xt70rx93bk75 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx93bk75/data/mets.xml Kirkpatrick, William J. (William James), 1838-1921, editor Wallace, DeLance, -193?, editor Kinne, C. J. (Clarence James), 1869-1932, editor 1921 scores (documents for music) M2121.W38 K5 1921 English Lillenas Pub. Co Contact the Lucille Little Fine Arts Library for information regarding rights and use of this collection Church of the Nazarene -- Hymns Hymns, English Waves of Glory, Number Two, 1921 text 1 close score (unpaged), 22 cm. Call Number: M2121.W38 K5 1921 Waves of Glory, Number Two, 1921 1921 1921 2022 true xt70rx93bk75 section xt70rx93bk75 :59? "" "

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Number Two



Jrinted in U. S. A.









WAKE a joyful noise unto God, all ye lands:
sing forth the honour of his name: make his
praise glorious.

Psalm 66:1, 2

€53 IN G aloud unto God our strength: make a
joyful noise unto the God of Jacob. Take a
psalm and bring hither the timbrel, the pleasant

harp with the psaltery.
Psalm 81:1, 2

KIN GS of the earth, and all people; princes,
and all Judges of the earth: both young men,
and maidens; old men, and children: let them
praise the name of the Lord: for his name alone
_is excellent; his glory is above the earth and

Psalm 148: 11-13

Copyright, 1921, by Nazarene Publishing House




Waves Of Glory

0. J. KINNE. Copyright, 1921, by Nazarene Publishing House. WM. KIRKPATRICK.























r11 fin E A!
_5 31L 9:; -—a—’l:§:§j—; _,_ 5113!:
E1 d a 0‘— 0 ,5, _._ , g. g.”—
1. the mer- -cy of God like an o- cean is broad As a boundless and
2. As re-vealed 111 His word, the free grace of my Lord Is a foun-tain of
3.0 the purelove of God, it is now shed a- -broad To the ut- tar-most
@fie Q 355' r .= E‘_F #_.‘_- - b:
I 18-3—5 t: 1, $v—E~E:E—IE—FE es
5 u b b V V V “ 9 p B a u
H k h In A
A H 1’ I ’ J‘[ .4 1




s *h:
UH flA .3 h D[
2:57—15! '1 ‘ ——h —-
egg-313%.: 5:: ti:—:___4 £51: @537— j
fath- om-less sea; And its waves ev- er roll o’er my rap- -tur- -ous soul;

wa- ter and blood; And the streams o’er me flow as re- 101c-ing I go;
depths of my soul; I am free, I am free, for His blood cleans-es me,

4’“ . .
leg—5:? F:?;:H:E::H:E~:p: W











Praise God for His mer ~ cy so free.
I’m saved by its life - giv - ing flood. Waves of glo - ry now
And glo - ry - waves 0 - ver me roll.

0 - ver me roll,Streams of sal -va-tion are flood my soul,
#0 _'. I

keep-ing me ev - ’ry Whit whole; Glo-ry to God! hal-1e - lu - jahl



No. 2. IWill Sing the Wondrous Story.

Words and music copyrighted 1887, by Ira D. Sankey. Renewal 1914, by P. P. Bflhom.
Fanncxs H. ROWLEY. Nazarene Publishing House, owner. PETER P. Burrow.












v :. V p

1. I will sing the wondrous sbo - ry Of the Christ who died for me,
2. I was lost, but J e - sus found me,Found the sheep that went a-stralf';
3. I was bruised,but J e - sus healed me,Faint was I from many a la ,
4. Days of dark—ness still come o’er me, Sor-row’s paths I oft - en tread,
5. He will keg? 113.8- till. the riv - er Rolls its wa-ters at my ‘62.;




si {fisher 3:14“: H“ ~_
g .Z_.J—3-::E;: flip-Fifi: —


























r . I. I I I l l I
' u E o P ‘ p b P o p r l 1
P J A —_. E-fi )__.. L I) I I ' ]
D n l L in L: n l L [ u n L . J
r r V V r r V J
___§_E‘ #3 ‘R' h APPF' j n a *1 ' "1 T

_. _. ..'_.__a___r' A j J o '_ l . :___i_

g - d - - d? = I z = - .. l‘ _, _q_:._ _
”—T- L' V ' l ' v K I - . d

- D ' g r (I



How He left His home in 'glo - ry, For the cross on Cal - va - ry.
Threw His lov-ing arms a - round me,Drew me back in - to His way.
Sight was gone,and fears possessed me, But He freed me from them all.
But the Sav-ior still is with me, By His hand I’m sale-1y led.
Then He’ll bear me sale - l3; 0 - ver,Where the loved ones I shall meet.













