xt70zp3vt865_225 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. Hatcher, J.J. v. Petry, Mel text Hatcher, J.J. v. Petry, Mel 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_22/Folder_13/0503.pdf 1935 1935 1935 section false xt70zp3vt865_225 xt70zp3vt865 . - 1?, '
floflgw aw flw~parg nw v wMHGKY
(:1 "K’V’é'ir‘r 535 , 7 ‘7‘",33
J. J. (metrw) ran?1!‘"*'m A?“ t
‘37. P"",T WV“ mtg“ fi‘Tg’i‘m FT???“ (WWW?
fiTh *“mwy prwnaww ’
WWWW m,» mam“- 0mm 3'3? (39"?*”I“:”T'T¥?‘?“?? firtmx'ma?
m; C‘hfififl _gwwwfli Ar: '3‘,” (303?? ‘
' 0n the face cf the returns, J. J. Hatchar had a
mnjnvifiy n? 19,9?9? “91 “stry far the Hemoe?atic nominnfi10n_

far ”owragentntive nf/flonnty. retry contestafl the election.

”a a remnant, certvin bafiiots were held to hafie been impranerly

afiunfinfi %ecauso af the failuwe of fihe electimn clerks to Sign

them 5% nroviflod ?y 19%. The regult wva that Hatcher'e mejnrity

W“? vwignfl in 137, $he ju§nm¢nt was affirmed in Fetry v. fiwtcher,
flecifiofl "antember 94, 1n25. @he trial of the contest invmlving'

nthnr grounfla snd_fiefenses nroceeded, 93 authoriZQd by Chapter 62,

Acts: m? 19:14 (See. 1550—28, Statutes, 1934 saumwlemnt). It we
sfljufipeé thpfi the entiwe vmte in Jnhn Possum nrecinct (where
Hatchet received 81 and Fatty 23 votes) and Jack's Creek precinct
(whpre Hatchfir receivefi 375 and Petry one vote) ghnuld be digregnrd—
ed because of the flagrvnt violrtiona of the lww 9nd carruption
of the ballots. The result was he hold that ?etry had a majority


 $ -

a? *“E. ?t ng wafi“3? wflfififlfiw5 fihflfi nfi€*“rf ”Him“ "3 ”flfifl%fiv
“hm? ‘hnnn vmmwym-zg 31“"‘0'Y‘3‘5‘311"! .».-:49 ~.;'~’gr‘~§‘3m-‘~~§1W '5.-33¢». €"}’(§‘P’a‘*fl‘*'?§ ':“Tiisfi‘fl‘ 1.529 $55???
“””a ”fififi“fliWV1V9 %%~% “fitrv wwm fihm flamiflww. Wfificflw? %“”““3Q
«fig “nfirv mfiwwr 3”? r firflwwuaMWHmi ffflm em mush a? fihm jufiwmrnt
mm, 3mm"! .“'?31 YtotcEM? in"; 339‘?) iwzflsefirw'fi may“? ‘H‘zsv‘h $153“ £19316 ?f5535‘ii? “‘;:??53‘
w M“ tam swancwififinr: '§=“»"“’WQ 'E'tim ”mh"if. ‘

m3¥fi wvwww77rvzfi, TP~%C%58?, '**mg ?P*%:'P“i‘fi? ”3U? flwavréifin ”‘fi
*fi fifim wEiminwfiinn a? ihfi Jmhn “awvum wwwcimnt has wag ha fifYfi
ifiw MfiwfinW“fi%mfi wmnfifl Rafi ~?fiont fihfi vamwit. m%v avifimnce,
fifimnvwry w?1 @ $h¢ vrwcinafi Wfifie in Enve Ewan W?nww?3v ?9jwc%fifi
wm narrnwt.

?%n nvifieflam ntkhcfiiflv %%& eianfiinn in fi%¢ Jrek'g area?
vraainmf fiv~?w%e?minfi3v mfifiW£ fl nonuifiifin Bwrfia?ififi Wm anarchy. '
who mmwwiv «anb ”nTivrMQfi t%@ b&? far fibnfi finfl «nnfihfir “vaginot

