xt70rx937t9n_554 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Scrapbook text Scrapbook 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_22/Folder_2/Multipage28014.pdf 1877-1896 1896 1877-1896 section false xt70rx937t9n_554 xt70rx937t9n lMI‘VIr. , A y I h
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. 1111 S11 l‘111‘1gc


r E: 11;!» 151/ {1’ ' _ ' “1111110121 1V. -.
1 I; 1 ~ 5 ‘
EC 0 N S F .1 T U T10 N J l 5’ shall have a 11:"rizc11 othce

'1.“ 116 A551); 7111,1111:
eV‘ei‘V District (11‘ 1111111113."
lice ol“ the 2111x111:
:1 central o‘l‘lice 21;;11c11 olaee as 1l1e 1‘1: .‘1-1: 1111 VL
inittee may (letL;"111111e.


Adopted October 27, 1881.

TIIE- ~—

.I;\1:’r1ei i; V.
PRF. A3111LE211‘11e 111111111151’1ned tiieiids (11 \V onian
S1' 11‘1r1111e 1)CllC‘.\‘inQ that 1111111V iepi‘e sen tatch State

oifrani711tioii i511eLded tor teh ored ‘1“ 11nd e11icient

the Woman SntiiagL inoV1111e111: in cut therein.

piosecntion (>1

1’5 entuchv. VV 111111 5111111 cinhodV the 1(1ihei ‘ate 1ct101. ‘,\ADI)I,J-.mp\:__\L C111\17.5.i?..5‘.
ot thelocal (11(1‘21111/11‘1'101111111(1$112111C(ti‘W \VI th i{\th(ir 1111} person 111111 11(coiiie :1 “WIN,” 01“ the
“m 111Ll1‘V VV’ (11112111 Snlli: 1er Association 1 V .510‘iiiiio‘ the

united VV‘ei 9111‘? (lo hei‘L 11V torm the l\Clll’.‘(1C1{\'
1’.\.5.‘5‘oci11tion. .

1+\111’i‘iei.1c l.——N1\Mi;: )1‘ 11 lite memhei‘ 1>V 1111\i11;> the sum ()1 >110.

This. Association shall 1361(110VV11 215 the Kei'it11c1~f_V
Woman Sut‘l‘i‘age Awociation.
‘ 1’\11;i‘iei1i; 11.—— 911] ji;L‘:r.

115‘ ohiect 5112111 111 to concentrate the eilorts 01 1111211 meeting) or 11V

111 the 21(1Vocate5‘ (11. \V oiiiaii .311111‘1100 in l\entUCk.“‘C0118111C1‘1'21t'11111 ()1 .5‘e1‘ ices l‘endei‘e1‘1.

SlaCl‘ION 1. '1. o torni 1111x1111 11V District. or Coui'tVi 3101.11.81.15. 01 local SOCicties shall heeome
A5511ci2itions‘ iii L*V‘e1‘_V‘( (ingressu‘inal District or Of this
CountV.1 1V heiL none such now exist) and to 00— Committee Shall
onei‘ate \‘V 1111 those alreadV existinor VV hich shall de—
c1211‘1.1hcn1solec 1111\ili111‘V’. the (inthoiitV ot‘ the aux-


Honorarr iiienihei‘s nia_ he appointed


iliai‘V 5.1(1cieties hein}; I'C‘1)1f"zliilZC(i11111111311l'CSpCCllVL. "OFFICERSQ‘Q
1 1‘\ er. 1 111011115 .
localities, and their plans proniottd 1} P7651467“:
ranVei. ...,..,.,,._7. 1- T, . , T -
in on. i ‘ ' 1V11SS LAL‘RA CLAX. LEXINGTON. Ixy,

SEC’i‘. 2:. To hold an annual meeting (11‘
for the transaction (11‘ husiness and

(l clog-gates

. . 1766 Fresh/0112‘.
the election of

101135“ 11. \VARD. L()I_JlS\'lI1I.E.

oflicerst {or the ensuing) \e’ 1r. 2110 one or more State ~
W 1
Conventionst for the 11dVoc11cV‘ ()1 VV (11111111 S1111i‘af1‘e. C073 Sec/"(lama
‘ bEC'l‘ '7) ’11) F:CCUtC 111(3197 (10(‘(IIUL11‘L‘5 21111.1] ()ll‘lL‘i' AIRS SX'12\'11L\ (£OI)D1\I{.T)
printed matter tor the supply ()1 District 111111 local
seeieties, and individuals at actual. cost. Rec: ' .S‘errcm-ri'
SEC’i‘. 11. 1‘0 prepare and circulate petitions to the AIR ..A C. BO\V'1,‘11“R.

