xt70zp3vt865_128 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. Camp Branch Coal Lands, abstracts and titles text Camp Branch Coal Lands, abstracts and titles 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_16/Folder_5/0001.pdf undated section false xt70zp3vt865_128 xt70zp3vt865 2 1 ~ H
' Item 1.

Dead Boo: Y Pgio 43”31 _.w, ., Jute Feb.. 12. 1901.
IJOULLDiUIi: .I.- 3.; ... :.1‘ .‘-. l. rat‘f—I br‘L’EK.
Description; Same o3 hereinaftcr abstracted and deed rvferred to.
.icreugn.: 15, l.a.
interest conveyeu: do 1, oil, was LMQ all mineral prcucta, with
’ fi . VJ‘riéflt‘ifflufltrj and removal.
ucznowieoged: f414j ““;Wff'"~
Recuxued: :33 ‘7’ ‘3“1'
ILL-ins; .‘muez; 2,.-4532:1431. M.: port“; L <;c2z;tres.‘;c.::,ncc.
2::L3:;L;c:2;<143{1{::acjc313;:rt<;r ; 3);:{Z<;{IC;’L{ZC2{JZI<33 PC2<3C1135JC3C}C?:3;}{JCJCJCJCJCJCJC

Itwm 2.

3L1 SxfixuzLL.
reed Book 0 Enge 568 hate 090., 9, 1889.
Sonsiuerarion: $75.00
Inertion : James pruned lr tar Jreek.
Descripulon : wave as aboye.
{cknuwleuged : 390., 9, lSQQ.
decorueu : April 23, 1390.
leins : yyxxuu Vq§c\nu& vomea%bu\dm\uyngmw\ofi\&ba&.
homurua : VaffléV‘AKBFS and Noah Aknrs partieq to this convey-
. ‘4 IMWM . _ 1 . . ,,,. .
anus no¢u¢1rom p11 unurgcll auu .116.


Item 3,

TU ALI thRuELL TRON A.J.l&flfilfln?l.
Lees Look x .5300. jg; "‘ “3 _ . _ gate" Jcpt., 13, 1886.
CQn§?d??9tionl fi'u. 3'33””b *JHLVL duh 931% luf
..UL... “on . a: r n 74+. :3}:

DG‘;C;.L._:‘Li , In
‘»I'VIWM .1:: Yu- ,CJI-J.
ghost .:.“; ~.J “mun; , 1115 uni unpaid morugz‘vzges, or any other
i..; .:_‘:.J\,L-V,=.:,...:. a“; .L'vu,“ “21113 pJ'CJ‘J‘c-‘iag; :Jf- '51.»: 3JJ":;':::!L‘g “wine. Share
{:.L LL aging» gamut ..J' jJ‘Jmmyr'ty 7“. this: time. Upon inquiry
i; :.::/JJ LAJJ‘...__. J ; .‘ma: ; ‘Jguv‘g: 1*:; $123933: ubzxizctzctcd is
.Lguuwa i1. vm. J‘. :‘0. Elm" 2.11:: 3.x.1‘rties "'210 Chianti 111,15,- have
' '.: . w .u ~;, ..u '».‘f «2;! ‘.‘, 5 21"3’.€»;"11 ‘.‘1“':1, ‘-L':"..“.::‘.1,..””‘=: u, ::z'. 2.13.
'.UK‘L. -“L-L“ p:.:.:~~.;\Je;,u.Lc 1J\;;:.3u$~J.QJ‘J £01“ Llii‘qf yt‘ini': firing“ t,- 2.113
wit/LL --_1-' »J :1} ':;‘.;.3,.,I~5\‘;L, T‘f‘Q Q00& ['0 'WMM,V-F:E. .

 f. v

1 l I '

f I ‘.

k, ‘v .


Rural Jerrell in n18 life time secured the following patents from
the 512.336 of Kentucky.
Ietent No. One. Floyd Co. Surveyor'e Book "C", page 142, patent
for 50 acres by viltue of a part of Kentucky Lend Oiiice, Terren-
ty humber 24025.
latent Ho. :wo, Flu;d Co. Survey r'c Foch “C”, gzge 440, 1/3 of
loo acres by virtue 01 two Floyd County Court ourveys.
Patent ho. itree, Surveyor'e book "2", pugs 441, so LCILS by vir-
tue of Kentucky Land Office, fuzr;rly Lo. 197b9.
On Harch “4, 1866, Vur l Jarreil gonve;ed the innd he Lad putalted
to i. J. lendreth. This dee; is to be iound in Deed Book h,page
49. 13c feed is for the re» of the land p;tcnted, and the con—
veyonce we: regulhr. On Septaibcr 13, 1886, A. J. LcndrctLC on-
veyed the page 15nd he had acfiuircd from Rural Jorrell to Eli Sturh
gill. $.ie deed is to be found of record in I)ced Took 1, page
595, of the Floyd County Court Clerk's Records. The deed convays
the same lund L ndrcth purchased from Jnrrell; and the deed is in
all respects rcgpl r.
On Beau her 9, 1689, hi- Lturglil cenched to V iney ore; and No-
ah Acres the land purchased by bturgi l from.inhdroth. Tuis deed
is to be found of record in Deed Boon 0, page 568. This deed con-
veys the fee, and is in nll respects regular. On Tebrunry 12.1901,
Yeah Tores nnC Varney Acres conVLycd to whiter D. H rxins all the
mineral products with ri ”t of entiy and remOan in, n; r, and un-
derlying the tr ct of lend they Lad purchsed irom Eli Star 111.Thia
conveyance is in all reopeczo r. uiar. , . M . .
There being no outctoncing and unpaid mortgages, or any other in—
debtedncsu against this property at the present tins, and no chosee
in action affecting some, and upon inquiry in the community in
which this preperty is located, it “as found tk:t tlo parties Who

