xt70rx937t9n_494 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Woman's Standard text Woman's Standard 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_17/Folder_7/Multipage21479.pdf 1892 1892 1892 section false xt70rx937t9n_494 xt70rx937t9n 6. CL

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THE WOMAN‘S STANDARD treats of the
Home. Health, Purity, Culture. Temper-t
ance. Education. and of the legal and politi- t
tal interests of Women. and their rights to t

the Franchise.


[For the Wontax‘s STANDARD]
The Eternal Symphony.

Do we answer true when the Master calls
For a strain of music sweet.

Listening mute till the cadence, falls,
And giving rcspmtse complete?

Or do we each in a soltlsh way
Insist that our tones he heard

Even should in them discord play
And never a glad note stirred.

DO we watch for light in the Master's face
As He marks the golden time?

New fast, now slow, with a tender grace
As the music grows sublime.

While some are silent with unshcd tears.
0h. faint not. thou saintly heart!
hough the way is harm—in the later years
‘hou shalt have the better part.

'9 sometimes list, in the music's flow.
I lorious undertone
1thw spit-it's woe,
" :m?
e may lose the strain
..., ll,


as members of ecclesiastical courts be
fore you will be permitted to till the?
otlice of governor of the state or sit;
upon the bench that interprets itslaws.

The reason for these assertions
found in the fact that the church has%
for centuries dominated, and does now, 3
to a very great; extent dominate the.
state. The doctrines of the church are.
easily infused into the people and;
through the people into the state and‘
its laws. ()n the contrary, no idea in;
violation of the tenets, doctrines or be-
liefs of the church can be ingrat'ted :
into the laws of the state. An attempt;
on the part of the state to reform the}
church or discard its dogmas, always}
has and always will be received withl,
violent opposition if not with rebel-é

The petitions of women to our legis-


lative bodies asking relief from their]
oppressions have been met with con-E
tumely and contempt. Where legisla-I
tive bodies have given her respectt‘uli
hearin the ' have rejected her plea out

0 grant woman equall
\f God‘s;


. . . ‘
church agam, had it not been tor the;

efforts of Woman

ll 0


obligation to her religion,

port and maintain a church and a
pastor who denies hcr equal rights with
man; who has for ages held her in
bondage; who has robbed her of every
right worth possessing and has atlixcd
the badge of degradation upon her and
placed a stumbling block between her
and her'ttod. Your duty to your (tod,
your duty to your neighber, your chil-
dren and yourself, demands that you
rise up in your might and throw off this
accursed yoke of subjection placed
upon your necks by your churchmen.
This is not a matter
God commanded you to love him with

of sentiment.

: all your might. with all your heart and

with all your soul, and to love your
neighbor as yourself. This is the sum
of your religious and political duties.
You must obey these commandments,
you must perform these duties. You
have no alternative. You cannot. so
obey with your mouth sealed and your
limbs fette‘=l. Hod commands one
t ting and 1rch another. Your

is under
preacher or to her Hod to attend, sup— 1


into church laws and ch disci-
plines for your degr“ ' s, will be
repealed. God‘s v e inserted
in lieu thereof. man” Will
be stricken t" .11 will be

Having at
in the churc
should do, in (1
presence as a 11)..
again approach ‘
congress, demand.
every citizen. you w;
of coarse ribald jest
ridicule, the just and
citizen; the right to y
to take part in makin,
the laws under which you live and:
have your being.

Is not such a consummation devout—
ly to be wished? The prOSpect of your
entranchisement is the silver lining to-
those clouds of fearful portent that}
are now banking up in our political
horizon. From your influence may we
not hope that the rising tempest
be stilled, and that this {30'
will become, as it should,
ment of justice, equit '


