xt70zp3vt865_299 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. Russell and Company v. Combs, William J., R.C. and Nancy text Russell and Company v. Combs, William J., R.C. and Nancy 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_27/Folder_9/8245.pdf 1870 1870 1870 section false xt70zp3vt865_299 xt70zp3vt865 ,,“».X
- . “ 'HTT”TKJQZW'»WW3mtkwa— 1:” . : errata»; krflLELWKfi% %:’s u 4
7 ‘ ' . - “ series!» 2ar ”strum?“ ‘
4 ‘ ,' .4 , ~ ‘ n ‘ 2 ‘ T
’ . . . > 4 *
~~nl, 4'2 2. , , ,~pa, "‘x4 . 1 5'1» ~ » 1»
"“an 4 , .\ :.,, ‘ .3 ~ , - . . ,, » .
L Perry Circuit Court. !
'3 , 1 -.
. l 4
E Russoll & Corpawv, Plaintiffs. i
Apairfii ) Pctifiicv—Tquity.
,: William J.Combs, R.C.Combs, Nancy Combs ,:
and , , Defer fights .
- T}! i; '31 ‘xii'l'ti ;"f‘, 19.11311] 1 5’2 (To . a s; f; in}: f."::'.’£ if. i S? 5:. :3, OY‘T‘O—
«a: _ ‘ ,
? ration created and cxiafinr unfit? and bv virtue Cf‘the laws ‘
' ‘ \
_ of the State Gf‘flhio, witb p070? f0 contract, and be contract '
‘ ed with, sue and be sued in its corporate were.
2 4 ; That the dofcnflurts, William J.Pcnbs end F.".C0mb3, arc
' 2 ' indebted to plaintiff in tk; emu of six Purircd dollarm with
31.x 3:: r Cthwt itxtztrzth t?:crv3czi ifror: tiwn' 1% rs? (inn! r4? thine}, ,
5 188‘: "1"1+7'1 r -'e r1 0'14 ,1 '12 ha1u+nflwwozw ' ,2 n4 :zrm ”,~.; ,, 4, 4.3.4
,‘. _..l, e. L.. f'4_.g. wall.“ 1. .L-.J..\.e-._...(,.su 1., . 41,-{\£:k(~<*~> x y v C ,4
9 .
3; . . . . i;
, defendants' prom1ssory note, 2%10h they signed and delivered 7
. . i s " : _ 2 2 v,
a to '91 ain‘hi ff '? 57:1"01‘. 7316?: Fran”; new} and wood, 1' n 7" 1:2} r-lain- ;
¢ 4
tiff file just and f“11 sum above vrrcd, but have failed to
do so and the flare is just, rvs+ due and wbcllv unpaid. Sat}
note is filefi heTBWiik and mass 3 part hereof rerked Exhibit -
‘ \
T E A.
Plaintiifi'ihrthcr atria: that said defendants are indebt-
ed to p1 aiMi 1‘1" a: span v i Y‘- tbr: f‘nr'tld 2721' sur: 0 f‘ 3i. x hundre (3
dollars With six bar CWH+ inercsi Thcrcon iYon June lat,
12‘58‘3, .Utfiil 31:11 d. {-33.1151 iTT-CLCbTAECLTXCSS i C <‘st2'1:?~*?')(‘:<’2d b}! the
~4., ,,
defcniahts' pranissery note, which tbnv nirnod and delivered
to plaintiff, Vhfirflhv thew promiscfl and spread to pay said
plaintiff the Just and full sun above nfihfid, but have failed
to do so and th save is new just, past due and wholly unpaid
Said note is filed herewith and wads a part bevmof, nsrked .
Exhibit B. -
Plaintiff further states that the defendants are indebtv
~’ --3; ‘ ‘ ; “2 ,£:;”,i“?“7§5fif3:';:;,,,.f:;;:::j;’béiégfiééfiflfififhéi“‘i??§“*72:afi2ifif"4 4;;grr“‘V:2'J ._ sei:;;l, . «:2; '

