xt70rx937t9n_511 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Suffrage pamphlets and leaflets text Suffrage pamphlets and leaflets 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_18/Folder_11/Multipage23609.pdf 1917-1919 1919 1917-1919 section false xt70rx937t9n_511 xt70rx937t9n . (c) COMPULSORY MILITARY TRAINING AS A PERMA-
NENT POLICY. We should continue our opposition to compulsory
military training. In this position we have the President on our side,
.at least to the extent of discouraging haste in adopting it as a per-
manent policy. He takes this position, so he states, “chiefly for the
reason that in these anxious and disordered times, a clear view can—
not be had either of our permanent military necessities or of the best
mode of organizing a proper military peace establishment. The hope
of the world is that when the European \«Var is over, arrangements
will have been made composing many of the questions which have
hitherto required the arming of the nations. \/\/lien these arrange-
ments for a permanent peace are made, we can determine our military
needs.” It is fortunate that at least in this position wecan stand
behind the President.

we should continue to oppose military training in schools and should
press in state legislatures the alternative of Required Physical Train—
ing for pupils in all school grades. This happily is a recommendation
which is backed with extraordinary unanimity by both military and
educational experts. Hence we have here a case where there is no
legitimate opposition between those who believe that the world
today should be organized and trained for peace and those who
believe it should be organized and trained for war.

No man can tell whether the entrance of the world’s greatest
democracy into the war is to prove a means toward its quicker
ending and the establishment of a more lasting peace, or whether it
is to prove a colossal blunder. No man knows enough to judge his
brother because he makes the one prophecy or the other.

The constitution of the United States offers a sacred guarantee of
the rights of minority opinion. It often happens that the minority of
today is the majority of tomorrow. Let us who are outvoted be
neither abashed nor discouraged. Let us hold fast the truth as God
gives us to see the truth. Let us never allow ourselves for one
moment to feel discredited in working to promote the reign of Peace
on Earth among Men of Good “H11.

Mafia: 84
722-732 SHERMAN ST.

A Program During War Time

Published by
116 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill.


 Under the shadow of the war which we hoped our country might
not be called upon to enter, members of the \xVoman’s Peace Party
do not need to affirm or reaffirm their patriotism and the devotion
of their lives to our country's higher life. The Internationalism to
which the \Voman‘s Peace Party is pledged came to fulfill the highest
nationalism and not to destroy it.


The \Voman’s Peace Party recommends that during the war its
members carry on three kinds of patriotic work in which it can co-
operate with all citizens.

First. There can be no more needful work than that of promoting
the spirit of good will and mutual comprehension between persons
of varying points of view. However we may differ as to methods,
we all have a common purpose—that of defeating the spirit of
militarism in every land. \We do not believe that this spirit can be
destroyed by machine guns any more than heresy could be abolished
by the thumbscrew or the rack. Let those of opposed opinions be
loyal to the highest that they know, and let each understand that the
other may be equally patriotic.

The effort to preserve mutual respect and good-will requires
little time and no money, but it costs much in thought and in nerve
force, and above all, it demands Christian grace. Let us make it
our business to discourage the growth of a spirit of ill—will or violence,
such as has characterized war time in other periods and other

(Note—VValtCr \Valsh’s Book entitled “Moral Damage of War,”
is suggestivereading in this connection.)

Second. The war will sharply complicate existing social needs,
while it will withdraw the energy and interest heretofore devoted to
them. It is important that such work, both local and national,
should be carried forward. Otherwise there will be an increase of
suffering, poverty and crime in our midst. Rising prices, absent
husbands and bread winners, mothers withdrawn into industry, and
children drafted from school to the labor market will affect our
problem. Immigrants from enemy countries will be especially in
need of intelligent sympathy and help.

Registration for this work has already begun at the Headquarters
of the Massachusettes Branch of the ~\Voman’s Peace Party. It is
expected that each state and local branch will deveIOp its own type
of such work, but always in co—operation with other organizations in
such a manner as to avoid duplication.