‘ said to Walter S. Hurkins, :nu :hosc under whom tiny claim, have had
active, open, nonorioue. uninterrupted, undistumbed, 3nd ultggether
peaceable pousoesion for thirty (so) years prior to .hle deco. The
title in the Hurkins' estate and the mineral znd Lose ants therein
conveyed i: goon.
A. J. Gunnell, 142 acre mineral tract. This tract of lend lies
on Hawee Branch of Prater Creek.

 On June 30, 1902. A. J. Gunncll purchased ircm E. C. Hall,
E. K. Hall, Anna Hall, W. n. Crum, wary Crum, Evan Hall, Jennie
Hall, Jone-3h Hull, Floyd Hall and Laura Hill, who were the hair 8
of Sylvester Hall, 153 acre: of land on the Hnwes Branch of Pra-
ter Creek. Since 1322, i. J. Gnnnell has resided continuously
upon LL18 land, and is pcssvssion has been open, notorious, un-
questioned, and altogether peaceable. This deed is ci record in
Deed Book 13, page 572 of the Floyd County Court Clerk's Recc‘ds.
On July 16, 1902, -‘. J. du.n 11 chi to «lter b. H rcins the
4:13;: ‘r :::vucts LL).:~;;}:LEH:L‘ .ith Lu;- 3:},- Ezt of entry and rezazowfl
in, upon, and under twc Lime. {0.31). :5. 1nd pure}; sec; find the
heirs of vyfivcster nail in the 1‘r_ ting deed. I_is deed is
regular, mnfi is to be icund in Need Look 14, page 1L5, cf the
flog-LI CAM; C:3:..i"( ’,‘Ywirz‘f's‘, Silica. TLA: title ‘7; the; Kiszrkina'
cstnte in the mineral products, and the Lectsszry c;;€mcut8 for
the 39,253: ."' m“ sat: is :TOLB'L'.
Stem: (“charm If. 1/2 acre i‘ec tract. £1.18 tract 03‘ 1 nd lies on
Big sandy rive? about half way between Icav r Creek :nd Panner
st tion, Kentucky.
On tpril 29, 1895, Jaime hutchcr conveyed to lronnlowc Butcher
a large "Ll-2., t of 1:211; which .mbrnccg tnis ".1:-ct. inc canvcyance
~:rs regular, and is to be found in Dccd Beak I, page 4J7, Floyd
County Court (Jich’L: Office.
On March 5.5.5, 1896, Brownlone "Matcher conveyed 6 part 01' he tract
which he .:;ud urchascd from J'.::u.-s Father to J'. J. us‘bornemmd
the tr ct conveyed to J. D. Cs.ornc included the tract cf land
herein abSquCLed. This deed was r0311 r, “n; is t» be found of
record in Deed Book 5, page 63, of the Floyd Gnu ty Court Clerk's
’ Office.
On March 19, 1898, J. D. Csbcrnc conveyed to John Butcher a part
Of thfi Lane which he had purch:ncc from Brownie e ;utcncr. The
tract ccnvcyed to John fut Yer included the land herein abstract-
ed. This conveyance was regular. find is to be ituid in Deed
Book J, page 358, of tie P. C. C. C.'s OiiiCL.
Cn march 1, 1302, John Futoner conched to . chart Jones the same
land Which he had purchased frum J. D. Osborne. ZEis deed is
of record in Deed Book 2, page 558, and the conv;y nos WLS regu—

