibly have

The day was perfect for the expedi-
tion and among the guests were several
of the “elders in Israel,” who drove
over from neighboring towns; two of
the men members of the Swarthmore
League were there and of the ten Susan
B. Anthony Leaguers present, four were
boys, so we were truly an equal rights

Mrs. Garrett, President of the Dela—
ware Co. Association, presented the
clock which had been brought forth
from its concealment and occupied its
appropriate place in the large central
hall; Miss Shaw alluding to her former
calling as a pastor when she was the
recipient of surprise parties, accepted it
in a few well-chosen words and then
made use of her opportunity to "urge the
friends present to renewed efforts for the
cause we all love so much. Miss Jane
Campbell, Mrs. Ella Hawley Crossett,
Mrs. Husted Harper, Mrs. Luckie (the,

Mrs. Foster Ayeryzand “another QTPSI-

Miss Shaw Aunexpectedly called Out,
each spoke briefiy.‘ Our State President»;
Mrs. Blankenburg, was detained by ill-7,

Miss Lucy Anthony served tea to the}
callers who 'enjoyed looking through the
dainty, well—planned home and out into
the splendid scenery from the various
windows and capacious porch. Its proud
owner had told us in her little talk what
a wonderful happiness its possession is
to her after so many years of working
toward it. “It repays me already for
the many sacrifices, great and small,
which I have made for it. Hundreds of
times I have sat up and mapped in rail—
road stations instead Of going to a hotel
and making myself comfortable for the
night—have eaten my lunch at the
counter instead of getting a hot meal on
a dining car, in order *to save some—
thing toward a home, and now that I
have it and we are here, it feels just like
home; it i; the home I have longed for.
I want it to be a center to which all
suffragists may come; whenever any of
you are near you must feel welcome and
must come to see us. We are going to
have the General Officers of the National
Association all here for their business
meeting for 1908 the early part of the



This was an orthodox “surprise par—
ty” in that we carried with us our re—
freshments, but in that we did not stay
to consume them. Each too with
her a contribution to Miss Shaw’s pre—
serve closet jellies, pickles, preserves,
catsup, while some independent thinkers
brought candles, matches, dusters, tea
and lovely Mexican drawn work.

In the big living room stands the ma-
hogany table on which the W'Onian's

Declaration Of Rights for the Seneca
falls Convention was signed and Mrs.
Husted Harper gave a little history of it.
Altogether the afternoon was a great
success and I know that it inspired
some who were present to renewed zeal
for the cause which this new home repre-
sents; may it become the Mecca for suf~
Fosrrn AVERY.



Women of Russia.

Parliamentary suffrage has been
granted the women Of Russia upon the
same terms as men except that the
women must vote by proxy.

originator of the gift and the ‘Iparty”), \

dent, i‘vliss .ixOSc "foster Avery," “fr—“incur;



The Kentucky laws relating to the
legal rights of women as mothers are
pronounced by able jurists as barbarous
and a blot upon her civilization. A
study of those laws will make evident
the grounds for such an opinion.

The law ordinarily recognizes but one
parent, and that one the father, only and
always excepting the poor, despised

‘ mother whose offspring is the sign of her
shame; for these mothers are vested
with the same rights of guardianship, as
married fathers

With married mothers it is different.
The insignificance in which their rights
are held is seen in extracts from the
statutes concerning Guardians and
Wards: “The father of the minor, if
living, or, if dead, the mother, if suited
to the trust, shall be allowed by the
court to have the custody, nurture and
education of the ward.” And some
women imagine that the state honors
motherhood! “If suited to the trust,”
she may have the custody of her own
child, if her husband be dead. But not
in all cases, however, even if the father
is dead and the mother is suited to the
trust: for a dead father has more rights
than a living mother, as is seen by
further extracts:

“Any father may, by will, appoint a
guardian to his infant child during its
minority or for any less period, and may
appoint the guardianship of the infant’s
estate to one, and the custody, nurture
and education of the infant to another.”
Not by a word is the father placed under
the slightest constraint to appoint the
mother to the custody, nurture and edu—
cation of the child!

Further, we read: “In appointing a
guardian the court shall pay proper at—
tention to the following order of prece—
dence in right, and not depart therefrom,
unless it deems that prudence and.the
interests of the infant so require:

“First, the father or testamentary
guardian of his appointing.

, "Secondly, the mother, if unmarried;
and. thirdly, the next of kin, giving
preference to the males.”