State l1e<1‘15111.t11re or to Constitutioiiai C(imV‘ei‘it‘ioiis.
in be halt ()1 the legal and p )1itical equalitV ot VV om-
en: to e111plo_V 1( ctui‘eis and agents: and to take 1111)
11141151111: the 1;1\‘IL--c.ti. e Coiiiiiiit‘11e m (V th 1111.: tit, to
{Ol‘VI’al‘tl the ohjec ts ot the 1.‘\55()ciatioii.

fXI’LTICLJ‘L 11l.-—--Cil‘.C1I\1NTZA'i‘tOX.


MRS. E '1‘. HOLES”.

C flair/1mm 1911117111120 Com.

S \RAil 13R Al‘T C1 XRR

SEC/1‘. I. The otlicers (11‘ this Association shall he
a President. Vice President, Chairman of the Exec—
utiV 1: Committee Corresponding" Seei‘etai‘V Record—
1110 Seeietai‘V. 1111(1'1‘re115‘1iiL-1‘. all (11 VV‘ hom shall he


Dr. John A.Octe1‘10ny,

Mrs. Kate A. ()cterlony, Mrs. Alice Harrington,

eV‘ 0/711 10 meIinheis ot th 1e 1‘1\ec11tiVI e Committee. 1115.16.11. Keithncy. 11..., 1111111135111...)

SEC122.EIVC1V President (11 1111 auxili 1111‘V‘ 1)iStiiCt Mrs. Harriette 1. Kelly, 1111.1. Virginia \VI. Lewis,
or CouiitV SetietV shall be LY.\ OZ/IUO a \ ice Presi- Miss Sally S» "1:1-“101111 “1510:1111 Linn.
dent 01 this Association Laura Arcorn. ‘ 1115. L. \.Johnston,

. ‘ . 5 - 1 Mrs. M_ 1“. W011, Edward \V. \Vard,

SECT. 3. Evei‘V Chairman ()1 die .Lxccutive Coin- \1111 H .. 1er: 111111 1. ”mm“

1 5‘ V. . . . . ‘ W , » '1: a :1. 1.: , 1 1 .11: ,
'mittee of 2111 auxdiai‘V District, or County Secret)" Virgin” 1111111111. Mrs.C.S.‘.\lara1)1L-,

shall he 6X (r/ficio a memhei‘ (1‘1“ the Executive Com- 31115.8. Roberts.
mittee of this 1’.ss(1ci:11:ioii.“ _-.k 2““ W ~77
S]:C’I.4.111C218€.5‘ VVhei‘e no 1111\111111 V District or
County Association exists, .1 snitahle person maV' he
selected 13‘1 the 21111111211 iiieetino or 11} the 1‘1xccutiV’e
Cmnmittee, 11.5 \ ice President or iiienihei‘ ot the EX-
cutivc Connnittee 111.1111 said 1_)i.~.‘.1:iict oi Count), to -
serve until the organization o1: said District or Coun—
. Association.
4SECT. 5. The Executive
vacancies: that may
1nL eetiny.

Coi'iiiiiittee may till all

occur prior to 1‘1‘1e_,1iext 21111111211

SEC’i‘. 6. All (‘itliceixs shall he elected aiiiiuallV
an annual meetingol (1e1e15ateson the basis of tlie
r()ii’>ie551011111 i‘epi‘eseiit2 t.ion (11 th 10 i‘(*: ‘TectiV e Di s-~
ti‘iCts except as ahoVe proVided.
SEC' No distinction on account: of 5e_\ 1511 all
evei he made 111 the niemheiship or in tin selection
of officers 01" this SocietV.
SLEI C 1‘. 8. No moch 511 all we paid 11V the '11‘eastir-
e1: e\ce11t under snL h restrictions as the Executive
Committee inaV provide. P

SEC’i‘. 9 i‘IVC 111111110115 011L5L>1ecurive Commit
tee shall c0111" titute a quorum
. SEC’J. io. '1‘he ( hairniaii shall convene a mee t-
1110 01 the 1L\‘ec11111e Committee Whenever request- "

.I U 1 1
"1 to do so 113 1ii‘eL 111L11111e1‘5 of that Committee.