Third. Work for a League of Nations to substitute law for war.
Unless there shall be a just war settlement and a definite advance
toward world organization, unless there shall be established a federa—
tion of nations open to all and a world court, peace will prepare the
way to a new war. It is estimated that some forty million men,
women and children have been starved or crippled or killed in this
war. Shall these have suffered and died in vain?

Never was there more urgent need for the VVoman’s Peace Party
to carry forward its propaganda. Even during war time political
foresight and wisdom are the most essential features of “prepared—
ness.” The world’s problem today is practically that which faced the
founders of our Republic. Without miracle, without a change of
‘human nature, our Fathers achieved the method by which forty-eight
states have secured interstate peace with substantial justice. Today
it is the supreme duty of the United States, by similar methods, to

help federate the earth’s forty-eight nations into a united world.


(a) ESPIONAGE BILL. We should work against the danger—
ous Espionage Bill which passed the Senate of the last congress by a
vote of 60 to 10. This Bill has been reintroduced into the present
Congress, but it is in progress of being remodeled. The safeguarding
of military and naval information, which is the purpose of this bill,
can be secured without endangering our fundamental liberties of free
speech, free press, and free assemblage. We should instantly urge
our Senators and Representatives in Congress to secure in the bill
an explicit statement that its provisions apply only to naval and mili—
tary matters, and not to a discussion of general questions, nor to
propaganda directed toward securing change of laws or of govern-
mental action and policies.

(b) CONSCRIPTION. The President has already the power to
draft to full war strength the regular army and the National Guard.
His recommendation that an additional 500,000 men be secured by
selective draft on the “principle of universal military service,” is
before Congress. Our country is in no danger of invasion. Even
Australia and Canada have not yet adopted the policy of sending con—
scripts beyond the sea, and Canada has neither conscription nor com—
pulsory military training. \Vhatever may be said about volunteers,
if the voice of the people can make itself heard above the din of a
commercialized press, we believe that Congress will never conscript
our young men to serve on foreign shores. It is our business to
endeavor to make the voice of the people heard in Washington.



To be sung to the tune of

My country ’tis for thee,
To make your women free,
This is our plea.
High have our hopes been raised
In these enlightened days
That for her justice, praised
Our land might be.

My native country thee ;
Grant us equality l
Thcn shall we see
In this fair land of light
justice and truth and right
Ruling, instead of might,
Trust liberty!

Our fathers’ God, to thee,
Author of liberty,
To thee we sing ;
Long may our land be bright
With freedom’s holy light ;
Protect us by Thy might,
Great God, our King.


 Battle Hymn of the Republic

By Julia Ward Howe

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord.
He is tramping out the vintage where the grapes of wrath
are stored ;
He has loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift
sword '
His truth is marching on.

I have seen Him in the watch-fires of a hundred circling
camps ;
They have builded Him an altar in the evening dews' and
clamps ;
I can read His righteous sentence by the dim and flaring
lamps ;
His (lay'is marching on.

I have read a fiery gospel, writ in burnished rows of steel ;

“As ye deal with my contemners, so with you my grace
shall deal;

Let the Hero born of woman, crush the serpent with his

Since God is marching on.”

He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call
retreat ;
He is sifting out the hearts of men before his judgment-
seat ;
Oh, be swift, my soul, to answer Him! be jubilant, my feet!
Our God is marching on.

In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea,
With a glory in his bosom that transfigures you and me ;

As He died to make men holy, let us die to make men

free, While God is marching on.






(NV/3 H U A719]? ED POE/115 B Y
Algae; Ryan


H wry Bali/6y Stevens


“'l‘hought, originality, and a genu—
inely poetic temperament, are revealed
in these 1,)oems. It has ben called im-
possible to say anything new under
the sun; but the ideas expressed in
some of these verses are absolutely

“There are passages as poignant
sometimes as Fiona McLeod’s Rune
0f the Passion of l/Vomen. There are
beautiful little flashes of landscape
and of insight into the human heart.”


