xt70rx937t9n_68 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Laura Clay correspondence with Anna Howard Shaw text Laura Clay correspondence with Anna Howard Shaw 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_4/Folder_4/Multipage2705.pdf 1906 December 1906 1906 December section false xt70rx937t9n_68 xt70rx937t9n 7"!- T1717. ‘5, "
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Guthrie, Okla .

gear iiss Shaaza

Reached here ypstarday (Thanksgiving may) toa }ate'tn do any "aal
‘wark,ao Dr. Vanda, Wixs Wregg and I talked over affairs. We have a read tha. the main
things that quuire imuggiggo work are infierviowing delegates, and bring home pressure
to baar on them. We presqnd Yrs. Carter into asrvica to—day, and aha madn an appainto
ment with Henshaw, Chrn. of Sui. Com. He called at nnr Paadqwarters this afternoon
and spenfi about ona hour. He is a lawynr from Hadill. Rather nice appearing man of
about 35 and has a wifm and daughter. Of Ill nois mrigin and Quakar ancestry (dawsn't


look it). Had'never given woman suffvagu any thought. {u conli mat grass him tfifi far.

He isn't that kind of a man. Seems disposad to be fair and was not at all flippant 0r

patronizing. Offered to introduce us to the nfihur 14 members of Com. Alan to arrmhg

for a hearing with Com. whenever it wowld suit us heat} Probably next week.

I am wonder'ng what you flfld Hrs. Avery are going to say about


Prams axfimnaes. Lnouon up! Engaged a Sienographer tn-day. She starts in on .nnday


at $10.00.par week. She is frmn Kansas flity.


 National American Woman Suffrage Association

Honorary President. SUSAN B. ANTHONY, 171 Madison Street, Rochester, N. Y.

President REV ANNA HOWARD SHAW .. R d' . - S
7443 Devon ‘Street Mt Airy Philadelphia, Pa . ecor Mg Secretary, ALICE STONE BLACKWELL, 3 Park Street, Boston. Mas

Vice President at Large. FggRENcaziésngv. N Y k C L C L Ky
ast n treet, ew or 1ty. . _ AURA LAY exington,
Auditors. {1312. ANNICE JEFFREY MYERS, 375 East 12th St. N., Portland, Ore.
Corresponding Secretary. 1KATE M GORDON,

800 Prytania Street New O1',1eans La. - Chairman Press Committee. ELNORA M. BABCOCK, Dunkirk. N. Y.

Treasurer, HARRIET TAYLOR UPTON,WaX‘1‘en, Ohio.


Swartonore, Pa., Dec. 21, 1906.

I enclose copies of letters, which I have received from 0r.
ince she left Oklahoma. I also enclose a copy of my letter to her in reoly

a to lo Fran wh1c oh I received this morning. I didn't think it was wise to wait until

we could get you and your opinion before sending 1 , letter, bec1us‘ I didn't know

when yOu would reach Guthrie, since there was some th01qht of your stopping on route
and as it was a great etpense to keep Dr. Woods waiting. If she could do no good in


Arizona, sne certainly was needs d in Oklahoma. I thought you would he willing that
Mrs. Hoton and m self decide in re gard to her return. B for I sent my answer to
Dr. “code, I sent it to Hrs. Upton and asked h,r t1 forW1rd it if she agreed with me,
so that it WOuld be the opinion of two of the Suwammiittee. I hope you will feel
that this was all right.

I really don't regret her going, since it was our duty to do the

meet so could for Arizona and I am more and more convinced that people who are not

accustomed to oorkinv

o in suffrage are hardly the wise ones to advise in regard to what
should and should not he done in different parts of the country. We tal& about the
wisdom of local people but I find that the wisdom of local people :5 pretty poor
wisdom, that is unlo r .1 L - a people who are accustomed to working and interviewing


ofullv yours,

/L—«A ,7 kW/ // I}; 24:1;’~/Z\-_¢V/_: ‘fiv”/'j



 National American Woman Suffrage Association

Honorary President, SUSAN B. ANTHONY. 17 Madison Street, Rochester, N. Y.