 On December 1?, 1902, Robert Jones CHHVtde Lu M. “. Janus a
traCL of 35 acres, Khich included the land ;crcin abstracted.
T31“ dcgd is in uil respects regular, and is of ILc0~G in Deed
300x 7, gaQB 14?, T. C. C. C.'s Records.
On Januur 14 lQCS m. L. Jones 331d tn H. K. HHLl tLe tract of
i ’
land herein wbSancted. This uonvcyrnce is Ieguiay, an is to
be found of racord in Deed Pun: V2, page 107, pf the Flzyd Caxnty
Court ”{ovc's flanTdB.
On Sa.u TE 4“, lflfl, N. I. AnLi 54,: V3 5. C. d;uwc tuis :ract of
land. This conveynnae is jujuiij, n; is L; bu IauLd_:1 record
in Dacd Icut TE, 34;: 5WW.
On ‘r mat C 4910 C. C. Liane UuthVcd Lvig 4V..rty k; Sieve
7 t u .. . L
Oubo;nc. Lrlu u mucfincc i3 :guw; : p; 13 ;v up ;.BLJ 1n Deed
Bank 3¢, ggvz 659.
:11 v ,.x M, . ,- ‘.'-...‘. . .', ..,N w..» M ‘ ». , 3
:flf (‘.' k. _; i, ”17;.“ .'AL‘, .A. .. M, :;::U .'. .’.: 1&5 g; . ;x .:-v‘L ’LVLI‘
..';‘l . ’ .', ”5’ .“,. ‘ -. . ' ‘ "
‘»VJJHLLILc-J. E- :wL J.LLL!{. .=. 1 ' , . I [13 y-Lzfi ‘5 3 ;_i‘ 3. he
int i 2 1‘21? 4,1”; t i-i¢uun.

 3; 3
E \
Luigi ..‘- 157 11443: ..‘3 A IL, . I. k. \ 1.
Eur ; Jurre-l in his life time secured the loiififlih‘ JutCLLS Irm;
cc 1:1, to 032' -‘ng‘itucii'y.
intent La. One, Flsyd Co. aurVByor's 300; "C", ?;gc 142, gutent
for 50 HCTLG by Vixtue 01 a ggrt af {ohtncky Lhnd §;iiug, 'arrnn-
‘ t3; lumbar $34325.
§u£;Lt LL. ;wa, Eiuug Cc. ZuJVc; x's Lab; "C”, 3:9: 45;, ;/5 of
:Ln fny; 9; @149dr 0; LMO Zgggg gvuLLy agar: LMIVLEE.
;;tcnt Ls. :urcc, Suzieyor'a book “5", gage £41, 3“ LCng by er-
fine of Leutuckg LLKC QIiiCL, a; r iuy £0. 19789.
On larch fié, 1336, lur.i Jarreii var 93¢: tic i~nd .0 In? :utaltcd
to ’. J. Landrczg. Isis ace. in L4 be igpni in beau 300i :,pugc
49. Imk iecd is Lo: Lie 13; gr the land ; L;ntp;; ‘nd i L Van-
veg nee w“: ngULul. QR hcptgxbur 1;, 1836, A. J; ;flflfilpt;(,on-
ched Emu man; iunfl we uni ac uirafi from ”ural Jvauil :0 Si: Stur-
ai;l. A is deed is to be founfl :1 record in I‘cci “ at 1, page
595, a; the Floyd County Smurf flirrr’s Kecdrfin. Tic awed conveys
tvc s:me Ltrfi Azndrcth pure? 5:0 from J rrnll; “r“ the load is in
:41 ':‘p~_,:L;C'L:, L'LLHLl I'.
On Lccu.ucr U, L&b9, ‘; utuxgisl ufihVLJCd L; V C,LP ‘cxg. and 10- '
uh A0143 Lug lynd purchased by biur;i-l i103 lahglbbh. $.15 deed
in to be found of regard in Dead foot 0, page 568. T is dead can-
vcys the fee, und is in H;l Innyectc ;Léyi T. On Fabry;ry 12,1301,
lath Tara; and Vrrney ‘crcs COHVaJCC to Talia: h. 3 ::ins 241 the
mincral graduate .iLL ri t of ontxy and IQ;GVal in, u; L, and un-
derlying who tr at of i'nd t;cy Lpd gurchscd 130m iii Lzur i; .Ehis
caanymnCU is in 511 ruggeciu I; ulnr.
chre being LO Qutsu:1:ing :nd any id mortg gas, er ‘LK JLer in-
aech LL55 a; inst this yropcrty at the firLLth Lire, :Ld n0 Chesac
in action affecting 33mg, and upan inguixy in the community in
which this property is located, it ”nu iguhi LL'L EJC 3:rtiu8 wgo
said t3 3 itcr s. Hhrfiihfl, :na Lion; ubct: “L03 oLgy a; in, aVc had
active, cyan, no.0;isus. uninterrugted, uncistuubcd, gnd ;;L gather
yCuCG_b;C ,ohscss;on iqr L irgy (3v) yghru rzior Lo gfliL deg_. The
tiuie in the Hmrxing' euLLte bfld the Jingrgi ”HQ Lung Lhts gwmrein
L. J. Gunneil, 142 acre nixCrL; tract. This tract gi l-nd lies
on ficwea firgnch Hf :rricr Cragk.

