xt70zp3vt865_263 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. May, Lee P. v. Martin, T.Y text May, Lee P. v. Martin, T.Y 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_24/Folder_16/4566.pdf 1925 1925 1925 section false xt70zp3vt865_263 xt70zp3vt865 .3 V


Aug. 13, 1925. .

Mr. Lee P. May,

Prestonsburg, Ky.

Dear Sir:* ““'-‘3’ “3 ‘
In-re Election Contest for Democratic nomination "
for Sheriff.

I beg to confirm my statements made to you this morning, rel— .,
ative.to the proceodure in the above cases, now pending in the vi
Floyd Circuit Court. rfi

There is the case of yourself against Sturgill and Martin; the '3
case of Sturgill against Martin; and the case of Hill against Store :3
gill, Martin and yourself. In my judgment, these three cases will 3}

. be consolidated and 1 "d as one case. fl

Each of the c es k a recount of the ballots, and a recount .5
is authorized prao c y upon the allegations ofthe petitions, witI H3
proof introduced to . w that the ballots have not been tampered ;;
with since they were delivo . into the possession of the County ?;
Clerk. This, of course,ru .. shown by the testimony of John _J
Hatcher. clerk, and of th @h who have been maintained at the .,gg'isr;
courthouse. However. -\J he recount, there are, as I under-v
stand, aproximately ten con - o, includingg the three for the _H
sheriff's office, and in each contest . recount of the ballots is W?
sought. The question of proceedur ‘ within the discretion of J
the trial court, and until he an Q‘Vré§>iheproceedure we cannot ’
determine just how this will be dwo~. "e may recount the bal- u;
lots at the beginning of the trial, after their integrity has been '“
shown; or he may require all the evidence to introduced in all .1
the cases, and then recount the ballots in a e cases at one and Q
the same time, and my judgment is that this t will be done. ~fi;

Each of the contests charge a violatio of the Corrupt Prac- ‘d
tics Act. It will be necessary to show by you, if it is a fact, .:
that you did not buy any votes yourself, and that no one with your '3
knowledge bought any votes for you, either with his or your money. fé
It is sufficient on this ground to shOw that even.gpg vote was . ‘_
bought by a candidate, or by his workers with money furnished by ‘Wfi
him, to deprive him of a nomination, in the event acandidate receiv- ”
ing a less number of votes is shown not to have violated the Act. j
I would advise that we should endeavor to ascertain the names of - g
the election workers for Martin, Siurgill and Hill in some of the .7
various preceinots, whom we can BhOW'had their money, and that the 9
workers used the money or a part of it for the buying of votes. ;
We can of course call Martin, Sturgill and Hill as witnesses upon

. cross-examination, and they have the same right to call you. I ‘ .

would also endeavor to learn who was the campaign manager for each 'T

of these throecandidates, if they had one, so we can have them as

a witness as well. In the lower ward of Prestonsburg precinct, itm ,

is my information that Art Sturgill had approximately $ 400.00 of

Be: Sturgill's money, and it can be shown that he used it for buyiz

vo es. .

