xt70rx937t9n_465 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Quarterly Letter text Quarterly Letter 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_17/Folder_28/Multipage20148.pdf 1908 May 1908 1908 May section false xt70rx937t9n_465 xt70rx937t9n gan of the. National Ifn’on of Women‘s
Suffrage Associations. the Women’s
Freedom League, and the Men's
League for Women's Suffrage, each of
which edits a department in it. “Votes
for Women," the organ of the. Wo—
men's Social and Political l‘nion, is
published at 4 Clement‘s Inn, London.
120th are weeklies, and extremely i11-
Inter-Club Meetings.

Local Suffrage Clubs in different
Mates are finding it pleasant and use—
iul to have an 00 asional inter-club
day. One local Club invites another
to furnish the program for one meet—
ing, and to send over as many of its
members as possible to attend. The
Club invited chooses its ablcst woman
to present her best paper, and some of
its young people to sing, play or recite.
The hostess club furnishes the re—
freshments. Later in the season, if
convenient, the Club that was invited
invites the other Club in its turn.
These joint meetings always call out
unusual attendance and interest.

Many women’s clubs and other
bodies have listened to suffrage speak-
ers sent by our Committee on Meet—
ings and Entertainments. and the i11—
creasing demand for our speakers
marks the growth of interest in the

Press Work.

The Press department of the Massa-
chusetts W. S. A. new brings woman
suffrage news ano arguments before
hundreds of thousands of readers
through the press. Anyone knowing
an editor who might be willing to
print occasional short and newsy items
and communications is urged to send
his name to Miss H. E. Turner, 25
Yv‘inthrop Ave, Wollaston.

An Object Lesson in Cambridge.

Cambridge has adopted a new char-
ter that compels it to cut down its ex-
penditure for schools, by $20,000. It
proposes to do it by abolishing all the
kindergartens and vacation schools,
and by dismissing the night watchmen
in the high schools and a number of
teachers. The women of Cambridge
are holding meetings of protest and
writing to the newspapers, and many
of them are becoming convinced that
they want the ballot. In the States
where women vote, the schools are
not scrimped for money. Here at the
East, when any city wants to re-
trench, it usually begins by cutting
down the appropriation for schools.

Native and Foreign Women.

Massachusetts has a College Equal
Suffrage League, made up of graduates
of different colleges residing in this
State. These young women are turn-
ing the light. of Science upon the old
arguments against. equal suffrage by
means of statistics. A faVorite bug—
bear is the vote of “the foreign wo-
men, the ignorant women and the bad
women.” At a meeting held the other
day, at which Radcliffe, Smith and
VVellesley Colleges were represented,
as well as Boston University, the Col-
lege League passed resolutions point-
ing out that “the Tfnited States has
more than three times as many native-
born women (32,467.04ll as all the for—
eign men and foreign women put to-
gether (10,341,276): that women consti-
tute only five and a half per cent. of
the prisoners: and that the high

schools of every State in the Union are
graduating more girls than boys. be—
cause of the tendency to take boys out
of school early in order to put them
into business.” Paste these figures into
your scrap book, and keep them to use
in talking with your anti—suffrage

More Labor Unions for Suffrage.

Mrs. Mary Hutcheson l’age, chair-
man of our committee on Industrial
Relations affecting Women and Chil-
dren, writes that, in addition to the
long list of labor unions published in
the last Quarterly Letters. the follow-
ing have lately passed resolutions in
favor of woman suffrage:

