xt70rx937t9n_476 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Thinkmaker text Thinkmaker 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_16/Folder_23/Multipage20664.pdf 1889, 1892 1892 1889, 1892 section false xt70rx937t9n_476 xt70rx937t9n there, are. only the brave in meanness
'and the cowards in policy, under the
pretense of purity. '

“I am loyal to my section above ev—
erthing,r else,” says another. Well, a
sectional man is a small fellow to ai'~
gun with; but who is hurtingr your sec«
tion like the Saloon? Are there 10
ruined homes, broken hearts, reeling
drunkards, dishonored 'womanhood
and brutalized manhood in your sec-
tion? Do you prpose to be loyal to
the ground or to the people? If the
latter, you must help relieve them in
home, Stat 3 and church from the curse
of. rum. When you die and go out to
face God and your record, which then
will he your section? I fear that, un—
less you change, you will liiid it only
a little scorched corner of the tire-
blasted plain of ruin, with the
last opportunity of life gone forever,
and leaving you alone in your folly for
havingr mismeasurcd the meaning of
Christianity and hence failed utterly
to meet the demand of the Christ upon
you. '

Sectional danger is an old ghost,
which the liquor devil dresses up and
sends out every year, to scare the fear—
ful into falling down and worshiping
him. There is no more danger of sec-
tionalism, aside from the politi *al
gliost,in this land, than there is of
snakes in .llCltlIltl.

The burden of the day in this con-
flict is on the church, and the simple,
question is, shall we longer allow our
Homes to be ruined, our men to go
to the dogs, our women to sorrow, and
all the Christian elements to he put in


peril for the sake of a few drunken
politicians, whose bread and meat is to
play upon the erediility of the, people,
orsliallwe honor God and save hu—



manity by serving notice through the
ballot-box that the saloon must go,
and shutout from our land a cum:
ten thousand times more fearful than
all the Cliinese,_about whom the poli-
ticians are wonderfully cxertiscd, lest
coming in they may corrupt the pub-
lic morals and interfere with labor.
No wonder some churchmen are anx-
ions to send missionaries to China, but
atraid to let the Chinese come over

here and find the. people in the
churches defendingaiid upholding, by
their practical course, a Worse curse
than the lieatlicnism of the Chinese or
the African, so tar as that is concerned.

llacelius rules in the places of public
trust, and we had better dethrone him,
before we get so anxious about the fol—
lowers of Confucious, or the children
of the >ast following the t’aicliings of
the Veda.

This foul curse lies at. the door of the
church of God in this land, and the
solemn duty of romt’iving it rests upon
every man and woman who owns the
name of Him who would save man
from the curse of sin and death.

\Ve should send missionaries by the
thousands unto the heathen World,
which lies in the. gloom of sin and ig—
norancc; but before We do this and at-
"enipt to h ":tl others, we must cast this
foul curse out from among us, that
God may honor us in our work at
home. and abroad.

If we do not do this, then we will
not only be robbed of our religious
power, but the horde who uphold it
will force upon us a continental Sun—
day, a continental standing army,
and a strong, centralized government;
and this in turn will become the sep-
ulchre of the republic, on the, ruins of
which must risi a splendid despotism,
therepresentative of a slavery worse
than that which the negro ever en—

Christian men, with the ballot‘in
your hands, let me exhort you to
bring no politics into the church, but
put your religion into politics, and iii
the name of God, home and country
conscerate your ballot to the banish—
incr of the curse of the still and the lip—
building 'of humanity, thus securing
a good, sober government, "rendering
unto Caesar the things which are Cae—
sar’s” and at the same time saving man,
and “rendering unto (lod the things
which are God’s.” In the name ofGod,
humanity and good government, as
loyal sons of America, let us away with
the saloon. and thc woe and corrup—
tion, pi'ivateand public, which it en-
tails. \V. 'l‘. BULLING.

lovington, Ky.

The “Currie” and l’oiaries,” was written for the Sotiviiicim JOURNAL as a
eompanion-piece to go Will) the "Ciiiiiu‘it and the SALooN.”
l’rice: too, 35 eta; 6—)”, 2t) cts.: 25, 10 (21s,; 10,5 cts.


is published w'eekly a 356 East Market St., Louisville, Ky. The price of
Subscription is $1.00 per year. Clubs of five, $3.75. I

Sample Copies 2 Cents.