 l o o o l
, I
ed to plaintiff eenpanfl in the further am? of six hundred ’
dollars With six per cent interest thereon item the first I
. _ . ._. , . . !
day of June, lflflh, until paid. Said sun has never been
paid and i: now just, past due and wholly unpaid, and is
3 .
[filed bray-1711'; and. Lilith} 2.: Fort "~ (_1‘:‘{.(i‘vf', rxar‘? o1}, T’X‘aibit P. 1
l _ . . , . . .
| Plaintzii states that in order to secure the pavennt of i
. I
1 I V 0 ~ F
the amount of said notes the said defendants wade, executed l
and delivered to nlaintiiT comnenv a deed of nor‘rs e u.on I
’ ' ' i
one sixteen horse power skid engine $0. 2018, nanufactured I
by Russell E 00., also one double medium sen will complete, i
W). 11323 wi th 54- inch solid ear and (‘30 inch. tog) saw ‘.'ri t‘n
Sixty feet of ten inch beltinr nannihctn ed by Pussell & 00.,
and upon all oi‘ahiuh plaintiifi‘now has a lien to secure the
3 payment oi plaintiffs‘ said debt, interest and cost.

' 1 Plaintiifi‘ibrthnr'statos that in order to further secure
the payment oi'naid sum the defendant, ”.J. Combs and Nancy 1
Combs, his wife, rude, oxccufed and delivered their certain
deed of mostgayc Upon the several tracts or parcels of‘lend,
situated in Perry County, Ev., or the waters oi the North
Fbrt oi‘the Kentucky River and its tributaries, and supposed
and believed to contain seven (7) thousand acres and bring
patents ‘:Tos. 433501, 43325052, ‘1:-350:4, r3.?‘:i"-0<1, News, 4I2W‘u,., 4mm, 3

‘. ' 43508, 45509, 4.35310, 4:30.672, 4mm, moss, [1:1-om, 4:30:77, 1

F 43659 45000 43-001 41’3002 £15903 4.":ij4. {Wm-65 (if-’:cltifi, 1:569
i 9 fi , 9 ’ 9 .
43095, Mose, erases, 4min, 43732.75, 43754, Amara, 4.37%, 43.789 ‘
4:58:30, 43851, 112mm, 43854, 45.68553, Air/Lass, {fr/em, asses, 45839
43860, 43301, 43847, 43848, 43849 which is issued to W.F. De
Croat, V.h.¥eredith, I.I.Thickston and J.Carmichael on the
18th day oi’Auyust, 1870, and which is more particularly

 O O O .
I i
' ‘ l
bounded and described as ibllows, viz: l
3 no. 43501, containing 900 acres bv survey hearing date
4th day Of April, 1870, lying and being-in t?c County of Per»
ry on the waters of the "firth Fork oi‘the Eentucky Fiver and
bounded as follows, viz: Peginninfi at a white 0a} in a deep ’
5837 ill fflle ftrflc‘lvoirwf rznivnéc1: ffl1a ‘ertl' lerli a7ul flte Elithlle
l lbrl of Euncn': Wreck and hcan Cf'TW? rich coves, thence 3.
QB E. 3V0 poles passing a syring and anal bank, to a chestnut
oak and angvooa on a pain? near fhc kwad of‘Lascn': creek,
thence 9. 02 W. 100 poles to a styPo, thency P8 W. 320 poles
to a stake, th&ncw fl. 0? ?. 100 poles to fly Purinning.
Ho. 4350?, centaining 200 acres hy survuv hearing date
the 4th day Oi‘flpril, 1870, lvinp‘and.bcin; in the Countv of
Perry on thc waters of fihs Forth Tflfi’ of the Kenfuckv River,
and bounded we follows,to Hit! Beginning on a chstnut
out an top oi‘ftv divifiin1 point batwecn the Eicls branch
and ihe punchaon cawps branch bogih waters of‘Leatherwoad
of tke Fortfi Turk, thence was: 100 poles iv a poplar, thence
North 820 poles to a stake, thence East 100 poles to a stake,
thence South fi‘l)1u>lcw to ilxylmg inning.
No. 4550x, containing 900 acres by survey bearing date
the 4th day of épril, 1870, lyinr and heinr in fhe Fountv of a
P0111" ‘v :11 131:: «I 1::-rs of He Forth F0 “:13-2, and. :.1 f “the 1’11ntucky E
River, and boundfld an follows, to wit: Tupinninc ai a
chestnut~oak at Lbu top of t‘e dividiny rein: hcfiwecn the
waters of the Nicks branch and Puncheon branch waters of the
Leatherwood of’tEu North Fork, thence W. 100 poles to a pop—
lar, thence S. $90 poles to a beach, tbencc Fast lffl roles
to :1 StgiTTO, thenc-ze "‘. 1'1530 11011712 :0 ?+-g“l"‘~3"§.ng.
No. 43504, containing 90“ acres by snrvmy rraring date
' the 4th day of April, 1870, lyinr and hcinr in tPC County
‘ oi‘Purry on th: vatcrs nf'thn ”anth Torl of the Kentucky
Rivur find Founded v8 follows, fie wifi: Faxinniny at a beach
near the Punchecn Camp branch, thence S. 390 yoles to a
stake, thence East 100 poles to a stake, thence Y. 3?0 polesv
‘ to a fitakc, thence West 100 poles is aha hayinning.
No. 43505, canLaininy 00“ acre: b? SHVVCY boarihr date
the 4th day of April, 1870, lying and being in the County
of Perry, on 1kg naturs oi‘the Worth For? Ci‘the Kentucky I
River, and bounded as follows, to wit: Ffiyinninr at a
chestnut on tln point between Swans branch, an& 136 Puncheon
Camp branch, waters Oi‘the leathurwood “Trek of the North I
Foflc, thence Z. EEO roles to a stake, thence Cont? 100 poles
to a stake, thence V. 39H poles to a stake, thence C. 100
poles to the bsginning.
. No. 4550c, containing 900 acres hv survey hearing date
the 4th day of April, lRVO, lyinr and being in the County
of Perrv, on the waters of the Yortk For? of‘ile Ventucky
River, and bounded as follows, to wit: layinning at a chest~
nut oak on the top of the point be1ween Ficks hranch, and
Punchcon Camp branch, watérs of Leatherwood Creek of the