President. Rev. ANNA HOWARD SHAW, R r 'n A B k
7443 Devon Street Mt. Airy Philadelphia Pa. 66° d‘ g 565“?“er “CE STONE LACKWELLi 3 Par Street. Boston. Mass

Vice President at Large, FLORENCE KEgLéEY. N Y k C {L C L Ky
105 est 2211 treet. ew or ity. . AURA LAY, exington
. Auditors. 1 DR. ANNICE jEFFRsY MYERSy 375 East 12th St., N., Portland, Ore.
Corresponding Secretary, KATE M. GORDON,

1800 Prytania Street, New Orleans, La. Chairman Press Committee, ELNORA M. BABCOCK. Dunkirk, N. Y.

Treasurer, HARRIET TAYLOR UFTON, Warren, Ohio.


Dec. 21, 1905.

Hrs. Upton has been on to Washingficn and stopped here and Ties

Shaw and I went in to Philadelphia and had a whole day of it with her at the hotel.

Of course, we talked over many things and among them the question of who should give

the Oregon Report at the Convention. It is decided ':}1a, it should be divided among
the following'six people:
Dr. Jeffrey-’~~~~~~~—~«~~The Co— Operat-on of the State and National
Assvoiations in the Conduct of the Campaign,
Clay ~~~~~~~~~ , ------- The Opening of the Campaign
Chase~~~~u~e~——«~~W«Work in the Ti eld
lordon~~««~~~~-~«e—~The Organization of the Cities
Lucy Anthony*v«-‘-~~Campaign Headquarters

~11 |

Mrs. Boyer~—~~~‘~~-~~-*~~Campaign Press NOTK
and then Viss Shaw should give a general survey of the campaign. Each of the six
speakers above mentioned is to have ten minutes, which would give an hour to the
whole thing, exclusive of what the President has to say. Will you he ready with your
ten minutes on your topic? Please let me have a line frin you so thafi I may know

you received this leiter.

How are ‘ ' 0 moving in Oklahoma according to your views of the

Cordi. ally yours,

Jim/i6 Mi


 Extract fr m Mrg. Biggyrs’ Iflttmr.

Mrs. Bradfnrd says aha cmnqidars fir. Owen one of iha veny
gfirwnaast man who has evfir napouaad our cauaa in this cownfiry (mwaning wnr whole
country). Ha fs nf Indian blood - I think 30mm twa or fihrfin gfinlrations back - and 18
a tharough gonfilaman of culture and great ability, He came here Sunday night tram his
home 1% the eactmrn part of fihe tarritory by our apmcial requant and has devofied his fl
time to our causa avar wince until he leffi for Mama ln‘, mi ht. Wra. Bradford will
write you full fiarticulara ma gown :3 sh? pbflsihly can - she Ropes to ha iblfi to da Si
to-morrow. Sha and Mr, Owen spent all thx fiimn ;nswih10 during the thrwa days of his
stay harn (and until eleven P. ”. Tufis.) pwcgurin; a mmwsrial in" the cnnvnntinn. It
will he about thirty pagns 513a 0f ”Evflryhmdy's" and anvnra cur arguments and answwrs

to fibfifictinna, an thrwmelr vaiuahlu thifis Thvva Arm to ha ififlflfl an ins bnd - ”r.



Gwen paya $%$ viii R u‘v, ‘ gr ‘*., ’ .n , ? nz‘firnx‘rayhmr for twice taking mafiaa
and Wra. Eradfnrd says it cost a , y “x '\ tr' .1 :1' ;nd wWJlfi bu fnlty as much
1%? unsonfi. 3a 1% a wagular Bull-dag in thn ¢;il,'; 3A -ald on until the enemy 1H
dafeafiedu ”a anyfi vv 2?” flVinfl.fim win. mnfl fire. Rradfurd and ”r3‘ *0yfi” KMEIQV9 513*
We kn wfi haw tn manage man 9,: ?u fig hmnnsfily in? Wfi.

