xt70zp3vt865_62 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. January-February 1917 text January-February 1917 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_10/Folder_4/0001.pdf section false xt70zp3vt865_62 xt70zp3vt865 S'FA'IEMEA‘",

VI Portsmouth, Ohm- zy/W ,,,,,,,,W191W//
1W , , , W W _ _ .W _ - _ ,W ,W, , W,

 Stu EMEN"

\1 Portsmouth, Ohio, ,, L- , -_ I91 ,;

 ’17 1‘3?“ 17
o .v/flflilflflw. . '/é‘7”/I/-/0i/Illtl'7'l/
2" iv
. ///(V¢)Hnw/r7fjéoiwutn;
Jany ls t, l9l'7.
Messrs Barkins t2; Harkins,
Attorneys at Law,
Pres tonrs‘ourg, Aentuc ky,
Our last three letters to you remain unanswered.
Vii th one of them we trensrnitted 3 copy of our
brief in the case of The G0o dric‘n Lockhart Company against
Sears and yourselves.
In all three We requested your attcn tion to your
note for $525.00, with interth since the let of‘ Iiey 18.5 t,
and will greatly appreciate an early reply to this letter.
‘w’is‘iing you the compliments of the eeason, we are,
Yours very truly,
/’ ¥,’/"
Diet. TTF-H \ _ y _,7 u. ~——~ ' "'—' \

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 ' 3 7 \ : ' _\\‘/ v ‘ ~ I - \ 7 ' ,
, 7 / ‘
‘ ' Jan. 4'. 1917. .
' '. Er. Roscoe Layne. / ” ’
- ; ’ Harold, Ry. y‘ ‘
_ , . /
,, Dag: Sir:. , , I '" . _
' ‘ ~ J.
' fir. T. B; Aknrs xvzueats that I write you sending copies
. , of dead from Harry atratton to Lindsay Lnyna. to be maca in ~
, waking the surfey of the lyyue farm. I do not nrvg 399128 of
" {fie aeode, and if ha.wnnta them we will have fig fiat that from
‘the clerk'fi'cffise at & flfifit 9i i 1460 vnsh. _ ,
“' flawever, Qkaase hofifi a? fu110w3:— ’
> ?irat:é Th8 fitie hon% frnm‘iindsry 1:339 ta W.H. «
' "Laync and f. S. Layne wafi far thfi follnvinx lanfia: 1 ;_
, “Tha same land that-H. giratton has mafia : deed ,
‘ , to me for it, being that ;art sf the far& that in " /'
. mam ”3:02;”? anmmon 22.2mm; River, known as the ' ” , /,
/ finger find of the 716 fiarry Strutton’farm.and abeve \ -
. ‘ a the mouth of Tam'a dreak, agraaable.to the calls '
df the @555 mafia is we by th: aaid Harry flirqtton."‘ ,
’ . ’ ‘3313Qk1ih‘fixarry Lfiiz‘flfitml L'Ngtiéi CUM'HE {O I;.,i1zd:3y . ' .
, , , Layne, datefi ch. 19, 1&49, 1h which'ha souveyed the follow-
ing progertg: ‘ , , ,
‘ , “Beginning 5: 3 scyanores.cn the bank of rig Sandy "
, Riva: abava the msuth 0f XVy firaek; thrnce running ,
u? hig,5unfly anfi finding on the same to the mouth of ”
- Tam'a Creek; fnsnue from the wrath of flfim’a iréckm ‘
~ up 20 gnu tep_of the haak at & beech stsndiug on the ,
‘ '»' « upper side cf Kom’fi creek; thenza Tfiflnififi with the . “
me; of the bank up Tom'e Creek to a saint near the ;~
first drain in the field; thence from the paifit to ‘ ,
, anoth bunch, 1 ads up the crnak on the ether aifie
. 2 - of the state rand; thenca running around fine ridge z/‘l
- . is ugchher beach; thunna wunning “round fine/hill so
. ae Le include a small fisld; thefice rufininfi~u9 tun .
‘ armek ta the fourth fialltw above the mint: road an an 1‘
k' - t9 incluie all {ha Lang fit far cultivation on Tom's , '-
V. ' . track; fiwenue running my the‘yoint of the ridge to - 2 ‘
“ the tap; thence taxifig fihe flividing ridge $etween Big L
' , Sandy and Tam’fi areak as far as said Strattan*s 11ne_‘
‘ runs hank; gud\w1th the hack lines or the ;sau arouné ~ ff
~ " tn the’befiinfiifig.” . ' . , ’ _ -- -
. ;, I am net sure wneuier any of tha lfififi ahuva-deauribaé 1s ABOVE , ‘ 7“
«I 3hn‘a wreck, and therefore embraced in the land we are claiming , g
or not, for of coursa we July clfiim cur intaregt in the lands V ,»f
_ _ above Yom's Creek. Haquer. upon the\1dea that fihis might run ‘ »‘f
2? avariand above @om’s Greek. 1 give yam zh1$ éeéCrigtion. . 7 i_‘
' / ‘ . ' ‘ >_ . v. ‘ ~ 7

