xt70rx937t9n_59 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Laura Clay correspondence with Kate M. Gordon text Laura Clay correspondence with Kate M. Gordon 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_3/Folder_16/Multipage2365.pdf 1918 July-December 1918 1918 July-December section false xt70rx937t9n_59 xt70rx937t9n @6

Zfinuigiana $15112 finffrage Awmiafinn

mm. (1321!. 1112135121; Smith,
lat mitt—firesihent, fiaguille

£11m. 315mm 01. 1111111111211,
21m Hitc—lflunihmt, finnrnc

Mrs. Ennis ifiazkenjus,
3th flice-lflresihcnt, Alexanhria

Elias fink jjmtifier, 3112:. $32613
1445 Webster $1., New 0911951115


jjzan £11. @nthmt, fiteaihcnt
No. 18111] flrgtuniu St.
New (1191;12:11st

£11m. QR. 3:111. (Earwflr, Glut. Set’g
{New finabs

£111.33. filament»; ifiing, Eastman:
11129 335115211 $1., Shreveport

Mrs. £151. 11%. flawless, Auhifur
Qfiarhen (5111;

mm. fl. (E. {Smrhmtmtgly


4L: 1:.


 yl’v I/XF): ‘
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3’57 f 41:11; / 'A/ "/ "iv/5,19% M ’1 'fiza/é) /



 / / ~ /
(/fif/é W J [L 4/ (3&7
// é/ZO/NQ’MW //(%J~Vv¢y: firtéJ/i
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(5!" 3/ /

. [4/ 11/” // '

?’ 60L- 4W

”JV/ti: W42 £:/v4§::£v 4Zi
424% X4,


 Richmond, Ky.
July 25th, I918.
My dear Miss Gordon;-
Your letter and enclosurgs of July Eo'fi:
is it haul.
Yes, I wouli sign a lettqr from the OffiCOrS of the Sousa
Jomau Suffraga Confcrgnce to Congress , asking their endoraat
of a resolution of a a teuor of that which you enclose.

I received a letter from Hrs.Boyer a few days ago, is
whic; she ices not give much encouragement to the hope of so:-
curing her for the Louisiana campaign. However, she may do 9
for you.

I am anclsin; my check for two hundred dollars, to be used
for the ~ampaign according to your judgmont. $25.05 are framho
income from tbs Laura Bruce logacy; the rest from me. I anlnlosing
a receipt for the Bruco fund, as I keep a cargful racord of flhat.
Plaase sign it and return.

Plaase let me know if you have to paw axchango on individual


checks. It is more coannient for mg to send my own check, be-

cause I so saldom go to town. But I can always get a H.Y.dr2fiflhout

Give my love to your sisters. Let me hear how you come
You can dqpend upon me to do all I can to help.

Very cordially yours,



 Cg'fiuuigiana fitate

mm. @211. Meals}; §mitlp
let Bite-Bresihcnt, fiaguille

mm. flames @. mnutmt,
2n}! Iiitcéiflresihmt, fluttme

Mrs.“ Ennis; ifiiatkmius,
3th Hin-Hresihnnt, Alexanhriu

mist: Z‘Inis 31mm”, 33m $5261;
- I445 meltstet :51” New @rlmns

b 1.4.7 L.

‘y.-./_‘LIJ {‘1 “#5., LJx';.-

. .5

;' {

Miss Slum gm. Qinrhmt, fireaihcut
Na. 1831] I-Jrgtmria St.
New @rltans

"’ufftage Awntiafiun '

