xt70zp3vt865_41 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. 1889-1906 text 1889-1906 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_7/Folder_9/15917.pdf section false xt70zp3vt865_41 xt70zp3vt865 afiggyflrgzjééuenaf
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g/QY/ZZFa/tIrM/d Q 'éfltnmn/éI/J
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g/éwuu /"6a fl/flfiA/bm e/I/r/y.
, I /
LflZ/éilf/zfl/y .
JOHN F. HAGER J.W.M.STEWART January 2, 1906.
Walter S markins, Esq. ,
Prestonsburg, Ky.
Dear sir:

We wrote you sometime ago relative to sending in your
stock in the "ontrose Lands & Mining Company, and having it ex-
changed for stock in the Beaver Creek Coal & Coke Company at the
rate of two shares of Beaver creek stock for one of Nontrose.

, Your own and J.D.narkins are the only outstanding shares of the Mont-
rose Lands & Mining Company, and we r uld thank you to send them to
Eager & stewart, Ashland, as soon as possible so that the matter
can be close%.uP~
‘ Please endorse the stock in blank before mailing.
Very truly yours,
' Beaver creek Coal & doke COmpany
. a //5 ‘ / f‘ ‘
By_ x; 7 / 7,: H, W, 7

, ,7 " / /
WEST UNION.OHIO, 1 ‘ - ~ " ,.
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2224A2.»7L Z/MZAMAA, . $4114: 7A/ 12 ,,2, 6622/ A M 222422
2%sz flAa<7L gAéézw. 2: 22.1tg2mgr / 6.1.1 “2,7
M34227 AAfZZZAZZXA de/MW 2/2-A 26 .22M .44. 2,2/Mg
.15 Z2LAA . ZZA 1Q 2.6M 2225: 27/ 2752;... 1,212.22; 2., MM
72142244 fl/Wiwz/cfl/ AVA/02 74 AA AA2 273 7257 ZMZMZ, U2. /-
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AAZ . (2722 1’2AZ22 27 1 2162/ 2622724 (2 22
Z 222, Men/l. '

2/262216 M7 72:15 .

