xt70rx938c19 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx938c19/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19521219  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, December 19, 1952 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 19, 1952 1952 2013 true xt70rx938c19 section xt70rx938c19 The






SS Ruling

Win Six Posts
In SGA Voting

To Cover
UK Staff
Social Security
Benefits Given
To Employees

Seat Majority Kept
By United Students
In Assembly Meetings

Members of the UK faculty and

staff are eligible for Social Security
coverage and benefits according to
word received Monday from the
Federal Security Administration in
Washington, by Dean Elvis J. Stahr,
of the Law College, from R. Campbell Van Sant. counsel to the Kentucky Department of Economic Security.
"We thought we had been under
Social Security all the time." Dean
Stahr said, "but when the question
came up a few months ago, it was
referred to Washington for final
"There is really no change," he
continued, "except that all questions
have been removed."
Last July the Federal Security
Commissioner had tentatively ruled
that UK staff, members mere no
elicible for Social Security in spite
of the fact that the attorney-generof Kentucky ruled in 1951 that the
plan is
University's change-of-wor- k
not a retirement system.
President Herman L. Donovan
said last summer that originally,
the federal agency took the position that the state's attorney general's ruling should govern and the
Social Security tax should be withheld for all employees. The ruling
was complied with, and the tax was
withheld for all employees from Jan.
1. 1951. to July 1. 1952.
After Dr. Donovan met with various state officials last summer, it
was decided to appeal the case to
Washington for a final ruling and
to continue to withhold the tax until that time.
A hearing on the appeal was held
in Lexington last month, and the
decision this week came as a result
of that hearing. Dean Stahr empha-

The Constitntioimlists won six of ten seats in the Student Government Association fall election last Wednesday. The United
Student Party still maintains a majority of 17 to 15 in the Assembly.
All candidates elected from the College of Arts and Sciences
were Constitutionalists. Edward Sanderfur defeated Leslie Morris

that the




impaired by the
tem is in no
ruling on Social Security coverage.

Penalty Dates
For Holidays
Set By UK
Christmas holidays for UK students will begin at noon Saturday
and will extend through Jan. 4.
Miss Mary Page Milton, UK re- corder, said this week that the .penalty dates will be Dec. 20 and Jan. 5.
One hour's credit and one quality
point will be added to the requirements of students missing classes
on those days, she said.
All class building and the Administration Building will be closed
from 5 pjn. Dec. 23 to 8:30 a.m.
Dec. 29. The book store will be
closed the same days and will be
open at regular hours on other days,
Lloyd Mautz. assistant manager,
said this week.
Miss Carrie Bean, superintendent
of the campus post office, said. the
post office's holiday hours have not
jet been set.
Women's Residences Closed
The secretary of the Dean of
Women announced that no sorority
houses or women's residence halls
will be open, as all foreign students
have places to stay during the holidays.
Dr. Bennett H. Wall, director of
men's residence halls, said all men's
dormitories will remain open for
students desiring to stay at the University during Christmas. He estimated that about 30 students will
stay in the dormitories. Ed Hicks,
director of Scott Street Barracks,
said the barracks will also remain
open if any students wish to remain
in them during the holidays. About
12 students have already registered
to stay, he said.
The next issue of the Kentucky
Kernel will be on Jan. 9, Dick
Cherry, editor, said yesterday. The
Kernel will be issued on Jan. 16
and 23. There will be no issue during final exam week.
Steam To Be Cut Off
Elgan B. Farris, chief engineer of
the Maintenance and Operations
recently announced
that it will be necessary to cut the
steam off on that portion of the
campus from the old boiler plant
pit and beyond on Dec. 26.
"Steam will be off at 6 a.m. and
back on in the afternoon of the same
day," Mr. Farris said. "This shutdown is to allow the steam line contractor to replace leaking gaskets."
Steam will be off in all buildings
on the campus except the Euclid
Avenue Classroom Building, Memorial Coliseum, women's residence
halls. Alumni Gymnasium, Student
Union, Frazee Hall. Barker Hall,
Service Building. Taylor Education
Building, Scott Street Barracks.





