xt70zp3vt865_57 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. November-December 1915 text November-December 1915 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_9/Folder_6/17495.pdf section false xt70zp3vt865_57 xt70zp3vt865 1" .'. . . . , ~.v
Hash;ngton, T. 3. November 1,1915.
My dear Frienfl:
There is a chance &nd I think a ver; 3coi one
, . . 1
of geztlng a pvrchaser for about 20,000 acres of coal lama
if it can be had at a fair price.
T ":.‘ -v . . \ . ‘ 17 —‘ ~>r '. ' .. - ‘ .‘-.
i will “ant nf causes to mahb sogethln; out of ;L
if I can intereat the right people, Ami will have to divide
equally With ona man hero. These people av? it no Way -
connected With any h¢nking interest, so fxr ;s I know, and I
will rci in any way ever have to DASS upon Any Question of
creflii in which they are ooncornud , so thit I cannofi see any
reason Why 1 :houlfl nofi bring you uni them togettoy. They
are New York men anfl I am informed hive the cash.
Please writs a full description of what you have
»- 4‘ ‘ F-,» A ,~J ,., 4., I.
that Jould suLI on an unaddr233cd sheot, qua then Lu letiar
afidressed to me state yew? loWest price Per gore dnl what comm
miasion yOu Wil? 1110? me in case axle is official at any
price you may finglly agrea to accept; State price in un
addressed flescripiion,jf yen prefer,as I do not expect any-
thing but my part of Commission‘ Thia will enable me to
~ ' ‘ ' — \ ‘ . A ., ".'.L' ...‘ . -..? , ,‘.
state filih certainty no th: party have ulofl Jhom I ”‘11 mine
1? equal divfiwion what he will goo if 3113 is made. ‘
Singertly yaurs, ;\ A
To Hon. W. S. Barking, ////
Prsstcneburg, Ky.

 Williamson, West Va., Nov. 1, 1915.
Mr. Walter S. Harkins, I
Prestonsburg, Kentucky,
Dear Sir:

When I was at your office last week, you agreed to send
me the deeds for your Prater Creek property, and I have been wait—
ing here for them since last Friday.

The parties whom I have spoken to about these lands in—
sist that I get some kind of a map of this property before they
will undertake to send their representative there to look over
the outcrops of the different seams and the general lay of the

It was my intention to ask you if you already had a map
of these lands, but I forgot to do so.

I spent two days on Prater Creek, after I was at your
office, and from what I last saw, I feel even more anxious to do
something with this property.

I will be at Prestonsburg just as soon as I can possibly
get away from here.

Please send the deeds mentioned to Mr. George H. Weiss,
P. O. BOX #179, Williamson, West Virginia, just as soon as you
can find time to do so, and he will begin immediately the prep—

' aration of a map.
There ought be more money in this deal for you than in
your various law—suits.
Very truly yours,
M «M V”
/ ” KW”?

 Huvember 1, 1915.
fir. T. J. Enillips, ‘
'Lquisa, Ly.
. Ry agar 31::

Sun you advise us afi this fiime what 13 the
situatian with rsferenae t: the firepfifiefi gurch:se Cf
the Tamilton foal fifié innfi fiogyauy, Lufi if fhe fer? i$
t0 3: thraugh wifhjn wheat vh?fi fiéwe it wi31 he ¢¢n$u“zat‘
ed. I recall, 0:“ carerfits, turf. writer U';>"{‘2::'3Y1 is :10? “W
ty (9@} days frcm September Eta.

Tke reaaam E nah tile inforuatian is tazt 1
ccnsifier the present time one of the East for Rzndliu;

of sauna: coal prupasitians, ard if this flag] is Eikely to
. go thrnugh, I would wan to ?now it the earliest p03fiwb1e
moment, b3 that Z'ceuEd preseut it; if prortunfitj is
given me, te other resale who will 9r0%a%1y be intarefited
in the fironositicn. ’
fl Very truiy yours,

covenher 2, ijlfi.
hr. Earneet Gable,
grefitcngburg, fly.
Dear Jiwrv ,\
/ N
«3&2: ‘.1: 3‘::53... .':":‘1'171153' ?: ’:3" :3‘-.E_.423'.:‘~~.1 .:2..“ 1.1.2.:

waethar my amt yen aye wualifirfi t9 . te at tfie general EffltiGfl
held, "ffx'ifiifi 3325i 13:23? "Layd T?‘."~.«;.~.+2 ', w‘:r;ia:v.'t', in: .:::: Ober
2, 1915, E %e§.tu vd$i$e as fmi %w@:

Leufiucky Htatute fiect’ ifiy Lrovidea\:>\V<:i>'¢{u1.gwsz

“ifiiifi‘ifl .:ez‘smm Cim.-z:":.: my; caurt 0f r?eis;..:"a=;>'ter;‘t 43122515“

. dictum as!“ 1.3%;“25313, '2 fix- .:::, .:.:- ‘isr'ibaz':"j«r in .=‘V,«'=»c'»".::::2,

an." m" mac-1'1 "55.: i‘l.i€’1-‘ifi¥32...'iz‘lf}3' .2 ‘.'."ae - eneralfi, .‘»‘sseegngiiy' :.:-z;
~19fllare, '21: swam: ta :..); .":".";“.;.if.?fi.f‘.';1 2.:.,.‘I’:=.'2 i=4.» ‘.‘Lj'

‘5 it 21:3 "w unnrartmriing fart-t 33:-1 22.9. e ina‘iiataé in is“? ”.:::“th
Statem pisiriu? 3¢2~t mi Wig rad {qr fie wfitér4 ‘iwiric: 2. .en—
tacky, under -eg'ian €233 .f ti? aanwiled fitetutefl a? £43 nited
Stat>., ru.diny ab

"Knew: .m;sic2&12t, .,'1...‘.Z:2»-ZI‘“ 1123:", fifiiér, we r , ; :gent
u' finy usaociatian «he emLezzlfia, hfistfhflig, by @1122211y

31:3. 2.295231%? :.3! of hue ...:2';e:;'s:, :11:_2'.'5E, er kiwi-1'12. ...C ‘
i252‘50.‘*.it‘:at:i,31 ; 3;. who, ‘.'-,'ii'aéiézii, f'u'.1"';"=’i,0rity {rum inc ,.,'ixz'attax’s,

i ’:"LIiim <3}: ,,11 ,5 1*:. =s:;, 01‘ film fil-‘i.i1'8 :32 inc“:

:33: ciszzfm'm 1.:“ '.‘-2;}, '.'..iiyfgaouzfi.» 23:22:11 9‘12t9'.r:ritgg, images ..:.r' 2235
i'crtk‘a z.::‘;,"u1"..if‘ =_;.~g. C- 552122.11}. air" .".: :.rzy' :.::-432:3!“ am? will of
.':;.:.‘»7‘i:’lrf.:-;I:i. ~ 9 Ply'7 Kris-12373212139, :~3:=x;:*2;%3 {my mute, 1:03.12,
£31~><-;§"i,7, ‘.:.“ (."’ ;2,<,v.m552;2i; ::c'z‘izgasa, ",iz‘-:'i,::=:~:'~v , in," :*.;‘-../_:f:‘E.'-5*; or
' 1../‘13 maxim; any; “5:215:63 matey in ram-I Emma, YE'y-O'i‘fi :..? s-siiatément 6
the earsircziz'tiv‘un 'wéil’u '3?:?€i=r.i’., i... 52". ‘3 Eur-1"." a: 7" 'io ..1. or
fiti‘rmzfi' the :-".=soc:irtizwz or any other can: "my, Mmy x-Ifii‘tics
or .’.:c‘21',..-L'-1's~‘-'12?, :..T‘ ::y .§.,«i'»\:i,:t‘.‘=;>.:-‘J ..prs‘mr, .:.?“ its. (99*;‘3128 :>::':y

' a‘:i“f.i::7m" :3:“. tbs: ::e:r.-:i>cisati:.:';, or 222.3; f‘é-‘f-‘Z'fi'li. :=t.:;:r.‘s"?nmr3 224‘: examine

zine UV" 11.-i" {any mm}: 2‘2,‘I.EJ{}51'§!'113. 0:1: .9:-qt. (”regurjr fracas *""‘:0,

@1122". like fitment é'icir: m: r‘rm‘hs "31>; <2—fficer, {3581" :, 02* 3223:8311:

3.:: 2:21;; "2.6.:211'71im‘ (7.1" '3‘;-".1:" y‘at'rniozui :3;:‘1’; .'.L“ ‘.V‘i‘Cixiflf 5: Why of

a “Linkgfi, arid $131311. '13? i“?‘?L-I‘i£?0!l{°.d 120*: 1958 MW: five

years nor 3!;121‘45? them fen."

2.513%; under sz‘fi indiutnaz‘uzi‘ 3.1m; ‘.~”Q°‘-f"(:? ::Armftrtmi; 83‘2’2.£::‘Ef1 no
plea, find was adjudged guilty, but no sentence wnutever wma im-

paged upon yum. Furthermore, under the finited 5t tea Tyve,

» gnd.esgecialky Section 5541, fian:iled ntttutes, had sentence
baan inveaed ufion £35 far t2: varied ;1Qvided for nude?
Sectiun 5219, still, the flourt cuu1&\%n e senteficed yam Lo
jaii fer ifie 1arisd 3f tine, gr 1: ing suitnaiifir .