' revolution
g, as you

, when you
slature and

rights du
eive i


.nd in God’s



loung welcoming the
t' the Mississippi \ alley
ence to Des Moines in behalt of


Mr. Young said that in 111is ago of progress
many things not in the line 1'11 real progress
passed under that name. The'age is so pro-
pressivc. 1.1.sp111-iall3' 111 Aniei‘ica. that

suggested. It is 5111111111 ago 111' going 1111-

ward 111111 courage is r11 quired to 1111311111111. 1
He advocahd 1:.i3in1r 11111.;

existing things.
ballot 111 woman 11111' uns1‘ 1111 1111- 33'111111111 111'

knew were titted to vote 111111111‘11nsid11r1'1blo 1
‘ 11.111 mi -111 11

number11111111111011\3'111‘11 11111 ti1111d 111 3'11111.
He said
the1 grL'at11s1po33'orin 1111.1 33'111‘111. and it 11111
two powers 33'111'111111i1111lth11 world would go
round on its axis at a pretty rapid 1111111.
behalf of 1111' entire 111‘11ss 1111 11311111111111 a
welcome to the convention andlon 1111: part

Ofagood11111‘11'1f11111111'11ss 1111 33'1sh1-d 1111-11"

cause complete success. r1‘11111‘1111s11 111‘ 33'11~
man had 11111111.~ more substantial
in the past fifteen years than in 11113'
before. This was partly 111111111 agitation.
but largely due. to 11111 11011111nsti‘2111'11 1'111111-
bilities1'1f'33'om1-1'. to do all kinds 1'1133'111'k as
well and many kinds 111.1.tt11r1h11n 1111111. Such
1'1r1112r11ss must be highly gratifying 111
pioneers like Miss Anthony 111111111111'1's in
this 1‘11113'1111111111. It, is 111:1'11'111113' for 1111'
benefit of mankind.

Presidents Address.

By Mrs. .\I...I.(.‘1'1gg11shallatthelo3'1
‘. A. Convention:

1 \‘1;331111\1;11-111-
111‘ 111s 1 1133 1;1‘1:1:t 31111
11111L‘1111_;'. \11.1 :'113':1 1'111111;1111i1-1'1 11
1' .1111111::1111111111113'11.'11\'11111 1111‘. '111-
1 1 1111L11'11111 1111‘ s‘11.11't 1'1-'1111'11
11:1.» 11:1 L' 1 11111,- 1.111 1..- 311113111111111111
clc3'L'nt1'1111311r,1111131111.11111.:.1'1-11111-1113 1111111‘ "
’.11133'113:'111‘_3 111 ilcl‘t.‘ 11111111111111 111-.1.
stricken. \1:it.1:1'th1:111:11c 1111' 11111.1
(11111111.;3‘1111.‘ \1111 11:131:1111111‘ t1'111111‘1111111
:11111fa1r surroundings. .'\-31:. 1113' t1'11-1111s. 331-11111t1's1
i:1t(.‘1'd:13's1:~11111-ii'111111~3'1;11 {1'1.-1-1‘11111111:s11111111.‘3'1-1‘i.1-—
forL-fL'ii1111111-1111111‘ 1111s \3'111'111s1:111:1111'11111111'1‘11.
Then‘.'.‘11_3':11'1:“'1.-hero! \\1.1‘111;L 1s this11‘1_‘;1t 1111-
res'111111111;3'11111L-11? \11:'.-111111111131111:s.1i111h1-111111‘1‘
d:13':.1111‘.'\ 1111.‘ :1 ..'1tisti.‘11111.111 111111 1133' .11 111.11 1111‘
gate and tuin 11i111 11131'1111 1113'11131s." lhis 1,311.11
uan-st is proof of 1111; 1113'1111t3' '.3'111'11111‘; 33‘11111113'1111.
Through 1111 the 3'L':11"s11t1111sn:1111111's11t1'.1111‘1
bloody r133111uti1111 :11111 1:i\1l 33' 1r. :11111 1111111.- 111:111:.111
" 11 has set 111. 'J11—1i113' 1.11 11L- as 15111.11 33'11111L'11 11s 11111‘
'mothcrs We must. be 11Lttc1‘. \\ 1.‘ :.-1r1 not L'1111L'11
'1 the same spirit. \Ve are not called to
.'111111'iti1:1.111‘1111111cie'.'111111111111 ti133"1:11.1h
' s11 111d s' 111111: 1: and iii] 11 should 11L f:;1ll


13'1‘ :11 1111s11111'


11.111111 1-.

s of 111-1113'AdL-1nand thcsanu: 11r13Lr3 'tO be compelied 10 be

so of her fireside as


111111, ‘
has to consider what is good and what had
‘ 11111 :111 111'1'11'1-33.