film. 3%. £11. (Earmtly, flint. $261;
New 3305215 ‘

film. filaments 25mg, firmware):
11129 @alzell Sh, Slprwepuxt

mm. gm. 1%. flawless, Auhitm:
Qfiathm (fling

film. B. (E. Starhnrnugh



 Richmond, Kentucky.
July 6th, 1918.
{My dear Hiss*Gordon,

I did not telegraph you, as you suggest, about

using my name, because I am not quite clear on some =oints of your

program. and because I think you will Weaken your position by telling
Mrs.Catt what you hear about Pansdell. She will only bring stronger
pressure upon him from hsr side. Again, I want to tell you of some
thoughts which have occurred to me since Sen§Overman said there are
4000 000 German spies in this country. I am beginning to believe it
would be a step dangerous to our country to enfranchise two thirds of
wgmen by Federal Amendment, totally inexperienced in politics and an
subject to the subtle propaganda of organiZed and subsidized Germans.
I haVe a long time been convinced that the demand for a Federal i-
mendment was not a single—hearted desire for woman suffrage. It is n
obviously not working on the lines of least resistanQ, especially
after the daclsrations of the dominant . ‘J I have thought
taking it up so strenously by the E.A.W.S.A . was a contagion from
the phenomenal su00ess of the Congressional Union. Then I also be—
lieved that Mrs.Cctt and others are ardently Federalists or believ—
érs in a greater centralization of our gonrnmnnt. I also believe
there arn many who are Just Republicans. and know the grnator sdvanu
tage will go to the Republican party; and who would also be glad to
See the Fifteenth Amendment vitalized, as you have so forcibly said.
Yet all these motives did not Wholly explain the tremendous s5

sweep of the demand. Has it occurred to you that there is a coinciu
dence in the Congressional Union taking up militant methods When

the finglish militants, for patriotic reasons, dropped it in'“ngland?
Has it occurred to you that there Seems some cornaction between Frau

‘Schwimmer's visit to this country even before the entry of the U.S.

into the war, now that she is known to have been in collusion with


 - -L

., some 0 ' “
OlnCllQnC’fgn 1n Lusfir

LUJrltfl. L" ‘--‘
T ‘ 110, «um timli‘

1 do not thin the
k Sn rnssons n ‘ f ms
ntoff? Is it true, as the ii%dsds%§fivfiflfid?@%timdifliflfié21 O .-@
CEHHS p“ 1 king
gph with Jhnm us vo1wxv

3:1:ng th :‘gfeldt Amend. from stu as °wh EwttW-memmwwt be

at } Jfl'] ' :‘i 2-! I ~ -\ '1 a a? K's Ia
[1&1 1:] o rt, 19 I I; !Jo @‘Lwfl‘tm ‘ ‘ ‘ {m “ " ‘ O
U ’0

_j-- "landmnn ,J.
lntoroqfnd in that Amandmnnt for the purpose of strengthéning the

U U (1.1.1563! SiliLU‘fl o

chances of a German peace by the influence of a majority of polit—
ically inexperienCQd women, who have had no political education by a
state campaign, who might be influenced by the propaganda of Germans
organiZed for the purpose a? ~Have thay OVerooked the point I made
that the Fed.Amcnd. would put women in a different political group
from white men, and would to that dngree take them out of the influ-
ence of men who had more politics 1 experience than themselves?

How I am aware that these thoughts may Seem chimerical, for I am
sure the leadnrs of tha suffrag ists are truly patriotic. But I do
know that most woman are ignorant of po;itics, and the real trend of
ébme-po;itica; actions ' and now that us knaw the Germans have been
working for years on our peOple and arq still doing it, I am influ-
encad by these thoughts, nd I am not willing for my n me to be con-
nected with the Congrqssional Unionists in any way; for I think they
are the originators of the grnaa.t imp-tus which has boen giVen in the
lust few years to the Amandmant, and if there are any doubtful loy-
alists they era to be found primarily in that group. 'There are oer»

ainly some coincidoncos in their uprising, and their course since.

I do not think thsSQ reasons hand DIQVQnt you individually taking
sucuh couns el witll than as you may think advisable. But I do not be
lieve that oithqr thny or Irs.Catt will be datqrrrd from going on
with that Amendmont. Irs.Cs tt may be turned to some other method onl
when she is convinced this is hopeless.
How cpuld”alststnts submit stats amendments at this year's Con—
grossional elections”. Do you mnan that they should recommand
them?. for that. I think. is all t at could be done in Ky.

The Papnrs state that Iouisiuna's amendmant is to be subtit-


ted in the fall of this year— I918. Is that true? If so, how could
you get Hrs.Boyer to help. as sh is now engaged in Hichigan? If, no
howaver, you amendmnnt is to be submitted in 1919 I heartily sp-
prove of securing Mrs.Boyar for that time. I could not guarantee
her salary; but I can promiSe to help with a substantial contri—

I cannot accept you invitation to go with you to Georgia. Just
now is a Very busy time for farmqrs; and my lqsving home would mean
a consideral financial loss, while I think the money I could mske
and give to the cause would be worth more than my proSane. You may
count upo n he to ho;d up your hands all I can.

Love to your sisters; and with much to yourself, I am

Cordially yours,

flrite me particulars of your campaign when you hsvn docixded them.


