xt70zp3vt865_157 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. Begley, Emily; Begley tract, Floyd County Kentucky text Begley, Emily; Begley tract, Floyd County Kentucky 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_18/Folder_11/0001.pdf 1914 1914 1914 section false xt70zp3vt865_157 xt70zp3vt865 OFFICE OF X 17 The Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Co. The Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company of Indiana. ., I”, i ’ M/ Ti1y :- I ,1 I” .4 ('1‘ r‘flv‘! .1 3. ".._ECLLI (1}; #‘TV' ,, , 77 STATION- ,.. / , I . ~77» fl, ,. -, _._;_ _L/J/ :.,.; , “rerun, .,., 191%.. {.‘,‘}. ' ‘3‘ . "W_ V o ,1 ‘ iv e z : 1' 5 ' ‘ 1 - ’ ' 1". I) if f ‘1‘» " V \l , ..'" '»Ju:'--,xk - ’,‘”J’N‘ ‘4“. I" a" r l . t 4,; , r L; +1.7 ' ,-' _r‘ ,L T " l - A' . " 5 ‘ ,o‘ .7"; J" 2.1"” ,I._/K,” Ilh. ;‘-’{4‘, x V ,f .1 a" IV I: "l v“ " I! J 'j ‘,’ , ‘ .-' . w ._.‘L'aj‘l 7"»! ‘,’ . ‘,‘ . 4’ I" "‘ .! . ’v . , ’ J 1’ _ . - f' 5 a. I i’e""~—-""‘ ,.1 1' . ”F“ , ‘., j ) . . «-P1‘".;. ”J. ',’ .’ ».,..4 ‘5” . :.4/(J/ /~.;,y"....»r:(-v’..kj..-t. : $2.,» 2 «1?. L ., ( I], ,. .~.} V , . I '1 _.... .1 r ._//l 1“”, , ¢ ., , :' j \ :4, __’ , ,4 ”..J ‘ ,,./1"“ {.,. {.“‘ . ' I - : r,' 3 , :vv‘ni-I'Av' . , -‘/(.L_, ry' n1; ,. 'V 3; .11 Lnr‘ / 7 .. , .. ,, "V - r "L- ;r a W ,I / J; , _,f , . I .“‘/..:: :- ‘.¢pv>,”’ v/ - ,..—’.: . L, ‘* W L..» w " § - x ~.1; :" I . .. ,V v »., '. ,L , , 1 I, We (:.,; . /’r1._ , ..x. .,l . ; ,., m ._., iv“? .. “’"’ " g L \‘d: ,1" r I , rifle - ' ‘ ‘ i 5’ ' L . -- -- -;i . / ,l ("I _ . "' " x' < ,- . .‘ .. . , ,. x , .- :.. . l? \ I I! H 1 *fi" / .,. 1’ ,» H .1, - 1' . , " . 7’, .f (a .,l ~. ’ .’ r‘L/L/A. ' ' (ft/(J/V’ J vi- :4)“ U {’,‘/E I" “I; “"1 E " )’. y' ' "J i I [I I E 1" N .'~ I V; I, , 4 .\ j . 5‘ . j ‘:.-I J t i. s} ,, :..; ',“ I , . .‘ ,_- _,“ ..:“, « //; "is", if _/’J/ruv";1¢ -,{ . r’ . 3 l . / .. 1 "‘,’ «r ’ ‘y’i/{II (gr/V ‘., .:‘-.’,’ ,:Z‘ Vigid on- g/ / [if/f“, .’ .,“ 1;... ' I j , Li ,I/ ‘ I / " ~ L ‘,' / L I , ' : , , ,. ’ "‘ ' ' - a 'i ”5' f"! MN“ ‘ ' ”’2 »- sw ., .- -- . ..I 1.2;: . .s .'..rw -, . —« ‘ > ’ , v’. . " '- . _.y as ‘ ‘ — ' F» ,L N , : 2:.] ; I’I/V .'“2! ‘i _‘J ‘ ( , I} O“ x,1 *1}! ‘ 7’ A, v v I ff 1’) f I. \ "" In '» ‘ I ‘~ ' .I. .' ,' b, J.- f _..' :j I w 13“""7 , . 1 ." .:‘V ” «.’. __‘“;vi {:'b 1,? ',“X/{l VJ.»61 ~— .’) I \//( . ’1"; ~ 1"“ ~. (4" w. -( ,,. > V" f) I! , : ‘ ‘ _ ,‘, y r A E“ Y ' . ‘. ,3 '1 V ,I I- ~ .1 /“ x ; ‘:. . :7 \5 '-'~ v' f.» x. f :,K... " 1' . ,, . . i‘ r , I, ‘ A ,1 1m" .2 __.,fiatii ~' ,,s-‘x ..I L. ~11 .. , ' ‘ ' ‘ 1‘ r .1 EA _ If"! g I ‘ I.‘ . , .‘ ‘~ -' ,’.; 2., > or a .:5 w: L.. , . 1' r /' 1- 5 4’ \ ‘ ‘. ”1' _ (w; W“ I" V“ ' THE CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO RAILWAY COMPANY THECXDWELPEAKE.AND(nuolhtfldVAYWXfluPANY'OFINDLNNA Allen Ky August 7th, 1915 Lbssrs Harkins & Harkins Prestonsburg Ky Dear Sirs g attach information in regard to the names and ages of the Bagley Heirs . Ymmstmfly /%%”W/ 4 / Assistant Engineer g, ‘ Jodj Jannnh 1c hgfial gargoh A-lé? .'lllu ILUJJ Lifting, 111:.5le the llth flag, of January, one thousanl eight htnflrci L fourteen between Jojl inning, of slcffl County, anl state of Kentucky, 0: One part, anl EB;- 41 turtofi, of the Count: and stage axorcsail, of the other lklrt, ywmm&amam MggfiW IIIILIEJQL‘EE; Eli-t the sail John }r*.11ar.;, for «.1 in con alteration of tLB sLm.oI Two innired anl sift; Dollars to hifi in haul pail at or begore the ensealine anl delivering 05 thee Lresents, the receipt thereug is hereb; achnuxlei — oi, nath era.tei, barf idea, sell and ccuflrned, ant by ffi-e50 ix ysents (lot11:rrant, ixlrjai. , sell anti coaxilfislh.to the aforesail henrg ;attou, his heir :c. forever, one cer— tain tract of