.Wikh t%fi M““%¢w “nfl fifi?nmhnvpfl?i@ to ”Van? ”wfifiwii wn fine
P€t¢?flfi”fl kvfmve tRH 91$efiimn. We wvs “ fleantv Qkfiviff find 56-
qifinvtwfl nfiprk A? fihw m3matian im‘thafi wraciwafi but 61¢ not qwrve
in thv+ capacity. an thfl+ mifihfi “w%”ieifi vnfi “ya ”. fl. fifiumbn
%vnu~%% fiBWrQ ba‘fimfi haven fifl fika “Wacky fl?flfik” fifivriwt fl”flfi
a? M. ”. ”flnrm, Which, i% ma» 9, ia in Tikfl fianmfiy. fifiwflbo tnlfi
”nave éhm knyfln Mm?fi €nr the Jrck'a fiwqek, fiwrfian wnfl ”mEViE
*?¢aiflctg nflfi fihnt they we?m fining fin Rive ”etyy (fianye'g brother-
in—1nw) m7? ifiw vntwm Wnfi'finfl1wvfi Ifing, r wvnfiflriw fa? wfi"fiu
("Qfi,fi“‘fl?, nfiéuhofif‘ «734" 'thsym. 3:7a'3vfea‘Vzfir, Qtwmhn V’rr‘f‘g angmfifl ‘33:“: ""53“!er
finfl hm“ vavinug7v wmnvhfi in kfive ¢ Tflhfir uninn nfficiwl ”at him
nut fiF the ”Wee, +Q11ing him fihpfi the‘fi wwg fifi,53fl.flfi in i? if he
fibuid, tn b9 smiit twn n? threfl wnys. Jae Wnuwin had wrecnfied
theme men finfi wanted a cabin far fihe night, but he quyrnndewod it
to “r. “tumbn and fintfinld unon being talfl fikvfi his fflvorifie orndiéate

 for flnvnrnmr wnnlfl receive 011 of thn bsiiata. He testified that
the ahfideg a? fihe cabin were ”rawn snfi thvt Hatfinld WFS inqifie
with the chem knyeq, baiiotg, gtencils and wade, Whilfi Gr. Stumba
was in an nutnmnhila nearby. “r. Jamwg testifieéthat he nrvived
st the csmfi abaut 11 G‘CTnck an the tréil af Er. fitumbn fifld his
omngnpnt, mko, it geems, hmd fitumbn'e eunwnrt. The cabin blinda
were drawn, nflfl he knnm noihing nhnut whrfi wfln going on inaide,
but in. “a wrmfimm annvnrsmtinn Pivtfir—‘ld hmi nrrpmissed to give him
hm1f of tha vntem in the Jack'g Greek v?ecinct. fir. fltumbo in vilent
in ”11 the knawn langungea. ”mtfiQIfi defliwa he wvg there thfit
mirr‘h‘t, and tea-tif‘lefi he receive-<1 the bnxeg ma the haunts from
the onuntv afierk rnfl kept them without nanody having 3008?? to
them unti? he fleViv¢refi them t0 the @0115 the morning of the ,
PVGOtion. ”punin's v¢wut¢+inn 19 hath attacked and gumworiefl.

In thig firecinct, as,W@ have Rfifitfifi, Hatchet wag given
3?5 vntn: finé “etrv one vnte. This lone ballot bears evidence
of having been stencil1ed for fiatcher and eraged. Eight wifinesges
tastifv that they were given hallots alregdy stamnfied for Hatcher.
There were n9 vntinw banths, :mfl tha baifiofia were stwmmwfi on »
schnfil fleskg. 1"hem a votvr °3ked far the stencil, he ”*8 told
to Tank firnund anfl Piné it, mhnreunon Wrank Hatfield avweared

. with the mtencil and, over the voter'a nrmtest, stmmned the

hgwot to wit himself, where it mg am: already stanfied. When
u. R. 3911, “flatmaator at ?evinsvi11@, vnfi metar orerfitnr For.
fihp mefielé Vvtura1 flag Cnmfisny, arrived shortly hefare three
o'cTQck to vnte, he was tnld that the ballots had run out and
the nails were singed. When he agked to see the stub back, one
of the nfficerg informed him that it wvs up at Frank H2tfielfl‘s.
This witness, who had lived in the precinct eight years and whose
duties ennhlnd him tn know everyone in it, teetified fhat he did .
not know 164 nersnns whose nsmna nnnearnd on the stubbook; and