 Enuigiana fitate finffmge Afifinfiafiw

mtfi. (E521! mezl‘eg Smith: fifliss jjcmt JBSI. @urhmt, firezihrut £11155. QR. LIFE. (Entrutly, Glut. 535251;
lat Mite-firemhmt, fiagmllc 3N."- ISHU fltgtmtiu 2:31. g'Nciu 3Ruz~1b5

mm. Jjatfm Q1..1Mnutnn, New @rlemm Mrs. (“Llamas Zfiittg, fireman):
2m) Hire-fireszhmt, fi’fnuruc ' 11129 fink-.211 St, Shrempnrt

film-5. Zinnia ‘Lfimkwius, Jfifiw. w. if? flawless, Anhifnt
3th I‘litedflresihtnt, Alcxembria (Em-hen (Flihx

miss; Zfiuia jjmwier. 33513. ficc'y Mtfi. [11. (E. Stathnrnuglg
14-4-5 mums: $1., New @rlmns I _ 7 fiatdpitnrhcs
July 5. IQIS

my dear first Gfitfi:

I recaived year laéter returning tha $nti Literature wnfi regret
thfit you have been reportofi earractly for it 13 calculateé to

go great harm in the south and one cannot helg but feel that the
anti's are jastified in turning it so 390d account. Howevar if

it makes you ggpreciate that conditiana ané Bgfifichea that are ac-
ceytable in flew Hora and ether stafies mighfi be harmful ta other
sectiona fihe loss may yet be our gain. 1 note that'gou 326m ta
agpreciate that there might be $oma humarés far she Federal Amend
meat a fact which last January yen dia mat recognize-at 3119

when you wrate mg as yea difi a that time the letter that ycu did
I resented $0 bitterly your unwarrantad &ttack that 1 aatermined
to nave: vuluntarily initiate any corresyonaence with you. How-
evar i feel if thare is anything 1 know or may do to get the suf—
frage I am not justified in taking such a gosition. I therefore
am writing 30 submit two points of buaineas.

in La.
@hu first is that in fiha Gaming campaign *he fiafiiaaal stay out
of aha state and contribute no money 9r literature . I believe
we man carry the state and in fact the anly thing I believe that
cauld defeat us would be if aha idea got abrafi ahat the women
woulé ratify .he faaaral amenément. It is aha play of the liquar
pcgfiie and if is game in you wiil play the roll of ally with the
the liquor in the same way that we have charged the wemen antia.

Ths seeon£ saint I want to make is to as: just new essential to
submission Ransaall's vote is? whether hia withdrawal would Jaapar
diza the situation. I understand 30mg of the biggest men in the
’state have written him on the moral right sf voting to revive the
race iasue. find feeling is rufining high and will run higher as the
360916 awaken to the significanca 0f tha Fefiaral &mendmant.£ would
not be in the least surpriaed to see him- give you the go by plead-
ing the mandate 0? his sonstituenoy. 6f coarae' I do not believe
there will ever be another hederal gmendment aealing with the suf-
frage but 1 a0 believe the agitation hag been superb in advancing
the fiauae. I am therefure writiflg to ask you whether you would join
the acuthern fionferenaa ané with the fiaman‘s Earty farm a compre-
mise that might achieva the enfranchisemant of the wcman of the
Eniteé 3tatas as effectively ue the Feéeral Amandment if it could
ha put'over. if yau are willing to take the yrmgosition under con~
sidsration I will be glad to aubmit it. '

‘ Vary truly


 Isoo 1rwrahio st/

July 23, IQIB

L‘ss Clay:

Vour letter of coarratul tion and its inelos ure. i will

ee how the money comes in 1; it may he its nest service will

so1thern Conference.


As I pitdicteu/ the Amendment WES Submitted. The Eroup of Federal Auend-
:eni LdeTa*é/to the contrary notwithstanding. Thile they pretended to
”he loLvVLLV for the hill and ,laim everythin3 in si3ht I cannot oelietw m
that hohno hin3 with the liquor representatives, drinkin.3 cocktails morning
vnd ni ht, aioLin3 cigarrettes were vote 3etters. Tiie corments upon them
here anythi13 hut'complimentarVr. The political partisan are vahina a
fi3ht to save Ransdell. The colui one altho thbf had tzc ov‘rnore
sanction strucL a sna3 I 1» airaid had Iowell had a little more 3in-
ger my state ri3ht Irsolut1on woul lieve Vone tLrou3li. The other one
that Gemhle out in was an attack on tie S“B.n. 1 enumeet and some of the
z -n tLat favored it felt it night he interpreted 3V the Iresident as dis~
courteous. however that may he I sense one thin3 and that is that while
the President has used his influence to jet the .jtni 1nt submitted he is
pretty sure the t there are enouyh states to prevent ratiiication.

