xt70zp3vt865_36 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. 1900-1901 text 1900-1901 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_7/Folder_4/15501.pdf section false xt70zp3vt865_36 xt70zp3vt865 W 2-6 ~~~~ /7M
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imwze/a/d Qflgozwmfifli '
JOHN F.HAGEP.. JEWrM.STEWART. June 4 , 1900.
i W. S. Harkins, Esq,,
I Prestonsburg, Vy.
Dear si fine
We herewith ernlosc certain blanks prepared for and used by
Ohio & Kentucky Railway company in condemnation. 1st: Petition;
2nd, Ofder of County Court; 5rd, Report of commissioners, These 4
; blanks bring the matter of condemnation to the point of summons against 5
f the owners to stmw cause why the report should not be confirmed. i
? Yon will note Section 837 requires the Company to file such affidavits
; as may be necessary, or such orders as to nonwresidents and persons
F under disability, as are required by Civil code of Paactice. The
a Practice concerning non~residents and persons under disability is the
? Practice circulated by Code.
I We enclose fonn of order we make confirming the report and con~
a damning the land for the use of the company. We have used the instruc~
; instructions
~ tions to the Jury amt out in No. 5. These anasxinnx do not include
; question of fencing required. The law has recently been.changed, but us
‘ do not see tint additional fencing would be necessary as result of con~ ‘
" damnation proceedings.
If you wish to take particular care of your record on appeal
we suggest the following questions, which have been held cempetent
stood the
. and have intest of cincessiva appeals involving similar questiOns.
Q Having in View the tract of land on which it is preposed to con~
struct 82d operate the line of railroad in question in this
proceeding, and the improvements thereun, the prOperty scught to he
‘ condemned being a strip __v.‘_-J feet wide syn _fih‘-___-’Qfect long

 ,- g, t
“w. s. a. #2. ‘
w and containing _--.rm-...ac"95v wYat in your judgment was the
value of the pzpperty just before :23 it first became generally
known tint tin plaintiff would build the line of road preposed by
‘ it to be built?
‘ Q. What in your judgment was the value at the date aforesaid,
of the part of said tract renaining after taking from it the strip
’ of land above named for the purpose of constructiny and operating i
J plaintiff's road? 5
, Q. Assuming the construction and prudent OperatiOn of the
railroad in questiOn, what damage, in your judgment, would result
‘ to the adjacent lands of the defendant, cOnsidering tEB purposes
g for which it is taken over and beyOnd the value, if any, of the
3 advantage azd benefit tfet will accrue to the adjacent lands of
3 the defendant frOm tle construction and operation of the railroad.
i These, we hope, may be of practical benefit to you.
j Very truly yours, ,
l. /' ,
t‘ v ‘5" f4 1"“ rV/«(A' (‘1' )3

 State of Kentucky.)
( Set a
County of Floyd. )

The affiant, G. H. hiwick, says that he is Presidahi 33 fhw
that Wfiiflifl Nil & Gas Gomyany, which (Mhhwuur is the QVhér of some Gil
wells, on Right Beaver Crawk, 1L Tioyd chnty Kentaahy, and a Line
of pipe, thvough Whish Oil is transported from the tanks at the ail
walls, to the ?eceivin* tanks, farther dovh on heavar Greek, in said
County, ahfl that on the 16 day sf June, 1900, the said pipe-Line
and oil was molextmd, injure , aha destrcyed, in this, that a hcie
was main in the pipe, an& the oil, about 53 barré.s, thus escaped
from the pipeline, on to the ground, had iLtc the Creek, ahi was a
total loss to the said New Domain Oil a Gas Company, a coryaratiCL
Quly created under the laws of the State of Kentunky, and existing
thereunder, with powax to have uni to Asia preperty in this Common—


He Turther says that he has informatiah, believas and uhu:;ac,
thét the wersnns herein hgmed, towit: Lewis CERAbolt, nee Stewuyt,
2hzfi 1413?“) nylhe, 011 time 18 (lay CL? étuie, iZQOO, in 39103K1 Ucnmity Elen-

' , x
tucKY, confederatéi and handed toxether, uni rent Festh for thé
purpo+e of molesting, injuring, and destroying the yermcnni yropen;
tv of the New homafln'fiil & 3&3 UOMHRN/ tovit: the wine line and
v _ A. 9 - i
the oil therein containei, halonging to 8319 domyuhy, ah' iii, will-
fuil“ Ji‘e‘flfihiauxz v and. unlawfu 1v (lest/370V" thv‘: staid. hi.newline {111,1

J y . ,~ - . - i
the oil the]? "if". contained. Each of the ::3-if; (het‘s:‘-_F%.a1i.1t'3 , 1113:11'7911 531:1
défitroved the same as aforagnifi, ah& the others were thfih am; there
present, ahf a¢3h unlawfullv. willfully, and Feloniously aidgd aLi
abetted the commission of the game, an; t he apt: >ifinw the :aid
defendants aonspirefi with auah othey. /’ VAK/ , ' .