 although 4n? bwifiots were cast, he thmught thntevwewe nnly 150
193%? vntnra in tho wrecifict. 0th”? Witneamea gubstantinte thifl
evifinnce. flame wknoé;nflmnm anteflvwfi an ttfi stubg tantifi“d they
1ivafi 9199mtpre nné héd flat vntefi in thim Wrecinct. RianifiCQnt
rnnetition of given "n8 surnnwog wnfl the_unuau91 chmracter of
game a? ttfim oannnt be mere caincififinceg. Amaug those recarfied
Ere ”Mew ”179?,” "Jnhn “me“ ‘nd ”Mtg. Jmhn fine.” We thought the
ubifivitaug ”t. fine mac hTfifi%Y‘WflJ‘TflfiWfl, but came 0f the
Witnesweg navnt hestfl at him. fithnrs had heard 6f him fifi having
given 9 nwmhflr a? ”001% checkg“ fimd giqnad linufir mntlicwtinn,
but nsv kw amen not Viva in tha ntecinct, ufi19¢~ he 1m one of
the Rungfiritns whn jive in the mining 69mm. By contrast, it is
gtfimt that in thn nuccnnfling run-aft firimarv, thg maximum vnte
wog nniv 91. Whmre is athwr eviflnuce, but this is nnnugh. There
it Qnms enuntmrvziiing fiviflnwce v9 tn the numhnr nf legal voters
in thn “recinct snfl the ifientificmtinn nf_9nme 0f the votmrs, also ,
that Witfingses ware given unvntwfl bfillots. Prgnk fintfielfl fieniea
evervtting. While the almction nfficers (onm of mhnm haé been
canvictflfl mt w feinnv) tectified in afteot that the election wns
ea nrderV tnfl “UT? as a cathedral gervice, it wrs as disorderly
and foul $3 m city damn, acco?ding tn the documenttry evidence
nnfl more neraurtive tevtimony. It m9g & criminal farce. The
court cauld not have finne othmrwine then to throw out the nrecinot.
, T Whethnr the_ahfi9179& violated the Corrunt Practice Act is
a twnufOWfl cuewtion. ‘
It 1g argued that there wva a violrtion of Section 1565ba1
of the Qfimtntes velpting to contributiong to campaign expenses of
candiflPtes, the hroviminns of gectinn 1565b—11 making a 03ndidate
reanonsible to the extent that he must forfeit his right to the
nominvtion or election if such contributiOns *re made in his behalf

 With his know1pdge. ”he Firet wort of the section makes unlawful
ouch contributionc bv nuhlic service ccrrorotione. lho cocond cart
melee it ”unlveul for eny cornorotion, nereon, conneny or eeoocietion ‘
to contribute either oirectlv or inoirectly money, cervicce or
other thing of volue townrdc the nominvticn or election” of any
ofiioer if he ”in his c?¢icie1 cenncity in reouircd by low to
werfnrmsny outage occulior to such cornmretion, nerecn, comrany
or oneocietion not commcnfn the general ouklic, or if it in
the flutv of ouch ofiicer to encorvioe, rcgulete or control in
any way or menncr the effoire of such ccrnoreticn, comreny,
ncreon or neoocietion, or if such officer has any outy to ncrform
in osceeeino the nroucrty of any ouch cornoretion, nerecn,
comrenv or “ecocietion for texetinn.“ The third cert of the
eecticn fleclfirea it to be unlenful "for any corporation not
Falling within the above mentioned cleanse? to make such con-
tributions on therein onecificellv not out. ' .
The ennellee, Ti‘e‘tréyr, is the nreoidcnt of Local Union No.
5000 of the Vnitoo Wine Workore of America, and n. E. Wallace
is the weenrfiinn eecretorv. What lodgeLvotcd a contribution of
_ éfin,““ to he enhanced‘in “ctrv'e behalf. This wee with his
I ‘mowledgre om? consent. The money we raid to and amended by
Wallace. Aocorfline to the nost~elccti0n expense account, it
wee scent ior corflo enfl travelling oxnenoeei
l ”f course, it is conceded thet the first port of fiection
lSQSb-l is not nonlicnble. The ennellent erguee that the proper
conetrnction of the second cert muet be thnt it moons thot no
candidate who holds on office in e’cornoretion or enuncietion
end oerformg the duties therein not common to the general public
shell knowingly receive or accent financial contributions or
2 nromiees from thnt coronreticn or necocietion. This, he says,
is because it would be against the oublic welfare since it would