 I §
‘ Q I O |
i 3
North York, theme: .9. W516. 360 pole-s to (a: stake, thence s, k i
110 palms $0 a stake, thence V. 4% W. 360 pales to a sfiake, ;
thence F. 100 pales to the hsrihnivfl.

"0. 43507, cohtaininr 200 acres by survev huaring date E
the 4th day 01 April, 1370, lyin and beiny~in the Countv ‘
0T Perry, (m ‘E‘flm waters: 01" 11:70 For“: T‘Ofl‘ 07" PM? T’ew‘nc‘yn,’ «

, River, 471:; Ezrxmierl 0.:: fellows", to "Hit: "ififtg"'i1“.‘hil‘1g*j '.2: ::1 pop-u I
_ § lav in the h‘ad aj’the Puncheon Branch ci‘lfiathbrwccd Credk
: oi‘the Sarah 10v? of‘tha Yentucky Fiver, ihcnce “. 100 poles
to a Ivnn, thence N. 590 poles to a sta?e, thewce Fast 100
poles to u Shaka, thfince ?. 590 30128 to the beginning.

T70. 4350b”, contain‘uw $100 mares 137/ survei.’ hearing? date
the 4th day of April, 1870, lyinr avd being iv fke County
of Furry, an 1%0 vufora 0? tbs North Evy? ni‘ffia Vantuc?Y
River and bounded as ihllows, to "it: Perinninp at a por— '
122? in 1a}:- 3':“,‘i'l-LL of the hand of" the I’mektx'uu (‘;:-pr braved“. of
Leafiherwood Cree? cf‘thc Forth For? of‘tvc Vcnffickv Fiver,
thenu: V. 100 pales to a Iyun, éhence ?. 390 pales to a dogv
wood, thence F. 100 poles to a beach, thence V. 390 poles ‘
to the beginning.