, '4:E:E'T’P'E:+‘Fr' ,;la
[fie—Riser: LFWPZEZJLL .L .m









Year—I’ll sing .............. the won-drous sto - - _ ry
Yes, I’ll sing the won:drous sto - ry


0f the Christ .............. who died for

Of the Christ ,who.died .fo'r' . me,












{L 1‘ 37‘3' r - a l i _l
‘— 3— it. . j: g—Eg‘ J JI
1‘3 er< J 5‘ IV [3’ 5 J
J .\-< . J . .
Smg it With ............ the samts 1n glo - - riy,
Sing it with the saints in g o - ry,
.- - 1






. .1 ‘ P 9 ‘ :E: , _ .
r 9 e L a 9

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V r




I Will Sing the Wondrous Story. Concluded.


E“; 133E

Gath- ered by ............... the crys- -tal sea.

Gath-ered by the crys - tal sea.



No. 3. Close to Thee.











FANNY J. CROSBY. By per. Biglow & Main, Owners of Copyright. Sms J. Van.
(—19%) th' j L filLfi , If R! 4 ’N’l—h 1 I
: LEE—9a :i: —i;i 2' ' F S—j——' La 1
- 1* i T‘i— r - i)

1. Then, my ev - er- --le.st -ing por- -ti0n, More than friend or life to me,
2. Not for ease or world-1y pleas- ure, Nor for fame my pray ’rshallbe;

3. Lead me thro’ the vale of shad- ows,Bear me o’er life’ sfit- in! sea.
_ a.



















.‘_.p . n—p_ _—b—O—
,g3fl- gg¢LL—w-~Ja
7 I
n 14' . e, a B
u a“ m; —Hi~*§E—-—-:i:?E-1


All a- long my pil- grim jour- ney, Sav- -ior, let me walk with Thee.
Glad- -ly will I toil and suf - ier, 0n - ly let me walk with Thee.
Then the gate of life e - ter - nal, May I en- -‘ter, Lord, with Thee.

4_ . -
. F‘E—‘Eit. FT—i—F—IL‘I‘ET 14%.. rafi
:D:d~ —" —— S:EE*_P‘_E‘°—Bi [[ . . Vi—L—g
r I p p ' w v ,
ll. REFRAIN. h h .19 5
__fi— ———1 ' . __ _.
:g ee_.._w~—s_—a_ :_; - :fleL: -1
Close to Thee, close to Thee, Close to Thee, close to Thee;

Close to Thee, close to Thee, Close to Thee, close to Thee;
Close to Thee, close to Thee, Close to Thee, close to Thee;
—F—- Q- 4- 2-






































A , 19- . 'l- 0 -P- '1 ‘ -1
Q" t 1 1 I 1 u u n D n L’ ]
I L‘ r L . L V V L V ' 1 1

n H n A h J L h .

#—_——— V 1 I I I l d ’ EL ‘ j‘I I I g r4 1]
—— L __‘_-— w— . ‘ a . fl

'l_ L' L 2' : Ed ' U:y- ‘ .

U B ' " ' ' ‘ i—

All a - long my pil-grim jour-ney, Sav- ior, let me walk with Thee.
Glad-1y will I toil and suf - fer, On - ly let me walk with Thee.
Then the gate of life e - ter - nal, May 1 en - ter,Lord,with Thee.









4h 4!- -!-- _ , -fl- 4—- 4-

: : _-__¢_. _.p__p- ,- 1 L '11

*—:fipp:m ' {fl
5 If l' v D V V‘—







No. 4. The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power.

Copyright, 1940, by Mrs. Stillman Martin.