 resvlt in n renrecentvticn of n snecial interest in nnblie office.
‘ We cannot concur in such a cnnntrnctinn Hf the Statute. It is
clear, We think, the reference tn the nerfnrmsnce of duties
"in his otticinl canacity”_nertrins to the duties cf the nublic .y
office which he is seekinw. is to the third mart of the section——
nrnhibitinn all cornsrstinns from making csmnaign centrihutions—~
it is sufficient to say that there is nu evidence that the local
Indra of the minors unien was s cornerstinn.
the second nhage of the charge of violation of the I
Corrvnt Practice Act by and in behnlf cf the snrsllee is that
he did not sustain the harden as cantestent of erasing his
innocence. fies Qumhert v. Weyhnrn, 249 Ky, 405, 42 S. W. (9d) 1
' 53s; ”mints. v. l-fstfisid, 95o Ky. 727, as s. s. (72d) see. The
ennsllee tastitiod unenuivocslly and categorically that he did :
not violate any of the terms of the law. W. V. Wegoy testified ‘
that at a certain time and since Petry gave him *96.“O with which
to buy votes and which was so used. thile there is some testimony
tending to corroborate McCoy, the overwhelming and more satisfactory
evidence refutes him. Evidence nsrtsining tn an attennt to
bribe Pd Gsyhesrt is.1ikemise. Another class of evidence in this
connection is that C. ?. Wallace was annellae's campaign manager and
was aniltv of huyins votes in his hehslf. While Wallace was very
active tor “stry and accomnsnisd him nsrt of the time during his
cnmnsign, they hath deny thrt there was any relation sf manager. 3
Bvidsnce as to Wallace having given Cfifi.fifi to Blew Stanley and
fi?5.nn to Cus.Johnnnn to be used in the nurshsse of votes is
contridictcry. The reputations of the witnesses are vigorously
attacked and sustained, But there is no evidence showing knowledge
on the wart of “stry such es would imnute Wallace's guilt to him.
Certainly, the contradictions are such that we rre not willing to
set saifie the judgment of the trial court in the matter.

 It. ' r "1
j 3
-...v '- 3' 3
3:4: ffiflfinmp {3724; (m 73;}: :37":th pummel” the ju‘pjmrmt Shtjwlt‘a
be my? it ‘3»: "”ilr’vt‘r“ '
"n the trees—n“ eel 7* in wet nocewwerv to nonrider the
03-12;?pr 17,319,733 ‘7}337 Newt-«efflnnt, ’33:”«tc3w‘xr’ Vi-f‘flf‘fifefl the “O.“f'l‘llfli‘; 3“?”320‘372169
act. Vowever, “a 5 mother of toirneee, we may pay that the ;
evidercs flung fine sham-big defiltv knowledge of some brihery in his
eke chart wfljuflgeé the coateatent hie coate exaert the
3 erwenne o? tehihr hie ”erncitinhe. We think this wee error.
@mctimfi was a? the “tetntea wraviflea that the party succeeding ,
in an ordiuerv or,eerity notion on the merita of a ceee shall 3
recover hie emote. While an election content is a special action 1
and the nrcceflure laid down tor contestr in primary elections does ;
not creditioflllvmhrovifie for the taxwtion of costs, it in provided :
in section 15930—1? (19%? Suhhlement), nertrihiag to eonteats of ;
resuler electiene, thet ”The nnsueeeeaful “arty shall pay all ‘
ccete in hath courts.” We weed rewaon is etherent why the game v
rule should not obtain in primrrv election contests. 0n the cross—
awweej the: judgment; is“, reverged tr".- the? extent 13319“; it adjuc’igss
the: cwnn‘lfien to "may any “art fifth? (Math.
The Whole Court eitting.
Amecanwve poo arrwnmgmm: _
Bond A Bond, “reatenaburg, ?v. :
ATWTTWWVQ ”TV A?“th?fi: .
Hill R Robson, ”reatnnebnra, Vye
' - 4

 r ,1
E (3.4131 (“=17 itix—zf”:EEL..-I:Lil L Ic‘é..1‘."_'£'LL.EC"1'.‘{
J. J. (MI-£11333) i:z'.;0.:~1:3.rx. £91533sz
V. APPEAL Fhufi EHL ELCYE Cl 35:: C as?
DPlJl’fi ‘F 133 CGJET bY €03m1pxlu£hfi SEEELEY
(:12;: CiniZT-f'ifxé APPEAL 2%;; 11C mo.