 "In June-.450. 1902, A. J. Gunnell purchased. from 1. C. bull,
E. K. Hall, Anna Hall, 15. 13. (Intro, Linry Cram, livan 15.9.11, Jennie
Hall, Joseph Rail, Floyd Hall and Laura. Hall, who were the heir s
of Sylvester Hall, 15:) acres of land on the waves Branch 01‘ ira—
tor Creek. Since 1922. '1. J. Gunnell has resided continuously
upon tnis land. and is poaaoasion has been open, notorious, un-
questioned. and altogether peaceable. This deed is of record in
Deed Book. 15?, page 572 of the Floyd County Court Clerk's E'lcca‘ ds.
On July it}, 1902, ‘ . J. Guz.mll L‘Dlz; L0 Walter S. Eizrkins the
;..i:.-.,xv.:_l 1;;-.)(1116133 Loggeuxer with the rlgizt of cnuy and renov:;l
in, uyon, and under the land which he had pm'cmsoal flora the
heirs of Sylvester nail in the foregoing deed. T $5.5 deed is
regular, and is to be found in Deed Book 14, page 155, of the
Floyd County Court Clerk's Office. The title t, the Hul‘éflfls'
eatate in the. miners-.1 graduate, and the. Locumozzry easements for
the removal or ammo 15 good.
Steve Osborne 3 1/2 acre fee tract. Thin 1.1-mt of 1::-1d lies on
Big Sandy RiVCr abwt half way between ELawr Creek and Banner
motion, mantuclq.
On April 29, 1893, Jame Butcher comreyed to IEraainlon-o Butcher
9. 1:21:10 trad. of land which (;mbracoci this tract. EM; oonvwwce
use regular, and is to be found in Deed 33031:: :1, 3:30 414:"), Floyd
Com.ty Court Clerk's Office.
On march 25, 1896. Brownlowe :autci'tor conveyed :. part. 91‘ to tmct
which he had aux-chased from James Butcher to J. I). Osbornemmd
the tract conveyed to J. D. Gamma included the tract of land
herein abstracted. This deed was regular, and is 10 be found of
record in Deed Book {2, page 60, of the Floyd floaty Court Clerk's
On March 19. 1898. J. D. O‘o‘oorne conveyed to John Butdier z port
of the land which he had purchaocc from Brownlozte Izutcher. The
tract conveyed to John Butcher included the land heroin abstract-
od. This conveyance was regular, and is to be round in Deed
Book ‘o’, page 338, of the F. C. C. C.'8 Office.
011 March 1, 1902, John Butc:.er conveyed to obert Jones the same
land which he had purchased from J. D. Osborne. 13:12 deed in
of record in Deed Book 2, page 558. and tire Comroyznco mas regu-

 f |
On Decenber 113, 1902, j'lobcrt Jones canvaycc": to I... Jones a
LIT-ct :21" 553- :zcres, 2:31th 124041.de(3 1.4. Lam; .CI‘uin 8.13831" 0306;.
133:; dead is in .'LL]. respects 11.511155, :mnd is 91‘ 3x,,cc;'(’ i1: Dog-L1
Book 7, 54:58 149,, 17. C. C. C.'s .-.ccorgis.
On ngnuhry 11:, 3.:,;')6, 35'. 1,. ..icmez'; :3:-id t; 2;. 3:. 31:3,]. 1,; e tract of
1.3m: ”.;s-mrcin Laban-acted. 231.;5 common—nee is I‘egniz..~,:, and in; to
he found of record in Deed Eon}: TIC, page 107, :.21" the I"'.‘.o;rd szxty
Court. ’Tchqs's Y'acords.
On Juaupry lfi, lit, m. K. 17:21}. 35:13 “to C. C. Clone tE‘is met 01'
3.: m1. 'Clxics C;23‘.LT<‘;7-'.":l’lCC 3'.:; yoga: ~z, .m’ is. L) ‘ng found. vi' record
in Ewes“; ESQ-cf: 713: , page 390.
On ' 42.5? G, 15310, C. 5:. “3.:-me =53JT;‘-f€;:f€d ’ is gniscrig; ’LL: ”Love
Ozbanrne. :2:; Cut-£17k; :2:;200 is .. :... 1 i: 1.x; ’; 1;...0. :.3:- Deed
3303.1; 3..}, ‘. UL 6‘19.
The due-V. 0‘ <3 nveyar-cc; 1370:} 320w) ils‘o‘grnc 130 :‘Z<,,2;L‘ my 31 r-Ncr
Collcries is rmt found .;1 I',_\.:_e;.u . I 3):1’.’;zuzm this 413.1 be
found n ”their film; =31: f‘, .iCPKHTL). ,

-._“ “'
' 157.58 ACRES. MIEBHAL.
. ) ‘ ‘ '
This tract is a part of what is known as the Rual
Jarrcll Farm. It sctms that the first surtcy affecting
this tract was made by Rual Jarrell, Oliver P. Macs and
Alexander Jarrcll May 2, 1860, and recorded in Floyd County
Survey Eook D, page 257 for 258 acres. Rual Jarrell
made other surVeys on Haws Branch which might cover
portions of this tract;
See K. F; Hall Tract for ali st of these surveys. I find
no deed of partition between Rual Jarrell and the other
Jarrells and Oliver P. M ce, or any record of sales from
them to Rual Jarrell, but it seems that Rual Jarrell
became the owner of this tract in Some w y..
By deed dated February 26", 1866, and rccorded in Dead
Eook "H", page 49, Rual Jarrell Conveyed this tract and
adjoining lands to A. J. Landreth.
Aaronuays Anacouusgnnons

 By deed dated December 9", 1874, and recorded in Deed Book
"I", page 460; A. J. Landreth conveyed this tract and
adjoining lands to Reuben Tipton and Sill Hall. It seems '
that thereafter Sill Hall and‘Reuben Tipton made a divisiai
of the lands made by this deed whereby Reuben Tipton took
this tract and Sill Hall Took the lands below this tract.
By deed dated August 23, 1880, recorded in Deed Book "K",
page 575, Reuben Tipton and wife, Dorcus, conveyed this
tract to William Hall, but before he executed this deed
Reuben Tipton made 157 acre survey dated February 9", 187L
and recorded in Floyd County Survey Book "E", page 94,
covering a portion of this tract.