 :fi? Tr ; . n ' ‘v a'. s .‘, »: '- g. ,.'. 'IV ‘iI*.¢~'3;h
\ a . 4 s . . f ' K ,
, s , ‘ , .’ -;;
>31 ,‘ a .’ , ‘ , ‘ > \ _,71.: . , ‘ 2M: ‘
, VT $h13dzv an July 15. 1856, Harry Stracton‘made‘a dead a ,s.
' to Lihdsay Layne for‘the fellawing landez~ , i ', ~ .I :33:
as' .- “wart 1. fieginning at three scyambrés on the give: '
, ;~ ' hank ahnve the'muuth of Tvy; thence 8 2? a 1?6 poxee~ I.J
" ta two white oaks-and a beach on.the point of a . g ,
a ' ridxn; Eeat~é£ pales in a peplar, beech fiufi white' s' :
; ‘ < Isak; S l3éfgolgfi; crogsing $am‘3 Crank to two fieechel”‘I f I
7 , . and a rickety in thé'ga; of the riflge ah¢Vv am. , ‘¢‘
' . 3323.69.11“; 8 45 3‘35 48 30198 is a: mute 09:11: and ban}: 9y! 1 ‘ "
' - - ' mmh; ?« 5.35 Sit/164 9019.8 3120 hue ‘nmm’hés; mas? : finger ~13“;
,., treabn a branch,by an 01? anneal hausa; thanca with , _fl
. -’ the nrsach tn the river: theNne running Jaja thc river )3
- , . 'zimca 't’airming; on tam game to the haginning. ' ‘ /'l-”'5
- 1 ' . v tart. k. fiegiflniflg at the as; guiluy at fir near tha_ . 7“33
" / I‘iY-‘il‘ syn that éivlzi'ing .’Hrrra rattan-en :‘g ZI’v-zIIhi‘t?‘ mine and ,- if“:
a:' s , aaid Strufiton, running n, arid galley is fine tap of @ ;1
~‘: < . tug-mill ta the zines of Linéaey rhyme heratafora 'j 3?:
~ 4urnhaaec of saif :trnttcu, rna than aitH tncse ling! I S
/ — { until 1% atrikva the fiascribed boundary first above; ' 'Q
- ' ' and with thug? linen ta the baginuing, invluving as - ”“~\§
‘ ‘ s ' zzfara‘flid. ‘.:”E'v,‘ {anti we Manda :35" sail? istrs‘stton  same land $nn#ay§d'by SCTPfih r. pmvidann to sages 8. . ‘gg
: ‘ Layne." _ . . A ' ' , ,
' ’Tha heirs a? Geranalsayne hnva filed petitian to ha mafia a garty ‘ ‘”'1'
V - defeflfiafii.I&nd they usaert alaim tn the fulfiawing a rafiia;n ' 3j3f9
I , , I”Eeginning-at the mouth of archfird Brantx;thenee ua thc' {,3
: s' 9am branch: to a poiht cams-1&0 the! Grave yard point; --
’ . \ ' x ‘ / 'f' 1‘
I I II \ I r “ " 'I I _ ‘ “ II ‘ inf
. '— ' \ I ’ V ‘ ' / -‘ x I ' / .
: ‘ .~ > " g , .g 3 :s , \ - 1' ' "/; ”.',j ,¢.~,.