111epr11ss.next to tho 33'1'11111'11: was.


titty .
11.111;111 1:11: s11111:

. work at 11111 (1111111'1‘11111'11:

.1‘11111'11111'111 _ .

. '1111'stateconstitution.

.'11‘1‘ 11111111-11‘
' 3'1'111‘sag1111131111111111111‘11
.1111‘1111 1111111111111111111111 1113111
1111111 .
§ inadeagalnst .'\IissAnthonyt111'111'1-al.i11g1h11
331-111 .
.11111‘111111-11 £11111111111111st

11131'113'1'11111w .
L 1111')


1111 here 111' 1‘ 3'L'13' \1'111: in 1111' L11i1111,th1:11111111111ns
he hisand 111111 1.1'-1 11st 11 1' x1 111si3'1".1\ :11111 1: 3L'13' 33'111 rL'
:1111i:'.11\\13's1111s1s1111cr111'1:1L-11111111L':111\\'13n11'11. She
is 1:111st111:1s:1111',11iL'11:1s:1111' 1:11111111111'is‘111111lns
111i'3111'1;1:si1111:\1rn11..111\ 3311111111.11113\'f:":;111111bin1
1sth1-13'1l11t1\1111111:t111s 111:1 1111'11'111111111111111111.
'1‘111: 1:11111‘ts 1111:111111'111111111s for 111-111:1‘ 33‘:1';1_~»1 :11'1.‘ 11n-
111.'1'1111111-11 113' 1111' 1.11111.111s1. 33111111111s1111s1111111' 1111:
1'111':111L‘r 1.111111' Ht :1 111st1‘1'11113111s1-11 1‘11'1ss 111:11 1'111111111
111.11<1' .1 s1111'1‘sst‘111 \[l'iixt‘, and 1111s. .11111111 1111111‘ 1111-
L'11;11 11.111111~1‘1.111111'.111-11111111133'11 1111' 1111-11.
1(1'3'111111111111sl1111111:113'1-111'311111111111. 1.1111111111111-
s1-1‘3':1tl\1:11111'111;1'1111'1rt 111—11.13 1111111. \3'1111. 331'11:11111
s111'1'11113'111'1'1'11-11:1111i1'11.111;11'1'113 \3'111 1111111111'11s; :11'11
11111 111:111; 1:1'11- 111—11.13 is :1 1111111'11111.13'1-1'111:1111111
1111s1111131'1111‘1111'111 1111'11‘11-111vs1rt.
1s:111-'.11'1-1111111111‘11‘1-11111 11-111111\'
1111111.‘.1\.11. it1s.1111.11111;.:11111-1111111-111‘111111;11-s~.
1.111111‘111111.11.;11111'1 111111111111111'1'1-.111 1111-
11.1111. “\\' 111' 11' 111- s 1111- 11- s11 111s&.~.1' 13 t 111.1s».1.11-1--
‘1111 1.111.11 11' 11111.1t::1
1.1111 1111111.11111'1111-11. (11' 11:: 1.1. ..'1. 1111111 1111'
11s 1'1;'1\1 11111 11.1-111s1‘13- '11‘. ‘11-11‘111
1111" .11. 1.11111 11'1'1'1111111. 1111'111.1s-1s1
1111 1111111. 111‘ 1111' 11111-1 1111' 1:1.11 11... .
1'1111"111111111111' 1 11111\111111.1:1‘ 1113'111
111 11 1‘11. 11111‘11'1'3 111111- 1.1s1'1.11111 ;11:1

31'.1_1.-\ .117


11111»_11 Iii 1111' 111-1111]"

11111 111 I 111.
~111 13



1111 .1 1'1-31'1-l

.11111‘1's111111 11‘1. '.Ll.'iillt111' .11s1'. 1.'\.-
;111'1311111- .111 11331-19. :11111~11.1~‘_1.3.
51113113311.11111’11113.11111 s11'.11.13. 111111111113 111.11; ".11
111“ 11111111111s 111 11.. 111-111'1 1'1.‘.tl1i1‘~"l‘l"lili.’l!11\ 1t
1111- 1-1-st. .1111‘. 111111l1.113. 1~1~111i'.1131111231-1111 111'
111-.11'1s :11111 111111111111.1.11.1111'11'1311'».111.111.~-.::' t.
111 {1111- 11s ‘.1:1'\3-11‘1.11t1111s1‘111131'1.111111.