, l’. S.—This tract is for sale at 35
SOUTHERNjoifiitNAt. Office.

cents per [00, postage paid, at the


P ' . ‘ i . -' r I 3
Published by [he Vtilt'l‘ll l-IllN JOUIINA L, 3.)!) East Market Slut I, Lulu“ ll 1 ,
i i K - . ) . r
Ky J “’ 5A WYI‘IR, Editor. See Prices 1'.“ 1 age.
., . .

Circulate literature if you would educate the masses.” lhe liquor dlclaltfrs
sent out 700 000,000 papers from Louisvdlc in 1.859, misrepresenting H) il—
L l ' . , . , i N, . . H.
hition. Shall that influence be countera< tLdP— J. \\. baiiyci





The Church and the saloon are in the very. nature of thingsl eiieitniols blei
0nd the possibilitv of reconcilliation. The object. of the. clinic 1 181 1'0 ifdutli
linen up and make them better and happier. Its sole mission is to. see i .i f tl O
s-ive the lost and in this end alone has its organization. The I-nllf‘bxlou'l‘o tl is
aloon is to pull men down; make them worse and more niisela 1c. ‘ o i
S:nd ‘tlone it has a place among men, and Well does it accomplish its ilitiipfose I‘ll
(blislionorinir manhood, debauehing womanhood, and leading the sou s od men
t )IdC’ltll ofhboth body and soul. The church means law, ordei, piety an icy ,
tillfild’tliC saloon means lawlessness, anarchy. lewdness and misery. d * . tl is
The astounding thing, the challenge to intelligence, honesty1 an 1 in f’tli )
to finl men in the professed employ of the Clpircli in tlieflactua Lflipnoyiso p0:
' ' ' r ‘ u .‘ .‘-
l » latter to a p0s1tion 0 greater in uence.
.: on and usblbtln” t ic _ .. _ ‘ ”I.
Zdl‘ecd ’by the fornieci‘ I do not mean that these saloon saints diink t0 ehtgfi:
L M i . . I r ' v Y _
or boldly come out upon the Slde of the salopn to ciliceolurige dlelff'kcltliiitffy o ’l‘lie
' I .. -' - ' tent they do tie “or ]us as e . . .
, actlv but to all piactic'allin ‘ “ . ‘ ”A ‘ 1 .~
iiiillitici‘iii of the semi-religious type pronounces the saloon a cuistilaalpct‘lJ slitibulil
( ' " ' ' ‘ 'ould but that we caiino, ant . _
' ild be well to banish it if we c , ‘ ' . '
ligcinse it and make it a respectable evil and thus i’ntroduce tho pevil to tgoofid
society Llc prays to God to “deliver us from owl .and then takes t ilc Lites pic;l
‘ J J . I . v v I a. v j u I
sible course to prevent the Almighty from answeiing the pliay ci‘ ‘iy miiiitig
around and voting to establish the thing which he acknowlet gcs1 is abn tun_f he
«(cited evil I do not know that the Devd ever becomes amuset , tut 1 m,