Laundry Wagon Drivers N0. 272,
Brockton; XVorkers’ Union No. 12,480,
Malden; Shipwrights, Joiners and
Caulkers No. 68, Quincy; l’erchers,
Burlers. Menders and Speckcrs, Law-
rence; Federal Labor Union No. 8217,
Malden: Painters, Decorators and
Paper-Hangers, No. 483, Worcester;
Shirt Waist and Laundry Workers N0.
(34-, Brockton; Granite Cutters” Asso-
ciation, \Vorcester; Electrical Workers
No. 189, Quincy; Cigar Factory To-
bacco Shippers No. 8150. Roxbury;
l‘aint Makers No. 17:}, Boston; ll‘oun-
dry Employees No. 23, South Boston;
Colored Waiters’ Alliance No. 183, Bos-
ton; Bakery and Confectionery Work-
ers No. 7. Roxbury; Boston Typo-
graphical Union No. 13, Boston; Gar-
ment Workers” No. n33, Boston; Amal-
gamated Society of Engineers Branch
6'47, Jamaica Plain; Metal Polishers,
Buffers, Platers, No. 05, South Boston;
Industrial Insurance Employees No. l,
lioxbury; Ship Machinery and Derrick
Riggers No. 10,315, Chelsea: Spring-
field Central Labor Union; Water
\Vorkers’ Union No. 6350, South Bos-
ton: Boston \Vood-Carvers’ Associa—
tion; Boston Stereotypcrs’ Union. No.
2; Boiler—Makers Boston Lodge No.
431; Hod-Carriers and Building Labor-
ers District Council, Boston; Interna-
ticnal Steel and Copper l’late Printers
No. 2:; Dorchester Binders" Union N0.
513. Boston.

Elect Your Delegates.

The Annual State Convention of the
Massachusetts W. S. A. will be held in
Leominster in October. Local aux-
iliaries that have not yet elected their
delegates should do So at their first
meeting in the fall.


Before going away for the summer
lay in a good stock of suffrage leaflets
and of enrolment: cards, for use during
the vacation. Send in cents in stamps
to National Woman Suffrage Head-
quarters, Warren, 0., for a sample set
cf the Political Equality leaflets; then
order a supply of those kinds that you
think most useful. and enclose one in
every letter that you write to a friend
this summer. They cost. only 15 cents
a hundred, post paid.


Keep enrolment cards with you, and
get as many as possible signed. The
summer is a gOod time for getting sig-
natures. The cards will be sent free
on application to our State Suffrage
Headquarters. ii Marlboro’ St.

Alice Stone Blackwell. :: Park St,
Boston. Chairman State ’ioazd of Di-


'44; AM W.W‘;M. .21




MAY 1, 1908

The last. issue of the quarterly Let—

ter before the summer vacation an—

nounces the good news that Denmark

has just given “communal suffrage" to
all Women who pay taxes on an in-
come of 5110 kroner (about $201!) a year,
or whose husbands pay taxes on an
income of that amount. Only thoSe
whose yearly earnings are very small
indeed are eXciudcd. i'ndcr the new
law, Lie women of Denmark, like the
women of England. Scotland. and ire—
land, will have a vote for all elective
otiicers except illi‘llilicl‘s of l'arliament.

Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, in a lot-
ter to the Woman’s Journal, points out.
some curious facts in rr‘gard to the
passage of the new bill. in Denmark.
part of the members of the l'ppcr
House are appointed for life by the
king, and part arc elected by the large
taxpayers. The. members of the Lower
House are chosen by universal tmalei
suffrage. The woman suffrage bill
passed the lippcr House. 5:: lo 2‘.i-—-~a
majority of only three votc::vhut it.
passed the Lowcr ilouse oi to :17), al—
most two to one. The strength of all
reforms lies in the “plain people,"
whom Abraham Lincoln said that (lod
must love, because lie made so many
of them.

The advance of the S'amlinavian
countries toward woman suffrage has
been rapid of late. Norway gave wo—
men the Parliamentary vote last. year.
and Finland the _\'t‘.ll' before. in
Sweden, and even in icciand. they al-
ready have the municipal vote. At the
recent municipal election in Reyk—
javik, the capital of iccland, Airs. Kal—
rin Skuladottir Magnusson receivod
the largest vote of any caiulidite for
the town council. Eleven men and
four women were elected, and of the
2830 votes rccordtal, lino were cast by
women. A lady in Reykjavik writes
to “.Ius Suffragii,” the organ of the,
International Woman Suffrage Ai-
liance, that she thinks the women
have reason to be proud of electing
women to fill more than a quarter of
the places on the town council, only
2:: days after women had soured an
extension of suffrage and been made

The May Festival.