On the face cf ihfi rsLurns, J“ J. Hatcher had u majority cf 19
aver Mel Fairy is? 155 Dancer tic nfiminatian for fiegragaut five ;f Floyd
County. Petty c ntested tha electian. On a rcu.ant, certain b&lfiats
ware held tc hav& %een imgrpperly Cguflted mecaufie xf the failure pf the
electi n clerfis t0 Sign them up gruvided by 115. The reault ha; thai
Hatefler'a majorifiy $35 raisad t‘ 13?. Tag jaugmemt we; afgirmcfi in
Petry v. Hatchet, deciaed Septembvr k4, 1356. inc trial or tag acuteat
involeng ether gr unds and defensas precaefl d, a; Lufhrrizad by Chapter
62, Acts of 1934 (Sec. lb$O~LS, St Lutes, 13$: Supplement). li'mafi
aajudéed L: t the entire vote in Jain Possum precinct (RH‘JB icicxer
reicived C31 and Petry kQ vctes) and Jncg's Creek gracinct { here Hatcher
received 575 and Petry one vets) shmuld be disreg:rded because if the
flagrant violations cf the law find carruption cf the ballstfio The rasulta E
wa3 t0 hold th 1 Fairy had a mujarity of L950 Ii Whfi further mdjudgéd th&t
neither Petty er Hatcher had been proven guilty cf violating tLe Corrupt
Praciice Act and, accordingly, fih 1 Fairy was ihe nominee. Hatchar appaals

and Fairy movaa iv? a areas—appeal rrrm a man .VJ Lflfi $uugmont a; hclda
Hatcher t: be inuocant and ah i he ahcuid Eta? tag cyst of Lie defouiti ms
t 393 in his Lchulf.

The fippallant, Hatcher, flags art 3 lie an? guesticn ma Le the alimi—
nation :f the Jnhn PVSEUfi Myeciust Legause 2% says it; r5;israiion L,uld dot
affect the rfisait. Thfi ew;a£nce, kahever, EhhaS iuw traciuct vcte t; 51ve
DEER proparly rejgcted ad carrupto

in? evidence attacking axe eiectiun in figs Jacg's Craex greanct
overwhelmingly s mus a c ndLiion buyazring an :nmrchyo Ema 0.1ui; Clark
delivered ihe hex for that and unatnur xrcm'nea Lit: iha bsilnts ana Pflrh‘
fihernaliu L. Fr&u; fl LILelfi .n ihe aiteyngan uefc u the electicna Ha 3L5
a deguty £1:rif§ and designxied Clark :1 LKQ giectizn in tk't ‘rvc not but
am Imi- Larva in List (:ngzarfirty‘, Gr; thgtiliggilt ii’ri‘i‘ie-rlziz A 11th L.

Stumbo b3~ught ihreg balioi bux05 t; tha “k 91y Crack” isuyigb camp ;f

fl. m. fiumray which, in $9035, in in Pike Guanhy. Stuhmo fi'id fir're iéa

bUXES were I ? Lhe Jmcx's Creaa, Buyicn and Helvin yrocgncts and ti*t they
were giving. 1.x: give Pe‘txty' (isiwere's Aura;'Li:x&.3:'-:E.11-];m-;:) LN 1‘ 1' Visas» ‘zf'iixuz223217535:,
Stamwe was og'ssed in Patry and and rcvi ugly s ugh? t have & lebcr 431cm
official get him nut _1 Eng race, 1ellifig him tn i ifi::w was $3,500.00 in it
if he mauld, t; be split two ;y ihrfie uays. Jcfi Fannin had precaded fihese
men %du1 rented a Czwifl fur fihc flight, buL he warrgndcred it t& 3:” Siwabo

and fintfield ugcn being told that his 3 varite c nmidate for Governor xuxld
receive all sf ihe ballots. He teaiified ix 1 figs fiuades a! fihu cabin

were drawn ind that Hatfieid wag insiae mitt the flpsn bakes, ballotfi, fiifincilfi
and vans, whila Dr. Stumbo has in an autgmobi.e me 355. Jr“ JfiMCQ isaiiliad
tint he *rxived wt the camp ab.at 11 Q‘clwcx on ihe {Tail ;r 3f. fitngbo and
his cypcnentfi him, it S$em3, h,¢ Stuubo's supjorto fine satin blinds x're
flrawn, and he knew m :hing ug:gi mhrt ha; 5 int gm Insida, but in 1 ray; us
canversaiion Hatfield had promised t: give him half 01 the votes in the
Jack's Creek precinct. Dr. Stumbo is silent in all the Known langufiges.


t ' 3'.“ 3.....‘113 ...1 .1, .3 , .. .- .3 ,.1 1..; W .,.. z: __ ,..,,“ ,:..,.,': "33,, L..... ‘7,

1111.33.13}. f...r.;1'...::b 3.36. .33.; 1.13.3 .';: J.,, ‘. k,- ,3.LL1...-.:..'._ :::-... 3:. 31.6115 ‘..:1' #3236? L‘v :.1.; 3,.363 2343(0)

,3 .:1 3 3. ‘ "- ..:. .'~.. ,. .:.2. 1 s , ‘1 ., ... 1,, 3 .‘. ."- 1 1...: 3. , . _ ‘,... 1’.1.
".1333 33.1%.: 13:3:st 3373.131. 1.133: 1.} 2...-3L" 3:332... .3313: 1 £31.33. (3.361;: .J.: .:. :.....in; ...1-V333,“
£63585 3. them until he d9 ivaxefi tie; in the ,.138 315 garniua r; ixe elec~

- - . ' 3 '..I~.. : _-,: ..' ‘ ,_' .1
t3. .:3 3'3...33;33.‘.2 I'egwuis..tzs.33 3.; 3t... 3. 3. 3133-..-}.