 ,l 7.,\‘ i! l I ‘ N’ x x J I , ' V
> _ ‘ r ' ~ _ ~4 .— r / V I _ I ‘1 .
, . 7 4 I
, ¥ ' thenca a straight 1ih67t9 aha t0fl»6f the Nrth Yard v»
i ‘ ' , , ' {mint and Egg/the? 81am;- t9 the @952 Of "Me i‘idge; thence  
‘ , with the twp 5f the riUge to Kiizabfith Layn2*8 line; .
' ‘ finance with the aaig line fin big 3&huy Liver; thence; *"~V ’
‘ ’ , down tfié rinr~tu the beginning.“- . “3
elaimed'to have hesn nearbyefi by X. 3; £53, fihariff, ta Jahn L. ;f
‘ , Layne, etc,, by dead dated Cut- 2. 191;, racsrfied in paefi Back \. 3
' . 35 paga #9534}. It 1-3 2121:? MQGE‘thzpfiiflgi that. this; «5am: 39‘9“; a _ , V-
‘ _ finfififlfintifll gortion of the Iflpd in aehtraverfiy. , - y ’ g}
‘ 7 V \ ‘ . \ n
fines? game gairg alao civim the {alloying pa?iicn in tucir answe; l‘i;
- hut lei-am no J'Eeevw": I‘m" fin"? “fin-9" 434 “um; Evian:- uurr.;ii‘z'~ém~zé imam: ex-» ‘ V
I” omution nale:~ ' ‘ V "
' ”fieginning an a nrfile ak ifiw m it? uf’"wné’3 Creek; ’ y y;
, . ‘ , ' . thfinca u? 1%? r133: iii; its mfianflara to a lflrge 303* " 'fi
; ,' aware navy the fiéfie af Ehn river; théucx by the river ' éfi
may}: ami‘ annual '2:/m hm tor“: in 1.314; famed} «‘.3-1::. and mull- ‘1 "‘3
' ‘ mum: “1:3,? ti'j‘h :mi-i:’§$ix§¢3; 17.1173. 1. ‘:Ec‘mg"; am row; in Tom’s at
erek; thanue flown thw‘arEWerith its mmmn$fir8 to the “'+3
‘ hegiflnimg; sawttiriny l? screw, aura gr Ewat.” . ' §
, _ and ‘:c mmm-shwfi that war; effmrti? a; small "_'G‘ri‘ian 63;" the lagnd' ' ., .- _ ‘
;‘ in controversy. ‘ ’ ‘ ’y ~13 .1 fzi
~ ' he mania like the way is has“: ‘C' .3 17
. 1. All tha Stratton ffirm above fium'm ”7v k. "T}
‘ ‘ 7‘ .Ehn luaatéen of ihpst thrae firagza cl imefi by the .T“ft
; ’ fi. fi. Kayne family, 39 fat as it munitiat$ and‘ (
-‘ ‘ . effects\tfie Sérzttnh Tn m ahtvc €om'a creek; _ ~-i";
. >‘3. All uth&r inforwvtian, such fifi‘lSflTtiQn of L.B.; ’:‘ 53
‘ . ‘ i;1‘7:}]1f3 mum. utm, 'Errgsmxha-cm, 2‘:-{21% ibréaiii, with, \- . ', 
‘, ' , '   that 9322?: aggrwefirar “'23 52:31:: an thsa 3:;-11,323. .
l9 abonld hwve thin turvky a d,mag $9 flatly ma ycesible, a! ‘x ‘3: fi
’ , v we want te tfika all the weaasfiary depaxitlsna in fihv cage beret: ;Vgfi
court time, and 13 tiwa far {an ether 81am i@ take tAair aeyosi¢ ? - _fi
- £10m»; fizzy: {’mrnhy be em‘cvlm‘; 2,:; “3:21;; 21w gym at court. «
, ' 35‘? this: inf-ovm‘tfim! ff: 1.13? f"::.'.r.:3£25.€?}3“:; €73.27": it uemlai fgmrd- " ' ,  :~;}~ '.‘;g‘
‘ ' 39.3.sz “ma well f’azr\§..r. “kw-r 1::) 4.;-am; 53933:: Eyre»? 342mg“.- 2-Ihw he mil -‘ ’,
‘ from the réneréa.himsslf. ’ ' ' 2‘» g
7 ’ yery Erulg guara, , ;‘€5*?é
\ ‘ - ,.1 ¥‘ 1%
7, . , - . , ~ , u M , - '
4' ‘ ‘ V , , ‘ , , V, y 4, ‘,» .V '\ , \. M , L; .’;?”
* , ,' ’ «, ' ~ » \ ‘ » - \ '~I , '/ 'f
4", ~ , (_1. \ ¥ _ .‘ ‘ _ . 7 v '- fl". . . . \ ‘ )-‘
I~ ' ‘_ v , ' _'n‘ I - ‘ ' '~' , ~ L -. 5 A 1'9?