 %yééé, ”Kl ’, _' [1 r l 7v. ' ' "' ‘ * 7‘ 7“"
§c1;v <'.r.‘11. “ " ' v ‘ K "- ‘ ‘ - ' ‘ , 1‘ M V ”
ET Writ/'vz. .'» l , to .v . " ‘ ‘ _ ' ' , =
L r t c _ i
,;:r , V ‘ ‘ I, - x V ‘
:.; ‘1.“ ‘I . V. ‘ ‘ 1 ‘ «-
,a . - m -C O P I- ,,
7 > V. . _ V _ _..... , . ,
A.;_7., v, .V ' WAIKUJ? 1. EIARKINS, ’ . \ ‘
rgj;f i:1 ." AttcVfiey an~ Fmgnaellor, ' ,
r r;fx._ ‘ - ~ ~ ' ?reetnnsn re a? ,
.'.: ‘,‘-g, : > K. '7 ‘ , _ .2., ‘ v . . ,
,figr,*v' _ Jan. 9, lflfifi. » 'V '
5w“; .»-'_‘ . _: H .. V ,- 7 _ ‘ 3 ' ,
55?“?: x ‘ *~ ' ‘ , ’ 1’ , - V i »sr‘iv.v“
333‘”ir. {;'P; Tail; ieaL-istazexl’ent, ‘c L j ,_ 12“ f
_ .v ’L‘ ’.:“; ‘ . “ ~ ’ ~ \ .,, » ' V I ~ ' i - ' V I‘
_a1t"fl’- ' ' ~r — ~ - w , * , -,.~,
”Q '." “ —' , .- “n . - "'1 ‘HE‘ C .’:-{59.1 1"?“374’zf In.“ ' p " _ I ~ ‘ W ' ' .': =1
%132 ~ * - " niod-on , in“ i ' ,
5;i3*i‘- lyeiir‘ 'i.r 3* ' ’ - ' ‘ ‘
I i _ '3‘“? 5.“!"14‘Sed 3.:-1T ‘,m‘ fez”): era . 7‘01"": " . Tim)?“ ”was 32", 5‘21, 1)::271 _
mTiTmreC‘ivei.-und i finu Lhatr.r8. Einx, tw- 1. at; he; hxn;‘?1 not
" 5 the inicrfiatw HE 3*1.¥ciré, '“V tFHt rne in :39 entire Greer of i3:
"T'7Er01eri3; You wrote me scc~ U”Jfi no veneer ;' ffiie gaffer 5rd :0 " »
'.3 give i”” “ a £0“ ME to whet one}$.?u.in Ye noeeooerf,in act firm t e " '
:V:F¥r?vozer2v. The trier,afi10n EH8 tech delayed until i no 15 CH ;nno ' f
_ "_::'I'IZ1,‘C;=,rg--} ~ if; "3 3‘1“. 1:" E {'3 ad by“ 1.;? tear awg‘l‘evt ly, the: '3 ~“3.-c .,e {:.rr'r‘mzd
g ‘»Twas lefl.00 to no rain fie? :ar.t=w ii at n: w.;. I “ave wvi.'en - -‘3
.1 , .’.. fl _ ‘ . .. ' ‘ .»3
9'7er. ?1H§Ce,.waHeeting 35$: a bBSCTLITLOH 0? the tract n: Land Wanted«'
Yfl.\~jbe sew? J9, and have.adv;3ed that a,v0nnner he made :0 “re. 43119 -g
‘ > 0 ~ ’ i , ‘ ,' 'Y - ._w
v'Loar awe sent with it for £150.00. ‘-
c ?, - fl . I have taken ea d.for the tract free I". ?&;10?: “5 9103a ' .5
- ; Connty, Wentncky,’and from Henry Satcher and Hrs. ”a "in Watcher ,‘ f
~~,~fifor tn: tro tracts at nauth of fine, wid have delivwred in than the 83%
'- ~‘- ‘ ‘ > ' A U ‘ . ‘ ' .. : - w 4 [‘7‘
f‘Jsavoucners in firgment tnerefor'uhrnh you have sent me. x I a:m
'3 LéxggiaC‘r ',_, _ - ' f I Viqu"s vezgi fir11iy, . . f i:
.Rflfiaffigegglr -,_,, ,4ffi,yg’j;fig ‘ ~ WARTJR S. HAAKINS. ” ‘ 1‘ fig:
5445155." 2;: “’57:; ' . ,. > ~ ‘ . r ' ' ', '. » , , . , x ‘> c ,_ ‘5
- ~ - 33.3“?“ -' =~ i,.':1;'“'v,~.-.-; ..«Z'Jn'ir >41,.-zi=”-, ‘3 -- - -' =» 1 I V ' ' ' ' - , ’ . ‘ V 7' . V/ , " V I‘ " I 7 z“ ‘6'"

/ i” ,«/

THIS LEASE, made zhis 10th flay of January, 3. D. 1306, between
Walter S. fiarkins of ;resfionaoarg, Kettuufi;, firot oartg, ;:g G. H,
Dimick, of the flame place, seeomo erty,

WITEfifififlffi; Tuat firsn yurty fiIaflTs unto inc uecora pwrty, the
sole rigor to nrnjuca Petroleum and flaturul Gas from In; following
named tructw of Land sifiu:te in @103; pourif, K?nt:o£y, ;no lgiflj on
the waters of xnu flchral EYTEEVH aw nbmeu below, The iiElSS 0f
first garty havin: oeen onfiaineu hy Pineral Beets, or ohnerwise,

, frow the sunury granbors nuweu melOw,
On wafiers of Buffalo Creek of Johns Creek,
‘ flame, ,Lcres.