In the exercise of this right of quar—
dianship, undivided with the mother, a
father has the sole direction of his
child’s life, the mother’s wishes being
consulted only so far as he pleases. If
he is in humble circumstances and hires
out or apprenticesthe child, he alone
decides the employment and surround—
ings, and he alone receives its wages.
If in better circumstances, he alone may
direct its education, choosing its resi—
dence, its school and the moral training
and religious bent its mind shall re—
ceive. It is always within his legal right
to remove the child from the custody
and nurture of the mother, and to place
it with whomsoever he chooses; and if
he dies, he is permitted to depute all
these powers to a guardian of his selec-

It is terrible to think of the sufferings
mothers may have to endure from the
exercise of these unrestricted powers by
misguided husbands, even when they
are honest and well—meaning towards
the mothers and children. Btit many
husbands are depraved and selfish, apd
among the darkest realities of life are
the miseries of mothers and children
when such husbands have used their au—
thority over children with indifference
to the mother's happiness, and even with
the distinct intention of torturing them
through their natural affections.

The protection the law affords to
mothers against possible abuses is in—
adequate, hard to obtain in every case.
and in many of the worst instances whol-
lv unavailable. As long as the husband
and wife remain together. there is no
clear provision for the defense of the
mother. When they are legally separ-
ated or divorced, the court decides which
parent shall have the custody of the
child, regarding the interest of the child
in the decision. But the presumption is
always in favor of the father, and if he
resists the court’s assigning the guar—
dianship to the mother, a clear case of
his moral or financial unfitness for the
charge must be made before the mother’s
superior claim is allowed, no matter if
she is wholly “suited to the trust.”

Even this meagre measure of justice
may be easily defeated by the father in
many instances, if he chooses; for, if
he has reason to anticipate that the pre-
sumption in his favor will not suffice to






can forestall the
the child to an—

deprive the mother, he
judgment by removing
other state before the court has taken
action. After the child is once out of
the State (and his legal right to take it

where he pleases is unimpeachable until.

there is a decree of court to the con—
trary), it would take years of tedious
and expensive litigation to compel him
to return it. Practically, therefore, the
mother has no right guaranteed her by
the law.

It is no excuse for these iniquitous
laws to say that men have little tempta—
tion to abuse them and seldom do so.
Law is meant for the restraint of the
bad, and there is no cruelty shielded by
the law which is too dreadful for some
bad men to practice. Neither is any
mortal being in a position to say that
such power is rarely abused. Since re-
lief is so precarious and long delayed,
there is every reason for women to en-
dure these sorrows in silence; and yet
from time to time society is shocked by a
revelation of misery endured by a moth
er under this oppressive power of the
husband. though her wretchedness was
not made public until, perhaps after
years of suffering, either it became be—
yond endurance or some circumstance
enabled her to throw off his tyranny
with impunity. _ .

W’omen are reduced to pitiable straits
to escape the brutalities of these laws in
Kentucky, and in other states where they
are similar. Newspapers report such in—
stances as of a woman denying that she



had ever been married to the man who
was trying to rob her of her child; 0.
another perjuring herself as was be-
lieved by her neighbors who accounted
her a virtuous woman, by swearing in
her desperation that her husband was
not the father of her child.

Let no woman be indifferent to a law
unjust to her sex because she may nor
personally observe its evil consequences
in her circle of acquaintance. or feel
them herself. She may be sure that
somewhere, secretly or openly, it is do-
ing its deadly work of carrying unde-
served misehy or_degradation to her
sister women. .

The remedy for all this injustice and
misery is a comparatively simple amend—
ment of the law, of which the principal
features should be: Granting to fathers
and mothers equal or co—guardianship
of children, making their rights equal.
and forbidding either, under a penalty.
from removing a child from the other
without process of law. In happy and
well—regulated families such an altera—
tion of the law would never be perceived,
for equality is the rule now. \Vhen there
is‘not perfect unity. the father would be
more conciliatory, knowing that in the
last resort he would have to justify his
actions to a judge: and the mother
would be more patient, assured that her
rights could never be seriously infringed.
because if necessary she would be pro—
tected by the law. The principal thing
needed to effect this wholesome change
in the laws of Kentucky, which has been


made in fourteen or fifteen other states.
is enlightenment of the public mind
upon the subject.








The Ella F. Young Club, of Chicago,
has passed a set of resolutions to be sent
to the State Legislature protesting
against taxation without representation
and also in favor of the 16th Amendment.

