xt70zp3vt865_249 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. Kidd, Frank v. Lawson, R.B text Kidd, Frank v. Lawson, R.B 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_24/Folder_2/4289.pdf 1919-1920 1920 1919-1920 section false xt70zp3vt865_249 xt70zp3vt865 ' ‘ ‘ t -
FLUKE} :LiIRLZTI'j‘ {Rd-{3'15}
Frank Kidd. ‘ Gonteatant and Plaintiff.
V53 . if??? I'? I8}: .
7 R. %. Lawson, Cuntestee ané Defendant.
The plaintiff and contestant, Frank
, » Kidd, says that be is a citizen and reaiaent of Floyd
Ceunty, Kentucky, and of School District Re. 329,
fiivision 3 of the Common School fiistrict of Floyfi County,
Ksntunky.v ?hat ne-is over the age of twenty~ene years ‘
’ . and has been a resident of the Said Hiat?iat No. 329 .
- for a longer period than sixty days next before October
4, 1919, and that he is able to reaé and write. _
That heretofore, on the fdurth day of
‘ Sotober; 1919. said faurth day of tctober being the first
Saturday in Catcher, an eiection was held at the scuool—
hcuse in fichool aistriot Ho. 329, Division 3 of Floyd ‘
, . Caunty, Kentucky,.for School Trustee in said Sub-Histrict.
That at said election this plaintiff and contestant,
Frank Kidd, and the fiefendant and contesfiee, R. B. Lawson,
. were eacn candidates for office of Samuel Trustee in said
' Sonaal;3istrict.‘ Tue plaintiff and contestant says . -
that aaid,election by law was required to be held between, '
- the hours of one o'clock E. E. and five o'clock Pf E. on

_ .. . _
saia day, but that the 90113 for aaio election were not
open by the elections officers holding said election
unyil about twenty minutes after one o'clock a. w. and/
, . that said polls were_closeo at 4:55 o‘clock ;. m. on said
. day. The plaintiff and contestant further says that 1 ‘
‘ the said electidn officers holding Said election nave
issued a certificate of election to the said R. B. Lawson _ >
' and have made report thereof showing that toe said
defendani and contestee, R. B: Lawson,recoivod M~MMA.m
votm, and that ibis plaintiff and Contestant received ~vfi_
votes. giving to said R. B. Lawson on the face of said
return a majority of five votes. The plaintiff says
I that said certificate of election and said reyort to the
vote caot at said election were, and each of them are,
_ foliage and untrue, and that this plaintiff and oontestant
‘ recoived a majority of the qualified and legal votea -
‘ cast in said election. ’ ' fl ‘
, The plaintiff and contestant gays toot findy .
5 Kidd was permitted to vote in said election, and voted 1
u for the defendant and oontestee, R. B. Lawson, and that at
too time the said Andy Kidd was permitted to and voted
for the said defendant and contestee, %. E. Lawson, the
A { oaid Andy fiidd was not a legal or qualified voter in
_ Floyd County, Kentucky, or in said School Sub—District
‘ ai‘orosaid. ~ _
l . That Webb Kidd was permitted to and did vote -
— in said election and cast his vote in favor of the
contestoe, R. B. Lawson, and tnat at the time of said -
1 election, and at the time of voting for the said defendant.
‘ the said Webb Kidd was-not a qualified or legal voter in 7' ,
L -0." , 2:5: I ' ' i , I

 D .'.
Floyd County, Kentucky, or in said Sonool Sub-District
aforesaid. K
- That John Garson osS'permitted to and did
vote st amid school election aforesaid, and his Vote J
was east in favor or the defendant and contestee, R. B. I
. Lawson, and that et tee time the said John Gereou so
Voted in favor of the said defendant and coutestee, he, ' -
J ' the soid John Gsreon, was not 9 leg 1 or qualified _
voter in Floyd County, Kentucky. - _‘
' That Sallie finghes was permitted to and die
: vote in said election and cost her vote in favor of the
. defendant, 3. B. Lawson, and that at the time of said,
election the said Sellie flushes was not e legal or qualified
voter in said School Sub-District or in Floyd County,
, Kentucky, and was an infant under the age of twenty-one l
years. 'v . b J J -
‘ That V. L. ifimilton was permitted to and did
cast his vote in said school election one voted in fever
of the defendant and contestec, R. B. Lawson, and that at
' i the time of said election, the said s. L. Hmsilton was
" net s legel or qualified Voter in Floyd County, Kentucky, V
,_ or in said Sonool Subvnietrict, and was an infant under
toe age of twenty-one years. J'
That Felix hemilton was permitted to and did
cost his vote in said election in favor of the defendant
J and oontestee, R. B. Lawson, and that at the time the said i ‘_
. Felix imnilton so voted in favor of said defendant and .
» V ‘ contestee, he. the said Felix Hmoilton, wss_not e-legsl
, or qualified voter in Floyd Gotnty. Kentucky, or in said ,
’ school sub-district, and was an infest under the age of I
. ‘ -3- . ' ,' . . l

