xt70zp3vt865_109 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. 1943-1954, undated text 1943-1954, undated 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_14/Folder_4/0001.pdf section false xt70zp3vt865_109 xt70zp3vt865 /*”X
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l 9 4 6
hr. William Green, Pres.
American Federation of Labor
flashington, D. C.
Dear Mr. Green:

It was a special pleasure to me to hear your address
before the Dade County Bar Association at hiami a few weeks
ago, and to have the opportunity of meeting and talking with you I
after the conclusion of t e meeting.


I can well understand the high regard you are held
both by labor a d wanagnent and was paticularly pleased with '
with the information you mentioned in your address that such
a small percent of the men contacted lith your Union were
unconnected in strikes.

by I say that I wish there were more leaders for
labor like you and that I hope to have the pleasure of see-
ing you at different times in the future.

Ly best personal wishes.

Very truly yours,
Joseph D. Harkins


Kentucky West Virginia Gas Company
Second National Bank Building
March 4, 1946

Mr. Joseph D. Harkins
Attorney at Law
Prestonsburg, Kentucky
Dear Sir:

We recently completed gas Well No.
799 on the Clay Martin 555.50-acre tract of
land situate on Jones Fork of Right Beaver
Creek, Knott County, Kentucky, covered by our
Lease No. HB-65 and Deeds Nos. 3—119 and 3-210,
and write to inquire whether you or any of the
heirs of W. S. Harkins, deceased, have sold
any of the royalty in the oil and gas under-
lying said land. If you have, please send us
a copy of the agreement of sale so that we may
know to whom the royalty should be paid. A
prompt reply will be appreciated.
Sand Open Flow Rock Press; Time Depth
Shale 275,000 228# 46 Hrs. 2756'

Yours very truly,
E. E. Clark, Land Agent


 Kentucky West Virginia Gas Company
Second National Bank Building
July 2 , 1946
Mr. Joseph D. Harkins 4
Attorney at Law
Prestonsburg, Kentucky
Dear Sir:

I am enclosing original and one copy of agree-
ment between you and others and Kentucky West Virginia
Gas Company, extending the term of all leases which have
not been automatically extended by production, and
ratifying and approving our agreement as to the consoli-
dation of your Tract HB-65 with Kentucky West Virginia
Gas Company Tracts 3-119 and 3-210, and your Tract HF-ll
with Kentucky West Virginia Gas Company Tracts 3-112 and

If this agreement as prepared meets with your
approval, kindly have it executed by the parties of the
first part, and return both copies to me. After it has
been executed by the Company, I will return it to you for
the necessary proceeding incident to its approval by the
Judge of the Floyd Circuit Court.

I have not yet prepared the new lease covering 1
the Mud Creek tract and the Bull Creek tract, due to the
fact that the dead from wright to Mrs. Barkins did not
set out any acreage. If you have the acreage in the
tract, will you kindly write me setting out the acreage
and stating whether or not the acreage set out is the
full acreage or the amount of acreage owned by Mrs.
Harkins. If you do not have the acreage and have a sur-
veyed description of the tract, and will forward it to
me, I will have it plotted to determine the acreage.

As soon as this information is received I will prepare
the lease and forward it to you.

Yours very truly,

E. E. Clark, Land Agent

 July 22, 1946
Xugzucz; «est {irrinia Ces Co.
,:cohd ’.tionel Sank Eldg.
Ashiahd, sentucay
Atten: hr. 3. E. Clark, Lend “gent

1 lbs fiSOO.33 cteck‘ahich had heretof re been written
in tLG h;_o s: Josie U. lurtins, Jrustee, and the report of
otoduetion o; JGllS for the month 0' June, iave not ween re-
coivc;¢ i culled gr. floors shortly before he joulfi ,0 talk-
ih on the co gany ciPCuit, :nd is wave as the information '
l tar ti¢t t;g a so: 1h; fiefvrt was still Usih ;;;¢ ;; ush-

l ”4; g L ;h;t ;: ,Lshei 4 letter from :3 ii SuKLGCZlOJ
t ere: tn. ,

lease let the c.eox g4; report some o.r9;rd gfli con-
tinue to to so Iron Line to tine, until there is ‘h e grassed
chests eds in tic itsection is to the .:Jigxt ;_ 2;:;e items
ilrncied to Le rail to Josie i. E p.ihe, trusts).

(or gracticelly all tires "ctlor h;s hev r seen or
endiresd ea; c: tLeee clocks, nor in foot his s;e siéled :ny
also: in tihhsctio: it: Estate ::tters, Lut the s horse cut
of you: ohechs and other. elects ‘«.?ltten in s: Esravozn F.’ v3 been
Viie L; iu [.220 filly, a; -Ltorney 37: Leo, deposits: to \er
syeci 1 account, end all checks against the account L've been
signed is Lcr it“; by 3;: s: L';L in effect the lime in lieh
the is”osits were made, is in effect « business ht>e ft~ the
”strLC. This? the {revisions '7 t7? resgsctiv; 1w ear, gin
eve :uty.ri ed to nahe gay ent in such RAJ: until ? “iher or-
der: shun in; such direction, a l2,t:7 E; :12 t a ?r‘rs; Sid
i so‘ set tLSt you continue to gun? checks so Jfilttflfl.

Lf course I fidPS”nfllly yi;rn£tee to a we go; too less
by rogson oi checks so writeen and endorsed by me.

ill tiis line.ise u ylies L. it: rxhtul :lzc_s ggyeble
in J 3 any elch year. '.

l the our accounts so set up :itL tQu Lacks; T:g 3e-
part 0 t ind :ith the h mks to such an extent that ; at not con-

' tehlleto we mill make any change at any time in tie directions
and n;t.orizations which you already have, as to the p“ tents
whi:i ;;ll be made by you.

Very truly yours,


By ,.ittorney

JDH/ec .

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‘T November 14, 1946
Mrs. J. D. Harkins,
Prestonsburg, Ky.
Dear Mrs. Harkins:
Thomas Emery's Sons, Inc.. owners
and operators of the Netherland Plaza announce
the opening of a new hotel. The Terrace Plaza,
sometime during the latter part of the year '
For your convenience we are enclosing
a new credit application which will entitle you
to courtesies at both of these Cincinnati hotels.
Kindly complete the application and return same
to us. Upon receipt of this new application
properly filled in, a new combined credit card
will be forwarded to you.
Appreciating your patronage at the
Netherland Plaza in the past, we wish to assure
you the same courteous and efficient service at
the Terrace Plaza.
Owners and Operators of

 November 25th, 1946

Rev. Paul 3. Powell. Pres. & TreaS.

Kentucky Hesleyan College _
Xinchester, Kentucky

Dear iir. Touell:

On my return to the office afterHten days absence I
find your letter of November let.

' Luch as I would like to do so. I do not see that it
would be convenient or possible for me to either add to the
pledge that I have made, or to anticipate the payments of
the balance of the pledge within the period of time mentioned
by you.

It so happens that my income is substantially fixed and
likewise that my disbursements are substantially fixed and mea-
sured with reference to income.

1 have an expensive office to maintnin and the expense
will provably increase after the first of the year. 1 am faced
with making a contribution to our fraternity at Centre College.
to the hospital at ,ikeville, a small contribution to the pro-
posed iaptiet Hospital complimentary to one of my friende, as
well as my regular contributions to the many different churches
here in Floyd County and other organizations to which I make
regular contributions. If some condition should arise whereby
I can make an additional contribution to the Kentucky Jesleyan
College, I will then be more than glad to do so.

my very best personal regards. _

Sincerely yours,
Joseph D. Herkins