Mns. C. D. MARTIN. Nazarene Publishing House. owner. W. STILLMAN MARTIN.
_D u fl J L J n L L l
'11 Ru.“ 1‘0 l l D r . . A i l n [1 " ‘







:fi—4—4 r; .-
3W 4, - - -

1. The blood that .f/e-susonce shed for me, As my Re-deem-er,up-on the
2. It gives us ac-cess to God on high, From “far-off places" itbringsus
3. It is a shel-ter for rich and poor; It is to heav-en the o-pen
4. And when with all the blood-washed throng We sing in glo - ry re-demp-tion’s














- I 7 II V ' r - F [P r v E r
j K I. ll '
l l- ' L
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v v I D 9 u
u H I L m LAL I 4*
PAW rj n [A A D D1 rlifl
“1111 ' '1 “l l "‘









n l .
l n ’ - p. l l n J
m U HIT—”i—Q—u Eg:r— ' :EE @
\w J l ,

‘5 4 4 $1T 53' v t? 4;,
tree, The blood that setteth the pris-’ner free, Will nev - er lose its pow’r.
nigh To pre-cious blessings that nev-er die; It will nev- er lose its pow’r.
door;The sin-net’s met-it ior ev-er-more; It will nev - er lose its pow’r.
song, We’ll pass the glo -ri-ous truth a-long, It has new - er lost its pow’r.
















V v
It will nov-er lose its pow’r,. It will nev-er lose its pow’r;.. . .
ho - ly pow’r!’ ho - ly pow’r;


The blood that cleans-es from all sin Will nev-er lose its pow’r.





No. 5. He Lives.

J. H. slums. Copyright, 1911, by James G. Garth. JAMES G. GARTH.











“£11 [ 1 ' 1 4‘3 F
" w L - _J E q i —:1:
A ‘ LJ 3- L fl
3- 4— ll-


—‘E;l L . 4. .
V r 1* ’3‘ 9‘
1. On Cal - va - ry my Sav -ior died Where for my sins He bled;
2. Death cap- tive held Him but an hour, My ev - er liv - ing headl
3. He bore with- -in the ho - ly filace ,The pre-cions drops He shed;
4. Now high a- bove the high- est eav 11, He’ sseat-ed in my stead;
5. And soon with all‘ His saints He’ll bring The glo- ry as He said;




















.m'aimfi ril- 3P 9‘ Jig—r1 | alrg- = LII/P

l%1:&:u:c:v:e:p L is t .
' r r ' v

jag L . l I .

fifii- 2, a 3 b 4.9—3“?

U r ' ’3' 1—5"? '


He rose, and I am jus- -ti- fied; He lives,Who once was dead.
He rose in glo- ry and inpow’ r; He lives,Who once was dead.
And sprink- -led there the Throne of Grace; He lives,Who once was dead.
And grace for all my need is giv ’n; He lives,Who once was dead.
Londg shall the hal-1e - ln- -jahs ring—He lives,Who once was dead.

ii - 4"" "o
. [a-oppl Jr‘olniol 1
' ' “—:t:E:*—* ‘ 'L'
\ L
















rose a vic -tot o’er the grave; lives ex- alt-ed now to save;

He lives to pleadmy cause on high; He lives to {guide me with His eye;


Hi lives to bring me to the sky And I shall see Him bye and bye.


». .~,-1



No. 6. The End Is Not Yet.

E. D. ELLIon‘. Copyright, 1935, by Wm. Edie Marks. Renewal. Wu. Emu Mam.
ms 434L111“; '§B.JT“"‘ ,efiiJ
14- 2’" $12], 2 2 4. J— .3" :“igfi—‘_§—?:aa

1. I have tried to count His bless-ings,and I fail to nn - der-stand
2. Like an arm - y I be-hold them pass be-fore me in re-view,
3. Sure - ly good-ness, love and mer- cy have been mine a - long life’s way,
1 n a 1

I—" I v‘l













u it Eu D ‘ all
Why the Lord should so rich-ly re-ward'Could I count the stars of heav-en,

0 what joy doth the sight now af-fordi Tho’ they may be long in passing,
And my weak heart to strength is restored;And my cup of joy and gladness

























'__' ' , -vzz r .t r

‘; y b@‘ a is

.Ah-l A ‘3 'LW J I

——‘h—h‘l_—J—‘P. - ‘L

:: —— Sir—i 1— 1 k

d -'-' v v . ‘6‘.

add to them earth’s grains of sand,Still His blessings are more,praise the Lord!
still the come,bat-tal-lions new,And the end is not yet,praise the Lordl
keeps o er-flowing, day by day,And the end is not yet,praise the Lord]

A A L A 0

Ink: 7, 5:! —' 2 r’
W ll FP—t‘tfi)

















l L‘ l l
L_. L i I \ \ | I LL— D [J I: D H L0 0
p p a r v I i I V V V V




Lord, And the end is not yet,

And the end is not yet,praise the
* praise the Lord,


praise the Lord; Bless-ings new He’s still be-stow-ing,And my
0 praise the Lord;


 The End Is Not Yet. Concluded.

cup is 0 over flowing,And the end is not yet,praise the Lord!
0 praise the Lord!