lani, situate, lyinfi aal beta“ Ln the Count; of dlo;l axoresaia, anl on the “ight gaul 50:4 c: Beaver Creek, a branch or the Louisa Bork o; Saul; giver, contain— in: sixtg—five acres, by s rve;, he the sale more or less, eel boundel as folleneth, 712.: BJGIJHIKG at a clift of reeks ab;ve the tardin“ at the ' upper enl of He nrg's butter; thence runniai down the creek anfl crossing the same to corner J9, a white oak uni Sb er tree near the Buffalog Gap; thence binlinj on the creek 89 poles to a lar“e guanish cal on the bank of the creel at the 101:»:1' euri 0; the narrows above Ilenr; Bat tom's; 1?. 64° 3. 150 poles, crcs;inf JUhnd ;ranch, to a beech on a point; thence the lividiu: line between hour; W zlorauce latuon, 1. 72° 3. 8 ,Oles to the creek; thence down the creek and crossiuf the same, N. 44° 3. 60 poles to the mouth a; a small dream; t hence 5. 80° 3. l8 poles to a stake on the old line; thence from said stake, 5. 10° W. 61 poles to a Jeanish oak ani beecn; J. 59° U. llé goles to an elr at the ’Louth or Henry's Branch; d. 35° u. 4o golee to two enall beeches on the bank of henry's Brunch; H. 60° :. l;O goles to a st:ke; thence a strai ht line to tge beginninf, which sail sixty-five acres of luul bein? Lert of Survey :0. l on the Eight Haxi york of Beaver Creek. WITH all anl sinful r the benerlt; eel onolurentc tuer; yemm&HMhm unto belon~lné or in any wise agJertainie“, I, the sail Johz Wig/AJ‘GWM 9Mwmfly%y Graham, do hereby warrant gal degeui ultc t.e said Ienry ;atton, his heirs x0. forever. EC 1473 4MB Bo dLLJ the aforésall 1131 k Lrenises to Exit, time sail lieury'lirttou, Ill; Aneirs .x;., a rilugt Xi), my heirs ac., arainst John lreetom, hi; helre dc.,el& ageindt all Q ever; per son or gcreoue whatsoever in we; tide clair— —in@ b;, throuji or unier us or clther o: us, but at inst no other gorson or Clair whatsoever. IL .IEEJJQ «“34;or, I, the sail John ;raham, Lave set my heel l affixed m; seal, the day 3 ;ear first above writ— ten. oi nel, sealel l dellverel Jofifi glue“; (USHL) in gresence of; “1"... J. Alfie, JLUYJ CQUELY.. ..... Set. I, ..'IlLI.--.l.- a243,; 3‘.:.”50, Clerk oi" the Com"; for the Coun— ty aforesaii, do hereby certlfig taut the witglu fieed was thi an; acknowleliel before we by John Graham, subscrlbiue Lar— t; thereto, to be his act eel deed; Lul that tee same is lhly recoried in my office accorlin; to law. }IV;H dLJJ4 my haul, the Roth day of Ayril, 151;. ”L. J. LAID, Clk. EBISI LATEQL IO 1 lgLSQH All C-JSE Tfild IiDQHIJgQ, made this find lay of April, loci, be- tween hJfixl BADIUN, o: the one york, ani AJJBJ; gui, of the other yart, uni both of the Coucty c: Elm;l aul gtuzc of Lentuclgy. ”IJJBJJEJJ; Dhct for anl in concidcrmbion oi ole sum jzfizzfmhfi of Ehrec donfirel Dollars, to no in lcnl roll, the fecciyt @Mmfiédyfi’y . ., . a . _ h . ~ nereo; l3 nereb: ~cgncwleifel, hhth our: incl -Ll coll tu ‘ the sail Zeuhen La;, his helrc 3c., one tract of 1 nd, lyiu: an? heig” la the Count: of filogd anl on toe il:ht Saul Ecrk of Souver creel, comtainlnollOO acres, we the saie core or ‘ less, and boundel as :ollowcth, (to~witq) 23 the cost sqyi. Bijxl.c.ILL} at lkhf“(' rocl~ on- 2.}? :Vloo .a;l€‘ 9_"3orvrcr Urea-:1: a”; the roll]. 1101: 051161 by soil ;.c,;fpcu 121;; thence rum- ninr with the swvcxal courses, llataucec all llucs a“rewab - to a deed exec atel b; John Er ham to the call Legr; ;attoa to :lorence :atton line on the acct slde of Salt creel; thence running filth her line Lo the creek; thence runnlcg u; the creek wj,th its several meaniers to the beginning. filth all tools, wags, water and watc: courses, hoxseo, ' :cnccs, orcharls gnl all othc: emoluocltc gricrbcluing or in angfiise bcl ouxlng gheremflbo.' . Jo 341$ 5;} Bo gold L10 SaLe, 5c hiL, th scll gcpben Lag, his heirs lc. forever; all lo b; taco; LIGdflatS nur— rant anl forever legonl the tlblc o: the aforeocld lcul, with all its arguruenances, a“:in;t me, my hclrs 5c. anl all other yorsoas claiyixo under us or either or us, but mr;lnst no oth er rerdon, title or Clair whatsoever. . II ”IIEBJJ Hijlfiufl, I have hereunto set my hand col seal, the da; and l.bc above wrlfibeu. ‘15;;;-.