I find no dead of conveyance from William Hall and have
been informed that he died, intestate, the owner of this
tract and left surviving him two children, Lilly and Jarry
William Hall also owned other lands on main Prater Creek-
and I am advised that Lilly and Jerry made parole partition
of the land descended from their father, Lilly Hall

getting this tract and Jerry Hall getting the land on main
Prater Creek.

It seems that William Hall left a daughter named Victorf‘.
I find no deed to or from her and we do not connect with
her for her interest in this tract.

Information should be secured from the country in regard

to this. Lilly Hall married J. D. Osborn and by deed

dated January 4th, 1897, recorded in Deed Book "W", page
269, Lilly and J. D. Osborn conveyed this tract to Joseph
E. Maynard.

By deed dated January 22, 1899, and recorded in Deed Book
31, page 316, Joseph E. Maynard and wife, Nancy, conveyed
this tract to Vaney F. Akers.

By deed dated February 12, 1901, and recorded ih Deed Book
"Y", page 417, Vaney F. Akers and husband, Noah Akers, con
veyed the coal, mineral, property rights and privileges in
this tract to W; S. Harkins. -
W. S. Harkins later died, intestate, and left surviving him
his Widow , Josie D. HafleffisN‘ahd‘Afi'féNFOllowi ng named chibdre n ,


 1. Joseph D Harkins,

2. Mary E., wife of G. L. Howard,

5. Josephine A., wife of Iley Browning,

4. Walter S. Harkins, Jr, who are now the
owners of this tract of land.
The oil and gas in this tract is under lerse to Ivyton
Oil and Gas Company.
In my optnion the title of the Harkins Heirs to this
tract is good.
I am informed that there is no adverse clainxbeing made
to any part of it and that Yoah Akers and those under
whom he claims title have been in the actual continuous

- possession of this tract for a sufficient length of time
to perfect the title thereto.

‘ ‘e
. x
. J '
I The land is situated in Floyd Bounty, Kentucky,
on the waters of Hunt's Branch of Prater Creek, and is bounded
and described as follows: beginning st two chestnut onks
near the top of the ridge between said branch and betsey
Layne JDranch of Sandy diver, corner of a survey nude in the
name of L/ D. Clark; thence N. 640 E. 66 feet to a hickory
: on top of the ridge; thence along the same N. 13° W. 594
feet to a red elm; N. 21° W. 363 feet to two chestnut oaks '
‘ on a knob; N. 39° E. 396 feet to a sugar on the knob between
‘ said branch, Betsey Layne Branch and the Camp branch: Nb.
‘ 29° W. 49.5 feet to a locust, dogwood and Hickory, corner of
a survey made in the name of John Boyd; thence with the lines
of some reversed S. 66° W. 660 feet to a loanst; West 660
feet to a chestnut oak; S. 53° W. 597 feet to a stake, corner
of a survey made in thensme of Jonathan Watson; thence leaving
_ said Boyd's line and withsaid VatSUn's line 8. 23° W. 330 feet
to a stake on the ‘Vast bank of said branch; 3. 190 W. 676.5
feet to a st kc in said L. D' Clerks survey; thence leaving
said Watson's line, and with the said Clark's line reversed
N. 42° E. 1452 feet to a beech and white oak; S. 67° E.
1518 feet to the place of beginning. Containing thirty
two (32) acres, more or less.

The tract of land is situated in Floyd Uounty, i

Kentucky, on Big Sandy fiiva‘ and Camp branch and tributaries 1

thereof and bounded and described as follows:- .
BEGINNING at a stake on the bank of hig Sandy ‘ E

River about 120 feet below the mouth of Camp Branch; S.

41*45 W. 153 feet crossing R. R. at plus 105 to a cedar;

s. 40 w. 83 feet to a state; s. 62w. 247 feet to a stake;

' S. 83W. 74 feet to a stake; S. 14 W. 478 feet to a beech;

S. 44 W. 66 feet to a stake; S. 57 W. 99 feet to a st ke;

S. 70 W. 83 feet to a stake; S. 72 W. 66 feet to a stake;

S. 40 W, 99 feet to a stake; S. 87—25 W. 1100 feet to a dou—

ble chestnut; S. 30 W. 163 feet to a beech; 8. 36-25 W.

216 feet to two chestnut oaks above cliff; S. 16-10 W.