We had a aylnndig Huaring befora the Suffrawfi Cam. Tuna. nfx"

For varioua waaaona we vars obligwfi fix Huvg our Enaving {n Aha convwntinn hall.

bag a lnrqo atIvndanae of wmman far aiflmmflfifimc Nwmr mg and the man wh0 nafiural y

driffi into fiha canvantiwm ball when fine Cemvamhan 18 adjaurnnd grmflunlly $V9h~r»fi
around :3 until ww had qwifie an aniimnfie — natimatad by athnrw aw at 161 t fiO dalan
Iit‘fi and 45 0)” 50 3731!?!" men thf'i “9,3: ('3‘? vmmen. 1’4 Emffi'ZI-fi 3., gm‘g‘z'rwlfid 11.’1;‘¢f‘¢t:.fiil;‘.«n' 531:}
laatad twn ani a half havrg; Oh: V aw finww, I [31% 50 pnwsfi, and an thankful tn van


for sending “i; such 53 '«1-“1ndid hfbln. We had“ {yer «mm, amfimn in xxx-Evy 23.3333“: 4.8.1119. :(‘mm
.J ! J


varioua towns naar by and {ram fluthria, than Kra. finyar, Dr" Vanda, ire. Bradfnrd


an? “.2“ Owen. One of 1hr: «1":1M§§F:l’tt'3“fé {1.01:1 rm he hark new 7' ":c’em‘c! betrfifinzzr' symuchm in his;
111%: than cur wm:=:n finish Them who came: in Kate taxg'irewsawzl :53'920331 regroat - and I
think hanc‘astly - in mt having ‘r'uzard all. Wm: are-'1 00 t‘nrtvmdza in banking; "thia apt-mam
mm to help us. Even his political nmamiras may ht»; 13 1mm atmn, est man in the: marri-
tory. Well I am sure» Mrs. Bradford am ‘rira. Bayer will tell you mom than I can {31ng
this lirm.

Dr. "-,-';Irwr3dn 10ft early 21’8an sday mowing. We insig’tfid “thank. aha stay

for Hm i-t“e-'«.:'+.r7?.ng, and I am gmr‘tr’scularly $10.6. me did for she struck a mate so an»; 6156


had - thr‘z marking women {and grids - and aha 51min a dam“: impression. we :11“: scrry to
lose her and vault} mi E‘zwe telegrapharl 3x5 ; did had not you hintnd in your 10‘; tar

that 080 ‘01:; she mi 331*; May. It 25 not I alone, yo“: must .gmayp; ragmflber. and in

all my Y‘flquaStS I mm mm valeting,



Holbrook, Arizona, Dec. 14, 1906.

Dear Dr. Shaw:-

1 have had my first investigating talks this A. M. and I am.not
very hopeful. W511 you kindly kaep my lattera as they will be more complete than the
final summing up. The first 00. in Apache, I met the Councilwman from there:=
Gentile. age V2, bitfierly uypoaed, a drnat friend of tha.§gggggg, Republican. He
comes in the place af Hr~ Earvis who held on to us so firmly that he ehahled ma to

tie LouncilL' The Mormons are cuifientiy knocked hut in Apache.

Holbroqk is in fha next 3M®nt3 of Navajo « I have telegraphed to

Snow~Flake for our hast friend tharau At prawnni it looks bad. Th6 dentiles say;

”WOman Suffrag“ would ruin ua putting us into the hands of the Mormons entirely."