in the Assembly by the new repre
sentatives. Constitutionalists bein
succeeded are Bill Gatton, lower
classman. Arts and Science College;
College of Education: Bob Jones,
upper classman. Agriculture
lege; Dodgie King, upper class-Sab- el
woman. Arts and Sciences College;
and Charles Negley. lower
man. Commerce College.
Outgoing United Students are
Pete Carter, lower classman. Arts
and Sciences College; T. I. Blass- cockt upper ciassman. Engineer Col- e.
lege; Vu Tarn Ich,
Graduate .School; Elaine Moore.
seat- lower classwoman. Arts and Sciences
College; Henry Neel, upper class-I- n
United Students Win Seats
the Agriculture, Deward John- - man. Arts and Sciences College.
son. United Student, won over RobPresidents Make Statements
ert Shipp by 165 to 159 for lower
Jack Early, president of the
classman representative. Upper
classman Edward Fuch. United Stu- - United Students party, said. "We
dent, beat John Ernst by 183 to 142. appreciate the votes for our party
Manocher Ganji. United Student, and the confidence the students
won the upper classman seat from showed in us. We hope to accom- James Cole by 189 to 177. The man- - plish a lot next semester."
Paul Wright, president of the
from Graduate School was
party, said he
won by Frisby Smith. United Stu- - Constitutionalist
dent, over Arthur Glickstein by 37 thought candidates of both parties
worked very hard and that there
to 8.
Five Constitutionalists and five was more spirit in this election than
United Students will be succeeded in former ones.

Col-upp- er

class-classm- an








194 to 192 for lower classman repre- sentative, and James Hudson won
over Bill Douglas by 218 to 146 for
upper classman. For lower class
woman representative, Ann O'Roark
beat Diana Parr by a vote of 220 to
145, while Joyce Hamrick won the
classwoman seat from Peggy
by 238 to 126.
In the Commerce College, lower
Raymond Jones. ConstU
tutionalist, defeated George
United Student, by 118 to 90.
Cliff Hagan, Constitutionalist. re- ceived 64 votes for
from the Education College, al
though he was unopposed for the











at-lar- ge

Christmas Comes To UK During this last week of school before Christmas vacation starts, etls and
t(k, have leen busy with preholiday activities . . .
dances, caroling, parties for underprivileged or crippled children, and the inevitable rush to "finish up." Top left, Mary Jane Wyatt, XO, Education senior, concentrates on finishing that knit tie. Center, Barbara. Baldwin, DDD, junior in Home Ec, and Ed Faulkner, BTl'i, Commerce junior, .work on the Boyd Hall Christfinds that his slim wallet disagrees with his ideas of what to give his girl. Bottom left, Ann Smith, KD,
mas tree. Top right, Dravo Flanagan, soph in pre-lasoph in med tech, gets a bit tangled up in ribbon as she wraps packages. Bottom right, Jane Bartlett, KAT, senior in Education, eyes a present under a tree,
but considers that "Do not open till Christmas" sign.
co-ed- s,


Blazer Lecturer
Says New South
Is More National




A happy holiday season is our wish for every student

and staff member of the University as you leave the campus to enjoy a Christmas vacation with your family and