.1 . . '. -. \' - . >1 .‘
— 52 f5 Kory? nrnier‘ tar: »étlilflriéf-JKH; 1 ' 31(31 111 01113uns- w:: is
/ punishable witn death cr figurinERsQE\in the .Enltfifitifiry,
while wifidemeannra mamaeae nil H119? “ffnuuef, fidether .t
seamen law at by utfitute, Ana «are caESDniy s;~axinug Bu9é ,
offences as are yflfiiifiafi,fi §y i'nr a! n5 fiUWfihjmeni im 1»?
uounty Jail. ”\\ \\
ue Know 0? me not 01 1&9 :éyeral ;sseubly a“ ;éntuQFY:
- fieclfirin; such mu Offemh 93 191 we.e indictef 13?, a? ;H
1 offenae againgt the 1821G3¥1 xgnking Lat, as vein; a ulxh
misdemefinur. '
¥0u1 airing E, m-iudiatefi Arde1 1TH :vflerv1 1trtwia ere»
scribing the 0f*en8e mg n misdefl&%501 i am a: u iHiOJ ivum
a noneiiér°u Tw, no?“ ‘? T'v gruvi ism» n? 1V5 “wlrfifiy
Statutes and '“ tn Suit-a u ntute, 'Ahi yuur canviatiwn waB
;for 9: ““4W§#n%*“nv1‘t1n‘ ?93L -- isfiantj Vfi1 4112 11? (’911311=y21;;wz
of ne Hex“ncky Lzms, 1nd iaat thareiure, gnu hre wuifitiea to
ve'e ‘: 1we fonergi '1&.'i&r iv Fa 491$ 13 CTLJLCE 1, 5;: .
ery trsly 3&nrfi, '
‘1 ..z' [.1,-:3, .
1. r, ..1 'x/ ,:"fl' / "
J mi/ 1.1; :1 \ "/ (Z) 79/ \
M/L .1/ 1,
,/ kik é/flL/flZ:T/4L/L/CJ

 fig _w,5l. l.,_ . -- H . V ‘ V . H,_ y . -
‘ nov. 3, 1915.
Er. Frank Lloyd Fright,
EEC Creheetre Veil,
. flthEgG, :11.
flear Sir2'

Canaieuee skeoaee frov tee office for ihe gret fro weeks
has prevented eonnowleegmeai oi your lather of 13 01 Letoaer,
enfl eleo of the beeklet vile} van er: kind eacg?h to Head down.
Enfortunetelw for me i did Moi ineluue qermen in a“ eeileqe

_ a 9 .Y L
. : .v 1.. ‘ *,'~ ' . .- ~.,. .. ~v q... mm. 1.. :.v , -- :
' CORI‘LB, 8119 as have {.‘UQK 15: 1.“; ...-rimfkfzfl, l mu. (Jul; 370 '..» L. La? 1.1."
lustretione for consieereticn.
Vorever I note the csneifleretion exeraaec“ l1 :.-; letter
. ' . . > _ s .

emu eeyeelelly fine suggeStlon o: moralag eel other glfi¥3 31th
a fiimiler exterior. Ihie 1 agree will is fine butter aruEEe. At
the greeeni.zime we are unfieoieed ae to Anion sf two lcfie we
will use F0: haildiue: one nreferred «7 its. Turkine is ”2 e

N 1 L 9 '. .. ‘- I
x 3&7, an ineloe let, extenulug iYCfl street LG eareet; aha tee

. ... .-r, _q ._, «.,. .fl ' , 7"” , V . .1 V. V. .. .....V, .,.-
Dti’xfi‘!‘ ;3L‘<.:.;\DLI‘€J. ...-v 1.19. is 111 K1120. fr...;.tl.;g; LL. use of u“; L-ZIE‘
cigel streets, and the rear of ihe 10% ex fine river.

’vhen ee make decision raj get read; to I fifier ;.1; 1p
thze matter 2 pill tale .lme to come over to unicegu to see you
and diocese the getter in Retell.