.\i1's..\'arah ii. Stearns, 111' Duluth.
gave 1.1111 followingr11sun111111' Suttrago:

l3'1111s1'1s't1'i111l in Iss11t11 obtain 1'1 s111111111r3‘ .
11x111111gi11g 1111' 33'111'11 1111111'11'11111
Susan 11. .\1111111113’ and others t1'i1-d 1'1 1‘1-.33':
11st111'. N. 1.. 1'1-gis—
1'1'111111'11'1111111 11111111111111111 33‘111'11

11‘11111. .‘\

111-111111113'3'11ting. S1111 was 11111 1111'1-11 guilt3.
. 33111111 was not paid 1

State and 1111111111111 s11ti1'ti1's 1111111111111111 1'111' '
11111 sixteenth 111111111111111‘.111 giving 33111111111
right 111 311111.111is 111ntinued 1.13'111'3

At tirst11111111~titions33'-111111111'11'1111111
wrong 11111111111111111s. but 1111.1113' 111-1.1m~
111itt111-. was 111111111 1111 sutl'rago.

11"13111111113'11111111111'it3' 1"11p11‘t11d in favor but .
111111111311.111311111111111'1111111 3311s111111l11 113'1111 1‘
maJ11rit3 11111 no 111: tion has e3 e1 becntaken.
pr11s11mabl3 b1111aus11 M. C.‘ s 3311111 afraid oi‘
not being r11-ol111'te1l and the. women who1
33ex11pctiii11n11rs 33'111'11 not voters.

Women hay 11 been toldthatthiscm‘dd only ‘
be done by state legislator s, or b3 amending
1111.1 constitutions of 3'1ni11us stat11s.Ithas
been tried in vain in Kansas Colorado. and
South Dakota and always 1‘stonded by 11111
votes of ignorant me: 1111 ought not
\VP .‘

star flag in 111'1.'or1'lance with
1111‘ work.

‘51-1‘1111111 113

is 1/11111'111111/21 //'///111H/ {/11 1111/11.
. 1111111

‘ tui'11s.

' "11111-111 persons

.111111111111111'1-11111111111111 unit.


~11t' 111111

Woman’s Journal for the use of the

115. Have paid all the expenses of]
making the arrangements for the loo 1a

tures in adjoining towns which 3'as

State, Senator Bolter. the oldest Demo-
cratic member of the senate. and 111111-

sinks her family name. If it chanced
that an earnest woman with a large
thought for her sex and a keen sight
as to ways and means of hbenetiting
her sex has, after marriage, had views

' and expressed opinions and moved to

We have secured a promise from ;

secure results, supposing herself to be

1 an equal half of the domestic and so-

111'11) always opposed, that he, will vote
3 out (11 her spher re——that she was unsex-
‘ ing h1rselt~that she had a strange

1‘ for full sut‘t'rage.

15’. We have made a very large one,-

Man and \Voman.
J\'1:3. \. 1.. 1"11 ‘1'. 11. [1..111 1’13'1.1'1.11.

(. 111_;11“;.'.t: 11111 (#111111111. 111-s 31111111'..\"1111-111-

/"f1'.\'t ('11/2. 113/]. “How/11 it. 111 1'1/11 1‘

)1'1/‘ H11-
111111111111 H11: INN/1(1)! ."n //11

(11111 is trinity. as we read 11111 Scrip-
He is unity in 1.1'13'1111‘14.but. in his

1111111111'11station there is 1111‘1.111»1'ol11111'ss -
fa trinity
.1111111'111111111113' expressed in the phrase

of distinctions Willt‘it is not
111/1 (11111,"
Humanity is a duality.

teristic is two t'oldness

Hiven one
1on1: woman .11111111111111-3‘111‘11 11111
int11g111' 11111
11111 1‘111'111sneitherot' 1111-111 would 1111. it'
taken alone. "They twain shall 111,1 1111
111111'11133'11111, but 111111 1111.311." The union
two completes 11111 unit.