ilbes it must be at the stupendous folly of such a course upon the par 0 a p
l L, ' f G )1 and lover of humanity.
is‘ed servant o (C . ‘ .. ‘ , ‘1 W
f( b The saloon tinds Us strongest band of suppmteis matile up )fficiiffillllilfffsbui
. i '1 V . " L them could not eXist un er an .
of the Churches, and .Vithou 1 Hi ‘ t Churches “mum
- = - ‘ " - . tall the incnibcrsoftieti eicn , .
ventuie tae asseition thati . . 1 t E the land at the men
I ~-' ~ ‘ the thin" would beiotet ou e i . .
VOW “g‘mht the SJJOUH’ ' h' ' l-t ti 0 masses '11‘(‘ being divorced
.. . ‘ Flie complaint is heaid t 1.1 i . . , i , ‘
geneial “OHIO”. ‘ T ' t ' l . ». l a" of the Church are do-
- a r' ndei when t it, incin )c s . .
from the Cliuich. .s it any we , ‘ d t1 H .er forfeiting the
' - ' '- lievers would not dare to do, .iii 1c. . _ ‘ .
mt: What metal unhe l _ ' f‘ . faith In the meumd
‘ ' ' i - " .. alienating them ioniany
coiilidences ol the masses ant l , . . 4 . . 7,1 1 )in among men,
' -' V ' ~ .. "l uantity in eradicating cv. rt .
force of Cliiistianity .isa v1..i q. _ .1 ‘ .. mm God and
' ' *— .. ”v ' I hdencc in the man \\ io prays
iat sc1enee an lamany (on _ y _ ‘ . , .
:hfows his intluence practically With the Devil iiilfiiistgiipigupoiiiutlh(illilizleil:,urp£l
' i' ' i ‘ or ever CODOClVCt in . a tune m , ,
holding the most potent eVil pow ' t . aner to respect
' .' . ' -' ‘ nd souls of men. To cxpec a ,
1n hate against the bodies a ' ..' >1 tl ‘ -icr-unents from no
‘ ‘ ~ - ‘ 'bsurd. I would ieccch ic s. . .
the faith of such a man is a . .- l _ ll desire tc be spared
' ' ' ' 'i and in my dying iour won t _ J
ininistei who did this tliinf—i 1_ ‘t tr h” in; '61s for my
' . ‘to be compelled to is en a . 1 y t _
his presence about my couch 0i , . . man dancing
‘ .. -. ' ' ' » ver a young man 01 wo , ,
- . Such men .iise an awful to do 0 . _ _ ‘ ' .. . ‘ .
:iildl would think any professed Christian criminal to cnpounligte balls, )sgiilghiii,
‘ ' ‘ ' '~ ' - i‘ 'here the means enip oyet o ruin _ ,
ll assist in establishing places \\ ‘ ‘ . , .
iiimi compared to dancing, as murder computed to a light blpw gflpucillzile
ment How many ardent advocates of the class-meeting ”lill inn ulytaiijiifig the
' i . ' ' ious fraud upon tie wor y s s ,
found attempting to commit a p 1 1 . 11 he also reap”
- ' ., “ l 'itsoever a man sowetli t wt s 1.1 . .
saloon for etting that. w it . _ .. a mone
Ol’ll‘ Ligird found pious hypocrisy turning the sacred place into . y