‘l‘ili5lnrro;x ( coll-2) I mark Acxnowledgefi in ‘ gresance of us: J4LLJ n. LAQLJI gal {.2'..‘7,' .* , n T: “.4““; .Lf‘...‘.\,'.n J-‘.. 7- ~_»- 'u"."" 1 r .jm‘w »x | *. "1'1 g'uULJ (JUULL‘Y Guufil ULi-JA u un‘c’imJ, 191 JAY Ob DAG QLBJA’ loaz. amam¢xmam .—q.1 ~ - v3 1 _.L. ,3 .3 u» q, “1 , h + l u r ‘ ( 5.‘ fl . 1.3 ~ 1 ‘ l') l 944% IE I, .1..L1|JLL/Lu iw‘fv, _Leixu,’ ‘116“. u; by. Uu.,1u .L.).L um WM ’31,? {1. ._ 4.-.” ,..,2,\-‘ ‘( ~, ‘ ~ ...-L. - J.. 3.2, _.L 4.1. ',' J- 1.1.. .1 EJ ..‘. .1 ,A 1,0141%; Amnersc‘tl‘l, (LL) CGLULLL. Lug-.:.” one ..Luuu; \LOLN. ‘.fdp iII‘J- duced to me an i yroven by the oaths of James L. Lacie: anl ienr; Latton, subscribing witnesses thereto, to be the 3,31 331 seal, act anfl 109i of the within Hamel Heurj gat— ton fur the yuryoses therein Menbiuaei; anl th*t the same is lul; recordel in 3; office accor&in7 to lmr. ,:I.LJQ.L‘U1‘I .‘-;‘ib‘, r-J‘c‘CO‘J‘o'IJ‘o‘Do ”‘7‘ ‘ V a 7' 1. , ;L.L1»J.J‘L Al--~_hd-Iil J'V ;,2 2- _..- ‘ - . J.J—'4',:,.: . ,, .. , _, _V V ’_ _ A ,_ V_ .. A . ,_ , . . A, -, _ _ , . , _ .. . ,, . . -V ., ., , , . .v ”A-.... A ‘2 r g ‘ ' ,A‘, V '4 l U‘ , \I ..‘l ‘A:\' 5 21 A». A ,.‘! _ . I. w'. ,.\./ 4 l . '14:,‘2 7 22 ,2V ' " ' ,_ 2* 1 2 r '2 , - ,.1 e .. .2 . ,2 , 2.2 , l " l -.-.l ._4-. ‘,‘ ._._.-. .vi. A -‘.;nul x. .L . ,.1," 2.... l , --‘. : .; ,.- ‘.' u u ‘ v ! g V ., ., ' ‘ . ", 1" . ‘ .A l 2. ' .. .. r- ,x, , , 2 - , 2. , 2, _ . , ., , , , . ,. , 2 . , .2 V8 L1. L1- ‘.‘.? , ...1. _Lftrl lug)... will , v :r -.: , _, .- _224," 1 2/ . LLU .2 u ._. A ,.2 u A, , 2, , ., , _ , ‘77 ‘ A -. . _., ‘ - . , .‘ {AAA .7 ,. - _l l- .2 412,4“; , 2 .LL} :2 .‘. ‘2 U.._l 22,; 424. ”0:31.. .A.. UUlll ll, “,9 42.2.1“ 51W &J€m,€um _,, . V h ,. .. . , r . , - 7 , flit ‘6 ‘3‘ ‘ ‘X‘J U "U “'2' 1‘22 -J‘C22t ‘..).l , 1‘5 3;.) “We '2 ‘ 'Vli Who’d; WM ‘ .. ~ ' -V ‘- "'- »» -*' ' ~ — 2 ' ' h - »‘ > ‘ -. q , '"2 * ..A ’ wemuggzy 22 A2,? _u .;'2, ’ .2 _.-. .L., . M VLJ we 2,, L.. l2 l Mfr/,,.. _ ,.., pi. ,, -.. in; .4.,“ l l. l, 1 . 2 _ 15,2 .'r,..l._l,. ‘.,.,,, ‘21.. .; 2. l ~'>"'L, _., -,. “'.‘.A ’ . :_:,i ’. . * , ”I - ._1 ._ ‘ * , 2 i > r. ,,, V _, ‘ ,A _ , ”,2 1 \ - .’l~2 .222l.‘ uU ‘ 2 1..' 22‘ 2.“ x. .. 3‘ -. 2 2%? ,1 IV V (3 .‘L JJ __. . LA) 2_.V , . A ‘2, ) e. .,1 - . . , . _ A 2. . . ,l NV . . .2 ; V , , V oV «- V _2 ..- - ,, ”_..l. .l x A _. , 2 22 ,. 2 , __J _, C ,,. :.1 , ; "‘,‘ r2 , 2, * . t ,2V AA,2- ‘2‘ 2. ,.2,.' .-,‘ ' , «Vault 422.. y ..4, ., l2 v‘ .. ..-.\,1 .el End”. 7k. .2 ,2. _. 2 2'1,» -2 7 ~ I ‘V 2'92 " ' -,2 -- ‘ ' 7 H ' "1 " ' ' -. - ' o ‘* -~. _y‘, ... ‘0‘ .L.. l“ 2, 7 22‘ .' ...A , 4. " A. A ‘.. 2. .3 ..'. 2:4 . L. A _/ Ax‘ - u )..l 2.12 L -'- ., 4 A - " ' -.,. -- »"- 2. ,,, '~-_ \22 ,’ 22., '2 2,21- v .r: z, ,,1. j. (u ,9 in, ,,; . 2.2.. 2 J. 2/6; 2 on; _.,x‘ , _,_2_ 2;,_ \fi- ".22 "2*::"' '2-Hr2'lw'2 " '2 H ‘V " ‘ - -2 .-L‘r‘x/‘yl 2,1.» who, .. ’..ud' ...; J.. L , .42.” 2.‘ ,.rv‘ - , ALl- _2 ‘.~ 2 .1 ,,.2 ’ > a r - , V_,A V, no ~22, ‘T' V A . '2 ‘,'? 2 ‘~, . l2 ‘7 , u;.'..’ V4 “4 v ',, -.‘M! Li ‘. .4 2.,2_ 2 .., 1“ L1 ,.k $ \. ,,1. .., _ . u< r .2 .L. .1 J1. ,. 2- ' 2 2, 2‘- ”! 2. - '2 2.2 ' ‘1 2 222'2 '. .r .2.’ - r) V.)<. . l .,..Ll...; (..;... .,l_2:,.2 l”. u,._‘, . ’,‘.llzutlu' -.2‘- 2 22’2‘.L...r.,L2;‘ J ,2; '.;2. ,1»; 6? ._ lll Cellv-J. ., , . . _. 