The South is becoming an inte-

Faculty Members

UK Library Lists
Of Law College

Vacation Hours

grated part of the nation instead
of an underprivileged section. Dr.
Rupert B. Vance, professor of sociology at the University of North
We hope that you will have a joyous Christmas and
Carolina, said Tuesday evening in
the third Blazer Lecture.
will bring you great happiness and
that the New Year
According' to Dr. Vance, the new
contentment. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
South of today is not a geographical
term, but represents an allusive
Herman and Nell Donovan
state of mind. Perhaps this has
arisen from the fact that people
now realize that everyone must get
something out of our nation, he said.
In discussing the new South Dr.
Vance said, "If we stay out of politics we can accept a short-sightview. This view would be what is
the best for the individual rather
than what is best for the nation,"
he said. The sociologist said that the
The amount collected thus far by
people are now realizing that our
the World Student Service Fund
laws must represent "the greatest
Displays of the works of novelists life at the monastary, is one of the good for
the greatest number of cirive, which closed Nov. 22, has reThomas Merton and Hollis Summers works on display.
sulted in an average of one dollar
The sources which Father Merton
are currently being exhibited on the
He said that in the future the for each University student, Emma
first floor of the Margaret I. King consulted in writing his "Ascent to South will vote for its interest be- Belle Barnhill, publicity chairman,
Library. The displays include notes, Truth" are shown in one section of cause it has become more national announced this week.
in its outlook. He continued that
manuscripts, sources, and the com- the exhibit. Books, referred to by as the region becomes national it
"If any student has not been soby such will develop more conflict at home, licited by the committee, he should
pleted works of the two writers.
Father Merton and written
Included in the exhibit of Father famed religious leaders and theolo- because of the individual and local contact Joyce Williams, Arch
Merton, now an ordained monk at gians as St. Thomas Aquinas, Blaise complexities.
Helen Gum or Sally Maggard,"
During the last 20 years the South
the monastary of Our Lady of Geth-sema- Pascal, St. John of the Cross, and has been in a process of escaping she said.
are in the a
at Trappist, Ky., are the St. Bernard of Clairvaux,
She added that all solicitors are
system in agriculture,
manuscripts of some of his
politics, industry and thought, ac- - requested to turn their money in
religious novels. The manuFather Berton is the author of cording to Dr. Vance. "The South to Barbara Hall, Room 120, Student
script of "The Sign of Jonas," Fa"The Seven Storey Mountain," an has diversified its interest," he said. Union Building.
ther Merton's daily record of his autobiographical religious novel that
What does the future hold for the
South and a two party system? Dr. lrr. .
has been among the
since its publication in 1947. The Vance answered this question by ft CISllKIll
religious writer has since cdmpleted saying that the Republican' liberals
five other boks and several poems. will have to win state and local of- - C()Hfnr(
many of which are shown in the flees; Republican primaries must be
more enthusiastic; G.O.P. can se- Don.ud L. weisman. head of the
The display of Mr. Summers' cure followers in Dixie if they make UK Department of Art. judged the
agricultural conferThe annual
gains in agriculture, stay out of art work of the students of Asburv
ence opened last Tuesday morning works shows some of the many notes
tariff and accept TVA; and the
and is scheduled to end this morn- and preliminary writings he used Democrats cannot become conserva- College for the past scholastic quar- ter at Wilmore last Saturday.
for his two novels, "City Limit" and
tive because they would lose followDr. Weisman classified the stuThe outlook for next year was dis- "Brighten the Corner." The manu- ers. He concluded that the South
dent art work at the invitation of
cussed and subjects of special in- script and outline of "City Limit,"
more national and less the Asbury
Art Department. Mildred
terest to professional workers in as well as a "map" of the town des- will become the
regional in
White, art instructor at Asbury,
agriculture and home economists cribed in the novel are shown. Represented the awards to winning
were explained. Results of the pre- search notes and the manuscript of
"Briphten the Corner" are also instudents following the classification.
vious year also were discussed.
An exhibition of paintings done
Many agricultural specialists from cluded.
by UK art students and faculty
Magazine articles written by Mr.
the Department of Agriculture,
members will be displayed at the
Washington, spoke at the confer- Summers are displayed in one case.
Applications for positions on the Leewallen Hotel in Harlan from
ence as well as President Herman L. Besides his articles in two AmeriDonovan, Dean Frank J. Welch, and can magazines, one of his stories is student creative writing magazine, Jan. 6 to Feb. 6. Dr. Weisman
should be turned into Dr. pounced. The exhibition will be
other members of the University shown in an English publication.
Mr. Summers is the assistant pro- W. S. Ward's office, Fine Arts siionsored bv the Harlan Women's
faculty. Representative of the dairy
industry and other fields also spoke fessor of English at UK. A native Building.
Positions on both the editorial and
Dr. Weisman will be in Harlan
of Eminence, Ky., he graduated
on subjects related to agriculture.
Dr. Arthur Mauch of Michigan from Georgetown College and re- business staff are still available. Jan. 6 and 7 to give an address
State College made two talks, one ceived his M A. and Ph.D. degrees Students interested in finding out about the art exhibition at a lunch-mor- e
about the magazine should see eon.
comparing the economic systems of at the Bread Loaf School of English
Approximately 20 recent paintings
capitalism, socialism, and commu- and the University of Iowa respec- Mr. Ward or Mr. John L. Cutler.
nism, and the other on the need of tively. He came to UK in 1949 and chairman of the faculty editorial will be iiu liuied in the Harlan
now teaches a creative writing class.
farm price controls.