' .1. 1, ., .- . 1 ,. . .. . ',' '1,..;..31,.... .., ,. , ’ - ’:'? ‘ .....J
In b...§.b fl: :.'-£13131.» 343'.) 1331 ...L WE}. {3:.-.L'3Li, .-..<;x',3;.9,c;,3.‘ Haw, ('.1.. VB“ 3.3353- V..'CE3§3

.,,. ,5: .5.. .. . . _ .. i"2:...3 ..1 “ 1 . ,,_ ‘ 13‘ " ‘1 .1 ‘ .,,“ .,~ ,4. .i ,.,, 13. . ., ' _ ‘.5 _ ‘3‘} ' , _'
3:333.- P8331113 1339 v.16. -313; 333.33.33.33. 3:3. 3.;. 3.:‘3'333r.:3308 :3 .3. v ., 3../3:331 33323303113311
1' 7. 31.1.3- 433... . ...- ...» Tu. 3 ». -= 3.43.3 , .- ~'~F~.1--: -; in ~' 3 ...1. . -; r ‘.- ~ ...1.
.L ..., A..: Luna; 31113.3 C3. 1‘ wt»! . _.__ “$.11“ .33 314‘. ..;-f‘ .:‘: 3 ~.3; 3.3.4.; I, :3 » L. .61].- ‘Hid. 3_~ 1;“ ..V (' .1 ..‘:sl : L.‘ LL:
1. 1 .‘.. 1 .3. .. .1,; . ._ gr," ..7. ,1 I?" ...1, ,. ,.1. ......gj.” ..'.|,, _ ..._ ',‘.3 3, 1 .. 1
33.1.3 5.50; .:‘u ':.\E..3{;‘..L .2. .3'3‘3". 3.173313) 32.33; :3. \er 3.3.3351 U 93.53, 3.3-v 3 31:333.»??35
3?»; 31,323 an Labial ~3.». 3216-31 :3: v. 2.1333 a sled. 3' 7:32;: 1335333331. 6:43 3.:-...
..'..‘s .1..., “.. r, .. . ,. ..'. i‘:.1.; :... W, "14.1 1 { ,3‘) ' 11‘ .1,.,1_\..1 ,fJ '1..
L-JJJJ Ln'; ..LL}. :3 . 1‘ 3331:: ..333. 3.3.3333 .J. L, 11:33 . b31341} 3‘1531. 33333. L.‘, 3.1-:15}: ..' )E:,.3£:1J. «.,3 «.3 3 L210.
.J.,.,... .J.“ , ...-J . - - “>4 . .--... ~-v~l~ .- -. »~‘ -‘ '.. ' ."‘,~‘ A . ’.. 3,10 ‘
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.. L -. —. »t ,3 - .. .2 . '1 . .1 3.. . '3’ -'.1':..."'z . ..: ., . , 1,3 1, .1 ... *‘I‘3
33.3.”:‘4' 3L3 \.-;.1 .'.lut. .3.).31. 1.3] 533 ."LXRLKJJ 33339.3 .3.. 3m. :3 53.4.. ask-.I. .I. 3.=€\’.3..;L;\"1.LJ.€'

1,11 11,13. 1.1 _1 .1 .1 a ,1 , 3_. ‘3: \ . '._:1 a . " 3, .. "1..... ....,.x ..1 ...-L7,. 3.. ".- ..
mum .upei .9311L3: 3.3 ch 333:3&;h “azurml Lflm Ub$ynu3y 33.333. 31.3””; uu333e

