xt70rx937t9n_95 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Laura Clay correspondence with Harriet Taylor Upton text Laura Clay correspondence with Harriet Taylor Upton 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_5/Folder_10/Multipage4182.pdf 1907 October-December 1907 1907 October-December section false xt70rx937t9n_95 xt70rx937t9n ,1 A, Y'V r‘ ‘.




 Natinmtl Amerimn Iflflmmm gmfi‘ragp Azantiafinn

(Member National Council of Women and International Woman Suffrage Alliance)

Presidenl, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw, Swanhmore. Pa.
First Vice President, Rachel Foster Avery, Swarlhmore. Pa.
Second Vice President, Florence Kelley,

l05 East 22nd Street. New York Cily.
Corresponding Secretary, Kate M. Gordon,

IBOO Prytania Street, New Orleans. La.



Warren, Ohio


Recording Secretary, Alice Stone Blackwell,
3 Park Street, Boston. Mass.
Treaxurcr, Harricl Taylor Upton. Warren, Ohio.

SLaura Clay, Lexington, Ky.
Audi'lors: Mary Simpson Sperry,
2 ZIOO Pacific Ave., San Francisco, Ca

:31 , 3:107,



 Ric- nonfi,
Oct. 2 “h, 193?.
My dear Ars.Upton,
I herewith enclose my ecoount for the Bruce legacy since

mv 108 st re; ort in Norah.
. t
Lay. 21. Rent of cottage from 'ero‘: II to Jay 11. ////....... 20. CO
Lu5~LdM47 nn;: 1 interest on @055 09W8”1+“” tones for 51000. ..ZO.QO
Oct.I9. Rent of cottage from Aay II to Sept.II.t.;.............40.00
Total recei ts ....l...............§0.00


May 20/ Insurance for three veers from Say 29th,1907.0n

cottage valued at ;'/00. 00 ///........................15.3
Ma SI h1te.es ing tso rooms ofc cote 3e.....................I.75
June 25th June half of 01W taxes on cottage, valued at QVO .03

and vacant lot, vg.=mued at WOO _* ....;10. 20


July 3rd, ~epering tn 0 ro ms of cot abs.........../’x.-........9.ZO
Sept.IIth. State and county taxes on cottage and vacant lot..II. 88

Total expenses to flat .... 43.45
'5 A Belance....///......... . . . . . 43.57

‘ ‘goififi
Please find enclosed my check for $45.69.

As 1 have sold the vacant lot, I will not heve to 31y takes On it
hereafter. The notes und'bonds, being personahi§g,efi§ rated in Jedi—
son County, where I claim my legal,resifienoe, :15 last yes? they 515

not charge taxes, as the money is for a philanthrofiy. They c‘“it not
to do so in Lexington; but I do not think it worth while to try the
case in c urt. Moe long they will hold this ruling in Madison, I cannot‘
tell. 5
V Please send receipt.

'Cordielly yours,

Trustee under will of Laura $.3ruoe.



 Richmono, my.
Oct.24th, I907.

Hy deer Hrs.TTpton

I hansxfinxzxxseniys received your two metters of the
21st inst. last night, and answer in turn.
SOUTH DAB OTé. While I am greatly in fever of employing and developing
every new worker, one especially there a eamyxign may soon be on hand,
I do not see where we are to get the money to employ Jiss Bowery We have
engaged Kiss Gregg by the year, enfi me must keen her emyloyed. Khy not,
therefore, write to lrs.“ickler that we have not now the money to emyloy
any worker them we have not engaged, but that as we are desirous of help~

ing S.Dakota we will let hiss (re gg work there this fall, and that e

soon as we can, we till employ Miss Boner? That is my advice. I think

S.Da. is a hopeful field for e eenpsign; uni I think Infiiana might strug-
gle along now by itself, just as the other states h2ve to do. I believe
we ought to he looking around all the time for some state «here it is

do not suppose ‘here is


bossible for us to «in'e Hecisive Victory,
any hope for that in Inoiane.

CALIFORNIA; That appealgytouches me very closely. As far as I have
‘ob—servefl, California has Khe strongest sssocieti n of any eta.te there
there is any prohetle chance of a near Victory. I observe from the W.Jour~
nal thet they think it possible to h ve a emptign as; early as 1911.
know of no other state whioh has laid its own plans for a 01
therefore I know of no other state nhich,eo mfich deserves our suyyort.