Mr. LeeP. May, ——22— Aug. 13, 1925. , v
In the matter of illegal votes, it is necessary for us to set
up in an amended Notice the names of the illegal voters in the dif-
ferent precincts upon which me wish to rely, and the reason of their
illegality: under age, Republicans, voted on tabel, disclosed bal-
lot, bribed, etc.,and be prepared to prove the same. at the trial
of the case. , It is my understanding that ifpossible, you with
to avoid a general contest and counting off vaotes / and if it can
be so done, I want to follow your desired; on the other hand, it
is my Judgment, knowing that Judge Wheeler represents Martin, that
they will be fighting every point and endeavor to charge off every
illegal vote, if any they can find, which was cast for any of the
other of you contestants, and therefore that it will be necessary
forycu to be prepared with the list of illegal votes, witnesses,
etc. as set out she
I want to 1‘ er 1 gest, that from time to time you come
into the office o for with me on any point which may occur
to you relative to e different sales ofthe case, so that we
will be prepared to meet e~~ issue which can be made or present-
ed upon the trial. Th : -= oat important for you to do. I am
most anxious to win this :0: for you/end believe that you
have a most excellent e .4 winning out, but we can only
win with the fullestco-op -. ion, help, aid and assistance of
yourself, relatives, friends and pol ical advisers.
Very t@5,
/@ 7%/
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Circuit Court and was on that account an illegal voter of said
3 election, Bill Bauer Jra James Baker were weGh infants and will not
3 be El years of age at the general election held in NOchbcr 19:3
j and on that account more illegal votjro at said yrimery. lfter
3 said illegal voters so cant their votes for Sontedtent 0 only to
j afored id each of their said ballots so voted w-A degooited in the
% ballot box and count,d and crrtéfied for Contestent by the election
7 offic re and afterwards canVAeoed and cortifeed by the County ‘
3 Election Commissioners for Contestant and go to make up the total .
1 vote so CEflVéddsd end Cthlfifld for Contestant as claimed by big in
his notice and gr undo of cont;st hersi;.
. i
lsragramhfifi f
l 2
l 3
i In Jim Rents .recinct $11 demore Grey, illen ”usley,
1 Robert Calhoun, Dave Eeddauey, anus Gray, Doc Ligmen, voted 0 enly
3 - on the tahle for Contestant without-being sworn an tozny diflfiblllty
l ' which treVented them or either of the from marking their 5511033 l
3 l
‘ in the boothe or the aioreeeid lordjfld Lenore Grey and Nnna Grey
were reJublicane, were not members of tho Lenooratic .erty or E
_ 3 ,
effilatettherewith and voted against its nominee or nominees at the E
last general election and were tho;efore illegal voters in said v
,\ frecinct, Cllie duels; was an infant and will not be 21 3 P33 0f ‘
age at the nest general elevation held Totember 1325 end was there"
for en illegal voter in said precinct, Robert delhoun and Doc 3
o?41;¢fu&&.c¥ l
:igmen were each non-reei'entsKsnd therefore illegal voters therein and f
Days heddauay had not liVed in daid trecinct sixty days. Floyd County i
six months, state of Kentucky one year next precedingrelection and g
was therefore illegal voters in said primary. liter said illegal E
voters so vottdg.for Contestant/ their ballots were de osited in the %
ballot box and counted and certified for contestant by the election a
OffiCers %

and later were CéflV¢gied and certified for Cautsgtent by the Cmuaty
‘lectign Qommissioaerga ;na go ta m3h} u; the Ejtal V333 so cahvaasjd
curtifiad for OOHtJflfiiflt a; olafimes kn by him in kid flotice and
: LI“) ands of O :_i-iz‘iim .: t 1’1333‘115'1. a
i iggggga“h E '
‘ In Be at GTQGlEGt 35 Rd& Tiffncy, mvin “alt, ?en fuwarfl
é “usyn me 423, Cragc saws 2; £303 Nhfi'fifd, muggi; ~h "hardy ieck
A ihw h ré, Vlbart Elauxburu, Laxy Callinng Kill hal;s Dan Lsffett,
P flag 3 fialag Bob .udpim, Via; .émgun ;Luy 4;24;u, ”Lily flawdgu ?
; cash votud fur Jflt;géint J;;L13 on the table in Lb; grjxanex ‘f at)
! glsetian ;fficérs withgut in33 dein as t3 &ny ;hyscial aiJAVEELty ‘
; which :ru?anted thaw from mark ng thjir ballots in the booth, the
: ballots of said votng were a: 011110 in the bailai box and conntafi
; and egrtifiad fa; the contastant $83 $6 Lay by thg afjfiears cf fhe
f g1;¢ti3n aha wsre lztar canvagcafla ané Gazcsfidd for Cunt ‘tavt
‘ by the Gaunt; glcetion b25misgiguefa Lfld 30 ta yak: a; the tstfll
L vats 43 ;ahvi;s;é ;gd c;x;ifia& f}? Gs,ts3?%wt hfifikahfikkkfifikkhhhikh
by :aié Gaunt? “3mmieuioner3 23 calimad by hi; in 413 n0tic:' Rd 2
‘ crgéruiw 0f caniumt h rain
Tharafarg Qflflfiédfiiflt ;rays that sash of thfi f0?¢§0in6 VOtGS
hd deductuc from tfid Eotal vote no ounvaaaeé and certified is: efinteatam;
M gragg a; in his Ofiélhml angwer and cuuntaxacoutaat and for 511 gragsr
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 F3533 {31381333 (I; 7:131?
1713;}; “‘,, 3.3123: GCEIIE’ZE'3',’LC¥T":.T
VS; 1. ,. . ”T“ ‘D {1" .’.'"..EZ P" if “VET." if}; ’.Zi’TJ-iili ’ if

For amendment fio original an§ former amended answer snfi
caunfier-contagt barging eonhantea Tom Y. fartin says that in the
follawing precincts, in adfiition to tha yarJona named in the original
ant farmer amenfisd answer; but being some of the game jargona chasgad

; in geragra h 9 9f the ariginsl answer as having votad openly for .
' ' confisgtsntg fihe falloning so vated and was counted for contestant;
In Jim Banks :wscinet %ll
3 Ala: Sank; so voxsfl ogenly for eontegtautge
In Dwale grecinct #30
John Branham, 20m may