405 feet to a wnite oak and hickory on top of ridge corner

to E. Kidd and with same 3. 61-30 W. 317 feet to two white

oaks; 8. 49—50 W. 151 feet to a large chestnut oak; S.

46 w 162 feet to two hickories; s. 41 w. 246 feet to a black

oak; S. 46 W. 118 feet to a hhckdry on a knob; N. 73-15

W. 367 feet to an ash; N. 72 I. 218 feet to a chestnut oak;

N. 86—30 W. 410 feet to two chestnut oaks; N. 81—35 W.

236 feet to a chestnut oak; N. 74—30 W. 411 feet to three

hickory sprouts; N. 12-05 w. 106 feet to a hickory; N. o+3o

E. 224 feet to a lynn; N. 0-30 W. 535 feet to a small hickory;

N. 14 E. 101 feet to a large chestnut oak; N. 7-30 E. 196

feet to a sugar; N. 6, W. 253 feet to a eourwood; N. 3 E. . _

169 feet to a sourwood; N. 3-30 W.216 feet to a black oak on 3

a high knob; N. 31-31 E. 229 feet to a chestnut oak by a

cliff N. 44-25 E. 195 feet to a small Chestnut oak; N. 40 E. '

145 feet to a chestnut oak and pine; N. 29 15 E. 361 feet to

a spruce pine; thence leaving the top of the ridge and running

173% A. 8c 0. 7712
under tflrie top mi“ the ridge towards Big Sandy i‘iiver; 72_
30 E. 2950 feet to :1 std-Ace on bank of river; thence up snme;
:.:. 22 492 feet to 2.. st'ke; 8. 43—30 E. 475 feet, to a st‘jce;
:3 6'3 :4. 416 feet to a st'ke; :3 ‘79-151« 65:? feet to s: I
' St Ike; :3. 69—30 E. 153 feet “to the beginning, egntaining
243.52 acrea, more or less. \

’ The land is situated in Floyd 60dnty, Kentucky,
I on the waters of Hunt's Branch of Prater Creek and is
bounded and described as follows, to—wit:
Beginning at a forked dogwood Lynn hollow, and on
a conditional line between Sylvester Akers and heirs of
A/ J. Boyd, deceased; thence with a fence to a sasafras;
thence a westerly COJrse to a black walnut; thence to a
mulberry ne ar a spring; thence to a black walnut; thence
to a small blakk oak; thence to a hickory; thence to two
chestnut oaks,a corner of Alex Boyd and Rosina Patton;
thence up, the point with Elijah Akers‘ line to tap of
ridge to five red buds; thence with the calls of a patent
reversed, made in the name of Sill Akers, and of date march
lst 1965, to within 11 poles 15 links of the beginning, to
a sugwr and two hickories marked in Lynn Gap; thence ll
’ poles 15 links to the beginning. Being the same land
patented in tnename of Bill Akers on the first day of March
1905. Recorded in book 121, page 320 No/ 67580, Frankfurt,
Kentucky; and being the same land conveyed on the 4th day
of Kpril 1906, by Sill Akers and Ailey Akers, his wife, to
Clarinda Boyd, recorded in deed book No/ 15, pages 35 and
36, Floyd County Court Clerk's office.‘
- - f o

 ISL—CU ALL 1.1711.” KY .3335}; .4131? '.‘b; ‘Clibt 'LLL underei._;1:ed
Execgbcrs and Trustees c tlc Eetace of Chrishian 3. Erock—
mama, deceased, do hereby undertdxe ;MQ agree to sell to
J. 3. Clarke, Trustee, allcur iiplt, title &hQ intercct,
vgich we Lave, or gay have, in and to a certain trace 0:
_x_'.;::.i'Ccl cf lend situated in 131536. Cami; , Ken’cuclg', on the
waters of Cam} Eranch, axe being tie inicreet ci JEJNU
C. Layne therein _urclased at Conwieeicger's sale in Lhe
case of C. _.. Irockmcnn, etc. egairst James C. leyne,late
;ending in the Flogd Circuit Court, at LLe “rice of fl__~wfim_
and underpage end agree to execute deed of corveyehce
to said Clarke, Trustee, ugcn augment c: Lle furclaec ;rice
iereinbefcre :et out, wlick s:id deed of ccnveyagce is to
be erecuted at end after uLC time ricn Lge said yiuetces
of the Estate of Christian F. Brocknahn, deceased, obtain—
ed legal title to acid interest in acid tract of land, and
the said Clarke, trustee, is gereby withericed and CM;OKCI-
ed to take such etege as way be necessary to re-docxet Lbid
case in tie Floyd Circuit Court, and to Leve deed of coxvey-
ance ClBCdLGd by the Kecter Commicsicrer c1 ihc Floyd Cir—
cuii Ceurt Lo LLe Bxecutcrb and Trxetcee of sgic Salute of

3 Christian E. Erockmann, deceased, who gurclascd said grog-
ercy at said Commieeicncr's Scle.
GlVEH under ourhands tge ___ day of __. ,l922.
Executors & Trudiees of the E8-
HARKINS WLHARKINS tate of Christizm 1?. '