It is also true that Col. has been v«ry liberal to the neefis of other states.
I we ld like for us to respond to this call. If we have no money in the
treasury we could use for fhat purpose, and my examination of financial

reports lees not show me any, o:n not we make an appeal to friends for a

special California fund? We ought not to_let them languish mhile we are '


 waiting for The Memorial Fund to materialize, Lnieh I belive it mill do
in a reasonable time.

Then this point is fieoifled, :lesse let me know. Probably, because
you know at once, you overlook flue fact that some of the B.C.are in the
dark “s to that has been decidefl on some roints Tuich have been laid hen
fore ineir.consileretion. For instance, l have never lesrnefi mhet was
finally (one eith £rs.Brsfifcri’s request for permanent emgloyment, or

ether it is still h nfijg in :1; b


slwnoe arter eer emrloyment

state of Ehich Kiss Cordon wrote us. filso, I uould like to know
got $rz.fioyer to go : F “ n;y$ as yroposefi.

l have just received the e" s ; Two Vorkings of a Bed Law. The ar-

'gument is not goofi in the ease of the boys thaws hired for soldiers,


because that was an unlawful action, and could have heed prevented on other
grounds if the nother's friends had appealed to law. What is convinuing‘

argument are cases which are the legitimate working of the bed 15w. The

vase is better. Eut it has the disadvantage of not showing the
cruelty of the law to s living mother. I make these criticisms because

we are badly in need of a goofl, c


neap, exposure of the cruelty of the
law. Mrs. XoCulloeh's LeX is a good argument, but too expensive for free


Cordielly y urs,

Two Enclosures.


 Natimml Amman mnman Smffrage Aaanriafinn

(Member National Council of Women and International Woman Suffrage Alliance)

Preaidenl, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw. Moylan. Pa.

Recording Secretary, Alice Stone Blackwell.
First Vice Presidenl, Rachel Foster Avery. Swarlhmore, Pa
Second Vice President, Florence Kelley,

3 Park Street, Boston, Mass.
'05 E 22 d S N Y I; C' Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton, Warren. Ohio.
3‘“ “ l’ecl' 3‘" °' “3" NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS
Corresponding Secrelary, Kale M. Cordon. . AUJHON- {In—ES? gkggokexgglon. Ky
lBOO Prytania Sheet, New Orleans. La. Warren, Ohlo I00 Pacific Ave. San Francisco, Cal.

OCT o‘he r 25 ,1/190 '7"

' ctohor 13 orggwiization
work what you say about the work see: 18

.‘naz‘diy "K3101 To agree -:i't}'1 you or not in re; Md

raising: of money for axany. Traigi in ""alinia. ”You see

handing every ef‘i‘ort toward the T-‘zamorial fund, and it has
been my experience That when (9 Try as) gather money Tor two or

three, different Things ave lose all sides.

Some of TV tie Businas

11‘1““ =51 ahont y' HIM 7111?;

determined ‘ ‘ To annoy

n ,, ‘ ’ ' .
mani‘w'r 07 The (tomnlttae

0.: . .‘ .1.-

l' was greale ham ioappa d 011; in

administration,‘recauaa I was not kept infomned as To

progress at is ad paitms. Rut. YiOw’ I find some of" The Inem‘riors
T18 ComniTtae 0T be ing; enough i: re:-
gard To The business, T Urarefora . up a little.

We did nothing; T‘urthar about employing Firs. Bradford,

To tall in we could. not afford To em 11.05; anyone "with

had, in acid diti on to we had alre- ady engaged.

Miss fihaw, T’rs. Avery, Miss Gordon and I Talked This matter over

carefaliy. Mrs. Br

adfo is a good Talker, hut not much of a gathers

or. She is to come To Cleve land for

a mom Th'a work; said I made aru
ramgaments for her to speak at The 31?. anraska ard Icma oonvaniflons, but.


 0H aécount of

iDBSS. a“; ;, 'hJ ' r, “ Iowa or not, I do rot_’”ow.


I meta Jnat yam say , f M. T a?1et, Mr- Torxlngr of

) (4v

Tru‘,” ‘ . '2“ ‘w._,711
7‘ IdHV ‘ "'1, ‘ .» d ‘ b "HLJ. 1.

