Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board
of Trustees, March 19, 1956.

          The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Universi-
ty of Kentucky met in the President, s Office at 10:30 a. m., Monday, March
19, 1956, with the following members present: R. P. Hobson, Chairman;
Dr. Ralph J. Angelucci, Louis Cox and Harper Gatton. President H. L. Don-
ovan and Secretary Frank D. Peterson met with the Committee.

          A. Minutes Approved.

          On motion duly made, seconded and carried, the minutes of the
Executive Committee of February 20, 1956, were approved as published.

          B. Purchases Made by Comptroller' s Office Approved.

          President Donovan submitted the following letter:

                                        March 6, 1956

     Dr. H. L. Donovan, President
     University of Kentucky
     Administration Building

     Dea r Dr. Donovan:

          From October 1, 1955, through December 31, 1955, the
     following requisitions and orders were processed for the pur-
     chase of merchandise, supplies, material and other items for
     the use and benefit of the University of Kentucky:

State Requisitions   ................. .. Inclusive Nos. 358-4
Emergencies ...................... Inclusive Nos. 51-13
Special Orders.w                   Inclusive Nos. 9921-
                                   Inclusive Nos. 1-11 C
Job Order Vouchers ....   .....    Inclusive Nos. 3501-
                                   Inclusive Nos. 4, OOC
Stores Vouchers .................. Inclusive Nos. 2134-
Vouchers                           Inclusive Nos. 1-417
Order-by-Letters  ...    .............. Inclusive Nos. 1-318
Athletic Orders ................... inclusive Nos. 48-78
Emergency Purchase Memo
   Orders                          Inclusive Nos. PR 3;


-10, 000
.3 826
-4, 300


N 180 - 302
W 20  65

     The requisitions, emergency requisitions, special orders,
vouchers and other documents are made a part of this letter and
available to the Board for inspection. All purchases have been
made in accordance with approved policy of the Board of Trustees