The May ii‘estival and banquet. of the
New England and Massaclmsctls Wo-
man Suffrage Associations will be held
in li‘ancuil Hall on Friday, May 8. at
(i l’. M.

Mrs...\laud Bailington Hooth, the
“Little. Mother” of the prisoners, has
promised to speak. We hope to have
addresses also from Mrs. Fannie J.
Cleary, who a few years ago received
a. remarkably large vote in her dis-
trict as a candidate for the Massachu—
setts Legislature: Mrs. Mabel Loomis
Todd, who has accompanied Prof.
Todd of Amherst on so many of his
astronomical expeditions to strange
countries; Mrs. Fannie ["ernald, presi—

dent of the Maine W. A. S., and Mrs.
Jessie Leonard, a youi g lady who
voted in Colorado for l'rcsident Mc-
Kinley, has been invited to be toast-

Tickets at $1.25 are now on sale at 6
Marlboro‘ St, and at 3 Park St.

New England Annual Meeting.

The :iilth Annual Business Meeting
of the New England W. S. A. will be
held in l’ark St. Church ’arlors on
Saturday. May it, at 10 A. M. Miss
Blackwell will preside. ’i‘hc. presi-
dents of all the New England State
Suffrage .-\ssociaiions have. been in-
vited lo report. the year's work in their
States. and a very useful and instruc-
tive meeting is expected. Methods
will be talked over and compared, and
plans for the coming year discussed.
Those who are interested in the real
work of tho movonn-ni cannot afford
to miss this meeting.

Directors' Meeting.

The semi—annual meeting of the
State iioard of Directors of the Massa-
chusetts W. S. A. will be. held at ti
Marlboro St. on ’l‘hursdny, May 7. at
2:30 P. .\i. lilach auxiliary local
branch has one liirowlor on the Board,
and a Director who cannot be present
may send a proxy. l‘lili'll League is
l‘tqlli'Slt‘il to send a report of its year's

Other Meetings.

l’rol'. (‘harles Zueblin will lecture
for the .\iassai-husetts W. S. A. at
l“aneuii Hall on Sunday. May Ii, at 3
i’. AL, on “liepresenlalivo (lovcrn—
nu-nt versus Democracy."

Airs. Quincy A. Show invites the
school teachers of lioslon and their
friends to ii Marlboro street. on Mon-
day. May .1. at 1:210 i’. M. to hear l’rof.
Charles Zucblin speak on “How to se-
ii.re ,iusl remuneration for women
teachers." .‘\flerwards there will be
light refreshments, and a chance to
meet l'rol‘, Zueblln socially.

international Suffrage Alliance.

The second executive meoiing of the
international Wonrln Suffrage Alliance
and fourth International Woman Sui-
il‘ag'e ('olli'l‘rcllcc will be lll‘lil in All!—
:ilcrdam. lloiiand, .iune If. to '10, in—
clusivo, The National Woman Suffrage
Asso iulions of the following thirteen
countries are :Iiliiialed with the. inter-
national Ailiance. and will send dele-
ratis: Australia, Canada, Denmark,
England, l-‘inland, Germany, Hungary,
ltaly, Norway, Russia, Sweden, the
Netherlands and the United Siaios of
Americz. A special invitation to Send
fraternal delegates is extended to all
National Associations that are in sym-
I‘athy with the movement. All he-
lievers in equal rights for women are
irvited to attend.

l"or further information. address
Mrs, Carrie Chapman Iatt, care Dr.
Aletta Jacobs, Teseleschadestraal, Am-
sierdanl, Holland.