\ man may be 33'11111111311111111111 well-
1111111111111l.s111111g, healthy. handsome.
11111: ient counting 11111
and at the ballot box;



he may and

the plan;
the existing order.

cial unit. it. has been too much the
habit 111' men to complain that she was

disposition to meddle and to disturb
It has been held

iin regard to woman. that so far from

being the hall


ot the unit (11" humani-
13'. she is simply the appendage, the
, the instrument of that mas-

‘culine tractionithat exaggerated half

‘33‘111111 they have

I 11111 t11male half and 11111
:the. other.

rep1‘1's11n11111311 111' ‘

111 the caucus,
ordering of the appointments 0'

probably will think of himself as 1'om~ .
Iplet e —but he is a traction only, and.

11hemtybe a 1' (11'/111 ot the
unit 131' humanity
plete without its complement
make one. Duality 1s 11'm "

cit .





\'0 half is com- ‘
Two 1
3 th' 1

which talks as though it were, by it-
self. the complete humanity. This, in
11111 case of" married Women The com-
mon judgment of men on unmarried
33'111111111111‘ whom there are so many,
surely has not been kind nor generous,
asked for anew dis-
pensation in regard to e11ual rights and
111131'111 's Because of this depression of
exaltation of
it is urged that 11111 progress
111' humanity has been a lop—sided gait
-A an unequal and 1111satist'a1:tory move-
ment. instead 111' an even, sure paced
march onward and 1111 the bill. This
has been so .11 1.111 great departments
111 education. legislation and religion,
in none 01 these 11111 we 33 here we
ought to be. nor where doubtless w

might have been if the two halves '

111111111111 stock had been put on a co

mon plane and both heard from i
cation. the training of 8111'
religious work.

The, mutual d
—the necessitv


 - fil . t l “L,

nce of the W. C.

.. Merick. and her

n m Merick. for a quarter
splendidly hold the fort
Louisiana gives women
- 0 vote on school questions, not,

t I : t ,howevor. and on the question of
railroads passing throngh a parish.

South Carolina has a state sutlrage asso-
ciation.guidml by the enthusiasm of Mrs.
Virginia D. Young. who is forgmg ahead. re-
gardless of banter or battle. She enrolls
among her membership two editors,three
doctors of medicine. a number of lawyers
and many women of influence. The Charles-
ton News and Courier. an opponent. has
freely opened its columns for d1scusston to
Mrs. Young and others. And Mrs. loung
addressed the State Press Association on
the subject and was received with applause
and a vote of thanks-perhaps, however.
more as a tribute to her pluck than an ex-

ression of her sentiment—~at least till the
glovember election is over. -The Hampton
Guardian and half a dozen other Journals
admit the free discussion of the subject“

While Kentucky was the first to give
school suffritge to women. I am of the
Opinion that Mississippi is the most ad-
vanced' state in suffrage sentiment. For
eighteen years a woman has held the office
of state librarian by the direct vote of the
electors. One of its supreme Judges is an
open friend to the cause and says women
make a great mistake by not pushing their
constitutional right to citizens‘s suiiragc.
Almost all our public men are woman suff-
ragists—and when it has come to a vote 1n
congress have voted with it—ordodgedit—
did not feel quite secure in voting against
it. Mississippi men have a way of boastlng
that there are no sex lines in the public ed-
ucation 0f the state. The State University
and A. & M. College are coeducational and
the state supports one white girls' college
and two colored colleges which are co-
educational also. The constitutional con-
vention of Mississippi. in ism). discussed
freely the practicability of settling the rat-c
problem by the enfrancliisement of wmncn
on an educational basis, This was intro-
duced into the convention by Hon. Jim.
Fewell, and strongly supported by General
Stephen D. Lee. Judge (,‘ht‘isnian’and many
others equally prominent. Until the last
day of the convention the vote is said to
have stood in the sutl‘ragc committee. which
was very large. one in favor of woman's en-
!ranchisement.thougli it was given to the
world one against it. The Oiljtft'i. of an
amendment to the state suffrage laws was
to legally disfrsnchise illiteracy and to per-
mit men to vote according to Conviction
without endangering white supremacy. The

' uroblemin the South means the su-
“ of the white race, or in other

’ outh. The entranchise-

‘ defeated chiefly be-

” '1 ‘ traffic. but

i nssorts


. - a ‘ . 1.