3 1 , -; .1 ._ .. :_ 4 .3 1‘ .3 ..: 3 ‘.1.. '3 »4 ‘- .1. .. ._ ..’ *1.
tifl'tfif: ‘.7'C.L\.'Cy_ LU V1..- L.lJ.ULvS .‘.g-kr. Itill Lula; 4.33m. L315 .’».:l.'..::

r .
w, “3:3 a'!.—~:-.; 7‘ 37‘?» - ‘1-1-1. . .:’ 6’3 1 w» w‘ww. (Ni-33"". =1..-” '1» 3 1 -> 9"” ~er . "a 3!" ‘-'-“=':v’:l
3:61;; L....nJLCla 33.3633 .33, 3.; .:-v. a 3.1.2.: 13.x, 3.33.3331, L'J’..:3‘3.9 -116) 3 ......C. 2.3. .3 13.3.35 .3 3.323.
1.:_ .( A. . 1 . 1 " ..1' r ,1 ..‘: ': . r"! .f .. ._ 1‘.. V 133. '_ .‘. .1 . .‘ 7 , ‘._. ._ .._
33.3.31 .L .33. .313 31.4., b.3193». 3i53t33elu'b. 39.33» 333313333, 3,-3.3; :.1 .‘....fod. .33 5.1.3; film-.-

’ - '.. -, ,3 .. 21.1.1 1, ..’“...f 1.:, ...1 ,..,1_,,.,. .:. .:. ..:
0.333% 6.3.14-3. 33311.; 3.333: .....3339 0.3.3323- £13133 33:32. 333.133 3 .393. e*3»<~,:31.~1.31e 1-33 33,, {mtg-

“4 .‘. W... 4. .'. 3 .3. ..._ * 4 . ...1 1 . ‘-....-., 1 , - ' . 3.:. ,..». ~...\ -
1.36203 1.. 3. .33 (1331 131,3. 3.33.333 1L4 933313.415 .J.-..usr 33... .3.. av 3'31: 33 4.x,- 3-3333‘3. 33-32;

1 ‘3. ..._ "(1‘ [1.”-w ( 1 ’31, 11', 1 ‘.1. 1. .7. 11,33. .1.1,. ...1.1 ‘37., “:11. ; ,, " ~ .-’ ~«-, ~ I
3.3131 .3333 .1132; ~3.}! 1331.1.-. 1.3 new. 3193, .33 3.33 3.311;... 3»... .3131:- ‘23131 1. 535.1. mums.
: 1.11 - .3. rw 1 . ‘ ..._._-. .A.... .. .. .31 .1 I 1, I. ..‘, ,1 .. . c,
in 35:38 “30.12103... 1.3133319}. NJ.LL1Z7QE>’IJ3S ::ub33.3.331-.2.u‘(38 L13 C..Vi'u5‘.‘§;i‘:8. \.w.31!€ L:...\.‘.DQ;‘

., .- ...(w w..- —.—..~.“ w...- mu . 1» : .:': ..:, 3"”... i-t ’{.‘- .- 1,: .,. , + rfi
3.1.3313.) 3_../rm 3.361 3.31 (3...-. only“... L.L.3.3.._‘1.,..;t:b. 3.3.51 .3...\'..-(- (,.,,3E;:._,;3,,1€, ”113.. .- 3.3 33 L 3322.3
."1 1 .J. , ‘1. . 0.; .3 :‘n' ,1 . .2. .. 1 n3; .- ,3 ., .. 11'”; 1.... .1 1.. .,,. .:.: 1 ; ..1 .. .."
iii t._.u "MECHLKUt-g n.23&;l’lu..i.;b {lb 3'83): 3.3133341 .5. {._.1 Vet: U333: .“.u:,l.?.'|_--:..b,‘3:; 11'... :.J'z' 111.453.13.19.
1. .3 3, .z:- 1‘ ...“ .3‘ .:. .1 .. .., . J ‘..1 1. n ., . ‘...~‘ ... ,7 ..1- f .31.... L7 1 -.» A." ,"
Chili .CLC—LL' J, )‘J\.-hl‘: .1. ..;.62333 1.4311313.) L3 L38 1.1912; (3-;:315}.\.1§*i;“§.4au .3.-.3‘3315.“ 3... be 31".) ".1553
.._. . .»v ., '1: , .- 3 ~' 3.... 3m, 9*- _. . ., ,.'-.. r‘, g 3 . 1,1 , 713 ‘_,__ .. 3 .1. -. .._.
{33‘s “335:1:- r..3v—:.-’ , "dc-.331 3336' Jnu"..i3:a. 313.313 313m”. .6: £1.13 u..v.331-131..--1..3.3.
" .. .. . . .,,...1‘0 ,1 1 ._ ..,. . ,, 3 . .,.,.. ,..,.1., *....._,3 ."
{~31 a DEE: 303:.) it“ 3:133”. 336.1,: . zlywfl, Lu. 3.: aunt-3‘ 2.., 3,33 3.17 1,,!3Q333;..t;u HQ Vt). .333. =.- .I ”.3.-51¢
"'.J*=\:..‘n" :.’. --: : 3...: -'-‘ v.1 . .. :3 A.‘ .1,» . -- 11.31,. -r~ .1 " ”n '3 ' .:1 3;: p:
'.ILAk; at) .- L. 3.35. J u .,3 ,.33.11 .33. .;-.-.V13.;' -.'_w€..33 1114333333... ...L .33 ....'..a,...5 ..2: «Hyunh.
3.» b _.
1 3.1 .,, ...1 1 -, .I_ x, 3 ,; _, 1 3,. : .' 1 ,.11 :,.., ., - ‘!“: C.-. 33.; DAL 32.01,; 313: 3.29:: 33.1. 1333'8 .:1 viifzt .I(;3’3._=1u-t1 $313,538.: 3.3:, 35 me
.. r— 44. :r. . 1.4.. r. -.». ‘3‘? 4. .3 ~ ,1 ...-m .. .1 3:.. .3. .: .. . t .:.- :..—. 1‘. '-
333 33.39. .331131. 3-3.33.3 3.3.3.. .._ve 31.3 3.3.3 .3.... :33, L..»..up. ..:”; 33331..» 1 .33 ...; 33.3.3131] L
f . .:‘ .. . ._ 1‘. 1 "'3‘ ... -‘.,., . .. .. . - H .1. ..._; . . " .. ‘
333 3.3.6: b31uceca_.;3g, Inn—~01; 1.23%.... 3;., L336: 31:14.9 3 33:”.- ..1. There 1.5