No. 45509, containing 900 acres bv survey bearing déte ’

i i the 4th day of April, 1870, lying and being in the County

of Perry — Or 1E0 vuncrs of’fha Fort? Eta” ci'ike Yenfiucky
'River and bounded a: followa, t0 wit: Fnyivning a? a brarch
on the divided paint between PurcLCOh Farm Frock, and Owens
branch of‘Lcatherwood flreeF of the Faith Tofl' vf the Yen‘
tucky River, Lhcncc lfln polcs to a dcywocd, thence C. 320

‘ poles to a stake, thoncc E. 100 roles to a stake, thence
nort?z¥¥flj p0] fl: t0 t3 31mg inrizxr.

v0. 4%510, containiwr POO aura: hv suvvuy bearinr date

the 4th day of April, 1870, lying and being in fiPe Pouhty of l
PerrV, on fiPfi waters of‘the Uvrt?.?ov* oj‘t%9 TPvflucVY River,
and bounded as ibllows, to wit: Feyinninfi on a Tynn in flwe ‘
head Of t1u Punckeon Camp h uwufi Of‘Tfiathnrwmod PrfifiV Oi'the
North Fork oi‘trc Kentucky Fiver, thence m. 100 $0163 to a
hickory, thuvcw V. $90 polcs £0 a staPo; tharcc Fast 100
‘ poles to a stake, thence South 3?0 poles to the ¥spirning. ‘
No. 43652, containir; $00 acres by aaavuy Yuarihr date
the 0th day of April, 1970, lying ahd bciwr i“ the Pountv of
Perry, on the waters cf‘ffie Verth Thy” nf‘fhc Tentucky River,
and boundad n5 fellows, to Hit: Tarihhivr av t*¢ tap of
the Point above the old roe? house, Fntflevn Flavor and Lynn
Forks 9f Icathcrwood Ortck of said river at two black gums &
2 chestnut-oaks, thunce 3. 100 poles to a black pine, thenaé
"h 52%) polArn fxv a: stzfl e, tEMHXCcs “. lOf) p0].ns £0 2: stsfize,
thence F. 3P0 $0105 to the businning.
NO. 43054, containing 200 acres by survey hearinr date
the 9th axy oi‘April, 1870, lving and being iv the flountv of
Perry, en the vutgrs ofi’the North Fofl‘ Cf‘fihe Tentucky Fiver,
and founded as follows, to wit: Beginning near the read of
the left kand for? of the Clever For? nf‘Leatherwood Creek