The ls tes, political 3ossip I haVe heard is that tremendous p re1sure is he—
in3 orought to bear by political leaders in the state ur:on La1s ell to vote
a3einst the 1rendrent. I am wondering if tiat is why theV have nosuo01eu
" Vote until Lugust. If the vote was as close as lae eLin3 one Vote with
”rate then his defection will he serious. he is not to no trusted.
tele 3rap Led he vould vote against but would support th Imendment in
This is a 011re—s on and I think an indicator oi the tide of affairs
. few weeks ago then I was ta loifl?‘ to the Uovernor and asked what
Voulu he Unions attitude he said he gill vote asairvt anv Lin; of woman suiL
TISBV i annot help out feel that the s 1th is aii 3oin3 to 3rant suffrg
and then block the amendment.

how that I ant to consult yen ah”“‘ ii 14" ‘ ‘,* 1 2- :u iron Ir
0 . the other daV. 1 told you she “a“ V “ ~ ” 5 1?? 7' ature I had
s.’ was oroving such a tid-hit to the 1ntis ”i'ch ’ :‘a- to criticize
7e oman s lartV she had attacked their Lind of *%m 1. . ause they
objected to being jailed V.ith ne roes . I reeei~a n - = saving
he had been very careful not say a thing that could be misconstrued by
the south and asking to see the article upon which I had based 1V criti~
cisn. I 1ortunattl" copy. Now comes a letter sayin3 D she had he
lrs/ Boyd conpar charts and her speeches from which the Crisis(the
nigger na.y asine ‘ e the everrnts and uractically they are correct.
n3s mijht he said in New York that would be harmful

_ ‘._.,_a

U} {a

'0 f‘fi
o. 34

Cr ; I

H. :5;

She then Eu its that
in La. end said if he were all for a Federal Amendment the hazards would
not he s great. The fact she now admits there id a hazard is significant
how mv ide' is to “r rite her what I hear about hansdell and if his defec—
tion taxennui as crea.tes 3 ~<1f7113 position to ask her and tLr Tonan's
Iarty to join in the mlouther morfcrv >1 for Congre :siona al recommendation
for the Party's to live up to their platform recommendations and have tthe
states all submit than amendmon n's at this Vtars con3ressional elections
I' ll arite to Guion and ilLiams and to Borah and see what can he done as
a compromise. ”ire me if this meets your agoroval and whether I can sign
your name.

“I“MWR01’f’éhéfiiifl7 I J I: erm CLUB ‘c', hour LITE bbfurc the: GU01 3:15. Bug/ioléfiuic ' wvuld
you join me there. I will get the Governor to use his influence with
the Gov/ of Ga. Ls Vou see as Caroline Heilley would say ”he”and the
Governor a ‘ 3 best of friends. I am very hopeihl of La. hen the
weather in r J. I want you to he with us for the Victorious finish.

Another thing

em 3oin3 to ask Krfi Catt is not to send any Ktl money to
#a/ and no spealers We dont want them and if they d eiv us on this point
it "LT: EN 731’ #1 Iihtratelj iefeat us if they can. I :ill send copies
of the letters i write and keep Vou in touch. If I can 3st some one to
undertake the responsibility of rs. EoVers sale-IV I will try and get her.


1:18.178 1'11 G


 :x10_7noruz, .;*.

333.53Ch, 1918a

annrwciafiw= Vnrj much your 1n 1 «t srfi,
of ”our camoui n. I did not anawnr the
a lwfifinr TOf ’ ” TaniVn
unc‘onw ' ‘


“ 1n n,

i /- I


a. . _;

— '1 7 . ..
.— ‘ fr .¥ '. ',. .. N , 4 ’ ‘ ~ " >
" T 1.. ' .‘ “M“: ~T-L1fufi! collarg,

un_ _ r I.
L} .2 ,nm . .. 'Jl‘
\ F . M 4 ‘F "\1 ‘3 ("1"! "F 1;-
2>‘Y.Q’T5;1:‘_, £4. .Lfi'. .‘JJ \Z‘Le. .nL A’vgx.
.. ‘