34;... _"1 d' , .-; .1. ' .
. 7 - '.’ . 0 .LL'...*‘ .‘T..- “‘,
1 L“: 1‘. .. 1 "'..
1'7»; ('..; :31 :11 211.11 ‘.- L774” 7”,: 111‘. 1 "T . ‘ . 7‘
51;- 1. . . .5 f .‘ . _ . _‘ ‘ f ‘ - ' ' _1 _A " T
.1.- .: {3 . .,1 1 7f . -- : ~ “>1 JI'.‘ —* . . ,.‘ * m ..
3 «3’1“ 7:??- "7‘7 T 7pc: . J‘. ”"1177 é -7 ‘ ~~:. 77f , ”"
., 7. .1 :1 - .7 _ 1- ~» 1. - -. ~ 1 _ , 1
' ”LI‘ J' ' .7 .77.. j 77.. 7. "‘.' , 13.3. “ ’J F :;1'7 i i” .. ‘5 ~
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J 1 .// HAT/ \11
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 5° / V ;, .,\ z_ -\ ‘-V .
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c . ~ “I J ' I o
. , ; Jon.'1, 1512.
‘ . \
’ m. Join“; .‘-~.~;.3;et, / ' . I
_ Jenkins, Ky. _ '
4 Deer Sirzv - , ~ ‘ , , V
‘ in hove been thinking‘over the land proposition of vou and
. your ETufher; an? .ré‘37 in: opinion aura we can intrrcnt new
_ parties in the nutter. It is our Urtfiefit oarsoee for one of us
to bo _ min..,., 119;.»1--'i:1‘2.d,i win; our; mach; urn L'nrrie'i‘orc 15¢“ beg
to ongueet that it tonic be most advisable for Von nuc'yonr
brothu”*‘z; nan: 1:4»? ire ,Ezhor “gig“; or Kntnruaf,c1 hair week,
and offing With your ‘ '
_ K I, $1.4, VAL-5.4; , {'52.}; :.: 1412'; §.',:"t");,ic3#fi”’(.;v', s 14“.: ‘7':~1,:;ina1 -
- I 4 8"“:9. \ J
47‘ 7,; .... .5 ,17,1:..- t,” Lid» wow; ;r-s.‘ wan-h ret-
yurta as you may have with reference to the prop-
. :J '43,. , ' J )
/ 3. fill of your seeds which you can monvsyjenily bring
f‘d‘Q'l’h 2:}. 'r ya: :,1. ‘
to are of the QUlHIOE that to have the premonition new _
t in ss'gr-fs‘ 7‘ :4“: that. 1.; ‘.. 5,2»... ‘.,: ;Z.‘.;:..L:’J,i:‘lalfdi{13,‘j mm": éfi'v‘Gflimslj ‘v! m-
, filed in the coerce of e short time. -
‘:zg L:ulg‘gyunre, '
v ‘ ‘ / l ,
3TH. , ' "._ o
s. ’ ‘ I , ‘~. ' ‘ /' i
\ I > . ‘ . ~ -
o / .