 I I
4 2
[of said rivsr‘, {1+ :1 11.1226?" pit‘fg, T.T:rmcn 4“. 100 “bolus". in '.: to?» E
5 1517', £310,110: ‘,‘? 3??) 37014.45 to :2 scf.;;7“:;, thence T7 10!") rules: t.:} a l
4 stake, thrvce F SW3 palm: fr: ”(.‘:-:2 ’.“C{“LYT!“,?‘J”4".
._ |
No. 4.:6L3155‘, cozflj.ai‘r1‘l‘ng' W70 acres: V3! IZHI‘VOVV, hearing; date
the 9th day of April, 151370, lining: :1:-1d being; '1.“. t‘we (‘.mmtv of
Perry .4 on the "rainrs ref 1.3:-(n North Fork of the T’cnt'vck}: Pivw
a?" C1 Tum-.'mzlmi :5 :Jir'llowsz, ‘41) "it: if‘rzg‘i,r“rti.:";“ the head 5
01" fin: 142,1“: 17:12:41 in via (31‘ Clover Fez-1* of 1"Tia-1311f:"""CCd Crack i
of {suit}. Riva." 42241.. :1. 111-5101' T‘i‘fl‘l, thancn {‘4 10:“! polar: 19,0 a rop— 6
law, fix-231200 E T4570 poles: to a Chastrmt p:~:?*, 7‘1‘2‘»<;-mc:~T~Tlflfl poles:
I to a black 1:2ir1a, tE’zamcc ”f :‘ST‘O 3101123 :0 fi-‘zc- agihnirxgj.
» l
15.70. 1.215650, GOT-risiinirts' 900 acres, ”CV 3:14srvmz, 'ir-a":;4‘1riw.<“ (latte
the '37.}: :.iaji of" Apr"! 1., 1870, brim" (am-2'3. v 5.1“.“ '19". fire C‘cuhtv J
E of Perms, m" 'tM ‘-‘;’iiT.'.lLr‘E’f 23:“ f,“-"{:: F’CTH’ Tar?! .','),“v’ TM: ."m"fi,1*.4c}n'=.'
l Rival”, ‘4}??in Mummm: as 3‘3 1101745, to xvii: I‘Dri‘rmirr' on the J
! south 81:11} 0'." (.‘lcr‘rzfr '.“z‘r 1"}? 01‘ 7if)¢.-‘4.l’41“.i3."‘,"4'}(.‘lfi ("2‘11 117' :1» f‘ Said river,
i! at 2: 1mm]. arr, ‘:.};amzm 8 10:1) poles to {a (:1'-:‘e:3+_.m1t, *‘1’mrr-nco ‘4" 12:0, ‘
. i poles fin s: 22:11:), i‘ramny " 1M) 3501:: 7‘10 '42 “, thence F 1
V {42%) poles to 121'»; beginning. ‘ V
No. 435957, containirng i100 (fires, by survey, 31:-firing: date I
the 9th daynof‘ April, 1870, bdrm 11::-:1 ‘rm‘mrr in 25170 Ffmm‘tv of l
Perry — 0'.” ’.:.l'w"::4;'%1-,x“s :71" :.:;.; ‘=-’:':;r-‘t‘:1 3‘02" (‘1‘ "Lite Einr‘tucflrv Fiver !
and botmdmi as f‘ollm-rs, to _‘rrit: :4 cgivv'im": :22: Hit: Souk-..?“. [
‘ Side of :‘.‘rws. (“finvfi‘r :"M‘?’ :)L‘.‘ ‘1~33.».‘tfiva-‘x'*‘rr<:(:>(.i ("trzn'iJ’ 0f ::v-‘Er? r'ivar
at a poplar, t}":s':11c::: {mm}; 1W.) poles: tm :2. c‘r-EShmf, 1:?-':;nce "I'I
1.5550 poles to P. Flue}? pints, ‘HELEMCO f‘ .15)!" 1.11910: to. a: wtcstnut
calf, thszzrmo "7' M30 71015.25; to 7, ":'=C3{“"LT1TN'.T1g“. I
1 1‘30. 4:565:59, containing? 13700 acres, ‘m' szttr‘v::-ju, :::.-:::ar‘ixzr' date {
the “t":‘w "-'s, To '1 ‘:.: 7f:.<‘:1'.r4nim" rm 4:: for]: rein-t
‘- Of Clowzr fork of Cutshi‘n Ores}: of 91:11:“. Pivm“ 22+. :2. chaétnut
thence S 10:) palm: to 4'41 doggwmrml, “.T":‘v2"-_(‘:I:\ 7‘ F37“ 11:01:): to a». |
. bl ac}: Pine, 1;“:"mmm 37 10(4) pole:- to 5". black pines, 11411911110 W
I 53290 poles t3 1,1-..'; heginning“.
I To. IZIVMJUO, CCW‘iEdHi‘n: W30 214:;1‘623, :.i's.2['*-.'::{\.', ’:7-1;s.'...r'i]“.!‘ dafie
the 91.1: $.32»: 01’ April, 1.8%), 1:111." an”: ';::"ing' in tin,- ('C?‘.l?“§.}' 01‘
Perry, on 1t?- s:- “!é»"’,‘.€:‘z‘s o 1.31:"; “forth Fir}: of flue: Ventuclrjv River,
‘ and 1;(_>u)‘1dc<1 :.:..1: 1‘2'1110'3r32, in "5171:: Z‘Cf‘iT‘T‘ihg“ “52:51" fin". Fond Of‘
the Clover for? .22.? 2aver-.‘.}?".':"v'eod {Prev}? of" :i f:', Piwr '.:“. 5: Tier-—
wood, tl'xmmt‘a S 3.00 poles to C. chesztmnt—uulr, ?.]:a‘:".c:= '2‘? {470
P0193 to :2 31:41:42, ihrfitcé? "r 100 301%: to ::‘..afl-‘e, ‘:.? was? I? W‘O
poles to :31:;- Twinning-r.
_ NO. (::'«jul, containim‘: 900 acres, 3y; :::.‘zrvoy, 1:.:‘23,r'2',1‘.,r" date
the ‘T‘t‘i: day {if s‘m'rfl, 1:570, 171111;“ :7-"13.W’?i?‘.{" in fin-‘2 «”'omifv 01"
- "Perry, on :.‘F‘sc, "wiper-3 (3'1“ T.T-c flora" TOY"; of H»: 1":‘227t1301fy River,
and hemmed as f’<':-llc:2v3, *.-::- arit: I'iatgfimtir:g' ’7 "..:-.21" fine: 770-251 01-"
Hi: Clover for]. of Ila-::‘:l’mr'rrcod Crack 01‘ said River, at a dog-4
wood, 1:12:1th 100 poles to a chestm1t—oak, 1.1192200 7“. {4'20
poles: to :2: E‘.l{.a2.rt1”00, thyme ‘7 10.0 roles to :1 blue? rine,
5 4