2., {.1' '22'2: , 2 ”A, 12*,(1, '3 2‘ «311.4... u. ',..,.l J l inwl'a‘ J..). 2 _LI ,2_ , J. -,2.}y\ L2}, , _L2,_§_\j. , , , All») V , A r A.. . V - ,... Lille .:x.) . «.2 . -i . ,..‘“ ..‘-i .. a -il.._.-1-. 12‘ Am-.-.«< ll ._ .y,‘ ...«,2,-..- 2 2' 1' ,2 -‘; 4.4—.;‘- .‘.. . .J...‘ .2”...“4.- ..‘-..- ., ‘ ..‘ .L_J.., .' , _I ._l. 4 4 L . .l , «.'.»k, J. I ~J‘-‘2-,2.2.l.L. . . ‘ e o . .uvtl. ., .-_, A, , fl“, .‘»»,2 J ._ A, 1 - . , 2, , .. A. . I , .f. -. 3 J-- 2‘ _l__.J 4th., , v42“. .,_ .;- -2.. 4,41: l‘ .L.) 2. '4 -2“ 2 2. _2 \-’LL.. \. , V. .2 2 22' .2,4- 2-' A, ‘ 2. 2A - 2 2 22 ‘ 2V ,x ~22 A 'V'H “_ A2 A- 92:, ell, unctu ullk: .LUIC' U.“ .L ~le, 22, .:.“; ,,,, u..’. l b \J... ,.u . . , A . A A —. 1 . . - . 2 . .‘. ..4 1.1L; _ .LL' L G l ;_ U J: J. 92.». J. 2 7 , 1"; l. .2 ‘. x.‘ . 4,.i, 2) A“, H .L. 21. . v. ._.Ver 2.;v A.‘ JV2h- ,_;.. "2, ., one“ ,,., ,,," 1 :.V ,r, raw'm- «1_.; 1.23222 L16 1121..) 21*..‘21221 2L 22._‘., ,Ltfj'vkjl. .9 2. .LL). .2 ,_ -V‘2.l .LL/2 . i '1' 2 2 2 “A. 72'! ‘-‘V2 ' V ‘ ”2.,“ -,: ‘.r if,“ 2.41-..-4424 Ir, “alum , .2,;_‘..~.2 L:_ll'Ju NU , lv ._,2 .7 _ F‘. ,,,. 7T ‘ V \ - A ”A . o A-o 22‘..-1_L.J.Jv.( , ‘ulC‘l‘rh _.._. .‘ W ,. r, . .)J. 4‘“... J. ,‘,_,4. 1-. , ,2 . 4 . . ,,T‘w '1 ::' '11" 11,1 1‘ .111 ‘ '. 1 v1.1 - “.L....A...L 4.443144- Iv ‘1}.-.‘u. .L.. laxwuui, ...LC. lu-v) ‘...J H .,. _/ .7 I ”,,. 1 :’J‘» ,__ L;1_L»J Judy LI.‘ Duhvgigmud, 1E; “w” Cube. 0.; ...nux.» , MAJ .L.J :... ~\ J: KI -,—\. I. ."" ‘- -'-~ .4 n : 1 1 M1 ' ‘1' " '1 __ up w. _Ie'..:1,ml:y , lave, UOUJCCM hing“; JJJJJL, uh .‘.qu L Cub”, .,“ ~ ' “’7" , 1 ~.1-'.f-11 Kw“ ‘-' "4 1.‘—-‘- .r»»‘ - ._ ’T ’1”— :y *1 ‘ VT 1." 4U: , 4_&3fl\;1.C;:’ ‘1‘LLLU‘I/ VJ. U;-e J.J_L‘,;v _JL-IJ.4U, “HAL L‘.;“gb ‘_. ”.‘./_Jql' ..T ,-- “‘7‘ ‘,w ‘1. w _. 4‘ .. . .. \ 1 «7, H ~7,. ,3 _..l_.,h‘,‘ _,'? J ,- _, _J: .'Q.‘,ILJ. ..J... [.4-4_‘., 11...) ul),\‘:, 5,..“L “"51 -L.-41-nq, ‘:LLJ» uym.) '.‘.L but: SULLUALJL ;.zg.1"u , ym&mm Mmyd‘é’mwlm :IV’1 «’3‘ 1\1_;_ VT" '_ AL} any? .MDWJHH‘ O . ‘_j G :::.,M4. v _ . ‘ . -‘ flwmgfljy .1 ., ..::J JqL.-. .A.-. . up..- ._ _‘KVJ. U» x. yum. ...-Luv __I..- u, .Lx/VL ”\L - ‘ “___ ‘-, ._JJ_«.-M _1 ‘.1 N , .,. '1 1“,“ 11'.M“.. ,1,—x~ ‘,,~x“‘.‘,. L4. {ISL}... rui’ , UJA“ .‘.Ullv‘h .LL ([O.JC-. LOGd. ,, ,,_¢._, .L-_,'J. . - / n ‘.,. A. “Mi. - 1 7‘J,‘,1.‘.‘- - ”I“ ’_.‘fdixcfuuz , uU...LIJ . All “J; .':.“: JLle LLiLLiVLICL Ludwurnu L;. «,;;L .‘.,(_J 1r _ _,”“. ',‘ JV'V J“ , ‘...,zhv. _ A :1” J 41L; VOHHACVS my? LEMMJ'J walrwi Ln}, Imam) um: _;_VL:L_LLI._ J.- J..!) SOC- uvm »nrm ' 1" 1 .»1-‘2 (Hm; -. «runy-M. .,I-w .».> J.. _;uLL, leo I; 91.1») '..:.\L ilkaL u») -L‘LflVx.‘l , ..va- (.Uve‘xduib U1. ”1,., ~ . fl -, \ J.‘J..,. JulluuL‘ciJ. 1amauud. '7 'l1;1.; 171' 1‘17-1 “1'1“ ’1.”: 1 a“, ”DHJHJ ,1’ .ufil. .')-_,da. ,4.‘ A . T _. fl IM‘ 4.-;.J.LL1.V....‘. LlJ..L—LJ_~J_1L"J_‘ , unC‘ _;.Iv;1.u_3 U4. 01.1? ¢Liuu ‘_I¢L..~ in“) "3. ‘7‘" 1 ‘1‘1 2“?" " -“ ”’0 , ' A may, :1 "‘1 In I 1’ ~A"‘7 1'prw‘v x‘v '1"';3dr""‘ L‘JLL, ILLUU MIJJUCL .LUV _ .‘ALMJ “m4, L, UA;L. ,'.“. ULJHL ._.(L‘. ”Jul. ..:».JdJMW. ’ b ‘ ‘ J V “.~.. 4‘4—J34..;_ -1.-3-".LJ44L .V, ‘ ., , a ,1; J;..».1.-< U4} l-.a’;v.J.LJl.JL-.L’ T ’7" ..‘. ['_. ' “,"» ’,1 .‘Ju;.‘-i UJ JLL’i.-J onoaoouct. -‘ ,.,. 1724 — v-r 1‘ .1 , . 1J1.~ ...‘uh q. ,.,J. :‘- ., .L1 - , . v. I, ;.,_‘J_. L’UMJ J1-..LJ_' ‘ (4101—257 04. UJu,‘ COIL/LILU". bolt}. U 4‘.le bid) ‘JUILLIl' u .. an ~4— ‘,r » ,7 .- 1. I I.- 'u. 1.1“ J- J-‘,- In ,4 x .1 - .. A .d w an :Jufzue a“; re;s(1.m_ 0911.“, me.» we Lure man iced O; u 7 I. ., -.. A ,D_ ,. _‘ ‘ 'I‘L _, .,L. 1W N -. 1., z: 1‘ 'Z,‘ J“ .-J. 11 V, ' ._. ~- .1“ _‘ ouvedmcg: Lyon Jug-mu page, N ;-. I.. JC_;1(3¢ , 441;le gale“ - ,1 . . ' A" ' ‘ 1‘ _ 1 .1’ ‘., ,,q , rm _.'.“. {:1 " .“‘.‘J , .12 = ' (\ ‘ ’ 11.