xt70zp3vt865_51 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. January-April 1913 text January-April 1913 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_8/Folder_10/16679.pdf section false xt70zp3vt865_51 xt70zp3vt865 ' ‘ l i,
C O P Y.
Pittsburg, Ee., Jan. 2,1915.
Huntington,§est Va.
Deer Sir:
Replying to your favor of recent date, I tote ;r.flerkins I

conversation with you on the matter of protested note of Tanover.

The Committee of the ianover oil a Jae Comotny ie aboot to send
out interest on all paper to date and in s ver; short time sell the
plant either as a whole Or piecemeal,when re think we will be able to
pay the infiebtedness in full Or nearly so.

is to instituting bankruptcy proceedings eg;ihet me account 0? my
endorsement on the note,l trust you explainea to lr.£:rkihs that the

.balence due him or his bank on the note would be lost to him by such
procedure,remeining due,if any,efter the Committee get through convert—
ing assets as they are now trying to do into cerh.

Very truly yours,
1. E. Jlark.

‘ BOX 452
Jan. 4, 1913. .
. . ,._ V A". . 77 ‘_ - .,
HIT - .:'": 1. t: J, S: e ilarfllils ,
I\—.._.¢ A, my». ._., "w
_CL o». 001:: DUI :7 , 3.9 .
Deer Sir:
SereWith enclosed fird coo; 0’ letter from lr.31 rk to low in
“A ...... I. 1.4. _ ..~... . ”.....r -l . ",..- ._“ " , .._ -. .
answer to letter to kin conesrnih. the .auOV1l Jll . Ea? 3o. ,ote
Which your Iank holds.

Eever l d ye ego hid letter tro Josegh 7.43rsh,1h:irhen. Dreditors‘
rt .. ' .r: " -~» - .. , - x. - .L p . . ‘.. l ..,. -_ .‘ I ,~ _.
oomm1ttee o. :anover Jo. in .kich Ie :tEtou tiet filed ekfiected,il a
.,. 4 .L- A .-- P ... 1.. -- ~ . , .. ..‘. ._ I. . ..~- ... \ .. ..,.“ -I. ‘
ElOit time to 98; all bCCA lfltequt 0L .ke Joe ELJ'E :egei,;nu that if
the plant could not be sold as e whole,it would he sold piecemeal.ee
..L. .I— : .- Lu :2 A ,... r '2 .'. Mi...
at-t0u in the enclosed letter 0 mr.olelk.

“ .. ‘ ~ Mn --,... W . . -. .1.-.-. , '~. .~' TIA, ... — .- ,: 1..

If tle neaee sent you several dads ago 1: SmilefhonlJ IJulu us
gleased to have you execute seme at your e:rlio t convenience, no re—
1. , ' 4L
turn it.

kind regards and best tiene: to all.

_ 1011f: Vial?“ truly , '

 : a) THIS LEASE, trade this é.” day of , ’ “14.1). I'
L 1914.; between WALTER S.HARl/IITS and Josw,’:fln’ IlWrestons—
burg,Floyd County,Kentucky,-first parties,and G.H.DIMICK of Huntington,
”Vest Virginia,second party.
-‘ TIITNESSETH; That first parties grant unto the second party the I
. I sole right to produce Petroleum and Natural Gas from the following named
tracts of land lying on Brandy Keg and Sugar Loaf,Tributaries of Big
‘ Sandy Biver,situate in Prestonsbur‘g Precinct,and on Daniels Creek of Big 1”.
‘, Sandy River,situate in Mouth of BeaVer Precinct,and all in Floyd County, I
Kentucky,and being the same tracts of land described in those certain deeds
of conveyance of the mineral rights,including oil and gas,to the said
Walter S.Harkins by the several grantors,as follows,viz:
Date. Grantors. lio.h.cres. Location. Recorded. 3
_ B. P. j
Mfi/denmanda Crum. 51. Brandy Keg. ... .31.; 32,12..- ft
x ._ gfifilfjd Amanda Crum. 15. Brandy Keg. “1.2:.19317‘1... }