Would men in e taxed
to the full extent of the law yet re-
fused this right of citizenship“?

Nay! They’d rebel to a man, and
they know they would, whatever they
say about being satisfied. Though the
laws have been improved in many re-
spects they are still unjust to women.

For instance, when the husband dies'

the law makes'it a necessity for the
widow to pay out large sums for the
settlement of the estate; while if she
dies he pays out not one cent. Then
too if the father dies, the minor chil-
dren must have a guardian; no such
necessity 1f the mother dies. The
father is at liberty to squander the
property, even to leaving the children
homeless. The law has no terrors for
him. A large share of lawyer’s fees
come from settling widows’ estates.

When widowers are made to dance
attendance on the courts of law
like manner, there will be more of
justice or at least a show of equality.

Dona N. ALmttcit.
The New Womanhood.

()ne of the best results of the moral
work of the world that is being done
everywhere by '.'.'otncn, is that it has
created a new sentiment of chivalry
for the new womanhood.

Now, within memory almost of the
youngest, women have taught men to
honor them, not only for their purity,
but for their philanthropy, for their
high ambitions, for their work in res-
cuing the fallen, in tending the sick, in
succoring the poor. And today the




Iowa Woman’s State Suffrage As-
sociafin‘ in Convention assembled
at Des Moines, Iowa:

The Sioux City i’olitical Equality
Club herewith submits the following re-
port for your consideration:

Our society was organized on the
133th day of January, A. 1)., 1890 with
‘20 charter members. Up to the date
of this report, we have members in
good standing as follows; which, under
our Constitution and lly-laws are di-
vided into three classes, namely:
Active members (all ladies). . . . . 05
Associate members. . . . . . . . .. 3‘.)
Honorary members. . . .. ... . . . 1

Total ............ . . .. 135

Of the associate members, 37 are
gentlemen and two only are ladies,
the one honorary member being a lady
and the aged mother of Hon. (leo. D.
Perkins, editor of the Sioux City Jour-

The society is free from debt and
has $60.00 in the treasury. During
the present month we contributed the
sum of $25.('t0 to the support of your
honorable body and you will always
iind us randy and willing to contribute
according to our means.

()ur tirst two year’s work consisted
principally of the reading and discus-
sion of numerous papers, written by
members of the society on questions
of civil government. The plan of
work for the present year consists of
an original paper at each meeting,
upon some topic pertainlng to woman,
or in which she is materially interested.
The following is a complete list of pa-


the ole o uring

Mrs. Emma Smith o

well delivered and full of thought, i v
Rev. ()lympia Brown is expected to
lecture for us September '27.

Our club meets the second Monday
in every month with unusually large

We trust your annual session for
1892 will result in much good for the
amelioration of woman. We are look-
ing forward to that bright and glorious
day in the near by-and-by, when the
mothers of America shall stand upon
an equal political footing with the
fathers of their children, for

"The hand that rocks the cradle rocks the

Respectfully submitted,

Sept. 17, ’92.

A number of W. C. T. U. conven-
tions in Minnesota have adopted the
following resolution: “Thatinasmuch
as the wearing of trained dresess is com-
pulsory in the courts of kings. it is a-
fashion that may well be set at naught
by the women of a republic; and, since
a style of dress that keeps a woman
clutching at her garments detracts
from her dignity and moral influence
as well as from her freedom and com—
fort, and, whereas, by the wearing of
trains our sisters are made weak, we
will wear no trains ‘while the world

The liquor trade is a monopoly re' “-
senting the lazy man’s calling an
working man’s curse.


 o- niodi-
At the solicitation
_- number of my fellow-pas-
sengers, I write this protest against
the misrepresentation of women who
consider their durance as a period of
patriotic service, and are conducting
themselves accordingly. Feeling con-
fident that the Tribune’s abiding sense
of courtesy and justice will secure the
publication of this statement, I send
it on behalf of the ladies on board La

On board La Bourgoyne, Sept. 7, ’92.

