xt70rx937t9n_550 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Wills text Wills 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_21/Folder_6/Multipage27465.pdf 1916-1941 1941 1916-1941 section false xt70rx937t9n_550 xt70rx937t9n  




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 NEW 1TOT1K Trims

|_F1om Final Edition of ‘11:..1211111 a T11VET3 J




Keystone View 00., 1920

Received Vote for President at
1920 Democratic Convention,
First W01 12111 CO Honored

LL LXINGTON ,K1T. , June 29 (AP)
p—Miss Laura Clay, nationally
' known as a. pioneer in the woman’ s
suffrage n1ove'111ent, died today at
her home here. Her age was 92.

She was one of the first women
to :3111 up the equal suffrage
1110131111115: t, her speaking trips tak-
ing 21:: ;nto sen er 1 States The
‘ ' mint of hei careei, however,

51020, 1.111111. at the Demo-

:,tio:.1 7 Convention, she

1e fir ' 2-1'01112111 to receive

thc ,..1'ie1'1ti111 non/1311.-

., recr... 1 the honor as a,

‘ i. the 1 :1'111‘1‘4 of servg

:‘ende: political and;
' .5113 1111 5.9::s.


13111131119: 11.. icnerrfl Cir-.1T

Born of the 211110115 C‘1r-1 T 1:3111il

011t110k3,, L111 .1 _ .s"_~* thing of.
'~ "'31:: 1111151111311.
' 'o sway
1e: ortn ina-
1-1111 11T‘11'1e1-1, 1111011,;11 long
fought for equal rights
Kay 11313 1:01.: on a, farm‘
«1111 Conny Ilentuclij 1‘. on
‘49, the ‘ 1ghte'1 of Gen-
.1'sius 311. and niary
.11'fiel1i . 1' 1 father'
11.1ix1ister :1 ' 1;, " when
::. was '7‘“ ' ~~ by the
; Unmet; States. he cousin of;
iI{e11‘-11;c}:y’s fameo s"‘atesman and.
‘ orator, .Henry Clay

Miss Clay conipie ed her school-
ing' at the Universit1o.Micl1ig'an;
and a: Kentucky :3 Late College-1',
now Transylvania College, g1 1ad~§f
Luating‘ from the 111‘;th in 1870. '

She soon started an active nub-T
lie c11reer.After eighteen 19ers of]
effort by her and other Kentucky
women, the Kentucky Eoual
Rights Association was formed at
Covington in 1888. She was its,l
first p1e51dent and held the office
twenty- two years.

One of the chief aims of the as-
sociation was to extend the pzop-
erty rinhts of married vomen.
Wives had few prpo erty rights
then and the strug g‘le to convert
'the Kentucky Legislature “as a
long one, but finally it was suc-
cessiul Ln .vs weie also passed
making husbands and “hes joint

:uaidinns of their children instead‘
of vesting (111 the authoritv in the‘




 TTTH’J’H .v CUT?! {rjv

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.1 »‘ 7' , {‘L . -.. ‘. m; r: . .1“. .1 .| C“
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in the nafiure a. pm v;_1;:8 z:


coveari II.‘1_

“f Mugub ”I: 8+1

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and, ordered. “so 1808 "L -.~.

OW1ng an accounting of her 8081 Vi“iSS

.-..« - ‘ .7 a. 1-» n "‘,« I, :1 a
0118 85.1,“; ”Ullka‘aij- 213$ f0 drilaJ 010.1188 OI

311108 is ix. words and OllOVS,
"17011331311 1' give, Lure“; Clay,
"’u u:s*:c—36, 141:],O0.1.1,E;e also 143] part:

of 101: cm. 1331106 8'33 88 111 the Cj.“i’3y of

hGX' 11"; on, 'a‘fi'fi‘? shares


1 _ fl:
fiO make 11ve

ffihndsand Dollars; ($5000.00 included

.>.-.-4 a. hi1 .‘ ,‘. . .. ‘
881011315). 1111:; 8111011213 1" *3


anal Suffr; ‘2 .c“afiimw

‘de. C


- A s-‘v H x u- , 4 '
(Jammy (,1 <81“: on. [113.1511
She furnace)?

1\~.~2;-.w..,n"*’ 88

she 00213111115“. to use

73118 purpoz‘ae of 011;) 8111315 ,2. woman isuffrzxge maendmenfi


.8 CoxmnonW8aLl‘ch of Kentucky.


