xt70rx937t9n_50 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Laura Clay correspondence with Kate M. Gordon text Laura Clay correspondence with Kate M. Gordon 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_3/Folder_7/Multipage2054.pdf 1909 April-December 1909 1909 April-December section false xt70rx937t9n_50 xt70rx937t9n  


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National Ameriran 135111112111 Smffragt Aaanriafinn

(Member National Council of Women and International Woman Suffrage Alliance)
Recording Secretary, Alice Stone Blackwell.

Presidenl. Rev. Anna Howard Shaw. Moylan,‘ Pa.
6 Beacon Street. Boston, Mass.

First Vice President. Rachel Foster Avery. Swarlhmore, Pa.
Second Vice Presidenl, Florence Kelley, T H , T l U W Oh'
'05 East 22nd Street. New York City. NATlONAL HEADQUARTERS reasurer, amel ay or plon, arren. 10.
C (1' S I , K t M. C. d _ . . . Laura Clay. l89 N. Mill SL, Lexington. Ky.
”mm" "'8 “" “"jsogrirmniams‘flh New Orleam, L3. Warren, Ohm AWN” l Ella s. Stewart. 5464 Jefferson Ave.. Chicago. H],


(IDfiirr nf @ni‘rrapnnhing firrrrturg. Nl‘lll (Ibrlruna. Ea.



 April 26, 1909.

Bear Wamber of the} 'Eitusimma (302'75Fj§.'ttiat§:-

K have cuncluded, after giving most seriuua con-
sideration to the subject fer several montha, to present my raaignap
tion as Corrasponding Secratary t0 the National A$$cciatian, to take
effect whenever meat canvenient ta tha Official Baard. I mean by
thia that ih tha event fiffmy succeaaor, who naturally will Ea elect—

“:‘fiational Souvention, not being abla to asaume the duties
of affice at ease, as might be the case with m dwairable party,_that
I wanifl be willing for a ahert time to nerve in my present capacity.

One of the chief conaidcratienfi in aubmitting my
reaignatiun is the fact thgt a3 a paid officer I annuld be aubject
to command,- that with tha egfiablishment 0f tha two headquartera, it
cartainlr 539mg unraasonable with cur limited means to be paying the
aerviaaa cf same one to be at the headgmartara while an officer is
Enjoying a salary.

I furthermora feel that thare mugt be game limit
placed uyOn the mmaunfi 3f work that I can dc for suffrage. Name of
the foficera can fully realize the demands made On my time locally.

as : fio nofi believe any of you stand in quite the aame relation to

" local oommuniti:f_as I do. While gpecifically Louiaiana has zfluré~

done ihe'fiame kiné a! work in club argan zétiona, I hays always felt
that thera 3 not anather State that has 35% suffragg Santiment taka
bald of it in mm war “that we have i\ takan hald or Mme people of
Louisiana and fiifisiasigpi, for our public Work baa made itself felt
whérever our wewspapera circulate. To accomplish theae resulta
Jaunie and myaelf have gona into every kind of local organization
not partaking of a aaotarian character. 0n the other hand, we have

brought sectarian work into the suffrage area through the formation


 6f thw Tr3ve$arg§ 3‘1 “3- fly: .1 -,H » fluzyt nannitfiubg amung church

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' ‘ .. .34. . 3.“ . -. 2. . , 3 -~ .. _, 3 .1. ., _ ,. .. "3 .3..1,3_
hflng about aha“ wnalu , -w u ‘3 m — .3. A 3 a: "me

n 3. 1,. . “. . 3. . -.‘ J h“ ... . .1 -v w «3 ~-,' ", . 393,- g; (1'. H ,g 3;!" 3'; '~ by. .3». ‘\ v- * ‘f', f! "1
$633133.th U13. 3; as?! 13.22.“;le “>1 (.30 I 3195?.» ch.;.(‘¢.-:L.,3itlvi35€i 9 Nelda? 5.233.131. 33.1.61. 63.3%,;