Great Suffrage Procession.

Mrs. Millicent Garrett it‘awcett, pres—
ident of the National l'nion of Wo-
men’s Suffrage So~iet.ies, invites Amer—
itan women who expect to he in Lon-
don on June 13 to march in a great
Suffrage procession to be held on that.
day. This ITnion is the eonservalive
wing of the linglish suffragisds, and
American women who may adept the
invitation need have no fear that they
will be arrested and jailed. it is
against the rules to hold any pro-
cession within a mile of tilt- Houses of
Parliament. and the “sul'fragett.es,”
who persist in sending deputations
thither carrying their petition, get sent
to prison. The older and more quiet
Sl‘tffrage. Asso-iation holds processions,
too—it. is a favorite form of political
demonstration by both men and wo-
men in England and ltinroperwbut they
do not. march in the forbidden dis—
triety. About a year ago they had a
huge procession in which ladies of title
and working girls walked side by side.
and Lady Dorothy Howard. so pleas—
artly remember in America, carried a
banner. in the procession next: .iune.
the American set-tion will marth un—
der a. banner bearing the name of
Susan ll. Anthony. The. journey from
i.ondon to Amsterdam takes only it
hours, so that American women who
are going to the international meeting
at Amsterdam ean take part in the
London procession on the way, and
still arrive in ample time.

French Equal Rights Convention.

A National Convention to advocate
equal civil rights and suffrage for wo-
men will be held in Paris the last. of
June, after the. Amsterdam Conven—
tion. it will be non—partisan and non-
seetariau. Any believer in equal rights
for women, by sending a postal order
lot a. dollar to the Secretary. Madame
(it'do—iieliou, 5.”) rue de Seine, Paris,
France, can belome a member of the
Convention, and will receive a ticket
entitling her to admission and a vote.

The International Organ.

All suffragists should subscribe. for
the organ of the international Woman
Suffrage Ailianee, “.ius Suffragii,”
published monthly, in itinglisn, by Miss
Mill‘iiiilii lx'ramers, :tl Kruiskade. Rot-
terdam, lloiland. priee S2 cents a year.
The next few numbers will be of espe-
cial interest. as they will report the
international Suffrage t‘ougress.

The Oregon Campaign.

liudaunted by the defeat of two
years ago, the Oregon women. under
the initiative and referendum law of
that State, have set to work and se—
eured not only the large number of
signatures necessary to submit, the
question again. but. about tsuo signa-
tures over. The vote will be taken
early in June. Our sisters in Oregon
are carrying on their campaign this
time with very little help from out
side. A woman of national reputation.
\\ ho is intimate with one of our prom-
imnt Massachusetts “Antis.” told me.
that the anti-suffrage campaign in
Oregon in 1001: was “tinaILed frmn
Massat husetts." Just. as. when a prohi-
bition amendment is pending any-
where. the iiquoriuterest all over the
country pours money into that State,
to defeat it, so there is reason to be-
iic-ve that whenever a sutTrage amend-
ment is pending, the Massachusetts
and New York Anti—Suffrage Associ-

ations send money secretly to be used
in defeating it. That being the case,
it is only fitting that Massachusetts
suffragists should give what; help they
can to our sisters in Oregon. Any
contributions for this purpose should
be sent to the treasurer of the Ore-
gon W. S. A., Mrs. W. [4]. l’otter,
Hunter‘s Station, Portland. Oregon.

The Biennial.

As many suffragists as can do so
should attend the great Biennial of the
(ieneral Federation of Women’s Clubs.
to be held in lioston in June. Four of
our lot-at Leagues—Boston, Brighton,
'irookiine and”Newton—haze joined
the State Federation of Women’s
Clubs, and find that they can both give
and get. good thereby.

Jane Addams’s Lectures.