 I o o o I
‘ I fimmee ”I 1"“?0 poles tr +5: f3 Farinwim‘. -
. I
I Fa. dbififl?, ccxfimizfijvt 200 inn 9:, EV EWIrVew, Incarirgjclaie I
II fir-s. 9th LIZ-,‘. of 3‘3‘31‘311, 1‘570, Lj'y'iH-f" and 1‘- 3:31.313.“ i?“ the -(‘0u3~t3.’ of I
Perry (“m “(,',z“; ”refiners of‘ the Vidal: 1‘01"}: 0.3" 1:310 I'oleCI-f}: Pi vex", I
33.10:}. ‘:rrmmded -.;;; 1‘0110‘333, t0 viii: 37517113311315: 33:03:" 12%;? head of I
the Linn fcfl" of reaffiervood urwck nf‘swid Pivnr, ai a bicyé I
n Orfiv, ":‘.‘fffi‘wjléj ;‘.-‘1‘? fall‘s; ‘m ‘ 3‘2. .:./:3: Pine, 'i.‘.=o‘=3<;«:- 393%" 33:13:33 I
II ‘30 f"‘3<=7” , ‘ICWJNH: ." 3.0“ 131010: to Biz-31: r3, ‘:;1.:3.3‘cc“.- “I i’f'O I
330177;: in: =~";~1333ning.
. No. (3?.-F5063, cmmzzimmg“ F’OH acres, 1:3; mm my, hearing“ date
the Qfih day ai‘April, 1870, lying and heinr in fikc County of
Perri/7 033 !z‘:i-: Li'téj‘f'fi) Cf ”(in "Worth 33‘3an of “3: I'i)!‘.?’,11(23’.‘.’
River, an: !wunaed 3: fallowz, to wit: Peyirvirfan the I
3:11:31 3:13:10 01‘ “=6: T373133 T'Cvz'“ (:j‘ 7.332231%,l“:'2:v“:3(3-(:~ai (frrjvi-T‘ (31" raid.
Rivcr, at a: 111ch Tim), tI';:‘nc:£‘: F2 100 pole: to a (':I‘ostrtut—oak, I
i‘:’:r_:3"c<: 17? 157'?!) 77036:: to 23 :7 1:.;21‘ r:, it}: {inc-:2 "‘ '10."! roles: ‘2:: :. Eta-1173:,
thence "' T430 pol/:33 to {In '1" :.4 firming“. I
3'30. 43064, containing" “POO acres, ‘33; 3“?.3}"V¢537¢, bearing“ (‘.:—Lice I
the 9th ‘.i'cg“.."':~‘~c>i‘ Ix'pv'il, 1870, 3:315' and. $301373: “1": ‘.‘": Count)! of I
I Perry, 01‘: the: avatmrs Cf ‘:1-:6, I‘m“.c‘;; WWI (if 4:5-'1: 3.<:7‘.“',13<:?’v River,
and hmmdmi '5. follows, to "fit: Ei‘cg'inniz'1g: m3- t‘ne for" point
I 03‘ Tirm For]: (afi‘ I:eaf;}1fi:1”*.'00d (Ty-(203", of said Fivesr, at :‘ cI-ves’r— .
. nut-43.33%, 3.5 :..-3,61: f‘ 1W.) 233313533: “to :3 7.1L. (;‘- ' Fifi-‘.::Iz, ""33233‘03': R 31'30 I
. I II poles to 3:. stain), ”31.137710: 1" 13m 33(‘3105: to st,;"‘~w_,, fl‘u'mm‘; “7 573570
P011315 ‘t O T‘W. Fitf’iTII'tf'fw’.
NO. 473L505, contzfinirtr ‘."rf'H‘I 2:013:93, 13 awrvsy, hearing date
the 9f}: den 0:" Avril, 15370, lvim .«zml Infinlrzr in +1333 (‘c‘m‘ty of
Perry”, 033 thy; waters; 531‘ £333: Hurt}: ’:"01‘3" of ’:1“: 1-‘T5:33*-,13.CI'\' Fiver
and bcunded “$011033, in 13:11,: I'egiimtinr: (:3: +3.30 top of I
