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' f Heasra. Purch & ;etcre, V ' ‘ . ,. ~
. v Cincinnati, Ohio. ' f

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and em cnciesin; you herewifih 9033 0: one upme. rhua :ur ihe, . ;

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have been unable $9 get‘fir.‘fieééingfian by ghone. Z sm.sending a

the coyy herewith, anfl as 500m as 1 can get more definite infor- V

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~ ' and csn only discharge the Ezme by executign ef"a Jexthssming "‘ 5,
_ , bond, er a hand te a timfy the :tfi‘chmenfi and juécment gendered W
,,- in the cfise. See fifintucky Code. *ecfiione £14, 281. - C; ccuree, _ ‘ v
- , if flame of thie 3r0§ert3 belongs t0.ihe Ogle Gog; Com flay, And! . y“

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> . ‘ be neeeseezy ta dieehmrgesfihe rtiweament. 7 . _ 'V
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