 ‘ i}; o‘t
‘ twenty-one years. i '
Tue plaintiff and contestant further says
‘ teat the said John Garcon, aforeeaid, had not resided -_
in Floyd County, Kentucky, for at least six months
, . before said election, and was not at too time of said
election and mac not prior thereto been a resident of. -
said School Sub-Dietrict aforesaid.
' \ That the said Andy aids and nebb Kine at the
t) o:J§eigae1ection one not been residents of said 3
igi2:;%~figégfiifitiic§/Tor as much as six months prior to ‘..
, _ the date ~ofJaid/election. ’
'“ The contestant further mayo that the votes of
the sofa findy Kidd, nebb Kidd, Jenn Garcon, Sallie Hughes,
w. I" ibmilton and Felix immilton; were, and each of them i r
, ' is, unlawful, illegal and void, and that the come were
unlewfui, illegal and without right counted in favor of t
. said defendant one Contestee. The plaintiff and -
. contestant furtner says that f. F. Clark and this plaintiff

‘ each voted in favor of.the pinintiff and conteetent,

“ . frank Kidd, and that said votes were cast by anon of said ,
voters before five o'clock I. E. on said date, but toot ' I
too caid election officers holding said election unlawaEEy, ' ’
illegally and witoout right failed and refueed to count the
Votes of the seid 3. F. Clark and this plaintiff and
contestant for the said ylaintif? and contestant herein, i

, and unlawfully, illegally and without right erased the same i
' ‘ from toe said tally sweet so used in holding said election.
I , The plaintiff end contestant furtner says that the said >
. _ t. F. Clock and this plaintiff wane case only qualified
‘ ‘ -4-'.

 ib- “‘2.
Voters in said school sub-district aforesaid. '
The plaintiff and conteatant further ooya that
at aaio election Cy Paroons and rally karaona were at
I ' said schoolhouse and at the place of holding amid eleotion
earlier than 4:65 o'clock T. H.'of said day and made
application to the officers income of said election V ,
i to be permitted to vote at said election, and that the .
ooio officers molding said election in said oooool-sub-
. district aforesaio,,unlaofu11y, illegally and without '
. . night clooeo toe polls of said election before 4:55 F. i. ' '7
on said day. That the oaid Cy Parsons anq' olly Paroono
’ ‘ I came to said voting place for the purpose of voting for -
I .I" this plainiiff and contestant and would have Voted for
i I n this plaintiff and contestant but for the unlawful and
illogal acts of the officers in said election in unlaofully
illegally and Without right closing too 90113 of said > ‘
election prior to five o'clock r. M. and in unlawfully,
' illegally and without right failing: to permit the said
Cy Earsons and Polly ?arsona to cast their Votes at said
' election. ' I .2 '2 ‘
The plaintiff and contestant further says that
he is entitled to a ro-count of the votes so cost at said
election, and is entitled to have counted for and in
‘ I favor of this plaintiff and contestant the Votes cast by . .
V toe said o. F. Clark and this olaintiff in favor of the
~ ' plaintiff and contestant, and that there should be counted
for and in favor of thia plaintiff and contestant the
voteo of Cy Parsons and £011y Parsons. That the Vote: of
the said Andy Kidd, Weob Kidd, John Carson, Sallie dughes,
‘ o. 1.. osmium and Felix Hamilton Should bé adjudged, to'be

 , . I
unlawful, illegal and disqualified, and that the same
. should not be Counted for or on behalf of the defendant
~ - and contestee herein. the plaintiff and contestant ‘
, further says that upon a re-count of said ballot and .
counting tne legal and qualified votes cast and which -
Should hate been penuitted to be cast at said election,
- this plaintiff and contestant received a majority of
five Votes in said election aforesaid and is entitled
to have issued to him a certificate of election therefor.
aflEREFURE, plaintiff and contestant prays that
‘ the certificate of election issued by the officers of
‘, said election to the said R. B. Lawson be cancelled, set I “
aside and held for naught. That a re—count of the ballot
, cast at said election he had; that the unlawful, illegal A
1_A and disqualified-Votes of the said Andy Kidd, tebb Kidd, _ ‘ I
I John Garson, dallie Hughes, s. L. fimailton and Feiix
Hamilton be expunged and not counted for thesdefendant
I and contestee, and that the votes of the said s. F. Clark
' and Frank mien, Cy rarsons and Folly Persons be counted
for and in favor of this contestant, and that he be
declared and adjudged to be the duly qualified and elected
‘ _ . Trustee in said School Subunistrict aforesaid, and finally ‘
plaintiff prays judgment for cost and all general and
special relief. , ‘
Frank Kidd
- - By”~_”*”~_w_”fl__~wfl«_gflmo__m~__‘_~
' , i I Attorneys.
' V firm: or Eilsifi’i‘llflli‘i’) .
t (SGT. . .
00ml? (3? FIDYD’ ) >
, . The plaintiff and contestant, Frank ‘

 - at .
- Kidd, says that the statements oi" the foregoing: .
petition are true as he believes. -
Subscribed and sworn to before me by Frank Kidd, ‘
this mmwday of Catcher, 1919‘. p
, , S .
a . ' ~7- , ,

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