Do You Inow f‘ * 'I' . ~~ V ; and T no


1t on is; a~”v :1 ‘ stop at **0

a At!

fiordially y

./ _fl#_;, /"( (7
\{I’ ‘ ‘ ,/ 47/“: 1 ‘/
//;711«21 Li/(f ~ (X’ L


 National Amerimn woman $1Itfragv Aaanriafinn

(Member National Council ol Women and International Woman Suffrage Alliance)

President, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw, Moylan, Pa.
Firs! Vice Presidenl, Rachel Foster Avery, Swartl‘nmore, Pa.
Second Vice Preaidenl, Florence Kelley,

l05 East 22nd Street. New York City.
Corresponding Secrelary, Kate M. Cordon.

l800 Prylania Street. New Orleans. La.

Clay :-

Man] 0 88d .~:"i'nd

7'seN-fa had. or: mud f mm the

forwarded to me. I am

as you {gave it, .1161 am re

You will see the actual

amount of“ your check, to

other ”make to me amonn

. , n
C’IECK “~ 4...“) ‘ecatse of




4 1

1" "A. ‘
'4.‘ Lb)


Warren, Ohio

receip 1; for

”F ruc e

ring on

M177": L3.”

‘0 elem. '3 a

“-7- 3:11: ‘90 0k

dd amount, 2m

Cordi ally yours


l‘ r, ,-
$4.“) . I) r
(is i ate , an

“n o 0k 3

Recording Secrelory, Alice Stone Blackwell.
3 Parlr Street, Boston, Mass.

Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton, Warren, Ohio.

Audilors: {Laura Clay, Lexington. Ky.

Mary Simpson zperry.

ZlOO Pacific Ave" San Francisco. Cal.

October 25 /L 90'?

”, "Dal-timing which you

(1 which vou have


your stat «3.4, .


f::>\"(2./€fl. 1. «7/6



 Natimxal Amm‘irau muman gmffragr Azaanriatimt.


Nov. 4, 15107.

Dedr Henber of tha Pusinenp Connitteet~
gigs Gorion wni tynelf, the Comrittae appointed to nae the

President, reficned Wanangtnn an tho {Ctho MTP. Brunn, Who Ufié «neinl
connections WitW firesidentlnoosnvqlt and wan in a flarrnnfll ?rianfi of
Miss Gordon. aura thfit evening. You Will rwvgmhar tfl” HTQQfi “QTViGG
Hrs. Fruns rendered us wqep sqq manured fine Virginia Hawring
fror Senfitor Davieln when W9 W25 Hivqfi “Pu We WQfl flfiynd the fig”; "
of Speaker Faed, Mrs. Capt. Ralemtira to nnfq in and Gee un and mo
invited hay to in With uso 'vfi “all ma fifl. g?m is a refined,
charwing lithla “fififir Vfln in an ewrnpst a fluffrfijiflt 79 “NV 9? NO on
the P0fir%. We awnelnfled tnbt it was qlnast Wartq the tififi “HA yuney
spent to get hettur annuaintmd Vita Her. I knéw mar as a nqiid.

At 11:00 o’cloe: an the rorflifif 0? t“? 70fih W“ ITQQQN1°Q

ourselvea to Lfin Brafiiflento ”ma Toni W3? Full a? uwun}

mm, at the
other two interviewr VG Waited until fifin eTowd wan gfinn, this tiva he
came Ln us it R?fint1v any qpynirtnfi tirfi. Na ramarharad ma for Wflinh
I was t‘rmnyf‘ul fmu‘i w'émn J; i'laci irwl‘nuimam}. film MyTW-OTQ, hr" “'79- “WET—11394
to know thqt Mrs. Pnjanfiine was Kittv Feed and that her father wag a

suffragiata M193 Gnrflon was the Fwnkesnan. She made several vary.

important poinhe. 1t Reqmed to us that he 4nd not givqn the batta?
any particular thnugwn nnfi why he had HRFBd us to See Him We harfily

KneW, He said that it was lot nacessary to convert Mir to Quf?rage§

that he wan alrenfly a Suffragist, but that wa ought to convert hora

Woman. He said that if he rmcomvended suffrflfla in tha weszfige it would

imperil many other Fore irvortant Neqnurns. Min? Gordon salad him if

he would not nhserve a petition, What We noulfl do and he nuicklv
replied, ”GO gnt another state". An M188 Gordon was in the Oregon
campaign, this touched her and qua said very firmly, "Mr. Prefiident,

in 8.541 ant} nnAikn-n gin}; ,Qnfi +hn Ans-“stain {migrantu and thfl 1“”1107‘





 Natimml Amm'imn Manual Smff ‘agv Azammafinn.