0 .3.


 fluuisiéma finds fiuffrage Assntiaiinn

' - = ' ' J ' a 25111 “I. (liurhmt, ‘tesihnnt flats. Ii. gm. (Earrnih, (Eur. Szt'g
film. (5w. 111125131; $1mtlg. £115 3] J Ii New games
Ist l‘din-firzmhcut, 3351331111112 350- ISUU firgtauiu 55%.

fire. flames (IL. mnntw, New (BL-leans
211D Hitc—lfltcsihmt, finnrun

jars. (Elements aging, armature:
IHZEI 3515x122“ St, Slptznepurt

firs. 4H. 36. Hamlets, Anhitur
(fiathm (Eitg
- IT . '
miss “his jjmmict, 332:. £325}; 31111 Z]. '(w fitarhnruugh. Autumn:
E a — ' - Natslniurlxes
III-4‘5 Webster: 5%., New (Brlwns Campaign Headquarters " ' ‘ »
428 Vamp 0t.

Mrs. Ennis 'gfiatkwius,
3th Bice-lfikeniheut, Alcxnuhrin

August 45, Isle

My dear Miss Clay:

i thought our Call and Platform might interest you. I am going

to make our platformm_ loyalty to the National Platform the theme
of our campaign.

I am eXpecting taxhan' the submission of the Federal Amendment
as soon as Congress reassembles and I note the senators are asked
to be back for Monday. I cannot believe that Wilson is playing
anything else than politics and I deplore the way he has gone and
injected himself into state campaigns. He certainly put any other
candidate against Ransdell out of the running.

On Sunday down in the Third District the three candidates for
the Senatorship meet on a joint platform to dis use their nandix
”deny qualifications for the senate. The management with the con—
sent of the Candidates have given us thirty minute of the time and
I h0pe I may put in a good stroke for the men to take no chances

for a Federal Amendment.

Very cordially

Kate H Gordon.


 - fit-«5:: I 2‘2} I .


finnisiana $15M 5%nffrag2 Asantiafinn

mm. 6529. meals}; ,gimith, New jjeam m. Qfinrhmt, fltenihcut £3135. SR. £1 (Eatrnth 01m: $25
lat line-1:!vwxhtnt, Raybillc . . 3N ' ' 2

m 8 (E 23m. 181111 largfama 5f. etu Ruabs

a £52. flames . .mnntmt, New (Dawns mm. (filaments ifiing, flaunt»:
uh fizzc-Iflresxhent fiinntnc ' 11129 31311211 St Slyrtuepnrt

£31m. :{Emtis Zfi’mtkeuiufi, mm. 41% iii flawless Auhitur

3th Bite—litwihznt, Alexanhx'ia (Em-hen (Eitu

miss Zlfuis Slammer, 312:. $311 - .
III-45 Webfiiet St, New (Edwina , mrfigfigghifihitathmnugh
, CALL . ’ ' ’

Men of Louisiana our State is on trial before the bar of public epimfifin7’
and the verdict will be rendered by your vote on November 5. The
question at issue will the men of Louisiana vote to remove the ,
opinions ( a vote‘TE an opinion) Of their women from being rated wine»
idiots, insane and criminals, Who constitute with Women the disfranm
Chised classes. Ora will we have to bow our heads in Shame While me?»
from other states remove this injustice by a National Woman Suffragfl-
Amendment. ' _

Woman suffrage is no longer a theory to be_debated but an'issue to
be met. Government by Consent is fundamental Democracy and_national
honor demands When men are dying to establiSh democracy abroad that
women Shall not be denied democracy at home. Economic justice also
demands that women as wage earners be.granted the protection of the
ballot» .

The ratification of the State Amendment to enable women to vote in
Louisiana will vindicate the spirit and sacrifices of the men Who in
the dark days_of Reconstruction fought and died to maintain White
supremacy. A vote against the State Amendment Nov. 5 discredits thegar
patriots. Justifies and Vitalizes the 15th Amendment.

We urge on our people a realization of the issue at stake. State~
Sovereignty the basic principle upon Which our government was ratim
fied will be deStroyed in the event of a National Woman Suffrage
Amenment being submitted and ratified and Centralization in govern»
ment substituted. The autocratic ideal of Hamilton supplant the
democratic ideal of Jefferson. . ‘

Women of LouiSiana , we call on you Whether suffragists or not .to
recogniZe woman suffrage as INEVITABLE and the issue now one of
methods. We ask all women to join us in our appeal to the men of
Louisiana to confer our citizenShip upon us by state enactment and
not as with the negroes have it come through a national mandate.