, the Far} paint of 117111. for?” of I23.331’:1-303~3,-roo«5, ”3.3:.-m3}: nv" 3:3:id I
River at 33’" hltizck pines, finance 100 {3013.13 to Flack Pimp-,1“
3590 poles: 1;: .23, 523131142, T955330: 100 31.7.1339. fin :‘- ffi'za‘v'r', +.1“r::r‘ce "’ I
_ 3‘20 "poles; to 3,333: beg 131311135".
I V0. (13660, containim‘ 17".00 :zc: r1242, I23; survey, hearing" date
the 9171: (13:3)! 01‘ Apr-5.1, 1870, It'ihg; 73.713171 Pain;- in flm, (‘mzr’tv of
_ Perry, 03* 1,1323 ‘.'-33333.33“: of Hie Fort}: Fog"?! Cf“ ”r..!c I’c‘mfuckv Fiver,
and bmwwied :: f‘<‘~1'].r\=.-.r5:, to 1 1:.: regrirning m: ‘32‘: {Poinf of
. ' I the Linn 3'01“" of Iz:‘z:‘t1':r;1'“”ood i'rww‘s', 0?" 2»:. iii-'1 3*, 173 :: ':“irfl‘.
l I cove, at :2 312.03- }317732, thaw-ca (3 1f)“ poles ramminri a 19mm .
I Crow (31‘ ‘.‘-.1'207' 1313105 #0 supra-3* true, arch cc 2’35“ volt—2:2 to
a steal-'69, 1*}- mce V 100 pol-.':: 1.3- 3:. :zfin‘vc, 1:1-rhea “7 Y’rfl‘fl 1:013:52 I
' to the beginning. I
To. 4:11:90, containing" 9‘00 acres, bar :mrvrsy, 1308.?”in (tut?
the 12th (10.7; 0:“ [Mid], IR‘H‘), lW'ng {231:1 ‘.'xtfi“.g '23: 1‘90 (‘PUItTy
of Perry, on ’.‘," 3:12-1:331": of the 3‘70 31‘3” To 3": f,‘ 1" ”51:3:- I'rmfiicky
‘ River, 23.32:; Ernnutcd 3:3: .f‘r:llrx:rs, to wit: E'«.:_r‘ivnir\5" 03:3 “the
top 03" the T0331“ point, "befi‘xcm: 3:336: ro ad and saddle forks. of
Loat‘rzrzr‘rmoi I"ra;w:‘.-‘, 33:" 2:33:11 Pixie-r, at “513:: ‘3 rad. 0 f a ric‘v cove,
at f? ‘nlao?’ oaks, th‘hct: 35 ‘.”-100 poles to 3‘. (:I'fistnutmozfi',
thence I? Fifi 1", {69,0 poles; to a. stake, thence f" 3’35“ F 3W! roles:
to 21 stake, thence .’1 55 ”3' 3377.0 poles to in”: 13 winning.
-, 6

 , I O O
In i
. I
‘ l
' 5
. No. 4369?, containing 900 acres, by survey, hearing date
' , the 19th day of April, 1870, lying and bcinr in fbe Founty
1 0f Perry,. fin the waters of‘ilo Worth Thrf of‘fho Tenfucry
Riva-r, and bounded as :‘bllcws, to wit: I-’--M“§'§¢Yg2 22 ‘ ,\_7-, 1.4.. 7* " 2"; ' , ,. ,. _, ,. , , 2, ”74‘4"" 7 .- , . - ,7. , .5554 2" ,' 2 7 '- _ 7 . 7 I. ' ., . '
"'1‘- ,, ‘22,'7::,4";~.'2 . , ., ......" (,3, ,,7, , ,,...L ; ._ ,. ,,.,,,,,2.- A. .. , 7 . ,2 , , 7-"z’ , 7,7~2 - 2 «2 . ,. .. , .,-. , 7;, .'7. -.§-7;»,2,,_,.~'.7.- , ,, . ,2.. , , . ','-,- .

J, ,. - . . .. , ,, 7, , . - » )