The Mormona any: "By the Reed fimant getiticn the woman 5f nhe country especially the


tamperancc woman whom we expected fie a;;reci&;0 as showed that they would follow the
ministars blindly.” Goodness! You cannat blame them wither.
This climate is 5% ifia bash tawday. I ought to stop at Winslow

, .- . . H'.‘ L , .4.-
ga c“ dpwn nu :TflSQQut

and Flagstaff and see if W? Havn friend: tnnra still, oinxu I


80 I may not reach there €111 'T‘u'.'.=zsdwy.~ L;ua; sixiks bottor th¢nga Euxhner on w and
shall *sr‘jy ”v.3 write you every day“

With ”r («wet

P. S. .. 01“ corms it. would he more "10‘: ~ ‘~.: 3;: 3 3,: " ' “Ln, may}. fin} ir::1.11'emc

scheme. I nnly manzinned it '3 aver: one wiv want t: 0r$§0n Thu; L‘havu met axnca


seems to $9? Dfisitivoly panicky a+ “hp incugkfi or our bniLg kngwn 4F



Ashtork, D6n. 16, 1906.

Dear Dr. Shaw:

I have juat had my first good square meal since I left the last
Harvey house in Haw Hexico, I hava paid for fihe regular number 3% fihn exorbitant
prices that we pay out here but they were evidently never made in Rain 7

I had a1most forgofitan hcv list things ware when I was hpra
before but I was reminded sternly this morning when I handed own} $1000 for a lodging
for which I would have paid half that much in 0k"

Well - I have interviewed the thivfi county in the frrson ff an?
old friend Frank Reid. He vaa one of my loyal adherent: 129$ time, anfl svon now says
he will stick to ma and "Tho mese". Ha has unfnrtunat61y joined the ministry since
I was here before, and would not be quite as useful as last fiims when ha waa a lawyar
and more a man among men. He is afinnanfi ts wnrk Without more prayaraéinn than xm
could make befiwaen now and Jan. 1. He saya frcm evmrything %6 can jufiga zha iwa man
from up hera would be against us. He did give ms 3 seareifi hcwovcr, which I anuld

use,(fihough 1 fear it would be a mean firing to do} by which 3 think I could hold the
house member. This is the first ray of hope that I have seam since I entareé the
territory. Things may look better, ha?evar, in Navajo 30. if I havw a favorable reply

from our old mormnn friend, Jim Flake.

I also imagine thafi I know what firs. Wunds bases her aushusiuam

ulflstion of Eugenia Braiy O'Nail dawn in Haricepa.
12 is 3n117 infinraafiiflg Lucking fit all up aui I am in my element.

As soon as 1 01139 this I naef anofiher old standby Mr. Pitta, and shall know if his

new wife hag apsilad him.


 I hatsd in some respects to l,aye Oklahoma - especially because

flea? Urn. Bipfflrs snemeu t0 cling ta no. I an awfully afraid ihafi we small “die her
ill, for she is Lat Overly s rang and she has Yast wwight nansiderauly in tad two
carfiainly one of the flung: 90413 1 have aver Knomiq
to yua fio~uorrov.


J I ' tr. -,, _
ksggned) ernCHfl food”.


 }‘rnacott, Arizona, 360.16.1906.

Dear Dr. Sham;

I OJHQ in last .'C?fi 0- .7L3 fur. Hand’s humus £41; of rnnnars,
so I am oblignd tn atog horn at the “finwlr “as 1'» “Vi infiwraienad bar man on the
anbjnct an tn~fla3'aa have hue? Kryig; an aw» Lham and finfi Law tl-‘ 3*and, There 18
one - the nronrintor a? thim natal pr. 7 12“ 9*";u 19 x"; v:. :: ’vxv not bean
able to g»“ him axa{VJ,e p?0m336 but n3

1 thougnt you expen'o. Wrs.
aha aavv she cale not unis? any gfiréuuy'anaa 3o
is only about a Yfiar and a "h , g A a: rau'f'ls ~f 5“ “ ‘i“:‘ iaka her or
leA'VB ha?

in Chicago: ¢:‘,r “.n .' 322 . to Fhoenix
without any ” all and I~h1fdlé know
Evgen. Brady 0 Hw:i.L wno waa preaidcnh in VP»; Gaby ' ‘ ~ but who haw nnsweruu no
lefifiare sinca ind whos whiln wa wure here Last was unLy a nomfinal ass siet -nnce. Her
husband is mvw in the Democratic minority in the Jouncil. Mrs. Munds wrote to tan

about a week ago asking him x! he would champion the bill w and has recaivuu no reply.