.IL 1111111111 1

1 in connection with the 01-;
Society therein. 111111 5.112111 have

"‘ - ' u n j I ' I. f
1111*; Constitution 11111‘.‘ he amenneti at an} annual
meeting 11y :1 \'i)l,C (11‘11‘1i‘ee-11‘11115 o 1" the delegz‘d‘e5 pres-

Ken —

Loiistitutioii111111 11211111; 11:11 sum 1111.11.00111111112111},
.5‘hall entitle such ipt 1.5on to attend the1111.5111e5sii'1eet-
1112.51(sfdelegate: and participate in their (.lelihei‘a-
1M the 1111-
the Executive Committee. in

Association on such terms as the Executive

Mrs. Mary B. Clay. Richmond.




31x rEEaTH" 1111111111 ‘ MEETING.



, ('Continuedfrom Page 3.91.)
~ Mrs. Mary 1’. Clay, of Richmond, l\"y.,
reported for Kern‘ueky :

-, Llcxmo'roN, K13, NOV. 15, 186+].

We went before our Legislature last
winter (it does not meet this winter). and
asked “that women might have municipal
and presidential sutl’rage by statute; that
"in 111arriz‘1ge women nught own their prop—
erty. as men own theirs, that. women who
were married 111ight be the legal guardians
of their children‘s pmpcrty and 171ersons as
well as the father; that women physicians
should be appointed with equal responsi—
bility and authcu-ity: s ass'stant physicians
- , in insane asyl11n1s,and that the appoint—
ment- ol’ all the oliices in such asylums
should be made by the Legislature, and
not by the Governor, as now; that women
be appointed on Boards of "Visitors and

"" “1.99? . .-



en are inmates or i111prisoned.” None of
these petitions were brought before the
House. One was brought before the b‘en—
ate. but for want of an advocate was: not
passed. A married woman's property
rights bill was brought up in the House,
but not such an one as I think would have
improved our condition much. The old
eonnnou law prevails in our State with
slight modifications.

We have an organization in Lexington,
, Ky.; Miss Anne W. Clay is its leading
, ,5, spirit; she also edits a column in the Lex-
~-" ‘1 ington Gazette. Wehave also one in Rich-
"): mond; Mrs. James Bennett (my sister),
t5 leads there, and edits aeolumn in the


K ’3.-

.WA/ , «a .-


Were invited to speak in Lexington in May;
we had a good audience composed of the
‘élite of that conservative city. Many per-
?sons said to me: “Yes, Mrs. Clay, every
word you said was true, but still it seems
, somehow not a woman's place to vote;”
1" but there are a good many suti'ragists there
11,“ who say nothing, being afraid to do so for
.3 many reasons. All women cannot be he-
" roes, and it takes an immense deal of cour-
' age to go against the teachings of society,
church, and state, to advocate a forlorn
hope, as it seems to those who are 1min-
formed of the advancement made by wom—
3,‘ “en sull’ragists. We often hear that our

4.....‘zw '.




1 women do not want to vote: well, l say,
.2 1‘ so long as women are dependent on men
~ 1 i for their daily food, having no right to use
'3 { their own property, having none to their
‘1— ' clothes, children, or persons, are forbid-
A, L