 changers’ place and to-day the sorrowful scene is bein en
_ . . . . . at‘tm (' A -.
beheyers in many places. Judas never committed a mic fearfui Exiiiiefithgii
if“; sgtgiggmfiitétgg 2y Chef: men who Itllir business or political considerations
2‘ . I -0( 0 an 0 ion is anie in the e. . , ' i
What Concord hath Christ with i3elial '3” Can the 3t$:o()fgbh(ld2;1tlli{di‘l i; Wanl‘SI
Eehllly; but the attempt to bind them must result in the folly aminst which
met warned us when he said: “No man can serve two masters?” God and
the saloon have no possible connection; and he who is for one must of ver
necessitybe against the other, and hence the L0rd has said : “He that is no);
Kith‘ me is against me, and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad "
o ieal Christian in the light of this text can sustain the S‘thOn in any wa b-
vowe,‘ habit or vote and it is folly to assume otherwise when we see thcy'uii
questionable and continued ev11 of the saloon dragging men and women dow
lfafllieegglriltlvlv'lferf’} Gog’s‘w‘rfatli rests upon them as He saith: “No drunk‘iil'il-
a re; .an , ‘ 0e unto him that followet " ”
2:111:34??? undto 111:1] that {Butteth the bottle unto hhis {iftte‘ighfibrreeilgligsmiihd
11m run on, salt the Lord.” I could no more sustain ’
alnd hope for heaven under these Divine deliverances than I coiilfl 831131231;
tiose relating to theft, adultery and murder, for all these are included in
the saloon, and I must become a party to these crimes when I su ort th
salocip pstthe moist constant producer of them. ' pp 9
u i is salt in justification of their course that th ' ' '
some way Will 9:0 on. Grant it; and yet the Master said:sa‘i(e)fi%frisii3%u?iiu1¢ifz
needs come, but woe unto'that man by which the offense cometh ” Theft"
arson, lewdness, murder Will go on while the fallen family of matris u 01f
the earth; but must we as professed Christians endorse the cominu'incep of
£3238]? otfhrilfigs‘ zinewilipholtl éhenrasnecelssiiry evils which we condone‘; I ask
. _ . ' o is a. ristian ant yet will answer that t‘ ' -
affirmative? ’Surel no one will and r - ques io‘n m the
the pleaflthat theyywill occur as, is theyszletblfldigiribrim much Justified upon
no ier_excuse is, that "no One eoni iels a man i "
who drinks is alone responsible for his I‘lIJlll." What 3 (lairdg’oziuiinhzgggsh?
Upon'this ground the Devil is clear of all guilt for the ruin of souls Thae
truth is that the tempterisas guilty as the man who yields to the tem .tation
The man who bribes another to commit murder is as guilty as the mgn wh ‘
strikes the deadly blow or fires the fatal shot; and the man who strikes thO
dleadly blow or fires the fatal shot; and the man who puts the temptation if:
t(ile 1:vay of poor, weak humanityhappealing to a passion more deeply seat-
e _t an avarice or revenge, and which even stranglcs love is as guilt as lh
ruined soul who yields to the temptation, and in yielding is lost Iéious (3
Icon-makers Will find full fruit of their labors in the place of lost Souls aszii
understand then-awful import of the words. “Woe unto him by whom tli
offense cometh. Even the civil law, the creation of men recognizes this fa if.
and makesaparty accessory before, at,or after the guilty fact partireps criminb's
and guilty under the statutes. How then can anv man escape guiltwhe '12].
mg partyfot the crilrfne of murdering souls? . n a W —
. con ess myse astounded at the manher in which r , '
Christ and members of the Church will for the sake of a pdlihfgilecdrggdleglfhidnt
every prinCiple contained in the teaching of Him in whom they profess to ht:-
lieve. Theconflict, so’far as outward agencies are concerned is now betweer
the saloon and the Church of God, and men who propose to, sustain the n
should in all’honesty get out of the other and let the world know just whuene
they stand. [‘9 the honor of the saloon men be it said, they do this and hail;6
no affiliation With the Church and do all in their power to pull it down The6
make no compromise With religion; but in word and deed are ever foun ‘ y
sisteiittly tiglhtirli)g téie Christ and His cause. h con-
is on yt e hurch members who hel the saloon b ' '
act the art of the traitor. Under the specigus plea of polit‘igftcieriierbtdss‘iifte Sign
betray t e Christ by crying, “Hail, Master,” and then surrendering himyto thy
saloon power, which, as I have said, never fails to voice its hate of Him and If
his teaching: The saloon question is nota political question simpl buta
moral issue inwhich every follower ofChristmustin the verv naturbmf tha
case oppose this foul ev1l by every legitimate means in his power 1) ra ee
vows and vote ; for less than this is impossible, and be true to Chi‘istyadil )h r,
manity. While the saloon is a great enemy to good civil government it is u-
worse enemy to the Church and everything we hold sacred in the means a d
movement for the salvation of men. If political policy is to be by rofessnd
Christian men placed above moral duty, then well may we ackfiowlede
Christianity. 8. failure, pre are for the steady growth of infidelity and final If:
uinph of evil over good. Octevery man who is a professed follower of Christ
voufi: hlis disapproval of this miserable evil by casting his ballot against it for
318 “1&8 well expect to ’raiseacrop by prayer without the plow as to bahish
e an oon~hy\praying ‘lliy kingdom come,” and not back it with the ballot.