“, “no, am her menu»: has 01; we ..fl (my. «3; J09. , 1A).), ,_ -...‘fl --: 1“... Mn . 1.1M» 1» . mofiwced 1w 1: m dam count“ am a.c;_L1J,.J.eIL:/‘e& nowre Le by A, B. Begley, yart; :rantor thereto, to be his act uni ficed. GIVLI UEDLL n3 haul, this 5” la; 0: Decexbex, 190;. Lllugc gdLL, Clerk BI JJEN D. LQJLQL, J. ;. flag/',“ ‘;mflm 03.". .\.:.)\/-.31 1;.‘1‘: .lj'c Clix. I , AmeM%mmwm CUUIIZ UH ELOYD. ......JCC. I, LALQND H311, Clerk of the County Cumrt for the Coun— -t; anl state aforesail, certify that the foregoing deed was on the 85” day of June, 190;, lolfefl for record; whereugon the sane with the foregoing unl this certificate have been duly recoriel in ry office. JIVQI ULDJJ my hand, this 14” la; 0: July, 180$. LALUIE Hgll, Clerk 11" EHBOQHOLIJ BEGLBY 1o hlhnn L. 39:14}, J10. I V-ol ‘ IL‘T‘TvI‘j Digit) 02‘ GULI‘J'LJ'ii-nilg, mule and entered into, this first day of 0c tober, 1895, between Ifijgiflllln BEJIJI, of the first part, and 111.141.- 15. L‘.);LLJI an-l 13111;: LLSJLLY iiillhd, ' of the second party. amnmaxmem QILIBJJEEJ; rhwt the said tart; of the first part, for un‘éommw ' 9%Wmflyfiy and in consiieration of the sun of one Hundred Qollurs, to him in Land pail, the receipt of which is hereby ackno“lelf— el, do hereby sell on} conve, to Jhe part; of the iiEEE tart their heirs and assijns, the followin; describel property, , towit; A tract 0 f lanl lyih“ on the nifht dork of Beaver Creek, in filoyl County, Ly., ani it bein> hf entlre inso — eet in the farm of Z. L. Berleyg as an heir o: i. L. Befley, ro HnVQ n19 fo hOLn the sate, together tLth all the agpurtenahces thereunto belonging, unto the ;art; of the sec end part, their heirs anl assifins forever; and the said gar t; of the first part heruh; covenaits Vith the said rart; Oi? the :5000111 ;mzrt taint lie Trill YTfllflkiit 'tle ‘Cit75> be 'Che property hereby convejed unto sail part, o: the seconi ,art and their heirs and assifns forever. I: TEJIILOHE'Jhflgdoj, the party of the first part has hereunto subscribed his none, the da; :nl gear aforesaid. fnfluihollo 3;}LLI (onni) graze Oi‘llherQLLI, _‘ COURLI or ELUYD. ' I, G. h. anIDoOH, Clerk of the County Court for the County and State aforesaid, certify that the foregoing deed of conveyance from ihegihilug Berley to Hirar h. Begley and ',‘n . ‘ ~l ‘ '_..“ 7,.» ~. «. .,‘J 'I: ..‘4. ~h. “.:. ‘ __.1. -. __1,’ ;L14 Begley s nelLS nab on the Illbu add oi LULJUGL, iota, «AV .1.. ,_ ,, I.,. .., j. ..,... " er .7 ’._ H a,” a’ , fi _, 'j ’1 . ' l,” ‘1-. ;lulhue‘l m.) 1;.0” 'JUUllL/J gum. achnunlel’e; 05‘-le 1116 O", r ,‘_- ~ . . ~z n .. -_ NAVAL. ' Amen .'—, ‘ »-‘- .L‘JlCU‘Illl].14.-D 48918;, __v'...Lt'_>/ ;lciiL-Jl t1.:;iuuu, no we 11.1“» (lot- and deed. ”‘ ':"J‘fi “""1‘ ' ,7 - 1 ' l I" . war-Me , .7 ‘- » , -,-‘ a . L. r, .7:/“-. L'-.J-‘4-'. (.‘.‘, .’.'-e 11“., will»; mix.) .__LLQU Llclk. UVL UC‘UUQUi,lu9zJ -. ,,,\ 4.,“ /--,— \ ~ .‘ “ J. ._.. _J;i'J_L_LJ~)L.'-., tun-v.4. ..L); -'.. 1... “74414;, .J. C. 3W&Jfawm We’dflgommfiw wzwmymy W ‘ ' ‘ » ' ‘ ‘. 1‘ ’f J..--."L L/L.‘ .‘...“,iul‘ui..-’ J7“ ' a“? V’ o"‘ -.‘/..,. uv~-.J—J_.uoe :eICDI‘JvUe 7- '1 g «r . - “Wr, ,‘ ,) .‘_~_ ‘w ,.‘“ ”‘.’” .. ‘.» 11 ..‘ ig'v ,L’ ‘J. -‘.. DJ‘VIJQU..1’ {1‘1—Ci“ U4. quO _'.L’Jdu» 'Jb"-"J>‘J,vv ~J')l;u, w ,,_-ii -.1-.'.»~. .I. ._ x on, A,. fl 7 . ..,? i. e ,.‘,i :1.. ne;«td ceiulfp b hat the lore;0ln: iced cl :0 '0 “ice lion "“x A an" ~ ‘5 r‘ r. ... .L T,’ T‘ " ,. -. . p ‘7. ". »L‘» -\ , ~ » #3 l1LC‘OIII1L‘]-.L3 36‘ _'1’3 v o0 .1. .1.. J0 510a Ilene OH «21-1,: ~41" ".‘.‘“. 0i Jecchocr, logo, lOmel ;QI record; thereugun the Same ;ith tLiS anl the for eyein? certi Lento huVG been reccrlel. "T‘\*‘""' “3 \. W 1 . ,. '1 .7 _'..- xxlvi‘hl Jl\..).‘4-. 