$uffered.from.the inaiacrimiaamg giving sf the b31163 ta Uhmu as

'peeplfi. _

I aid net prefient my reaigflafiifin hafara 3133 3h3w
left fihe eauntry purpaaaly, a3 thuru will bu afiyle timfi affiafl aha
raturna far the conaiéeration 9? her greferanoe in the way 0f a Cor-
P®$p0nding Secrabar”. I will laama 13 antiraly in firm. Avery's
judgment whether aha shguld be matifiad of my agtian. I furtharmare
balieva that wifih fhe reorganizafiion that th& amanamanta indiaafie is
about to take piacfi, thafi thia 13 A very 300d time to make further

Very carfiially youra, -. - {gf
[m- fiz 3343.33


 April Q5, 1909.

Baa? Keflber of thfi Fusiness Committee:-
In corresponding with H133 " aw upon the pregrma
it was agrewd that I shnuld write to each mamber of the Busineas

Committeé and ask th m to have preyarad an addrasg he be given at

the Convantion, if tha emergency arises a3 tag elevanth hour fer me

te 31309 than an €33 are ram.

A5 the yrogram new gtands l am reasonably sure
of Dorothy Dix, a Collage Evaning prog am ané a legislative yrcgram
prapared by the local paOple. I am pulling avery atring that I can
to seem“: the prasenee of Hrs. ailman. firs. Craigie is to be theta,
mnd I hava extamded an invitation to her. 1 have also axtended an
invitafiimn to firs. Keith. I have juat recaivgd a declination from
Gwan Eavejay. Sad cur gsnvenfiicn been a little rater, we could have
sacurad his acrvicas. I am waiting for a reyly t0 my invitation te_
Mrs. Decker” Era. Catt obligatafl herself t6 the Washingtcn paopla,
trading‘her presence at the Convention if they did some Petition
‘work far her. Era. Cafit ackncwledged this fact to me, and I hava
ceunfiad upon her, but firs. Avary baa cast a doabt that ha% filled ma
wit. a littla alarm. Howevar, if tha Hational officers are prepared
I will feel me anxiety in regard t0 yreaanting a good gregram.

‘Will ycu.kindly, therefore, send is me
undéz‘ which. yen will apex , in the event as." my rwailinzzf HQ; 56.
cempulscry gervice.

Very cordially yeura,

Kata K. Garden.


 National Amprirau Hartman Smffragp Aaanriatinn

{ Member National Council of Women and International Woman Suffrage Alliance)

Q .‘ r

Presidenl. Rev. Anna Howard Shaw, Moylan. Pa. @fianhfi‘d Recording Secretary, Alice Stone Blackwell,
First Vice President, Rachel Foster Avery. Swarthmore, Pa. ”giw‘ 6 Beacon Street. Boston. Mass.

Second Vice President, Florence Kelley.
105 East 22nd Street, New York City. NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS

Corresponding Secretary. Kate M. Cordon. ‘xr -
- 1800 Prylania Street. New Orleans. LA. arren’ Ohlo

Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton, Warren. Ohio.

Audilors' I Laura Clay. I89 N. Mill 51., Lexington, Ky.
' l Ella S. Stewart, 5464 Jefferson Ave.. Chicago, "I.

(fifiirr nf LFnrrrapuuhing Qtrrrmru. Nl‘ltl (tDrlrmm. In.




 Natimml Amprimn Mnman gmffragr Awnriafinn

f Member National Council of Women and International Woman Suffrage Alliance)

Presidcnl, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw, Moylan, Pa.
First Vice President, Rachel Foster Avery. Swarthmore. Pa.
Second Vice President, Florence Kelley,

l05 East 22nd Street, New York City.

Corresponding Secretary, Kate M. Cordon.
lBOO Prytania Street, New Orleans, La.

.Warren, Ohio

Recording Secretary, Alice Stone Blackwell.
6 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass.
Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton. Warren, Ohio.

Auditory I Laura Clay. l89 N. Mill St., Lexington. Ky.
' lElla 5. Stewart. 5464 Jefferson Ave., Chicago. ll].

(IDfi’Irr nf @nrrwpnuhing érrrrturu. ern (Drlrzum, Ea.