i“ *x.




Politics has no business in the
church, and no man should be asked
there whether he is a member of this
or that political party. The church
was not intended to look after a man's
politics, and whenever she undertakes
to do so then she wanders a long way
from her legitimate work appointed
her to do.

While politics should find no place
in the church, 'it is a poor church
which has no place in politics. The
church is not a unit, a mass simply,
but is made up of individual members,
each responsible to God for the man—
ner in which he or she does the things
calculated to make men wiser, purer,
and hence happier, in this life and the
world to come.

“Render unto Caesar the things that
are Caesar’s, and unto God the things
that are God’s,” is the command unto
every member of the church.

Now, then, Caesar, or the govern-
ment, has a claim upon me to my ser-
vice to the extent of the divine law,
and I must pay taxes to, keep the 'laws
of, and light for my country, if need be;
but God has a claim on the bodies and
souls of men, and I must battle for
these above the claims of Caesar.
When Caesar demands my money to
keep up government, I must pay it
honestly. When Caesar calls for my
aid in repelling an enemy I must re—
spond loyally; but when Caesar de-
mands that I help him ruin men’s
bodies and damn their souls, then I
cannot do this. for I must “render unto
God the things that are God’s.” ,

When a political party advocates
and protects an evil against man and
God, then the church—that is all the
individuals constituting the church—
should hurl itself with all its force of
prayer and ballot against that political
party, in order to save the bodies and
souls of m .n, and thus “render unto
God the things that are God’s.”

’l‘lie saloon makes no secret of its at-
tack upon the home. and the hatred it
has for the church, and the church
must defend itself and the home, the
source for conserving forces of intelli-
genre and purity, or She is a fallen
tiling, hereft of the presence and pow-
er of God, and must soon be justly de-
SpiSCd of all thinking men.

No one will accuse me of being in
any sense in sympathy with inlidclity,

but I am free to say that the infidelity

in open, bold conflict with the dOc-
trines of Christianity has far more
claim upon the respect of honest men
than the church which will theoretic.
ally recognize God, and then practi-
cally essay to overthrow His govern-

If the conflict narrows down be-
tween ereed, forms, organization on
the one hand, upholding the saloon,
the wrecker of home, the corrupting
power in politics, the debauching iii-
tiuence among men, and skepticism as
to creed, but honest battle against the
saloon u ion the other then 1 surren-
der cree of the church and go with
the skeptics. I would not surrender
my faith in God and His word, for the
Lord and the Bible are so clearly
against the saloon and corrupting or-
ganizations that uphold a curse, that
no one layman, priest, or bishop can
be in favor of God and the saloon at
the same time.

Many would like to remain in the
employ of Herod, and yet get favor
with the crucified one of Calvary, but
it will not work.

Whenever any man has no more
love for God and humanity than to
compromise with the liquor power,
born in hell, delivered in hate, feeding
upon corruption and fattening on
crime, then that man must be fearfully
in the dark if he lays claim to being in
favor with God. God demands of ev-
ery man in the world that he be a sav-
ing powerin savnig both the bodies
and souls of men; and how can a man
sustain the saloon, which wars directly
against both, and yet hope to meet the
demand of the law of God, to “render
unto God the things that are God’s?”

It seems to me that the couch of
such a man would be haunted by the
faces and forms of the murdered, the
sorrowing, and the fallen, male. and fe-
male,who have been sent out of the
world, victims of this accursed traffic,
and who must, at the bar of God, hold
him as a party in causing all their sor-
row, shame and death.

Better put as much of the church as
you represent. my brother, into poli-
ties, and help dry up this fearful
stream of ruin to men.

“I cannot afford to throw my vote
away,” says another. Well, a vote for
the right is never thrown away. But
suppose it does not win! Had there
been an election in Jiidea whether to
do away With money-changers from
the temple, how do you suppose Peter,
John, and others would have been
found voting? With the unbelievers
and enemies of Christ, on the plea. that
if they voted any other way their votes
would be10st? They were not made
of such stuff as to hide from doing
right, because it would not pay, so far
as immediate results were concerned.
but would have casted their ballots
with the Christ and humanity, if there
had been'biit eleven votes in favor of
it, while Judas would have been the
only one wanting in fealty to the
Master and not supporting Him, be-
cause he could not win by voting with
Him. On this line, my brother, you


ment by indirect means.

are in fearfully bad company, where


 men permit it,” he drew a talk from
Psalms 94: 20—“.Shall the throne ol
iniquity have fellowship With thee,
which lrameth misc hiel by the law P”

He said. among the good things:
“I have nothing, at this time, to say
condemning the saloonist, the whole-
saler or the distiller. I want to get
at the Christian men and women
who are making this business legal
and lawtul 3 who are responSible for
the traffic. The Christian men and
women of this nation hold the bal
ance of power, and can do what
they choose in having lays made
and executed. We like to tell our
children of how our forefathers
threw oil the yoxe of King - eorge,
and yet, to-day we are slaves——
slaves to King Alcohol. Sitting
upon his throne he rules ; politics is
swayed by him; the newspapers leél
his power, and the church is influ-
enced by him. It would be better
for us now to be under the rule of
England, and free of this traffic,
than to be as we are.