1.; 1341.111, ouln 1313 0-. Jduhalg, lub7. "1 ~ 1‘ . ‘ ‘ v1 .,,"- J. .3.. l)--VI../ JL/L. . ble-Lil. s. 3. BEGLEY TO HInah L. BJGLLY, SIC 4-274 ffild IHDJRTUhB, made and entered into, this ac" dc; of Oct., 1902, between 5. 3. BEGLEY, of the County of Eloyd and state of Lentucky; of the first part, and HIfiAh I. BLJLEY, his wife, Emily Berley, and her heirs, of the County of ammmaamam E1031 and state aforesaid, of the second part ' Wyatmm “my“? ‘.;Inmssms; ‘3th the part_ of the first part, for an in co;sideration of the sum of One Hundred Dollars, $100.00, in hand paid, have bariained and sold ani by these presents do bar“ain, sell and convey unto tne sail partys_the second part a certain t ract or parcel of lani, 13in; in 31031 Coun ty, Kentucky, and described as follows; His undividel inter est in a certain tract of land l;in§ on the right side of Right Béaver Ore ck as you dgsgnd the stream, in Jloyi Coun— ty, Lentuckj, an a bounded as follows: . 33%IEIILJ at the mouth of the nack Branchon the bank of Beaver Creek and intersecting the conlitional line of G. n. hay Sr. and Hiram K. Begley; takin: a southcasterly directiOn to the Count; road hear the door of sail Hiram h. Begley; thence a northeasterly direction with road to a nar- row lane below t he house of said niram 1. Begley; thence running with narrow lane to a dogwool tree; thence fron the dogwood tree a straight line to a gap in a ledge of rocks on the of_the ri die near the head of the jack Brunch aml being the corner of coniitional line of G. a. Lay 5r., Hiram L. Begley and Davidson; thence a southwesterly course with Davidson's wire fence on the top of the ridrc between the Rack Branch and Lou Osborn Branch to and intorsectin: with G. A. Laybr. li ne, (now Thomas J. hebb's line;) thence running with rid ge nearly a westerly course and intersect- ing with conditional line of G. A. Lay 5r., down the ridge to corner on top of the point near where the residence of G. A. Ray stood, near the mouth or Henrys Brunch; then run- ning with conditional line betWeen G. a. he; aul Hiran h. egley down to Beaver Creek a short distance below fionrgs rrunch; thence running with Greek back to the beginning. Or - instead of the above description reference is male to the awfim&amam lescrintion of sail rroyert; as fouil in deed held by Hiram WW&(6WW QMmWMy . i . . ,. . . . %y k. Beale; ior said land or Hiram h. Begley. . DO finVE “H3 ro noLD said tract of lanl, with the at,ur- tenances thereunto belonging, unto the part_ of the second oirt, heirs and assigns forever, with covenaits 0: Gen rel :arranty. In TEofILORY “AJALOE, the party 0: the first yart 3a-— qereunto subscri bed name, the day uni (etc aioresaid. 3. 3. DJJLSY ”ing; a; hgrfloCLI, - VLOID,CULJDY.... ......oct. I, LLLQEE HALL, Clerk of the Count; Courtoi the Count; ' aforesaid, do ce rtiiy that the foregoin: deed from 5. 3. :cgley to Hiram A, Be:ley, (his wife, Emil; Befley, and her leirs,) was this day producel to me and iul; acknowlelgel be— ”ore me, in said county, by 3. B. Begley, gart; thereto, to ‘e his act and deed. GIVEN UHDLR ny hand, this 22” day of Lovember, 1002. » LALUIJ QnLL, Clerk ‘In;§ or LQLDUCLY, ‘nolo occurr.... ......oct. I, LaLOHJ HALL, Clerk of the County Court or the County :foresaid, do ce rtif; that the foregoing deed iron 5. B. :ejley to Hiram h. Besley $0., was on the 22” day of hovem- rer, 190:, lodged in my office for record; and that it, the ‘oregoing and th is certiEiCate have been duly recorded in my .aid office. , LIIULJQ my hail, this low day or Ducember, lSJn. intone HALL, Clerk UILLInL H. BEGLEY TO HIiih L. BEGLSI, LTC. 13—4 THIS DEJD OE CQIVEEJICE, made cal entered into, this the 25” day of June, 1904, betreen illllih I. 3;}LLI, of £1031 County, Lentrcky, part; of the first ;art, and H114; L. 33}LJY, JLIL 1 ELJLJY, his wife, aul her Hallo, party of mesmexmem the second part: mausomm 9%wm%?