 Under the will of Laura Sutton Bruce the following preperty
funds were received by fdura Clay as trustee:

Vacant lot on Hfuce street, Lexington, Kentucky, and % cts.

house #718 Forth Broadway. cgpraised at 33100.00 and cash I900.00

On account of an error the second sppraisement was made:
whe vacant lot was appraised at 1200.00
The house 3518 ‘ " ” " 1100.00
fine trustees of the Good Samaritan Hocnital refunded in cash 800.00

Receipts from all sources; Cash from Executors 1900.00
Refunded by trustees of Good Samaritan Hoopital 800.00
Sale of vacant lot I200.00
Rule of 4718 in three peyments;
First payment less exfienses of sale 307.00
Second and third payments 700.00

Totsl income from sll sources 8881.99

Total receipts. *8088.9§

M 3 cts 8773 .52
rotsl expenses ------------------ $715.865

?syments to Suffrage workers w~6077.02 15 57
firesent investments at purchase vclgg_ 1980.75 .



leance of $15.72 in hands of trustee


Prelent investments at purchase value are ~~~~~~~~~ $ ctl.
Two Good Samaritan bonds, 3500 denominution. #15 2 1000.00

Jan.6, 1921.
Fourth Liberty Loan bond, $500.00 coupon.

UGOOI87937 2" " " ” 100.00 "

# 10067410: .
# 300674109 " 100-00
: 0005741025 100.00

Total face Value, $800.00. I Purchase price
June 17, I922. #J00507899, Fourth Lib. Pérchale price 101.27
Cct.15. " Treasury Saving: Certificate 01101782 20.50
Dec.26 2 Denomination $50.00 Fourth Lib. 105243410 49.77
Apr.17, 1924.050.00 Fourth Lib. £306001948 55.46

Dec.26 " 50.00 " " J05717929 51.72


Payments of income and principal to Suffrage workers.
1904-1910 To Rut4American Woman Suffrage Association 542.93
1908. Oregon Voman Suffrage A880. 300.00
1909. Oklahomnw. S. " ~ ~ - ---~--- 364.00
1912. Ohio " * 200.00
1918. Louisiana Woman Suff.Aaso. ------------------ - 74.03
1911-1917. Ky.Equal Right: Association.-Prinoipal- — — ~,~

" " " " 1900.00
71 fl 7! n n 17 Income _____, __ _, .. -1027 .53
1919—1923. Citizenl Committee Sttse Suffrge Amendment - 668.59
Total ‘ O .
.................... +§------
Dre-ent Investment: ------------- 1980.00

Balance in hands of trustee ------------- 15.37
Total - —- ------------- 3‘3—T_"EEVBTTZ"


 Items of Income neceived. $ eta
1904-1919.Rent from houle 5718 on H.3roadway----— ————— ——4- 1561.000
1904 Bent from vacant lot on Bruce Street -------- 20.00
1907—1925. Interest from Good Samaritan bondl ------------- 1085.00
1907-1916 . Int on Coale note: 1026.40
1911 Donations to make checks even -------------- .03
1908 April Interest on Mra.Jacoba'note ---------------- 60.00
" Sept. ” " " " 25.55
1920. Int.on T.L.Farren note: 10.05
1907-1921 Int.on deposits in 9avinga Bank 83.84
1921- 1925 Int.on U.S.Bonda ----------------------------- 174.19
1918- 1923 Int. on v.9.”ar $cvings Stamp: 7.56

Transferred insurance policy when $718 was sold - 8.60


Total Income 3881.91”

Item: of prenses Paid
1905-1919 City taxea on real catatein Lexington ----------- 196.60
1905-1918 State and Fayette County taxel on real estate -- 112.50
1918- 1924 state and Madison County taxaaon G.Sam.bonds----
1905- 1919 Repair: on 9718 ----—--—- - - ~ - ~ ~ - - —--- 197.568
1904- 1919 Commission: for rcnting--—-— - - - - — — - -‘- 10.50

Legal and clerical services
Charles Kerr-—IO0.00

u n 5. 00
Clerk: making recorda--- 1.00

I06.00 ~-—Ime.oo
1919 Insurance ---------------- - - - - 67.18

Total exPenael ..... .——"*7f5j§ .


 Under the will of Laura Sutton Bruce the following preperty and

funds were received by Laure Cley as trustee:

Vacant lot on hruce street, Lexington, Kentucky, and
houee @718 North Broadway appraised at 55100.00 and cash
On account of an error the second uppraieement was made;
rhe vacant lot was agpreised at

The house %&18 ” " " "



The trueteee of the Good Samaritan Hospital refunded in cash 800.00

Receipts from all eources: Cash from Executore
Refunded by trustees of Good Samaritan Hoapital

Sale of vacant lot




xx -
fi/Ofio‘; 5114 %é%

Sale 01' «WIS in three payments; afifiwéi

First payment less exfienees of saleaALzéawnn,§y3€;
tecond and third payments

Total income from all sources



Total receipts.