"These are remarkable plays.
\\'hether he agrees with the doctrines
underlying them or not, the reader
cannot fail to be impressed by the high
idealism of these little dramas, and
the force and felicity with which the
thought is expressed.”—AL1CE STONE

“l rejoice that Mr. Stevens’ play,
The illeddler, is to be published.
Many silent hearts will find it and be

HE two volumes are uniform in size and formal, attractively bound in boards
and decorative labels, with gilt tops, and special attention has been paid to the
typography. The price of each volume will be $1.25 net, postage extra, but a
special price of $2.00 for the set, postpaid, will be accepted in. advance of publica—

tion, only.


The Four Seas Company,
Copley Theatre Building,
Boston, Mass.

Gentlemen :

Please send me ........ sets of the two volumes by Agnes Ryan and

Henry Bailey Stevens, A Cry Out of the Dark and A L'Vhisper of Fire, for which

I enclose $ .................. at $2.00 per set, to be delivered to me postpaid.



(The list price of each volume separately will be $1.25 net, postage extra)


 iKPnturkg’z Eflamé


The Suffrage League of Kentucky
Sends you this little note

To remind you that in the Blue Grass
The women are asking for votes.

Here in the land of romance
Where men of heroic breed
Have ever been quick to succor

A. child or a woman in need.

Here, in that “Old Kentucky”
Of song and story and fame,
Where men have the right of suffrage
The women are asking the same.

\V ere she asking a crown or a. bauble
He would grant. it in calm delight,

Will Kentucky’s men refuse her
\Vhen she asks for woman’s rights?

\V hen she pleads for the right to help him
In upbuilding a better State,

\V ill he reject her pleadings
And bid the suppliant wait?

\Vhile out‘in the ““7ild West Country”
\Voman with strength and mind

Is voting beside her husband,
Shall Kentucky he left behind?

The question will be before you,
Up to your “yea” or “nay,”

And the future fame of Kentucky
li)e1)ends upon which you say.



 [/7 Wm
, .— E5 5 r ) mm :-

‘W “Ina-:7 .Fuvu
9 V


\ /()1 l/ / e...—





 As an election official your difficult taslt at elections will be made
more difficult because there are separate ballots and ballot boxes for
men and women. If the men and women voted the same ballot and
their ballots were deposited in the same box, it would not only be easier

for you but it would be more just to tbe women.

A Suffrage Amendment to the Illinois Constitution pending in

Springfield would give women the right to vote for all officers. Will

you not at once write to your Senator and your three Representatives

asking tliem to vote and work for the success of‘ this measure?

Please drop me a line that you have done this


Chairman Suffrage Amendment Alliance,
February 5. 1917. “2 West Adams Street, Chicago, lll




(The Passing of
Anna Howarcl Shaw


National Woman Suffrage Publishing Co., Inc.
‘71 Madison Avenue, New York City






 w“ c.

(The Passing of
Anna Howard Shaw

The joy which recent victories have
brought to the advocates of woman suf—
frage has suddenly been changed to a grief
so intense that it cannot be lightened by
any future triumphs, for on the evening
of July 2, there passed from among them
forever their beloved leader, Dr. Anna
Howard Shaw. Not even the death of those
other great leaders, Elizabeth Cady Stanton
and Susan B. Anthony, left such a vacancy,
for they had lived far beyond four-score
years and their great work had gone into
the hands of younger women, but Dr. Shaw
died in the fullness of her power and there
is none to inherit it. She was seventy-two
years old but her wonderful voice was as
rich and musical as in her youth, and her
keenness of mind and force of expression
seemed to increase with every year. Dur—
ing the more than two—score years that she
urged the cause of temperance and equal
suffrage she had no peer among women as
an o 'ator, and during the past two or three
years that she has been pleading first for
loyalty to the government and courage to
win the war, and then for the League of
Nations to end war forever, she has had
no peer among men.