 \ . . . - i
. " _ . .
i ,
~ ‘7 1 '1 '
Jan. 9, E91W. . _ W,
, .. ,v i 3 . ‘a ' I . ‘ ‘ —
Hrs. Jenn u. 3. kayo Ev.. . ~
, .v v v,” .. xx, 1‘ :. .
"r752. 2",. .’. 9. f,:f‘.’:l"i §,§.‘f:.’ . .
‘« .. ,., i .
\ Hi. iriwav 1116. .\y. . _ . .
Dear j};r5u ”x'r"it‘-.';e:~'r:~ ., . _ * 4..: , 7‘“: ..».,v f . .
. x» “r“ snulssinw 79m h r€tlhh.093H1Nil flhh vvv h ~$Juw 0 ’ ,
. ‘ ' ‘ ' _ ." , v . .3_W ._ ,. w” y. 7 ;V r ::n'r” ’ .
' lease {0? lands nwnsd gozntky on Pfiflfi Brsuch, Eéasi “EH“EJ, $1.. . .1
/ I . .. . . i ..' ‘ -_ . H .- r’ 1., -\ , V '«r\‘ «3 7' ‘.‘“ WW5 ‘ ’ .
to Jamss Euvfly, J3 Zruahee, vulcn E-V¢ vein ehnvgf$E‘.W WE . d ~a
. . q ._ E _E: v: i i. a m.vwm‘ ~E w' a- cTTiww ~ 9 7
Harklhs fiflh nvnwirw inn 11 iwafiovuw N! \_u. . .7,“ ., ;“' p .
v, , . ‘ ,.. .3 .‘.L '.”-.»a sy- ’:.» ‘ . W _
id 551:5! s-~ 1,2? —:: Runs-1 «.531. #1133111 In} my" 3:02;,“ {.‘rt'upr.’ am. i L »umm .. no ._‘. .1 4.0.1“ . . .
A ' - I , a . ., a. , ..,: .,,1 .1 my“ .1 v H '3 51‘- . , ,
d6]. 1V2“; 1333’ Err) {7‘er (30 ’3‘," (4‘s: 31:7 (..‘ ‘1“). W—w ”('13: 21. 3 t » ’- _« i 7. ‘ ~ ‘* .
‘ ’ - ~ .. .,, , ..’ 1 ««in . at... Wm. .i /
knaylpigrw xv 913 zjuwfir, aa $rvyt?8, -' “ALL th7 is; '1» v35} . ~<
of thr— -.., m n 5” €11er . ‘ . ., , ‘ .
”f E W n 1‘,» 3’3“ . "TIT.“ (':"x 5‘; f. _r- 1'} a 1 Mg; :_1 :‘1 1:. M i S 3‘? ‘.,; :1;] ‘:. L $531.”; .'5] ”.30. i-"-.
’.‘; Q .‘.‘.‘hihf v;"- ' »~ 7- a , n I. «1.. 5,
* . -. ,. , . ,. ., » .:. a. ~.., - , _ .7 W. : ‘ , .:
view-{‘7 For, “if“. P‘:‘* fifties?!" :31-“fit"? T 'T" ”ML "’ Witt-’17": 3‘ "he i.
y m - .I ’ . . .' . , ‘. .2 . ‘ , L“ _ - _- E ' ‘ 3 - . L I »
la???» “is: 21*; \4’1‘Pé’13'11-p; 0 neai’w t0??- 1:.: V 12:”. r: w: am Hi?- .;- 33%" A t ‘- ‘13“ ~ I» .
I "M, > w V ‘ n I. l I . . E 1'. ' .A’, \‘ .:g. » :1- A r: '
Col. Hu11; of POGHOKfi; in nuvin¢.eun? ‘”f“1ffif, ”‘lwfi T~ ~»E~¢ent ,
, , .w i . _ , h , H ,
. .. . x r. . ~ '. .-.- ~_ . -. rm -‘,1{~;;g .;_
to this {fine Howe}! frrm;, who has Tuxzn a}. “Eng; E s0n«h:gt far , W
‘ ' E .v. ‘ ’ . a. . .W: ,WE ii. Ej- . 1 . ,5.
a lease no in? QQMP anon wfinqriv'117 1.*1 r a a» H. uii »»ufifia ~ g
. ‘ ' . I“:
we 3!“? 33'- I? I I Raff-1.13.9. ‘ * _ ' .— .. A g I.” .=.}. ..., ' -. I . o :3
I I) "171' if: ,v'. i Vi .4 no 1‘; v; 91 in} 131:: ‘ 1!“? 0er “33‘! “[1741"! i 3 ~_ - [1.; '1., ‘ ..' ' . . nab-y i
~.. ,.. . . . , . . W
t. .. - ~.wp L i) «a? z = 1» vhf? . w
and 1‘ ,L'uz-mufa raw. mus 'JFtTf‘t‘y 0:; flu {Tome H1 a 11"" o ”W: “33» 1 “*4 r‘ “ing: in a , a
W. ... n ‘ ‘ .._. W, w”. W ,. H..; 1 ,. .' “H g . '7 1 .C
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J an. 9 9 1917-
Mr. C. L. Ritter,
‘ Huntington, W. Va.
Dear Sir:- -
The owners of 1063 acres of coal and timber land in