J 729.»! $45130 Emily C.Dia1s. 67. Brandy Keg. __hqufwm.flén_ i
MF/fffl James Harris. 107. Brandy Keg. __Q_;___gj.§£_
@JZZZQ James Harris 8x3. 119. Brandy Keg. -191;_:é:‘fi_’_./__.._.
”Maggi/Jig? Wilson Drum. 36. Brandy Keg. _-.Q,.;_‘fyii_.n
MMd Jane Harris. 58. Brandy Keg. __C:—“ é;%é___
jfi:f/i/_Za Adam Skeens. 51. Brandy ~neg. _L‘f_;.£..é’£___.__
@Q/flj John Harris. 119. Brandy Keg. .._IH:1{€C_..-_M_ A
@Z.&/£ZJ John Harris et al. 154. Brandy Keg. _....{-:._§CQZ_._.
wag? Kelse Harris. ‘ 104. Brandy Keg. g;:{_/_'~QH_M_

r ‘ fli’lii.4f€p Thomas Burchett. 155. Br.betvzeen Brandy?
keg and Sugar hoe-.1, N,
' on Big Sandy River. 2 “2255?“, '-
ggfiflj/[f Charles Goble. 818. Sugar Loaf. ”‘9“: 535511...- ._'
7;.) 2.5/79!” '.’Im.l~iubbard. 228. Sugar Loaf. _____/_____—___~f":3:4«__
MJZZZ Celina Branham. 130. Daniels Creek. ngflgzgw
fgng/Z? Wilson T.1.~1artin. 195. Daniels Creek. __glfgflffflw
£35159].fo ‘.‘?.L.Lewis. ‘75. Daniels Creek. _..2,-:....’?.Cé/,Z_...

 E‘ ““2‘"’
: ; Date. Grantors. H0.Acres. Location. Recorded. W
i B. P.
¢§ggfiggzz77Jeffersou Lewis. 75. Daniels Creek. ___N_12‘:1;fé£2:_‘
% wig/{g John B.Endicott. 57. Daniels Creek. rld/omgjfi:
/_ /
lei/£2233 Rachel Burchett. 24. Daniele Creek. _ngW/mzzlww _
r‘ 2E¥ifigzgg/ Benjamin Burgey. 115. Daniels Creek. __EE%;_;LJ{2:W‘__ my
‘ @fl/ZZZ Gabe. Johnson. 95. Daniels Creek. ___fi/f_j_é;_/72__
Z§9¥;;AZZé'JameS Hunt. 25. Daniele Creek. ___;{jf;;g:ézzn~l
‘ QQMLAW Elizabeth Lewis. 57. Daniels Creek. __f;_{f_i§w f‘“
. Cq@£;E§4221 John Lewis. 14. Daniele Creek. —~:j?:::§252;~~—-
containing in the aggregate Twenty—nine hundred (2900) Acree,more or less;
but no Tell is to be located so as to unduly interfere with mining plants .
or improvements connected with the some that may now or hereafter be
located thereupon. I
' 1
Specifically Granting to the second party for,and during the i
\' term of Ten (10) Years from this date,the exclusive right to drill and é“
operate Oil and Gas Welle;with the right to lay and operate pipe lines; 6
the necessary right of wey over the premises; the use of enough land on
which to preserve the products,and erect such buildings as may be required;
the free use of water and gas for operating,if found on the premises,with
the right at any time to forfeit and cancel this lease by failing to com—
ply with its terme;and to remove all machinery and fixtures which he may
have placed thereon; and should the second party find a paying production l
of Oil or Gas on said land during said term,the first parties egree to *
extend this lease from year to year,ae long as said production continues.
; In Consideration For Which the second party agree: as follows:
‘ lst. To pay the sum of One (1) Dollar in hand,the receipt of which '
first parties hereby acknowledge. ,
2nd. To use and occupy only so much of said land as may be necessary
for the purposes herein granted.
5rd. To Commence a Well on some one of the tracts herein leased within
Six (6) honths from the date hereof, nd prosecute work on the same with
reasonable dispatch to completion,and upon failure to commence said Yell a]