It was because of her power of oratory that
Mr. Taft, president of the League to En-
force Peace through Arbitration, called Dr.
Shaw last winter from her home in Florida
where she was obliged to go each season
because of repeated attacks of pneumonia,
to speak in one or two of the Southern
States, and as the weather was not severe
she did not return but kept on speaking
for it and for suffrage. She was about to
finish up her suffrage engagements and go
abroad for a rest with Miss M. Carey
Thomas, president of Bryn Mawr College,
her devoted friend, when the urgent sum-
mons came again from Mr. Taft to put
aside everything and accompany him and
President Lowell, of Harvard University,
on a speaking tour of fourteen States from
New Hampshire to Kansas. She cheerfully
cancelled all engagements and the Euro-
pean trip, spent every night on a sleeper
and spoke in a different State each day,
often several times a day, to large audi-
ences. At Springfield, 111s, she was sud-
denly stricken with pneumonia and after
several weeks in a hospital was able to be
taken home. Here she seemed to recover
quickly and on Sunday appeared almost
well, was singing and laughing and plan-
ning for the first summer she ever had
been able to spend in the beloved home she
had built twelve years ago in Moylan, a
suburb of Philadelphia. 011 Monday she


had a serious relapse, on Tuesday she be-
came unconscious and on Wednesday the
dauntless spirit yielded to the master hand
of death.

Dr. Shaw literally died of overwork. She
could not refuse a request to speak for a
worthy cause; she never spared herself and
never gave up to fatigue, but was sustained
by her will power, her inexhaustible fund
of humor, her optimism and her faith that
justice must ultimately triumph. She died
at the height of her glorious career. There
is some consolation in the thought that she
lived to see the victory of the two reforms
to which she had especially devoted her
life—prohibition and woman suffrage—but
she knew that much work was yet to be
done before the victory was complete and
she wished to help in this work. It is some
consolath’m too that she lived to see the end
of the wa' and the dawn of peace, but to
make both definite and final she realized
that a vast amount of time and effort must
still be expended and she wanted to give
from her own store to its full extent, so
even this consolation is shadowed With

Dr. Shaw died for her country as truly
as did any soldier on the field of battle and
the suffragists would rather have it so than
that she should have been sacrificed for
their cause. It was because of her splendid
work for the political freedom of women



6 T1111 I’AsSINe or

that President Wilson and the members of '

his Cabinet who constituted the Council of
National Defense chose her to head the
Woman s Committee and organize and di-
rect the work of the women of the nation
during the war. These were the most
critical two years in the whole course of
the suffrage movement, as the Federal
Amendment was before Congress most of
the time, but when some anxious one would
express sorrow at the loss of Dr. Shaw’ s
much needed assistance she would answer:
“I am doing the best work for suffrage
that I ever did in my life. I am in daily
companionship with men and women of 111-
fluenee whom I could never otherwise have
met and have countless opportunities in
many ways to make friends and sentiment
for it. ”

The movement has now passed from the
period of propaganda into that of svstem-
atie,01ganized political work and in this
Mrs. Carrie C hapman Catt, the national
president, is unsurpassed, but it is a grave
mistake to say that Dr. Shaw s task was
finished. SI 1e spent two precious days at
the New York headquarters before starting
on this last tour and never had she seemed
to be planning so much to do 111 the future.
She was looking forward to the great cele-
bration when the la at State should ratify
the Federal Suffrage Amendment, she
wanted to help put the new League of

 ANNA llowAno SHAW 7

'NVomen Voters on its feet; she was desirous

especially to bring the women of the world
together again in the International Coun—
cil of Women and the International Suf—
frage Alliance and begin the healing of the
wounds of the war. Above all else she
longed to take part in the vast social re-
construction which promises to absorb the
time and effort of the leaders of thought
and action in all countries. Dr. Shaw felt
that with the new influence and power that
had come to women they would be a strong
factor in the solution of world problems,
and, 110W that she was soon to be released
from her forty years’ work for the suffrage,
she rejoiced that she would be free to de-
vote herself to these national and interna—
tional questions. Her loss is irreparable.

