xt70rx937t9n_496 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Woman's Tribune text Woman's Tribune 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_17/Folder_8/Multipage21499.pdf 1888 1888 1888 section false xt70rx937t9n_496 xt70rx937t9n The Woman 3 Tr






NO. 47.




A beamlet smiled on the new-born day.
> But vanished soon in the sun’s warm kiss.
A hope shone soft in a lover’s eyes,
But soon was merged in a dream of bliss.

A song trilled low in a poet’s heart.
Then, fast, was caught in the human lyre:
A thought starred forth in a shining mist,
Then swelled the flame of a spirit’s fire.

50 light is hid in a flood of light,
And hope finds rest in an ease unsought;
50 song is hid in a flood of strife,
And thought is food to a larger thought.
—Camu [\JL’fler’u‘, Hastings, Ned.


Backward my memorywings her flight

To the old lost time and the old delight,

\Vhen his proud, strong face was over me bent,
And twilight dirn with night’s shadows blent.
I wove romances, the wild. the dim,

And read the stories I wrote to him

Or afar on the hill with tall pines crowned

I stretched my form on the mossy ground
My head on hfis knee, his hand on my hair- ~—
011 for one hour of the old time there

To feel the touch of that sinewy hand,

I’d barter the gold of all the land.

lts coins, its ingots, its massive bars,
Were they mine and numerous as the stars,
I would yield them all, 011! every one,
' To hear his voice when he said “Well done.”
And the crowning joy of heaven will be
That 117?: is the voice to welcome me;
Elisabet/z Lyle Saxon.

THOMAS JEFFERSON said in 1774, “The
God who gave us“ life gave us liberty at
the same time; the hand of force may
destroy but cannot disjoin them.” [Ded-
icated to the demo‘cratic judges of Wash-
ington Territory]

THE Viceroy of Canton has addressed
a formal memorial to the emperor of
China asking for the restriction of the
importation of American kerosene into



The Tacoma High School.

The new principal of the Tacoma, W,

T., high school is Miss Abbie E. Cushman.
who was formerly of Painesville, Ohio,

holding the position of principal of the
high school of that city for six years.
On leaving this position Miss Cushman
spent one year in Boston in special study
and then accepted the professorship of
literature and history in the Whitman
College, Walla Walla, W. T., which she
has held for several years. Miss Cush-
man prefers high school to collegiate
work and hopes to have the honor of
founding a strong high school depart-
ment in this flourishing young city, which
includes among the attending pupils of
its public schools 1100 children. The
assistant principal of the high school is
Miss Mary Shumway, a pupil of Mt.
Holyoke, and this young lady held the
management of the high school, pend-
ing the .arrival of Miss Cushman, with
skill, and to the satisfaction of its pat-

Women in Business Offices.

A writer in the Populagr Scz'mre ill/onwa-
I)», with that old time chivalry which
through all ages kept women out of all
places of-honor or profit until the de-
termined onslaught against the citadel of
political inequality which they are making
in this latter day, claims that woman’s
presence in a business office is an incon-
venience, no matter how gfaithful and re-
liable she may be, because her employ-
er necessarially has to neglect the small
courtesies of life, and “the slow mascu-

line mind does not yet understand that


panics and business of all sorts, the
presence of women clerks will not be
"an inconvenience,” and themsmall
courtesies of life need not “necessarily
be neglected.” '

Women in Politics.

”in an editorial with the above caption
the Indianapolis fox/Hm! grumbles be-
cause leaders in the equal suffrage
and temperance movement say that
neither of the two great parties
have any claims upon women for
their support. It says: “The question
of woman suffrage may be a great and
burning one, but is hardly equal in im-
mediate importance to the necessity for
preserving the industries of the country
from destruction.” As long as the two
great parties of the country, members of
which seem to be equally sincere and in-
telligent, hold diametrically opposed
views 011 the tariff question, it should
hardly be expected that women, who are
profoundly impressed with the industrial,
social and legal wrongs to the race which
have grown up under the system that has
forbidden woman’s participation in poli-
tics, will throw aside a great principle of
fundamental right for a method, how~
evisr desirable, of placing restriction upon
commercial intercourse with our neigh—

The fox/17ml claims that a prohibitmy
1211 1w would be useless in a time of finan—
cial depression, since a man ‘looks for
comfort in more frequent potations as
his purse grows empty without hope of
replenishingf’ but the only law ewhich
will satisfy a tempeiance advocat a na-

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