. $.03);


N o. 7. Every Day and Hour.

FAFNY J. CROSBY. “Cleanse me from my sin."-Ps. 51: 2. w. H. DOAKE.
Slozvly. h h

,[_‘l J" 5 .1 l _ f1 1‘1 fir
H— - - _h —d—'_Bfl;gl ll;
. 'l— - __ _ _ a d. =l1 = £'_=1l’
-—j . 9 ' ' U .

1. Sav - ior, more than life to me, I am clinging, clinging close to Thee;
2. Thro’this changing worldbe-low,Lead me en-tly, gen-fly as I go;
3. Let me love Thee more and more,Till this eeting, eet-ing life is o’er;















-' b n 0 A A A U A f."
IW 'Hm . l’EF{;,.’I'~°—
IL 17"
fl—u’d—ho v i, [L0 5—5.4. 9-5-










efi M M _. wags? M ~
'*" fiar‘tlsgqi ° ‘ —;- " 3
__- _.—“* 7—d— _—“::-_-_;_- 4*
43 ‘7’ 6- + 'l d B ' v ’ 19-
Let Thy gre-ciousblood ap-plied,Keep me ev-er, ev - er near Thy side.

Trusting hee I can-not stray, I can nev-er, nev-er lose my way.
Till my soul is lost in love, In a brighter, brighter world a-bove.














J. =‘fiL.E Fiz'ffilfi :.=“E'=:P_J
W? : :P 1:2 [Lu—Fir. rFt—a: .
v r v p v e '





Ev - ’ry day, ev -

hour, Let me feel Thy cleansing pow’r;
Ev - ’ry day and hour,ev -

day and hour,





May Thy ten- der love to me Bind me clos-er, , Lord, to Thee.




No. 8 Sail 0n!

copvmom, 1909. av CHAS. H. cumin.
Solo and Chorus. M 80— — J

'1 L l L A DI L__I

#15" £1 L. 11 13%
- r-r—

1. Up - on a wide anilv storm-y Sea, Thou’ rt sail-' -mg to e--te1' -ni - ty,

2. Art far from shore, and weary-worna—The sky 0 ’er-cast, thy can- vass tom?
3. Do com-rades treni- ble and re- -fuse To fur- ther dare the taunt- -ing hues?
4. Do snarl-ing waves thy craft as-sail? Art pow ’r-less, drift-ing with the gale?




























. 1t} 1~_ 0 1r 1*- . . .
@tficm . 1:21-9:11 . 10-1
L;__11 9571—7) 1) wjrjl 1 1 I I

J 1) V J

1 K adllib. 1

W11 l—‘niu 1 1 A
1 1 - - nr, on
u _ +111 jEF:.v:—i_l‘ .43. .L: ;'





And thy great Ad-m’ ml or- -ders thee: —“Sail on! sail on! sall onl”
Hark kyel A voice to thee is borne: —“Sail onl sail on! sail on!”
No 0th - er course is thine to choose, Sail on! sail on! sail on!

Take heartl God sword shall nev-er fail! Sail on! sail on! sail onl
+0 '9’.





fiFflfifitaL—F 3 4E”?







CHORUS. M- 88 = J


on! the storms will soon be past, The dark -ness

will not al -ways last; Sail onl
sail on!

* ' ' M
J mt. e dzm. f9 10











1L1. x 5‘
. . 1 . " '1‘ P a r”
L.— h - {#:strsfiafik—e_1H——p—:—1:~H
u r V V V V P” p 1 1 f L L 1J
lives! and He commands. “Sail on! sail on!” ........................
onl sail 31K! sail (Him 5:111 on!
4! #— 4° . . I.
1:1.9a 1.9J31413 3.
. 1 . . F j 1 1 JJ
"1|: 0 r0 [100 II
1? _ 1 v1 _11 11


' May close here.

w-:~’Wfifim. .‘

 "v‘iii‘k rw

No. 9. Christ Arose!