~ ? {3911:331-533, 3111523353171 J1~.—————_-.._-.._..-____.. 76.
) Seilarus, miizaoetn & firew.—-——————---—-~— 82.
‘ sellaras, Elizabetn dr.——--——--——---——-—-- 27b.
Goble,ChriH———-—~-——-—-——~-—————-—~——-——-- 810.
Fitz; triox, Tkon, Y, --———-—-——--———_—__— 299.
. 3031, Unily-—----—-——-————----———--c--———- 1?1.
f clarz, Harvoy——--——-—--—-————-—-—<--—————— DW.
3051, I. J. EC.--—---——-——--—-——-—---—---— 117.

Clark, itkLnSon,-———~—-——--—----———--—-——— 1&2.

‘ Sellarda,0rew;fi Tire, -ui Join £.—-——--—*- 38.

Clark, John,----—--—-—-—~—-~-——--—-———-——- 105,

Efldicott, John fl.—-————-—--——-——-——~—-~-—— b7.

mnd'icott,:;s;::,':»1;LeJ_.—----——---—--————-—-—-——— 9t».

U1$Tk, malvin.———————-———-'———-—————-«—--— zoo.

Clark, 341:12'I301’;;..1,-———-————-———-——--—————--—--—-—- 1.14:.

' 36611
On later; of Pruie? crack of 217 Euro; EiVer_
Eome, SflfTfin
'., ‘ 21* , ,,;‘ ____._‘-_-_-____--__-_-_—-___--_ "
MLli, Lidgd. L§. ‘
~ Jarrei, Juan.—————————---—--—-~—--———-—--‘ 56.

alarm, I. I. -—--——--————-——--—-—*-----—-- %D.

Gunnell, A. H. -——---—-——-——-~-‘---~-----— 1*?-

Urum, liou¢ol.—---—-——————-———-——-——--—-—— LUU.

~--. ._- xiv.

wall, Lee.———-——-—————-————--—---------- ~A.

On Kamers of erynmoo Greek of iuin Seaver Creek.
flame. «crow.
Conn, Ira &e.—--—--‘——-----—°—~-------‘-‘- la.
' Boyd, Ireland at 22.1-—----——--——————-—.---—_ 953*

 On Waters of Bucks Brumch ui “Mia fiesVOt creek,
72.”;- x ’ -'c r‘
;w-JC. .:XULBLJ,
Ulngug, John L.---—-———--————-————-«—~—-—~ 152.
LBULb, is t0,-——-——-——--—--—-——----—-~--~— fllé,
1?1:.;uu..:+cy, ,3,—————————_......_._-_-__-..--__.__ 155.
if? It 1v“ ' ‘1' ’1‘ .'
' £;.Old{a.uT;’ : _ “‘,.~-—-——————-___-__-__________ 14::-
Holoert Sa”ueL.--—-——-—-—-—---————--——-—- V7.
gunter, Chss, fl, --——-———--—————-—-—--——-- 156.
~ ylanncrg, I, ;, ___----_------_--~______-_ 550‘
On Water: a? gull Creek of Sig Sandy 9iver.
Fame, Acres,
- Scufiehfield, Palmer,—----——~—--————————--— 86.
Laffsrty, James,—-—-——-———-———---—-—-——-—— 98.
ualnoam, CRQS, ?,—--—--——~——--——————----—— 132,
: Karrel, Harvay.—-——-——---—————--o--———-——— 16,
‘ Lafrerty, ulcrx,—-————-—-—--~———-—--—--——— ?5.
Frafiier, flee.————~——--———--—-——————'-————- 55,
{ Feflossctf, Eolomon,--~-—--————-—-—~——-~——- 82,
I Laffcrfij, J, c, ---:~———-———---—--—-————-— 59,
l J Trcl, “w,-———-———~--——-———--————-———-——— V5,
‘ Jarrel’ ‘_.-unflifil.___...—......__.-.._—————-_—.—....—————— 88.
L?" I'I’ii‘i‘frrdgv‘s (T03. U..-—_—_——___.—__..____..____—..._ 1&2.
On finicre 0i xpuvlawt york or Zinnia greet,
ELTC. acres,
Osnorn, Jenn.——-——-------————-—-———-————-— 25,
‘ :;:};1":"1,;_,_'(1’ "'_‘_‘\.C::;\.'_~f"f__-.——_.._--.._-----___—_______ 155‘
: Haywood, Buf$fi 3 ac.—-———————————--———--—— 96.
Haywood, “i. ”,1"'..._.........———........—.....—....._—..._... iv-
Haywood Room,——-——-—-----———-——---—---—-— 195.
‘ nickgon, fiaisy L fieo.--—-————--~—--———-—-~ 1w"
fikmena, Jongthor.——-——-----—-——--———*——~—- 588.
On Laterg oi Caney great of llaulu m cat.
2.” (Zia!) , ‘._c 1"(2574 .
Hicks, filliottl___—_______-—______—¢—___-— 233.
07573197; j:i§\”3.T1’EELI‘C'L."""'""“""""“"—-~'“—'""“ 1:33;.
. ,. _ ___. a;
OWSiey, 'Y;.gal_ .___—_____..__-——-———~—__--——.— CH‘JO.
Owsleyv’ 3). :L. ___.___—--_--———_-——————..—-...- 23").
frugal" 51164”."'"'""""“"""“""“""“""" 15:13.
Containing SeVGn Enuusagu ;inctg-two (7032) Acres, more
or less. \