%7 gIIJBSJEIE; That sail part; of the first part, for uni in consideration of the sum of One Huolrel and Twenty-five Dollars, (m125.00.) in hand paid, lo horaby sell and convey to the parties of the second part, his heirs anl assigns, the following described property, to it: All of my one un— dividel interest in anl to the farx on WLiCn the sail Hiram L. Begley now resides, said lanl lying all helm“ on the Wa— ters of the light Joni sork of Beaver Creek in gggniing the stream. hefcrc nee, deed hell by H. L. Beglo; for sail prop erty.. ro HAVE n53 10 HOLD the same, together with all the ap— purtenances thereunto belonring, unto the partgg of the sec- ond part, his heirs anl assigns forever, with covenant of General Larrant y.‘ IN TESTILO NY whereof, the party of the first part has hereunto subscribed his name, the du; and year aforesaid. WILLIhL 4. BEGLEY. s L; ..4 or 1415:! UC 131' , CUUHJL Or JLOIJ ......oct. I, LALOKJ HALL, clerk of the County Court for the Coun— ty aforesaid, c ertify thatthe foregoing deed of conveyance rom William H. Begley to Hiram K. Begley, Emily Begley, hi vife, and her heirs was on the 25” do; of June, 1904, pro- duced to me in said County and acknowledged before me by Hilliam H. Begley, part3 grantor thereto, to be his act and deed. GIVEE UNDER my hand, this 25 day of June, 1904. LALONE HALL, Clerk ‘ BY JOHN D.BBGLEY, D.C. amew¢amam V WW¢€M WWW STAIE OE KY., COJRLY OE ELOYD ......Sct. I, ILLOUE HALL, Clerk of the County Court for the Conn t; and state aforesaid, certify that the foregoing deed was on the 25" day of June, 1904, lodged for record; whereupon the same with the foregoing and this certificate have been duly recorded in my office. GIVEN UNDER my hand, this 14” day of July, 1904. LhLCHJ HALL, Clerk _~ 7, w .:1 ‘..‘ n " .. T“‘ j .. v ‘.‘ .J;a-1.u.‘- _.-.-.‘i‘u-., ... J. -..‘“ J1; _‘--“1.41. 44.11-41, .‘..‘ an.» lO-oOu 'ixsT v .,- . L.- . - - .. . i. .. a ~~ ._ , 1.;-4'-..) J.J_,i.) ”Shut? .’a Q[‘_.J.JJ 1...--.LIIL‘ , Liv ‘_lctuel. , ...auLwd. ‘.‘-.a..._ tint. iiei lilLtju-Jltt, ‘_.._;.,...L 2'. “Quill, 110,. Cu-.-!_3.3, emit -.-..‘rehi. oer--».); " .._ ‘.‘ _‘A.. ‘1 r» J ,i .).-. ‘_iJ. , __i. ‘ -, 7,. A i .-> ‘1-— L f > -», .. iiC‘J. I-i4..,‘iu.;ii..i, uh but? lifuu Liaise, Jail; J.J-.Ilai. “144 4:41 .3 $iafi-k H.315“) '1 ‘~ ” , ,A,_~i H _‘J. 0. tin! seooiia. filth. ' .I. s \ .~. '- , J. y H: ‘t ., ..t-~ .0 4..", .’,): ..'.,“,A‘ -_a .:IJ;,.’;.J.44.L‘.-i. hide the Saint Littuti U1. UL. airs: iJL'nLu’ .Lii 3WJ>W film»: 4 ‘60mmlw —.. - ~ L.. . - _- ~ .. » n ....“ 1 “J... A. ..2 ..~,. 93" Ctm.;;1(Leiiei.\_ii1 of {Excite-trifle UL lzmi. Derviieei’l ;gi‘ai _‘a. ...‘)C ..Lt.3. flwmgyw V —— 4 * ’ , ,. '. ..J—w- = 1 2 ~. — F , -.* '7 1v. .. ,.. . '.. J..::..~ «. allcii .‘..-LZLULLL, e. .A.. Jet/leg ..‘C. aim. .Lii phiimtcHiu-j «a c? bLuiC‘ 1 ,,.— . '* 1. 4- W -V i“ Pr r. r m .. . i W . .1- non». u; _ldue ov'. lr, lo.>0,;.nd [..;le; .L pairs i-i_;i .. —~> “av .. - ~ .I... ‘» » ..1 “s- .” .'. .‘..‘ 1 {."__‘ ,‘ ~.2 I-.“ ‘.JJQJLL.L13LL iail~);“..JUfl,, ‘.'imiebs out stimulates, onto la’ do; of Dec. , 190;). "-x 4 “('21 't " ~“'7 '~ 1'1 ohm; 4‘ £3.43“ - li’léll‘h - 'y . . ‘x'm 1.91.. . ills; 'rwrxr 11433444). 'l" .‘.-‘.-.)4-. i .‘ W 1 “N 3" ‘ «i 4", .). J3. 453114.111. Inglis. 1181‘ ' x 1m 17 ‘.‘ p ‘ m." i - 3. L..}-..Llii a...» .14“ 2|. ‘40»..39 1118,33}: ills nflJiés 4' ‘30 i .431.) .7 ,'l IHLLL'JC 3 (1 '1'1 {_,_ t ~ ”\Tl'j“”"’ri'l'1" uiz.‘.__‘i on J...-‘Ja.i.LU\./.L-l , T,“ - - >1 ix «may: = 4- Ju-UJL CUUJJJ-J-OO Olthntgcu. I w‘ 1-7 "-"'-‘ 1‘1” "lo-e} 0’0 "1e “Otntr Cnrt: for tie , -~. .4.. J.JU¢.J.J ‘ ‘.I «A s .i. U A v K.. L t .. g Count; agoreeald, «lo ce2tii‘j tinted the 12; 1'; o; 3620., 1905, the ai’oreij'oinj‘ deed tries 42170112297. 