 55 ‘ .
:5 Within the time Specified it shall forfeit the whole of this lease,and the .‘
l same shall be surrendered back to first parties.
, 4th. Bo commence paying rental on each one of the tracts herein leased,
on which there has been no "ell drilled,at the end of One (1) Year from
the date hereof,et the rate of Ten (10) Cents per acre yearly,to be peid ‘
”' quarterly in advance,and the payment of said rental to be continued on ,N:
. each trect not drilled until the end of the term of this lease,or until
second party elects to cancel this lease as to any particular tract or
‘ tracts by the non-payment of said rental 0n seid particular tract or tracts. ”A
The completion of a Tell on any one of the tracts herein leased to cancel
the rental of Ten (10) Cents per acre as to the particular tract or tracts
5th. To deliver to first parties in Pipe Lines,free of charge,0ne—
eighth (1/8) of all the Oil which may be produced and saved from said f
land. 1
N 6th. To pay to first parties for any Yell from which fies is marketed ‘ .
the sum of Two Hundred (200) Dollars per year,§ayzble quarterly in advance y
While the sale of Gas continues. The said sum of Two Hundred (200) Dol—
lars to apply to Wells showing an open flow of One lillion (1,000,000)
Cubic Feet per day of Twenty—four (24) hours; and for each additional
One—half (1/2) lillion Cubic Feet,open flow,per day of Twenty—four (24)
Hours,ovcr and above the said One hillion (1,000,000) Cubic Feet,there is
to be added to said rental of Two Hundred (£00) Dollers,the sum of Twenty— “w
five (25) Dollars per year. Wells from Which Gas is beiné merketed to be
gauged quarterly in order to determine the amount of rental to be paid M
for the following quarter.
H 7th. To pay any money becoming due to first perties,under this lease, g
by cash or check to Walter S.H;rkins; by deposit to his credit in The 3
Bank Josephine of Prestonsburg, or by check made payable to his order and
to « . _r ,_ 1 . +_ i no 1”
mailedAhim at rrestonsourg, Lloyd Jounoj,nentucly.
8th. This lease shall be subject to all rights reserved in the deeds

 L": g
g L
E 3?
g ,
it; -
EL ——~4---
i \
made by sundry grantors conveying mineral rights, et- ./* the said, i‘felter
S.Herkins,.a.nd is subject to all the terms enc conclft one contained in the
. (if-
several deeds ‘0y,throueh and under which first n“ ties claim. "#4
c ’J
. All rights under this instrument shal, ..I’crue o {he'heiiraassigns
c. ’ ,L/ "
and. other legal representatives of each ‘0 ‘5' here '9‘77/\
’~ [:47’wi/ ‘1
In witness Tfhereof, '.Te, the i' “ sec ld/fi—eir‘ties have hereunto
I , «Iii/i
set our hands and seals the d y/az . _ 1 “st éjnove written. I
«r-—. ,1 , I J , . ,.
:1tness: / J A‘ ( l .L 7
F\ I,’ I .
/, / 7, f /v _
7: pl- * We. .LJQMAW¢;WM
‘ V
j/ . _7 r“ M W (E‘eal)
Ammkrgfi (Seal) ‘,
***d<:2~krkfitfl:skflct9<7¥:k>‘<:krkrkzkii<*>k**5kflk*4k.‘krkrk:|<>":¢:~k:k>‘rwkrk‘kkk-kxktkkt‘ktkk [v
) Set: "
1’ .MWH__5 Loter‘y :‘uhlic
. . —. a // . - ._ . _ A, .
Within encL :or t‘epEConnti“ and State aforesaia, L10 certify tnst the fore-
going Oil and Gas Leesefirom 'ffz-ilter S.E:erkins *7 Josie Luiierkins his "fife
to C-.Z>1.Dimick,beering date the g day of "’%:',:fjpmv_m_lgl§ .
was this day produced to me in my said "‘ nt" 3, the s 5L "falter 3.3arkins
and Josie 3.1—Icrrkins his "fife and acknowledged "b; then to be their ect and
deed. for the purposes therein mentioned.
my commission as ll'otcvry Public expire: géw 92; {1? [6/ ”will."
Given under my hand. and seal of offi tiis a day onW “
191 2 . x
’ ,1 / -WW e.» -9 "fwd“-..
-‘ w EUnLIC, :“LOYD COUlL‘TY, ".Y.
\___ L
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>1, 1."; E
I, [[f,.z.f.} I /: ‘