Fashion Versus Cleanliness.

Is it not surprising that women who
pride themselves on their personal
cleanliness and firmly believe it ranks
next to godliness should, in the face
of the opinion of scientific men, of
their own common sense if they give
the subject a moment’s consideration,
be such blind devotees of fashion and
the dictates of their dressmakers as to
wear the now fashionable

Nothing can be brought forward in
favor of this direct breach of the laws
of health and cleanliness; for indoor
wear, so much cannot be said against
this fashion; but for outdoor wear,
where the lilth of roads, pavements
and street corners must be obvious to
every one, it should receive the strong-
est condemnation.


In extenuation,
some may say the dresses are raised by
-1r wearers so as to clear the ground.
t may be so in some cases, but







. .gr 11in she vonders at the
content that is ‘always t 3. most puz-
zling to the youthful hear . Content-
ment should only be found upon moun—
tain peaks, she thinks.

Yet the large-hearted charity which
endures all things, believes all things,
and hopes all things is an ever refresh-
ing surprise. Sometimes as she breathes
its fragrance the vague question stirs:
“Is it possible that this charity, this
content of themselves, are attainments?
Is it so? Can it bet—Woman’s lie-

The Saleslady and the Factory Girl.

The salesladies of New York are
greatly incensed because a bill intro-
duced in the legislature classes them
with factory girls! Such
as unjust as unhealthy. In physique
the factory girl is the peer of the
“salesladyz'” in intelligence she does
not fall short; in wage earning ability
she is her superior, and in the home
she will prove a better housekeeper
than her fastidious sister. The motion
of a lly‘s wings will not subject her to
a cold and she will have fewer flies on
the dinner table than the mistress of
the tape and the pencil.

notions are

liddyworth, l’ennsylvania, is receiv
ing considerable notice at present on
account of a young lady resident who
built with her own hands, a neat little
cottage, laying the foundation, doing
the carpenter work, and even plaster-
ing the rooms. Miss Elizabeth Moore
is the name of this energetic young
lady, and she prides herself on having




“l' ,- , l’ll soon be
able to be ," replied the Bush, shak-
ing its swelling buds proudly.——Har-
per’s Young People.

“Mamma,” said little Carl as he
watched the crowd when he went to
the city, “why do all those ladies wear

Little Dot—l giiess.l)ick is goin’ to
marry Lucy Locket w’en he grows up.

Mammafilm you? Why?

Little Dob-Why, when Dick gets
into any mischief he always tells me,
cause he don‘t care what I think, but
he libs like everything to Lucy—(iced

Children will do almost anything to
avoid being scolded. A little girl
once asked her mother “if (tod
scolded." The amazed mother asked
her “what made her think of that.”
Her answer was: "You have told me
I must love (led and i couldn‘t if he
ever scolded."

Male Supremacy.

“t‘ato,” says Mrs. Harriet Beecher
Stowe to a negro man, whitewashing
on her Florida plantation, “now that
you are free and can vote 1 hope you
will use your inlluence with the colored
people and get me the ballot."

“Lord, Mic" ieecher,” says Cato,
rolling up his eyes, while an incredu-
lous grin broadened his kindhearted,
honest face, “duz you rely belebe that
wimmin is got sense enough to know
how to v0te?”—1{ochester








If you are in need of a First-Class

Steel Dome Furnace

Either i‘lortable or brick set. give us a call
and we can save you money.
To the wholesale trade:

Send for cata-


704 to 774 South Second-8t

Mwmmvv\l\l \Im/‘n


A Weekly Paper. devoted to the interests
of Women. to their work. wages. education.
and especially to their right of Suffrage. It
is edited by Lucy Stone, Henry 13. Black-
well. and Alice Stone Blackwell. Three
months on trial to new subscribers. 50 cts.
For your. $2.5m To Libraries and Reading‘

l‘tmlllh‘, llillf pl‘lth.
Boston, Mass.
Witht u- WoMAN‘s STANDARD, the two pa-
pers, $2.75 per year.

'l‘wenty—seven dill'erent Woman Suffrage
Tracts, (sample copies) sent post-paid for 10
I‘l‘lliH .Aildrcss Woman‘s Journal, Boston.