Let suffragists and Anti~suffragists and the great body of women Who
have not expressed themselves rally to preserve self—government-for
the state as we attain self—government for the individual..




Enuigiana fitate fimffrage C. fifiwtiéfiifln

mm. (1321!. meslng Smith, fliss 325m £11. @1117th Hrwihcnt 411:5. R. m. (Eatxutlp, (Eur. Seth;
lat “indirwihnnt, lhmnille Kn. ISUU ytgtauin :S‘t. - CNew 33.]ng
242m 03mm“ film. (filaments Zfiing, Erzasum
11129 Ealstll Sh, Shreveport
cm”. fit. 1%. Zfiawleas, Aubifur
Qfiarheu 0mg
mm. B. (‘1. Starlxnrnugly, Aubitur


film. flames GE. mnntw,
211k Nitwlfltesibcnt, fihnme

mm. Z‘quia fiazkmjns,
3th Ui:e~¥lresihent, Alcxanhria

fling 7fluis ijwicr, 312:. ,Scz’g
14-4-5 mtlxstct St, New @tlzans

‘~~’ " .. 7’3]- .‘3 'j 7; >~ ‘ ' j '3. ' j" ._-. ‘. 3:321: ,

.; - -_ w
i; am: uh...

LE, 111 1’ {1.

C 311:1 o :r‘; kl

33,11 3 W (:3 1' '—

«. ,_ .-.
J , U .4} ii,



you. 1" 0 :1“
cam 9:». .1

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A“ % ' " =: ' ’ ‘~ L, ' " . {Jriflngblv


"1'11 ('3 Ti .2") {3 7" v

3tfite afloating ‘f. amandmunta Homav».
'tre majority here, aTfl "J the city Junch
say get tmeir.infitruation3 from
fielignteu a the way things



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 7 nuigiana $15112 $nffrage

£1135. (5211. 111251213 (Smith,
151' Bite-Bresihmt, Raglxille

£11175. flames ('1. manic",
21m lilim-lflresibtnt, Lflbnvue

£11155. £91115 fiatkmtius,
3th IIice-lfltcsihznt, Alcxunhria

fiiiss 3.110in janifier, 33m $2613
14-45 mellstet St. New @rlcuus

1,-1, .‘_,

; O my 1‘0



Q at

fiiisz 32am £11. (6nthmt, firefiihent
Nu. 18110 Etgtaniu £1.
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£91m. R. 3171. (Earmfh, QInr. Su’g
New Ruahs

£71m. (Elatcntc Zfiing, @twsnrex:
11129 23312211 $1., filyrehcpnti

411%. £11. 766%. Zflamlws, Anhitnr
aim-hen (Ziitg

glitz. El. 0L fizarhnmugh, Auhitat


111a (n;£e
the dust
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 flnuigiana fitate g‘émffmge Afifintiatiun

miss Emu m. @urhmt, fireaihent
jNu. ISUH Hrgfania £1.
:sz (Btlzans

mm. (1320. waging fifmitly,
lat nice-firesihcnt, Ragbille

firs. {James (E “union,
211D Hits-firesimnt, flunrnt

mm. Ennis fiatkenjus,
3th Bite—Bresihmt, Alcxanhrin

filiss Zfluis Janhiex, 32:. S26 1;
I445 mclmtet St, New @rlwns


[:4 C; C:
u L.

pr eLQpraciLti34} . v, ,
'tn kgegislature last year to euomit

'wouiqydwve merried ibumn“ dationa;
Llchoncested tnp‘P~CQLMQLmQ
been advised to lay low

you whe', Lady, our platform is

, given up business and I an at the
;oney and carrying on the press work.
I found i could note get firs. oolvi, but

We :outhern Conference uiieer oer in
_ anl hegppy“to sag; tiiet tlio }gre es res:—
‘ gee from ; the otete io epiendid in efitor‘ l
suggort eri "..' -Tf. ‘ nee of our bulletins..