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23—4, Av M 2 .
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 ,r : , , 1 '. ~ ;5 .. . ,., ,I, , ’ “5
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" '_ ,_ ‘ itaywav‘ille , 95...». , January 21, 1913 .
f"'~ Mr. Henry Taylor, Jr., ‘
-‘ Gan o 8’31 0 (3:?!(5 o , fluid? ”’1‘-3nd , V54, -
.f.5 Dear Sir:
" Eafetring to Er. Wickham's letter te us of fivtw January
-- . lath and our reply thereto of date January 16th, copy of which was sent
,_5 , to you, relative to ordinances recently passed by the town of Presw
_ ' . ton burg:
_ ' We beg to advise that nwnerous warrants have he s issued
' “ against the company for alleged failure to comply With the ordinanCs
,A regulating the speed of trains (23) and the ordinance requiring the .
senstruction and maintenance of safety gates(6). As soon as these wsr~
.:. rants were issued, we authorized harkins a Warkins, purslsnt to my.
Wickham's direction, to file suit for writ of prohibition against the
-‘ Police Judge tn prevent him from trying these warrants or enforcing
}' f. the_erdinsnces in question. As stated, the only two ordinances which
« have been attfimptfid to be enforced, are the speed and safety gate ordi-
‘8 . nanoss. Pursuant to our direorion, *esars . Uarkjns a.fiur ins filed two
'~7 .shits against the Police Judge, copy'of petition in which we now an-
t . Gloss you. If any attempt islands to enforce the other two ordinances,
=» suits will also be filed to restrain the same. he enclose you here-
” V‘with letter of fiarkins a a rains with reference to these suits. ’
l. . . _ Yours tymly, .
' ’7' - a o 1 w .r ,fi
eapy + 9 .‘: . - ‘.'); I ‘ / 3:;?! six“. ’=‘ .. a,“ a .. v’” y”: 2'.’ . .,., :5"? ‘..-5(21125' “3’3,
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fiantington, in Va., January 31, 191?.
‘”~ 5, J; V; ?i,w:
:_.an few” .'6 1.‘ 1‘.; ’13, j 4'
flee? Sirzu
We herewith enclose netice of etackhaliers' meeting
3f the Beaver $366k Consolifletefi Gael Campeny, to be beta 8%
the Henawhe betel, en februery S, 1913, at ten Q'clnek n.;.,
tagether with eke aptian executefi by Ieeee T1 Kenn therein
referrea to enfi a blank proxy.

It is imperative tfiet we have a mejgrity 3f the
eteokhalflers present at this meeting, in orier t3 cansider enfl
ease upan the sale ef the prsperty of the Gameeny, eni it is
urged that yau be present gersenally, if possible, bufi if nut,
thefi you execute the enclosefl prexy ena mail it ta same member
{if the Garage-my whom you desire to represent you 345 the meeting
in ample fiime, 33 that your yroxy may be certainly greeent end
countei in obtaining the necessary majority 0f stockhalfiers.

Very truly yours,
,/ f ’/ ;
, ew
(//t ”L“ Kw f'

 ,. mm. W A, W... c. n ,,~ ..-,, ,m 5‘ .‘ w -. c ,
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“iiievi (L‘.; a , 9’7}.

Dewy ‘:.‘(Wltzxr'zu '

{.’«3 210?»: E'I'Cl'r HM“ aw] jCL‘T'Wfl ‘1; TH“.
BK- Elia-121' 3', one: o; :‘zu? «4.531;, ’3'° 00:1 ::‘;,-:--1:1«‘-x.c."~,
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:9 COL-l i}1_"§f'fiif'ié-“:‘Z'.1 75193‘1t'12r3}:fr 31w} 'fil:“‘;:i.ni.f‘-, ::‘-nil i312:
being true We; '2i:-'01*z.'.1./:! x:::%*.1;.f:-z"‘-f.13r' 317.13.? to 2.5.2? "this gentle»
11351;, Lag-€21 In? Lie-'.:. «“3. 2.6: 3'. sci-.0717;
my»: "3.3.2.: «gesiruitlé: 33C: him, I pr-etcmm‘ J* ‘:t‘vin;
hemfi <3?" 133:1:- réETiC“. «':‘I’Pwfl'z in «.3343 r:-:'..'.-".€: T (‘1'19ii“-_"'Tv.i,$‘!1"
at 391151215, 1163 will. Ls? Cfl‘iifl “;:: Lilxifi'ilZlo :::;‘tr? :::ttg‘giwfij
at tk‘e Bil-x 3E9“‘€]-. 3'; 112.6 «ht-31:12, 2.1521 3761:. :31:: 13,: 13.: ‘:.;Lm;
encubh ix: 1.3:-‘1'; L113 37.31011! (31" his: .:“r‘riV-“l ‘;."-«'.‘3"«‘; (m "ff-2"? :41};
CO'IMuflX‘LiCi'i-‘J 211133. 2:13;; hf; 3:":;-t;1.1e; «‘:.-'12? :::L'rs-z r32. ';:-'1; «315111; f“???
him to 31:93: ‘.«1‘3‘30 on 53:15 c” «‘v3.:? ::‘:a" (
I Very truly :6013‘73‘5,
Pic» '