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 Natinnal Amman Mnman fi'uffragp Azantiafinn

(Member National Council of Womcn and International Woman Suffrage Alliance)

President Rev. Anna Howard Shaw Moylan Pa. 1mm R d' S .
. . . affix,» - ccor mg ccrelaru, Alice Stone Blackwell.
First Vice President, Rachel Foster Avery. Swarthmore. Pa, u&%§®4 6 Beacon Strect. 80mm. M”.-

Second Vice President, Florence kcllcy, . NATlONAL E D U RT RS ' Trcaxu rel, Harriet Taylor Upton, Warren, Ohio.
l05 East 22nd Street, New York Cily. H A Q A E
Corresponding Secretary, Kate M. Gordon. . (1-! : lL-alllm CIBY. '89 N- Mill 51- -. Licxmglon. Ky
ISOOPIylania Street. New Orlcam, La. Warren, Oth Au ””5 "in S. Slcwarl. 5464 Jefferson Ave. , Chicago. Ill.
Wfiirr nf (flnrrrnpmlhiug firrrrtarg. eru (IDrlrana, In.

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 Natinnal Amerimn Hartman gmffragv Aaznriatinn

{Member National Council of Women and International Woman Suffrage Alliance)

mm" _ Rcco nling Secretary, Alice Stone Blackwell,

President. Rev. Anna Howard Shaw, Moylan, Pa. (1433)..» l
a _ 55,14»
1““‘L" 6 Beacon Street, Boston. Mass.

Fin! Vice Presidenl, Rachel Foster Avery, Swarthmom. Pa.
Second Vice President, Florence Kelley, T H . T l U .
‘05 East 22nd Street. New York City. NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS reasurcr, amet ay or plan. Warren. Ohio.
Corr p nding Secrelam. Kate M. Cord n. - - . l LaurnClny, '89 N- Mi” 51-. Lexington, KY.
es 0 l800 Prytania Street, New Orleans, La. W arren’ Ohlo Audzlors. l Ella S. Stewart. 5464 Jefferson Ave.. Chicago, Ill.
(twin of tfinrrrapnuhing S’nrrtum. ern (Ibrlrana. Ea.
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 National Amerimn lflflnman $uffragp Aaanriafinn

{ Member National Council of Women and International Woman Suffrage Alliance)

Recording Secreiam, Alice Stone Blackwell,

President. Rev. Anna Howard Shaw, Moylan. Pa. fi‘fifi‘l
L '4- 'g.’ . 6 Beacon Street, Boston, Masl.

Firs! Vice President, Rachel Foster Avery. Swarlhmore. Pa.
Second Vice President, Florence Kelley. T H . T l U .
‘05 East 22nd Street, New York City. NATlONAL HEADQUARTERS reasurer, arnel any or plon. Warren. Ohio.

Corresponding Secrelary, Kale M. Gordon. - - . (Laura Cl”. '89 N- Mill St. Lexington, Ky.
lBOOPrylania Sum New Orleans, u. Warren, Ohio A“""°"- Hana 5. Stewart, 5464 Jefferson Ave.. Chem. 111.

(”flirt nf (.Enrrrapnuhing fitrrrturu. Nrtu (91-12mm, Ea.

May 7, 1909 .

Mydear Miss Clay:-
I want you to read this splendid letter of Hre.Ste'nené
tell me of some women in Kentucky that you think might be
lead the dieeueeicne along the lines of the Kentucky campaign


° -. ~nv v.1“ .. .1... 4» .-\. . 1 Ma.» ,r . ..
on the "county unit" You ;:memoe1 that dav that T was filth Joe in