Very 1:31: YCUFE,

ficvember 4, 1915-
Hon. R. T. Burns,
louisa, Ky“ <’ ,' ‘ ' ,
it" \. \ __, \ . ' ’1“-
n ’“’ N ‘ :'>

‘:‘fovezrmer 7, 1913.
5:1“. 2‘:. 5. Repeat, ‘ /\
  ieilmizzgfion, .:'.‘iel. \
.:')e::z::r iiirzw /\\§

:2 mm m" nw\T:#~g:\* 1 3712311 ;sft.<>?te11-
Hm”! to the magaartzmit" 3:.-reentted '3‘91' ~;%;i.z.,‘;\2e 1'.:::\~"t’::.=ent
in (1:191 lands in films: TV} tent y ‘théu- (Eifiria‘k .:::..zltrises
17.10113 :..-”::m 0119 nundr—d t«011.:-’-=:.n=:3‘»'3re$ as? «:,.:3*r;:;ij." cinematic
coal, situated on [we =."'es:=‘=r.>-‘r7:"e E‘ iizic 7:.?E.i1‘:",“1.:‘l'g "if. 19:13.3'
Hivieimz, and. fluent we .9:-1:01:67: :25. fifty mile: €101: ”:1;-16:10
an tile Lakes: '

Title.- is; {a , rang egg-MEG? fer the arratiun‘is 3f
the 90:35.1. 1: ”1::”. 2. Rev-1011 in "me 1"‘ortmxest. '3' 91s 1:.» H Abun-
tair‘mus @512 int, and $151}; “111-.3: cunts-..ine three separate and:
distinst 74-21:: 01' £'!T~71 »brs-me rirvinab . ..':‘ae carat. a}. .itniz’zg: '
5.5:: 2111:3112; 55: 3):: ton, 256724..» ...~‘I113&1’;:;5.u:‘¥:1fi remifily 3:122 53:?
‘31-‘75 r211: 01 Ti‘tin .,‘-14‘? 111.1}, 42...:5' Inn. and EFL-r; slack. 26216
ve' H "We til-2", '1'4- :2 d ?2 11.0.2123» €35,097. 31622:; We uric: u“; the
.5259 :2:.” he mom 3.131 is ‘42-", ‘ne next. weave that is {:4 :11-5;
"the u,.-;e3:’ Seam '7? 'zn'ume :.n ,i‘xic'vrs'em. ’. ":1:“. j»1~12;,.=:‘:‘r‘fi;;j; can
be @1111": 1...» 1:293:11; H :.:; per =.cre, hueieoutal rezezsnrejdeutn At
leg per ’59:? rvwlty E .1 yrmiwwe "L‘IGE? r-zimxl it; I‘ayru’bies
‘:,; {Lame 9e: 1:42.? and in summer) t‘imretcr, t"~-.e'-:re in: z '1: rage
92‘ ”it fit: 1.1m. 01):? ”it-::f‘s Mm ‘.::Esze tree {7::-:3... “152:7 car/ff ‘:,;—
jain xi, the cm 71'3 8:101:15: nave tneir «:1:-4:1 :.ainéxz; t;;_.«=:-I‘étiuns.

1 31(5373‘» igz'zrngrn ;1_:.:é.z'3,sston oftentirgee i122 ‘:E.=,i_ng
130 9:11;. :91"; an: .:::-2.01:: «21’ in»: 17.1“;93189 Tf'féfEO‘l‘f‘iEOS ai‘ i-zz? mffirlt
i’mailg, and m. “a note witn interesi ‘.,/m: E:.-we ientmnzy inter“
eats. If you. :.::-1175 $10 {2:420:29 i?’:fe'«~r£=$:‘eé “Enrmr 01' 1 uro-
perty I owld me very; also. ta time it 2.1;: vi“: van egre 3'1»
detail, 5:113 for reference u'ieaee .".-(human .:‘-.1119 WW.
Cashier Leiii’thm‘..”éiaird ..:;‘c‘l mans: :.fincimaati, 0.: Vac-rye .
.;xrcmz-r, .:::séger, die 1:11}: .“:;:~se->.7:1ine, 77'981'mm‘c;r,:-", gun: (I. .3.
‘i‘urner, Judge 101.11% of £L§§f3€£il$, El‘rsnxi‘urt, ““7.

Very reS;.«ecti’:1'i_1y ';;’121.:r;:,

iovember 9, 1915.
The Harris Bank & Trust 30., (/\
v Chicago, Ill. \\
Gentlemenz— ellent ‘
quality, and 1 am think' g o organizing ~ co oany to ioquire
twelve thousand acres af what 3 regard to to best coal land
in Eastern hentucky. i no. very for f m fie railroad,

Big Sandy Division of th Che peo;e i'Chio Ra‘lr ad thot has
connection right into shicc 0.

fi_ ‘dea is »nat, i’ i can raise the necessary
funds to tax: over «His propert to lease it to six different
coal opersturs .:an a royalti has": of 16¢ per ton, which will
yroduce 350 .G‘ pe ac :. T;‘re 's at this rate estimated
to be Seven 4i ion sally 3 sort. of .oal in place underlying
this orcpert . It esn b~ had f0 .:out live Kundred ’dousand
Dollars. Kw ides was 0 hgve a bond issue in a sum sufficient‘
tho procee.= ox sale would provide the capital, including '
t expen of orrani.‘ng 'd ‘onmissions for selling these

no , "hi I ass e w» ¢ b: in the neighborhood of rifty
“no sand ollsrs, in additio. to which there would be a bond
i so of the p party - =ommon and preferred stock, but, of
co rse, the b d would be ahead of the stock.