 . ‘4
Bad Burchatfi, Era 30m Lay, Ten Zebb, Laranea Lebbo, Fandy hahton,
‘ Era Eelyin Burtcn, 303333 Rae, Kfifi Jim Raga Davgaflfizgfféd Latta
j fieGuira so votei 0 gal; far aumtgmtant. 0f fiha “nova voters
é Ran Tabb, and Latfia fiefluira mexe mafi»reaifientfi of aid yraaiast anfi ‘
§ were nab legal voficfa :hereins alga Lotta flefiuira was a republicfin‘nat
a mambo? Of the.36moaretie ;arty 0f affilahed thararith and vsf d
againut ifia HOMiflSfl Or namineeu at the lagfi g fiflffil elasticao
, ' In Littie jaint fixeeamet #27 .
Beak Marshall, He Ha haraha11£;£;L%/Marghalle Eurnar Eardhall,
Mattie 3&43hall. Esaau fieaceg Fraflk ;hitakar. Eatar whitaker, foldie
Sombgg $51119 Lilagu? $0 $0ted opanl; 33 the table Efik Gofitagtfint
and their ballets ‘3re caante& er hime fif tha 3%ave Golflia Camha
was a re;ublician and did not affilate wifih the Demoeratie garty
and w:s an illegal vofisr Zherein.
In Cliff .irecinct $1329
I K. B. Eiller Jim Jonaa .
. Bill Branham . Suaia Fralay
Julia heaée Egvie Eingham
Eulfia Lesdg
édam Reade ,
George Lille? I
Bill Bays
Lucky Eganham
Duey Sammons
Bill galls,
‘ Jim whitaker ' ' ‘ ‘
So voted 0;enly on the table for cantastent and their
ballots were glaced in the ballot box and counted for him. 0f the abave
gereonafi. B. miller, Bill Branham, Duey Sammonu, Jim zhitakar are
regublicians were not members 9f the Democratic fatty or affilatad there
with 2-

 g ' c»
and voted egéinet ito nominee or flaminees at the loot general election..
Also of the above named open voters George Killer, Lucky Branham,
Bill tells, Jim Hones, Susie Freley, and Davie Benghem Were eech noon
residents of said precinct-ondillegel voters therein on that account.
In Rough & Tough Irecinct #28 '
* Hararett edema Ellie Prater Mary Jane Collins
‘ Enoch 13:11am; Albert E'fedkine gulp 0018
K: Hillgflruedkins Boyd fiedkins Ben Collins
Jim Eoe amad Adams Buddy Collins
eareh Zoe John Kilgcre Goldie Collins -
v 6335:“: "1 ‘~ 2‘" .
Jimiemguckett .4 ,, Iaiinnie Kilgore We téckworth
@710» . K an»? a if???“
Anna Yates, Margarett Prater Vernie Heckworth
' Mecolm Sparks Archie Adams Leona Stanley
'* Bill Wadkins, T111 Barnett Steva Fitzpatrick
Malcom Davis Bud Barnett
Lewis Collins Albert EI-‘audle ,
Lula Collins Aahland Handle
each voted on the table ktkhkflkh openly fox conteotent Lee B. May and
each of their ballots were ;leced in the ballot box and counted for
said May. Of the above named voters Ermie Heckworthy, Vermie Heckworthhy
0 Steve Fitztetrich were nonareeidents of the precinct and Leone Stanley was
I K a non-resident of the precinct and fink of Floyd 0 unty and neither cg
' them were legal voters therein.
- - In Ixatonwburg Precinct #1
I S._E. Davidson I Green Turner
Mrs Eliga Brawn ' 4' Millard T°mps°n
Mrs Ann Clifton “h“ 011“”
W. G. Africa Cat Hubbard
' , Floyd Lafferty Mars May 0
5- K

 Q “ 6
' Ellen Collineworth A. L. Detideon

Jim Ball Jim mayo

Tom Skeene Waite Hey.

