xt70zp3vt865_181 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. Commonwealth of Kentucky v. Eastern Kentucky Coal Lands Corporation et al text Commonwealth of Kentucky v. Eastern Kentucky Coal Lands Corporation et al 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_20/Folder_5/0002.pdf 1908-1947 1947 1908-1947 section false xt70zp3vt865_181 xt70zp3vt865 !
Pike Circuit Court

Commonwealth of Kentucky, Plaintiff
Vs Notice
Eastern Kentucky Coal Lands Corporation et a1, Defendants
To John A. Runyon, Commonwealth Attorney,
Thirty-fifth Judicial District.

Please take notice that on Saturday, May 10th, 1947, at or
about the hour of 9:00 o'clock A. M., or as soon thereafter as
counsel may be heard, at the courthouse in Pikeville, Kentucky,
the defendant, George H. Taylor, will move the court to enter an
order directing the Master Commissioner of this court to sell at
public auction at the front door of the courthouse of Pike County,
Kentucky, on the first day of same regular term of the Circuit or
County Court, after notice of sale shall have been advertised in
the manner required by law in the case of sales of land under ex-
ecution, a tract of land mentioned and described in the Judgment
entered herein on the 14th day of February, 1908, as Tract No. 21,
to which said judgment reference is hereby made for a more particular
description of said tract of land.

Stall, Muir, Townsend & Mahoney
Sander, Martin & Sander
Attorneys for Defendant, George H.
Executed the within notice by delivering a true copy thereof to
John A. Runyon, Commonwealth's Attorney for 35th Judicial District
this 28 day of April, 1947.
' D. U. Moore, Sheriff of Pike County,
By Be Be Doak, DSe

 V /%7/
\ , /,
, ,-' U,"
Elke Circuit Court.
flay lath, i947.

Comiomnedltn of Kentucxy, Plaintiff
V5 Order
bestern Kentucky Deal Lends torgoretion,
et oi, Defendants

Tuie day Came oeorge E. Eujlor and Dy counsel filed his
written metion for the entry of and order of Sale of the truct
of land mentioned and described in tne petition herein as Troct
50. L1, to which too Com uneeeltn of fientueAJ, by J. A. Runyon,
Comeunweulth'e Attorney, objected, and toe court beiné advised
it 15 ordered tnst Lurtner hearing on said action be passed until
June term, 1947 or Lhis court, and tnis cause is asmoéned for
hearing on tnc was day of June, 1347.

Notice 01 this motion which has been duly executed upon the
said J. A. Bunyan, Cooeonwealtn's attorney, We» aloe tiled.

h. douroe fields,

 Filed day 10w 1347
a. ‘1‘. Smith, Clark
by batty Jean ?ratcr, DC.
Bike Circuit Court
Commonwesitn of Kentucky, Plaintiff
Vs fiction
Eastern Kentucky Coal Lands Corporation et a1, Defendants
Comes the defendants, George H. Taylor, one moves the court
to enter an oruer utrccting the Master Commissioner 01 tuis
court to sell at guciic auction, at the from door or the court-
house of Pike bouncy, Reutucky, on the first day of some rcbular
term of the Circuit Court or County Court, after notice or sale
shall have seen advertised in the manner reiuircd u; law in the
Case or sales of land under execution, a tract or land mentioned
and described in the Judsmsnt entered herein On the lath day of
Fooruary, laws, as fruct R0. L1, to which said Judgment reference
is hereby mace for a more particular description or said tract
or land. .
stoll, cuit, Townsend, Para x ssnoney,
/ H. V. Forsytn
(xéll‘ r. _. , V ,p , .i .
5‘ cancer, unrcm cc- uahfler,
gt Attorneys for Dcfenaant
‘.‘] George 3. Sayior.
fl ‘.:
i" it)
id‘- t, ' 1
‘t. 1
War ,rr
.- \v ‘_’.
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 2 ; ‘
Pike Circuit Ccurt
Com30naeuibu or ficntucuy, Piniutiff
Vs actice
bgbtern iantucxy Coal Lands Corgoration et ai, Derenuants
To Jenn n. fiuaycn, Commonwealtu Attorney,
Tuirtyofifth Juuicisi District.
Please take notice Cnat on saturaay, any lath, 1347, at or
¢bOuL sue ncur cu 3:00 o'clcck A. m., er as soon unercarbcr
as ccunzci may ue heard, a; the courthouse in Pixeviile,
Kentucky, the uefenaaut, George M. r3ylar, will mov: tnc court
to enter an aruer uirccuinQ the Easter Comiissioner o: unis
court to sell at guuiic auction at the frunt uoor of the cuurt—
house of Pixe County, Kentucxy, on the first day of same reéulur
term or the Circuit or County Court, after nacice or sale fibull
nuve been aQVernised in the manner rc.ulred by law in the case
of 3.163 of land under execuuian, n brawn of i-nu meutiuned and
described in cue Juugment entered herein on can 14tu day 0f
February, 1308, as Tract He. :1, t0 which suiu judgment_rerer—
ance is hereuy m3de for a more gurticular descrigtion or said
tract of 13nd.
atoll, fiuir, Townsend a uahonej
Saucer, Hartin a Sander
Attorneys for Lefendant, decrse E. Taylor
biecutad the within notice by ueiivering a true cepy uncreor
to John a. Runyon, Commonweulth's Attorney for 85:3 Judicial
District this 36 may of April, 1947.
D. C. floore, Sheriff of Pike County,
by h. b. Doak, D6.

I ' L]
Filed May 10, 1947
W. T. Smith, Clerk
By Betty Jean Prater, DC.
Pike Circuit Court '
Commonwealth of Kentucky, Plaintiff
Vs Motion
Eastern Kentucky Coal Lands Corporation et a1, Defendants
Comes the defendants, George H. Taylor, and moves the court
to enter an order directing the Master Commissioner of this court
to sell at public auction, at the fron door of the courthouse of
Pike County, Kentucky, on the first day of some regular term of the
Circuit Court or County Court, after notice of sale shall have been
advertised in the manneb required by law in the case of sales of
land under execution, a tract of land mentioned and described in the
judgment entered herein on the 14th day of February, 1908, as Tract
No. 21, to which said judgment reference is hereby made for a more
particular description of said tract of land.
Stoll, Muir, Townsend, Park a Mahoney,
H. V. Forayth
Sander, Martin & Sander,
Attorneys for Defendant
George H. Taylor

 Pike Circuit Court.
May 10th, 1947.
Commonwealth of Kentucky, Plaintiff
VS Order
Eastern Kentucky Coal Lands Corporation,
at al, Defendants
This day came George H. Taylor and by counsel filed his
written motion for the entry of and order of sale of the tract
of land mentioned and described in the petition herein as Tract
No. 21, to which the Commonwealth of Kentucky, by J. A. Runyon,
Commonwealth's Attorney, objected, and the court being advised
it is ordered that further hearing on said motion be passed until
June term, 1947 of this court, and this cause is assigned for
hearing on the 28th day of June, 1947.
Notice of this motion which has been duly executed upon the
said J. A. Runyon, Commonwealth's Attorney, was also filed.
R. Monroe Fields,

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 Executed the within notice ofl the within named Im. Smiley
by delivering to him a true copy of the within Notice, this
hlay [ 1 1947.

T. 11‘. Sturgillé, SFC.,

By: 2%_% Jag/M/ Ds.