I pa sing through Shieago last summer I was
very an it res ed with your banking facilities, and the
splendid ‘pOl me o of your banking Institution, and thought
perhaps you ould iks to become interested in this deveIOp-
ment, and if bonds can be marketed, the congany organized -
would be in position to pay you the necessary and usual fees
for marketing the bonds, and in addition to which you WOuld par-
ticipate in the allottment of the common and preferred stock.

In this connection further allow me to say that the quality of
this coal is a very high grade, and is being mined and sold
profitably within four or five miles of the present location.

I am thoroughly familiar with the title to this
graperty and its physical resources, and know it to be of a! ‘
very superior quality- The Chesapeake & Chic Railway Company
is building a line across the (hio river near iortsmouth and

in addition thereto has its all—rail 11 e into Chicago. Thus
you will observe that the tonne, e or; i ting 031' this divi-
sion would have every facilitfiorQi tr ‘ ution throughout
the rigorthwest.

I trust the. 1'15.st ient to . ereet
you in this connection, mi i‘ so, E viou :be very ;: - ed to
go more thoroughly in eta 1., ~ ther by fu the corres,.;omience
or personal intervie.

\"e . respectfully yours,

 as” it;assign-1"a; ' ' ' a - ., . ‘ V ' " ' ’ ' " “
. rovember 9, ’15.
V 3‘ V
hr. George Crumb, a
Dear George:
when you were here I understood that you scald
.make arrangements about hauling the corn, my part of the rent
corn, but not hearing from you I am writing you to find out
what I may rely upon, and would like in any event to have the
delivery of it by you as fast as possible, as we have had so
much pretty weather that 1 look now for a lot of bad weather,
and want to get this corn in.
. Very truly yours,

”fir // /7’/&1
. fly N ’,'/7 57‘” /M 7/f7 2%,
W ’ W W flew/l .22/37L; \
~o - , /
M '7‘ 2’ "At/W in . _.,, ,,,. M
-1.. .., % Maw m Zmzv W
a 4/7/L/L wagon/2c/‘V’U’I C I 1.-
if “(I “f; I! I . ' 1'1/gum J12 t:;...
l V WM [W ‘40 é? -\ , ‘
(f’LC/g LZ/L’f {420-14144 Z: /z~1/-1 M
I” 73“ L; l/ W" ’ ‘
{avg} y May/7L . mvvréotvifl’tL/k ,
, MAJ /;A//o ziw JAV- W 51/11,? m»; “’w3
//Vé¢/7 Q ('7;— f‘ “I" _ .3 , , , l
e/ W n.» 1m 5; ti
- m «6”,,-
f‘ / x/f ~ 711/... he.)
\\ e. c; re,- " Lam-a/ / Z40“ GPO ., L
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~. . ~ 4—-, 25“.. .L.«.~) .L..
.i . "‘ A": ~ , .,2_-.,,
5:3 ':1. ; .'.'2'2 .I_-fir. 1, :~ 3 A. .1.
W .,';::~ {- ,-\-|*- -»-\- '1"
V "7 _2 . _ 4 , _y-- 2.4 ;
" ,. ;..' ,2 ,..- -
’.2.+..,J_:,, ‘, _‘_..‘,4 _ .1A_
“-:]...1".,-, ,“f‘t; ,’.'J..__¢_.".'.,‘.,V..‘..¢ '.‘:V .‘:;-.,,_.‘,w...._....‘_- ..‘/..‘;J'
" ‘ .‘ L . ’.‘ . " . ‘.: H . "‘ 1.. ,2 ‘.
5 -22 3.11 .15.-(29,13 2., .L.}. . 2. _. cu...
' .. J— VL ' .1.“ I, -“ _. .\ L.,_ ._ ‘ *1 ' _. . 2,’“. 117.? ..‘
12;“: .1 .1 2. .2’.)'_‘.3:'? ‘,2. 4.: ,, _. ‘_2“