Mrs. Ketcham was one of the most
enthusiastic and constant suffrage work-
ers that Michigan ever had. She longed
to see results. How she would have
thrown herself into the Constitutional
Convention work which is now absorb—

Mrs. A. H. Reynolds writes that theling the attention of the Michigan Stif—

Society for Political Education of Au—
burn, N. Y., will celebrate its 20th anni-
versary December 7.

The District of Columbia Woman
Suffrage Association has chosen Mrs.
Katharine Reed Balentine (daughter of
the late Speaker Reed) as a delegate to
represent them at the National Suffrage
Convention in Buffalo next October.

Dr, Mary Sperry and Miss Gail
Laughlin have returned from their trip
to Europe, and are now in Denver.

Mrs. Mary E. Craigie, the efficient
chairman of the Legislative Committee
of the State of New York, recently spoke
before the New York City Legislative
League. A resolution favoring the 16th
Amendment was adopted.

Owing to the arrival of John Crossett
Kent, Mrs. Ella Hawley Crossett is now
a grandmother. In a personal letter she
says, “Fine boy; hope he may help along
the cause.”

_'——' . l
The editor of Progress received a

booklet from Mr. Ketcham, entitled, “In
Loving Memory of Emily Burton
Ketcham.” Mary L. Doe, of Michigan,
is the author.

‘ fragists !

In a private letter, Mary Bentley
Thomas, of Ednor, Maryland, tells of
l the burning of their large barns recently,
and that just as the creamery, with all
lthe new and valuable machinery, was
3about to catch, which would have meant
lthe destruction of the house as well, the
,wind changed and those buildings were
lsaved. As it was, all the furniture from
[this attractive mansion was carried out
‘to places of safety. There was a large
jwedding reception in the neighborhood,
‘and the guests assisted in the rescue
!work, young girls in lovely gowns and
‘slippers helping to draw wagons, car—
riages, etc., to a safe distance. The loss
above insurance was about $3,500. It
was fortunate that no lives were lost.

Louise De Koven Bowen, of Chicago,
has been elected first vice—president of
the International Juvenile Court. Among
the directors are Jane Addams, Sarah
Platt Decker and Hannah Kent Schoff.
[Most of the officers are men.

Oklahoma has recently lost three of
its good suffrage friends: General G.
M. Parks, of Enid, Dr. R. W. Southard,
iof Perry, and J. \V. Fenquay, of



To the Editor of Progress: l
Dear Madam :—
I have been reading Dr. Denmore’sl

"Sex Equality,” and have some criti-‘
cisnis of it to make which I think may be
of value to any woman in trying to esfi—
mate her own possibilities of develop-;
ment as compared with the possibilities3
of men.

Dr. Densmore says that through en—‘
vironment and heredity it is impossible?
for a woman now to start on an equality
with men mentally. He maintains that
as a girl inherits more from her mother,

and a boy from his father, so, as women‘
have been uneducated and undeveloped
in the past, the present woman beginsi
life with a mind inferior to the mind of‘.

lungs, nervous system, etc, are inherited
from both parents. A man with a pow-
erful mind is just as likely to hand it on
to his daughters as to his son. There
is no authority for assuming that girls
inherit more from their
boys from their fathers.
I think Dr. Denesmore’s book should
be called “The Hopeless Inequality of
Sex,” for if women, as he supposes, had
been gradually losing mental strength
through all the ages they would be in a
hopeless condition. Thanks to the proof
given by women who have equalled men
in their college work in the past fifty
years, such an assumption is‘impossible

mothers and

at the present day.

Yours very truly,

hard we may some day start equal.

day would consider asserting that‘a boy
inherits more from his father and a girl
from her mother. There is nothing on
which to base such an assertion, either in
experience or science.

In order to get at what the fundamen—
tal differences between men and women
are. let us try to approach the subjects
scientifically. We must first draw a
strict line around what we consider sex
differences. They must be characteris—
tics which you would find in a woman,
no matter what her training, and in a
man no matter what his training. Such
a thing as simply stating that all women
are more intuitive, refined, unselfish,
’long suffering, etc, may be flattering,
but it is nonsense. Having once hit upon
,the sex differences, difference in the sex-
lual organs—in the structure and size of
l the body—in the skin and in the hair on
.the face, which appears in the male and
lnot in the female, you try to explain
ihow they developed. Here I think Dar-

j .