‘95IEQVW? CDTT”jt1wV3:~

Parrfir, firfiirvnv iflvacot
A v¢jy hfihfl 'x ”2a (91%

VJPTTW"d gngqaifitidn

L;."-:_r._1':-u,{‘1_ "‘11, t » _, ' _1 51‘, :‘n

497 "Tut to

F F"; J ’1“; ' ‘, T

Writ» to HTP.

Lyndwla Avn.,

.awrd a?

Qpihififi in 111T? tn

“'3“ 4 “Tin

.,:1n1 >1“

r {war—a,

m A. .
J O?




 Natinnal Amman lflflnman gmffragv Aaanriafinn


Presidenl, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw. Swarlhmore. Pa.
Firs! Vice Presidenl, Rachel Foster Avery, Swarthmore. Pa.

Second Vice President, Florence Kelley.
l05 Easl 22nd Street, New York City.

Corresponding Secrcfary, Kale MI Gordon.

I800 Prytania Slreel. New Orleans. La.

Recording Secrelary, Alice Stone Blackwell,
3 Park Street. Boston, Mass

Treasurer, Harrie! Taylor Upton. Warren. Ohio.
yLaura Clay. Lexinglon. Ky.

Alli/flan : ’ Mary Simpson Sperry.

Z IOO Pacific Avenue, San Francisco, Cal.

Warren, Ohio

I. e! 3,5} t F: 1":

{a 3}”? f. I” «‘{J‘z-I,

1 ea; 53,r‘£:,—“‘f-f,


in}??? 135}.



'* '1 ’ m '3.


:1", Mr

1m. ,.
In; ”ha.

,__. (m P»: ml! W43!

went o= ten dwnfifi

aee no

I could


w’ a}



J a if?! ‘f‘ 3‘ ti :7;


,i. we:

‘f'wn‘a joining: . l"?







inxuiry about uhfi 8&3». I

‘2 I ‘4’ Azg'i’ ’

i “nmatitution ru4wsr fi

"it c 123. «n
1.1 ,v".l rm 0!: mixil ifzrV-IC' i193 “Tl-d l’mn'

f, :3 111’. » '-

. As H , .J ”i r' <- My
flurnh‘r "mils ‘Smivs~zv"ru_ii-,xr 0.th m‘mlr‘; Viz‘ift‘im“? M131" “I



 Cir» a1 awtvu a My nwnnpl,iyy ‘ivft Lhaa¢ er¢e.~ qunafi, "and

‘% hm Zhw fifill‘fifi eguml %H¢”rx5% lwafivfia 0f ' achnwhfian

- . . V . m ,, is, .4» -
York. f vaw x: ,; ' “w H~~ ”NHL ” hnpn 2 ‘~. ‘Hf'mlu
”mnvvntlnn -“ cuk. 2 "mp; A‘w {ELUN , u, .. ,. in,
,1 ':z;._t'!19«t NM”; 41%;!
‘ ' .- 1- m. .,
' ~ ‘ " , '7 3L .3 ,w ynea,

mm ‘2 Lb;

19:3 H.929; F


 T‘.‘ "A. a“. f.‘ ‘ "".... r


"TA. . I“ ._'. C nyr‘v
m, J aQOIJIL, I‘m/r .

Ohio shall have
flonfihs, the 33;:~»1-

er half and ex senses

I knee ygare

the year, and

or3anizers by J', jam I o' v = in favor of being very liberal to tkose
3 ages thick ”IN“ > iisyesibicn to gel‘: themselves.

.I a; vouV much n1e91nee‘uitl j41i Gcejg's letter. I W'sh the Natieral
woalu give its unqualilie1 (or 11 ;o 011? 0-1eni7ers' forcing such come
mitgees or clubs as the efrcums=1nrm s justify. think you rather unfier~

state my opinion about clubs enfl meetiuxi. I am in favor of c uh meetings


when the members want them ano are milling to attend :hem.h But I am um:
Milling to allow meetings and attendance at them to be'any test of loy~
alty or usefulness. 'hen We get a goofi many suffre gists o 3enize6 on

the simble plan of paying fines ani being eounted, frequently a desire for

meetings reVIVes; and then I belie ve in e Current Events Club wrowrem,

etch as you have in Kerren. I constantly recommend that, th01

3h gou may
not be oleased with 1av1nc it Cullefi a Current EVents Club. Let me tell
‘you, if you hefl not hefl the discrimination to make tuft variety ofr-
gram, you noulfl long ago have been morn out.in the struggle to get
members to come to meetings. I became worn almost to the yoint of

out; when I fell upon the illuminating idea of asking for only the
points, uni leaving attendance end meetings to the choice of clubs;