 For a mare comfilete description 0: above narea tracts, refer—
ence is mg;& to Lna sundry conveyanue; firm? tnv 3311 gr Ltore to
Italinar ;1. ?iaxfl"1:w3, fifiiLCLizyraz oi' T5Kh5§ZK ix Ejlc \ fllnifi‘ vannft afilEifli's
cffica ?t ETSLLQEDMHE , Keatnexg.

fipecifically Granting t0 weconq :5115 for, an: durin* tha term
cf Twenty (80) Yegrs from finis site, the exclusive r1 ALB t0 irill
afid agar in ;il an; figs calla; to la; 5?; operate “ipe Kites; to
construct, uperLte aha mu;ntain ielegrayn iflu Telenhone Linea; the
neceSSarfi fiifinu of hay OVer the premiwea; the use of ezotgh lgna
on waicn to grcgervw the prouuctu, bflfl erect aucm buildings &3 may

' be requirea; slim free use of water, if Igun: on fine premises;witn

i ihe viga: LE Qflg iifle To forfeit LT” CEICCl this lense DE failing to

, 00331? ugi“ Li: L91 m; an; fie yeflcve all flachinurg an; fixtures

E which me n»; g,va glpae; thar{ov; an: SKULKV in: seccnn tLrty find

5 a ya 1?: gr0‘21Ciu: of Lil or T-f u: ”If are 0? 303$ 03 H;id iracts,

‘ auxin u.il Earn, the“ ;irxt ghgi; uch¢3 to axfiena this lezfie, as
$0 gain TT“CT or tr mtg, :row ;“~r to ya I, ,3 lugr as gain :36—
duct ”101’: U C-“"‘v,,fs.1"1f.es‘ ,

j The Siid firm; 3;;»; grint: \nq ?Ukes 2nis leafie 30 second
party 0&1; 10$ L_cl iLtiLm, :fid ,FiviICje» :1 ‘2 Join; it Th3 said
lunug huge; the igv¢:.1 uuaiu;.igux fca ,L. JQJLLU 3r.nuurs.

In Uonsideratiox fo? which 1¢H LOG; L y r1; MfTSC“ us followu:

‘ 13L, To 9a; Lac wan a? {an (1) 2011:? in Ann , fhm ywceirfi
OT whifi? first party nereuy uCKHOWLeugeS,

2nd. T: fine .:1 chfljn o;;{ gm 'uer a" b ; lyna ea may we
necefia,rj for pgryoief norcin ‘rufizefi.