Only the relatives and nearest friends at-
tended the funeral services, conducted by
her lifelong co-worker, the Rev. Caroline
Bartlett Crane, with a tender and eloquent
address by Mrs. latt, her closest associate
for the past quarter-of-a—century. The See-
retary of 'War had sent an officer from the
War Department as his representative, and
the League to Enforce Peace was repre—
sented by its executive secretary. A wire-
less message of sympathy from the Presi-
dent of the United States was read and
there was a magnificent floral tribute from
the White House. Dr. Shaw lay under a
covering of golden-hearted roses from the




National-American Suffrage Association, of
which she was vice-president—at-large, pres-
ident and honorary president during the
last twenty-seven years. Every room was
filled with flowers, some of which had been
ordered by telegraph from as far away as
the Pacific. coast. Pictures of Susan B.
Anthony looked down from the walls and
articles from her home were scattered
about the rooms. Built on the edge of a
ravine through which flows a brook, with
immense oak trees at the back and embow-
ered in vines and shrubs it is a simple,
comfortable house, which Dr. Shaw toiled
many years to pay for and beautify. She
had never had leisure to spend a whole
month here at any one time, but Lucy
Anthony, her private secretary and com-
panion for thirty years, niece of Susan B.
Anthony, had kept it always ready to wel-
come its cherished mistress. As she lay
thereamong the flowers in the stillness of
death the vision of her public life faded
away, and those gathered around her
thought only of the charm of her hospi-
tality, of her generous, loving nature, of
the sweet womanliness of character which
held her friends by unbreakable ties and
won the admiration of those even who op-
posed the measures which she so fearlessly

I stood long by her side and gazed on
that noble head and face in the majesty of


death, the Medal for Distinguished Service
and the “suffrage flag” with its tiny
diamond stars resting 011 her breast. I re-
called an incident that occurred some years
ago in Amsterdam, where a congress of the
International Woman Suffrage Alliance
was being held. Dr. Shaw was to preach on
Sunday evening in one of the large Dutch
churches. Two men back of me were talk-
ing contemptuously in English of “women
ministers,” when she came in and walked
slowly up the narrow winding stairs to the
high pulpit. In her flowing robe with her
crown of white hair she looked like an angel
and one of the men exclaimed: “What a
beautiful face l” She seemed to speak with
even more than her usual inspiration and
when she had finished he exclaimed again:
“What a beautiful mind I” Could he have
known her he would have said: “What a
beautiful soul I”

The night after Mrs. Stanton died Miss
Anthony wrote: “It seems impossible that
voice is stilled which I have loved to hear
for fifty years l” And so today women in
all parts of the world, who at the great
congresses of the International Council and
the Alliance had listened entranced to this
matchless orator, are asking: “Can it be
that voice is stilled forever?” There are
no more appropriate last words than those
which were uttered by Dr. Shaw herself as
she stood among the snow drifts by the



open grave of Miss Anthony in the late
afternoon of March 15, 1906:

“Dear friend, thou hast tarried with us
long; thou hast now gone to thy well-earned
rest. We beseech the Infinite Spirit who
has upheld thee to make us worthy to fol-
low in thy footsteps and carry on thy work.
Hail and farewell!”



W'hile President \Vilson declared that
we want nothing out of the war, I said
in my own heart: “It may be that we
want nothing material out of the war,
but, oh, we want the biggest thing that
has ever come to the world—we want
Piaee now and Peace forever! If we
cannot get that peace out of this war,
what hope is there that it will ever come
to humanity“! W'as there ever such a
chance offered to the world before? \Vas
there ever a time when the peoples of all
nations looked toward America as they
are looking today? Men and women,
they are looking to us as the hope of the
world, and whenever I gaze on our flag,
these stars on their field of blue and
those stripes of red and white, I say to
myself: ‘I don’t wonder that when
that flag went over the trenches and sur-
mounted the barriers, the people of the
world took heart of hope.’ 7’

From last speech of
Dr. Anna Howard Shaw.