(1‘ Sb (0 ti
"S S F“ :3 LAC} 1M F-i
m ,r; ,_:

be some J tgem for your ooneidor~
etion, 1" 1 fr. -‘~ me from Mic“ p';~ her weekly built.sins
so fihet ” em Kept in touch with thintr ’“ the rOMBI We cstio
that ~k culls and I am adapting 'tv 39 Louisiana situ—


 4-! www- Mfw‘“


Isaciatione 4 Lu ‘1 '1- 'u ’"~ I“ work we
sda; 1W ??L;; =:: i:”2 “p y,- with

s :4;
Tioxnijl' s **eaz

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to plamw

suffray— : -. ,T' ' ' ' ' : pk; » :1“ . 5 5,3 which you
:10 d01ghi: 9’9‘fi 5 i‘r ': i 'E“- i« a';;‘ .~ 9 2. “ <~'> 4 1ni].e


461112.". We ‘2 ..-5' I ' ' n a} ' even
and the mac” ' I ‘ - ‘f "' “‘ :r effor
”Love‘s labor lost”..


flaw: ffi.



 Richmond, Ventucky. T.R.#4.
Oct.2nd, I918.
My dear Miss Gordon, ‘~
Yours of Sept.26th with enclosures is reg
ceiVed. Do not ever apologiza for a long letter; for I am like
you, I need some sympathetic person with whom to exchange visws.

I haVe not answered your letter at ane, becauSe I determmd to
wait till the vote in the Senate. But now that the S.%.Anthoy amend»

ment has had this decisive backSet: I have much to say.

In the first place, please consider that my offer of five
hundred dollars for the Louisiana campaign still stands. If’pu
should find that you need it, write or telegraph me. and I will
send it prompty.

I am rejoiced that you intend to keep the Southern Confers
ence to the front. If you win in Louisiana the Conference's
policy will rec~ive much more respectful attnetion, especialw
ly now that hopes Set on the Fed.fimend. are disappointed.

I suppOSe you studied carefully Pre.flilson's last appeal
to the Senate. I note that he says he needs the counSel of womb
en in the settlement of the final issues of the war. I do not
think thg argument is good for the Ied.Amend., Seeing that we
already haVe tseva states with full suffrage, including tha swat
eastern state of H.York, and the great western state of Califiv-
nia. The women of these two states are as capable of repreSenting
women's views as any in the country. If Pres.fiilson(s arguman
means anything it means that he intends to utilize women'sxsnias
serviCes and advice as much as their palitical status till addt.
I believe you could make a point in your campaign by pointing

out that in that case the women of the east and the nest will
have a voica; but that the soxth will not have adequate repre-
sentation unless Louisiana wins suffrage now. sith her great

representatiVe city, as Well as her truly southern state Senti-

ment, it may be of Very great importance to have some typical
southern state with enfranChised woman in this historic period.
thatever serviCe you want of me to set forward the work of fin

Southern Conference, please expect I will do as far as I am able.

Again, if Pres.fiilson is consistent in his wish for the any
franchiSement of women; as a war measure. all the franchise
women need is the Vaderal Tuffrage, as it is only the Nation—
al Congress and President who have any voice in the questions
of peace and war. I want to know what you think of the policy
of again bringing up the United States “lections Bill as part of the
policy of the fiouthern ConferenCe. I have not lost any of myfaith
in that measure; but I know it cannot be pushed further by the acu
tion merely of an individual. If that could be passed, you'hnv
that presidential suffrage could easily be put through eVery state
legislature before the next presidential election.

I am aware that my enthusiasm for that bill may have binded
my judgment; and that many derogatory comments upon it may newneVer
haVe reached me which might have come to you. Therefore, I want
your views of it.

You remember I always told you that I thought some Congresaonal
policy was nQCessary for the success of the douthern Conference;
for the women, and Certainly the politicians, will never consnt
to relinquish the limelight of the Kational Capital and ¢ongn2ss.

If there is the slightest hope of the U.9.“lections Bill pas—
sing the ordeal of its constitutionality, certainly now all the
circumstanCes are favorable for pushing it.

, I have never done anything about it since‘that winter in dash-
ington; but soon after the woman Suffrage Committee was appointed


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_ ‘Eflnuiaiana fitate fiufftage Awntiafinn

films. (5”. 1111125121; Smith.
lat Bice~1§resihwh fiagnille

mm. flames (E. mnntmt,
21m Hire-fitesihmt. manta:

Mrs. Ennis Zfiaskzuins,
3th vita-Erzsihmt, Alcxanhria

£1155 ZEnis jamming 3R“. $261;
1445 Webster S1,, New 09:12am;

.9 1.: 4,-1.1. 11 1.3.4.

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