A fresh impetus has been given to
the cause by Jane Addams‘ admirable
lectures at the different Massachusetts
colleges, and at it‘aneuii Hall. Many
(()iiV(‘.i‘tS \V'Pl'ti made.

Mrs. Wentworth’s Readings.

Mrs. Marion Craig \Ventworth’s
readings from Miss Elizabeth Robins’s
play, “Votes for Women,” arranged by
the College League and by the Boston
E S. A. for G. G., were both delight-
ful and impressive, and did good pro-
paganda. work. Mrs. Wentwm'th’s ad-
dress is Steinem: llsill, Boston. Other
Leagues may wish to arrange for her
to give. readings in the fall.

A Generous Offer.

Senorita Carolina Huidobro, 128
Huntington .\\'o., Boston, offers to
give. for cxpcnses only, to any club or
League within 30 miles of Boston, a
lecture either on woman suffrage, or
on “The Peace. Movement in Latin
America," or on "The Women of Chili
and Argentina in the Peace Move-
mcnt.“ All these talks are of great

The Fair and the Fire.

The great tire in Chelsea, among
other damage of much greater im-
portance, upset our Suffrage Fair.
There were plenty of beautiful and
useful things for sale, the hall was
prettily decorated, and the speakers
who gave addresses on the different.
days were eloquent and convincing,
but the people who usually come in
crowds to buy and to listen were ab-
sent. Chelsea is practically a suburb
of Boston, and the benevolent part of
the public (which includes almost all
the sutl‘ragists) were absorbed in help—
ing the 15.otto persons burned out and
left homeless and destitute right; at
our gates. An effort might as well
have. been made to hold a Suffrage
Fair in Oakland just after the San
Francisco earthquake.

We hardly expected to cover ex-
penses. It speaks volumes for the
business ability with which the Easter
Sale. was managed, and also for the
zeal and devotion of a small band of
very faithful workers. that we not
only met our expenses but cleared
about five hundred dollars.

Supplementary Sales.

Newton. Maiden. \Vorcester, and
probably some of the other Leagues,
will hold sales in their own localities
later. to dispose of their left-over
goods; and they will be glad to take

over and sell for the benefit; of the
suffrage treasury the goods of any of
the other L’lubs and Leagues that do
not wish to have a special sale them-
selves. Some of these supplementary
sales will not be held till the autumn,
and any of our friends who wish to
make additional articles during the
summer vacation will have a chance
to do so. There is literally no limit to
the number of large, plain kitchen
aprons that can be sold; and some of
the officers of the Association have ex—
pressed a willingness to buy bed puffs
(for full-sized beds), if anybody wishes
to make them.

Mrs. Lowell on the Easter Sale.

Mrs. George F. Lowell writes:

“To one and all who rendered their
assistance for the Easter Sale, I ex—
tend my sincere thanks in apprecia—
tion of their kind efforts.

“Every member of the Massachusetts
“'oman Suffrage Association was
asked to help with donations of arti—
cles or money through a personal ap—
peal by postal card. as well as through
the Quarterly Letter. The response
was not. as general as might have been
expected, considering the lapse of
seven years since the last Suffrage
Bazar. Never was there a time when
money could he used to so great ad—
vantage for our success as now, when
the women's clubs and various other
organizations are actually asking for
Speakers to explain our work. This
always results in the conversion of
many. and the gaining of new mem-
bers. But we are limited in our work
for lack of money.

“Owing to the great calamity which
has ‘befallen the city of Chelsea, the
Bazar was not as well attended as it
otherwise would have been. Every—
one’s sympathy was in Chelsea, and it:
was right that it should be so; conse-
quently our net receipts will not ex-
ceed five hundred dollars.

“Anyone having neglected or forgot—
ten to give their ‘mite’ may do so
now, before the final report is made to
the State Association in May, and it
will be gratefully received.

Souvenir Programs.