 . ' "N
EEO? ;‘JLL 1.111? RY LIES]; .:JLLEETS; that the undersigned
Bxacuturs (1216.1 ‘.’Brustccs Gi‘ {‘.-..L; mm: as of Christian P. Frock-
2min), deceased. «To Z? eruby ..3‘;uurL;L-,Le :::d agree t»: 30.1 to
‘J. .'- C.Lz:.rke, ';:mutae,“ ‘1'.L_fi.i.t, Litm :mL. 3.37.'§;L'1f;;53t,
7;;- 7:9 Lave. 721' 5; .‘;.mrc, in ant). to a curtain 1::ch or
_ié“.}.’\'i'2i.l. ’31 1mm :::i.'.;;:_:xi'.L;-T. 2.:; L‘lu;,\fi e;1<:ti:;'i4_,' , Kim.»L1»...:i-';;:', on the
waters us. Cr: 9 2.21:321951, :.:;L’. lacing Li.:: intureut 0:1: 51511.25
C. k‘g’xze 1£.s..i‘ci:; LIC. :.L-Ice”? :‘L‘ CO:2‘1§.:..;~..:?.<;:,.:.»I“';: malt; in the
(2::-.:20 of; C. . 77‘3.'m;_':‘-.: 313:, etc. L,L;;»;Lz..ut 3312102: 0.. -.::yneflnte
pending, in the iflo_,;1 S'..:s.sx.::.;' V3331), .':-ft. ~‘;- 0 rim: ui‘ L}
' *.:-.~.
311d. {3‘:{ii-1UL‘LIK.Lu 2::}. an?” “LG 0:1; 111%.) clued. m‘.‘ :,45;;-':v<;;x;m:ce
to {.'.-Trial Clarke, Tit-.:.‘s'bee, L ;z;-;,r~:a<3etz'i; :31" ‘Ler ‘_...re'm'zac i..:c‘ice
. “creizzbe‘gore ';:. 41:431.. .ch‘ email :21 (fitfi‘isl'tfffilrcc is to
w . . 3 ,.. .‘: .L.:i. .__ '1. .1:-.'...\ . ‘. .. 44’ . . :1 ..., '
' L10 0.: C(‘iltth Lat LDC. :.L. £45..» L4». 1.; [‘.ti '.C: ,.1' (if: U i. {alani- :..ufl-‘DUQB
of EM, iZS‘LL.'LL. of m‘i;;;i;‘z1 If. iroclru‘mx, (USCCLLLSCS, o't.:r.uin- .
at}. '.‘.eslxfl. 'Litlu to :.::J'Jd intoxcgt in $34.16. tract 31 3.126;, and
_ c:.-i: maid Clarke, ’.Iruaxtue. it: ' many €3-L§:;10'§.iL-ein. cm"; tii';zi.0‘§'10r-
ed '30 LL such m.,");- :.:.) ..:-y bq necessary t0 l’O‘COC..-.Ct (mid
case its; tic Floyd Circuit r'j‘i::i:.ri;, 2:15; to :.L-5w (100d 01 convey-
ance c.70.:1.Lec; 1::; Liv ::L..:; :.L; (familizsz-simer of 42m L‘ond Cir—
. " K ctai‘L {.:mrt "Lu he ;':~.c;<.r‘L=)r:, and ‘.»1'1‘113‘80013 of Lsai ;.‘-.:.;Lz.:.te of
. ’_\“ \L I ‘ h _ w ‘ ~ . ‘ I ‘ V
. . ‘.;hl’lfihlim E. 3.:~uc;n:mnn. deccmwu, who 552:3. use: was. :..rop- ,
6 L n < . v
LIL-y uL bum Cw:ns..;:m:r'5 :1;- lo.
\ L'vI'V'ifié Luau}: 13:14.11; 5:43.10 Li..:; & (1:3;; ui‘" .__ ---... .1922.
FE seniors E‘E’rquoes 9? fine Ea-
tate 0f (ziwistian F.
Brockmnn. deceased. '