Kentuckian Novelists
Have Works Displayed


Attend Meeting

The Margaret I. King Library
has announced its hours during
the Christmas holidays.
Dec. 19, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Dec.
20, 8 a.m. to noon; Dec. 21,
closed; Dec. 22 and 23, 8:30 a.m.
to 4 p.m.; Dec. 24 and 25, closed;
Dec. 26 and 27, 9 a.m. to noon;
Dec. 28, closed; Dec. 29, 30, and
31, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Jan. 1, closed; Jan. 2. 8:30
a.m. to 4 p.m.; Jan. 3, 8:30 a.m.
to noon; Jan. 4, closed.
The library will resume its
regular hours on Jan. 5.

Six members of the faculty of the
College of Law will attend the annual meeting of the Association of
American Law Schools in Chicago
Dec. 28, 29, and 30.

Three of these faculty members
serve on committees of the Association. They are Dr. Elvis J. Stahr.
dean of the Law School, committee
on racial discrimination
in law
schools; Prof. A. B. McEwen. round

table council on legal aid clinics;
and Prof. W. L. Matthews Jr., com
mittee on cooperation with the
bench and the bar.
Other members attending are.
Prof. Roy A. Moreland, Prof. Paul
Oberst and Prof. W. D. Ham.
Purpose of the Association is to
discuss means of improving legal
education, accrediting law schools,
and important problems in law. It is
also a means of getting acquainted
for law deans and teachers, enabling
them to discuss their mutual prob- -

WSSF Averages

Dollar A Student


UK's Law



been a

Membership, according . to
Dean Stahr. is limited to schools
meeting high standards of legal









Annual Ar Meeting;


Will Close Today

Vasue Staff Posts

Are Still Available



SGA Unable To Help

In Parking Problem
Office in the
ministration Building.
Kim Sanford. junior journalism
major, was elected by the Assembly
to fill a vacancy left by an upper
classwoman from tne College of Arts
and Sciences.
At the motion of Paul Holleman,
the members voted to subscribe to
two magazines for the University
infirmary. He explained that although the infirmary has a number
of magazines, they are all old.
U on
Yfacr trMairpT an- nounced that the SGA's 1952-5- 3 bud- get of $4,438 has been approved by
President Herman L. Donovan.

the Registrar's

Marjorie King reported to the
Government Association
Monday night that her attempt to
alleviate the parking problem on the
campus by talking to the Lexington
traffic engineer was unsuccessful.
She said she suggested to the
traffic official that parking might
be allowed in front of Memorial
Coliseum and on both sides of Harrison Street, and diagonal parking
be started on South Limestone.
The engineer told Miss King it
would be impossible to do all this
and that parking on the south side
of Euclid Avenue will soon be pro
Dean Albert D. Kirwam faculty
advisor of SGA, explained to the
Assembly that a parking lot for students has recently been completed
on Rose Street behind the Agriculture Experiment Station. He said the
lot will hold about 200 cars, but it
is not being used very much by the
The Assembly voted to publish a
supplementary student directory of
new students entering UK next semester. The directory will also con- tain names of those students who
were left out of this semester's directory.
Pat Patterson,, vice president of
SGA' wn Presided over the meeting
in the absence of President George
Lawson, said that any student whose
name was left out of the first directory should report the matter to