Oekey Burchett

Jessfip Burchett ‘

G. G. Hidy

fire 0. G. Eidy

Each voted otenly on the table for conteetent as charged in
the original and their ballots were deyoeited in the box and counted
for him. Of the above named persons hrs Elige Brown, Co G. Eidy,
Mrs C. ?. Eidy. Floyd Lefferty are each regublii}zno not membere of
the Democratic :erty OQLeffiletedjfierewith end voted against its nominee
or nomineee at the loot general election. Also of the above rtefh-i
named votere to G. Africa, Green Turner, Ellen Collinsworth, Tom 7'd
Sheena were non residents fif eeid precinct or had not been residents
of Kentucky one year, Floyd County six months, said yrecinct eigty .
days next preceding eeid election and are therefore illegal voters
therein. also of the aforesaid cgen votere Merg‘may, Waits Hey
ere infants and will not be 21 years of ego at the next general
election in HOVember 1925 and were therefore illegal voters. Also
of the aforesaid ogen voters John Clifton voted three timeo for
conteetent, A. L. Davidson voted twice for him and all thiar said
ballots were placed in the ballot box and counted for contestant.
Maggie Butler was not preoent at the election and did not vote therein.
But two ballots #174 and #175 were voted in her name for c nteatent '
by some one who had no h right or authroity to do so, both of the
ballots were placed in the ballot box and counted for contestant.

 O ‘ 6
In barter Eredinct #7 ‘Ekrland Hatfield, Troy Blevins, Bess Blevins
Bob Clark. giixe%JClerk, Lucy Burchett; Puss Helhert, filza Burchett,
Missouri DeLong, Jack sejfiér, John Burga, Millie Dye. Bess Brown,
Sam Smith, Ellen Baker , Pill Baker, Bill BakerJr.:§:$%Vharres,
Mit Boble, Joe Harris, voted openly on the table for contestant
Lee I May as charged in the original. "
K p‘ §§ In frestonshurg Erecinct #2
Case we? We
Call‘ dsborne Harrison osborne Ora Yates -- -. . '
Clark Barnes Paul Vaughn Forrest Fraley
Riley Conn Adda Osborne Hanna Miller
John Meakes, hrs L Snell Maggie Miller
Allen Osborne - hrs Jeff Husic Catherin LeVertyon K
‘ hrs Allen Osborne Dan Jordon George Alley ‘
Mrs Sarah Conn Jnnna Jordon W. W. heath
hrs Mary M Hudson Bill Clark Jas Hughes It ‘
Mrs Bell Ridgeway Elza Yates V Lacd Hunt
Ben Ridgeway V S. E. ESLAAJ%£%AeMV«/~? Mrs C. D McHone ’
John Clatworthy John Hunt ‘ I hrs Homer Salisbury
Elsa Music halter Daniels Lizzy Horn
Robert Mini: Marion Taylor Q§ T. Stephens
Minnie Hinix V I
Each voted oyenly on the table for contestant as charged
in the original and each of their ballots were deposited in the ballot
box and counted for him. Of the abOVe named oyen voters. Cal Osborne
voted twice for contestant and both of hin ballots were placed in the box I
and counted for hing Also of the above named open voters Clark Barnes
Elsa Mhsic, Mrs Feff Music, James Hughes, Mary K. Hudson were nan:
republiciansl not menbers of the Democratic Party or affilated therewith
but each of the said persons voted against its nominee or nominees
. 5_

 O G
at the last general election and were therefore illegal voters. Also
of the above named oyen voters Hrs Bell Eidgewey, Ban Ridgewey, '
John Cletworthy. Dan Jordon, Jennie Jordon, Forrest Fraley,
C. D. McHone, MES Homer Salisbury, Lizzy Horn,.§obert Kinix, Ferion
Taylor. 0. T. Steyhene, Hinnie Minix are each hon-reeidents of said
precinct and had not resided therin for sixty days, or in Floyd County
six months, the efiete of Kentucky one year next preceding election
and are therefore illegal voters therin. Also of the above named
open voters Eeul,Veughn Bill Clark, Elz: Yates. Melee? Daniele
Ora Yeaea, Nannie Miller, Forreet Fraleyjfheggie Killer Cathern Leverton
George Alley, were each infente and will not be 21 years of age at hkk _
at the next geneael election held fiOVember 1925 and were therefore
illegal voters

 O m) A ‘
Clear Creek lracinet #21
Smith Esborne? Lliaabgth Byrant, Egncy Pyrant,
Eartha Candle, Eiuflffififfiackettg flelvin Shana,
' Jaaaia Gipmom9 Jarvay Fewsnve Dells FewJaw; '
Han wumarmsg ~$uél$ muuree EuVla “uvaa
Equilia Eliifit, Evelinmfik Stone, James Llawiek'
Bell Elawick, John Grizzle. Lon Grizzle, Sam Elswiek
Granville Candle, fipecey Henson, Alex Elena,
Harvy Basra, Dill Byrant, Lilliam ieane,
Edward Dean, Cohhss Eoore. Jo S. Byran‘c9
{glflbfifknman1 Sallie Head;, Bud Byrant,
Hyatt Byrent, Cora Elswick,