. ’ .:.“ : . ..2,\ _ .'. ,.,, .:. ., A. .4. .- . ..,.L ”.4.:: ,_.- f 2 . . .‘.
I'VE 04;“; .L:‘.;- 2.2;: i1? 5. ..‘3 ;,.. 1 _ '.:L\_., ‘..
J..' *‘ . "~,”1.. , .. '.‘ .'A'V‘ .. -.._ ...:I._.
nish? 3,2, .2 L.-t_2.-,2 _-J 1 2.; ..2 _ ‘ 2 .2. 4;

‘ L L . ,, A ‘.w .‘., .,A _ ..‘,‘. : .4.»-..‘. 1,.“ 1. V. ‘ V \ 1 .51 . J.,. .
. 2,' ZL"«:: 1.‘ .'3 Li; 1;),\.v:..2.,;)".4. ~‘ . ., :2 2:. ' x,“ ,v 2, ; L.. . -. . .__;. ..
..-.2.‘ ,. _ "f . a ‘..: . .. ,‘2. .:M 7' I.. "'\'5' : .2 .311 ., ‘ , .

C) A:.1? . K1... 2 AJ, ‘ J,‘ :‘. ‘:g',,2 .. .. .1 ,2. . i ‘.“... _ .:.-u_
, .:.2 . v”... . 1.11,”, 7:7; 22‘
'2‘..-..” u.v . .:.;1..._." ._'. , \\,;A.. ."‘,. _..HH,., 4 2‘.
3‘ "“1"?.J=L‘ wen: i 3.31 ; '51.)" .22. ‘.‘ .

.k .K s ‘
’7,‘... +..-., 1...
.,'.1 Li}? ..L. (L -J
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l/ 1 _
f ' ,
2‘ /2
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 [}§fjfii'*3 ““~7“f”fl'f7:a ;;3ra;‘ 5e?;.;;fgw.95;;3§;“f;:rfiii:.u’:ix';':it'tni"fix.; . ~ o- = ‘ * v - ?
onemher 13, 1915.
Clerk, hike Circuit Scurt,
Eikeville, 5y.
Bear dir:a
sill you please issue an alias execution in
fever of hotter S. harhins against San movie and mail to me,
and also let_me know what the return on the last execution
' tery resoectiully yours,

 , ‘." ‘l . I. <
k .1 , , rI .». u
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 32" ' .. f V 1
.1 f L L’Aw owxcms or » v
Hovembsr 15, 13:3.
fir. fl, R. $3ward‘ //
raysville, fly. \\
Dear Doctor? \\ \
/ \\\\
Your letter of 1m]. llth (thine (1111),? J. wand
mad 1 ‘=“~I;'-.:-§ 13112.6; ‘210 {we-fir fryr‘jcm 11132.: :11;; 3'31;- ';1‘r~cwing v.12 ”sharia is‘mrt‘iy. I 1': 011W, ir'mw- ' 'l' rat-ck
Purpoaea doing. :9 2re Huvxdi the first swam at L10 He-uun f
flare inday 1nd it ifl very cold outbide and very pie and: ans warm I
1 inside" ‘2.??? Isfftir‘e‘ 4*"».'1"E‘,1.31‘ F'Lmtr“: and 1:: 14:11va 211%: ;I—T.L:.1;'1.;...;' to >
go on a trip t0 fiincinnrti Within kufi hex: fa weeks LAG of nourse ”
to she; Ever in see yer xiii 'a .1ui Linus? :nm Eugudr at ivth* 1
er's yeateraay and had a fiOSt Enjoyable day but re~retted tiat ;
you were away. See Turkium, Sr., 3,0kc mi Auntie Ann teqtar of- 3
ten and wvnts to see you hack; also manta to acne and 5&8 you. 'f
-ith lave t0 you all, _

  @112 lKPnturkg (1W faith Evurlnpmpnt Gin. 5
V? f a?
a, VC VA W
%flW%fl1 % _flfi‘ 24* W %
0‘ W Q7 fi 6% 4 £3¢JZA
y, ”M 4%W W W
W X: %7 W W
#47: _, [/M’ Wk
fl “W“ M MW? 04 ”2%” My?
put/9% OMMM/M 744/45;
if M W“ M 4
W 1% M‘ Mfflfi” 579%
W% 65? %%L
gm * / Mia *‘VMW z/L.

. .
507833} 1 3, a“
Jer 15, JJ.).