//IN EEK "I“IS TO MISS GREGG. I hink you are entirely within your rig qht


 L "1," » f" -n :~ »‘ I « ‘ ‘ *‘-r r‘“ 'A,
1115 iH‘lCu ‘L13L3.t\‘:§r 1.. ".1. in” ..= -.'~J '. , .:_ .LJ rxfl‘nc/Vf'v‘ iJng LL
L.. ,fl,, _ m ._, 1 ..G . .‘ : a,
oi?1eor~ o; ,y aimi. ;.5 ., Yes. MLenmon want
to 333 Pragiueat 37* 3.? #7 Ԥ** L3; 3 C. T. U. oughfi to

hava 3 2333133 :, 33 3; .3. a. : M133 Gordon also

33y3, " 1 3m 333,333 33333 have, b333,.in f vrr 0? thig 013

erevni"* ion. 13 anon 33 I h0h7, from ynu 130th


13 not

:nu.vww+ :3e3r

Cozdially Yours,

my? 17% ”AZ”


 Natinnal Amprimn woman $111’fmg2 Aaanriafinn

(Member National Council ol Women and International Woman Suffrage Alliance)

President, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw, Moylan, Pa. Recording Secrelary, Alice Stone Blackwell,
Firs! Vice Presidenl, Rachel Foster Avery, Swarll’lmore. Pa. 3 Park Slrecl, Boston, Mass.
Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton, Warren, Ohio.

Second Vice President, Florence Kelley,
l05 East 22nd Street, New York Cily. NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS {Lama Cla Lexin ton K
Auditors: - - y, g ' y.
llVlary Simpson perry,

Corresponding Sccrelary. Kale M. Cordon. ,
ISOO Prytania Slreel, New Orleans. La. \Val‘ren, Ohio ZlOO Pacific Ave., San Francisco. Cali
December 10/1907

Dear Miss Clay:—

T an enclosing a letter, which explains itself.

It may be that you know this lady and what she is workinp at, but,
ofiher hand, you may not. Please return the letter to me.

I have given her what in?ormation re have in regard to

school suffrage, and told her that the Ohio Constitution does not

allow Class legislation for citiesn I referred her to Mrs.Craigie,
since New Vork State does allow Class legislation.
I believe it is a good thing that this Louisville club

Cordiallg" y ours


 “S I :£.i\:)






 wish 3n Co 30; and almost on .8 same date



guuwrite for instructions to day that we can do nothing for

a state whmch

wishes to work with us. ”Q 7 have no Lrve? to force - ‘ and we

we ha‘e
mo ueurgla a: this

my 'v’ O "(I e 0 1'1

;3r'5 Clues, a“ A; * :‘;vr 1n

xii? ,u<3i1()()]. fl _” iii“q '; ;;, ‘. 'L;L1*g;e


1.4ary C.R0arx Cor. ac.


7r~----- \f‘ A . J". 1. ‘:'~ (1,. ,‘(7
v. ,. ‘31 r‘€‘,x1 ”1,. u 1.6-} u > \,._I.r,u I

~, ~..L

far the ‘“ ' ‘ <51 date of

, y,( 1:
_,:..!‘v]_0. ,
. m —'




 National American Woman Suffrage Association


National Headquarters, Warren, Ohio

l'rnsidcm. ANNA HOWARD SHAW, Mnyhm. Pu. Ix'emrdinu Sw-rmiiry. Arm: H‘I‘UNIC HIHH‘KH'I’JJH

Isl Vii-v Preside"! :0 Lawn. RACHEL FOSTER Avmuz 3 ”Wk SW”- Huston, MM"
Hu‘nrthmoru. Pu. ’l‘ru:uuffragv Aafinriafinn


President, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw, Swarlhmore, Pal Recording Secretary. Alice Sggne Blackwell.
Firs! Vice President, Rachel Foster Avery, Swanhmore. Pa. " 3 Pa“: Street. Boston. Mass.
Second Vice Presidenl. Florence Kelley. Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton. W'arren. Ohio.