Annual Recital
Is Presented
By Choristers

UK Choristers gave the annual
Christmas program twice last Sunday in Memorial Hall. The program was UK's traditional holiday
Miss Mildred S. Lewis of the Music Department
A special feature of this
year's program was a chorus of 35
former members of the group who
returned to the campus to take part
in the closing number of the afternoon performance.
group is
The regular
composed mainly of University students, but several staff members
and townspeople also participated.
Miss Lewis organized the Choristers
in 1932. and the organization has
K-Cl- nb
ushered in the Christmas season
on the campus since their first pro-- 1
gram that year.
game each spring, instead of
Both the audience and Choristers
intra- joined in the traditional singing of
ing the annual
squad game.
Arnold Blackburn, also of
are to tne UK music faculty, was organ
All projects of the
be considered as part of regularly soloist and accompanist. He played
scheduled meetings, and absence
recently installed Memorial
from any project will be counted as Hall Holtkamp organ,
The program opened with the
Ramsey said that if the club voted processional. "It Came Upon the
to adopt the proposal of having a Midnight Clear" by Willis, followed
sponsor for each home game she by three a cappellfi numbers. The
would be selected on a participation 'second group featured Patricia Eads
basis. Each organization would nom- - Herron singing "The Shepherds Hail
inate a candidate for sponsor and an Angel" by Begley. Miss Jo Ann
that organization would receive Thomas sang the solo part in "A
points for the number of campus Babe is Born." a 15th century tune
activities in which they took part. arranged by Malin.
Since some organizations have more
The third group included "O
members than others the entire Nightingale. Awake!" a Swiss carol,
program would have to be set up followed by "Mary's Lullaby" by
on a percentage basis, he pointed James, which was sung by the wom- out.
en of the group.
Ramsey said the club hopes to
Prof. Blackburn played "In dulci
bridge the big gap that has always jubilo" by Dupre and "Toccata Ave
existed between the students and Maria Stella'". John Veach Rogers.
athletes. The club is interested in Aimo Kiviniemi. and Patricia Eads
any ideas that might solve this Herron sang solo parts of "The
problem, he added.
Shepherd's Story."

University Athletes
The' first meeting of the UK K- since 1950 was held in the
Football House Monday night. The
Club, formed for the purpose of
creating better understanding between athletes and the student body,
adopted a new constituion and by- liiWS.t

New officers, elected by the 40
members present at the meeting, include Frank Ramsey, president:
Kerbie Hunt,
Roe. secretary: and Tommy Adkins,
Men who received their letters
prior to Sept. 1952 were included as
charter members. Other men will be
invited to join before next semester.
Tentative projects scheduled for
the future include at least two K- Club dances a year: sponsoring of
a queen for each football and
basketball game: making the K- Club Spring Picnic an annual af- fair; having a Dad's Day for one
football game each fall: and an at- tunut to tet the Athletic Associa- tion to endorse an Alumni-Varsit- y







* Tape 2



Friilav, December 10. 10"i2


The Frying Pan

Ridiculous Double Standard
Also Plagues Other Schools
The double standard used here at UK for res
while giving free rein to the men
has long been a source of irritation with us. Another college paper recently printed a letter to the
editor that does a good job of setting forth the
situation in all its ridiculousness.
are supposed to have enough sense and
maturity of judgment so that at IS, in many states,
they are old enough to get married, join tle service, or upon graduation from high school, decide
whether they want to woik. ge to college, or get
"But not here at the University. They have to
sign out as to w here they're going, telephone number, how they're going, and with whom they're
going, what time they're signing out and what time
they'll be back. These restrictions are required
is 21, contrary to the beliet
even though a
that at 21 an individual has the right to vote and
is generally considered responsible for his or her
"As to the signing out and in.
are being
treated like elementary school children. They have
to be in by 10:30 p.m. every night unless they take


co-e- d


Powerful Gadget
Needed To Wake
Super Sleepers

a late leave and by 12:o0 a.m. on Fridays and
Saturdays. An excuse for such a deadline has been
because of moral behavior. If such is the case,
I wonder if anyone thinks that
who plan
to commit crimes of any sort couldn't do it just
as easily before the deadline.