‘ Letcher County, Kentucky, desire to sell the same. A greater
portion of this land is underlaid with three seperate veins of
coal. The one near the base of the mountain is 4 feet thick;
the next above is 9 feet thick, with 10 inch parting; the next
is 5 feet thick, without any parting. The last two veins are
coking coal. The land is situated not far from Jenkins, and is
the same kindof coal that is being mined by the Consolidation
Coal Company. The owners want $ 100.00 per acre but in my
Judgment will take 8 75.00 per acre in fee. The land is well
timbered and is estimated to have on it 1000 poplar trees; 4000
oak trees, and 4000 miscellaneous trees.

My idea would be to organize a holding company to take
over this property at a capitalization of t 100000.00 preferred .
and 3 200000.00 common stock, and issue bonds for $ 100000.00
five—twenty. The camera will take bonds for all but $ 20000.00,
and the timber ought to bring 3 20000.00; and in this way the
proposition can be financed for very little money and the com-

‘ mon and preferred stock could be divided among the men who or-
ganize the company. The land is situated near floating water, a .
and within three miles of a railroad, which is reasonably near.
With three miles of railroad built to the property it would be-
available for mining operations and I believe that it would
produce at 10 cents per ton more than two million dollars.

I am very much impressed with the value of this proposition
and if upon investigation and examination it looks good to you,
I would be pleased to have you consider it.
My notion would be to lease the coal-to a substantial
coal operation. The royaltieswould pay off the bonds within the'
time they are to run and the dividends on the preferred stock;
and after the mines were running a few years I believe the com-
mon stock would be worth par. , '
I shall be pleased to have you look into this proposition, 9
and let me hear from you.
Very truly yours, 3
JDH. ' . ,
~ fi
”as is” .. ' ‘ »

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I , .J()}I.\ B. WILLIAMb. y. ._ ,.
(‘,A'I‘LE’I‘TSRURH. KY. January 11” 1917. . ‘
Mr. Walter S. Harkins, ,'
Preetonsburg, Ky. 2v ,
Dear Sir:- . _
Your letter of the 9" instant received.

I have three different parties who each write me that they
want going Coal operations with an output from 200 tons per day up to a
large tonage: that they want an acreage of 500 to 1500 acres. They ask me rt '
to give them analyses of Goals and thickness of seams, elevation in hills,
and what acreage has been mined or remains to be mined: and to give them d .1
detailed description of the equippment, and advise them the daily output,
and the price of the property. V

I received a letter this morning from M. M. Crozier, Jackson-p
ville, Fla. in which he says, I

"I am in the market for an active Coal oper-
ation, and would be glad for you to send me a full description in your
first letter of any drift mine Goal operation that you may have, with price
and location."