Hora. LU. :'Zzirdner,
Bear dodge:

Uncle Shed item-r. ie coming 0 an a: some
bueimag-zs any? 1;:-.24 rural-net} me t" vrrfhe tits You 363122;: :31? t he 1’:"
making: an effort to t ‘r ., ' eley Combs, Vie and
would“ like for iron, 14.“ 3.331. t5.- Je “'fljtjili'lg n. :.‘-we; "roger
way innervate», the honour}? the, f that end. in“ course, he
knows; f’i‘iii understands the i, 2 the. Judge who tried the mas-e,

‘ - w .. , . ,... ..'4. .1 ..

and your "éoeit i r testeto- , yer ere surrounded tampon
diticne that :-:c~.z1.;3. :.'22"‘2,r«r:2e meter... you doing “31.1.1311 r: fireely
and fully 8 VO. ta. 121d like to, Fun. 213 mach 3.:: 1:333 11'; your
newer in :3 '3'0563’,“ 'e'vJaa.‘~r, ‘n m :”;. e" slauy'reo'i: ‘:e kit you
Can do i‘cr h m.

“.'th he more twat you ,:.;ay ”we of service. to

. final. xiii-;..;‘e rend sic u‘tfe in ti-‘wir r'£.ie<;re;~:r:, 1 :2::
"fiery train, yam? ’.ricnc‘i,


 _ , ._ _W &%p«2-fl .3 3 ,,,whfii
, Kevember 15, 1915.
Ron. D. 3. Serdner,
liinamarl, 5" y. \
gear fiudxe: //\\\\\:§
{Ami-Le Shade ileum. 3 00*":211“ e; Kin-13.. an em; ..:;
:‘availim: cmreelvee by Sex/ling}; :3- 32:32:23; motion“ to 32:12-99 c:-- win
rent corn in the hunda of : Receiver, ioget: I ~ th iffixrvit
of Jenn neaiaws, £dmi‘iat~9t0; ai¥fi refereucu to ?»$ sane.
headmwn w2$ in the office ”MGR L te,e;h0ned you on rrieay, and
I gave bin natices that thin nat;9n Hamid he 93:939d nefore you
an (”dilefiii-i‘y the 171;}; at "i2;1s.is.2.la.
firi,fly, oil mun Ta:x (abcrn owned 2 trvct a: land
on fiddle er.ek ”Sick : 531d ‘ar “V§*.Gfi, fie 13a a Rfih namv
ed Tire}: £93303.” J13, who 1‘2v;c;‘:z..zivif;3.5~ l‘illé- 0118011 232,35. CEIIUSiiZC‘: it
to hi8 GWH c edl‘ in efie h nk. Jfiter on old man “no; tavern
bougl'it 1'? hike of 3.59.1;(‘1 did 3. id for W with tile 7‘75 .326, zzmi a ’
horse and male M119: he mined Vulufid at 315i.vu, his :05 took
the ‘ .L to $01. gro arty ‘n 715 own heme instead of \is futh°
2 er s. E? eon d d ; aviffi tnree small children, :ud old
b3019 Lu k ,auld act {at .Zong witd his daughterwinalnw, who
i 5:: 5.32.3": ter of old. 3:; n ’ 12,131”. “3731016 Lac}; i‘ilsad suit in the
F]. yd: L'irruit {."wxz't t: amusct time: deed and to be (2.1,;3L1‘3.C£:fi to
be ,he rner " th's tract of Emma, since wuen We Hrs flied and
Johfl endams kw he.w agjciute4 33 die fidniflifitr~tcf. ”he‘
fidminis rate? of fine: tsbarn, Jr’s. estate is making a*vim that
he is ene’tle' to en a rant corn, because twe title etuofi in
the name 0 ,zck Cs‘orn, Jr,, end the tenants are friendly to
him and threm'nne to turn over the corn ta Jifi.
- So as to protect tne interests of all concerned,
; we think it advisable and neceSSHry that this rent corn be
placed in the 19ndu of a Receiver, and unless somecne occurs to
you, "$7319 ;’éherifi’ would be very satisfactory ‘5;: us, (:3;-d even
the .’.dmini2:3trr-atcr, John Lezzrioxm. Z 11%.:‘Jelib‘i. received 1:23:23
execution bank as yet and consequently cannot send fine same to
you, However, I feel sure it has been executed by axis fiine and
will §1ace it with the ;apers in the record here.
, Very truly yours.