,. . S cte
motel expenses ------------------ 7I5.85 V

Payments to Suffrage workers 6077.02

Eresent investments at purchase value I980.75
Total disbursements 8773-52



Balance of $15.76 in hands of trustee





 Iteme of Income Received. 3 etc
IQO4-I919.Rent from house 7718 on F.3':mnvav ~ IZBI.LI
I904 Rent from Vuc at lot on gruee J*r* ' — ~ — 30.00
I907-I925. Interest from Good Samaritan bonds ————————————— 1085.00
1907—1916 . Int on Coele notes
IQII Donations to make checks even
I908 April Interest on Mrs.Jacob8'note
" Sept. ” " ” ”
1920. Int.on T.L.?arren notes
1907—192I Int.on deponits in Savinge Bank
1921— I925 Int.on U.S.Bonds
1918— I925 Int. on v.8.5ar Savings Stampe

1919 Traneferred inaurmnce policy when #7I8 was sold — 8.60


Total Income 5881.9q' 9/

Items of Expenses Paid
’I905-ISI9 City taxes on real eetetein Iexington ----------- 196.60
I905-I9I8 State and Fayette County taxes on real estate -— II2.50
I918- I924 Stete and Madison County taxuson G.Sam.bonda———— 25.49
IQO5~ I9I9 Repairs on “718 ~ — -——- 197.58,
I904— I919 Commiesions for renting~——-a — — - - — - - — — 10.50
Legal and clerical services
Charles Kerr—~IC0.00
" " 5.00

Clerks making records--— I.OO

W "$06.00
I904— I919 Ineurance- - —— _ - - _ _ _ - _ - _ - _ _ _ , _ 67.I8


 Present investments at purchase value are —————————

Two Good anmnritnn bonds, ;500 denomination, $1& 2

Jan.6, 1921. a
Fourth liberty Loan bond, $500.00 coupon,

0000187957 Av " " " 100.00 "


# 300674102 " 100.00

, 000674103’ 100.00

* Total face value, $800.00. Purchase price

June 17, 1922. 4100507899, Fourth Lib. Purchase pricv
Oct.15, " Treasury Savings bertificate QII01782
Deo.2o a nonominntion $50.00 qurth Lib. KC52434IO
apr.17, 1924.$50.00 Fourth 11b. £H06001948

Dec.26 " 50.00 " " " J057I7929




--------------------------------------------------- ~ 15.80;"??—

Enyments of income and principal to Suffrage workers.
I904-I910 To Hot§Americnn Woman Suffrage Association
1908. Oregon Toman Suffrage A$SO.

1909. Oklahomaw. S.
1912. Ohio " ”
I918. LouiSiana loman Suff.Asoo. ............... - - _ _
1911—1917. gy.Equal Rights Association.-Principal- - — —


— — —— .- -

" " Income -—- — - —

ISI9—1925. Citizeno Committee State Suffrge Amendment -
* Total

f\ - - - _- _ - _ - _ - - - - _ - - - - - #4 ......

?resent Investments ------ - _ - _ _

Balance in hands of trustee— - — —


. I000.0C
— I900.00





Total — —— — - — _ - — -















I, Laura Clay, do hereby make the following codicil to
my will.

I direct that the fourth clause of the will be so changed
that it will read as follows:

I direct that my Executor shall deliver as soon after my
death as possible to my niece, Helen S. Bennett, Richmond, Kentucky,

my niece, Laura C. Bennett Garland, RichmOnd, {entucky, and my

nephew, Warfield 0. Bennett, also of Richmond, Kentucky, the rest

of my jewelry, silverware, household furniture, books, clbthes
and similar personal effeCts in the manner and to the persons
/\ -~~- -~—“"‘- 7 ' .. ..
designated in the memorandum attached to this will. Z£;i -
1* " '

I hereby confirm and reaffirm all the remaining clauses

of my will.






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 PETITIO «:u—\

To The
Senate and House of Representatives of the United States.

We, the undersigned citizens of the United States, over 21 years of age, hereby
petition your Honorable Body to submit to the Legislatures of the several States for
ratification, an amendment to the National Constitution which shall enable women

to vote.


{9145/}: 7;? Wfifi/VVM/m/a‘ %:/va gig/V Qua/W

fOZMLM 4/1/VL // j/W/fiz/ fWZ/J zLy¢iML¢ //?> g aye/ca V1 1111/17 '12

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