I received another letter from a Pennsylvania Lumber Manufacturer in which
he says,

”Let me know what you have to offer in Coal lands that is on
Railroad and can be put in operation without involving a large amount of

I am not personally acquainted with any of these people and
could not give any idea as to their financial condition, but I suppose they
have some money to invest or they would not be making such inquiries.

I have a large Corporation in New York City that wants me to
get them a large body of good White Oak timber as accessible to Railroad
as possible, and as large a tract of timber as possible.

I submitted them 24,000 acres in W. Va. but upon examination
they found that it did not come up to the owner's description and was not
good enough for their purposes. I submitted them another tract in Va. sf;
l4;000 acres, and after examination of it by them and they had decided to
take it, the owner went back on the proposition and refused to sell it.

I know these people and their buyer has been in my office a
number of times. They will take all the good White Oak timber tracts that
I can furnish them at reasonable prices not too for firom a Railroad. ~

Can you furnish me any good White Oak tracts at reasonable
prices accessible to Railroad, if you can I will be glad for you to do so. J

I have a fine tract of 46,000 acres of Coal land in Bell,
Whitley and Knox Counties which the owner has placed in my hands for sale
at $65.00 per acre, and he has given me a contract for a 5% commission for
selling. I would be glad if you could help me handle this matter. I have
had some parties interested among which was a New York Insurance Corporation
but they don't seem to be able to handle it.

If you could find a purchaser that would take the Coal, my ,

’ . timber people will take the timber at about 1/3 of the price of the whole
. property. I enclose you a short description of the property. . r

If you can help me in any of these matters I am willing for }
us to divide all our commissions equally between us on any properties that a 1
we sell. '~,

' Hoping to hear from you favorably, I remai , , .., I; 5.3
. _ Yours very truly, £Q%¢é;dg2¢6;zflélu¢geg?;g;f
v " ...ng

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 (3.:? %fi” . /[_@fiv yaw/”Mr”
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LEX!NGTON,KY. K ‘ - ' l/ _
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 ' film. Jlnn. GI. 01. fllflagn (1111.,
CAPITAL 5000.000
, PAINTSVILLE. KY., ‘J EVYZEETX, il§3.¥3,,t,al,l19IZ-_i_
Hon. 5. S. Harkins,
‘ Prestonsburg, Ky.

Dear sir:

Replying to yours of the 9th instant, enclosing
lease to James Lundy as Trustee, duly signed by yourself and
Lrs. Harkins, and requesting signature of tnis Company:
fieg LO advise that a meeting of the directors of the Jonpany
is exoected to be held so etine in the near future, at which
time tne nutter will be taken up, and you will be further
advi 9 ed .

Very truly yours,
Nrs.Jno.J.J.layo 00.,
’ / , \' , Vl,,-,,; v
le’Lefil.e;e.s._.li-’If-,- Hides
. gk/ m

Q. U
Huntington, West Va., Jan. 17, 1917.

Walter S. Barking, qu.,
Prestoncburg, Kentucky,
Dear Sir:

I have your letter of the llth inst, relative to
matter of lenses on lands in vicinity of Ivel, Floyd Co.,
Ky., application for which leases was made thrOugh Hr. Jas.
G. Lundy, of Ivel, Ky.

In anticipation of the closing of the Contract vith
Mr. D. D. Hull, Jr., of Roanoke, Va., for the purchase of the
Burns' land on Orchard Branch of Levisa Fork, the privilege
of looking into the cutter of a coal loose on this and ad-
joccnt lauds was asked of us by 1r. V. H. Cunningham, Conu
sulting Engincor, of Huntington, West Vu., who is spokes-
man for a company to be organized for the above purpose.
Ir. Cunningham, who is also Secrotury of the West Virginia
Coal Association, and rho has charge of the engineering work
for the Kentlaud Coal & Coke Co. (Bcruind-Jhitc interests in
Kentucky), is the prime-mover in this proposition, and together
with himself, are associated, in equal interest, Ir. Frank
R. Enslow, Jr., attorney, and President of the Day & Night
Bank, of Huntington, West Va., and Er. Don Killer, Assistant
Cashior of the First National Bank, of Huntington, Host Va.
Kr. Lundy, as you 830, is dealing with parties who are third—
owncrs in four operating companies in this State, who also
have in hand the By-Product Cool Co. recently organized, the
some being situated on the C. & O. Rwy near Shelby Gap, Ky.