I told Hrs. Manda that I Lnew you wguld feel pogi+ive1y opposed

to my going alune to Zhfifis men in Phoenix. That w~ muss have local backing or give

up a; the start.. So she Has Written to Ara; fi’Heil again asking bar it qhs will
give the nanoseary assxatunce. I wardi; uuw my way an '“L 3. \ Wanda saems 55 mava
had me idea but fhat th2-2 Natlunal deid auma in, mafia cwarga, and make our own way

Now, as to tha women you 33% the situation. Mrs“ 8 Neil was a

figure head when Mrs. Catt was hora but ham never been Ni 13 ng J do any workr Hra.



Robinaon away, and fire. Hfinds felt sure you undé%stond that she oculd not possibly
leave her home here. Hrs. Sullivan 13 daada and it seems in me we would be obliged
tn look up our woman firgt, then convert our men.

It is a tarribln thing ta go 43 near to success as we did and then
fail m far fho rnacfiiqn scams *2 lwuvc at? frienda vifihoui huge or ;“rongth for
3:38.2'5- Than .7. (”ad mm}; 6" ~"25, ".5”- " * »I:I~’Hi.i~\'5 v." 0 were 23:» fees-J. ' 1«’.~2;‘.~11'~37 2:0
him dama*da awtegoniwn ta me-

thP” $8 5VSL.Q§§ ahancu fuv ha :1 aaame to ma new. fhn: i; far
fihe Rafuhlican fivuzui? ‘0 U . 1:5“ :“ ”I“LI ‘= v B‘uu xhiug La" i: purfiy her: far ihe

“I: ‘~ "’2‘ .i ‘53-‘92??? fizz-Li '=.‘v:_'.l‘llf.ti. 1'21: hath." "um. and 01.11:; Ll ‘v'v’k‘x‘.2.!.vfi
after in Mad 9&3mad a fi?m00f$;i3 mouse. I shall 12? tanmorrww in find

if flay-.2, :19. avg L315; cf finding t}: : in the min-'1 m,” 33:55:21 for "sham is;

mi; 2'?) dead. .

There is one more point. Inere is a afirong mflve Being mad:
towa“d naaeing antifiadbling laya. and alg; toaard ,ASainn a Law LT: .:a. licenae ané
another firohib5fiinz dandn-qenea in fins saiuana. A number of men th0 haan slatfiad
a: ihésn issuee ~ uni anx vf an? sLd :ricnau mars, 3‘ S. Clarke - reaznn3 fhnq: Tha

.n“4“:v‘u'-‘v-'1 221321123 3‘)»: 1-315 1“." lends ‘w": the awn — but army can carry Mal};

a? reform measursa. Ta the aoave they are already promismd, and

th&t he, for ana, mauld resenu Gar stepfiing in now and uverveighting than with 01?

A week or so i3 finaehix (If I can find a local woman to take me
aheufi) wili elear this ug.

.Jiuuia rely ,

{signed} Frances Woods.


 National American Woman Suffrage Association

Honorary President. SUSAN B. ANTHONY, 17 Madison Street, Rochester, N. Y.

744-3 Devon Street, Mt. Airy. Philadelphia. Pa.

Vice President at Large, TLOSRENCE KESLEY. k C L C
0 East 22n Street, New Yor ity. . . AURA LAY, Lexington. Ky.
. Auditors. {Dre ANNICE JEFFREY MYERS. 375 East 12th St., N., Portland, Ore.
Corresponding Secretary. KATE M. GORDON,

1 00 Prytania Street. New Orleans, La. Chairman Press Committee, ELNORA M. BABcocx, Dunkirk, N. Y.

Recording Secretary, ALICE STONE BLACKWELL, 3 Park Street, Boston. Mass
Treasurer, HARRIET TAYLOR UPTON, Warren, Ohio.