 > \
SUBJECT TAZE WELL, VA, January 239th , 1917) .
Big Sandy Coal and Coke Company Properties
Preetonsburg_Coal Comoanv.
Joseph D. Karkins, Esq.,
Prestonsburg, Kentucky.

Dear Sir:——

Your letter received of the 25th instant, on above
mentioned subject, in reply beg to say that early in November,
1912, the Prestonsburg Coal Company gave an optional contract
to GeOrge W. Litz, of Columbus, Ohio, to sell its lease for
. ~ . 31. . . r": ‘ . .
it at tne price of $75,000.00, allOWing him on 00mmlSSlOH for
selling, this option was for thirty days, and good thereafter
until fifteen days notice was given, whether such a notice has
been given I do not know, as the matter Was in charge of Barnes
Gillespie, Secretary and Treasurer of said Company, any sale
made by said litz oi said lease was required to pay an annual

. . e , .
minimum royalty of #4,000.CO quarterly; at the same time and
place the Big Sandy Coal and Coke Company gave to said litz
a similar option for the sale of its said leasehold properties,
aqgreeatina about 1100 acres, at the price of $1CO.FG per
acre, the acreare named in the convegancee to said Company to
aovern, unless the purchaser desired a re—survey at his own
expense, in which event it should be made within a limited time
and the deficiency or excess to be thus settled and determined
and accounted for, a similar commission was to be allowed eaid
Litz for the sale of the land and properties, and same time
and notice provided for.
.emwrli.arw , ., . - .._ . 7 t¢%eti

 ..u \.
Mr. J. 33.1%. -————-————————-——;;=92.

It is possible that Ir. Iitz may be Coalinr with
the Cincinnati people or parties to whom you refer.

On my return from Kentucky, in November, I called
the attention of certain of the Directors of both Companies to
conversation I had has with your father, suggesting prices for
a sole of the properties of Big dandy Coal and Coke Company,
and also the lease, but they did not seem at that time to be
willing to take the price I mentioned, which was for the lease

, $375,000.00, and for the properties mentioned over :iisaoo,o«:o.oo,
possibly $250,000.00, I wrote your father about their action
in the premises, and you will probably find that letter on
his file.

I was told on yesterday by U. I. floors that the profits
xnnnx from the operatinn plant for December was the best in its,
history, showinc the profits about $5150on for that month, or
course, if they could do that well the year Fround i: would be
a fine investment, and one that they would not crrn to part with
at anything like the sum mentioned above.

I have only about $200.00 in stock in this lease,
and the msnaqement of the business of the Company is, therefore,
larvcly in the hands of Barnes Gillespie, Secretary and Treasurer,
and I succest that you write him directly on the subject, he is
away now, or I would mention it to him, and he is considerably
on the go, and I may not think to mention the matter to him

. , . L2 ,

 .. ' \ '
Mr. J. D. H. —~—————-—-~—————#5.
when I do see him.
With kindest regards, etc.
Yours truly,
3. D. May.
Q2 3.

 .« , .. r n
, JInuary 29, lvlo.
"‘14 ‘ T114 371m *2 ("j-r2“. -.~‘ "1 ”('371'19‘ V'
vI-la .I-I- -/ L--..Iirn, \JinabglJ—Ldsvni‘w ._-o,
' rm . J- 77“
. .‘ ’.Il LnOfl b ’ ‘. ‘x-‘z-r-
‘ Ta.r Cir:-
In andeuvcrin; to extend the serrite o) the
.. 4. - ' .7. . ., .- .1 :... .. ,. ..._ .7 ..; ... .._».,..,-..‘...:_.. 7' 1. .,.
electric 11,“- con: ny Inn to lnCSCabc its rejehucs, L h .e
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