Louisville and we cane in contact with those club women. Most of

.reatien was on the subject of these county campei

curse I know that Nrs.0gklémhreckinridge has done a tremen

work on this line, and if she could be secured for our Convex
would be delighted, but this is a meet too good to hope for.
you sugeest sou one to whom I could extend an invitation who proba-
bly would be on the coast this
cost to u“
The Church Work Committee, under Mrs. Craigie, has
done good work, and you can see for youreelf that Mrs. Steinen 1&3
not . think the future work of our Associatio: Should
committees . I think we ought to try and develu
rorger committees instead of concentrating the work as has been
in the pest iLto the lands of the officers of the Association.
Many thauke for all the kind things you said in res
gard to my work for the Association. I am glad that you appr804ate
it, and I feel sure, t‘o, that most of the peeple in the Convention
will feel that I have done good work, but nevertheless I have fully

o retire from the Official Board. There cemee a tlme


 . ; ,‘
)fi TV // I ,
. A

that you mustilimit the ;;“1"1 of work attemuted,
time has come to me. I do n t ~1at my best work is
mg dome in the Nati.onal Association, 2" " '1 ' reason I sub-
mitted my resignation. I confess that " -" not without consider-
able feeling that I did submit my do sior The work ha 3 been a lap
bor =f love, a=1 d a break from all the pleasant ass wt; mas is not
made without oonsiderahle effort. At the same tinm e, after areiu11y
weighing every side as I see it, I have come to a conclusion which I

have determi;ed upon making final. I thidk I mention ed to you last

year that I Spoke to ss shaw a13out my resignation when she was

with us, but she was look in mg so wretchedly, and made such a stxong
appeal for me to stay, that I was induced to contiique. I think she
will feel differently “I

I‘D ‘— a .
M IL 03»


 Natinnal Amerimn Woman gmffragp Aaanriafinn

"f Member National Council of Women and International Woman Suffrage Alliance)

President. Rev. Anna Howard Shaw. Moylan, Pa.
Firs! Vice President. Rachel Foster Avery, Swarthmorc. Pa.

Recording Secretary, Alice Stone Blackwell,

if???” 1
WM [Jag/‘-
g“é‘~2” 6 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass.

Second Vice President, Florence Kelley, NATlONAL HEADQUARTERS Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton. Warren. Ohio.

105 East 22nd Street, New York City. (l Cl l89 N M.“ 5 Le , ‘ K
’ _ i .. ‘ _.aura ay, . l t., xmg on, y.
C“”‘5D"”d’"g secrcmrzélgglgrttfiogtl‘! New Orleans La ‘x; arr-en, Ohlo Auditors. 1 Ella S. Stewart, 5464 Jefferson Ave., Chicago, Ill.
, a ' v _ .

“Mitt nf (Enrn‘upnnhing fierrrmru, ern (lDrlrmm, 11:21.

... ,: .. u i. .- .x 1.... lg- n ,i ,_1,., , .5. ~
xiibii l u iii-j watt: Wilt? b _-

would 3:, ‘ , friend did
feel is brewing in hationa W' - n:;.'.~ Home weeks ago I
received a letter from s State 3 said; 3 ” t 1‘ about some chan es
which she felt was neces‘ary on to“ 3' 3 ~ ' ° 7 in which you were

not to be re—elected. I wrote Pei ." t ked directly whether her sug~

. . . l
gestion was a 2 'LKTQ one or whether 5T~ was acting upon a ooncerted

movement. ~r: tir it is gurelv yersonal.

Since I have tried to find out whether anything was on
foot corresponding to the effort which was made to get hiss Blackwell
off last fall, and the latest piece of gossip which I have heard is
that she would have been defeated ""had not I gone on the floor and ac—


tively electioneered for her". It is absolutely whole cloth, for i
knew n othing of it till the morning of the election and Alice B. told m4~
of it while the election was on, and never influenced a vote for her, s
she was elected because the Convention wanted her.

I have not been able to learn definitely whether Miss Shaw and
Mrs. Mrs. Avery are working to have you removed. There is no doubt
you offended deeply when you swung the Executive Committee to vote the
continuance of work in Oklahoma, but things are reaching a pass when

that ssxtxnfi our honest opinion on a situation must work to our undo—

ing. I hope indeed I am entirely mistaken in what I fear, but in my
genuine friendship and admiration of you I felt it a duty to let you

know what I had learned.
Cordially [f/ /€%§ S3;
/ 41’6" , mm







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