xt70rx937t9n_549 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Wills text Wills 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_21/Folder_5/Multipage27432.pdf 1870-1905 1905 1870-1905 section false xt70rx937t9n_549 xt70rx937t9n  

KNOW stem as mass anaemia, That 1, Moss ear, of

the €4%y*fif“wfifiafig%fifiyz$3’the County Ofifl3¥fi£$£ and State of

Kentucky, having been appointed a Trustee of certain property

and funds by the last will and testament of‘Laura Sutton Bruce


deceased, the portion of her said will referring to said


matter being as follows, to~w1t 4

”FUURSH 2 I give, devise and bequeath to Baura Clay, as
Trustee‘ my cottage on N; Broaflway #718, also my part of lot
on Bruce Street. both of these pieces in the City of Iexingv
ton, with shares of steak Sufficient to make Five thOusanfi ~
dollars §$5,@00¢ Xhouse and lot included in this ambunt).
This amount is to be used for the work of the National Sufw
frage Association: 'Ehe Trustee is to use her Judgment as
to how the money should be used«”

And It said Laura Clay, haying aoCepted said trust and
having begun to carry out the provisions of said will and

being desirous of using and declaring my judgment as to the


use of said property as is provided in and by said will and
fearing that my possible death might prevent my fully execute §
ing my plans, I hereby appoint as custodian of the said prop-
erty so deviSed and bequeathed to me in trust, the Treasurer

of the National American Woman Suffrage association, and di-

rect her to pay the inc0me and interest from said trust prep—


erty from time to time into the treasury of the National Am-
erican Woman Suffrage Association, to be expended for the
general purposes of that Association until such time as that
Association or its Kentucky auxiliary, the.Kentuehy Equal
Rights Association shall institute a campaign for securing to

Kentucky women the right of suffrage, and then and at that


time to use from both principal and income of said trustipropeé

ertyy sums cf money for payments for Speakers°salar1es,






postage, stationery, literature and sueh other eXpenses as
are incident to a suffrage eampaign and when and after the
right 0f suffrage has been fully secured for Kentudky Womefi
to uSe the remainder of the principal and interest of said
trust property for similar expenses in the State Whiéh hext
after the enfranchisement of fientueky women has a suffrage
campaign; and if any balance of said trust preperty then ree
maingin the hands of the said custodian to pay such balanceiv
into the treasury of the Nationalfkmerican Woman Suftrage £5“
sociation for the general objects of that organization,«

I give these directions as to the expenditure of this
trust property in accordance with the direction of said.&eurn
Sutton Bruce in said wills Ihe National fiuffrage Assoeiation
to which she referred in her said will is the one with Whiph
She for many years had workedt the Natianal gmerican Human
Suffrage fissaniation whieh was the Only natiOnel organization
for suffrage work Whiph existed at the time of the exegution

of her said will, Or at the time or her death¢

Wlffififia my hand and Seal this //;7 day cf .A%%1 i///

./7 ./Zfl
, m, ,1 ' ‘ q .44 . , 3W
‘V1L;}!‘.Mufi ‘.

“Women m we meme?






, (_ ’
I: flp/flfféé @(Zz/%6a NOtaW 131113110 in and
T_T . ‘ eh
for said County in the State aforesaid, DO HEREBY CERTLFY

that LAURA CLAY, personally known to me to be the same persOn

whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, appear-

ed before me this day, ifi person, and aeknowledged that she
signed, sealed and delivered the said instrument, as her
free and voluntary act for the uses an& purpeses therein set

GWEN under my hand and Notarial seal this / 7 day

4 ./A,, D. 19045\
:‘Wkii'tffiftihi‘fi‘ 15306. // //


 . .0066. I0
.wo._m 53:6 234 3241557 To:

.WE m>>><|_

.5538 Saw 9% 5338 fig“






To my Frecutors:

T desire none of my personal estate sold,

out giVen my family,as follows:—


I giVe to my sisters my dear mother’s ring to be
vorn by them a year alternately (T suggest). it the death
0? the last one T leave it to Weria Q.Dudley, T also leave
her my papier macha card holder,breakfast castor and photo
of her parents,her Father’s giftsto me. A liquor stand,


book holder and a small silver Spoon engraved F.K.H.,ner

mother’s. To Hrs.J)‘nn Reid I leave my Spoon holder,china

{A : :v, 3/;

card flate,Truit{gasket,atomizer and egg—wimer.'ro my Sister
.W.Clay,l leave my silver butter knive . To Laura Clay
my watch and holder,eiderdovn comfort,the boxes in bed
room and Warming pan. To Mrs.fiary Clay and MrS.C.Spears
my Silver Spoons and forks equally divided between them,

There are one dozen of each kind of spones,table,desert and


tea,four salt Spoons,one soap ladle,twc dozen forks,dinner g

,z I

and tea. To Mfs.M.Clay I also leave my mother’s napkin ring;

plated baskets,waiters and custrels. To Mrs.J,Bennett5—
half dozen silver knives. To Wrs.Annie Crenshaw,— T leave my


ice pitcher and tat several articles 5 gave her mother,—waif


er dc. To Mrs.$ydney Clay I leave half dozen silver knivesl


or _ , 7 3

To Vrs.Alice Kinkead I leave my green china. To L.P.Tarlton5
1 leave my parents’silver tumblers,and my father’s mugs,

books,paper—holders, and my silver salt~cellars and picture
0? Ashland. To Jere R.Morton,my nephew,1 leave my escri—

toire,dictionarv stand and Universal Pronouncing Dictionary.

To Mary Rogers l leave my mother’s chair with white rolers

a bracket,Vhite and blue flower vases,(these are Judith’s






gifts to me). My SCrap and paper jars and telescope,bwarth-§
brush out of my room,that is,tbe one that belongs there.
To Mrs.James Embry T leave the largest photograph of her
uncle,C.C.Rogers,steroscope,sea shells,cbair protector,pic~,
ture of Library wall and the third of my books. To sannv

Rogers l leave my knit loung cover,porcelain kettle,japan-


ese tooth-pick holder and saucer and the third of my books.
To Laura R.Rogers T leave my octagon comfort,scratcber,the
text “Thy will be done’,tbe tbhmlpart of my books and some
picture on the Library walla To Baura Morgan l leave her own
and her mother’s portraits,her own and her sister’s and
brother’s photographs; also a little painting of her father’
in the Library with blue eyes and golden hair. To Mrs aees
Robbins,Denver,Colorado,T leave my underwear,my ca.e lined

with fur,jet—brooch collar bag,red and vhite,text gfie lead—

e'b me” and a picture in a blue frame. To Oliver H.8mall—

wood 5 leave Doyle and Mank’s Rible,Shakespearanw scrap—

book and his photographs. To W.H.May I leave my late bus—
band’s,C.C.Roger’s photograph framed and small,a cane of his
cut from the yucca plant at his mother’s in the summer of
1860. All of my Furniture undisposed of 1 leave to my rieces

the daughters of M.J.W.Clay,J.G.Hunt and Thomas a.War¢ield.

“fly vehicles and horse sell and give the money they sell f“or


to the oiocesan mission of the Protestant Episc0pal church
n Ventucky.
Should there be any articles in my house my nieces
don’t want T Wish my executors to dispose of;
Witness 4y hand this day 3rd of L‘ebwctary,1888,
Laura P.Rogers,
Codicil: 7 leave WrS.G.W.Ranch my camp chairs and parlor

telescope brush. L.G.Rogers.



 have sent the ic’t th O.M.Sma}lwood. Please send
im by freight car Trwin “Life of Washington” instead of
Bancrofts “History of the U.S.’
N.B. Do not send my c30thee to Mrs.Ro]]ins. my family must
dispose of them as they think beet.Apri] 5th,]8803Hr~.

James Rollins died March 3]st,’90. L.RdRogers,

N.B. I wish all my bedding not diSposed of given to the



Protestant Tnfirmary,and my face towels,if not too much wort.


. . . i
If any of my family want the mars s n.R.Rogers counter~

pane: let them have them.








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