, N



den to read suii‘rage literature or attend
lectures on the subject. as some women i
know have been, it is diliieult for any one
to know what they want or do not want
7 on that subject. lint the leavcn we have
t' sowed is grmhmlly pervai'ling the whole
l i lump. Wmnen are being recognized and
' given places’of public trust by the men,
1 who even elm-t them by their ballots over
‘1 other men, to fill State ollices, such as
' ‘ County Clerks, Collectors, State Librari-
’ ans, Census-takers. &c.,—thus gradually
; preparing the. way forgiving us the ballot,
I which they must do to be consistent. For
if we are. rapable of holding otlice, we cer-
tainly are. capable of voting for oliicers.
Our press is quite courteous to us wher-
' ever we appear in public, and many news-
papers are willing to give us a hearing
through their columns. I believe our men
' generally would be brought over to our
. side if they had the question put fairly
; ' before them; they have not thought on the
1‘ subject anymore than the women hava.
‘ and it is so all through the South. Then
there is a. very small proportion of foreign-
ers among us to contend against. it we
had a good live working woman living in
Frankfort, who could get the ear of the
legislators. and urge them to take up our
petitions, there could be much accom-
{ plished during one sitting of the members.
‘ I shall visit them every winter it possible,
and perhaps weary them of our plaint and
get them to do something toward our
emancipation. i say *‘emancipation,” for
s long as we are denied our civil and po—



WOMAN’S "me»‘NAL,s;zgcn-e

Commissioners to all asylums where wom- ,

Kentucky Register. Mrs. ,lennett and l f


”" '. :usar—N-"w-v I A

‘ ‘D
, BDAY. 191m ‘1 _ ,
litxeal 1'1ghts we are po 1t1cally slaw es, ant
need (1111:1111‘ipation. ’l‘hese. we have 1101‘
so long as we have'uo voice 111 the 111:1k1ng

I of the. laws we are forced to obey, and are

taxed without representation and tried by
a jury not of our peers. This condition in
the chse of men is. declared by all Anna-1—
can statesmen to be civil and political slav-
ery. MARY ii. (sitar.

1 ss


, .




(m; .7“ '“..' ........__. ......;:i.‘. t.


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. .w:

. ..-_ -..__..V._.._.‘










held in Des Moines,

‘ At the'Tlm-z‘vemh Congress of Women, , _ ( 1
Iowa, Oct. 7th, 8th :mthh you were elected /,%67

‘l .7 ,



/ ,



' 1 ‘Fredom’a, N. Y. ’
0.7:. 17,1uw :1,



'—»-OFFICE 01:77,

“m.”.:;‘;-_-.-.-.;,;;;;._.L;: 'm ;.‘,:‘,":':,x’: A : ' ‘ ‘

Emmmn mama gufifimga flxgmiafinn,

f1 5 PARK STREET, 1'\:

15)05/0”9~,j(z% ....... 2...? .................. 786:7".
(A.L-—&/L "éfi Mr A %&



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viflCEl’ B‘Es‘tfe' ’ less
73., .





line-Court ofpllppsals Decides in
' anvOr' of Theniin’Ali Inter-
' " eating Case.




lfi‘lic Lower Court Sustained in the Ac:
i tioit' of Miss White vs. the State


Board of Pharmacy.



lSpecial to the Courier-Journal.]
Faanxronr, KY., Dec. 15,—The Court of
i 'ppeals to-day decided the case of Bessie
1.:[VVli'ite Vs. the State Board of Pharmacy.
" 153 White, who is now the wife of Mr.
; é:Milt.‘ Huger,» a prominent applicant; for the
' :United States Mnrshalship of Kentucky, is
the :Sister of Hon. John D. White, of
_ Luisville and a graduate of Ann Arbor,
zines; Sue-wee'the first female who ever
applied in‘ Kentucky for a. certificate to dis-
pense medicines], The State Board refused



lesneka .Certificate, although she"
‘her_ fee exhibited her

'_ .‘ and ofifered to stand the test of any '


Law and Equity Court to compel
d to‘liissue the certificate, and the

befipp‘ell _ e;Cdurt, now nihi'ms.
.3318 decision is as follows:

iofiBhe behool 01‘ Pharmacy of the Michigan Uni
" sity. her diploma as a “Fharmaceutical
'st". bein: dated June :28, 1683. The Uni-
ty‘is regularly incorporated. She apphed
' Kentucky State Bond of Pharmacy on
b r 8. 1883, for registration. as a. regis-
sistant pliarmacist; paid the required
‘xh hired her diploma and even offered to
uniined. They rejected her application
8‘ ground that she. was not a graduate of
cy within the meaning of the law, and
as d to examine her. ’lihereupou she, by this
{applied {or a. mandamus to compel the
o ri‘ to admit her to registration.