other evidence, but this is on ugh. Th re 1: area CthfiiCrVilllflb at GE co a:
to the namLor sf Tegll voters in the see not and the identiflomLizn -i a as
of the vctors, also t: t witnesges here given unveted L l ots. frsnk hatiiold
defiifib BVCYEtthg. Rh: e L16 elecui n iiio rs (£39 or ugom had been a he ntGd
of a felony) teatified in e ;eci the? the eiecti n tee a: cr§=rly 4nd ware {S
a cathedra. service, it was as disercerly and foul as a city dump, euu~rding to
ilfi documentary evidence had more persuasive testimony. 1L Mei a criminal
farce. The 0 art 6 did not E.te o.he tthertise than ta threw get the 'reoihot.

Rhether the appellee vi lated the Corrupt Practice Act is a thO—fuld

It is argued tn t there has a vigi ti n of Section lfifiob-l of the
St tutes relxting to contributi as 1. campaign expenses of other: hes, the wro-
visi as of Secti n 1565h~ll mzming a e ndidate reSpcuSiblS iv the extent it t
he must forfeit his right to the nemin Lion or election if each Contrihdtiene
are made in his behalf with his ntuiedge. The first wart if the secti n makes
unlasful such 0 ntributi as by uh i0 eorviee c r-.r ti n5, fiilfiufl, C(Mgeny or
esscciati n tn C ntribute e;ther directly r indirectly money, sended

‘4-. ‘-.--"' ‘4. ., ' ..': ,. ,,.»J . '.”-.4. 4.- . 4 7.. .. . ~ ‘ "4 4 A. 44 .— -4.
DJ ...;J.L.F} .. _r: (lbw; x. . Lib T. 7... .':. .. .L- a) L ""."_'.=..3 .4 . ..'.‘ml 4’. 1’. ‘. ’1..» . . 5. 2.7.7.! 4. 5 ... t . ._ _ 24.: l. '. l
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_ I. e.” ..‘..L‘... 4.7.4; 3..-.'.. .41.; all“... ..:..L .4. 43.. Mu: v.4... ... .. .. ... 4;: ..'. ...; ’. .'...1'. AL. (.7 .. '. ...:uii '.4 '.v.-. .7: .4 1.1“ ..4 .4 ..'. .-.L.
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'g; 5....) . 04.} v-4 MUS) JOLDLCIDH f UK 1.1.2811; _4.;1 .. .i‘: d; vi: - DC- {LL 11.0"»: Ln '34 ll 1.1 . 4.4..4 . i 4:1 ,'.' a

The reputaticnfi of the riLnesses are Vigar:¢sly art c ed ing meet ined. blt
the e la n: evidence sh wing newledge an the art 5 Peiry such LS n.14m inputs
fiallace's guilt to him. Certainxy, the c ntradicii us are 5101 L: t we eve
not willing to set aside the judgeneni 0f the trial 0 art fin Lhe maiter.
It follows thxt ,n the filrect affeal, {he juafimeat sh did he and ii i
is a Lirmed. '
On tte croes