 " (The Cbeooore Roosevelt memorial



What Does Theodore Roosevelt
Mean to You?

We believe his name must always stand for:
Active, not passive, citizenship
Vigor of life I
Robustness of belief
Courage in thought and in action.
Energy of will
Protection for the weak
A stern and square justice

A warm and vivid human understanding.

These are the qualities of a sturdier citizenship.
They are the qualities of a sounder American


They are the foundation qualities of a robust


In memorializ‘ing the quality of Theodore Roose—
velt’s American citizenship we are therefore making

no merely personal tribute-—

We are perpetrating the spirit of a greater


“Roosevelt House”

The VVoman’s Roosevelt Memorial Association
is acquiring Colonel Roosevelt’s birthplace at 28
East Twentieth Street, and the adjoining property
at 26 East Twentieth Street, New York City.

The place of his birth is to be restored and the
interior reproduced.





A Living Memorial

“If any friends of ours wish to commemorate us
after death, the way to do it is by some expression

of good deeds to those who are still living.”

So wrote Colonel Roosevelt to a friend a few years
ago, protesting against what he called “meaningless

mausoleums and monuments to the dead.”

Only a living memorial will fittingly do honor to
this most vital American.

We have chosen this birthplace project because
we want a place set aside for the objects and ideas
that characterized him, pervaded by the influences
that developed him, a gathering place for the men
and women and boys and girls he loved, where his
voice may, year after year, be clearly and strongly

It is fitting that the women, and the mothers, of
America should thus in this concrete, symbolic yet
practical way, in the place and the house of his birth,
“hand on the torch” of that vigorous flaming never—

dying spirit to the youth of America.

The citizens of Fayette County, men and women,
of all races, religions and political parties, who have
been impressed by the outstanding quality of Theo-
dore Roosevelt’s Americanism and Patriotism are
earnestly requested to contribute to this memorial.
The name of each contributor of one dollar or more
will be recorded in a permanent way at Roosevelt


(Mrs. Leslie Combs)
Chairman for Fayette County.

(Mrs. Samuel J. Roberts),
Vice Chairman.




 lthVhat to (10? (Small leaflets. Fine) 5 for .0]
ll Rainbow Flyers (in colors) Very good. (i for .01
12 Democracy Demands Suffrage Dr.R,.Phelan 5 for .03

Do you know? Carrie Chapman Catt. 2 for .0?)

. How it Works in Colorado. Sarah Platt Decker

Judge Lindsay, ....... . ...... . ........... . ......... :3 for .03
15 Why Women Should Vote. Alice Stone Black-

well ............................... . ......... For Debate
16 The Real Point. Mary Ware Dennett.

DEBATES-Dlebates may he managed for effect-
iveness and stimuiation of interest, but unsupported
statement, acrimoruouS retort, fiippant ridicule are not
to be substituted foit sound autlmritative argument or
the general courtesyldue an opponent.

PLAYS. There are th ee short plays suitable to
Eighth Grade and High School Pupils. “Before the
Dawn." “A VVoman‘s‘.Influence,” and “How the Vote.
Was \Von.” The lastsa story of how a man was won
for \Voman Su'fi‘rage by having- all his dependent wo—
men KIN come to live with him. has been given with
great success. Address Beatrice Forbes Robertson, 21
W. 8th St.. N. Y.

SUFFRAGE RESOLUTIONS: It is expected that
this department will endeavor to secure the adoption of
resolutions favoring Equal Suffrage at meetings of the
people. especially thos' COIHTIHsed largely of women,
such as women’s clubs. teachers’ meetings. etc. This.
because ’tis said “‘«v'OF/IFCN DO NOT WANT IT.”