Jilin. Pharmacy Act (Gene 'al Statutes. p. 993)






vides:- * .
' ‘SiiICTION 1. It shall be unlawful for any per-
, niess i'egistvred pharmacist. or registered
, .sis'tant pharmacist in the employ of a regisv
“ pharmacist. or Unless acting as an aid
he immediate supervision of a registered
. , heist ora registered assistant phnrniaCist
_ WW1 in the meaning- of_ this act. to retail. coin-
'.andlorydispense mediCinos‘or porsons except
c after provided. . .
"f-Any person. in order to bearegm-
maelst tr aregistered assistant phar-
,t Lin, the .ginezini'ng‘ of this". act. shall be
‘ ” 5raduatein-pharmacy..a nracticmg phar—
a. practicing assistantin pharmacy.
ii pharmacy shall be such as have ob-
. i'ploma from a regular incorporated
egevoi’lplinrmacy. Practicing pharmacists
' i be’sucli persons as. at or pl‘lOI‘_LU the p-lSS‘
”this act. have kept Or continue to Keep
ions for compounding and dispensing the
ious'of medical practidoners, and for
to. liiig'o'f"'drugs and medicines. and who
‘ all’av‘e declared their intention in writing of
,‘pping open shops for compounding of pre-‘
dip ions or medical i'uractitioners. and the re-
‘ of di‘ugsaud medicines. and such other
who. after the passage of this act. shall
eclared their intention in writ-
, g deepen a shop for compounding and dispens-
(n, to prescriptions or medical practitioners.
' “r retailing drugs und‘mcdicines, shall
' e 't least threeyem's of practical experience
‘6 business and shall have passed a satisfac-
xaminaiion before the State Board 01‘ Phar-
i‘acticiug assistants in [)hzll’lll‘ilcy shell
persons as shall have served live years
tely Dreccdiugtlie passage or this act
shop or shops where the prescriptions of '
f til rectiiioners are compounded. and such
" T is'ons as have served three yeirc ap-
ces‘hip in" a' Bhopal“ shops \i‘hel'L‘. the pro-A
’ ' " .ofA medical practitioners are com-
tl'.‘ lave furnished a. certificate of sober
" 61 odd moral character from the Conn
‘ t‘ he. county in which he resides. and
’ ed‘a satisfactory examination he‘
‘ Board of l’harinucy. '
' " board shall hava- power to make
nd all necessary regulations for the
’l llliient of thui duties under this act.
cuties of said board shall be to exitin-
’ ntss'l’or regi noon; to direct- the
the regisu- s of all persons prop: ,
entitled thereto. and to report to ,
' he General Assembly











. . _ .. V \ ‘ thea'
terialao the co, Side-ratiou-oi thwq
volt/ed in Luis case.

pjensmt: pharmacist
eludes the other.
19114 as a “


. ‘allbllsiflhj.
the second section chum; "


.6 ii :5 the qualifications for registration 1‘ : c‘oni'erred
' 1,.liurrnacy. it re: chutes two classes oi p:l’S~'n > 0y." It is. hCitievslf‘ u
unuer the title ' of practicingr pharmacists Wad: etc of a. School of p”


are entitled to he entered

First—All persons actually in the busxness_,of=
pharmacy at the time of the passage of the act
and who inuy declare their intention in writing

a ~ontinticiii it. ‘
(Euclid—All persons not then in the business.
.. who may uccril'c their intention in writing of
going into it, provided they “shall have at least
inrcc )‘(Pll‘s oi practical experience iutlie buSi-
nesszi; d basin-ill have passed a satisfactory
exa ninaiion bulmo the Board of l’iiur‘iiiacy. "

Version-5.0! Luv lll'HE class are not required to
submit to no. L‘Xi‘lllllllailull as to their cs; erieuco
and q:i..liilci‘ilious. ’l‘no sfiiie section provides
in substniicv. first. “than all persons shall be on-
rried to in) ri : ercd jll’ucllCllig cesismut
pliirinacisls a. hour on L'XllllllllitLlOll who nave
inid five years experience iiiiiris‘iiiaieiy preced-
ing tile passage of tile act," and second. those
who have served a three years’ apprenticeship
in tue business and pass :23 satisinctory ex-

its registered pharina‘v, of pharmacy. The

one. In its broad

'and college (in: co
to speak of
'“school. "
. their final
arid the Colleges 1
are so tci'iilell 1)
ticular school is
the facts ol‘ the
biiiously so style it
Here, however



In Nbrtii




as shows it to be onei:
man so stamps it. !