1722.26: .1; Que Conn-t3; afiorc sail, and. ac}:1:~'_‘vile‘:feil 22:21 Reii'co';01 13:, 522121,. ...artih, 1101' li'ntegr, an l her 1'2: 513151111, Lesle; flutes, to be: 2;.22; '1‘ act uni iced. ‘ Ilium r11; hand, this 152' in; oi‘ ,lcc. , 1127);. -2. --2-2422;34’2, 0191'}; 2.2. 32222222322222 Moutgu‘é’ommm 92.21, J .’. 2 _ 91V 7) ‘WWWyoWy’ a ~ 0 “~.A_L~ 2. , — .V. ,3;-._.; o.- 14,21,913, 1.13232“ 13:72:21.. ......dot. I, Jul.“ ‘51, 2.2,.“2‘12, Latex: _ublio q th 0:212.ch gn'; st 12.20 agoresuid, 11o certijfj. that on. tne 25.: 1-_ o; Junta, 1:106, t..e aforesnll :-ttuchel "Len-1 ‘.‘i'as 121x21: cei. to 2226‘ i the Comm; ai‘oresuil, “if“ acknowzletyel 22221 delivered b; her; 2. 0012113,: 82:11 --llen Genius, he: 1112122221, to on their not 5,2,1 ice'l. 221313.133 1;;; 32221161, this ZZZ" 2121;: 021’’ 1:213. Jud-I 2.“.2‘14, 130123221; iublic. ( ) 1._: Com. expire; Jan. ‘L, 1910. f 23:21:; ) . ( ) 211-2; c.‘ 142292624, 4:01.327! G'cr‘m‘hdju . . . ~ . . . . {3045. I, 2. -:. 2122213322, Clerlz~ 213 the Commit; «Joni-‘2' i‘wi CLO 132212.111); afcrcsail, do certii‘; that on the '7" 11; oi‘ HOV. , 19012, thi: dee rl from sand» Berti“ {cc to 4113.1; Bef‘lc; 32c. was lovi'j‘ei in If; ofi’ice for recorl; an“: tn 1; I have truly recorled it, tour: that ".Lt}: this an} the cestii'iczsguv. thereon enlorsei in my sail office. 1131:4322; r3; hand, this 26” 21:2; of Larch, 1907. 2. n. _'J-.V'IlJoO;L, Cleric 2.6.6. BE 5242. zu;.'i‘.ii.-1, 122.0. J. “. 353Lol, L: “L, 10 JLlll 33}LAI, J: u; ld-dOafic ' DMIJ IHDJNTJLQ, 1133355323: In_t J. “, Boyle; ana mike Lory Berley, A. B. Berley Q wife, Jusie Befley, I. J. 3e?- ley, 3. J. Begley & J. J. Be 1e;, eigfle men, all 0: Elo;d County, Ly., convey ani quit—claiL to £1111 fij}lji, J. J. . 341131, QIJLLI nglgi, L. 1. 3;}LJL Ago }30. 4. 3L}1;Y, of Elo;d County, L;., for the sum oi mode; heretofore ;uil, amfim&amam AwmwwflWWM“ the receLgt of which is hereb; acknowleflfed, the followinr WWW”? ’ re.1 estate and aggurseuancee thereto beloniing, in Jlo;d Co., Ky., (touitz) The Born on the gig t fork of BGAVRI Creek in ascen11or the strean, watgg of 31" dguly Liver, in £1031 00., Ly., kgocg as tne Liram 1. Berle; fart, which was conveyed from 3r. E. D. Be:1ey b others to tLe sail u. L. Defle; a;1 recorfied in Heel Book Lo. "4,” rage 414, 15, 16. IN nIflIES o LJJgJOE, tLe said “rectors hi2 hereto set their hzglo anl sea1_, this the ___ fie; or .___;906- Dhere is excegted fr01 this conveyance the T. 3. 3e?- 1e3 tract. J. 1. BJJLJY IJQIJQ mLiflY u. 3. 331131 59313 BLJLJI f. &. 131L41 h. a. BJ&1£Y o. B. 3;;Lgi *1398 or LJJEUCLE, CLUE} County.. ......oct. I, G. 4. DAVIDSUK, Count; Court Clerk in and for the ail Co., do certify that personally came J. A. Begley, Lax; keeley, A. B. Befley, Susie Begley, T. G. Be?ley, 3. 3. Be;- ley and demuel Begley and acknowledged the execution of the annexed deed. hlflfijod my hand and seal, this the 25 day of Lyril, 1906. }. A. DnVlDdoj, Clerk BY 1i. 3. LJIY, L}. C. manm&xmam ”mm? “09;???‘1‘UCLY. \ snoin Couni;.. ......oct. I, }. R. DnTIDSQH, Clerk of tne dloyd Count; Cdurt, certiL; that the foreéoiug Instruneut or hritin; was, on the 7” day of HOV., 1906, lodged for record; whereupon the same, together vitL this and the foregoing certificate, have been duly recorded in my office. IITNEBS my hand, this 26" day of Larch, 1907. ‘ J'. DAVIDSON, Clerk 31 fink ionrnn, D. C. a. “..1.*;;I, A: 9; 1o @Iguh L. 3434;; "—200 ' ' ' -1~- . ._.... 11* - ..‘: . ‘ .1J1 1 :111‘1. «~.-—. Li; 4414;) v J VL1‘-.J.._4;..'._.'J¢_J$ 1..... _O 1....-1 01.416.69.31 1.11110, .1111»; 3” 1;; 01‘“,ril, 1202, between J. A. Jgjiql, ;