It is urged by the S~ it". P 'r‘sident, l\’Irs.W'. A. .T ihn-
ston, that all the Suffrage. o"-._-‘ini7,ations and offi'ers
join this denartment in the pus-hing; of its work for the
next few m mths
fore. the close of schools in NIiv. Will you heln us?
Wlth the hop-r that all inter-hm" panics may help in

\Vh'ttc'ver (1 me must be done he-

some wav. v~\'en if that way .-n€ mutinerl here. and
thlt .o-I ‘1va offer sll‘rg‘estl . ">4 as to modifica-
tion or betterment of this, I l-
Very corona. yours,
State Chairman Dept. of Education K. E. S. A.
8729 Lane Street, Topeka, Kansas

Prize Essay Contests in the

Kansas t. chools.

Traveling Libraries, Etc., under the

Declamations, Suffrage Plays,

Auspices of the


ESSAYS. The Kansas Equal Suffrage Association
willolt'er prizes to the pupils in the Kansas schools for the.
best essays on the subject "\VHY \VOMEN SHOULD
VO DE.” The plan as outlined here is offered for the
help of those having the work in cl'large.

l. The Contests will be arranged as follows:
Class A.
porated towns.

Class B. Cities of the third class.
Class C. Cities of the second and first class.

"he rural or ungradcd schools and uninCor—

II, In all classes the essays must be read before the
school at a public contest to which the patrons and gen—
eral public shall be urgentl v in vited. The winningessays
in classes A and B shall be read again at a county con-
test with others of like class, the winning- manuscripts
from which shall he sent toa Congressional District
Courest. and the winningr essay from that shall he sent
to a slate. contest. In Class C large emphasis must be
plain-«l on the local contest. and all possible pul-licity
given. as thedistances between the la rger cities make
further contest impracticable.

Tll. It is suggested that in classesA and B the first
prizi‘ in the school district be $2 50. the second till 50. the
th""” 7w Ql W‘- lhat in the counlv contest the first prize
hr “7"” the unpond 89:32.0”. the third 3?? (10: that the dis-
trict 'u'ize be $10 for the first and 955““ for the second;
that the state prize. be ‘35)?) 00 for first and $10 for second.
It is expected that the County Fqual Suffrage Asucia.


 tion shall provide prizes for the school district and
county contest. that the congressional district organ-
ization shall provide for the Congressional District and
the State Officers provide the state prizes. It is urged.
however, that wherever pOssible, money be solicited
for this purpose from people in the immediate locality.
This secures greater public interest and has been very
successful wherever tried.

IV. All essays must be written in ink on only one
side of legal sized ruled ink paper. with one inch mar—
gin on the left and one half inch indented paragraph
l\'lannseripts must be folded once length-wise. endorsed
across the top of outer page with fold to the left as fol—
lows: writer's name and postoffice address, name or
number of school or school district, and class of essay
(A. B. C. l

V. The essays must not exceed eight hundred
words and must be the original work of the contestant.
Quotations taken collectively must not exceed one hun—
dred words. must be designated by quotation marks and
so used as to be known as quotations by one listening.
It is understood that this does not bar any pupil from
the three well known methods of gathering material.
namely: from reading. from conversation. and from his
own personal experience or observation.

VI. In making decisions judges shall mark on
composition, thought, and delivery (when read l.

VII All contests. essays and prizes shall be un-
der the personal supervision of the countv ciiairman of
the department of rw‘ulfrage education. who will arrange

.for as many contests a possible and the distribution of

all necessary literature. Secure the eo-operition of all

newspapers in liez- canntv in giving pnhlicl‘y previous
to contests. secure prizes from i teal parties. etc, to the
end that as large 2; cr rvd as Triéfilllit‘. may hear the pro-
gram. This deoa‘tm‘nt wouie apnreci ite C‘DPleS of
newspapers containing these :iC-3onntr-z. .
IJITERATUREC :~ * no“! in i‘tll'li‘illl)lltl:.«-;_

are new in 5921‘." -L. - Work 5‘:.': i-n-iui-r be


l'r'pular. h’Ial1v " ”it“

State 'l‘ra‘Jeling Lil'n‘ary, Topeka. Kansas Sam-
ples of best Sufi‘age literature may be obtained
from 507) Fifth Ave. New York