xt70zp3vt865_131 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. The Flag text The Flag 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_16/Folder_8/0001.pdf undated section false xt70zp3vt865_131 xt70zp3vt865 TEE} PEAS.

"l‘he flag is the emfml of nations, the distinguishing: mark
of anxies and fleeta‘, Llepilrtnentg 01’ {zovonments and partiesa, and
the personal steward of rulers and offi cars. The mm is derived
from the x’n‘ngoSamon “flcugmz'”. meaning t2 float or 53;; $121 $129
w. The typical f0 rm of the flag. is that of an oblong: p 908 of
cloth of light. 1-211%01‘1631, such as cotton or silk, attadled. m a
staff, mid bearing devices of @900in meaning. The flah as it is
131mm today is the result of many centuriea of GGVOIOpnent. In the
early clam; of oowilization man felt the need of some taken that
would; distingmiafii fmaily from fan'xily and: tribe from tribe, 3de
from those 113010111, 9371;113:313 came the atztmdards which ‘.Z-‘OI'E! emblem-
atic of nations. ‘

The earliest national sy:;1bols were figures worked in metal,
wood or stone, b01113 at the top of a pole or spar. mallards (8f
this-1 character :7ch carried in battle by the I'lmtians, Hebrews, ,
Persimxs, Assyrians and i‘iorszmm. tit 19 mxppoqed that the '.mving
flag originated with the {lnx‘acenm Musing? the middle 880:; this
form 0:1” stanmurd came lute acuerel 112.

There are several interesting; customs: in cmmcction with the.
flags; 01" today. 191:ng :'re borne on the mast of vessels; t0 {lee-31:3:-
nnte the muntxy to which they belong, and also on war vemels,
to show the rrml; of the afiimcr by 1711031 t'ém vefmel .33 coxmamlad.
',Jmn a :'Arwal ship enters the port of a £03913) nation it hoists: \
the flag of that country and fires :2 salute c» f twenty—one mung.

In the r't'n'xy, each reg-ritmnt carries a 01213: as its distinguishing}: ,
1.22313“. law are used for signaling: at 21251, vfimre, by intemational
00 "0'3, cships may cormunica'tc: with and": other.

{mo story of the natienal emblem oi‘ the '11:}.th Stateg begins
with the star-1w days of the “=ievnluntionart war. maxim: the first
for! 13 ”ms of the struggle several aiffnrczzt lo cal flags were
carried "my the soldiers. At the battle of Concord, 1x1 1779’, a standr
Ezra was unfurled there which are. in lint-in, (the 1.;0tte "Conquer or
die" my". at 57.131120? hill, the same year, the pine-tree Olaf; of :ew
231313116. inspired the .futzeriozm '.‘E'I'oga. (m Jzianurmy 2, 1776, hashington
rainy} aver the Azerican (Ian; at alimxbridge the first (mam of the
united colonies, Ema-nae the (trend 1211021 Flag of 1776. (In ita blue
field. were (302"31311’10d the creases of Saint max-ems and {mint George,
symbolizing the union of {Sootlwxs'}. and nglwxfl , and it bore thirteen

, altemmte red and white ntripes. The king‘s colors on the blue field
showed that the colonies still owed allegiance and acllxoxyledged the '
sovereigaty (3;? “West :sritxm, 5216 the stripes represented the thir-
teen colonies}.

After the deckxatiozz of Independence in 19’76, limes felt
that a national emblem of union mid imlepmdence should he cho sen,
£2310. 0;: June 14, 1W7, conga-r3923 adapted a resolutien, providing that
‘ the flag: of the 'fi-zirteen initod States should be thirteen stripes,
altemate white and red, and that the Lnion he mirteen White
stars on a blue field. In this reselution was born the national

, Stars and Stripes. The flag then adapted had a circle ai‘ thirteen
' stars on a. blue field. me rater: hm: cane dorm that rs. Betsy
P0 39. residing in zhilndelphia, made the first flag: and auggeated
that the stars should be fivea-pointed.

In 1794 Cbngresaordered that after .‘ay 1, 1795. the flag
should bear fifteen stripes, alternate red. mt} white, and that
them Hhoul ' be fifteen starts on. the blue field. This; was done ‘

- so that Kentucky and 'Jemiont, which has been recently added to .
the ”:..nion, might be ropreaonted in the national banner. In 1818 '
Congress pasoed an act pmviding for the addition of one Star for m
each new state when it should he adz'nittea to the mien, and

 doorooénk: the. thereafter the 21m floor of horizantnl stripes: dwell
be but tZ-Asimoon. It t:mo‘gleoidod that one}: star 91101215". he ended an
the earth 0;? 41 uly, following; the admission of the new state.
At that 11:22:10 the Charmzt 031‘ the 51:15 was fixed 0:200 f0 1‘ all
and (stars have since that time been added until 1101.; the humor
in To .fiymaigixt. 23m? tE'zirtcossa 30d «:16: z-mitn otripooni-thc: trio other
ones: rod-a- oymbolizo the criminal otateo that won the [Herman
i;.1xl<_2'_:onr.l:tzoe . '
“It '63 only a 3:331}. "oi"; of bunt 1315:,
It's only am 03.". colored raw}.
A‘ thozi'wndn haw!» died for Um 2:10:01}?
Jud shed their best blood for tho. flaw."