“Anyone desiring a Souvenir Pro—
gram, with portraits of Julia Ward
Howe, Rabbi Fleischer, Alice Stone
Blackwell, Mrs. Fannie J. Fernald,
Mrs. Clara Bancroft Beatley, and Lu-
cia Ames Mead, can secure one by
sending a dime in stamps or coin to
the manager. Mrs. Geo. F. Lowell, 52:“)
“'ainut St., Newtonville, Mass.

Suffrage Rummage Sale.

“In the fall a large rummage sale
for the benefit of the State Association
will be held in charge of Mrs. Effie M.
Fales of Dorchester. It will be located
in some quarter of Boston where such
articles will sell, and I again appeal to
you to begin now to put away any-
thing you can spare for this sale.
Further particulars will be given

Self-Denial Week.

The officers of the National Ameri-
can W. S. A. invite the suffragists
throughout the country to set aside the
first week in June as “Self—Denial
“'eek,“ and either deny themselves
some luxury, or give some form of
money-making entertainment, for the
benefit of the Susan B. Anthony Me-
morial Fund. Miss Anthony for many

years practised self—denials of a se-
verity that younger women can hardly
realize, for the sake of the cause, and
it, is eminently appropriate that we
should do something of the kind in
order to swell the memorial fund. The
proceeds should be sent to the Na-
tional Treasurer, Mrs. Harriet Taylor
Upton, \Varren, O.
The Treasurer Seeking Members.-

Our State Treasurer, Mrs. Gertrude
B. Newell, is sending out special let—
ters inviting people to join the Massa-—
chusetts \V. S. A. She explains the 0b-
jeet of the Association, and the fact
that membership will entitle them to
receive the Quarterly Letter four times
a year, as well as occasional copies of
other literature, and to be notified of
the meetings, entertainments, etc. Mrs.
Nowell especially requests any of our
members who can do so to send her
membership lists of other societies,
benevolent and humane associations,
women’s home and foreign missionary
societies, women’s elubs, Women’s Al-
liances. educational associations—any
sort of societies where thoughtful per-
sons are enrolled—in order that she
may send them letters enclosing suf-
frage literature and inviting them to
join the Suffrage Association. This-
is an excellent idea. Everybody should
help to get Mrs. Newell these lists,
and send them to her at 6 Marlboro
St. ’

Lucy Stone’s Birthday. 7

The suffrage pilgrimage on Aug. 13‘
to Lucy Stone’s birthplace at West
Brookfield, which proved so pleasant
last year, will be repeated this year.
All interested are invited. The old
farm on the hillside is in a beautiful
situation, and Lucy Stone’s niece, Mrs.
Phebe Stone Beeman, who now lives
there, joins with the suffragists of the
neighboring Leagues in giving acor—
dial welcome to the pilgrims. For
further particulars, address Mrs. Har-
riet A. Eager, 43 Carleton St., New—

Movement Growing in England.

The second annual report of the
Women’s Social and Political Union in
England (popularly known as the suf—
fragettes) is just published. It shows
that during the year ending February,
1908, the society expended $32,500, as
compared with $12,500 the year be—
fore; that its sales of literature have
risen from $300 in 1000 to $3,000 in
1907; its office spate has been doubled,
the staff treoled, and the number of
subscribers almost quadrupled. It has
held more than 5,000 meetings all over
England, 400 of which were attended
by upwards of 1,000 people each. It
has taken an active part in defeating
the government candidates for Parlia-
ment; in 1:3 by—elections; 130 women
have spent an aggregate of 370 weeks
in prison for their activity in behalf
of the ballot, and the number of wo—
men willing to go to jail for the cause
is constantly growing. And the VVO-
men’s Social and Political Union is
only one of a large number of suf—
frage societies in England that: are all
working for the same end.

English Suffrage Papers.

All american suffragists interested
in the remarkable movement in Eng—
land should send for sample copies of
the English suffrage papers. “Wo—
men’s Franchise,” published at 13
Bream’s Buildings, London, is the 01'-