Copyright, 1916, by Mary Runyon Lowry. Renewal. Used by per.








A I I J #1 l I l I
(It A j I 1 ‘1 1 l . 1 r J I I I 1 '
Its“ " ' " TrL'WF—
~-— 5.—
u v v I, a (1“ 7—.

1. Low in the grave he lay— J e-sus my Sav - ior! Wait-ing the com-ing day-—
2. Vain-1y they watch his bed— J e - sus my Sav - ior! Vain - 1y they seal the dead—
3. Death cannot keep his prey— J 6 -sus my Sav - iori He tore the bars a - way—









fi- f- f- ?- f- - 0 fl . .9. - . ‘8' ’P‘ -
\inl l I II I r TL l
_.._ a i :0 01' F
- n i_ i l I; 1 IL .
l l l l l I ' |












Je - sus my Lord! Up from the grave he a - rose, (he a-rose.) With a





might-y tri-umph o’er his foes; (he s-rose!) He a-rose a Vic-tor from the



dark ’do - main, And he lives for - ev-er with his saints to reign. He a-





rose! (He a-rose!) he a-rose! (he a—mset) Hal-1e - in -jah! Christ 8 - rose!


. . «9-



 No. 10. Jesus Saves.


fit“ is érJi - _=‘ g __:"‘ is, fit”!
A 1 —“’5’ —‘t<—“ 5— 'T—21_: “ 72—1
§Z_.:l:_d.7_ " 4‘” E 4.- Ca . : a
1. We have heard the joy - ful sound, Je - sus saves, Je - sus saves;
2. Watt it on the roll- ing tide, Je - sus saves, Je - sus saves;
3. Sing a — bove the bat-tle’s strife, Je - sus saves, Je - sus saves;
4. Give the winds a might - y voice, Je - sus saves, J e - sus saves;




























s s
’\ R «Q-
gag S— 1:144 . . I: ‘Tflflfi—fi _:“: §_ LEEQ‘L: ,-__
j j J [I .r, r———v;—v— 9.:
= c j I. 3 =' o =‘ [3 If F 7 r r
a 1+ _ 1x a _ h
‘6'. .E _ RF =j°::*'r F 311*}
- Ti: 5‘? " 3 ' 3 r l =' B ‘—%—Fl:33—
U E; "‘ 1't - '5' "'1' I '.‘ . . 0

Spread the glad - ness all a-ronnd, Je - sus saves, Je - sus saves;
Tell to sin - ners far and wide, Je - sus saves, Je . sus saves;











By his death and end -less life, J e - sus saves, J e - sus saves;
Let the na . tions now re-joice, Je - sus saves, Je - sus saves;
11 J q‘ 4“ N l ' ' '1'- . I!“ 0
' ' —[— ' — —' _p._- r E rr J
I —£-T—! 1 ' ' 4‘ q: A L _ I —1 L . I. l J
v .. 1— 5 r 3. J 1 3 r1 u a r1 r W J
V‘ :4 l = ' ’ 3 =' ’ é ' 'm r ' ,‘ 5 r34]
1 I’ l

A g—M IF: ' 4} F J‘ a I 4::— sag:
‘ —————1 _ - I ’ 3 Va 4 . "‘ J-{—:—a— —g—%——a—_
§—__tr1i£_j:ir_1jj:fj:‘3*_ :‘:_"‘:'_— 2“

Bear the news to ev - ’ry land, Climb the steeps and cross the waves,
Sing, ye is- lands of the sea, Ech - 0 back ye o- cean caves,
Sing it soft - 1y thro’ the gloom, When the heart for mer- cy craves,
Shout sal- ~va - tion full and free, High- -est hills and deep- est caves,


































4 _g.,._ 4... 4- -a_
—-L——-._,_ —_
&g_l__ _-- —" _:b:fl_£j:
:Eu—E— 75:.“_ % a e 9— 9-—
n 114R 1: .4n :1 L J n l . .
.1..”1 g’ :13 .1- 1111; j‘ a:
"13.g::?ll~1}.4.1 if}:
c‘ - U' I: 3 3 3 P9 3 3 F0" 3‘ l‘ rf l
1 On- ward, ’t-is our Lord’s command, J e - sus saves, J e - sus saves.