Ezra, "..V.: (:u“'*"1':r’.r;\,,= (.>}_';";.‘-‘."; 1.7:": ' “ rt'fi“? T}. m:- ."c‘.ll m: erg-ch.
tract of 11t¢ unfair 1 «58¢ witni; Tvelv: (1;) fionthg from tnin
date, or there¢fter _d; as youngl is $1331 ;wgmg ten (10) manta ;er
acre yeflrly, to LG 9;: quart I1; 1: ;uv ,cm, uq111 such well is
completei, or u til secsnc ;Lrtv elects to 0 heel 1mis lease as to


 “v :.‘" »~* .'.. '. ' .r.,~1 . :w __‘.. --_---....,_.-»' - ,_ . .---.‘
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ifiy \Eunhd&ieurpvx
‘ ?etnfin;r:f Ifiti , I“7F.
Lon. Walter S. Harkins,
. Prestonsburg, Ky.,
' Dear Sir,-
§f We are in recri t of a letter from 7r. VorgaL, undnr date of
if ?e runry 10th, in which he adVises us that he Goes not wish an; gt—
?V ' tenot made on his flehalf for a new trial. Le writes us tFat tfe
I Hrot er of the man killed by him is now jailer at Pikeville Lvfl that
conditions have so changed there that he wou16 rather servo pi;
; sentence than to run the risk to his life, as he t}in?s, of a new
a ‘
g; trill and his presence in Pikeville.
%‘ This is the idea we had of his desires, as we mentioned in our
g V former letter to you; and re requests us to pdwier you anew, he
?’ having already done so, of his desires in this rega"d and to re—
; quest you to make no turther move for a ne“ trial.
3 We gather from your last letter to US the? ore of ttr prinei
pal reasons for decketing the case in the Court of linealm is t‘ t
‘ -the recordeould then he in shape for easy presentation to, and ex—
. amination by, the Governor. If the case couli be out in this shape
for that purpose, with the understanding that it is not to he nroS—
ecuted to a termination in the Court of Appeals, and that, in the. i
event of tr: Governor's refusal to pardon, the appeal mi ht he with
drawn, it would, pvrhdps, be wise to follow tTet course. ,
. We would thank you to advise us as to the present status of
f - the record and of any steps taken to perfect tte application for a
‘ -pandon and if we can assist you in any way slang that line.
. a , ”my 7 "

y ,
' "'H would also "hank you to advise 17.53 ‘53», stat-2:3 of tie ';mtim;
to have the. "nail money returned to ”r, ‘Tmumnam, ;s :v'ef‘ewred to iv.
our last letter,
I 0121" ‘71". Taniel is at present 11: was}?1725313022, in {attenl‘hyzzce upon
the sessions 0? the Srnate, and our T’r. Mgr-1797‘ will ”raj-g out of the I"
. City from the 19th to the 28th inclusive: but immediately 11pm: t‘m
return of our "‘1'. I'E' rper, he will ‘va 5319f. to amufcr with first? at
9 such place as you may appoint, wit?“ a via" ‘20 pres 3111-11; 1:36;: 3:1 .ft‘E‘Y‘
' in hand to a syeedy conclusion, assisting ”gnu 12; sue“ way as may he
deemed advisable,
We “rinzld than}: you for E reply to this lettar before: the 10th
3 ‘ if possible; t7”at our engaxrerrmnts 21:51.1" he male 11; accordance Wit?"
h the demands of t3“: situation.
‘ ’ Very truly y011r:,
_ E¢ /‘ kt«LL.L-[P V/é/CM
. ~::x ‘ .m;
. ‘ , ’.f
. ‘ ’,,



, ’ Ashland, Ky., February 21, 1906.
Hon. W. S. Harkins,

C. & 0. Attorney,
- Prestonsburg, Ky.

Dear Sir:-
: I have your letter of the 17th with reference to the suit
of Jack Johns vs C. & O. Ry. 00., Prestonsburg Police Court. I
Note that you have had the plaintiff examine the trunk, and he says
that the trunk returned is his, but claims that there was one coat
'Qnd vest worth $12.00, three shirts worth $3.00, five razors worth
$10.00, one pistol worth $15.00, and that he has been damaged by
the delay in getting his trunk in the sum of $10.00, and has been
put to $1.50 court cost, which he desires us to pay.