3 win is probably correct—by sexual selec—
ltion on purely sexual grounds among
iour half—human ancestors. These sex
‘characteristics became the male and fe—
imale characteristics of the race, and la—
;tent in both ova and spermatazoo.

l If you tEy to make a certain type of
‘mind a sex characteristic you must first
‘show that it is as invariable a sex char—
‘ ones above


:iacteristic as the physical
lnoted. . ’ .
, The greater size of the male is sup—
iposed to have come from the fact that
iamong our half—human ancestors the
lmales fought for the possession of the
lfemales, and, as the larger males won,
size developed as a sex characteristic.
So, to explain the evolutiori of a certain
type of mind in the female as a sex
characteristic, you would have to show
that males always preferred females
with those mental characteristics. That
iis, physical charms being equal, you’d
have to show (taking Dr. Densmore’s
idea of a feminine mind as the type)
that males throughout the ages have
preferred females without originality,
sensitiveness, breadth of view, etc. This
115 obviously false when you consider the
' women who have had the greatest power
over men in the past. But to come down
from theory to a matter of hard fact
‘capable of actual demonstration. it
jwomen’s minds had been part of their
:‘sex characteristics instead of being as
Lfi‘ee from sex as is her digestive system,
“the heart, lungs, etc., then' by this time
they would have become as totally dif-
lferent as they are in muscular strength.
ll'lie fact that women in the last nfty
years have stood equal with men in all
lsubjects in, the co—educational colleges,
lwhen during the whole history of
,the human race they had nor been
,developed mentally, is proof positive that
ltlieir minds have not been coloured by
isex and do not not come under the head
1or sex characteristics. if women in
surly years of out—door training could be-
lcoine the equals of men in physical
iaLl‘Cllgtll we should have a right also to
ltLSSLllLlC that greater size and strength in
fine male, was not a sex characteristic.
lliis, however, is very improbable and
we are sate in assuming that size and

istrength are male characteristics inher-
[ited from our half-human ancestors.

, To sum rip—Sexual organs, differen—
Eence in size and structure of body, dif—
lferencc of skin, and hair on the face in
the male—are sex characteristics. They
,are the sex characteristics of the race
land inherited from both parents. In the

isame way a certain sort of mind, heart,

He gives us hope that if we try'

In the first place, no scientific man to-»

, Hartford, Conn.


. l

Australia Again

i E. C. Brady, the author of “Australian
jLife in Town and Country,” issued by
1G. P. Putnam’s Sons, New York, says:

“The woman voter, is, of course, no
:new thing in Australia, women have
3 for some years held equal electoral privi-
éleges with men. But the granting of
lthe commonwealth franchise to the Aus—
tralian women was an experiment on a
much larger scale, and has resulted in
"some developments of a most interest—
ling nature. It has been found that the
women voters outnumber the men in
the Commonwealth, although the ma-
jority of women is not a very large one.
The woman’s vote is. therefore, a very
important consideration for the poli—
ticians, who are alive to the experience
already gained of its effect in New
Zealand. In that colony, it has been
found that the one political question of
absorbing interest to the feminine mind
is the regulation and control of the traf—
fic in intoxicating liquors. It is signifi-
cant that the aoproach of the first gen-
eral election at which the woman’s fran-
chise was exercised, those interested in
this trade formed associations designed
for meeting the would be reformers half
way, and for ’mproving the conditions
.under which tntoxicants are sold
Australia.” 5"

“The franchise itself was received by
the women with a due sense of the irri-
portance of the gift.”

“Some Australian women believe that
women should hold positions in the
Australian Senate, while others think
the time is not yet ripe.”

“The result of this election at which
woman suffrage was exercised through~
out Australia afforded little justification
for the fears entertained by those who
opposed the granting of woman suf—



Ellen Terry.

Ellen Terry in “My Children and I,”
running in McClure’s, says:

“Long afterward, in the same city,
(Paris) I saw a man sitting calmly in a
cab, a man of the “gentlemanly” class,
and ordering the coacher to drive on, al—
though a woman was clinging to the side
of the carriage and refused to let go.
She was a strong, splendid creature of
the peasant type, bareheaded, with a
fine open brow, and she was obviously
consumed by resentment of some injus-
tice—mad with it. She was dragged ,/
along in one of the busiest streets in”
Paris, the little Frenchman sitting there
smiling, easy. How .ulC escaped death,
I don’t know. Then he became con-
scious that people were looking, and he
stopped the cab and let her get in. O


A Good Thing.

During Thanksgiving week the North-
eastern Ohio Poultry Association held}
its annual show in \Varren. A number
of the merchants of the city rented
booths where their goods were displayed.
The Warren Political Equality Club took
one of these booths, and each day of the
show two of the club members were in
attendance, distributing literature and