xt70rx937t9n_527 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Vote for the Woman Suffrage Amendment, broadside text Vote for the Woman Suffrage Amendment, broadside 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Folder_1/Multipage26115.pdf 1910 October 11 1910 1910 October 11 section false xt70rx937t9n_527 xt70rx937t9n   





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State Federatiens That He. e Endorsed Woman Suffrage   -


Illinois Maryland Oregon
California Indiana Minnesota Pennsylvania
Connecticut Kansas New Hampshire Tennessee
Colorado Maine New York Washington
District of Columbia Massachusetts Ohio , West Virginia
Iowa Oklahoma



‘ , ' “I am for unqualified woman suffrage as a matter of
human justice.

“It is unfair that women should be governed by laws
in the making of which they have no .Voice.

“MEN would feel that they were used badly if the?
did not have the right, and WOMEN naturally feel the
This is State Question No.8 and is‘placed same. SAMUEL GOMPERS'

I “i’m in erfect harmony with the declaratiOn of the
i" i -“ American Fe eration of Labor, which has endorsed the de-
mand that woman be given the right to vote.
“I ersonally believe that it would be for the good of
US AL for women to be enfranchised.”
“I have always stood for the SQUARE DEAL, and-
that’s the only square thing on the'woman suffrage ques—
tion as I see it.” JOHN MITCHELL._





instructions te Veters

Vote for the Woman Suffrage Amendment


on the list of Amendments to be voted for
November 8th, 1910.






There are four Amendments on the
printed list. The LAST one refers to giving
the ballot to women of our State and reads
as follows: ’


State Question No. 8 initiative Petition No. 3

“I would advise all the Workers of America to work
for Woman Suffrage.

“My message to them is COURAGE.

“I never made a speech on any subject without. 1' .-
ing in Woman Suffrage.” ‘ KEIR HARDI






The purpose of this amendment is to
authorize women to vote under the same
circumstances and conditions as men may
now do so under the laws of this state, and

this purpose is effected by striking out ,

the word “MALE” wherever it exists as a
limitation in Section One (1) of Article
Three (3) of the Constitution of the State.

Shall the Bill be Adopted :7
YES ['52]


Vote YES to this Amendment, State
Question No. 8.

tection for the WOMAN WHO TOILS.










her hours of labor and the conditions under which she must earn her livelihood, and,

Whereas,——The Oklahoma Federation of Labor believes that a square deal for- every man should be accompanied
by a square deal for every woman, we therefore pledge ourselves to work for the ballot for the women
of Oklahoma, as a measure of justice and as an essential step towardthe IMPROVEMENT OF LABOR

I CONDITIONS. Therefore be it

RESOLVEDz—That we earnestly pledge our support to the Woman Suffrage Amendment now pending,_ and
heartily urge our fellow-laborers to work and vote for the said Amendment when it shall be sumetted

at the polls.

Men and Women laborers you stand together in Work and in Hardships; A


that Oklahgma women be given the vets? This petltion .
signed by meg” LhaDW-QQ “““msn‘wiio believe in justice to
women. Please vote for this Amendment when it comes

before the people at the polls. The vote is the great pr:



There are 6,000,000 Working Women in the Unit-. ,
tates. Will not a vote be worth as much to them as to '
working men?


Resolution for Woman Suffrage

The Resolution Committee of the Oklahoma Federation of
Labor, at Convention in Chickasha 1910, recommended
the following which was unanimously adopted:

Whereas,——The Oklahoma Federation of Labor stands for“
equality and justice, and therefore at its Annual Con-
ventions has endorsed the question of the ballot for
women, and . -

Whereas,—The chief protection of the workingman is the '
ballot, and the woman who toils equally needs thls pro-I
tection in order to secure the legislation Wthh affects‘

stand together at the Ballot Box to protect your Interests and your Jobs. ‘ .