 .,f’lz‘fj, “:23: 31.}; 1' 4.,» Light 131; rmfiurr-iurzod
£331.05: “an: um}. ‘Brustcuc of i. 1; Juan; 01‘ {Etris “im :7. .' 1'3ch-
11mm, acceawed, 6.0 Lore-by nunlurbalw and. agree to :2:; 3. to
J. 2 mark-:6, Trustae,all 22:: 3.11:, 1:11.19 rm“; .;Illbigl‘bllt,
1.732101 1:;: mate, ..:-I .1 y Luvs, in am} to a: curtain 5.1.1103: :3:“
53:12:: 11. 1:;" 3:31:45: :1;-1:: or. .121 131091”: 13:31:15, Iiczawu.“ , on 111,3
avatars 2;»1" (31.2 Branch, 1:11.11 being 1.22.0 intorcn‘i‘: of 5215.103 4
C. wano 31.321311 “artilgi-J‘CG. 3,1; 001:1:1ipuiosyr'; uric in 1511c .
erase cm" C. . lama}; '1: 1m, 01:0. ::4_;(212;ut 301.1012 0. .1.-r,;;2.:‘:,.’~.;1.“::e
5122211151: in 1.1:: Flag G: 6411111211: (113011313. at 1.21:2 53:10:: mi ‘
r3113 1122114139.: x, {gram 1c 0:32.1110 clued of ruuvwfiuuco
to aria alrrke, THAS‘LGG, a xvdzcnri; 01:" L342 _.1'21’1‘3'125130 rice
Z(231.21:{Zuni-33.19 W; (1211;, 3.1.2:: :.L claw} 1.71” 2:11:31sz 3:00 in to
be er (311131106. :1;-1". nu: arse; L: 13131»; '12:: -‘u 1:2 mm: :3:).312139
oi‘ 1;;"112 :1wa 011‘ Unwiuuirm 1"". 242.1131: :1;-1:1, (beamed, 0'2.‘§):’Lin-
(:11 3,1357“; Litlc: in {said $311,141,121; in :1;: id 1:135:01; 035 ... :nfl, {'nd
1.: c Clerks, ’_-.'.::u::'£:m:, 1.1.: 1:41:33: 41:50:15.;11217: 22:0. e:..;;m;c1‘-
CC. t9 1,11 c. mac}; 221,315.12 1:21;; bu 120062313347; "(:0 sg‘e—:1(gc..te'i; avid
{1:130 5.1;. 111.10 L’luyd {illumfi 3.513;, .2315; ‘Lc ,.,;..‘u"e (3.136263! 01‘ cumin}?-
uncc <2." (2:11ch by 1.33::- 11211214 13:13:21.112132101' 0f the $1035. C1:-
0211: 211331; LO 1,112 I:':_,,(-.«: 111:; :2 my»; trustees 42;? fluid .'.r..’:.1:'22.::3:c of
Ciu‘inui.21za 31;. 2:;‘520324231111. (fimcamswfi, 1:31-10 __ 2.1:;‘11r;_;m:1,’e:; s 5:793- '
‘ 1211;; {1.1. 52:51“: Camniis:.i;z;~;:::’z; :2:-,,10. ‘
GIVE}; n.tssrur 31121113310» 1... ; ”___. 611;; 13;? .._, ......m-.. .1923.
1:;-gamma. .
tats of Christian 1“.
Brock; mm, accomed. 5

 ‘“‘~:; .mqmr «m e a —fi
‘ sisal .Awi OI: IITIJI-
208.50 ACRES. 3113 AL.
IiL‘EIi 1: JOE? PELLS‘I‘CI? 54 AC; 513243le dated—
Recorded in "Surv y Book", page 116, Floyd County.
This surbey embraces a part of this tract along
both sides of main Prater Creek.
30TH: I do not find this surv2y listed a s patented
in our patent index book. I think the patent issued
to John Graham, to whom other surheys on Prater Creek
made by Preston were patented. Hone of the Preston
surveys Were ever patented in his name.
I find no record conveyance of this survey by Graham.
It seems that it Was sold to Susannah Fitzgerald, who
thereafter made the next hereinafter itemized survey.
1822, recorded in "Survey Book", page 349, Floyd County.
Patent issued October 10, 1823, recorded in Patent Book
"M", page 75, Ky. Land Oifice.

 ITEM 2: Cont'd.
This survey covers land, a portion of this tract,
adjoining the Preston survey and on Hawes Branch.
NOTE: On January 22nd, 1822, Susannah Fitzgerald made
another survey which probably covers a part of this
tract, patented October 10, 1825, recorded in Patent
Book "M", page 74, Kentucky Land Office.
I find no recorded sale from Susannah Fitzgerald convey-
ing these suryeys insofar as they defect this tract.
She died and left several heirs, one of whom was Vashti,
Wife of Michael Crum, Sr. These heirs did uhite in a
deed to Ezra Justice conveying a part of théir mothers
land on Prater Creek above Hewes Branch, Deed Book "D",
page 28.
It is apparent, hOWever, that Michael Crum, 8r., acquir-
ed in some way title to the above mentioned surveys inso-
far as they affect this tract, for it is a well known
fiact and traditional in the locality that this was the
home farm of Michael Crum, Sr., on whic“ he lived for
many years, and on which he reared his fanily.
Recorded in Survey Book page 585, Floyd County.
Patented February 18, 1825, recorded in Patent Book
"E“, page 57, Kentucky Land Office._
This survey embraces a portion of this tract adjoining
the Preston survey, extending up Hawes Btanch and loft
Fork of Hawes Branch.
Floyd County Survey Book "C", page 139,
Patent issued April 19, 1856, Recorded in Patent
Book "D-B" page 594, Dentucky Land Office.
This survey embraces a portion of this tract.

 I’l‘El; 5: ILLICIUCL C'iUI'i {)0 AC [.1 3*" THY ELAICII 16 , 1835,
_ Recorded in Floyd County Survey Bock "C", page 140,

Patent issued April 19, 1836,
Recorded in Patent Book "-2", page 394, Ky. Land Office.
This survey embraces a portion of tLis tract.