2 _":4


swarthmore, Pa., Dec. 18, 1906.

As you will he further away than any of the rest of us when you

receive the Call and as the time is so short, instead of signing and sending it to
me to forward to Mrs. Upton, will you kindly Sign and send it directly to her so that
that is unless you have some serious objection to it and wish to make

important change in which case, of course, it would have to come to

I am thinking of you to—day in that conference in Kemphis and I
sincerely hope that something may come out of it, which will be helpful to the
8011",}: ern 1:70 7‘k .

I have just read your letter containing a cepy of Mrs. Big ers'.
I certainly do not think it would he wise for yOu to attempt to visit these delegates
in their l -l during the recess if the home is off the direct line of your route to
Guthrie and certainly not, if you do not know whether they are at home or not. If
you receive any information from Mrs. Biggers at Memphis giving you the assurance th ,
any of these delegates are at home along the direct line of y0ur route to Guthrie,
it might be well to stop off, otherwise, I don't think it w0uld he profitable kind of
work. In the interim, you could go on to fluthrie and be getting your hearings and
learn ahout the individual men all that it was pessihle before they return.


Now, in seems to me that they would hardly want people to come to

and doing up their home work for the weeks that they will he gone axain to the Con-

vention and if I were in your place I should want to know pOsitively, first, whether


 the eelegate was at home and that the place of his residence was on the line of your
route before steeping off. I must confess that personally I should not think it wozth
while to stop off at all for the purpose of intervivwing the del“j3te, though I might

think it was wise to stop off for the purpose of interviewing some of the weople in


the town where tie delewete lives and getting them to influence him. Now? that would
be t(3my mind the bestkindrflfwork that could he done in those towns along the line
of your route. Even if the delegate was not at home, you might hr ahle to influence
the home people. What do you think of that? But, of cowrse, you will use your own
judgment in the matter.


Mrs. Upton, firs. Avery and I had a splendid conference yesterday
and did a lot of work. Have I told you that Tiss Chase is to he employed in New

Hampshire until after the holidays and then go on, if 1, think it hest,to Indiana to

see wtat she can do up to the s we of the National Convention and if Inoiana is a

promising field, after that to go back and finish organizing the .t is?

I just received a let ,. 7 o w' \ Gregg, also from a ladr in



Kansas, who wishes mlsfi firegg to y ' srs ; assist in the work there after she
is through in Oklahoma. What do you think about the plan of our Wational people
sendin~ T 7 \1 'z. 6 ’ people will then the collections and a


ership fee toward the payment of flies Gregg's salary and expenses.
there is A Le special call so that we shall need her for campaign work, I see

no objection to her going to Kansas for a time.

?rithfully fours,

/)/4 L ‘ Al/éé-wézw


 Dear Member of the

I: Y'sslgzsa

nan it

Vtich is. pv ich-i

vaid thaf if thern

the C311 ta do so,

1 m .-_a 1:
‘3 1' l r“: ”.‘n' "n

any way“


98-1 8 ‘3

over tha ’ . "

C- 1' "t 33 '3 a") 1“}:

to re


speakers f0? 0%“ evaning

33:9 in different p-

it had "

‘J 61"”

Cl l"¢ Jl')



Pusinesn Comnittaa:w

T yea-€463 H3? Call fZ‘Gm T51 :42:-

5. (he is not on
commit tee) .,
Candill will vote for us.
Hendricks "
Cobb ‘ (He is not on Com. however)
Ramsey seems favorable

Littleton " "


Hilton favorable.
Henshaw - nonncommittal
This makes nine Com. members, go 1&5, that we think we can depend on to reoort the

bill out of Committee.

It has been necessary for all of us'to do our utmost at tlm

Convention. 'Wo get some Guthrie woman to go with each of us, and so we are trying to
make time. Dr. woods does super-excellent work, in approaching delegates and asking
for interviews. Miss Gregg plunges ec