The matter of louse was token—up with Tr. Cunningham
in the curly part of December, and on the 15th 3 16th of that ‘D
month, two of his men cent upon the ground to look the prop— "
osition over. This trip was arranged for before-hand, and
when the time come to keep this cugugcmcnt, the heaviest snow
of tho season, up to that time, and similar to that through
which we have just passed, set-in on the 15th inst and the
effects of some were still present on the 16th inst. These
more extreme and very adverse circumstunccs under which to
look into such a matter, but despite the weather, seven samp-
les of coal were taken for analysis. These samples have since
boon analyzed by the Chemist of the New River & Pocahontas
Consolidated Coal Co., Berwind, West Va. Tho results of these
analyses were received on Thursday, the 11th inst, but owing
to Hr. Cunningham's absence from the city, it was not possible
for him to give consideration thereto earlier than that. This,
however, was takcnuup with me on Saturday, the 15th inst, and
on the following day, after a meeting of the other parties in-
terested, it was decaidcd that, if u further prospect holc were
made on the makers of the Left Fork of Camp Branch, which is
on your Honaker tract, and the results of an analysis of the
"Yellow Jacket" scum showed better than the results so for ob—
tained, the proposition would be interesting, but with the

 W. S. H. ~2— l/lV/lQlV.

knowledge now in hand, the same did not look very promising.
There were two samples taken of the two benches of the Yellow
Jacket seam, from each of two openings; two samples taken, one
of only the top bench.:uul one of only the lower bench in the
opening on the right—hand side of Orchard Branch, in this some
scam. This was the scan that it was hoped would be the most
interesting from an operating stand~point. The analyses show—
ed this to be a little high in Ash, as well as with a little
more Sulphur than would be desired. These, then, constituted
four of the seven samples. There was one sample taken from
each of the following scams; Thacher, which is only a little
above water; the Jerfield and the so—called Winifrede. The
Thacker showed up the best, while the Uarfiold was high in
Sulphur. However, this latter seam.shoved an analysis of 55.73
for Fixed Carbon, vhich was the highest of this property in
all the samples tested: As already mentioned,the examination
of the property was made under very adverse cirsumstances, and
the further fact that the openings are not in as far as might
be desired to obtain a truer sample of the coals, may have in—
fluenced, to some extent, the analyses showing high in Ash.

It is to go deeper into the hill, and more centrally, with
respect to this particular boundary, that further prospecting
will be done, at the point suggested, before a final decision
will be rendered by Ir. Cunningham and his associates.

You will please be advised that the parties to whom .
we have submitted this proposition in this instance are al-
tosether apart from Ir. Lundy and myself and are fully capable
of handling such a proposition. You no doubt know some of the
parties whom I mention. It is Hr. Cunningham with whom we are
dealing directly. I, myself, am.in the employ of the Cunning-
ham interests.

is you know, a lease on the ”Orchard Branch” boundary
involves three interests: that represented by D. D. Hull, Jr.;
the Lundy lease on the Glenn tract and those of yourself and
associates. It is no small matter to properly assemble these
loose ends into a working—whole. It was on this account that
a lease on your lands, in this particular boundary, as well
as those below Camp Branch were applied for in advancw of the
making of a joint lease by us, and it was hoped that you would
place same in mr. Lundy's hands for perusal, at least. I note,
in your letter to me of the 11th inst, you mention the moving
of matters ”along business lines". It is possible that I am
able to understand wherein this impression was formed, or rather
the reason for your writing in just this way. I do not wish
to say anything disparaging of hr. Lundy. He is strictly a
"coal' man, which fact can be readily and conclusively estab-
lished by parties in the N. d W. coal field, yet it may be that
his "business abi