“Some say that men who are in
office will not make or enforce laws
againsr King Alcohol. Let me say
we are a free, sovereign people, and
the office holders are our servants
\Ve make and enforce our own laws.
None is greater than the people.
The national Congress is influenced
by alcohol. Laws are made while
men are under this influence In
the White House cellars now, are
barrels oiliquor for beverage pur-
poses. Many of our legislators are

“King Alcohol gets all the laws he
needs in the interest of his business.
He never fails ; his influence is su-
preme. Many bribes are given to
law-makers It IS the most profita—
ble business, making from 200 to
500 per cent. ‘The love of money
is the root of all evil.’ It allures
men into this busmess, and women
who love luxury, ease and self-indul-
gence, marry these men for that



money, stilling conscience Not
only the Christian men, but the
Chris tiiso w-nnen, are responsible
for this traffic ; and if the Christian
women will to-day say it shall stop,
it Will.”

He drew a touching picture of the
liquor dealer in his palatial restdence
boilt upon the wrecks or many
homes ; built on the sobs, the tears
and the groans 0: women and chil-
dren. Thanklul that MCFerran
Memorial church bars out all distil—
lers and liquor dealers.

“Go to th distiller and tell him
his busmess is wrong, and he afiirnrs
it 15 right, flauntiiig his legal license
in your face. Go to the wholesaler,
and he says the same. Go to the
saloonist, as I have done, ad he
points you to his license a d says:
"Phe Christian men ind women 01
this country make my business legal,
and lawlul, and you are wrong—not
I. Not only do they legalize my
busmess, but some of your members,
deacons, and even preachers, are my
customers, go to them.’ ”

“I come now to the Christians,
who, by their use of intoxicants, and
by their influence in galizing this.
busmess, carrying 60 000 men and
women down to death every twelve
months, and I implore you to stop it.
Resolve now that you will not use
mtoxrcants and that all your iiflu-
enee Will be thrown against every ef-
tort to legalize this wrong.”

During his t.lk he used effectively
three painted pictures showmg King
Alcohol seated on his throne of bar-
rels and dictating to the National
Congress; liquor lobbyists bribing
Senators; Christian people along;
With worldlings, unwittingly making
a net of roses and flowers tempting
men to the tavern and a pit ol death.



lev Fred D. Hale is in favor of men
voting as they pray.

Saloon keepers yote as they “prey.”



Is published weekly at 356 East Market St.

Louisville, Ky. 'Ihe price of

Subscription is $1. 00 per year. Clul bs of live, $3. 75.

Sample Copies 2 Cents


P. S. —This tract is for sale at 35 cents per 100, postage paid, at the

SOUTHERN JonitNAn Office.


bzind’s property called ‘?

A.—\Vidow's dower or iiieumbrztiice
thirds. ~

Q.—\Vhit is the husband's right. in
his \iile’s s"piopcity ttlllt‘tl?

.\.—-‘ l‘he estate by the toiirtesy” (or

Q.—thit share shall a wife have in
the real estate of her husband ‘?

.\.—She shall have the use of one
third after her husband’s death.

Q.—-—If the wiledie before her husband
what share of the property earned by
herself and by her husband jointly dur-
in},r their marriage may she will to her
children or to anybody 2’

A .——Not at cents worth.

Q.——Can :i married woman in Ken-
tricky give iiiiy of her rciil estate or per—
souitl properly at her death to her chil—
dred ‘3

i\.—She cannot, the law gives all she
possesses to her husband.

Q.—Who made that law ?

;\.—'I‘lie men. to protect themselves.

Q—How much of a husbands proper—
ty belongs to it wife during iiiiirringo.

A. None of it.

Q.——Is the wife entitled to nothing
during iriarriagc ?