Earth shall keep her ju - bi - lee, Je - sus saves, Je - sus saves.
Sing in tri - umph o’er the tomb, Je - sus saves, Je - sus eaves.
This our song of via - to - ry, , Je - sus saves, Je - sus saves.












_ _'_ _9— _ D .p.

n 0 A " 1—1, 1 ' . 1 ' '__. '- 1—.—

{AXOH ’ " - f ' [L ;_B I " f r

IUOH ' .- l H" I U .4 I. r 0 r.- [

HZ " H n '71 A__ H YD l D 7. r
V. I 7 {j 7 I1 ' . V r 1 I. I
7 V V r V






 No. II.

He’s Coming Some Day.

Copyright, 1937, by Nazarene Publishing House. Renewal.


! I




[[70 r













1 L 1 ‘ 1 '1 fifi
e) r ' 1 1 1:!_ ‘ i 1 1 1 ‘“ "1
l r I - '__. _ 4,1 g T 1 j
1+ r C: . 1 : j,

1. 0 Je - sus, my Je - sus, is com-ing some day, The heav-eus will
2. Thrice bless-ed are ye who are bid-den to feast, When Je-sus shall
3. If this hope you’ve treasured, like Him thou shalt be, All pure and all
4. 0 friends, are you read - y this mo-ment to stand, With bold-mess be-

















?- ! 1;! "J - 1" ' ‘ 'P‘
. _ 1: 1. 1 1 1 ‘1
- — if r 1, E 1 1
fl L . L I‘ll 1 1 .
L9 iglrl i 1 Ifi 1% J 1 i I 1
l l
1 1 1 1 j 1 :Eg 1w ‘
__' ' L,1 Linn .F‘ L P
r471 1' r:- ' 1- L
V n V

ho - ly, yes, e-veu





as He; Au heir to

o - pen, 0 why bid Him stay? His bride hath made ready, her garments are white,

name you a king and a priest; At that feast a-new with His bride He’ll re-‘veal,

a king-dom, a crown and a throne,

fore Him a sanc-ti-fied band? The blood is your plea, are you hap-py and free,
- «9









11* + ”.9 ‘ ' 'P‘ 'PJJJ “F ' - -
: If FQJI F:LF__f Fjji .5 E [F t:
I1 1 1 L 1 i 1 1 1 L i; I V—jl
f I I I I F I I I l I
n I I . 1 I I I L L _1#
1.1 3 ;’1



WTH—v— wraze— ‘—’


:Ild1- J








I 1 I


' LLo—d——LL6


Ar-rayed in fine lin - en so pure and so bright.
The new wine of heav-eu, the mar-riage to seal.
With rich-es in glo - ry for - ev - er thine own.
Made White in the iountaiu ’neath Cal-va-ry’s tree?

0 glo-ryl He’s coming, yes,















n I I . I 1 I I I I
I g ' ' ‘AL I [ a j
W. L - 1 {4' 1e e1 3.
:I I; .j - 1 I 2. .1 i 1 1
U v v v v v v v '





corn-ing some day, To gather His loved ones and take them away; He’s coming, He’s


- ’r +- 7" y-







.41‘ —| lelD'l/j 11. . *1

coming, He’s cam-ing some day, My Sav-ior is com-ing for me ......... .


He’s corn-ing me.



No. 12. The Old Fountain.
EMMA M. JOHNSTON. Copyright, 1896, by Wm. J. 'Kirkpatrick. WILJ. Kmxrxrnrcx.
Efiective as a Solo.

éfijfiLfEJHZFfif _ my



_iT d:d“"d .
1. By 83- -ma-r1a ’sway- -sidewell, Once a bless-ed mes-sage fell On a
2. And a lit - tle cap-tive maid, By a lep- er un- dismayed, Told to

3. As the eu- -nuch tried to read ,Phil—ip taught him of His need, And bap-
4. O thou foun- tain, ,de.ep+ and wide ,Flowing from the wounded side That was
















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wo-man ’s thirst- -y soul: Long a - go; And to eyes that long were sealed

him a sim- ple sto- -ry Long a - go; That the stream where he might lave

tized Him in the stream, Long a - go; As the out- ward seal and sign

pierced for our redemption, Long a - go; In thy ev - er-cleans- -111g wa've
































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a"? 91—91” - ‘as ‘1-.— - Sill—«315:1
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U V o ' + B 0 V _ a ' '6’-

Was the glorious light revealed, Thro’ a fountain that was opened Long a- go.
Had a-lone the pow’ r to save, Thro’ his trust in that old fountain Long a- go.
Of an in- -ward word di-vine, That was wrought thro’ that old fountain Long a- go.
There 1s found all pow ’r to save, ’Tis the pow ’r that healed the nations Long a- go.

at; -g— 1 at 3-. B




















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thatwas o-pened Long a- go; ............ For
Long a- ng;


There’s a





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heal-ing of the na-tions is its flogi ...... A -long the line of a-ges,



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3.7142. 2,454.; ”11.”;

The Old Fountain. Concluded.