M‘Nm [WW V‘JW Vuv‘l Wm

The Woman’s Standard.

Devoted to the advancement of women in
the industrial pursuits. to their more prac-
tical education and higher culture. and to
seeuring to them legal and political equal'

Fifty cents a year in advance
copies Iivo cents.

An extra copy for a '
yearly subsc ' '

Addr ‘





[The following protest to the misrepre-
sentations that are among the wrongs to
which women are subjected, from the tal-
ented President of the WOman's Council
will explain itself]

To the. Editor of the Tribune: Sin
—The passengers on board this agree-
able tloating prison have read with
amazement the very interesting ac-
counts of the panic, the hysteria, and
other manifestations of emotions at-
tributed by the daily press to the wo-
men. If the gentlemen have been
amused by these touching descriptions
of feelings and conduct which would
otherwise have been unknown to them,
in the ladies the sense of amusement
has been modillcd by some indigna-

It is not pleasant to be quarantined;
but if the public health is protected by
this precaution, there is no woman on
tnis ship who is not ready to bear her
part in the sacrilice involved. The
women have endured the situation
with patience and dignity. They have
mitigated its tedium by cheerful in-
dustry. From the moment that quar-
antine was announced, scores of them
may have been seen reading, writing,
knitting, sewing, superintending the
games of the children, and engaging

e men in agreeable conversation. If
an has been guilty of tears or
mental folly, she has retired

e room during this self-in-

.ce. No manifestation of this
ight "hptom of such

. ited here. The

I .



very often the beauty (‘3) of the trail-l

ing garment proves irresistible, or else
little or no thought is given to the
matter, and frequently those who raise
their dresses do not do so effectually.

Dresses, for the sake of health and
cleanliness of their wearers and their
homes, should be made to clear the
ground fully two inchesACor. London


()ne of the pleasantest of friend-
ships is that between a young and a
middleaged woman. (There are no
old women nowadays.) If the two
women are of exactly the right sort.
the friendship is almost an ideal one.
There can be no jealousy. The elder

woman is too old to he envious of

younger, either of her loves or

companionship. The younger feels the
superimity of her youth too keenly to
care for the regard cherished by the
lint each
possesses a charm to which the other

older for her contemporaries.

returns with never ceasing delight.
The older friend smiles over but re-
joices in the freshness and ardor. the
eager anticipations and daring impetu—
osity, of her companion. She Speaks
no word of discouragement. It
beautiful, this demanding youth, this
splendid audacity, to which all earthly
achievements are possible. It is the
highest earthly wisdom to recognize
that all this enthusiasm is needed for
the lessons which divine wisdom shall
And the younger woman, pouring
hopes and expectations, her
- vistful im-



once been a""pr'bte'giartrsaaciay“‘

Swisshelm, from whom she probably
learned some of her lessons in indus-

Mrs. limma I’. Buckingham, of
Vacaville, is called the queen of Cali-
fornia fruit growers. Her success has
been phenomenal. She began on a
very small scale, and with no practical
knowledge of what was required, but
she had a taste for the work and per-
severed. Now she has a fruit, ranch
comprising several hundred acres. a
farm mansion, and ships fruit by the
train-load. She is quoted as saying
there no reason why any woman should
not make a success of fruit growing.
Half your success is assured when you
really think you can succeed.

He Hasn't Said Anything Since.

you ought to read

Wickwire- Here is something
an article on ways
a woman can save money.
Mrs. \\'ickwire -I)oes it say any-
thing about hcr remaining single‘.‘~
Indianapolis Journal.
A Careful Guardian.
should like to know
what. business that policeman has in
my kitchen every night in the week?
l’retty Servaiit-ml’lease, mum, 1
think he suspicions me of neglectin’
my work er somethin’.~N. Y. Weekly.

ASoft Answer. , ._:: ,
Miss Ethelw\\'hy,' Uncle Norton, 1
really believe you’re seeing double
l'ncle Norton—Well, my dear, you
see, you’re (hic) sho pretty, I like to
(hic) see two of you—Judge.

M istress , “I

S ing Courtesies.


"’ a the Sunbeam


We will send FREE a t
ple of