305 East 22nd Slreel. New York City. . Laur CIA Lex'n [on K
Corresponding Secrclaw. Kate M. Cmdon. NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS Auditors: I Manfsimpion Splengfl ' Y-

IBOO Prylania Street. New Orleans, La. Warren Ohio 2'00 Pacific Avenue. San Francisco. Ca].

Dec ember 17/1907
Dear 313385 Shaw & Clay:-

Von kn0w 0* course 0? Tenator Owen's lanter, and how he
suggests that ie do the thiny in Oklicoma vhlflh Lhe National Aeso-
ciation hi3 done all its life,- namely, organize clubs, stir up a
lot 0” eentiment, and 'hen we can {at our suffrage hill through.

I do not kno¢ «hen T 448 so discouraged over anything as this.

Jrom Mr3.Boyer'9 reports I thought that at last {e had learned

the thing to do in a ~tate fag to get the politicians on our.side,
and here is the yrincipal politician advising us to pet the peopl.

I asked Fro. Royer if that did not make her feel low-spirited,
especially as ve had spent such a lot of money and had only 350
members in the whole State. I just have her reply, saying that it
really did make her sick to her stomach, but she says we must remem-
ber that we have a lot of sentiment in the Qtate, and that the pol-
iticians are a lintle afraid of us. She thinke, too, there will be a
reaction, hecauso the financial situation has lowered real estate
values and made the times rather close, which the people cut there
are attributing to the Prohibition and the Democratic parties, 30

that another Legislature will not he so partisan, and she has hope.

We three who have charge of the organization work must

kee} in mind the situation there, in order to guide the action of
the Buoinese Committee in the future.

Cordially yours

HTYT.“R0 W 7


 189 N.Mill Street, Lexington,

.1. 7,1

-Iy‘v which have pi?“i” a month

written articles i0: us. I mead imyortant ones. Wasn'tiit

funny for Collier'e to include Ore¢on in the list of enfrlnohieed

Have you seen the statements goinb around the gapere

in regard to Belva Leckwood?’ You kngw new that she has a thir—
ty thoueand lallar fee, the-lawyers in the District of Columbia
say she in a wonderful Jmmen, tle very people whn ueod to laugh
“at her and make fiun of her tricycle. But most of these articles
are headed, "Belva Lockwood, the logical successor of Susan
B.Anthony. It seems she and her friehfie would like to have
her elected presifient of our Association, I thou&ht we'better

fortify ourselves. Cordially yours, 2§éoz¢¢¢4{


 Natinnal Amvrimu flammau Smffragt Ammriafinn.


December 28,1007.
Dear Member of the Busineee Cogmittee;—
older HOEGJ in Michigan are very t uchy
toware the National, or toward any outside markers. They seem
to haVe a gart of the spirit of Kansas and of Ore;on. The Ill-
ineia women thought it would bee Splendid thing for them to
*cod literature to the Constitutional Convention and
neubr~ of the Convention fire. Arthur thought
so two, but are knew the older *onen mania not like it, if they
knew it‘ She therefore Sid not say nfi thing about it. It seem
the .lder women did not like it, bun the men of the Convention
have ;104 eglenaja sense, (everybody admits that it is an un—
usual body oi men) that they a preciated t. Hrs. Stewart
found gut aboyt these older women rot liking the interference
and she writes gush a funny letter eeying rhe feeme tkie "- a
case which ought to be foilowed out as a fiector wank: do it.
That is, not CwflBUlt the whims of the gatient but administer
quietly the dose which will brie; ”he best results. She adds,
”I an alnoetefraid to grow old. Old euffragiete seem crankier

than the common run.”

Very truly yours,


 Natinnal Amvrhtan filament gaufi’rage Afiantiafinn

(Member National Council of Women: and International Woman Suffrage Alliance)

President, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw. Moylan, Pa. _ _ . v . Recording Secrelary, Alice Stone Blackwell,
First Vice President, Rachel Foster Avery, Swarlhmore, Pa. ‘ 3 Park Street. Boston, Mass.

Second Vice President, Florence KelICYI Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton. Warren, Ohio.

105 Em 22nd Street. New York Cily. NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS
Corresponding Score/aw, Kate M. Cordon. Audilorx: {El/[3:13 giigéorlgggs?’ Ky.

l800 Prytania Street, New Orleans. La. Warren, Ohio ‘ 2100 Pacific Ave... San Francisco, Cal.

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