The prophets and the sages Caught the singing of the waters,Long a-go ........

Long a-go.





No. 13. I’m On a Shining Pathway.

J orm HOGARTE Lozmn.
n Solo or Chorus. J J‘ .
“T4,; .L ':-;“_" ‘_J:e.
M—H—fie—ETPEZQ—i—tg—gfij— _-
4723 1i” 3- -¢-. ~5. fl- -
1. I am on a shin-ing path-way, A-down life’s short-’ning years,

2. My soul hath had its con-flicts With might-y hosts of sin;
3. I am com - ing near the cit - y My Sav -ior’s hands have piled,

L \O



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And my heart hath known its sot-rows, Mine eyes have seen their tears;

With dead-1y foes With-out me; And dead-lien: foes with-in;

And I know my Fa-ther’s wait—fig To wel-come home His child;
‘\ - - —0- - - 4- 4-. p





















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But I saw those shad - ows flee, And the shin -ing light I see,



































But I saw those 18 - gions flee, And my soul found vic - to - ry,
For un-wor-thy tho’ I be, He will find a place for me,
' £- -!- ..__p Ff: 9‘ 'F‘_‘E‘ 'tn'r fi+€_: fig-
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While I’m trust-ing in the met - it Of the Man of Gal - i - lee.
When I trust-ed in the met - it Of the Man of Gal - i - lee.
For He is the King of G10 - ry, The Man of Gal - i - lee!
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‘7 a) 9 .LV TF§:?—:P:B:EE:F 3. 1L? ‘1.
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No. 14. All the Way Along.

Copyright, 1932, by L. E. Jones. Renewal—Nazarene Pub. House, owner.












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Hifi‘ 1‘ "3 b w t I .IN' 7’ 7 H * ' q
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A 7, —Lfi =1—-'-—a—a.
u %:-§37'.-§T%55 '5‘ 7“? i

1. There is One who loves me, One who is my friend All the way a - long,
2. He doth still the tem-pest, bid its tu-mult cease,All the way a - long,
3. In my Lord and Sav - ior I will joy-iul be All the way a - long,
4. I will sing the prais-es of His wondrous love All the way a - long,










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all the way a-long; He is ev - er near me,read -y to de-fend;
all the way a - long; In the time of trou - ble keeps in per-feet peace:
all the way a - long; Sgeaking words of com-fort sweet and dear to me,
all the way a - long; will sing more sweet-1y in my home a-bove:














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,Je - sus.


All the way a-long it the way 1- long it


Je - sus, All the way a-long bless-ed Je - Bus; He’s my joy and song





All the way a-long; All the way a-long


' J


 No. 15. The King’s Highway.

Copyright. 1919, by Charles M. Alexander.
L. C. V. International Copyright Secured. L. C. Voke.



4‘ 7‘1 r f’ i" d
:aa—a— Hr ~§-A
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1. Tray-’ling on- ward to a cit - y bright and fair Tears and
2. There are man- y who are per - ish- -ing to- -day, __Tread- in
3. “Go ye in - to all the world, ”the Sav- -ior said, Tell 0


















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sor- rows nev-er en- ter there; J e - sus said He would a place pre- fare
not the straight and narrow way; We must go to them with-out de-
Christ, the joy-ful message spread; Jesus But-feted 1n the sin- ner’ s stead,

twee! {Hr-E: Fif‘ “J9EE?
0119151113. 5 fig! j:

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For those in the King’ sHigh- a







And tell of the King’s High-way. } Walking with Je - sue, by His
Pre - par - ing the King’s High-way.
:5: I. -'n 41. :"
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side I’ll stay,Walking with J e-sus in the nar-row way; Trav-el-ing a-


long to - geth-er day by day, Walk-ing in the King’s High-way.


x‘: ,M"M¢N_‘~.<,1AA " fl.—g:,,- _-:::.»a E a} 1:1. 1 1¢‘<.1'aadgxn4‘g»“¢~nsmfi ,e,»1'g: ;-;;-,"'LEJ‘ .v»,y



N o. 16. Still Sweeter Every Day.

