xt70zp3vt865_257 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. Martin, H.D. v. Kentucky Pipeline Company text Martin, H.D. v. Kentucky Pipeline Company 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_24/Folder_10/4441.pdf 1924 1924 1924 section false xt70zp3vt865_257 xt70zp3vt865 SUMMONS IN EQUITY Post Print. Prestonslmrg. K".
The Commonwealth of Kentucky, ,. .» . . _
You are commanded to summon...K§.1lK'EQJ‘SX..Ej-_P§nLina...QQmpany..............._......._.__._
to answer in*._._....§§.H...(.l9.)._........days after the service of this summons, a petition in equity
filed agamstltm the Floyd Circuit Court,
by “Dluartlr‘
and warn...._..i_J9_....__.........._...that upon....."€1,115...............'failure to answer, the petition in equity
will be taken for confessed, or......._._._....i.t.................:..;;will be proceeded against for contempt,
and you will make due return of this summons within*-.:._.......16.151....(..l.0.)....................days after
the service thereof to the Clerk’s office of said Court.
Given under my hand, as Clerk of said Court, this..'Z.th...day of.__.....Qc.t.,................192..4_.
Mew/41W Clerk.
By MQWD (3.
*Insert TEN if to county where suit is brought, and TWENTY if out of. county.

 2 N ' \‘c ,
SUMMONS, In Equity ' i ‘ i
New 2 - ‘\
2 ,.. . \‘ N N (‘7‘,
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Plaintiff, . g \b , 2,
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"EL 5' 3% n.“ “E43; . . Plaintiff,
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‘< 3 ..3 “E . x ' ' Defendant.
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1i. .9. LiAiflrll , t lirrliCiIQ;-.
Vb . .~.. JL‘AVI 4 o -

The affient , O . . Van fatten , ‘,‘/o the t he in Field;
superintendent for the defendant, Kentucky ripe Line Gomfleny, and
wee oueh_5ugerintendent et the times Mentioned and reierred to
in plaintiff‘s petition Lerein, and in the affidavit 0i the

. plaintiff herein filed in suggort of anintiii’e motion for
tungorary injuncoion. Ehet heretofore ano yrior to the time
the defendcnt company entered ugon said tract oi lane and began
the construction or its yipe line 0V6; onio tract Ol land, the
yleintiii, h. D. nertin, nae made, executed ane delivered a
certain oil ;Lo gee lease ugon eaid tract oi'lene, together thfl
the neceeeery Lne convenient riahte—oi-Hay ior nine line for the
yurroee or marxetin¢ and tranegorting gee taken from enid lane eno
from o tlier lengte then le need. or otnerzxrise acquired. “or; the said.
leeeee therein. Shat the Ohio Fuel Oil Comfany in the oxnor of
said lease from the enie J. D. Lartin, an; nae made a location
101 a see well to be drilled noon the lands of the plaintiff herein, I
nne i; procuring the neeeeeary materiel one equipment for the
gurgose of drilling a Kell under seio lease. That tie said Ohio
Enel Oil Congany has neretoiore drilled an: completed gat Hell
mien the lands oi Lavie Lartin, whose lande are adjacent to
thoseof the plaintiff nerein. that the said Ohio Heel Oil Oomyany

 has entered into e contract and agreement with the dcicnuunt
confnny herein to sell to it the gee :ioiuced from the Jovid Lortin
tract an other tiacts oi lend upon which it may cereaicer Liecovcr
Que one incioent to the contract for the sale oi said ch,nae eolu
and transierreu to the soif goiencant herein All one iignto and
privileges incident to the transportation gnu marketing of said gas
Mulch it, the said Ohio :uel Oil Company, had or has by Virtue of
‘gie execution and delivery 01 said agreementp oi oil and gee leuoce
to it, zinc", tit-it oauiac entiy ugon saith land. by the dei’encant herein
tee unoei and pursuant to ouch egreemont between tn: pleintiii and
the Ohio Fuel Oil somgeny and the contract enu eulc between tLe
onio Luei oil Cougang'enu uni; ueienoant. ine ccfenuunt iuithei
say; 'tnet i1;:;uuit1011 bu oucii ritgrte—oi-iwgr egeciitUJeliy‘innitioneCL
unu eet out in ouio agreement oi oil on; Que leece iiom Laid n. c.
Ifiaitin to Ohio Fuel Oil Company, that the btumbo Alxhorn Ocal
(Joiiganxu i.e 'Llic Girlie)? <31‘ 3 c blIiég oi‘ 3.31ici Llii’oiugli 'Llie Igl.cj.njti:fi' liciwcizl,
whereon it nee constructed a railway ior the yurpoee of transporting
and. marketing co e1 vxhich it minee from a lease owned by it. That
an a5iecment has been made between caic Stumbo fllxnoin Coal Company
one this deiendunt, wlereby this defendant will cell to the btumbo
lenorn Coal Gomyeny natural Qae for the gulpObc of geoisting in the
ogerution oi its coal mine, unc that the use of such natural gas
for the puigose of assisting the gain Stumbo lehorn Coal Cougany

i in carrying on its mining ogcrubione,‘wgo unc ie toe use ungurtenunt
to the right of occuguncy Lho use 01 the striy oi lune ounce by the
ptumLo Jlxnoin Uoul oomguny, anc.that the line of pipe of the V
deienuont coméuny nee been locateu ugon onc'nitnin the enteiior
bouniurg line; 0; the etriy Ol lonu union in owned by the otumbo
lenorn Coal Comfuny.

The ufiiunt further says them at and yiior to the time tne
order of injunction ne:ein was granted, anc prior tO'the~time tn; said

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