- POCKC \S‘TI F I IWIBFP (‘()\ l’\ ' *
\ I ,4x 144,; szAIIXX
1’ K r— 3' '\\ \' T" If," ' ' f \ 'n) u—J n
LrJAI-§£I=Jj£IQU Lib-Amid
HUNTINGTON.“.‘A. Novg‘qfljgrf goth, 1315.
Judge Harbins, REFER TO FILE NO- Hm
~-1 . .\ _ . ,
Pr ma‘tonsburg , Ky .
Dear 31r;—»
' Referrirfi to the C: iiywersn’tion I ha ii'itI: 51211
on the train this othvr c193,? in regard to 800 to 1TH"; florets
of tlIEiIDBl“ 01; Johns Creek-— ”(ii 1]. you I'Lirdljr zivo an a
:Iescr i‘vvtion of this, and also zive 1:10, the swig-0:5,: 5.4." man
..A, .mh. A“ , “an“. 1x» .._-fin”. .,, r. . ' ' ~. «1" »
uuw tux-'5‘!) :10 Cunt-LI. .I.U‘». .10, ”51.x, ‘wuflxef 271411 if 113 lb. 711.4: ”<21
(3:/lo, we ‘:'.ill 111(11753371‘1' 1.00}: intir it :‘IS TIC I‘V‘u’i‘: In 71:72.75, ‘.ZIIU 1..;
in‘lemsficed in a tract Of this; 51219.
Thu $1111.: you in (3.7381160 for :1 12102:: t mirtlg, I
'\.,L.~,»~~~- -‘
]t:£_ LILLL; ..,/.0130 ,
1' T , 's ..” u If.
‘I ‘T' (LC flf/ ,m / / ‘ ";‘:/l” " v»...
4_/// _I/‘TA:"..-:,'V /¢,« , [,:z ‘4«,,!’/ .5, I!) I
/_‘,a';_ .éI/‘QW .'.Ldi‘;;;_¢;;~,~j:_:;, “:2; 7.1... ‘
,_ , '4'

)1. II. (3 II '1‘ ’1‘ E 1" & C ().

“HIUAGO- November 20, 1915.
Mr. J. D. Hurlins,
Prestonburg, Ky.
Dear Sir:-

You undoubtedly realize the Opportunities at your door for assisting
any municipalities in your section to finance their public improvements by plac-
ing them in touch with a reputable bond house which can market their securities

If there are any Cities, Towns, School, Drainage or other Special
Districts in your county which centemplate the issuance of bonds for municipal
purposes in the near future, or within the next few months, will you not confer
a favor upon us by so advising us Upon the enclosed card. returning same to us
under cover of the stamped addressed envelope also enclosed.


In addition to the various classes of securities named, we are at all
times in the market for securities of a Special Assessment nature, issued fer
street paving, sewers, water extensions and other public impr0vements, where the
property_will stand rigid investigation.

You are undoubtedly in touch with these various matters in your commun-
ity and know the various municipal officials, bankers or contractors who would be
handling the securities, and after y0u have furnished us the customary data, if
you can successfully negotiate for the same for our account and the bonds are
subsequently delivered to us, we will be very glad indeed to allow you a com—
mission covering your services.

The writer has had over twenty—one years experience in the handling
of municipal securities and we are therefore confident of being able to give
service and handle any deals we undertake with dispatch.

Trusting that you will have something upon which we can act to our
mutual advantage and profit, we are, with kind regards, y

Yours very truly.
M. H. gUJTEE'G: 0,0.
MHO.Q 3 .1; ..

 )Ivmber Federal Reserve Assovialion
Uapllal 0110 Million Dollnrh~
Surplus 01111 llundrod Thousand Dollars
Nullum B.SFOHJ’H-hidonl
(‘1, ; a, . "3 /TI , m,
1 ' 1 ‘ " ‘ v ’3' " [PTMI 1 ‘:7) L “I l ' V T ’
«191111111 1;;1 111; ;1 113; 11191111 19;;1111
I ..‘
C has . \V' VVm'd (‘,n ’ (//)/’/?‘/[I I! ([llI/I‘l' supp/'1 [sin/1 u/l/u' I'll/[r (I .S'm/r's l'rr ”may[fly/.'Irlmr/IzI (lllm‘lt-t—i ‘\_ Douglas,
l’irsl V100 l‘l‘r-Hidr‘nl (Hun-nu] (:nunswl
Bates \Narl'on, . VVHSthQIOIL DH“ Frank SJh‘ig’hl.
VIL'U Presidonl ‘ '1‘: Hal ()mrm- A; 5m ruiury
W .T.Gall‘l 1', . fl ; ,— I\I.-T.\\" f - 1 l_
n1 :’lt-ll-l’f‘nlsidvnl 20 tn NO velfloer , 1:7 10 ' 11:52.21“! 4’I'll'_\'
6.1180011, ll.l..()fl‘11[l..,ll‘.
\'1(~(‘l’1'v.~"11lonl \.~_\l.'l'r1-i\.~' 1111-1‘
Mr. Walter S. Harkins,
Prestonsburg, Ky.
Dear Mr. Harkinsz-

We are enclosing form for renewal of your $1,000.00
note maturing November 27th, which please Sign, ENDORSE, and
return to us with check for $20.20 covering dissount and
revenue stamps.

Yours very truly,
/ //(// W r
/Assistant Secretary.

 F r‘ ’\ .