Its "School of l"
departments. midi
-j in an advanced in
the term "collcgl


mnlnation. it is equally clear that i other. T“? 23““?
all graduates in pharmacy shall be entered as l ( shite 0" ha.

' Chemist," and it
‘graduato of the ri
College. or of the
l Yale. or of the Dar
i not a graduate of
to say that a, grad
mncy of the Unit
graduate of the 1.
Pharmacy are cor.
by the Vanderbilt
j girlie, Iowa, and
l as high as any in
graduates in‘ pharii
pharmacy. The S
.liiichigan Univnrsi:
schools of a like git

registered assistant )lliizi'llll'iUlSiS. ’l' he board has
no right to inquire into liit‘ quaiilicatnons ot' the
two Classes oi persons who may apply for regis-
tration; iii-st, those who were actually ongugctl
in the busiis at the ol’ the passage of inc act;
and second. graduates in pharmacy. in can not
reasonably be Sill)L‘O;\€Ll that the Legislature in-
tended to enact a law requiring: persons wno had
then been in a business l’ul' perhaps the greater
portion of a life. to passa s .tisl’actory oxnniina-

ition us toit holore a La" " of Examiners or
else abandon i;; and ii. is clear. from the lan-
guagc of the act, that if an exal’ni‘natl‘on is not
r.:quircd of this class. that then graduates in
pharmacy ot‘ an im orporate college are also en-

titled to be registered without submitting to if.




. 7 sons properly qualified or entitled thereto.”
WY..VVhite.10f Kentucky. is a. graduate

this writ. which
where the rig-lit is clear.
carer. may be compelled by
may be required to pass
but not in a particular way.
judgment may take can not
thus produce a. particular result.
stance. however. a plain duty was to _ .
fol‘tiiod. provided the applicant was a... graduate
in plilil'lll..cy of an incorporated college of prior.


the not should not be restricted to the graduates
Dion incorporated college of pharmacy or this i
think they nould have said so. Moreover.
not probable owing to the scarcity of such col-
.c,::cs in this state.
‘sideraiion of the _
is a graduate in pharmacy of an incorporated
college of pharmacy. ‘ .
pear-to agree that the term of pharmaceutical.
:bemist embraces that of pharmacist. _ . ,
_ :cr is one who prefesses the knowledge and skill
let-cesary to coziipoiind a:
yhil-c the'former. _
ind , skill. is also able .toziaiialy
nixsdulteration.’ -_'fligl.:iipivl

. , - .
'l‘iio :si:coud .sectiou expressly says what {lf‘gnle-Yl'lfhe Eh“).
classes of persons shall be exaliiined—~ d e “EDEN-jibe}
c.2-prissio uiiius est ea‘cliisio altcrt‘ns—and ”fangmmflyifl
inc provsion in the fourth section ““5 “1155119. but be

relicallynnd pract
safety and health oi:
to See American we]
these honorable pur:
ization in every cou
ly kept pace with til;
’ ' e Braliinin’s vri
body; the Mohain
the man; the liusbut

was iisnari be the duty or" the board to examine
all applicants. must be held to refer to all those
Whom the act has already provided shall be ex—
amined; and this view is Confirmed by the fact
t. a. there is immediately coupled with the pro-
vision the further one. that the board shall “di-
rect the registration by the register of nil perv

if this construction be incorrect then all of the‘ , _ .
second section relating to an examination is sur- . 8.1.1). 1196.13. “‘1’le to 9"!
plusnw, as Well as the words “or entitled there-,. 5‘ {$2.13 £11. Lgalfl 1‘;
to" in the i'ourth section. it is urged that the".| “or” “1 “m- \6.

act was intended use. police measure for the pro- i hind us, and ”3 ‘5 gra
tection of the public Irbm incompetent drug-
gists, and that therefor-cit