It seems rather peculiar that these articles would be mis
sing from the trunk. I presume that when the trunk was delivered
to Mr Johns, that our Agent or whoever delivered it to him required
him to open and exmnine the contents in their presence. The list of
articles sued for is rather an extensive list for a gentleman of
color to be traveling around the country with, and I must say on
its face, it looks to me rather suspicious.

He charges in his petition, for the value of a suit of
clothes $24.50, value of two coats $5.00. It must be that he
claims the coat and vest that is missing belongs to the $24.50
suit. The supply of razors, also, looks pretty large, as well as
the price of his pistol. Of course you know best, being acquainted
with the plaintiff what we mmghk had better do in the matter, but
my impression is, unless you have some good reason to the contrary
that we had better make a fight, rather than to settle at prices
anything like he is demanding.

I am going to ask Mr. Boughton to have Special Agent
Payne looka little further into the matter, and I will advise you
the result of his further investigation. Do you believe that he can
convince a court or Jury that he lost these articles, or that he
had articles of that value in that trunk?

I am sorry to trouble you so much with a small case but
it looks so much to me like a hold-up, that if prefer to know a
little more about it, before acoeeding to his demands.

Yours very truly,
* V.’/,.. 1,. .' .- , .
Copy to: Assistant Solicitor.

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 C(mnn‘lnNs-No shortage :Lllmvml Rzlll Road Wrights
SANDY RIVER COAL COMPANY govern all settlements. All quotations for imnn‘di'
V 60 WALDO PLACE; CHICAGO ate shipments. unless otherwise specified. Orders
MINERS AND SHIPPERS OF THE binding only when accepted by us in writing.
\Ve will not be responsible for non—deliverv result
CELEBRATED CHAT TAR 0' ing from scarcity of cars. strikes at mines or coudi
Lions over which we have no control.
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 > ”V . W T.CLA=BOPNE,
.y Y ()L‘IIHDRNE,TiTE a: ( )(RVAN,
‘ (($\/ “’11 OLE SAXLE )‘L‘NI‘IEXUTI '1! E]: S 014“

” ' ' // ' ~
,fl///.‘/'/’/ (”,.j/y/H. Feb. 28, 1906.

W. S. Harkins, Atty.,

Prestonsburg, Ky.

Dear sir:-

We acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 26th. inst.
enclosing your check for $190.00 which you collected from Mr.

' In regard to what you state about Lavin not being ready
to try the case at this term of court and that your purpose in
having him write us direct, Was to get an acknowledgemcnt of his

. liability on the account, beg to say that we are in receipt of a
letter from Lavin, written on the 20th. inst., stating that he
had just paid you $200.00 and asking us to be as easy on him as
we possibly could, as he was going to fight the Railroad Co. to a
finish and that he Was trying to get a trial with this company at
this court.

This is about all that was in his letter, and we do not
think it necessary to send it to you.

We Can not see any reasonable excuse for his not wanting
to try the case this court, and it seems to us with the facts in
the case before us as we see them, that you could force him to
trial. We are very anxious, of course, to get this matter settled
up and want you to push him as much as possible, as we should havc
had our money long ago. Sp please push this matter as vigorously
as possible, and let us hear from you at your earliest convenience.

YO ‘ t, 11" v 1 .k\ “_1/
WW T} urs r1 .1, 6%t/mvfzz/fly/éi

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