it iC&ift f if




want to stay out until all
"I don't believe
hours of the morning but they resent being treated
wouldn't stay out until
like babies. Many
the very last minute if they knew they didn't have
to be in.
"There are lots of instances, removed from be nig '
unreasonable and immoral, when a
not want to be in by the deadline.






co-e- d

"I think the



Mh tM


"It seems to me that the rule of setting a time
for women to !e in is completely ridiculous. The
men on campus aren't affected by it. Why should
they have so much more freedom, or are they
considered more mature by teh administration?





rJKSTof v WT?






a chance to show how mature they are instead of
being coddled by a puritanical administration that
evidently feels girls aren't to be trusted."









Commercialization Of Christmas
Almost Hides The Real Meaning


"Rudolph the
Reindeer" starts off about
Nov. 1, followed this year by "I Saw Mommy
Kissin Santa Claus."x Last year it was "All I Want
For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth" remember?
Everything you hear aixl see servos as a reminder
that you've got to send more presents to everyone
this year. Expensive presents, most of them, because people sent you "nice" gifts last year. And
cards must go out to everyone, of course. Nowadays it's really considered more polite to use a
three-cestamp, too, than the minimum



The Christmas Story


And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar
Augustus, that all the uorld should be taxed.
And all went to be taxed, every one into his ou n city.
And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Xazareth, into Judea,
unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem.
To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being, great with child.
lnd so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that
she should be delivered.
And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in stvaddling
clothes, and laid him in a manger; becaiise there was no room for them in the inn.
And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping
watch over their flock by night.
And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord
shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.
.' And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, 1 bring you good tidings
of great joy, which shall be to all people.
For unto you is bom this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ
the Lord.
Aiul this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling
clothes, lying in a manger.
And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host
praising Gol, and saying,
Glory to Cod in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven,
the shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see
tliis thing which is to come pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us.
And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying
in a manger.
And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which teas
told them concerning this child.
And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by
the shepherds.
But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.


Hardly anyone stops to remember the first Christmas present . . . the present that was given to all
-- DS
the world.

Humorist Does A Kindly Sketch
Of The Average Letter Writer
Campus letter writers seem to have hit a temporary lull. The only written contact we had with
readers this week was a letter from one student
who laments the campus parking situation. This
lack of reader expression brought to mind a dissertation by the late humorist, Finley Peter Dunne:
"No wan ivr writes to an iditor to sav, That
was a fine article ye had in ye'er vallyble journal on th Decline iv Greek Art Since th' Time
iv Moses.' No sir, wlu'n an indignant subscriber
takes his pen in hand at all it is to say: 'Sir, me
attintion has l)een called to a lyin article in
ve'r scurrlous sheet called 'Is Prohibition a

Failure? This is to tell that I will henceforth
niver call f'r ye'er dasthardly handbill at th'
reading room again. Print this if ye dare in
ye'er mendacious organ iv th Jesuits. Ye'ers
very respectfully, Vox Populy an' ten thousand
others.' "