‘. amino“! 9. longr way i
J udgnient nil‘irmi—d

. should be construed'as
to require all applicants to he examined. Uer-


titiuly that wasits object. and beyond question
the law is n. salutary one; but until a. compara-‘
tivaly late period tin-re was no law whatever
noon the subject in this State.
‘lilte any other was left to
some 0)." the States the Legislatures have re-
'siibject it is reasonable to presume that our
legislature concluded that it was a. sufficient
step in advance l0 require an examination or all
persOns. save those than in the business and
wiitluutes of incorporated colleges of pharmacy.
it does not exempt the graduates of colleges’of
piléll‘lllii,cy generally, but only such as are lnCOr-


the registration of
.nn apprenticeship with an a.};iotliecary. is invalid ~ '
‘ris- to those engaged in the business when the
law was enacted and as to the graduates of iii-
corporated colleges of pharmacy.
tion exi.ts by virtue of the legislative act. It
draws its breath irom it; and any rule or act
violation of it is ultra, virt'sand void.
forniaiice of an act rests in the direction 01 the
person or body oi? whom performance is re- :
is to be exercisedgor the act be
character, depending upon the discretion of the

and the business
regulate itself. lit.

yiew ;

legislaie upon the

. _ ‘ subject; - and
ot legislative

history upon the


cud and under the aegis of tile law.
hows that any rule of the board forbidding
any one who had not served


Tue corpora-

If the per-

mandamus will notlie. 1f judgment
ol? a. judicial
w :0


perform it, then a

interfere by means of
ought not to issue except
Even a. judge. how-

it to act. Thus he
upon a bill of exception.
The direction the
be control ed and
In his iii-
E'isl- Der-




Ilf so. theisoard nacl no discretion in the ;'

It was simply their duty to diiect ilie if

And in such a. case the Wilt will lie

In our opiniOn the term graduates as used in


1f the Legisla iire had so intended. we '
this is
This brings us to the con-
question. whether the appellee’


scientific authorities as
’i'he lat-
id dispense medicines. »
in addition to null Knowledge

ze hem and d'eteCE
edge'of analytical





ghetulstryi‘s added to that
. and the one in: / ,.
’l’he graduation of
irihurmacfliricui chemist" 1le
the honor of a” “graduate
rsrvid that be is the :rudil- "
4» ntl not of a. college?
term hisC‘llOOl“ is

tionnl institutions. g9
il'v‘r’l‘ltlble terms.
educational institution


Eduction :zi‘e lil‘lllfjll “solicmiss.”
' l‘ll'll‘llli’l yof this country
‘ United Commissions of
\i'uvm‘. whether any par-
a college or not depends upon
particular case.
self and not be such.

an institution stomped as

__.., v . . .


Really. l


a. university or col‘m”




"l ltllji'ijll-‘lH



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tint its, Khlfifi

y, MAY 17.

'i ,. FRIDA

At it called meeting of the Board 2f
thurators of Kentucky University, A
1 April 27, it was decided to admit
omen students to all the advantages
' the institution. This action was ‘
ie result ofa petition presented last ‘
one by the Fayette Equal Rights ‘
ssociation. In response to this, a



l MET HERE T0 00





:The National Conference of From
: tioiiists Coiivriicd at Lieder-
f kriiiiz Hall Last Night.


l'-”\‘-—-'- --.-*"


. l .
, immittee was appomted to consider ‘i from All PM” or the
e advisability of opening the Uni~ l l‘lllllld Mill“-
; u‘ .ty to women. Pres. C. L. Loos, l _ -.~

hairman of that committee, cor-

uonded with the authorities ot'rnore

, L: twenty of the principal ‘col-

" l in the United States—Howard,
{on University, Columbia, Cor--
lAnn Arbor, University of Mis-

"Eipi, etc., and the testimony was
'rerwhelining in favor of co-educa-i
5‘. the resolution to open Kentuckyj
irersity to women was carried byf ,
1ianimous, even enthusiastic vote.’,’ Ht H“ d“ . ‘ .
gynmediate appropriation was made‘ i “”l‘“ a J L “”1 “m “M h


The State Convention He!
didaie for State Treasurer


ence of Prohibition Woi'l
evening at Liedeiltrunz ll
auspicious surroundings.