,/"’/ ¥ .
, /, 7, ,/ / [ /
.. _- 1_. _._ -- ..L _- _-‘; jg/‘QCLKL. _._

Sworn to befCTe m%, by *. Iétfijnick, the 9 dav of July, L. IL
1900. /

L/fi/f\ , ,l,
\ / // Y ' /
_ ;._'_ ._ _._ _L/z,_61_6;_\i . _- ._
.- ‘ ‘7\_; 7 ,- ,/
‘,, ///x,/I.:/n
((2? 74% /£*(/}6 5 /_,/

 , . V , Q
. Z21 (”g/h4/21zlbowéazééi/O {RM/i2.
7 / //4;Wfltmz .
Dd; Alarm/5”, 951-ng
i ”M?”
. fl QVAZL

’ Catlettsburgh, Ky. July 28th l900. ;
Messrs. Carmalt & Strong, :
Brookville, Pa. :
Dear Sirs: j
‘ I have not been able to take up the matter of the Smith
lands in Knott County until within the last few days, and had it under
consideration when I received your letter on yesterday.. I have gone
over all the papers again with the viei of ascertaining just the status
of affairs and what was to be done.
As I understand it the points are to ascertain what title Mr.
Smith has to the land covered by the seven webb patents; and second,
who has the title to the Jones Fork lands.
. First: As to the Webb lands, Mr. Smith seems to have ac—
quired the interest of Mr Baum in his attachment proceedings, and the
Baum inte est again, and the Fuller interest under a decree enforcing
the liens of Fitzpatrick and Goble over both interests, and the Baker
lien against the Fuller interest; and again, to have acquired the Fuller
interest under a private purchase from Fuller.
The validity of Mr. Smith's acquirements of the Baum and Ful—
ler interest will depend first upon the two proceedings in Court; and
second, upon the nature of the private transaction between Smith and
Fuller. If the proceedings in Court were regular, it would seem that
they were sufficient to vest the title of both Baum and Fuller in Mr. ‘
Smith, and Without knowing more, it is difficult to conjecture why Mr.
Smith after that undertook to give Mr. Fuller $5000.00 for his interest
and it would seem that in all probability unless there remains some
cloud or valid contention over the Fuller interest, that the agreement
to pay $5000.00 would be Vcidable for want of consideration. So if it
should be clear that Mr Smith acquired the legal title under the two
Court proceedings it will be important to know the state of fact and
record in reference to his private purchase from Fuller, so as to as~
certain whether or not it, by estoppel or terms, created a cloud upon. "
. the title of Mr. Smith, or lien upon the property. 1 hence suggest that

 if I am to look further in the matter, I should be furnished with the
papers touching that private purchase of the Fuller interest, for I
fear that if that was a valid transaction and if Mr Fuller made any
dead, that thought no lien was expressly reserved, that if the consider—

' aticn was unpaid he may still have a purchasa money lien. 1

Second: As to tle Jones Fork lands, I see but one general point,

and that is whether or not Messrs Goble and Fitzpatrick are vested with
thn undivided 5/12 interest of the patentees to that land. As far as

_ I understand it, Mr Smith has not acquired or attempted to acquire any \
interest in those lands. Besides, the question as to whether Mr.
Smith is vested with the title of the patentees to the Webb lands there
remains also the question whether or not it is subject to the incum-
brances of about $180.00 and taxes, and whether or not the balance
owing Fuller is an incumbrance on it.

As to the Jones Fork lands, the question is whether Fitzputm
rick and Goble have the title of the patenteos of that land, and whether
it is desirable to purchase the lands at the price fixed by Goble and

As to the number of acres embraced by these lands, of course,
[I could not say, except after actual survey. Now, as to the matter
of Service, will that that I rarely ever undertake to leave bhe office
under any circumstances for less than $20.00 a day and expenses, and I
find it difficult to make you any proposition that is satisfactory to
myself for the reason that I am not able to forecast just what service
as will be required. I presume it will take some ten or fifteen days ‘
to make the trip at this season of the year, and it will be cheaper to
drive through from here than go by rail and hire conveyance for the
rest of the trip. I could work faster and better by having someone
with me and would want to take some one from here with me, and would
arrange for this compensation myself, above the actual expenses for
board and travel. I can get a man to go from here with me who could
give me the assistance and has local acquaintance both as to natives
and as to the lands. The best proposition 1 can see now to make you

 is that I will furnish the horses and Mr Smith pay all other expenses
and I will make the trip for $500.00 provided it can be done within 7
fifteen days. The gentleman that I propose to have go with me seems
to be well acquainted with the coal in that section, and henCe woule he
. of some advantage on that account. - I
It is not a mission I would be at all deeposed to cultivate
if there is no prospect of other investments or negotiations or devel~
A opements.
You can let me know at your earliest convenience what will
be your desire, for if I take it up I will want to enter upon it within
the next twelve or fifteen days.
Yours very truly, .
(Signed) Thos H. Brown.
M .M .

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