A clever inventor could make enough in one semester to retire for life if he could dream up a gadget guaranteed to wake up the heaviest sleeping
college student.
It would replace the ineffective alarm clock and
the unreliable roommate for night owls who just
can't out that early class a fifth
time in a row and those optimistic
souls who think they can study
better at 4:30 a.m.
For best results there should'le
one for men and one for women.
The men's model should le
enuinned with a voice to hiss
loudly in the sleeper's ear, "Marilyn Monroe is
walking by outside." The effect would lx- instantaneous.
The style for girls would le designed to snicker
viciously at the right time, "Her formal looks just
like yours."
Extra attachments for yanking the covers off and
sprinkling cold water on the face are a must for
the super sleeper, and even a police siren would
come in handy.
The wise inventor will also design a type intended to replace the roommate or friend down the
people who can t find
hall for the
anyone getting up the same time they are.
Being adjustable, it would have a dial thai ranged from a gentle "It's time to get tip" to a roaring
"Roll out of there, you bum," complete with w
opener and foot tickler.
This Rube Goldlnnrgian device probably wouldn't
do anything for the looks of your nxim, but when
you miss everything before 11 o'clock by oversleeping, you begin to get desperate.
Amen, Miss Fryer, Amen.
Editor's Note

on campus should be given



I didn't mean to eavr sdrop. But I overheard my
folks talking the last time I was home. Talking
about . . . oh, alxmt Christmas when they were
first married, the big tree they cut down on the
farm, the family party to decorate it. About the
dear, funny little presents they gave each other.
Christmas isn't like that any more.
These days, Thanksgiving is the signal to put
up municipal street decorations lights, evergreens,
grinning Santa Clauses. Even then, stores have
been featuring Christmas decorations and slogans
for a couple of weeks. And almost eevry newspaper and magazine ad is "slanted" for the "holiday trade."
Every radio program is Christmas, Christmas,
Christmas. Get this, get that, buy this, buy that.









Although there s a great deal of truth in what- - ftf
Mr. Dunne had to say, we still welcome letters ofj y
any sort from our readers. The only way we can- - f
tell whether or not we're doing the job you vntl
us to is if we hear alout it once in a while. Natur- ally sweet little epistles of praise are welcome, but
so are more critical appraisals.


Luke 2:







On the last day before the Christmas holidays
Find the suitcase that was packed wlien you
came here won't expand enough to hold the things
you've collected since then;
Try to locate that guy from your home town you
knew in high school who's going to drive back;
Can't find him and end up checking your
two minutes lefore the train is due to leave;
And, if you're a commuter, you go home as usual.






Survey Queries Students, Facility On Subsidized M arriage

The Frying Pan nomination for the most popular
current topic of conversation: Christine.
It's hed code season again.
You snuffle at every other breath and rub the
rim of your nose until it's a rosy pink . . . the
sneezes wait to explode until your moist wad of
Kleenex is out of reach . . . your eyes burn most
when you try to read your notes for the next day's
test . . . your reflection in the mirror resembles a
worn-ou- t
St. Bernard . . your voice comes out a
half octave lower . . . you swallow all the remedies your friends can think up: hot lemonade, hot
salt water, and hot tmldies . . . your room begins
to smell like nose drops.
A thermometer is stuck under your tongue as
soon as you join the infirmary waiting line . . . you
share symptoms and magazines with the other virus
victims . . . you get your portion of the little yellow and black capsules surprisingly fast . . . but
they don't help, you've still got a cold.
No basketball at UK this year. Wonder how the
people on Rose will cash in on their parking lot
yards now?
A professor at Turin University has been arrested on charges that he sold 1.S00 copies of the questions he was planning to ask on examinations, lief orethe exams were held.


Editor's Sote Some sociologists have suggested
that parents subsidize "early" marriages, so couples
otherwise faced with an economic impasse can
go ahead and complete their education. The following article summarizes a survey of UK opinion
on the problem.

The question of age for marriage was brought

Dr. James Gladden, professor of sociology, also
considered age an imX)rtant factor in determining
maturity. He said a junior or senior who is be"If the parents are able to afford it, I see nothtween the ages of 20 and 22 is usually mature and
ing wrong with accepting help from the families," ready for marriage. He added that these indivisaid a junior in the Law College. "As for myself, duals should 1k encouraged by parents and helped
though," he added, "if I were to get married, I financially in setting