Long before l

for begiihing the large
tilled to OYL‘llllHYlllg

auditorium v

as ever lent
_ . icountcnance to
improvements to the college blllld—‘ ”rm

. JD

to accommodate the women stu-

p, and steps taken to increase the

Bourbon Stale. There has

a. leeling in this part




. . . .« . v , , -. , -, ,. l “Dd; ii need be) blOOd may .VCt Wille Ollt the Would have clear heads and um: lwzlrlst

t - ~ .~ ill“ a'ltcuipcranee lllBLtlti‘; lb “Ut tiiepiuce,‘ greatest sin of the world. Just as Gen. 51,6001,“ not mi“- honest [ul‘lll “In“ the
'l wnient by raismg a fund 0f 3‘57“ ”H the ”me, 1“” rather 3- ren'l Smith concluded, Miss Frances Willard, yard gum; is a dead line, and outside is the
l The opening of the University; dczvons tor the gentry with l’rcsideiitof the W.,C. T. U., appeared on gum,“ b‘liy molt,- a very (Jjgiiilicl and
”)8 announced and women invited Ibagg pnntaloons and threadbare coats! the stage, accompanied by Mrs. Jas. A. “may“ appeal l..." (m, duclpinc “Shirt
,3. . . yaudathe antique collection of old maids who' Leech, and was icccned With the most en- “it is not guild lor loan to be atom, '11!
”all themselves 0f ”3 advantages ,are termed “5’Lr0n1r_minde\l’£ and the “Ll lll'lSltlSllC applause. , politics any more than anywhere (Ase. The
,.}le annual calendar, “’9 hope'leycd widows W11: ‘ire c‘harit'ill l” 41‘: The Chairman next. introduced the Ilont s})0ul{81'1'€_‘t“:l\(:u lhc ZilliSl ciiiliii.~iiz;lic':_ii:i-
arents Will take this 0 ortun- V. b ,1 ( _ .‘ _ V ‘ ) y ere "M ,5 John .A, Brooks, ol i‘ilissouri, the recen, plauseat the conclude“ oi her speech. The
,y P_ pp fl” "Ant: “edlvmmded- ’lhe bit-“TE Whole, Prohibition candidate tor Vice President_ ‘ijrmun “Hi, intrudutzctl (luv. .St. John, as
'90 give Lllell‘ SOUS and daughters a 1n the city, on the contrary, composed the} Dr. .llrooks is It line looking man and it very lthe man who beat ,lfilillllc out (it the l'ICSiV
giate education side by Side. The audience at the conl'erencc last eveninr', and i Pll'fil-‘Tfl-“t Weak”- He paid Ll VOW neat 001“-

a stranger in the city con

. ,
fill Rights Assocmtion is to be con- .

_J any diliercnce between

’iiilatetl on its success in opening

I the audience th


. . . a: - d here and havinfr carried awn with ., : d t , - . kind ot"licensc. not oan b0-
~ . lst ~' 5. -...w M. i 15“”? , . a ‘ Y, opnote 0 in) . , .. _
{iii very inlportant educatlonal ad_ 1 encd it) the dlatlDaUlalle [Ln41,«bla.Cel him one oi the lflll‘USl‘ daughters of the State. (2111:1533 every Sitlobll lieOiiUl' zllil’l Poul-”31
{3; h , f St i? ll workers ”Pd “10 other one that laced 1h“: He said that the Republicans had a very bummer is for it, but beciiuso it is radically J
ages to l) e women 0 O‘UI' a 9» ll beautilullxirmessatlilacziiiley’s,511veinnum-i barren victory, as they had really not “3U wrong. He is opposed to local option, be-
ET- LAURA (JLAY, .l hers, andin that particular the conference was CBiVOd a lllll.l0rll.l’ ot‘ the l3“’l’Ul'dr "UV-0., and it" cause it is wronjr for any g""““'“*“ to‘

,, l

Lexington, Ky. l


a. favorites by o
halls and galleries were being packed with
curious and interested crowd, Eichorn
' full orchestra played
1 selections, the.“Old Kentucky Home”
received with enthusiasm.
'Prot‘. Samuel Dickie called the conveniio
to order shortly alter .9 o’clock, and invite
‘ all members of the National Executive Com
mitten to