A.—The law gives a wife food clothes
and medicine, the same as it gives to
town or county pntipers.

Q.—Ifn husband has thousands of
dollars in the bank is it Wife entitled to
my of it?

A. —Nol one cent.

Q.——lf a wife has money how much is
the husband entitled to ?

A.—All of it.

0. ——Il' a husband borrows money
from his wife, is his verbal or written
promise to pay her back binding?

Await is not, his promise or his note
are of no value in law, it. is perfectly
lawful for a man to defraud his wife.

Q— —-Who made that law ?

—’1‘lie men.

Q —If a_ wife invests money to put er
husband in business and he dies 008
the law return her money ,to her?

A AZ—It does not, she will get the in.
terest on one third of the money she

invested in her husbands business for} ‘ :-,
life. The rest will go to his family or .

r dito



Q-—Has a wife any interest during
the life of her husband in stock, crops
merchandise etc?

A.—She has not.

Q.——What interest hasa husband in
stock, crop, etc. that the wife owns?

A.—It is absolutely his and he can
sell the same and pocket the money.

Q.—Can a wife sell her property with-
out her husband’s consent ?

A.——She cannot.

Q.—Can a wife mortgage her proper-
ty to pay her husband‘s debts?

. A.—She can.

Q.—Can a wife sign away her dower?

A.—She can.

Q.—If a living child has been born
to a married couple can anything rob
a husband of courtesy in his wife’s

A.—Nothing except his voluntary
consent to conveyance.

Q.——How long can a widow stay in
the family homestead after the death
of her husband without paying rent?

A.——Until (lower is assigned.

Q.——How long can a husband remain

on the farm or in the house owned by‘

the wife, after her death?

A.——As long as he lives.

These are only a few of the laws of
Kentucky which so greatly wrong and
rob married women. Is it not time the
code was being revised and justice in-
corporated ‘I .



as MEN ?

We want to ask the readers of the
Southern Journal to set aside the non-
sensical objections that s ring from a
dwarfed idea of the centia principle of
right, and put the question to them in
plain English: Why should not wo-
men vote as well as men? They are
the i-quals of men in intelligence, edu-
cation, capability to decide moral, re-
ligious and political questions, and
their interests in all the afiai.s of life
are identical. No one pretends to find
a reason these days why women should
not vote. The most frequent objection
is that tLe polls are unfit places for
women to go on account of the bad
language and drunkenness indulged
in by men. We are in the habit of ex-
pressing ourselves plainly on this ques-
tion of woman suflrage, so here is our
answer to this lame and sickly objec-
tion. We think that any man who has
not respect enough for himself and
others to act the gentleman in the pres-
ence of women at the polls, or any-
where else, should, by law, be disfrau-
chised and his wife, mother and sisters
vote in his place, and in addition to
losing his vote, he should be put in
jail long enough to get sober and have
the tobacco and profanity mopped out
of his month. What are these women
“protectionists” going to do about the
poor women who have to live a lifetime
with drunken and profane men? As



The following petition. has already received more than a million of signatures, but before the opening of the Col~
umbian Exposition we desire the number repeated, many times if possible, that as We present the petition to Rulers we
may be able to say :



Please cut out the the petition, paste blank-paper across the bottom arid secure the signatures of as many women as
you can. Afteradding the name of the town and the state where the names are obtained, send to Miss Alice Briggs
Office Secretary Word’s W. C. T. U. Evanston, Ill.

For petition blanks, blanks for endorsement of men, churches, societies, etc, send to

Secretary World’s W. U. ’1‘. U. Ravenua, Ohio.


World’s Woman’s Christian Temperance Union


Addressed ’1‘0 Thhe Governments Of The World.


Honored Rulers, Representatives and Brothers:

, We, your Petitioners, although belonging to the physically weaker sex, are strong of heart to love our homes, our

native land, and the world’s family of nations.

We know that clear brains and pure hearts make honest lives and happy homes, and that by these the nations
p90sper. and the time is brought nearer when the world shall he at peace. '

We know that indulgence in Alcoiltihfl'fld Opium, and in other vices which disgrace our social life, makes misery
for-all the world and most of all for us and fer our children.

We know that stimulants and opiates are sold under le