Copyright, 1927, by C. Austin Miles.‘ Renewal. Hall-Mack Co., owner.

















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r9—i7. A -r - 1 . , ’ J Lj N A N ‘1 .‘I 1
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1. To J e - sus ev-’ry day 'I find m heart is closer drawn;He’s fairer than the
2. His glo - ry broke upon me when saw Him from a-far;He’s fairer than the
3. My heart is sometimes heavy,but He comes with sweet relief;He folds me to His










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h hhthJ Rb 5-5

' r1 ‘—* L ‘H . U—J — '. '3— ’. ‘
. :'-_,: 1113. 1 . it _i 51—:“1—47
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glo - ry of the gold and pur-ple dawn;He’s all my fan - cy pic-tured in its
lil - y,brighter than the morning star; He fills and sat - is - fies my long-ing
bos—om when I droop with blighting grief,I love the Christ who all my bur-dens



















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_._.- finders—3731 .z.,: 2-; L -=' .ffl
fairest dreams and more;Each day He grows still sweeter than He was the day before.
spir - it o’er and o’er;Each day He grows still sweeter than He was the day before.
in His bod - y bore;Each day He grows still sweeter than He was the day before.



















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The half ............. .....can - not be fan - cied, this
The half can - not be fan-eied on this side the gold-en shore/Ibo ,


side ............ . ..... the gold-en shore;
half can-not be fan-cied on this side the gold - en shore;






Still Sweeter Every Day. Concluded.

there ............ He’ll be still sweet - er than e 'ev-er was be-fore.

there He’ll be far sweeter than He ever was be-fore,than He ever was be-fore.


No. 17. Near the Cross.


Run :1 ' 7 A, l l x J1 [j


n, ‘





11: :‘__c’__ _L4 '1. ILL __ ’Li 1 .
fi_1__l__d__d*ljd:a_i_r_ud_ 1!— EL:
1. Je - sus, keep me near the cross,There a pre- cious foun- tain

2. Near the cross, a trem- bling soul, Love and mer - cy found me;

3. Near the cross! 0 Lamb of God, Bring its scenes be- fore me;
4. Near the cross I’ll watch and wait; Hopb - mg, trust -ing, ev - er,





















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L‘“'__. i'tg ‘L 4‘1 1 H 1 J_~1
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Free to all— a heal - ing stream, Flows from Cal- -v’ ry ’s moun- tain.
There the bright and Morn- -ing Star Sheds its beams a- round me.
Help me walk from day to day, With its shad-ows o’er me.
Till I reach the gold-en strand, Just be-yond the riv - er.














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In the cross, in cross, Be my - ry ev - er;
. #0




' Till m


rap - tured soul shall find Rest be-yond the riv - er.






No. 18. He Took My Sins Away.

Copyright, 1931. by Nazarene Publishing House. Renewal.
Mas. M. J. H. Mas. M. $11.13“









§ _! J ‘1 E I \N «I,
'Xfifi, é—“fifllj a . 3'» : 2:3;





l 1. I came to Je - sus, wea-ry, worn and sad, He took my sins a- way,
2. The load of sin was more than I could bear, He took them all a- way,
3. No con-dem- na- tion have I in my heart, He took my sins a- way,
4. If you will come to Jesus Christ to-day, He’ll take your sins a-way,

_ to. no.
















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He took my sins a- -way; And now His love has made my heart so glad,
He took them all a- way; And now on Him I roll my ev- ’_ry care,
He took my sins a- way; His per- fect peace He did to me im- part,
He’ll take ygur sins a- wry; And keep you hap- py in His love each day,









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took my sins a - way.

took my sins a. - way. He took my sins a. -way,
He took my sins a - way.
He’ll take your sins a - way.


He took my sins a-way, And keeps me sing-lug ev - 'ry day!




a - way.

I'm so glad He took my sins a-way, He took my sins







ankaz'mM-Wé“ “ “ "

No. 19. Is It the Crowning Day?

Copyright, 1938, by Chas. H. Marsh. Renewal. Rodeheaver Hall-Mack 00., owner.











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